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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VAD ÄR MÖJLIGT MED 5 TRASIGA GITARRER, 23 MARACAS OCH EN TRIANGEL? : Ett examensarbete om likvärdig musikundervisning i grundskolan.

Anna-Maria, Mikkonen January 2020 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative study whose purpose is to describe and understand the views of Principals and music teachers on the importance of framework factors for equivalent music education. The study has a hermeneutic approach and is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The questions are based on the influence of framework factors on students' knowledge development in the music subject, in relation to equivalence. The research on which the study is based deals with equivalence in primary school and curriculum theory. The researcher has used literature in the form of the compulsory school curriculum, dissertations, scientific articles, and other publications.The study includes a principal from the middle of Sweden and two music teachers from the south of Sweden. All participants worked at different schools in different municipalities. All schools were high school schools with student enrolment from various middle schools within the municipality. The interviews were recorded and analysed from a framework factor theoretical perspective. The result did not provide clear answers but suggests that music teachers have a consensus that framework factors affect students' opportunities for knowledge development based on the curriculum guidelines. In this discussion, the author problematizes the preconditions for equivalent music education in primary school based on previous research in equivalence with a framework factor theoretical perspective. Factors that appear are lack of classrooms adapted and equipped for music lessons due to financial conditions, the school's organization, management, and culture and norms at each school.Key

Målstyrning och måluppfyllelse ur första linjens chefers perspektiv : En fallstudie av Saab AB / Performance management and goal achievement from front line managers’ perspective : A case study of Saab AB

Ljung, Lovisa, Evefjord, Angelica January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ekonomistyrning inkluderar alla verktyg, system, regler, praxis, värderingar och övriga aktiviteter som chefer använder för att försäkra sig om att de anställdas beteenden och beslut är förenliga med organisationens mål och strategier. En typ av styrsystem som har använts länge är målstyrning, där mål används som ett medel för att förbättra prestationen. Målstyrning kan användas på alla nivåer i en organisation, en viktig nivå är första linjens chefer eftersom de är en kritisk länk mellan högre chefer och de anställda. Trots detta är det relativt okänt hur första linjens chefer uppfattar målstyrning som styrmedel. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att beskriva och förklara relationen mellan första linjens chefers uppfattning av målstyrning och deras prestation. Avsikten är även att skapa en modell som visar parametrar som påverkar första linjens chefers uppfattning av målstyrningen. Tillvägagångssätt: Denna studie har genomförts genom en fallstudie av ett enda fall. Som empiriinsamlingsmetod har halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med femton första linjens chefer inom inköp på Saab AB. Resultat: Denna studie har visat att det är viktigt för första linjens chefers uppfattning av målstyrningen att följande fyra faser finns med i målstyrningsprocessen: målformulering, handlingsplaner, regelbunden översyn samt prestationsbedömning. Inom dessa faser har även tio viktiga parametrar som påverkar linjechefernas uppfattning av målstyrningen identifierats: delaktig i stor utsträckning i målformuleringen, SMART:a mål, lagom många mål, högt målengagemang, att planer finns, tillräckligt med löpande feedback, lärandefeedback i någon utsträckning, att en årlig utvärdering finns, att hänsyn tas till feedbacken vid den årliga utvärderingen till nästa år samt att det finns konsekvenser av att nå målen respektive inte nå målen. I studien har även konstaterats att det finns ett positivt samband mellan första linjens chefers uppfattning av målstyrningen och deras måluppfyllelse. / Background: Management control includes all the tools, systems, rules, practices, values, and other activities that managers use to ensure that the employees' behavior and decisions are consistent with organizational goals and strategies. A type of control system that has been used during a long time is performance management, where goals are used as a means to improve performance. Performance management can be used at all levels of an organization; an important organizational level is that of the first-line managers as they are a critical link between senior managers and employees. Nevertheless, it is relatively unknown how first-line managers perceive performance management as a management tool. Aim: The aim of our study is to describe and explain the relationship between first-line managers' perception of performance management and their goal achievement. The aim is also to create a model that shows the parameters that influence the first line managers' perceptions of performance management. Completion: This study has been carried out through a single case study. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews that were conducted with fifteen first-line managers in the purchasing department at Saab AB. Conclusions and results: This study has shown that it is important for first-line managers' perceptions of performance management to have the following four phases included in the performance management process: goal setting, action plans, regular reviews and performance appraisal. Within these phases ten key parameters that influence line managers' perceptions of performance management were also identified: involved extensively in formulating goals, SMART goals, a suitable number of goals, high goal commitment, existence of plans, sufficient regular feedback, inclusion of learning feedback to some extent, existence of a yearly performance evaluation, taking feedback from the yearly performance evaluation into account to next year’s performance management process and existence of consequences of achieving or not achieving the goals. The study also found that there is a positive correlation between first-line managers' perception of performance management and their goal achievement.

