Spelling suggestions: "subject:"groupdynamics"" "subject:"groupdynamic""
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En studie av Stockholmshem och Skanskas tre projekt genomförda i samverkan / A study of three partnering projects between Stockholmshem and SkanskaMagnusson, Erika, Nylander, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie av tre projekt som genomförts i samverkan mellan Stockholmshem och Skanska. De tre projekten, Främlingsvägen, Kv. Golvläggaren och Kv. Syllen, är uppförda mellan 2012-2019 och kan ses som tre efterföljande projekt då förutsättningarna på många sätt påminner om varandra även om husen i sig skiljer sig åt. Alla tre projekt har bland annat utförts i totalentreprenad i samverkan där beställaren och entreprenören tillsammans bildat en projektorganisation som utformat gemensamma mål inför varje projekt. Dessutom har flera medarbetare från båda projektorganisationerna och övriga involverade företag varit återkommande i flera av projekten. Gemensamt för de tre projekten är också att samtliga bedöms ha varit framgångsrika på flera sätt. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka vilka framgångsfaktorer som varit bidragande till projektens framgång. Syftet är också att identifiera projektens utmaningar, i vilken utsträckning samverkan bidragit till projektens lyckosamma utfall och vad som skulle kunna överföras till ett eventuellt fjärde projekt. Studiens omfattning har avgränsats till projektering, produktion, överlämning samt till en kategori för övrigt. I arbetet med datainsamling till studien har ett antal intervjuer genomförts tillsammans med en litteraturstudie och samtal med sakkunniga inom relevanta delar i byggbranschen. Studiens resultat visar att något som varit särskilt framstående i alla tre projekt är samarbetet mellan Stockholmshem och Skanska med en väl fungerande projektorganisation. Kommunikation och öppenhet berättas ha genomsyrat projekten och bidragit till ett personligt engagemang och en vilja att göra sitt yttersta. Resultatet visar också att projektens lyckosamma utfall inte varit möjligt utan de nyckelpersoner som varit involverade och att erfarenheter från de tidigare projekten kunnat nyttjas till de efterkommande. Vad gäller samverkan ställer sig majoriteten av de intervjuade positiva till metoden för att strukturera upp en projektorganisations samarbete, även om de anser att det inte är avgörande. I resultatet framgår också att projekten haft en del utmaningar med främst projekteringen då vissa handlingar varit otillräckliga och samordningen av underentreprenörerna uppgetts som svår. Det framgår även att den dynamiska arbetsmarknaden i Stockholm medför svårigheter med att behålla nyckelpersoner och att hantera medarbetare som slutar. I kapitlet Analys återges en sammanställning av projektens främsta framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar. I kapitlet Diskussion redogörs utförligare kring några av dessa där det bland annat framkommer att flera framgångsfaktorer är beroende av varandra. Exempelvis hade det goda samarbetet mellan parterna förmodligen inte varit detsamma utan de nyckelpersoner som varit involverade. Att nyckelpersoner stannat har också betytt att erfarenheter från de tidigare projekten kunnat överföras på ett sätt som annars inte varit möjligt. Det framgår också att samverkan är en metod som blir allt vanligare i byggbranschen vilket tyder på ett visst paradigmskifte där det finns en efterfrågan om ett tätare samarbete mellan beställare och entreprenör med mer fokus på de mjuka parametrarna. I rapportens slutsats framgår det att samverkan i sig inte är en garanti för att lyckas med ett projekt men att det kan ses som ett verktyg för att styra en projektorganisations samarbete åt en önskvärd riktning. Metoden syftar till att öka medvetenheten gällande gruppdynamiken hos en arbetsgrupp vilket är viktigt för att utvecklas till ett högpresterande team. Det är därför inte anmärkningsvärt att det är just nyckelpersonerna och samarbetet mellan beställaren och entreprenören som anses vara projektens primära framgångsfaktorer. / This bachelor thesis is a study about three partnering projects between Skanska and Stockholmshem. The projects, Främlingsvägen, Kv. Golvläggaren and Kv. Syllen were constructed during 2012-2019 and are considered to be connected to each other due to their similar prerequisites, even though the house design differs between the projects. For example, several of the employees from the project organization, and from other companies, have been involved in more than one project. All three projects have also been constructed in a managed partnering turnkey contract where the client and the building contractor have formed a mutual project organization with mutual ambitions. One other thing that the projects have in common is that all of them are told to have been successful in many ways. The purpose with this study is therefore to investigate which factors that have been contributing to the progress of the projects. The purpose is also to identify the projects challenges, to what extent the concept of partnering has been contributing to the successful outcome and what can be transferred to a potential fourth project. The delimitation of the study has been narrowed down to project planning, construction, handover and a category for other aspects. To collect data and information, a number of interviews were carried through together with a literature study and informative conversations with experts within relevant areas in the construction industry. The result of the thesis tells that the collaboration between Skanska and Stockholmshem, together with a well-functioning project organization, have been two important factors behind the projects successful outcome. According to the interview candidates, communication and openness have been the underlying foundations throughout the projects. Among the employees, this have encouraged to a personal commitment and created a will for the project organization to work their best. Something else that is presented in the result is that the involved key figures and the gained experiences from the previous constructed projects are two other important reasons behind the successful outcome. When it comes to having a structured collaboration