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Transmettre l'histoire pour former les citoyens : écriture et réécriture des livres d'histoire pour la jeunesse dans l'espace germanophone et en France (1760-1800) / Conveying Public Spirit Though History : Study of the Circulation of Historical Texts for the Young People in the German-speaking Area and France (1760-1800)Pujo, Pauline 28 November 2015 (has links)
Au fil des bouleversements politiques qui marquent l'espace germanophone et la France entre 1760 et 1800, la transmission du savoir historique voit ses missions, ses contenus et ses modalités profondément transformés. Répertoire d'exemples préparant les futurs souverains à l'exercice du pouvoir, l'enseignement de l'histoire s'insère dans le cadre d'États-nations qui réforment leurs systèmes éducatifs et intègrent une part grandissante de leur population dans la sphère politique. De fortes relations intertextuelles se tissent alors entre les livres d'histoire pour la jeunesse allemande et française – réécritures, traductions, compilations, synthèses, extensions, reprises de textes anciens ou étrangers re-contextualisés dans de nouvelles situations pédagogiques et politiques, qui contribuent à inventer le citoyen/Staatsbürger moderne. Deux formes de représentation sont examinées : les recueils d'histoires exemplaires, et à travers eux les recompositions des rapports entre morale et politique, et les tableaux synoptiques, outils pédagogiques qui mettent en lien les modèles politiques avec des modes d'ordonnancement des faits. Entre émancipation et discipline, ces deux formes induisent différents usages pédagogiques et modes de lecture par l'éducateur et par l'élève. Ces pratiques du texte peuvent à leur tour être modifiées selon les fonctions attribuées à la transmission de l'histoire voulues par le contexte politique : formation de futurs fonctionnaires, éveil de l'enthousiasme chez le citoyen-soldat ou encore complément à la lecture de la presse pour le jeune adulte – fonctions qui impliquent des définitions plus ou moins inclusives de la citoyenneté. / In a time of political upheaval in the Germanies and France, the transmission of historical knowledge underwent a profound transformation that affected its aims, its contents as well as its methods. In earlier periods, history was a collection of examples written as a guide for future sovereigns in order to compensate for their lack of experience. Between 1760 and 1800, an increasing proportion of the population was integrated into the political sphere, especially through gradual reforms in education in the emerging nation states. German and French authors copied, rewrote, synthesized, compiled and expanded upon one another's handbooks or children's books. They also reused and updated older teaching material, thus helping to redefine citizenship. Two forms of historical representation are analyzed: firstly, collections of exemplary stories – and through them the changing relationships between morality and politics. Secondly, such educational tools as timelines and more elaborated forms of historical overviews highlight the links between political models and the presentation of historical facts. Between emancipation and discipline, both forms induced different uses and reading modes from educator and pupil respectively. These uses could be modified according to the functions assigned to the transmission of history in the various political contexts: the training of future officials, the awakening of patriotic enthusiasm in the citizen-soldier or the introduction to a critical reading of the press for young adults – functions that implied a wide range of inclusive or exclusive definitions of citizenship.
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Bilderboken som medium för konsthistorieskrivning : En analys av samverkan mellan bild och text i Ylva Hillströms & Karin Eklunds bilderbok “Hilma af Klint - kartor över osynligheten” / The picture book as a medium for art history writing : An analytical study of the relationship between image and text in Ylva Hillströms & Karin Eklunds picture book Hilma af Klint - Mapping the InvisibleRönnberg, Mollie January 2022 (has links)
In this essay, the children’s picture book Hilma af Klint: maps of invisibility by Ylva Hillström and Karin Eklund is analyzed with the aim of exploring the picture book as a medium and tool for art history writing. The analysis examines how the artist Hilma af Klint is portrayed and how art history is presented, as well as placing a particular focus on analyzing the interaction between image and text. The content is examined with semiotic image analysis, an inductive literature study as well as reception aesthetics analysis. The analysis concludes that Hilma af Klint as an artist is portrayed as fearless, curious and serious, and her artistic ambition is described as the desire to understand the universe. The design of the picture book and the ability to freely place and combine images and texts in different ways means that it is possible to convey the history of the art in several ways. With the picture book, sometimes several parallel stories are told; sometimes picture and text work together to complement each other, other tims the same thing is presented in both text and picture, or the pictures tell a story of their own or provide additional information that does not appear in the text. Depending on the experience of the viewer/reader, it is possible to derive different things from the picture book, and gaps can be filled as well as be left empty, which creates excitement and curiosity about the rest of the art world. Through the illustrations representation of af Klint's work and Eklund's way of illustrating the works the images in the book relate back to the children's/viewer's own world. The design of the picture book functions as a gateway to what it is like to look at art and art books and it works to create images within the viewer.
