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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právo na potomky a přeshraniční poskytování reproduktivní péče / Right to Have Children and Cross-border Reproductive Care

Roubíčková, Nikol January 2017 (has links)
and Key words Title - Right to Have Children and Cross-border Reproductive Care Key words - cross-border reproductive care, reproductive tourism, assisted reproduction, access to reproductive care, causes of cross-border reproductive care, consequences of cross-border reproductive care, law evasion, right to procreate, right to have children Abstract - Children give a meaning to man's life. In today's world where more than 10 % of women suffer from infertility, assisted reproduction treatment (hereinafter referred to as "ART") occupies an important place. The topic of human reproduction is particularly delicate. There is no consensus on which ART methods are ethically acceptable and to whom ART should be provided. Therefore each and every state holds its own position in these matters. Difference among legal approaches results in patients seeking desirable treatment abroad. According to available data, most of the ART recipients travel abroad in order to evade legal barriers in their state of origin. Although in the most cases the ART abroad does not constitute any difficulties, in some cases problems may arise in connection with the treatment. States may try to prevent patients from traveling abroad in order to obtain the ART. They may try to protect themselves by refusing giving effect to legal...

The Mississippi River Delta Basin and Why We are Failing to Save its Wetlands

Boudreaux, Lon, Jr. 08 August 2007 (has links)
Every thousand years or so, when the Mississippi River's sediment load lengthened and blocked the River’s route to the Gulf of Mexico, the mother stream changed course completely, finding a shorter route to the sea. Then, it built a new delta, thus spreading the gift of land creation along a wide coastline and creating the bayou region of Louisiana. However, this ancient, natural process was gradually halted by the arrival of man who settled across the River's natural floodplain (delta) and constructed levees and other structures to control the great Mississippi River. Since the 1930s, the Mississippi River Delta Basin and the coast of Louisiana have been literally losing ground. The decline of this environment is now affecting, and will continue to affect, our nation's economy, infrastructure, culture, and safety. Moreover, efforts to fix this problem are not working. My research and this thesis will address the issue of how plans without action have appeased Louisianans while the nation looses vital wetlands daily.

Material Objects as Means of Portraying Female Characters' Personality in the 20th century : As Exemplified in the three Short Stories by J. D. Salinger, V. Woolf and F. Weldon

Zelenenkaya, Ekaterina January 2013 (has links)
The world we live in is full of material objects that serve as signs and thus are an important tool in literary texts. The purpose of the present essay is to illustrate how material objects are used to portray personalities of female characters, their inner world and attitudes, their ways of life and position in society. It is especially interesting in the context of the 20th century in the Western world, when the culture of consumption was gaining momentum and the role of a woman was gradually changing. The short stories analysed in the essay are written in the Western context in the 20th century, which are “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” by J.D. Salinger, “Moments of Being: ‘Slater’s Pins Have no Points’” by V. Woolf and “The Bottom Line and the Sharp End” by F. Weldon. The material objects mentioned in the texts are classified and analysed due to their role and purpose in the short stories.

Humanitära visum vid asylskäl : En kritisk analys av förutsättningarna för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige och dess påverkan på rätten att söka asyl

Rosendal, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Humanitarian visas for asylum purposes have been widely discussed in recent years. With few alternatives at their disposal, refugees are forced to illegal and dangerous routes in their attempts to reach Europe. The aim of this study is to investigate the conditions for implementing humanitarian visas in Sweden and to clarify the consequences of Sweden's approach to humanitarian visas for third-country nationals in need of international protection. Using idea analysis as a method, the tenability of two official reports published by the Swedish Government is analyzed. By examining the assessments, an understanding of the conditions for introducing humanitarian visas in Sweden is established. In order to explore the implications of Sweden's position on the right of third country nationals to seek asylum, the study draws on a critical perspective on how migrants and refugees’ risk being subjected to violent border controls and how their legal status is subjected to various kinds of scrutiny.  Several shortcomings are identified in these reports and the conditions thus created for the introduction of humanitarian visas in Sweden. Although the need for more safe and legal routes to seek asylum and the consequences of Sweden's migration and asylum policy are highlighted, no national measures are recommended. Instead, it is recommended that Sweden should lobby for the introduction of humanitarian visas to the EU as a whole, with the overall aim of reducing the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden in particular. Although it is commonplace for refugees to perish in search of safety, no practical measures are deemed essential to establish safe and legal routes for asylum seekers. State sovereignty thus continues to impede fundamental rights for all. Refugees and asylum seekers are severely affected by the uncertainty as to who is responsible for guaranteeing these fundamental rights. In an attempt to get these basic rights fulfilled, asylum seekers currently must resort to illegal acts at the risk of their lives. / Humanitära visum vid asylskäl har diskuterats flitigt de senaste åren. Med få alternativ till hands tvingas flyktingar ta till illegala och livsfarliga vägar i sina försök att ta sig till Europa. Syftet med studien är därför att utreda vilka förutsättningar som finns för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige samt att tydliggöra konsekvenserna av Sveriges inställning till humanitära visum för tredjelandsmedborgare som har ett internationellt skyddsbehov. Med idéanalys som metod granskas hållbarheten i två statliga offentliga utredningar. Genom att kritiskt granska de bedömningar som görs, skapas förståelse för vilka förutsättningar som finns för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige. För att utreda implikationerna som Sveriges inställning har på tredjelandsmedborgares rätt att söka asyl tar studien stöd av ett kritiskt perspektiv om hur människor på flykt riskerar att utsättas för våldsamma gränskontroller och hur deras juridiska ställning utsätts för olika typer av vågspel.  Flera brister identifieras i utredningarna och de förutsättningar som därmed ges för att införa humanitära visum i Sverige. Trots att behovet av fler säkra och lagliga vägar att söka asyl konstateras, samt att konsekvenserna av Sveriges migrations- och asylpolitik uppmärksammas, rekommenderas inte att några nationella åtgärder vidtas. I stället rekommenderas att Sverige ska framföra påtryckningar för att införa humanitära visum i EU. Ett övergripande mål är samtidigt att minska antalet asylsökande som söker sig till Sverige. Fastän det beskrivs hur människor på flykt omkommer i jakten på säkerhet, så bedöms inte nationella åtgärder vara nödvändiga för att införa säkra och lagliga vägar för asylsökande. Den statliga suveräniteten fortsätter således att utmana rätten till rättigheter för alla. Flyktingar och asylsökande drabbas framför allt av osäkerheten kring vem som är pliktbärare och oklarheter kring hur deras rättigheter ska tillförsäkras. För att försöka få sina rättigheter tillgodosedda tvingas de att ta till illegala handlingar med livet som insats.