within the project organization, the majority of the interview candidates have positive mindset about partnering as a method, however, they do not consider the method to be the decisive factor for if a project will succeed or not. Some of the mentioned challenges that the projects have been struggling with are the project planning, insufficient documents and coordination of the subcontractors. The current labor market in Stockholm is also presented to be a challenge where there are difficulties with keeping key figures and dealing with employees quitting. A summary of the primary factors of success and challenges, based on the three projects, is found within the chapter of Analyze. The discussion is about some of these factors where it is found that many of the succeeded factors are relying on each other. For example, the good collaboration between the parties probably would not have been the same without the projects key figures. That several key figures have been involved in more than one project have meant that experiences from previous projects have been transferred to the next project, in a way that otherwise would not have been possible. It also emerges that partnering as a cooperation method is increasing within the construction industry, this indicates a certain movement of pattern where there is a demand for closer cooperation between the client and the contractor with more focus on the soft parameters. The conclusion of the study is that partnering itself may not be the solution to everything but that the method should be seen as a tool for managing the collaboration in a project organization towards a desirable direction. The method aims to increase awareness about group dynamics in a project organization, which is important for the process of evolving into a high-performing team. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is the key figures and the cooperation between the client and the contractor that are considered to be the primary factors of success for these projects.
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Faktorer som påverkar ett traumateam i deras interprofessionella arbete vid ett akut patientomhändertagande : en litteraturöversikt / Factors affecting a trauma team in their interprofessional work in acute patient care : a literature studyOvesdotter, Maria, Wrembicki Nelson, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
När en patient inkommer till akutmottagningen efter att blivit utsatt för yttre högenergivåld krävs ett snabbt omhändertagande i form av ett interprofessionellt traumateam. Att omhänderta traumapatienter kan upplevas som sårbart och tumultartat vilket medför att vårdpersonal behöver agera snabbt. Om kommunikation inom traumateamet utövades felaktigt kan detta riskera patientsäkerheten då detta kan medföra försämrade behandlingsresultat och utökad handläggningstid. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva faktorer som påverkade ett traumateam i deras interprofessionella arbete vid ett akut patientomhändertagande. Designen var en allmän litteraturstudie baserad på 18 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet baseras på databasträffar genom CINAHL och PUBMED. En integrerad analys användes för att analysera insamlade data. Studiens resultat utgörs av tre huvudkategorier: Traumaledarens ansvar, Kommunikationsverktygens betydelse och Traumateamets gruppdynamik. Resultatet visade på traumaledaren har ett ansvar för helhetsperspektivet såväl över patienten som teamet. Beroende på vad situationen krävde hade traumaledaren olika ledarstilar. I traumateamet hade kommunikationsverktyg avgörande betydelse då bland annat closed-loop communication samt call-out, vilket kunde uppemot halvera patientens handläggningstid. Effektiv och tydlig kommunikationsväg inom traumateamet skapade en oproblematisk teamkommunikation. Traumateamets gruppdynamik utgjordes av tydlig struktur och positionering av medlemmarna i traumarummet. Genom en öppen atmosfär där allas kompetens involveras skapades en bra teamsammanhållning. Slutsatsen var att vid användning av kommunikationsverktyg inom traumateamet kunde patientomhändertagandet säkras och minimera eventuella missförstånd. Detta skapade ett välfungerande teamarbete med gynnsam gruppdynamik där samtliga ansvarsområden kompletterade varandra. / ABSTRACT When a patient enters the emergency room after being exposed to external high-energy violence, immediately care in the form of an interprofessional trauma team is required. Caring for trauma patients can be perceived as vulnerable and tumultuous, which means that care staff need to act quickly. If communication within the trauma team was exercised incorrectly, this may risk patient safety as this may lead to impaired treatment results and increased processing time. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that influenced a trauma team in their interprofessional work in an acute patient care. The design was a general literature study based on 18 scientific articles. The results are based on database hits through CINAHL and PUBMED. An integrated analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The results of the study consist of three main categories: The Trauma Manager's responsibilities, The importance of Communication Tools and the Trauma Team's group dynamics. The results showed that the trauma leader has a responsibility for the overall perspective over both the patient and the team. Depending on what the situation required, the trauma leader had different leadership styles. In the trauma team, communication tools were crucial, including closed-loop communication and call-out, which could halve the patient's processing time. Effective and clear communication path within the trauma team created an unproblematic team communication. The trauma team's group dynamics consisted of a clear structure and positioning of the members in the trauma room. Through an open atmosphere where everyone's skills are involved, a good team cohesion was created. The conclusion was that when using communication tools within the trauma team, patient care could be secured and minimized any misunderstandings. This created a well-functioning teamwork with favorable group dynamics where all areas of responsibility complemented each other.