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Ibn Khaldun om Banu Umayya : Historieskrivningen om det umayyadiska kalifatet och dess återgivelse i al-MuqaddimaAndersson, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
The history of Banu Umayya has since the collapse of the caliphate occupied a major part in Islamic historiography. The present thesis analyses the presentation of the Umayyads in Ibn Khaldun’s al-Muqaddima and its relation to previous historical traditions. The thesis examines the social and intellectual context in which Ibn Khaldun stood and how it is represented in his historiography, while also providing an overview of the various socio-political, intellectual and historiographical developments in Islam. The theoretical perspectives are based on the concept of agency, examining the intellectual room for manoeuvre that the historian disposed of while composing the works. The relation between the past-as-history and the historical past is emphasised and analysed by examination of narrative arrangements and content in relation to the historians’ contexts. Rather than viewing Ibn Khaldun as an exception, the study clarifies his contextual representativity by analysing his views on the Umayyads. The thesis also discusses the historiographical significance of the Umayyad history for the later development of Islam, while thereby attempting to open the field of research regarding the Umayyad history and its importance as self-definitions among later movements, historians and traditions of Islam.
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Le orecchie si piene di Fiandra : Italian news and histories on the Revolt in the Netherlands (1566-1648)Lamal, Nina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the Italian news reports, political debates and histories of the revolt in the Netherlands between 1566 and 1648. Many Italians were directly involved in this conflict and were keen narrators of these wars. Despite this, a systematic study of the Italian interest for the conflict has not yet been undertaken. This thesis argues that the complex political constellation of the Italian peninsula, dominated by the Habsburg monarchy, shaped the Italian news, debates and interpretations of the Dutch Revolt. Chapter one examines the different ways in which news from the Low Countries reached Italian states. It demonstrates that Italian military officers, active on the battlefield in the Netherlands in the Habsburg army, played a crucial role as purveyors of news and opinion on the conflict. The two following chapters study the circulation of political treatises on the Italian peninsula. Chapter two reconstructs the debates sparked by the events in the Low Countries between 1576 and 1577. Chapter three examines the descriptions of the emergence of a new state in the Northern Netherlands and the discourses on war and peace between 1590 and 1609. Chapter four looks into the development of a market for printed news pamphlets and explores the connections between manuscript and printed news. Chapter five studies how news was used by Italian history writers in their contemporary chronicles. It also investigates how these authors celebrated Italian protagonists in the war as Italian and Catholic heroes. The conclusion examines the evolution of all these Italian discourses related to Dutch Revolt.
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Le Mercure François : écrire et publier l’histoire du temps présent (1611-1648) / The Mercure François : writing and publishing the history of the present time (1611-1648)Cerdeira, Virginie 08 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se propose d’étudier le Mercure François comme objet d’histoire à part entière. Souvent considérée comme annonciatrice de la presse périodique d’actualité politique, cette collection de vingt-cinq volumes imprimés et publiés périodiquement à Paris entre 1611 et 1648, poursuit en réalité l’objectif d’écrire et publier l’histoire du temps présent du royaume de France et de l’Europe chrétienne entre 1605 et 1644. L’articulation d’une analyse de l’intégralité de la collection à l’étude de cas choisis dans le périodique pour leurs enjeux politiques est la méthode adoptée ici. Le croisement de sources internes et externes au Mercure François permet d’analyser la définition donnée au périodique par les acteurs, et, donc, de préciser leur conception de l’histoire. L’écriture de celle-ci est perçue comme un engagement politique et civique. La comparaison de la relation et de la publication d’événements politiques marquants par différents médias a permis de préciser le rôle déterminant des frères Richer, les imprimeurs-libraires du Mercure François, dans la fondation engagé de la collection. Il a également permis de noter les évolutions du Mercure François en fonction du contexte politique et de l’influence croissante des théories de la raison d’État. / This thesis is to study the Mercure Francois as a real history object. Often considered as an archaic form of the periodic political news media, this collection of twenty-five volumes printed and published periodically in Paris between 1611 and 1648, pursued in fact the goal of writing and publishing the present history of the kingdom of France and Christian Europe between 1605 and 1644. The joint analysis of the entire collection to the cases studied and chosen for the political issues at that time is the approach taken here. The crossing of internal and external sources to the Mercure François used to analyze the definition of the periodical by the actors, and, therefore, to clarify their definition of history. The writing of it was seen as a political and civic engagement. The comparison of the narration and the publication of important political events in various media has clarified the crucial role of Richer brothers, Mercure François’ printers and booksellers in the foundation engaged of the collection. It has also allowed to note changes in the Mercure François according to the political context and to the growing influence of the reason of State’s theories at the time.