Vad är det som gör att matten blir så svår när de kommer till gymnasiet? : Skolpersonals uppfattningar om yrkeselevers måluppfyllelse i matematik

Holmgren, Karoline January 2020 (has links)
Att få en examen från gymnasieskolan är viktigt för både samhälle och individ. Utan fullständig examen riskerar unga att hamna i arbetslöshet och utanförskap. Mot bakgrund av detta är det oroande att ungefär 15 000 gymnasieelever i Sverige varje år avslutar sina gymnasiestudier utan att erhålla full examen. För elever på yrkesprogram visar nationell kartläggning att det största hindret för att nå en fullständig yrkesexamen är matematikkursen (Ma1a), som är den obligatoriska matematikkurs yrkeselever läser under sitt första gymnasieår. Denna licentiatavhandling fokuserar på yrkeselever och deras måluppfyllelse i matematik. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om vad som enligt skolpersonal påverkar yrkeselevers måluppfyllelse i Ma1a. Syftet med studien är också att bidra med en övergripande bild av flera olika skolaktörers uppfattning om fenomenet. Studien är inspirerad av ett socialkonstruktivistiskt synsätt och baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med trettio skolaktörer som i sitt yrke kommer i kontakt med yrkeselever i risk att inte nå målen i Ma1a: pedagoger, skolsköterskor, skolkuratorer, studie- och yrkesvägledare samt rektorer. Studien analyserar skolpersonalens beskrivningar utifrån ett induktivt synsätt för att identifiera aspekter som påverkar yrkeselevernas måluppfyllelse. Resultatet visar att aspekter med påverkan på måluppfyllelsen i Ma1a inte bara har att göra med matematikundervisningen i klassrummet utan även andra delar av elevernas inlärningsmiljö spelar en betydande roll. Studien indikerar att relationsaspekter, emotionella aspekter såväl som aspekter med koppling till yrkeselevernas identifiering med det framtida yrket, spelar en central roll förmåluppfyllelsen. Flera av informanterna uppfattar yrkeselever som mer praktiskt lagda, något som beskrivs som en bakomliggande orsak till flera av aspekternamed negativ påverkan på måluppfyllelsen. Elevers upplevelser från tidigare skolgång uttrycks också som en bakomliggande orsak till flera av de aspekter som under gymnasietiden påverkar yrkeselevernas måluppfyllelse i Ma1a. De viktigaste slutsatserna som kan dras av studien är att andra aspekter än bara ämnesdidaktiska faktorer förefaller spela en viktig roll för yrkeseleversmåluppfyllelse i matematik. Resultatet indikerar hur både sociala och emotionella processer tillsammans med yrkeselevers identitetsskapande är aspekter som inte får glömmas bort i diskussionen om hur yrkeseleversmåluppfyllelse i matematik kan förbättras. / Obtaining a final degree from upper secondary school is important, for both society and individuals. Without a final degree, young people risk unemployment and exclusion. In view of this fact, it is concerning that in Sweden each year approximately 15,000 students fail to obtain a final degree from upper secondary school. For students at vocational education, national surveys show that the major obstacle of getting the final degree is the mathematic course (Ma1a), which is a compulsory course during their first year of upper secondary school. This licentiate thesis focuses on vocational students and their goal achievement in mathematics. The overall purpose is to contribute to the knowledge about what affects vocational students' goal achievement in Ma1a. The purpose of the study is also to contribute with an overall picture of several different school practitioners' view on the phenomenon. The study, inspired by a social constructive approach, is based on semi-structured interviews with thirty school actors: teachers, school nurses, school curators, study and career counselors and principals. These informants come in their profession in contact with vocational students in risk of not achieving the goals in Ma1a. The study analyzes the school staff's descriptions based on an inductive approach to identify aspects affecting vocational students' goal achievement. The result shows that aspects affecting goal achievement in Ma1a concern many parts of the students' learning environment, not only the mathematics teaching in the classroom, but also other parts of the students' learning environment play a major role. Aspects connected to mathematics teaching as well as the content of Ma1a are certainly described by the school staff, but other aspects also appear in the descriptions. The study indicates that relational aspects, affective aspects, as well as aspects related to the vocational students' identification with the future profession, play a central role in the goal achievement. Vocational students are perceived as more practical, a fact described as an underlying reason for several of the aspects with a negative impact on the goal achievement. Students' experiences from previous schooling are also expressed as an underlying cause of aspects affecting the vocational students' goal achievement, during their time at upper secondary school. The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the study are that aspects other than those related to subject didactics, seem to play a major role in vocational students' goal achievement in mathematics. The result indicates that both social and emotional processes together with vocational students' identity process are aspects that must not be forgotten in the discussion about how vocational students' goal achievement in mathematics can be improved. / <p>ISBN för den digitala versionen saknas i fulltext: 978-91-7855-431-7</p>