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Sport team fans identify with a team and continually internalize their favorite team as part of their self-concept (Wann, Melnick, Russel, & Pease, 2001). However, individuals simultaneously act different from the group to fulfill a psychological need to be distinct and unique (e.g., Brewer, 1991). The majority of prior studies in sport consumption behavior have emphasized that the sense of belonging to a sport team significantly influences a fan’s attitude toward the team and consequent sport consumption behaviors. Beyond the fan-team relationship, there has been limited research on why an individual fan behaves differently from others in the group, specifically why and how sport fans assert their personal and collective selves while in groups. Furthermore, fans attach not only to their favorite sport teams, but also to a fan community which support the team. Under the optimal distinctiveness framework, group dynamics are conceptualized as perceived interchangeability of group inclusion to the same group and interindividual differences (Simon & Kampmeier, 2001). This notion highlights the opposing forces or needs between fan distinctiveness (FD), to be distinct from other group members, and fan inclusiveness (FI), to be similar to other group members, as mutual determinants of the interpersonal self. Thus, the purpose of this research is to explore the psychological mechanism through which sport fans in a fan group balance two conflicting needs of group dynamics to make a decision on team apparel consumption. This was accomplished through two studies. Study 1 employed a survey design to confirm the established evidence on the effects of team identification on team merchandise consumption behaviors in prior sport management studies. It also uncovered the role of group dynamics in sport fans’ team apparel consumption behavior. Findings of Study 1 showed that the mechanism of group dynamics was induced by a level of FI, FD, or both. With a sequential association from university identification (UID) to team identification (TID), the group dynamics were shown to significantly influence team apparel consumption behavior. Study 2 replicated the findings of Study 1 with undergraduate students and National Football League (NFL) fans across group contexts. Study 2 was implemented with the same measurement items to investigate whether the effect of group dynamics on team apparel consumption are moderated by social visibility as a situational cue as well as a boundary condition. Study 2 provided additional evidence of the mechanism underlying the impact of group dynamics on team apparel consumption across two different research contexts. The overarching theoretical implication is that the mediator (group dynamics) and moderators (social visibility and context) influence sport fans’ team apparel consumption behaviors. The pendulum effect between the opposing forces of FI and FD in terms of group dynamics provide an insightful idea to extend optimal distinctiveness theory (ODT) framework and advance the theory. FD and FI play a key role in predicting fan unique team apparel consumption behavior. Moreover, if one of the needs, either FD or FI, are too dominate, the pendulum effect will help balance the needs out. The existing concept of group dynamics explains why sport fans seek unique team products, but cannot account for the traditional perspective of TID to consumption behavior models. Therefore, the current findings further understanding of why and how individuals within a group of fans consume team products based on their unique balance between group inclusiveness and personal distinctiveness. The findings will provide practical guidelines for both teams and sports brand marketers to understand the desire of sophisticated consumers to signal their individuality and what products and services should be offered according to the context-specific need. / Tourism and Sport
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Analysis of the Relationships between Changes in Distributed System Behavior and Group DynamicsLazem, Shaimaa 02 May 2012 (has links)
The rapid evolution of portable devices and social media has enabled pervasive forms of distributed cooperation. A group could perform a task using a heterogeneous set of the devices (desktop, mobile), connections (wireless, wired, 3G) and software clients. We call this form of systems Distributed Dynamic Cooperative Environments (DDCEs).