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Une épopée ibérique : Autour des oeuvres d’Alonso de Ercilla et de Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589) / An Iberian Epic : Alonso de Ercilla and Jerónimo Corte-Real’s Poems (1569-1589)Plagnard, Aude 04 December 2015 (has links)
Peut-on lire l’épopée espagnole et l’épopée portugaise du seizième siècle indépendamment l’une de l’autre ? La présente étude montre qu’entre 1569 et 1589, l’Espagnol Alonso de Ercilla et le Portugais Jerónimo Corte-Real composèrent une série d’épopées au fil desquelles émerge une pratique commune et originale du genre. Étroitement liées aux Lusiades de Luís de Camões (1572), elles dessinent un modèle partagé de narration épique dans une étroite relation intertextuelle. Lues dans l’ensemble de la péninsule ibérique, ces épopées portugaises et espagnoles éveillèrent l’intérêt du public pour leurs sujets tirés de l’histoire récente. La comparaison avec les chroniques révèle une mimésis formelle, destinée à autoriser ces récits en vers en adoptant de certains traits de l’histoire en prose. Mais le choix de l’épopée les rattache au traitement de la guerre et des conflits dans la longue histoire du genre. À l’instar de la tradition épique depuis Homère, elles reflètent les profonds changements qui accompagnent l’expansion territoriale espagnole et portugaise et la réunion des deux couronnes en 1580. Cette convergence des poètes autour de l’actualité de l’Ibérie moderne les place en situation de concurrence. Il en résulte une émulation affichée dans l’imitation de modèles communs – latins, le plus souvent – et dans la reprise de motifs caractéristiques de l’épopée dans lesquelles est chiffrée cette concurrence. En travaillant ces mêmes motifs, en se répondant d’un texte à l’autre, Ercilla, Corte-Real et Camões, forgent sur deux décennies un patron narratif ibérique qui rompt avec le modèle du Roland furieux avant que celui du Tasse ne s’impose dans la péninsule. / Can we read Spanish and Portuguese epic poetry independently of each other? This study demonstrates that between 1569 and 1589 the Spaniard Alonso de Ercilla and the Portuguese Jerónimo Corte-Real published a series of epic poems through which emerged a common and original practice of the genre. Closely linked to Camões’ Lusiadas (1572), they form a shared epic model built on an intertextual poetic practice. Read throughout the Iberian peninsula, this Spanish and Portuguese epic demonstrates its readers’ interest for the subjects based on recent history. Compared to the chronicles it reveals a formal mimesis through which verse history is authorized by some formal imitations of prose history. Nevertheless, by choosing epic poetry, poets link these narratives to the treatment of war and military conflicts during the long history of the genre. As epic poets since Homer, these modern poets unveil the deep changes that occurred during the Spanish and Portuguese colonial expansion and the union of the two crowns in 1580. Because they deal with current events in modern Iberia, the poets are placed in a competitive situation, coded in the text, in the imitation of common poetic models –Latin, mostly– and in the use of some typical epic motives. Through working on the same motives and dialoguing from one text to another, Ercilla, Corte Real and Camões invent, over the course of two decades, a narrative Iberian pattern that breaks with the Orlando furioso tradition before Tasso’s model became preponderant in the peninsula.
