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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mot en hållbar framtid : En studie om hållbarhet i marknadsföring / Towards a sustainable future : A study about sustainability in marketing

Bernhard, Sarah, Jansson, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Hållbarhet är ett centralt koncept i dagens Sverige, vilket även märks i företagens marknadsföring. Det har skett en attitydförändring, där allt fler företag och konsumenter fokuserar på hållbarhet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur företag kan implementera hållbarhet i marknadsföringen samt konsumenternas attityd till detta. Med hänsyn till syftets dubbla karaktär delas frågeställningar upp i ”Företagsperspektivet” samt ”Konsumentperspektivet”. Avgränsning är vald till produktkategorin kaffe, då denna kategori är relevant ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. I uppsatsen har en omfattande litteraturgenomgång utförts. I metoden används en kombination av kvalitativ intervjuundersökning samt kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Denna kombination av undersökningarna ger olika infallsvinklar på studien. Intervjuundersökningen avser ”Företagsperspektivet” och enkätundersökningen ”Konsumentperspektivet”. Vidare analyseras undersökningarnas resultat samt teori för att möjliggöra besvarande av forskningsfrågor samt syfte. Hållbarhetsbegreppet är något som kan uppfattas diffust av konsumenter. Det finns en bristande kunskap i att förstå hållbarhetskonceptet, beteckningar, markandsföringspåståenden samt certifieringar. Därmed uppstår en ”klyfta” mellan företagets hållbarhetsmarknadsföring och konsumenternas attityd till denna. Kunskap, upplysning och information till konsumenterna kan resultera i mer engagerade och motiverade konsumenter samt en ökad prioritering av certifieringar vid inköpstillfället. Viktigt är att företaget kan effektivisera sin hållbarhetsmarkandsföring så att kommunikationen når konsumenterna på önskvärt sätt. I detta är det centralt att med kreativitet och ett nytänkande attrahera ”rätt” konsumentsegment via moderna marknadsföringskanaler. / Today, sustainability is a central aspect in Sweden. This could also be seen in businesses marketing. A change of attitudes could also be seen, where an increasing number of companies and consumers are focused on sustainability. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how companies can implement sustainability in their marketing and the consumers’ responses to this. With regard to the twofold purpose, research questions are split into ”The Business Perspective” and ”The Consumers Perspective”. The definition of the thesis is chosen to the product category coffee. This is because coffee is a relevant product in regards to sustainability. In the thesis, a comprehensive literature review has been done. In the method, a combined quantitative and qualitative study is used. This combined method gives different insights and angles to the study. A qualitative interview is used to ”The Business Perspective” and a quantitative questionnaire to ”The Consumer Perspective”. Moreover, the results and the theory are analyzed to give answer to the research questions and purpose. Sustainability is a diffuse term for consumers. There is a lack of knowledge concerning the concept of sustainability, sustainability ads and sustainabilitylabels. Therefor, a ”gap” could be identified between the sustainability marketing and the consumers responding attitudes. To educate and inform the consumers concerning sustainability aspects could result in higher levels of engagement and motivation and moreover an increased priority of choosing products with sustainabilitylabels in the buying situation. It is important that the company can make their sustainability marketing effective, so that the communication reach the consumers in a way that is wanted. A central aspect in this is to, with creativity and newthinking, attract the ”right” segment of consumers by modern communication tools and modern platforms.

O impacto do marketing "verde" nas decisões sobre embalagens das cervejarias que operam no Brasil / The impact of "green" marketing on packaging decisions in the beer industry in Brazil

