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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recepce Friedricha Ludwiga Jahna a jeho idejí v Německém turnerském svazu / The Reception of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and his Ideas in the German Gymnastic Club

Klement, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the perception of the German gymnastic movement founder Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) and of his ideology in the German Gymnastic Club. Since the eighties of the 19th century, the Jahn's ideas had been specifically interpreted in the gymnastic clubs in Lower Austria. This interpretation, under the direct influence of growing racial anti-Semitism, consisted of an extreme national and racial intolerance. The clubs, since 1889 associated in German Gymnastic Club, gradually made their way to the radically national movement that gained the epithet of "völkisch". Various methods have been applied to determine how the club adopted, interpreted and in its own way also changed the Jahn's teaching in the field of the language, physical exercise, national and anti-Semitic ideology and, last but not least, in terms of festivities and symbology. The result of the study has shown that the "völkisch" interpretation of Jahn's controversial ideas enabled the Club to lay the foundations for the new ideology which was to become dominant in the gymnastic movement of the German speaking countries in the thirties of the 20th century.

Travail, ordre et discipline : la société sportive et ses tensions / Work, Order, Discipline : the sporting society and its tensions

Verchère, Raphaël 30 August 2012 (has links)
Dès son origine anglaise au XIXe siècle dans les public schools, le sport répondait à des impératifs stratégiques allant du contrôle des populations étudiantes, jusqu'au projet plus vaste de formation d'une élite conquérante. Dans l'importation en France du sport, Pierre de Coubertin posa des objectifs similaires, désirant réformer une société jugée en crise. Le sport, caractérisé par une liberté encadrée et régulée, se heurta dans ce projet à la gymnastique, autre mode de contrôle des populations en vigueur dans les pratiques corporelles, marqué par le disciplinaire. Surtout, tel que pensé par Coubertin, le caractère du sport est fondamentalement ambivalent, étant à la fois aliénant et émancipateur. Cette ambiguïté se cristallise dans la question de l'égalitarisme. En effet, le sport, fondamentalement aristocratique au sens où il ne profite qu'aux forts physiquement, parvient paradoxalement à se présenter comme une pure méritocratie où le rang de chacun serait uniquement dépendant des efforts fournis, produisant ainsi ordre et travail. Cette représentation méritocratique du sport s'est cependant construite tout au long du XXe siècle, répondant à un progressif oubli de son caractère aristocratique. Toutefois, malgré les évolutions des discours, le fait sportif demeure aristocratique, tant physiologiquement que psychologiquement. Des résistances naissent : celles du sport lui-même, qui ne parvient pas à se réduire au seul mérite ; celles des sportifs, qui élaborent des stratégies qualifiées de délictueuses (triche, dopage, etc.) afin de subvertir l'aristocratie sportive. Des corps utiles, des âmes travailleuses et des caractères soumis sont ainsi produits par cette dialectique du mérite. Le sport exemplifie les valeurs du mérite et tâche d'en imposer la logique, en se constituant comme un dispositif se généralisant peu à peu à tous les champs de la société. / From its British beginning in the XIXth century in the public schools, sport was meant for the strategic imperatives of controlling student populations and at a larger scale for training a dominating elite. Pierre de Coubertin has set similar goals when importing sport in France, wanting to reform a society considered in crisis. Sport, characterized by a framed and regulated freedom, faced gymnastics, the established method of population control by body practice, characterized by discipline. Above all, as thought by Coubertin, the sport characteristic is fundamentally ambivalent, being both alienating and emancipating. This ambiguity crystallize itself in the issue of egalitarianism. Sport, fundamentally aristocratic in the sense that it benefits only to physically strong people, paradoxically succeeds to show itself as a pure meritocracy where ranking is solely dependent of the provided efforts, thus producing order and work. This meritocratic representation of sport has built itself throughout the XXth century, gradually replacing its aristocratic characteristic. However, despite the evolutions of speeches, the sporting fact remains aristocratic, both on physiological and psychological sides. Some resistances arise: those of sport itself, which can not reduce itself to the sole merit; those of the sportsmen, who elaborate strategies described as unlawful (cheating, doping, etc.) in order to subvert the sport aristocracy. Useful bodies, hardworking minds, submissive personalities are thus produced by this dialectic of merit. Sport exemplifies the values of merit and try to compel its logic, by constituting itself as an apparatus which gradually extends to all fields of the society.

« La force, la grâce, la souplesse » : l’éducation physique des jeunes filles canadiennes-françaises à Montréal (1860-1920)

