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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitaliseringsstrategin: kunskapsfrämjande incitament eller trojansk häst? : En ideologikritisk analys av den nationella digitaliseringsstrategin för skolväsendet / The Swedish government’s digitalisation strategy: a knowledge promoting incentive or a trojan horse? : An ideological critique of the strategy

Svensson, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
As the notion of digitalisation make its way further into our lives and society, the educational system must modernise – digitalise – in order to stay relevant. But where is the digitalised school heading? Drawing on governmental policy documents associated with Sweden’s national digitalisation strategy, the study aims to emphasise the political dimension of the strategy in order to analyse more fundamental questions regarding the idea and ideological function of the Swedish educational system in the late modern age. Thus, the analysis follows a conceptual framework of mainly Giddens (1991) late modernity theory in order to shed light on the strategy from the angle of Giddens institutionalised tripartite dynamics of social change: time-space distanciation, disembedding mechanisms and institutional reflexivity. Key findings are that the concept of digitalisation often is formulated as an incentive for stimulating market dynamics, retaining reflexivity and disembedding knowledge. In other words, to preserve and proceed the very nature of the late modern state, through the educational system and its student.

IDAG, IMORGON OCH I FRAMTIDEN : En kvalitativ fallstudie om digitala externa möten och mötesledarskap

Jarmteg, Emma, Hennström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Datum: 2022-06-01 Nivå: Kandidat/Magisteruppsats Företagsekonomi, 15 hp Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Universitet Författare: Hennström Moa (99/02/24)     Jarmteg Emma (00/05/25) Titel: IDAG, IMORGON OCH I FRAMTIDEN - En kvalitativ fallstudie om digitala externa möten och mötesledarskap Handledare: Johan Grinbergs Nyckelord: Social Presence Theory, Giddens Struktureringsteori, Digitala Möten, Externa Möten, Mötesledarskap, Externt Ledarskap, Utmaningar med Digitala Externa Möten  Forskningsfrågor: Vilka utmaningar upplever mötesledare att det finns med digitala externa möten? Vilka förmågor och beteenden använder sig mötesledare av i de digitala externa mötena och hur kan de utvecklas i framtiden?  Syfte: Syftet med denna fallstudie är att ur ett mötesledarperspektiv undersöka hur utmaningarna med digitala externa möten manifesteras i praktiken samt att explorativt undersöka om det finns ytterligare utmaningar i denna studerade praktik utöver de som redan identifierats i den existerande forskningen. Vidare syftar denna studie till att ge en förståelse för hur mötesledarskapet utövas i det digitala externa mötet och utifrån detta skapa ett underlag för hur det kan utvecklas i framtiden. Metod: I denna studie användes en fallstudie i kombination med en explorativ undersökning, där det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det användes en induktiv forskningsansats där den teoretiska referensramen fastställdes för att kunna ligga till grund för den insamlade empirin. Det genomfördes totalt tio intervjuer där den empiriska datan analyserades utifrån två valda huvudteorier, för att avslutningsvis kunna besvara undersökningens syfte och forskningsfrågor. Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar att det finns ett flertal utmaningar med digitala externa möten som mötesledare ställs inför i den studerade kontexten. Respondenterna ger varierande svar på de utmaningar som de upplever manifesteras i praktiken och dessa svårigheter är såväl överensstämmande med tidigare forskning som helt nya. Det kan därför konstateras att det finns utmaningar i denna studerade kontext som inte har identifierats tidigare i forskningen. Mot bakgrund av detta har mötesledarnas nuvarande förmågor och beteenden i de digitala externa mötena identifierats, kartlagts och analyserats. Som resultat har behov av nya förmågor och beteenden identifierats, vilka i framtiden kan tillämpas av mötesledarna för att kunna bemöta och hantera utmaningar med digitala externa möten. / Date: 2022-06-01  Level: Bachelor/Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Hennström Moa (99/02/24)         Jarmteg Emma (00/05/25) Title: TODAY, TOMORROW AND IN THE FUTURE - A qualitative case study about digital external meetings and meeting leadership Supervisor: Johan Grinbergs  Keywords: Social Presence Theory, Giddens Structuration Theory, Digital Meetings, External Meetings, Meeting Leadership, External Leadership, Challenges with Digital External Meetings  Research questions: What challenges do meeting leaders experience when holding a digital external meeting? What abilities and behavior skills do meeting leaders need to use in external digital meetings and how can they develop them in the future? Purpose: The purpose of this case study is to examine, from a meeting leader’s perspective, how the challenges of leadership in digital meetings are manifested in practice, and also, to examine whether this form of meeting has extra challenges in addition to those already identified by existing research. Furthermore the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how the leadership in a digital meeting is exercised and, based on this study, to create the basis for future development. Method: This study was conducted using a combination of a case study and an exploratory study, where the empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews. An inductive research approach was used where the theoretical frame of reference was established in order to form the basis for the collected empirical data. To be able to finally answer the survey’s purpose and research questions, a total of ten interviews were conducted to collect empirical data, which were then analyzed based on two selected main theories. Conclusion: In the context studied, the results show that there are a number of challenges that meeting leaders face with external digital meetings. The respondents give varying answers to how the challenges they experience are manifested in practice. Those interviewed describe previously known challenges, but our study has also identified new challenges not seen in past research. It can therefore be stated that there are challenges in this study that have not been identified in earlier research. Against this background, the meeting leaders’ current abilities and behavior skills, in external digital meetings have been identified and analyzed. As a result, the need for new abilities and behavior skills, which in future can be applied by the meeting leaders to enable them to meet and handle the challenges of external digital meetings have been identified.