Palhares, Marcos Fruet 15 December 2003 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tem ganhado importância o debate sobre a preservação ambiental. Para responder às crescentes demandas do governo, traduzidas em uma legislação cada vez mais rigorosa, e dos consumidores, expressas em suas preferências no momento de compra, as empresas vêem-se obrigadas a observar cuidadosamente seu desempenho ambiental. Às vezes, contudo, temem-se eventuais incompatibilidades entre ações corporativas orientadas ecologicamente e aquelas direcionadas economicamente. Esta dissertação concentra suas atenções em embalagens, por serem estas identificadas, muitas vezes, com problemas ambientais, especialmente aqueles relacionados com a questão do lixo urbano. Partindo da análise de três casos da indústria cervejeira no Brasil, procurou-se identificar como – e se – a dimensão “verde" tem afetado as decisões sobre embalagem nas empresas de bens de consumo. Recorrendo à bibliografia produzida na área de marketing “verde", comportamento “verde" do consumidor e desenvolvimento sustentável, este trabalho mostra que ações “ambientalmente corretas" não são necessariamente incompatíveis com o bom desempenho econômico das empresas. Mais que isso, evidencia que o uso de ferramentas como a contabilidade ambiental, a análise de ciclo de vida e a logística reversa podem auxiliar na obtenção de vantagem competitiva. / In recent years, the debate about environmental preservation has gained importance. In order to respond to growing demands from the government, in the form of an ever more stringent legislation, and from the consumers, expressed by their preferences in buying situations, companies see themselves forced to watch carefully their environmental performance. Sometimes, though, it is feared that there are trade-offs between environmentally and economically oriented corporate actions. This dissertation puts packaging in the spotlight, because packages are, very often, closely identified with environmental problems, especially those related to urban waste issues. From the analysis of three cases in the Brazilian beer industry, it is sought here to identify how – and if – the “green" dimension has affected packaging decisions in consumer goods industries. Referring to bibliography on “green" marketing, “green" consumer behaviour, and sustained development, this research shows that “environmental correctness" and good economic performance are not necessarily antagonistic goals. More than that, it shows that the use of tools such as environmental accountability, life cycle assessment, and reverse logistics can help companies to obtain competitive advantage.

Marketing ambiental e certificações socioambientais: uma análise no contexto do etanol brasileiro / Marketing environmental and socio-environmental certifications: an analysis of brazilian ethanol context

Molina, Natália Sanchez 27 August 2010 (has links)
O aumento da demanda mundial por fontes alternativas de energia tem evidenciado o Brasil como ator relevante no mercado internacional, em função de seu histórico e capacidade produtiva de etanol. Porém, apesar de ser um mercado promissor e de alto interesse, também é um mercado bastante exigente em relação às questões ambientais que englobam seu sistema produtivo. O marketing ambiental se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante para garantir ao mercado consumidor de que essas questões ambientais estão sendo bem geridas. Entretanto, muitos são os questionamentos quanto ao que está sendo comunicado. Entre as principais formas de se aumentar credibilidade do processo de marketing ambiental, apresenta-se a utilização de certificações socioambientais. Assim, esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar as principais iniciativas de certificações socioambientais para o etanol brasileiro à luz do marketing ambiental. Por meio de entrevistas com 14 especialistas envolvidos com a questão do mercado internacional de biocombustíveis, produção de etanol e sustentabilidade, foi possível formar um padrão de análise das certificações, composto pelos: princípios de boas práticas para certificações socioambientais, demandas ambientais do mercado consumidor e critérios ambientais intrínsecos do sistema produtivo de etanol. A partir desse padrão, foram analisadas as principais iniciativas de certificação, que apontaram um melhor desempenho das iniciativas Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels e Better Sugarcane Initiative para dar credibilidade para o processo de marketing ambiental do etanol brasileiro. / The increase of global demand for alternative energy sources has made Brazil an important player in the international market, due to its history and ethanol´s production capacity. However, despite being a promising and highly interesting market, it is also a very demanding market in consideration to the environmental issues that include their production system. The environmental marketing presents itself as an important tool to ensure the consumer market that these environmental issues are being well managed. Meanwhile, there are many questions about what is being communicated. Among the main ways for increasing environmental marketing´s process credibility, there is a social environmental certification. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the main social environmental certification initiatives for the Brazilian ethanol through the eyes of environmental marketing. Through interviews with 14 experts involved with the international market for biofuels, ethanol production and sustainability, it was possible to form an analysis\' standard of certifications, formed by: principles of good practices for social environmental certification, environmental demands of the consumer market and environmental criteria intrinsic ethanol production system. According to this standard, we analyzed the main certification initiatives that pointed to a better performance of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels initiatives and Better Sugarcane Initiative to provide credibility to the process of environmental marketing of Brazilian ethanol.

