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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yrkeshögskolan i skuggan av högskola/universitet : En kvalitativ studie om hur studie- och yrkesvägledare informerar och vägleder elever inför eftergymnasial utbildning / Higher vocational education in the shadow of college/university : A qualitative study about how study and career counselors inform and guide students towards post-secondary education

Calissendorff, Matilda, Michelsson, Nellie January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie ämnade att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare informerar och vägleder elever på högskoleförberedande gymnasieprogram inför val av eftergymnasiala studier på högskola/universitet och yrkeshögskola. Studien bottnade i en teoretisk ansats som tar sin grund i Careershipteorin, med särskild tyngdpunkt i handlingshorisont. Sammanlagt har åtta studie- och yrkesvägledare verksamma på högskoleförberedande gymnasieprogram i olika delar av Sverige intervjuats i denna kvalitativa studie. De empiriska data som insamlats genom dessa intervjuer har analyserats genom en abduktiv kodning. Studiens resultat visade på att såväl information som vägledning anges kunna bedrivas på ett flertal olika sätt, alla med olika påverkan på eleverna och deras handlingshorisonter inför val av framtida studier på högskola/universitet och yrkeshögskola. / This study intended to investigate how study and career counselors inform and guide students in college preparatory programmes in upper secondary school before choosing post-secondary studies at colleges/universities and higher vocational education. The study was based on a theoretical approach that is based on the Careership theory, with special emphasis on horizons for action. A total of eight study and career counselors active in college preparatory programmes in various parts of Sweden have been interviewed in this qualitative study. The empirical data collected through these interviews have been analyzed through abductive coding. The results of the study showed that both information and guidance are stated to be conducted in a number of different ways, all with different effects on students and their horizons for action before choosing future studies at colleges/universities and higher vocational education.

Nya möjlighetshorisonter : Ett livsvärldsperspektiv på lärande på sfi och i dess närhet / Towards New Horizons of Possibilities. A Life-world Perspective on Adult Learning of Swedish for Immigrants

Nordqvist, Martina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to expand our knowledge of the learning processes of an adult learner of Swedish as second language, in his different regional lifeworlds; family, friends, school and work. Based on a lifeworld approach to human existence and learning the study is grounded in Husserl’s contribution to phenomenology. The research questions deal with how learning is expressed in the different regional lifeworlds, how different approaches to learning are made visible, and future prerequisites for learning. Processes of learning according to Transformative Learning as well as the concept of disjunctures are applied in the analysis, as is the concept of horizons of possibilities. Participating observation, stimulated recall, audio recordings and interviews were used to assemble material for the study. The most important findings are the limited possibilities for the student’s regional worlds transforming into learning worlds, and the challenges regarding learning processes due to biography and lack of interaction. As for prerequisites for learning disjunctures are currently solved with assimilation rather than learning, and the most visible horizon of possibility is the participator’s personal openness to learning in daily encounters. An important conclusion drawn from the study is the urgent need for a more holistic approach to adult learning, involving a greater part of the student’s lifeworld.

Corporate Entrepreneurship - Transferring Innovations into the Main Organization : A Case Study in the Context of the Telecommunications Industry