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#Historia : Metadata som resurs i historieforskningBoström, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Under 2000-talet har det producerats och spridits mängder av betydande forskning som publicerats via databaser. En betydelsefull länk i kunskapsspridningen utgörs av akademin som i dag står för den största andelen av vetenskapliga publikationer. I denna historiografiskt inriktade undersökning kartläggs och undersöks en del av svensk historieforskning och historieskrivning som ägt rum under 2000-talet. Den vetenskapliga disciplin som undersöks inom det humanistiska fältet är historievetenskapen, avgränsat till de resultat av forskning som studenter gjort runtom på de svenska universiteten och högskolorna, i ämnet historia. Källmaterialet består av studentuppsatser som publicerats i databasen Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet, DiVA vilket i dag ses som det nationellt mest använda systemet för publikationsdata, med över 400 tusen publicerade fulltexter varav antal nedladdade uppgår över 53 miljoner gånger. Genom empiriska och teoretiska studier och bruket av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder analyseras metadata, för att ge svar och resultat över frågan om vad studenter i det svenska utbildningssystemet, på universitet och högskolor skriver historia om under 2000-talet. För att få fram svar fungerade bibliometri som kunskapsområde och frågan om vilka nyckelord som dominerar och var de mest frekvent använda i taggningen (definitionerna) av forskningsresultaten ställdes. Delfrågan om hur bruket av nyckelord ser ut över tid användes för att få fram och se trend över resultat. Teoretiskt ramverk i undersökningen och läsning av de kvantitativa resultaten utgick från Kuhns teori om paradigm. Resultat visar att Genus, Historiebruk, Arkeologi, Historiemedvetande, Historiedidaktik, Identitet, Osteologi, Andra världskriget, Diskursanalys, Kalla kriget, Samer, Laborativ arkeologi och Utbildningshistoria utgör några ledande sakområden som studenterna skrivit historia om under 2000-talet. Resultat visar också att det nationella paradigmet är ledande för studenternas historieforskning, även om USA, Sovjetunionen, Jugoslavien, Japan, Finland, Sápmi och Israel förekommer frekvent. Avslutningsvis visade föreliggande undersökning att metadata kan användas som resurs i historieforskning samtidigt som det historiska perspektivet vidgas. / During the 2000s, numerous significant researches have been produced and disseminated through databases. An important link in the dissemination of knowledge consists of the academy, which today accounts for the largest proportion of scientific publications. In this historiographically oriented study, a part of Swedish history research and history writing that took place during the 2000s is mapped and examined. The scientific discipline that is investigated in the humanities field is the science of history, limited to the results of research that students have done around the Swedish universities and colleges, in the subject of history. The source material consists of student essays published in the database Digital Scientific Archive, DiVA, which today is seen as the nationally most used system for publication data, with over 400 thousand published full texts, of which the number downloaded is over 53 million times. Through empirical and theoretical studies and the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, metadata is analyzed, to provide answers and results on the question of what students in the Swedish education system, at universities and colleges write history about during the 2000s. To obtain answers, bibliometrics functioned as an area of knowledge and the question of which keywords dominated and were the most frequently used in the tagging (definitions) of the research results was asked. The sub-question about how the use of keywords looks over time was used to bring out and see the trend over results. Theoretical framework in the study and reading of the quantitative results was based on Kuhn's theory of paradigm. Results indicate that Gender, History Use, Archeology, History Consciousness, History Didactics, Identity, Osteology, World War II, Discourse Analysis, the Cold War, Sami, Laboratory Archeology and Educational History are some leading subject areas that students wrote history about during the 2000s. Results also point out that the national paradigm is leading for students' history research, although the United States, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Japan, Finland, Sápmi and Israel occur frequently. In conclusion, the present study showed that metadata can be used as a resource in history research while broadening the historical perspective.