Oportunidades e desafios da prática do Marketing Verde no setor hoteleiro de pequeno porte

Pereira, Lindinalva 15 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-04-04T13:23:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lindinalva Pereira.pdf: 1302744 bytes, checksum: da89c65faf710853664874dd1c23f623 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T13:23:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lindinalva Pereira.pdf: 1302744 bytes, checksum: da89c65faf710853664874dd1c23f623 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The basis of sustainable development is formed by the abandonment of the predominance of classical economic theory. The stimulus required in our present world has its most basic principle based on the concept where social, environmental and economic are intrinsically linked. The impact of the theme, the passion for tourism and the relative updating of the subject with the publication of Agenda 30 by the UN, gave rise to this work whose focus was on the questioning about the contribution of small lodging facilities to social and environmental issues, exploring the practical application of the hotel actions, projects and business strategies. This work was associated with a critical evaluation of how the Green Marketing could contribute to add value to the business, generating competitive differential and better positioning for companies in the sector. It is based on the theories of Service Marketing, Green Marketing, Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Tourism I developed a more comprehensive conception of the theme and a maturity in relation to the representativeness of the subject for the different stakeholders involved. Endowed with this important base, the work was developed focusing on the small lodging called Hotel Fazenda Campos/Parque dos Sonhos located in the city of Socorro, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To Observe. To explore. To interview. The basic premise was that the socio-environmental practices of the establishment were operative and recognized by any competent institutions. The broad reflection in search of leading or innovative initiatives allowed us to infer some guidelines that may be decisive for the implementation of Green Marketing strategies in small lodgings: the entrepreneurship of the owner and the benefits of social and environmental certification processes. The necessary process review allows optimization of the whole chain and the cost reduction, as well as a spontaneous exposure of the company to its stakeholders / A base do desenvolvimento sustentável é formada pelo abandono da predominância da clássica teoria econômica. O estímulo requerido em nosso mundo atual tem seu princípio mais básico apoiado no conceito onde social, ambiental e econômico estão intrinsecamente ligados. O impacto do tema, a paixão por turismo e a relativa atualização do assunto com a publicação da Agenda 30 pela ONU, deram origem à esta dissertação cujo foco fora nos questionamentos sobre a contribuição dos meios de hospedagem de pequeno porte para questões socioambientais, explorando a aplicação prática das ações, projetos e estratégias de negócios próprias do mercado hoteleiro. À este produto associou-se uma avaliação crítica de como o Marketing Verde poderia contribuir para agregar valor ao negócio, gerando diferencial competitivo e melhor posicionamento para empresas do setor. E é com base nas teorias de Marketing de Serviços, Marketing Verde, Responsabilidade Social, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Turismo que se instrumentalizou uma concepção mais abrangente do tema e se desenvolveu uma maturidade em relação à representatividade do assunto para os mais diferentes stakeholders envolvidos. Dotado desta importante base, o trabalho foi desenvolvido tendo como foco o empreendimento hoteleiro de pequeno porte Hotel Fazenda Campos/Parque dos Sonhos localizado em Socorro, no estado de São Paulo. Observar. Explorar. Entrevistar. A premissa básica era que as práticas socioambientais do estabelecimento estivem operantes e reconhecidas por órgãos competentes em alguma de suas formas. A ampla reflexão em busca de iniciativas líderes ou inovadoras nos permitiu inferir algumas diretrizes que podem ser determinantes para a implementação das estratégias de Marketing Verde em estabelecimento hoteleiros de pequeno porte: o empreendedorismo do proprietário e a os benefícios de processos de certificação socioambientais. A revisão de processos gerada, permite uma otimização de toda a cadeia e redução de custos, além de uma exposição espontânea da empresa para seus grupos de interesse

As marcas próprias e as estratégias de marketing verde no varejo: um estudo comparativo - Pão de Açúcar e Walmart / Private label brands and green marketing strategies in the retail environment - a comparative study: Pão de Açúcar and Walmart