Kommunikation och delaktighet för elevers, lärares och specialpedagogers trygghet i lärande / Communication and participation for students’, teachers’ and special educators’ safety in learning

Helmersson, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how teachers and special educators wished to organize education in a Swedish city´s upper secondary school system in order to reach all admitted students. The purpose was also to identify what pedagogical needs of students and school staff that teachers and special educators enquire for in order to fulfil these goals. Presenting the study, its settings, its author, its purpose and research questions, the introduction and background chapters revolve around considerations regarding “a school for all”. Special educational organising principles in the city of inquiry are outlined, as well as special educational perspectives from research and school debate. Dichotomic views on how to reach a school for all are presented. Modern perspectives problematizing and striving to go beyond such dichotomy concludes the background chapter. The research area concerns students’ social and academical goal fulfilment, teachers’ social professional role, and school organization. Outlining these research areas, a sample of six studies, consisting of international and Swedish studies from 1999 to 2020, are presented. Ontologically, a symbolic interactionist perspective in relation to the study’s purpose led to a reflexive approach, using semi-structured interviews and interpretative analysis. Interviews were held with three teachers and two special educators. Several aspects of research ethics were seen as having affected methodological choices and the study as a whole. Reflexive analysis, and theorizing from a symbolic interactionist perspective regarding interview participants intentions, led to results presented under the themes participation, communication, and learning. Several dilemmas appear as possible obstacles in reaching what’s interpreted as intended outcomes. Dilemmas are described with inspiration from Nilholms (2020) description of the Dilemma Perspective. As the results showed several similarities between teachers’ and special educators’ views are, conclusions are presented as a whole. Conclusions mainly show that the participants wish to strengthen the employment of communicative relational practices in school. Similarities with the Communicative Relational Perspective described by Ahlberg (2015) are noted. Dilemmas relating to implementing such practices are viewed in relation to different social and organizational levels. Pedagogical needs intended to be fulfilled are concluded as the need to feel secure, through maintaining personal integrity, mutual respect and reciprocity in teacher-student as well as school staff relationships, to facilitate participation and learning. Suggestions for future research include looking more closely at dilemmas related to achieving “a school for all”, as well as inquiring more directly regarding students’ perspectives and needs relating to the same subject, and performing further studies related to the practices outlined in the Communicative Relational Perspective.