Vieil homme, homme nouveau : esquisse d'une anthropologie paulinienne à partir d'une étude de Romains 5-8 / Old man, new man : sketch of a Pauline anthropology

Moise, Caleb 25 March 2013 (has links)
En quel sens peut-on parler d’une « anthropologie paulinienne » ? Telle est la question fondamentale de cette étude. Avant même de renvoyer à la signification de l’anthropologie paulinienne, elle nous invite tout d’abord à nous interroger sur les possibilités même de l’existence d’une anthropologie dans le cadre de la pensée de Paul. Existe-il chez Paul une pensée anthropologique élaborée en tant qu’objet premier du discours, ou nous est-il seulement permis de construire ou, mieux, d’esquisser, à partir d’une lecture croisée de ses écrits, une vision de l’humanité que l’on pourra finalement appeler une « anthropologie paulinienne » ? Cette étude s’attelle ainsi à montrer que, au-delà et comme en toile de fond des thèmes privilégiés développés par Paul, notamment la justification par la foi et non pas par la Loi, il existe une anthropologie paulinienne, laquelle est notamment déterminée par l’opposition structurelle entre le « vieil homme » et l’ « homme nouveau ». / In what sense can we speak of a “Pauline anthropology”? This is the fundamental question of this study. Before referring to the meaning of the “Pauline anthropology”, it firstly invites us to wonder if an anthropology within Paul's thought does exist. Is there a “Pauline anthropology” as the first object of Paul’s writings, or are we just allowed to build, or better, to sketch, from a joint reading of his writings, a vision of humanity that we can finally call a "Pauline anthropology" ? In this sense, this study aims at showing that, beyond and as a backdrop of the main topics developed by Paul (such as justification by faith and not by the Law), there is a “Pauline anthropology”, which is determined by the structural opposition between the “old man” and the “new man”.

Examing Links of Racial and Sexual Identity Development, Psychological Well-being, and Sexual Risks Among HIV-Positive, Same Sex Attracted African American Men

Kessler, Laura E. 26 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Исследование жизнестойкости лиц с нарушениями зрения : магистерская диссертация / The resilience research of people with sight disabilities