Nogueira, Eduardo Pereira de Souza 09 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Pereira de Souza Nogueira.pdf: 1385609 bytes, checksum: 15cf97df7b95578fbf8090febfeb2039 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-09 / Currently, there has been a growing discussion of the environmental impact on consumption patterns, in which lifestyles and society s consumption models are increasingly being questioned. As a result of this new relationship with the environment, of both consumers and society, the opportunity to use Marketing geared to sustainability applied to private label products of large supermarket chains in the country arises. Retail plays a key role in the day-to-day life of individuals, and may be an agent of attitude and behavioral change of consumers, since such consumers change may ensure the necessary resources for the future generations. The present study aims at analyzing the use of green marketing as a tool for building a competitive advantage for private label brands in the supermarket segment. By searching authors such as Reginaldo Dias, Nirmalya Kumar, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, Michael Porter and Zymunt Bauman, in addition to field work involving interviews with professionals from two of the largest supermarket chains in the Brazilian market, an analysis was carried out as to how these organizations use green marketing in the management of their own brands. It was finally concluded that the social concern of the sustainable development of the planet leads to an environmental concern in all segments: economy, education and politics. Although social responsibility is discussed today, this research reveals that the actions are still very subtle, and green marketing actions regarding private label brands are still incipient / Atualmente se intensifica a discussão do impacto ambiental dos padrões de consumo, e cada vez mais se questionam o estilo de vida e os moldes de consumo da sociedade. Como resultado dessa nova relação com o meio ambiente, tanto por parte de consumidores quanto pela sociedade, surge a oportunidade do uso do Marketing orientado para a sustentabilidade aplicado aos produtos de marcas próprias das grandes redes de supermercados do país. O varejo desempenha um papel fundamental na vida cotidiana dos indivíduos e pode ser um agente de transformação de atitudes e de comportamentos dos consumidores, pois a mudança do comportamento do consumidor poderá garantir os recursos necessários para as próximas gerações. O presente estudo procura analisar o uso do marketing verde como ferramenta para a construção de diferencial competitivo para produtos de marcas próprias no segmento de supermercados. Por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de autores como Reginaldo Dias, Nirmalya Kumar, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, Michael Porter e Zymunt Bauman, além de trabalho de campo com entrevistas junto às duas maiores redes de supermercados do mercado brasileiro, foi verificado e analisado como essas organizações utilizam do marketing verde no gerenciamento de suas marcas próprias. Considerou-se ao final que a preocupação social do desenvolvimento sustentável do planeta desperta uma preocupação ambiental em todos os segmentos: economia, educação e política. Hoje, se fala em responsabilidade social, porém a pesquisa revela que as ações ainda são muito sutis e as ações de marketing verde, nos produtos de marcas próprias, são ainda incipientes

Ansvarsfull produktion : vägen till kundens hjärta? / Responsible production : the way into the heart of the customer?

Floss, Tove, Bergfeldt, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Responsible production is a subject of increasing importance for companies toadopt and communicate to their environment and many companies choose to implementenvironmental – and ethic considerations into their brand strategy. There is, however, adividing line between companies according to what extent they choose to implementresponsible production into their brand strategy and to which extent they choose tocommunicate it to their stakeholders and surroundings. It is the hypothesis about a dividingline that is the foundation for this essay and something we believed could be interesting forfurther analysis.The purpose of our essay is to find out how the brand strategy of a company is affected by theresponsible production and in what extent they communicate it to their environment. Byanswering those questions we hope to find out why some companies communicateresponsible production more actively than others.We have conducted in-depth interviews with the Swedish clothing companies; MariaWesterlind, Zion and Dem Collective and we have through our analysis reached interestingconclusions. It is evident that the more distinct the company positions itself regarding theenvironment, the more important the responsible production seems to be to the brand strategy.This affects in what way and to what extent the company chooses to communicate with thecustomers. In other words, the bigger environmental exposure and the bigger environmentalmarket possibilities the more important and more active the communication gets.Those companies that have responsible production as a primary brand value also tend tocommunicate this in greater extent than other companies although there is not always aconnection. The greater control the company has over the supply chain, the more distinct thecommunication becomes. The majority of the companies use external certifications as a formof sponsorship to get certain benefits. We also have noticed that the more distinct thecompany communicate their responsible production, the more important the extent of theinformation to the customer gets. / <p>Program: Textilekonomutbildningen</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Ekologisk bomull : Ett steg till ett grönare företag / Organic cotton : A step to a greener business