Synlig andraspråksutveckling : En deskriptiv studie av hur sva-lärare använder bedömning för att stötta andraspråksutveckling

Järnbert, Petra January 2022 (has links)
For almost 30 years, the school subject Swedish as a second language (Sva) has struggled with poor goal achievement, a high proportion of unqualified teachers and a political lack of interest in multilingualism. With large flows of refugees in recent years, there is a considerable number of students in Swedish primary school who are in need of a school subject with clear assessment routines for more effective second language teaching.In order to make visible how assessment routines are used for second language development and thus enable the purpose of this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with seven sva-teachers at six different primary schools in a medium-sized city in northern Sweden. A conventional content analysis has been done based on the transcribed material, through coding and thematization.Based on Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective and Hattie's theory of visible learning, this descriptive study investigates how and why the interviewed Swedish teachers apply continuous assessment of students' second language development.The result shows that even if the sva-teachers in this study use the same assessment tool to make students' progression in the second language visible, it is not certain that the effect of the assessment is the same because the same assessment tool is used for different purposes by different sva-teachers.

Facilitating Student Achievement of Intended Learning Outcomes in Higher Education : Development and Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Dashboard / Främjande av Studenters Uppnåpende av Kursmål i Högre Utbildning : Utveckling och Utvärdering av en Learning Analytics Dashboard

Buvari, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
With the continued digitization of higher education, students’ ability to selfregulate their studies in online and blended learning settings has become critical for their academic success. Goal-setting strategies are an important aspect of self-regulated learning which universities aim to support through the implementation of the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of courses and programs. These act as a promise for students of the knowledge and skills which they are expected to acquire. However, students often perceive an absence of clear connection between ILOs and course assignments that creates a disconnect between students’ course progression and their progression toward course ILOs. To assist students in this task, a student-facing learning analytics dashboard (LAD) allowing students to track and plan their learning progress toward the achievement of the selected course’s ILOs has been developed and evaluated in the context of STEM higher education. The LAD was developed using a participatory design approach combined with design science research methodology. Thirty-seven students contributed to the design of the dashboard through a F2F workshop and later a student feedback session in Spring 2023. The tool was evaluated through five semi-structured interviews informed by the Technology Acceptance Model. The results show students having a behavioral intention to use the dashboard in their everyday university studies. The thesis contributes with a LAD focused on student ILO achievement and task-interest. / Med den fortsatta digitaliseringen av utbildning på högre nivå så har studenters förmåga att självreglera sina studier i online och flerformsundervisning blivit kritisk för deras akademiska framgång. Målsättningstrategier är en viktig aspekt av självreglerad inlärning, universitet siktar på att ge support till studenters målsättningsstrategier genom implementering av kursmål. Dessa agerar som ett löfte till studenter om de kunskaper och förmågor de förväntas uppnått när en kurs är klar. Studenter upplever däremot en brist på tydliga kopplingar mellan kursprogression och progression mot kursmålen. För att hjälpa förtydliga dessa kopplingar till studenter, så har en student riktad learning analytic dashboard (LAD), som tillåter studenter att följa och planera sin progression mot kursmålen, utvecklats och utvärderats i kontexten av STEM högre utbildning. LAD:n utvecklades med användning av en deltagande designstrategi kombinerat med design science research metodik. Trettiosju studenter bidrog till designen av dashboarden genom att ge feedback via en ansikte-till-ansikte verkstad och en gruppfeedbacksession under våren 2023. Implementationen evaluerades sedan genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer baserade på Technology Acceptance modellen. Resultatet implicerar att studenter har en beetendemässig avsikt att använda verktyget i sina dag-för-dag universitetsstudier. Avhandlingen avslutas med diskussion om forskningsrelevans och framtida relaterade arbeten. Avhandlingen bidrar med en LAD fokuserad på studenters uppnående av kursmål och uppgiftintresse