Content in DDCEs is created and shared by the users. The content could be static (e.g., video or audio), dynamic (e.g.,wikis), and/or Objects with behavior. Objects with behavior are programmed objects that take advantage of the available computational services (e.g., cloud-based services).
Providing a desired Quality of Experience (QoE) in DDCEs is a challenge for cooperative systems designers. DDCEs are expected to provide groups with the utmost flexibility in conducting their cooperative activities. More flexibility at the user side means less control and predictability of the groups' behavior at the system side.
Due to the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in DDCEs, groups may experience changes in the system behavior that are usually manifested as delays and inconsistencies in the shared state. We question the extent to which cooperation among group members is sensitive to system changes in DDCEs. We argue that a QoE definition for groups should account for cooperation emergence and sustainability.
An experiment was conducted, where fifteen groups performed a loosely-coupled task that simulates social traps in a 3D virtual world. The groups were exposed to two forms of system delays. Exo-content delays are exogenous to the provided content (e.g., network delay). Endo-content delays are endogenous to the provided content (e.g., delay in processing time for Objects with behavior). Groups' performance in the experiment and their verbal communication have been recorded and analyzed.
The results demonstrate the nonlinearity of groups' behavior when dealing with endo-content delays. System interventions are needed to maintain QoE even though that may increase the cost or the required resources.
Systems are designed to be used rather than understood by users. When the system behavior changes, designers have two choices. The first is to expect the users to understand the system behavior and adjust their interaction accordingly. That did not happen in our experiment. Understanding the system behavior informed groups' behavior. It partially influenced how the groups succeeded or failed in accomplishing its goal. The second choice is to understand the semantics of the application and provide guarantees based on these semantics. Based on our results, we introduce the following design guidelines for QoE provision in DDCEs.
• If possible the system should keep track of information about group goals and add guarding constraints to protect these goals.
• QoE guarantees should be provided based on the semantics of the user-generated content that constitutes the group activity.
• Users should be given the option to define the content that is sensitive to system changes (e.g., Objects with behavior that are sensitive to delays or require intensive computations) to avoid the negative impacts of endo-content delays.
• Users should define the Objects with behavior that contribute to the shared state in order for the system to maintain the consistency of the shared state.
• Endo-content delays were proven to have significantly negative impacts on the groups in our experiment compared to exo-content delays. We argue that system designers, if they have the choice, should trade processing time needed for Objects with behavior for exo-content delay. / Ph. D.
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How psychological safety influences conversational behavior in self-organized teams -A multilevel perspectiveQuispe Bravo, Katherina 11 June 2024 (has links)
Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Faktoren auf individueller Ebene zu untersuchen, die zur Entstehung von psychologischer Sicherheit führen und die individuellen Gesprächsbeteiligung beeinflussen. Auf der Gruppenebene wird untersucht, wie das Gesprächsverhalten eines Teams die Beziehung zwischen psychologischer Sicherheit im Team und der Teamleistung mediiert.
In der folgenden Studie werden insgesamt 51 Arbeitsteams in Online- oder Face-to-Face-Settings untersucht. Die Teams absolvierten die von Lafferty & Pond (1974) entwickelte Aufgabe Desert Survival Situation, die darauf abzielt, Gruppen und deren Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung festzuhalten. Auf Grundlage der Gruppenübung wurde die objektive Teamleistung ermittelt, die individuelle Gesprächsbeteiligung, die un/gleiche Verteilung der Gesprächsbeiträge im Team sowie das Gesprächstempo im Team gemessen. Die psychologische Sicherheit wurde auf individueller Ebene mit einem von Edmondson (1999) entwickelten, validierten Fragebogen gemessen, bevor der Mittelwert auf die Teamebene aggregiert wurde. Persönlichkeitsmerkmale auf individueller Ebene (Neurotizismus und Extraversion), die Identifikation mit dem Team und die vorhergesagte Teamleistung wurden ebenfalls mit validierten Fragebögen gemessen.