Ljungström, Sandra, Spångberg, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Allt fler konsumenter väljer att göra ekologiska val, detta på grund av en ökad medvetenhet samt ett intresse för miljön. Bomull är en av de fibrer som används mest i kläder, trots detta så är bomullsproduktionen väldigt påfrestande för miljön. Mycket giftiga kemikalier, konstgödsel samt stora mängder vatten används vid dessa odlingar. Då bomullsodlingar är så pass resurskrävande måste alla klädföretag visa sitt engagemang i denna fråga. Detta kan göras på olika sätt, att välja ekologisk bomull framför konventionell bomull är då ett steg i riktning då den ekologiska bomullen är helt befriad från kemikalier och andra farliga medel.Syftet är att denna rapport ska verka som ett underlag för klädföretag som i dagsläget inte använder sig av ekologisk bomull. Utifrån denna problembakgrund samt syfte har en problemformulering gjorts. Huvudfrågan lyder Hur kan klädföretag gå till väga när de vill börja använda sig av ekologisk bomull? och följs av två delfrågor: På vilka sätt kan användning av ekologisk bomull främja ett klädföretags varumärke? och Hur viktigt är det för konsumenter att kläder innehåller ekologisk bomull? Vissa avgränsningar har gjorts. Med ekologisk bomull menas själva fibern, rapporten kommer ej att behandla de förädlingsprocesser som följer. Begrepp som hållbarhet, sociala samt miljöaspekter kommer att beröras då de är förknippade med ekologisk bomull. Även några textila organisationer kommer att nämnas, utan ytterligare fördjupning.Anledningen till varför denna rapport handlar om ekologisk bomull är för att det är välkänt bland konsumenter. Det är också ett material som många klädföretag börjar med när de vill använda mer hållbara material. Det finns andra hållbara alternativ som också används, men ekologisk bomull är som sagt det som flest känner till.Rapporten är skriven utifrån den vetenskapliga huvudinriktningen hermeneutik, med ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Primärdata har samlats in via personliga samt mailintervjuer, även genom enkäter som skickats ut till konsumenter. Dessa har bidragit till både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Sekundärdata har insamlats i form av litteratur, rapporter och elektroniska källor.Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar ämnesområdena bomull och textila organisationer, marknadsföring samt medveten konsumtion. Dessa ämnen har valts för att få ett så brett underlag som möjligt. Till empirin har två undersökningar gjorts, först har intervjuer genomförts med fyra svenska klädföretag. Synonymt för alla är att de arbetar med certifierade leverantörer, sedan skiljer sig utbredningen av ekologisk bomull åt samt hur mycket de arbetar med miljöfrågor. Dessutom har en konsumentundersökning gjorts, här konstaterades bland annat att konsumenter är villiga att betala något mer för ett ekologiskt bomullsplagg samt att många tror att de kan påverka klädföretagens val inom användning av ekologisk bomull.De viktigaste slutsatser som framkommit är att klädföretag bör samarbeta med certifierade leverantörer när de vill börja använda sig av ekologisk bomull, samt att det är viktigt att segmentera sin målgrupp för att nå ut till rätt kund.More and more consumers choose to make organic choices; this is because there is a greater awareness and more concern for the environment amongst consumers. Cotton is one of the most used fibers in clothing, even though the cotton production is very stressful for the environment. Toxic chemicals, fertilizers and big amounts of water are used during the cultivation. As the cotton crop is extremely resource intensive all clothing companies must demonstrate their commitment to this issue. This can be done in multiple ways. To choose organic cotton instead of conventional cotton is a better way as the organic cotton is free from toxic chemicals and fertilizers.The purpose of this thesis is to provide information and guidance for clothing companies who do not currently use organic cotton. Based on the problem background and the purpose of the thesis, research questions have been made. The main question is How can clothing companies proceed when they want to begin to use organic cotton? and this is followed by two questions: How can the use of organic cotton promote a clothing company’s brand? and How important is it for consumers that clothes contains organic cotton? A few boundaries have been created. Organic cotton means just the fiber itself; the thesis will not process the processing system of the fiber. Concepts like sustainability, social and environmental aspects will be affected as they are associated with organic cotton. Some textile organizations will also be mentioned, without further investigation.The reason why this thesis is about organic cotton is that it is well known amongst consumers. It is also a material that many clothing companies start with when they want to use more sustainable materials. There are other sustainable alternatives which are also used, but organic cotton is however a material that many consumers know.The thesis is written from the scientific area of hermeneutics, with an abductive approach. Primary data has been collected through personal and email interviews, including through questionnaires sent out to consumers. These have contributed to both qualitative and quantitative data. Secondary data was obtained in the form of literature, reports and electronic sources.The theoretical framework deals with the subjects cotton and textile associations, marketing, and conscious consumption. These subjects have been chosen to get as wide a foundation as possible. For empirical data, two studies have been done. Interviews were conducted with four Swedish clothing companies. One thing that all clothing companies has in common is that they work with certified suppliers, then the amount of organic cotton used differs between the clothing companies and also their commitment to environmental questions. A consumer survey has also been done. The result showed that consumers are willing to pay slightly more for organic cotton products, and that many consumers believe they can affect clothing companies work with organic cotton.The final conclusion is that clothing companies should cooperate with certified suppliers when they want to work with organic cotton. It is also important to segment the appropriate target group, to reach out to the right customer. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Är grön det nya svart? : En studie om hur miljövänliga kläder skapar konkurrensfördelar / Is green the new black? : A survey about how environmental clothes creates competitive advantage