Måluppfyllelse med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM

Abraha Tekle, Alex, Gharibzadeh, Vahid January 2024 (has links)
It is a crucial factor to be able to design a strategy aimed at increasing and strengthening the efficiency of manufacturing industries. By establishing a goal based on strategic factors, it helps identify plans that are appropriate to achieve goal fulfillment. It is important to involve employees at an early stage, for instance in the planning phase of goal setting to ensure that the goal is met. The reason for this is to make employees feel engaged and motivated in their work. A case study has been conducted at a company that manufactures windows. The company had problems achieving their set production target. Both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in the form of interviews and observations to get an overall understanding of the company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of goal fulfillment in manufacturingcompanies using value stream mapping and SOC (Sense of Coherence). The theoretical framework includes theories on how companies can approach goal setting,including the concept that goals should be SMART. Emphasis on lean work and continuousimprovement should not only be placed on managers and management, but employees also need to understand and be able to apply these principles in their daily work. The theory of SOC (Sense of Coherence) and respect for people is also an important factor to consider and plays a crucial role. It helps workers feel engaged and thus more involved and motivated in their work. With the help of a value stream mapping, a detailed analysis can be conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Based on interviews and observations, the results of this study show that there areunmotivated employees and a bottleneck that prevents the company from achieving its set production goals. The bottleneck must be utilized to maximum capacity and run continuously. To get employees more motivated and engaged, work needs to be done based on SOC (Sense of Coherence), that is, employees should find meaningfulness, manageableness, and a better understanding of their workplace. Involving employees in change initiatives and various decision-making processes is beneficial for companies in terms of achieving goals. / Det är en avgörande faktor att kunna utforma en strategi med syfte till att öka och stärka effektiviteten för tillverkningsindustrier. Genom att fastslå ett mål utifrån strategiska faktorer underlättar det till att kunna identifiera planer som är lämpliga för att förverkliga måluppfyllelsen. Det är viktigt att involvera medarbetarna i ett tidigt skede som i planeringsfasen av måluppsättningen för att säkerställa att målet som sätts, uppfylls. Anledningen till detta är för att medarbetarna ska känna sig engagerade och motiverade ideras arbete. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett företag som tillverkar fönster där de har haft problem medatt uppnå det uppsatta produktionsmålet. Det har använts både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i form av intervjuer samt observationer för att få en helhetsbild av företaget. Syftet med studien är att undersöka problematiken kring måluppfyllelse inom tillverkandeföretag med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM. I den teoretiska referensramen tas teori upp om hur företag kan tänka kring när mål ska sättas, bland annat att målen ska vara SMARTA. Betoning kring lean arbete och ständiga förbättringar ska inte enbart vara kring chefer och ledning, utan medarbetare behöver även förstå och kunna tillämpa dessa faktorer i deras arbete. Teori om KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och respekt för människor är en även en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till och är en avgörande roll som lyfts. Det bidrar till att arbetarna känner sig engagerade och på så sätt mer delaktiga och motiverade i deras arbete. Med hjälp av en värdeflödsanalys kan en kartläggning göras på det som skall undersökas för att hitta förbättringsmöjligheter. Studiens resultat visar utifrån intervjuer och observationer att det finns omotiverade medarbetare och en flaskhals som hindrar företaget från att uppnå deras uppsatta produktionsmål. Flaskhalsen finns där och den måste utnyttjas till maxkapacitet och köras hela tiden. För att få medarbetare mer motiverade och engagerade behöver det arbetas utifrån KASAM, det vill säga att medarbetarna ska känna meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet samt begriplighet med deras arbete. Involvering av medarbetarna i förändringsarbete och kring olika beslut som tas är fördelaktigt för företag beträffande måluppfyllelse.

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