Controlling food waste – Home composting or biofuel production?

Papp, Carolle January 2015 (has links)
Ettsyfte med denna uppsats är jämförelsen mellan två behandlingsalternativ för matavfall, hemkompostering eller biogasproducering sett från klimatperspektivet. Koldioxidekvivalenter har beräknats för de två alternativen. Ett annat syfte har varit att studera den politiska processen för att förstå varför det först under 90-talet uppmuntras till att hushållen ska hemkompostera för att sen under början av 2000-talet förespråka rötning av matavfallet. Mina uträkningar och jämförelser visar att det är mer fördelaktigt för klimatet att röta matavfallet, koldioxidutsläppet blir mindre än vid hemkompostering. Mitt andra syfte visar att det kan finnas en klimatvinst genom att låta politiken fatta besluten men det kan även finnas en risk att det egentliga syftet med hemkompostering glöms bort och att hushållen måste betala för något som de egentligen inte behöver (matkärl) eller som inte kanske finns (tillsynen). / One purpose of this study is to compare two treatment options for food waste. Home composting or biofuel production, seen from the climate perspective. The carbon dioxide equivalent has been calculated for the two options. The second purpose was to study the political process with regard to food waste to understand why Swedish households were encouraged to home compost food waste during the nineties only to early twenties advocate biofuel production. My calculations and comparisons shows that it is more beneficial for the climate to digest the food waste then composting since the carbon dioxide emissions is less. My second analysis indicates that while the political reorientation has led to environmental improvements, the effect has also been that to gain control of the food waste stream, waste management organisations effectively provide customers with no choice and economically punish households that have no food waste to collect since they have effective home composting.

I am still unlearning it : A qualitative study of how Indian journalists perceive their reality from a gender perspective

Andreasson, Lisa, Olsson Jönsson, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
India experienced huge media coverage from all over the world associated with the Nirbhaya-case in 2012, when a young middleclass girl was brutally raped in a bus by five men in Delhi. After this horrifying incident a lot of demonstrations followed all over India. Women in the urban areas was arguing for the same rights as men and was standing up for a more equal society where everybody is able to live as freely as someone else, no matter what gender you was born with. This study aim to examine what experiences, perceptions and opinions Indian journalists in English written press have of their reality from a gender perspective. We wanted to know how and when Indian journalist represent women and if there is a certain way of thinking about representation of women in the media content. In interviews with a total of eleven journalists and ethnographic observations in two of India’s largest cities we tried to examine the structures and perceptions that influenced the journalist’s worldview and thus also the messages that appears in the news. By using the theory of structuration, agenda setting, performativity and intersectionality we examined what structures that the journalists live and operates within and how this is affecting the media content.