Auf der Individuum-Ebene zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie, dass Neurotizismus, Teamidentifikation und erwartete Teamleistung psychologische Sicherheit vorhersagen. Darüber hinaus stellt sich heraus, dass nicht nur Extraversion und individuelle Dauer der Teamzugehörigkeit die Gesprächsbeteiligung der Teammitglieder vorhersagen, sondern dass auch psychologische Sicherheit ein Prädiktor für die individuelle Gesprächsbeteiligung der Teammitglieder während einer Diskussion ist. Auf der Gruppenebene konnten unsere Annahmen, dass psychologische Sicherheit des Teams die Teamleistung vorhersagt und dass diese Beziehung durch eine gleichmäßige Verteilung sowie ein hohes Tempo der Gesprächsbeiträge vermittelt wird, nicht bestätigt werden. / This present study aims to examine individual-level factors that lead to the emergence of psychological safety and conversational participation. At group level, I aim to understand how the conversational behavior of a team mediates the relationship between team psychological safety and team performance.
In this study, I assessed a total of 51 work teams in online or face-to-face settings. Teams completed the Desert Survival Situation task developed by Lafferty & Pond (1974) aiming to research groups and how they make decisions. From the team score, the objective team performance measure was retrieved. Conversational participation, distribution, and pace of conversational turn-taking were assessed by coding the number of conversational turns of each team member during the task. Baseline psychological safety was measured on the individual level through a validated questionnaire, developed by Edmondson (1999) before aggregating the mean to the team level. Individual-level personality traits (neuroticism and extraversion), team identification, and predicted team performance were also measured through validated questionnaires.
On the individual level of analysis, results show that neuroticism, team identification, and expected team performance predict psychological safety. Furthermore, I find that extraversion and individual team tenure predicted individual conversational participation and psychological safety was related to how actively team members contributed to a discussion during the team task. On the group level of analysis, the assumptions, that team psychological safety predicted team performance, and that this relationship was mediated through an equal distribution as well as a high pace of conversational turn-takings, could not be supported.
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Bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot organisasie-ontwikkeling / The contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational developmentGeldenhuys, Diederik Joachim 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research dealt with the contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational development (OD). The research consists of a qualitative investigation and was based on a case-study design with the use of multiple cases.
Three different cases were presented, namely where a psychodynamic group intervention was used together with another intervention, where obstacles in a group were to be solved and as an in-house working conference. Random sampling was also done within the cases. Three interventions were done, data was gathered and analysed by means of content analysis, and the results were reported.
It was found in all three cases that a unique contribution was made. Regarding the first case, the intervention was the beginning of a process of change whereby the participants were enabled to develop their identity as a group, from a family business to a company. Participants became aware of underlying conflict, started to own their roles in it, and to take responsibility for addressing the dynamics themselves. In the context in which the intervention was used, the contribution was, however, restricted because its value was only experienced after the intervention.
Regarding the second case, the obstacles influencing the functioning of the team were addressed efficiently after the intervention. Participants were authorised to manage their boundaries more efficiently and to address role differentiation, leading to more open communication and a better work climate.
Regarding the third case, it was found suitable especially for learning diagnostic competencies from a psychodynamic paradigm. Learning occurred on a personal level resulted in the ability of participants to identify dynamics in their organisation and to present similar interventions in their work place.
Recommendations were made for the use of psychodynamic group interventions from a qualitative paradigm, as well as regarding the necessary competencies and a training programme for presenting psychodynamic group interventions. / Hierdie navorsing hande! oor die bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot
organisasie-ontwikkeiing (00). Die behoefte om onbewuste dinamika in organisasies aan
te spreek, hettot hierdie navorsing aanleiding gegee. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n
kwalitatiewe ondersoek en is gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp waarin
daar van meervoudige gevalle gebruik gemaak is.
Drieverskillendegevalleisaangebied, naamlikwaar'n psigodinamiese groepintervensie
saam met 'n ander intervensie gebruik is, waar blokkasies in 'n groep opgelos moes word
en as 'n in-huise werkskonferensie. Daar is ook van ewekansige steekproefneming binne
elke geval gebruik gemaak. Drie intervensies is uitgevoer, data is ingesamel en deur
middel van inhoudsontleding ontleed.
Daar is bevind dat al drie gevaiie 'n unieke bydrae gelewer het. Ten opsigte van die eerste
geval was die intervensie die begin van 'n veranderingsproses waardeur die deelnemers
in staat gestel is om vanuit 'n familiebesigheid hu! identiteit as 'n maatskappy te ontwikkel.