Решетникова, А. В., Reshetnikova, A. V. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования явилась жизнестойкость лиц с нарушениями зрения. Предметом исследования стали предикторы жизнестойкости лиц с нарушениями зрения. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы (134 источника) и 6 приложений, включающих в себя описание применявшихся методик и компонентов жизнестойкости, информационное письмо для родителей испытуемых, бланк для выбора шрифта, комфортного для чтения, таблицы с основными качественными и статистическими результатами исследования. Объем магистерской диссертации составляет 124 страницы, на которых размещены 15 рисунков-диаграмм и 11 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база. Первая и вторая главы включают в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования. Первая глава включает в себя описание представлений о понятии «жизнестойкость» (филологический, философский, психологический, социологический, педагогический аспекты жизнестойкости); рассматриваются этапы становления жизнестойкости лиц с ОВЗ в историческом контексте. Вторая глава включает в себя описание жизнестойкости лиц с ОВЗ в общем, и нарушениями зрения, в частности; жизнестойкость родителей, воспитывающих детей с нарушениями зрения. Выводы по первой и второй главам представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Третья глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации, процедуры и выборки испытуемых, методов, методик проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: Тест жизнестойкости С. Мадди (в адаптации Д. А. Леонтьева, Е. И. Рассказовой); Шкала оптимизма и активности (Шкала AOS) (Н. Водопьянова, М. Штейн); Тест-опросник самоотношения (В. В. Столин, С. Р. Пантелеев); Опросник копинг-стратегий СОРЕ Ч. Карвера и др. (в адаптации Гордеевой, Е. Н. Осина, Е. И. Рассказовой и др. (2010)); Опросник «Стиль саморегуляции поведения» (ССП-98); Методика Ш. Шварца (Ценностный опросник (ЦО) Шварца). Также в главе представлены качественный и корреляционный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 3 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object of the research is resilience of people with sight disabilities. The subject of the research is predictors of people’s resilience with sight disabilities. The master’s thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (134 sources) and 6 appendixes. The appendixes include the description of resilience components and techniques applied in our research, a letter of information addressed to parents of children who have taken part in our research, a type list designed for choosing its appropriate size, charts contained main qualitative and statistic research results. The master’s thesis contains 124 pages and includes 15 diagrams and 11 charts. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the scientific development of the problem, the aim and the objectives of the research. The introduction also highlights the object and the subject of our research, the hypothesis of the research, the used methods and the empirical base. Foreign and Russian literature on our research problem is reviewed in the first and the second chapters. The Chapter 1 describes a concept of resilience (its philological, philosophical, psychological, sociological and pedagogic aspects) and reveals the stages of resilience formation of people with disabilities in the historical context. The Chapter 2 describes the resilience of people with disabilities in general and the resilience of people with sight disabilities in particular. The second chapter also highlights the resilience of parents who bring up children with sight disabilities. Conclusions on the first and second chapters are the results of the study of theoretical material. The Chapter 3 is devoted to the empiric part of the research. It presents descriptions of the organization, the sample group of people, the methods and techniques used in the research and the results obtained on Hardiness Test by S. Maddi (adapted by D. Leontjev, E. Rasskasova); AOS by N. Vodopyanova, M. Stein; Self-relation Test by V. Stolin, S. Panteleev; Cope Inventory by C. Carver (adapted by T. Gordeeva, E. Osin, E. Rasskasova and others); Behavioral Self-regulation Style questionnaire; Value Survey by S. Schwartz. The third chapter also demonstrates qualitative and correlation analyses of the research results. The conclusions of Chapter 3 include the main results of the empirical research. The conclusion of master’s thesis generally presents the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work. It also describes the conclusions on the developed hypotheses, practical importance of the study and possible prospects for further development of this problem.

As relações federativas e as políticas de EJA no Estado de São Paulo no período de 2003-2009 / The federative relations and the EJA policies in the satate of São Paulo in the period 2003-2009.

Vieira, Rosilene Silva 08 July 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as políticas de EJA desenvolvidas pela União e pelo Estado de São Paulo, no período 2003-2009, sob a ótica do regime de colaboração em um Estado federativo. Elegemos como instâncias a serem objeto de nossa análise a Diretoria de Políticas de Educação de Jovens e Adultos da Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Diversidade e Alfabetização do Ministério da Educação DPEJA/SECAD/MEC, e a Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo SEESP. Através da descrição e análise de políticas e programas, e dos dados de demanda e oferta escolar por essas duas instâncias, buscamos avaliar como o regime de colaboração, entre as esferas federal e estadual de governo, tem se concretizado no Estado de São Paulo, no sentido e garantir a efetivação do direito à educação das pessoas jovens e adultas que não puderam iniciar ou concluir a escolarização básica na idade considerada regular. A pesquisa foi realizada mediante análise de documentos, realização de entrevistas com pessoas envolvidas com a temática e revisão da bibliografia sobre o tema. Conclui-se que a as responsabilidades estabelecidas pela legislação referente à obrigatoriedade da oferta de EJA não tem sido respeitada pela União e pelo Estado de São Paulo. Um dos principais fatores ligados a este descumprimento da legislação é o fato de que a colaboração entre estes dois entes federados em relação à EJA não se efetivou satisfatoriamente no período analisado. / educational policy; youth and adult education; federalism; São Paulo (State)

Faculty Senate Minutes January 27, 2014

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 04 February 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Ariadne’s Thread - memory, interconnection and the poetic in contemporary art

Fries, Katherine January 2008 (has links)
Master of Visual Arts / This Dissertation explores the metaphor of Ariadne’s thread in terms of interconnection, when an element from the everyday is used as a locus linking broader concepts of time and space. Such experiences and associations are reflected in the work of Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, Doris Salcedo, Lucio Fontana, Richard Tuttle, Mona Hatoum, Simone Mangos, Anya Gallaccio and Yoshihiro Suda. In relation to my own work, the metaphor of interconnecting thread allows a sense of freedom and journey of discovery. My studio and related research are closely aligned in developing my understanding of interconnection, through my studio process of making and continuing experiences of looking at and interpreting others artists’ work.

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