Vem är du? Vem är jag? – Charader i dagens medierade värld. En studie av identitetskonstruktionen på Facebook.

Wahlund, Mathilda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Who are you? Who am I? – Charades in the mediated world of today. A study of the construction of identity at Facebook.</p><p>(Vem är du? Vem är jag? – Charader i dagens medierade värld. En studie av identitetskonstruktionen på Facebook.)</p><p>Number of pages: 58 (66 including enclosures.)</p><p>Author: Mathilda Wahlund</p><p>Tutor: Ylva Ekström</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Fall 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim is to study how people construct their own identities today. I want to understand and study how such a central thing as identity is being constructed, in a place which offers members to freely present themselves, the community Facebook.</p><p>Material/Method: Through Internet based interviews and observations I approach the inner worlds of my informants. Using semiotics I can detect underlying meanings. My theoretical base consists of modernist and postmodernist perspectives among others. Gidden’s theory of the self narrative, Butler’s queer theory, the theory of articulation represented by Stuart Hall, Gauntlett’s model of objects and intersectionality represented by Nina Lykke among others.</p><p>Main results: The main result is that people do not actively construct identity in one way on the Internet. They do it in several ways, deliberately and non deliberately. Identity construction today is very fragmented, like the world we live in. People choose their own ways to present themselves, and the ways they do it vary. But people are often aware of the fact that they do present themselves, they’ve just not been reflecting over who they present.</p><p>Key words: Identity, the self, the subject, construction of identity, modernity, postmodernity, Facebook, Giddens, Butler, queer theory, articulation, the model of objects, intersectionality, interviews, observation, semiotics.</p>

Furunäset och mentalsjukvården : en studie i en institutions kontroll över patienters livsvillkor / Furunäset and the mental health care : a study in an institution's control over patients' living conditions

Johansson, Rolf January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish mental hospitals existed for about one hundred years, the period around 1880-1980. The research is intended to be from a local setting perspective to study the local approach used to meet requirements from Furunäsets mental hospital principals 1960 - 1972, the effect this had on the care and treatment of mentally ill patients and how Swedish society's changing approach to mental health influenced the process. The results of the research showed that Furunäset searched for ways to meet the principals' requirements which often went against the patients’ personal best. Furunäsets mental hospital strove to fulfill its institutional goals in them selves rather than giving patients the care and treatment they needed. The Swedish society's attitude to mental illness changed during the 1960s and 70s as a result of a massive social criticism which came from the radical left. The psychiatric treatment was changed by the humanistic psychology breakthrough in the late 1950s and early 60s. This meant that the focus shifted from treating patients as objects to be seen as people with human qualities. These changes created a conflict between the society's belifs and the mental hospital's, regarding the function of Furunäsets Mental Hospital. The conflict led to the Swedish government taking the first step towards reorganizing mental health services by building hospitals in the early 1970s that combined somatic and psychiatric care.

Hledání ontologického bezpečí v médiích / Searching for an ontological security in media

Šušáková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is to analyze the ability of media to provide a sense of ontological security to their users. Changes, related to the transformation of traditional society into a modern society caused in the opinion of Anthony Giddens a weakening of the sense of ontological security of individuals. Such an outcome was a result of the space-time distanciation and individuals opting out of social systems as an impact of some globalization processes. Mass media in the modern society work as a main factor of social integration and differentiation. The ability to construct the sense of ontological security among its recipients is attributing in the field of television studies attributed to the traditional medium, television. But some basic characteristics of television broadcast and the role of television in households have changed with a digital television transition. Employing the methods of qualitative sociological research I will analyze whether new media have the potential to substitute television in the role of providing the sense of ontological security among its users. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

När hjulen sätts i rullning : En socialpsykologisk studie om individens upplevelse av sin identitet efter att ha blivit rullstolsburen / When the wheels starts spinning : A social psychological study regarding the experience of identity among individuals who has become chairbound