Deelnemers het bewus geword van onderliggende konflik, begin om hulle rolle daarin te
eien, en verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar om die dinamika self aan te spreek. In die
konteks waarin die intervensie gebruik was, was die bydrae egter beperk omdat die
waarde daarvan eers na afloop van die intervensie ervaar is.
Ten opsigte van die tweede geval is die blokkasie wat die funksionering van die span
bei'nvloed het na afloop van die intervensie doeltreffend aangespreek. Deelnemers is
bemagtig om hul grense meer doeltreffend te bestuur en roldifferensiasie aan te spreek,
wat tot meer openlike kommunikasie en 'n beter werksklimaat aanleiding gegee het.
Ten opsigte van die derde geval is bevind dat dit veral geskik was vir die aanleer van
diagnostiesebevoegdhedevanuit'n psigodinamiese paradigma.Leerwatoppersoonlike
vlak plaasgevind het, het tot gevolg gehad dat deelnemers in staatwas om die dinamika in hul organisasie te identifiseeren om self soortgelyke intervensies in hul werkplek aan
te bied.
Aanbevelings virdiegebruikvanpsigodinamiesegroepintervensiesvanuit'nkwaiitatiewe
benadering tot 0 0 is gemaak, sowel as aanbevelings oordie noodsaaklike bevoegdhede
en 'n opleidingsprogram vir die aanbied van psigodinamiese groepintervensies deur
bedryfsielkundiges. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Élaboration et validation d'un modèle systémique pour développer la coopération dans une équipe constituée d'acteurs hétérogènesDoucet, Patrik January 2008 (has links)
Résumé : La thèse proposée aborde le problème du développement de la coopération au sein des équipes de travail. La recension des écrits fait ressortir qu'elles sont typiquement confrontées à des difficultés communicationnelles, des problèmes de méfiance et des jeux de pouvoir. Ces difficultés minent leur coopération. Or, les stratégies usuelles pour favoriser la coopération--la laisser émerger, l'enseigner, prescrire des méthodes, comportements et attitudes la favorisant ne permettent pas de répondre à la question suivante : comment peut-on développer la coopération au sein d'une équipe? Cette recherche propose un modèle systémique du développement de la coopération. II emprunte des notions à différents domaines : la communication, la dynamique de la confiance, les processus cognitifs, la dynamique des groupes et la théorie sociale de l'apprentissage. Considérant l'étendue des domaines investigués, la validation complète du modèle excédait les objectifs d'une recherche doctorale. Néanmoins, l'étude sur le terrain, s'apparentant à une recherche-action, a permis d'amorcer sa validation. Ainsi, l'efficacité du modèle à comprendre en quoi l'intercompréhension est une difficulté importante et comment la stratégie de négociation de sens aide à la contrer, ont pu être validées. De même, il ressort que la légitimité de participation des membres semble influencer leur confiance, encourager la découverte de leurs identités, favoriser les apprentissages en matière de coopération. Le modèle développé pourrait être utile à un praticien désirant développer la coopération dans une équipe de projet. II peut aussi être utile à la formation, de même que pour entreprendre de nouvelles recherches. // Abstract : This thesis addresses the problem of the development of cooperation within the work teams. The literature review emphasizes that they are typically confronted with communication difficulties, problems of mistrust and power games. These difficulties undermine their cooperation. However, the usual strategies to support the cooperation (to let it emerge, teach it, to prescribe methods, behaviours and attitudes support) do not allow answer the following question: how can one develop the cooperation within a team? This research proposes a systemic model of the development of the cooperation. It borrows concepts from various fields: communication, trust dynamics, cognitive processes, group dynamics and communities of practice. Considering the extent of the investigated fields, the complete validation of the model exceeded the objectives of a doctoral research. Nevertheless, the study on the ground, similar to an action-research, made it possible to start its validation. The findings confirmed the effectiveness of the model to understand in what mutual comprehension is an important difficulty and how the strategy of meaning negotiation helps to counter it. In the same way, it arises that the member's participation legitimacy seems to influence their trust, to encourage the discovery of their identities, to support their apprenticeship of cooperation. The developed model could be useful to a project manager wishing to develop the cooperation in a team. It could also be useful for the formation, just as to begin new research.