St-Georges, Valérie 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’histoire de l’éducation physique des jeunes filles canadiennes-françaises à Montréal de 1860 à 1920, c’est-à-dire des premières manifestations d’une éducation corporelle dans le réseau éducatif privé jusqu’à la période dite de « l’âge d’or » des sports féminins au Canada. Dans une première partie, le mémoire analyse les discours des hommes de science canadiens-français de manière à saisir leur réflexion théorique sur le corps féminin en mouvement et les prescriptions qu’ils ont formulées à ce sujet. Dans une seconde partie, il présente l’évolution des pratiques gymnastiques et sportives dans les grands pensionnats catholiques de Montréal tenus par les Sœurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame et les Sœurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et de Marie. Il apparaît que les promoteurs de l’éducation physique féminine font face à certains défis : comment encourager l’exercice pour les jeunes filles sans trop les exposer dans l’espace public ? Comment concilier l’entraînement physique et l’idéal esthétique de la féminité ? Enfin, comment promouvoir davantage de mouvements pour le corps féminin juvénile sans risquer de nuire à sa capacité reproductive ? Médecins et pédagogues, face à ce dilemme, définirent les contours d’une éducation physique et sportive féminine acceptable. Cependant, bien que les normes diffusées par la littérature prescriptive essentiellement masculine aient été contraignantes, des pratiques innovantes, répondant à des objectifs précis, apparaissent dès les années 1860 dans les grands pensionnats montréalais et se diversifient au début du XXe siècle sous l’impulsion des actrices historiques — religieuses enseignantes, professeures de gymnastique et couventines. / This study examines the history of the physical education of Montreal’s young French Canadian girls from 1860 to 1920; from the first manifestations of corporal education in the private education network to the so-called « golden age » of women’s sports in Canada. Firstly, the discourses of French Canadian scientists are analyzed in such a way as to capture their theoretical reflections on the female body in movement and the prescriptions they formulated. Subsequently, this study presents the evolution of sport and gymnastic practices in the Catholic female boarding schools of Montreal held by the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame and the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Proponents of women’s physical education faced certain challenges: how to promote exercise for young women without exposing them to the public space? How to reconcile physical training with the aesthetic ideal of femininity? Finally, how to promote more movement for the juvenile female body without risking its reproductive capacity? Doctors and educators, faced with this dilemma, defined the contours of an acceptable female physical and sports education. However, although the norms disseminated by the predominantly male prescriptive literature were restrictive, innovative practices that met specific objectives started to appear in Montreal’s boarding schools in the 1860s. These practices diversified in the first decades of the twentieth century under the impetus of historical actresses – teaching sisters, gymnastic professors and students.

Orientering som friluftsliv? : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur lärare i idrott och hälsa talar om relationen mellan orientering och friluftsliv / Orienteering as friluftsliv? : A qualitative study of physical education and health teachers´ talk about the relation between orienteering and friluftsliv

Nowik, Daniel, Tellström, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i årskurs 7-9 talar om relationen mellan orientering och friluftsliv i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna studien avser besvara är följande: Hur bedrivs undervisningen i friluftsliv och orientering? Vilka geografiska områden används för friluftslivsundervisning? Hur används de geografiska områdena i undervisningen?  Metod Datainsamlingen till studien gjordes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en intervjuguide. Sju idrottslärare från årskurs 7-9 intervjuades, fem från Stockholms län varav två verksamma i innerstaden, en från Södermanlands län samt en från Norrbottens län. Urvalet skedde genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Transkriberingen analyserades med hjälp av diskursanalys som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultat Diskursanalysen av hur idrottslärare talar om relationen mellan friluftsliv och orientering resulterade i en övergripande diskurs där själva undervisningen i friluftsliv framträder som bestående av aktiviteter. Orientering beskrevs vidare som ett kunskapsområde som kunde integreras i friluftsundervisningen. Friluftslivsundervisnings olika aktiviteter ses av flera lärare som förberedande delar inför vandringar och övernattningar. Närområdets ansågs ha stor betydelse då det just gav möjligheter till dessa förberedande aktiviteter. I talet om undervisning i friluftsliv och orientering framkom även behovet av mer resurser och mer av ämnesöverskridande planeringstid. Vid genomgången av det empiriska materialet framkom även att eleverna hade svårt att uppfatta syftet med de aktiviteter som genomfördes, vilket resulterade i att undervisningen i friluftsliv många gånger präglades av omotiverade elever. Slutsats I diskursanalysen av lärarnas tal framträder att lärarna har en mycket en öppen tolkning av kursplanen, där orientering utgör en aktivitet bland andra inom friluftsliv. Skolans närområde tilldelas stor betydelse och används för aktiviteter. Den öppna skrivningen i kursplanen ger idrottslärare möjligheter att bedriva aktiviteter utan att placera in dem i ett mer övergripande sammanhang. En möjlig lösning som gör att momentet friluftsliv och utevistelse kan inkluderas mer i undervisningen, är dels mer tid till undervisningen, dels en ämnesöverskridande planering. Detta skulle kunna skapa möjligheter till en rödare tråd än vad som återfinns idag. Friluftsliv och andra typer av ämnesinnehåll skulle kunna särskiljas tydligare. / Abstract Aim and research questions The purpose of this study is to examine how physical education (PE) teachers from grades 7-9 view the relationship between orienteering and friluftsliv within their teaching. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do PE teachers use orienteering and friluftsliv in their teaching? Which geographical areas are used during lessons focusing on friluftsliv? In what ways are these geographical areas being used by PE teachers? Method The data was collected through semi structured interviews which followed an interview guide. Seven PE teachers were interviewed, of which five teach came within the Stockholm area, one from Norrbotten and one from Södermanland. The teachers were selected through a convenient sample. The interviews were recorded, transcribed to text documents and thereafter analyzed by using a discourse analysis. Results The discourse analysis showed that the teachers view friluftsliv as a teaching area for physical activities. This was further explained by the teachers´ strive to organize the friluftsliv education using activities named by the curriculum. The teachers viewed these activities as preparations for other outdoor activities, such as longer hikes. The discourse around orienteering was that orienteering was an integrated part of friluftsliv. The open interpretation of the curriculum by the teachers led in some cases to activities being chosen without much reflection on their actual purpose. Furthermore, the empirical material showed that students did not know the purpose of certain activities, which affected their overall motivation for friluftsliv education. An important aspect for all teachers in this study is the geographical areas close to the school. Another aspect is the PE teachers´ desire for more cooperation with other school subjects. The PE teachers also expressed that they wanted a solution which could create more time for friluftsliv in their teaching, which would make it easier to organize meaningful activities. Conclusion The discourses connected to how the teachers talk about friluftsliv and orienteering shows that friluftsliv is mainly viewed as an area for physical activity. When discussing geographical areas close to the school, a discourse was created which highlighted the significance of this aspect, together with friluftsliv as a means of preparation for other outdoor activities. More cooperation with other subjects has potential to create more time for friluftsliv, making it easier to separate orienteering from this teaching area.

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