Nordin, Agnes, Maleki, Alexandra January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att skapa en ökad förståelse inom berörda yrkes- och studentgrupper för hur individer, som blivit rullstolsburna senare i livet, upplever sin identitet och eventuella identitetsförändringar. Resultatet tolkades utifrån Anthony Giddens teorier om senmodernitet och identitet samt Peter L. Berger och Thomas Luckmanns kunskapssociologiska perspektiv. Den tidigare forskningen har berört funktionshinder och identitet utifrån olika aspekter, dock har inte syftet för denna studie behandlats i sin helhet i andra studier. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex stycken respondenter för att nå deras upplevelser. Utifrån det material som inkommit genom intervjuerna har åtta stycken kategorier framträtt: självbild, yttre attribut, vanor och rutiner, arbete och fritid, relationer, bemötande från andra, drömmar och planer samt handikappanpassning. I studien framkommer att respondenterna använder framträdande och uppträdande för att påverka den spegling de får av omgivningen. Studien visar även att det har skett en förändring av respondenternas regimer och rutiner. En identitetsförändring har därmed skett hos respondenterna. I studien diskuteras även det faktum att respondenterna själva inte framhåller den identitetsförändring som påvisas i studien. Detta tyder på att respondenterna inte själva tänker på förändringen i sig, de tänker mer indirekt på förändringen genom att denna påverkat dem i olika situationer. I studien framkommer även vikten av det omgivande samhällets attityd gentemot den funktionshindrade när det gäller speglingen av individen. Detta är av relevans för de instanser i samhället som arbetar med frågor rörande funktionshinder.

Who joins the Canadian Forces? : developing a framework for analysis using Bourdieu, Habermas and Giddens

Mowat, Victoria Rose 15 April 2011
This thesis presents the results of an exploratory study aimed at developing an understanding of Canadian Forces demographics and linking those demographics to current bodies of sociological theory. The background and literature review provide a starting point for sociological analysis; the study begins with a detailed review of existing literature in Canadian and United States military sociology, utilizing an exploratory approach that incorporates key elements from Bourdieus concepts of field and habitus, Habermass lifeworld and structure, and Giddenss notion of structuration. Once the key sociological theories are isolated, research methods and methodologies are developed. Data are collected from the 2006 Canada Census and the demographics of Canadian Forces members are explored through a logistic regression model. Data are interpreted within a sociological framework based on an integration of select theories from Bourdieu, Habermas and Giddens. This research identifies weak relationships between demographic characteristics and CF membership, along with socioeconomic factors and Canadian Forces membership. The completed research provides a starting point for future analyses in Canadian military sociology. Given that demographic and socioeconomic factors demonstrate weak correlation with Canadian Forces membership, future studies can focus on the motivations of Canadian Forces members knowing that background characteristics do not predetermine service. Although the Canadian Forces is primarily composed of Caucasian males, this accounts for only a small portion of variance in the Canadian Forces membership variable.

Who joins the Canadian Forces? : developing a framework for analysis using Bourdieu, Habermas and Giddens

Mowat, Victoria Rose 15 April 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of an exploratory study aimed at developing an understanding of Canadian Forces demographics and linking those demographics to current bodies of sociological theory. The background and literature review provide a starting point for sociological analysis; the study begins with a detailed review of existing literature in Canadian and United States military sociology, utilizing an exploratory approach that incorporates key elements from Bourdieus concepts of field and habitus, Habermass lifeworld and structure, and Giddenss notion of structuration. Once the key sociological theories are isolated, research methods and methodologies are developed. Data are collected from the 2006 Canada Census and the demographics of Canadian Forces members are explored through a logistic regression model. Data are interpreted within a sociological framework based on an integration of select theories from Bourdieu, Habermas and Giddens. This research identifies weak relationships between demographic characteristics and CF membership, along with socioeconomic factors and Canadian Forces membership. The completed research provides a starting point for future analyses in Canadian military sociology. Given that demographic and socioeconomic factors demonstrate weak correlation with Canadian Forces membership, future studies can focus on the motivations of Canadian Forces members knowing that background characteristics do not predetermine service. Although the Canadian Forces is primarily composed of Caucasian males, this accounts for only a small portion of variance in the Canadian Forces membership variable.

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