Kamjar, Tannaz January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Under de senaste 20 åren har en global oro växt kring konsumtionens påverkan på miljön. Faktorer som den globala uppvärmningen, hål i ozonlagret samt katastrofer som Tjernobyl var några av drivkrafterna. Historiskt börjar nu den gröna marknadsföringen att framträda på marknaden. Den delades in i tre faser varav en fas representerar marknadsföring av miljövänliga produkter, designade för att främja en hållbar konsumtion (Mishra &amp; Sharmra, 2012). Det är dock under 2000-talet som konsumenternas miljömedvetenhet leder till en ekologisk trend och livsstil. Forskare menar att ekonomisk tillväxt är den bidragande faktorn till ett ohållbart utnyttjande av jordens resurser. Således ligger framtiden i effektivisering, återvinning och ny miljövänlig teknologi för att resurserna ska räcka till. Allmänheten i industrialiserade länder är väl medvetna om de negativa effekter som deras konsumtionsbeteende har på miljön. Den ökade kunskapen bidrar till en efterfråga på ekologiska varor. De ekologiska produkterna skapar nya möjligheter för differentiering och konkurrensfördelar för företag. Men är inom klädbranschen en minoritet då konsumenternas etiska värderingar inte sammanfaller med deras prioriteringar vid ett klädköp. Problemet stärks ytterligare då klädindustrin är byggt på komplicerade system där produktionen består av lågkostnads kläder som produceras i kostnadseffektiva länder. Företag måste se över modegrad och kvalitet vid produktion av ekologiska kläder.