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The role of sense of coherence in group relations trainingRabichund, Shobana 06 1900 (has links)
This research has utilised Antonovsky's SOC construct and explored its role in a
group relations training event. A quantitative and qualitative design was used. A
sample of eight (N = 8) human resources practitioners was recruited through
convenience sampling. The qualitative analysis of the group relations training event
was facilitated by split mean procedure analysis of the SOC results. The research
demonstrated that the SOC is a pervasive disposition in determining the way in
which one appraises and copes with group relations· training. All participants
experienced anxiety, stress, defensive behaviour, negative emotions and learning
associated with a group relations training event. However, the high-SOC participants
were better able to cope, manage and make sense of the group relations training
than low-SOC individuals.
Recommendations were formulated in doing future research for human resource
practitioners on the role of SOC in group relations training. / Industrial & Organizational Psychology / M.Admin. (Industrial Psychology)
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Alla ensembler är en grupp människor : Musiklärares syn på arbetet med gruppdynamik i elevensembler / All Music Ensembles Consists of Groups of People : Music teachers’ view of working with group dynamics in student ensemblesCasimir Lindholm, Agnes January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka, beskriva och analysera musiklärares syn på sitt arbete med gruppdynamik i ensembleundervisning inom olika musikgenrer. Metoden som har använts för att uppnå detta är kvalitativa intervjuer enligt hermeneutisk metod samt analyser. Analyserna utgår från teoretiska perspektiv hämtade från Lewin, Forsyth och Blumer och används för att definiera informanternas syn på ensembler samt beskriva hur olika faktorer påverkar varandra när det gäller dynamik i grupper. Resultatet handlar om hur informanterna definierar grupperna de leder och därigenom vad de anser skapar en grupp. Det handlar även om vilken energi som finns i en grupp, hur informanterna går till väga för att fånga gruppen i stunden samt varför de anser det vara viktigt och hur gruppers sammansättning påverkar gruppdynamiken och lärandesituationen. Sammanfattningen av analysen genom Lewins formel gav bland annat att energin i grupper har en framträdande roll för informanterna, till exempel hur någon(-s) energi påverkar annan(-s) energi. Lärare och elevers dagsform gör att de påverkar på olika sätt samt är olika mycket mottagliga, och att det aldrig går att förutse hur en grupplektion kommer att bli. Analysen genom Lewins formel visar också i informanternas svar att ensemblen är beroende av sammansättningen av elever, vilka elever som kom just den dagen, och vad de varit med om. Lärarens jobb är att kunna hantera situationen i stunden och vara beredd på föränderligheten. / The purpose of this study is to explore, describe and analyze the views of music teachers and their work with group dynamics in student ensembles in various musical genres. The applied method in this study is qualitative interviews according to phenomenological methodology and analysis. The theoretical perspectives are taken from Lewin, Forsyth and Blumer, and are used to define the perspectives of the informants regarding ensembles and how they affect each other regarding group dynamics. The result appertains to how the informants define the groups they are leading, and thus what they consider creates a group. It is also about the energy contained in a group, how the informants are capturing the group at a particular moment and why they believe this is important and how the make-up of a group affects the group dynamics and the learning situation. The summary of the analysis by Lewin's formula states that the energy of the groups have a prominent role for the informants, such as how some/someone’s energy affects another/another’s energy. The emotional state of teachers and students make an impact in different ways and are also affected in various ways, and that it is impossible to predict how a group lesson will be. The analysis by Lewin's formula related to the result also indicates that the ensemble depends on the composition of students. Which students who came that day, and in which mental state they are. The teacher's duty is to handle the situation at hand, and be prepared for the unexpected.
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Interpersonální vztahy a sociální sítě za pobytu v cizí kultuře / Interpersonal relationships and social network in terms of stay in foreign cultureMalá, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The main subject of this Diploma Thesis is a description of psychological aspects of staying in foreign culture with focus on interpersonal and group processes and their influence and importance for the stay in foreign culture. Central theme of interpersonal relationships and social networks formation is discussed in terms of stay in foreign culture with regards to new forms of electronic communication and its characteristics. This Diploma Thesis focuses on social networks formation and its process and dynamics in electronic communication environment in contrast to real environment. Furthermore, it applies to interpersonal relationship changes, maintaining original far-distant relationships and formation new ones through electronic communication when being in foreign culture. Empirical part of thesis concerns a study of a degree of psychological and sociocultural adaptation with emphasis on electronic communication and its influence of interpersonal relationships and social networks when being abroad. Empirical part of thesis consists of quantitative data analysis. Data obtained from questionnaire, that was filled by international university degree students, who are just experiencing international study sojourn, were analyzed in terms of sociocultural and psychological adaptation. These two areas...
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