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Reordering of Meaningful Worlds : Memory of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Post-Soviet UkraineYurchuk, Yuliya January 2014 (has links)
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian society faced a new reality. The new reality involved consolidation and transformation of collective identities. The reinvigoration of national identity led to a change in the emphasis on how the past was dealt with – many things which were regarded as negative by the Soviet regime became presented as positive in independent Ukraine. The war-time nationalist movement, represented by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), became one of the re-configured themes of history. While most of the studies of memory of the OUN and UPA concentrated on the use of the history of the OUN and UPA by nationalist parties, this study goes beyond the analysis of such use of history and scrutinizes the meaning of this history in nation- and state-building processes in relation to memory work realized on the small-scale regional and local levels with the main focus on Rivne and Rivne oblast’. Moreover, this book focusses not only on the “producers” of memory, but also on the “consumers” of memory, the area which is largely understudied in the field of memory studies. In the book the main emphasis is put on monuments which are regarded as catalysts and symptoms of memory. The present study showed that the OUN and UPA are used more as the metaphors of the anti-Soviet and anti-communist struggle for independence than as historical entities. This past is largely mythologized. Functioning as a myth the memory of the OUN and UPA obliterates difficult knowledge that the historical research reveals on the questionable activities and ideology of those organizations. As a result, the past of the OUN and UPA is re-imagined, re-filled with new meanings so that it is used along even with the democratic and pro-European claims in the present. It was especially well-observed during the Orange Revolution in 2004 and during the Euromaidan in 2013-2014, when the European Union’s flags were seen next to the OUN’s red-and-black flags or when the pro-European slogans were proclaimed alongside the OUN and UPA slogans. At the same time, the results demonstrated an intricate complexity of memory work shaped by intensive dynamics of private and public, grassroots and official, local and national encounters. Although there have been attempts made by political actors to draw a direct link between the national identity, political allegiances and proposed heroic version of memory, the study showed, that such attempts did not really work. In the pluralistic context the meanings are too fluid and adherence to one version of history does not preclude adherences to other versions of history which are presented as diametrically opposite in the political sphere. As result, on the recipients’ grassroots level, the memory reveals its amalgamated characteristics. Drawing on studies about post-colonial subjectivities and theories of remediation developed in memory studies, this book explores the changes in memory culture of contemporary Ukraine and examines the role of memory in producing new meanings under the rapidly changing conditions after the collapse of the Soviet Union up to 2014. The book contributes to the studies of memory culture in post-Communist countries as well as to the studies of society in contemporary Ukraine.
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Les écritures de l'histoire dans les romans québécois de la décennie 1980-1990 / The writing of history in the Quebec novels of the 1980sOllier-Pochart, Elsa 10 July 2012 (has links)
Cette étude propose l’analyse des écritures de l’Histoire à travers un corpus de huit œuvres romanesques publiées au Québec entre 1980 et 1990. Il s’agit de La Tribu et Les Plaines à l’envers de F. Barcelo, de la trilogie des Fils de la liberté de Louis Caron, du Premier jardin de Anne Hébert, de La Maison Trestler ou le 8ème jour d’Amérique de Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska et d’Un dernier blues pour Octobre de Pierre Turgeon. Là où la langue anglaise distingue « history » et « story », le français utilise le vocable « histoire ». Si sa polysémie peut engendrer des confusions, elle peut aussi générer les réflexions qui ont sous-tendu cette analyse. Comment l’histoire raconte-t-elle l’Histoire ? Comment les histoires permettent-elles de réécrire une Histoire plurielle dans le Québec des années 1980 ? Pour répondre à ces questions, trois axes sont développés. Le premier s’attache à analyser les rapports fraternels puis fratricides entre la littérature et l’Histoire, disciplines devenues distinctes au XIXème, puis il propose une réflexion sur le roman historique et les écritures romanesques de l’Histoire. Le deuxième axe présente une mise en regard des discours historique et romanesque au sein des œuvres constitutives du corpus. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, notre réflexion nous conduit à analyser les poétiques québécoises afin de montrer comment ces textes participent, par une réécriture mémorielle, à l’émergence d’une identité collective québécoise en cette fin de XXème siècle. / This study aims at analysing the writing of history through a corpus of eight novels, published in Quebec between 1980 and 1990. The corpus is comprised of La Tribu and Les Plaines à l’envers by F. Barcelo, of Louis Caron’s trilogy Fils de la liberté, of Premier jardin by Anne Hébert, of La Maison Trestler ou le 8ème jour d’Amérique by Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska’s and of Un dernier blues pour Octobre by Pierre Turgeon. While English distinguishes « history » from « story », French uses the single term « histoire ». If that polysemy may cause confusion, it may also generate a reflection, just as the one underlying this analysis: How does a story tell history? How have stories contributed to the rewriting of Quebec’s plural history in the 1980s? Answering these questions will require three main developments. The first part will be an attempt to explain and understand the fraternal yet fratricidal relationship between literature and history, two disciplines which became distinct in the 19th century. Moreover, it proposes a reflection on the historical novel and historical fiction. The second part will be devoted to the comparative study of the historical and narrative discourses within the constituent novels of the corpus. And finally, in a third part, our reflection will lead us to consider Quebec’s poetics, in order to show how –by rewriting memory– those texts have participated in creating Quebec’s collective identity at the very end of the 20th century.
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