Percepção da sustentabilidade dos alunos de ciência ambiental: estudo de caso numa instituição de ensino superior federal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Sá, Gabriela Nicolino de 21 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-07T19:46:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Gabriela Nicolino de Sa.pdf: 4624244 bytes, checksum: 612d16d631bde71c5cae252a2c716887 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-31T12:25:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Gabriela Nicolino de Sa.pdf: 4624244 bytes, checksum: 612d16d631bde71c5cae252a2c716887 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T12:25:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Gabriela Nicolino de Sa.pdf: 4624244 bytes, checksum: 612d16d631bde71c5cae252a2c716887 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-21 / O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso com a Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), com o objetivo investigar a imagem de sustentabilidade da instituição, explorando a percepção dos alunos de graduação em Ciência Ambiental. Este curso em particular foi selecionado devido à maior sensibilidade de seus alunos ao tema da sustentabilidade, uma vez que estão mais avançados e engajados na discussão da sua aplicabilidade ao campus universitário. Para a etapa de levantamento de dados do estudo, foi desenvolvido o instrumento de Aferição Gráfica da Imagem Sustentável de Universidades, abreviado como GAUSI, do inglês Graphical Assessment of Universities Sustainability Image. O instrumento GAUSI propõe uma lista de iniciativas sustentáveis divididas em quatro áreas das universidades: Aferição e Relato, Educação e Pesquisa, Operações dos Campi e Envolvimento com a Comunidade. Os respondentes avaliam quais as iniciativas de maior relevância para as políticas ambientais, sociais e econômicos do campus, além de mapear o comprometimento de sua instituição com essas iniciativas. Desta forma, o instrumento GAUSI sugere quais iniciativas sustentáveis devem ser priorizadas para receber investimento, de acordo com os benefícios gerados para a imagem e a atratividade da universidade. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, de forma geral, a adoção da sustentabilidade pode proporcionar um diferencial competitivo para UFF. Mais especificamente, o critério de priorização sugere uma forte distância entre a imagem atual da instituição e uma imagem ideal de sustentabilidade, identificando Operações dos Campi como a categoria mais crítica em necessidade de engajamento, para reverter a percepção negativa da imagem de sustentabilidade da UFF. Este trabalho procurou contribuir para o processo de inserção da sustentabilidade nos sistemas de gestão da UFF, destacando a importância de um mapeamento mais abrangente da percepção de todos os públicos de interesse na formulação de estratégias de posicionamento e na manutenção de uma imagem positiva da universidade, frente à sociedade de forma geral. Por fim, o trabalho levanta a discussão do papel e responsabilidade da universidade para contribuir para um futuro de desenvolvimento sustentável, através da educação e do exemplo para a comunidade. / This study presents a study case of sustainability image assessment with the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), through the Environmental Science’s graduate students perceptions. This graduation course was chosen due to its students’ greater sensibility concerning sustainability discussions and their engagement with campus sustainability. As a research instrument for this study, it was developed the Graphical Assessment of Universities’ Sustainability Image (GAUSI) tool. The GAUSI tool involves a research questionnaire listing universities sustainability initiatives of four different categories: Assessment and Report, Education and Research, Campuses’ Operations and Community Outreach. Respondents indicate their perception of those initiatives relevance as major campus environmental, social and economic issues and evaluate their university’s commitment to these same initiatives. Thus, the GAUSI tool suggests which sustainability initiatives should be prioritized for investment, based on their benefits to institutional image and to the institution’s attractiveness to stakeholders. The obteined results suggest adopting sustainability principles could represent a competitive advantage to UFF. Specifically, the prioritization critera shows a significant gap between UFF’s perceived image and an ideal sustainability image, indicating Campuses’ Operations as the most critical category to be engaged by the institution, in order to revert its negative perceived sustainability image. This research expects to contribute to insertion of sustainability into UFF’s management systems, pointing out the importance of monitoring stakeholders’ perception to design successful strategies and to maintain a positive institutional image within society. Finally, this study also discusses universities’ role and responsibility to contribute to sustainable development future, through education and being a role model for community.

Publicidad y ecología: la publicidad verde en España (1980-1999)

Olivares-Delgado, Fernando 13 March 2002 (has links)
La investigación persigue un doble objetivo. El primero, aproximar el complejo y poliédrico paradigma de la ecología a la disciplina publicitaria; y el segundo, identificar y analizar la Publicidad Verde más representativa de los últimos veinte años en España. El trabajo se estructura en dos partes: en la primera, además de desvelarse vínculos entre la publicidad y la ecología -casi siempre mediante el consumo-, se desentrama la maraña epistemológica y etimológica en relación al medioambientalismo, al ecologismo y a la naturaleza. La segunda, el trabajo empírico, consiste en un análisis empírico de contenido sobre la Publicidad Verde insertada entre 1980 y 1999 en España. Se efectúa un análisis transdimensional de la Publicidad Verde (1.280 inserciones de muestra), en el que se aborda el objeto de estudio atendiendo a cinco dimensiones de análisis: 1,- Análisis temporal 2,- Análisis sectorial 3,- Análisis en función del tipo de publicidad (corporativa o de producto) 4,- Análisis terminológico 5,- Análisis en función de la estructura del anuncio. Acerca de la segunda dimensión, se pone especial énfasis en los sectores "con mayor deuda ecológica". Y sobre la cuarta dimensión, la terminológica, se propone y se realiza un análisis segmentado del concepto de "lo verde", vertebrándolo en seis universos específicos: el de la Naturaleza (UNAT), el de la Ecología (UECO), el del Medio Ambiente (UMED), el de la Energía (UENEG), el de la jerga científico-técnica y de la sostenibilidad (UCIENT) y el de las 3 R's -Reducir, reutilizar y reciclar- (U3R's).

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