Lizcano Quintero, Maryori Girlesa, Mshothola, Angelina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship in large organizations with regards to how innovations are transferred from an Innovation Department into a receiving Business Unit. It aims to understand this topic by identifying what challenges are common barriers to this transfer process. It also identifies the causes of these challenges. Finally, this thesis establishes what suitable approach can be adapted to address these challenges.   To answer these concerns, this research takes a deductive research approach by conducting a qualitative, empirical research through semi-structured interviews within a large Nordic telecommunication company. It also includes, benchmarking against two examples of companies that have developed solutions to overcome similar challenges. This qualitative methodology involves analyzing the interview and benchmarking results in comparison with literature, to confirm or disprove previous research.   From the findings, eight categories of common challenges are discovered which are rooted within the innovation strategy of incumbent companies. Based on this research, a framework is developed as an approach to address the challenges of transferring innovations from an Innovation Department into a receiving Business Unit. As contribution to this field of study, this thesis highlights how multiple academic theories such as Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Innovation Strategy can be synthesized to collectively address these challenges. This is done by proposing a solution that is adaptable for different incumbent organizations. The proposed framework uses a stage-gate process that progresses when certain criteria agreed between an Innovation Department and a receiving Business Unit, are fulfilled. This agreement is based on the extent to which the criteria for each stage-gate is achieved in order to transfer ownership of the innovation solution / Denna avhandling undersöker ämnet företags entreprenörskap i stora organisationer när det gäller hur innovationer överförs från en innovationsavdelning till en mottagande affärsenhet. Den syftar till att förstå detta ämne genom att identifiera vilka utmaningar som är gemensamma hinder för denna överföringsprocess samt orsakerna till dessa utmaningar. Slutligen fastställs lämpliga tillvägagångsättför att hantera dessa utmaningar.   För att svara på dessa utmaningar tillämpas en deduktiv forskningsmetod och en kvalitativ forskningsdesign baserat på semi-strukturerade intervjuer inom ett stort nordiskt telekommunikationsföretag. Den inkluderar också benchmarking med två företag som har utvecklat lösningar för att övervinna liknande utmaningar. Denna kvalitativa metod innebär analys av intervjuer samt benchmarking i jämförelse med litteraturen för att bekräfta eller motbevisa tidigare forskning.   I resultaten återfinns åtta kategorier av gemensamma utmaningar som är förankrade i innovationskulturen hos befintliga företag. Baserat på resultaten utvecklades ett ramverk för att hantera utmaningarna kring att överföra innovationer från en innovationsavdelning till en mottagande affärsenhet. Som ett bidrag till detta ämnesområde framhävs i denna avhandling hur flera akademiska teorier som corporate entreprenörskap (or intraprenörskap- look it up), innovationsledning och innovationsstrategi kan syntetiseras för att gemensamt hantera dessa utmaningar . Detta görs genom att föreslå en lösning som är anpassningsbar för olika etablerade organisationer. Den föreslagna ramen använder en steg-grind-modellen (look it up) som fortskrider när vissa kriterier som överenskommits mellan en innovationsavdelning och en mottagande affärsenhet är uppfyllda. Processen är baserad på i vilken utsträckning kriterierna för varje steg är uppnådda för att överföra äganderätten till innovationslösningen.

Characterization Of Online Archives Of Astronomical Imaging Vis-a-vis Serendipitous Asteroids, And Their Astrometric Properties

Denis, Jean Marc 01 January 2012 (has links)
The identification of known asteroids on existing CCD pictures would allow us to obtain accurate astrometric and photometric asteroid properties. Some asteroids might have ambiguous orbital elements, thus their identification along with their exact positions on multiple picture frames could significantly improve their orbital elements. Furthermore, the possibility of identifying known asteroids on older pictures, sometimes preceding their discovery date, might allow the study of non-gravitational effects like the Yarkovsky effect. Identifying a potential Yarkovsky effect on asteroids is challenging because it is extremely weak. However, this effect cumulates with time, therefore, it is necessary to find astronomical pictures that are as old as possible. In addition, we need to collect high quality CCD pictures and use a methodology that would allow obtaining a statistically significant sample of asteroids. To accomplish this, we decided to use the online archive of the Subaru telescope at Mauna Kea Hawaii because it has a prime-focus camera with a very high resolution of 80 millions pixels very well suited to capture serendipitous asteroids. In addition, the Subaru online archive has pictures from the last 10 years. iv The methodology used in this thesis is to build a database that contains the orbital elements of all the known asteroids, allowing us to write a program that calculates the approximate position of all the asteroids at the date and time of each CCD picture we collect. To obtain a more precise position, the program also interfaces the JPL NASA Horizons on-line computation service. Every time an asteroid is found on a picture, Horizons sends its theoretical location back to the program. A later visual identification of this asteroid at this theoretical location on the picture triggers its input into our sample for further study. This method allowed us to visually confirm 508 distinct asteroids on 692 frames with an average diameter of 3.6 km. Finally, we use the theory (given in appendix A) to calculate the theoretical drift of these asteroids that we compare with the one we measured on the CCD pictures.

Exploring youth’s nature values and desirable future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm / Exploring youth’s nature values and desirable future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm

Thiel, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
As human activity continues to cause significant global issues, such as the decline of biodiversity, there is an increasing demand to engage with desirable visions of the future. Sustainability research emphasizes the significance of participatory approaches prioritizing nature and incorporating diverse human-nature relationships to promote more inclusive and sustainable paths to a positive future. However, the involvement of youth in current future studies is limited. Urban national parks provide valuable opportunities to investigate people-nature relations and their future. This study conducted a participatory futures workshop that combined the Natures Futures Framework and the Three Horizons Framework with fifteen young individuals living in Stockholm to capture their diverse nature relationships and positive future visions of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm. The workshop identified several aspects of nature in the park appreciated by the group, such as biodiversity, calmness, and the opportunity for recreation and connection to nature. If those values are projected onto a desirable future, this group of youth envisions the park to include reduced pollution, increased biodiversity, stronger protection and regulation, and prioritization of nature, with societal involvement and better accessibility. To support value-inclusive decision-making for the sustainable future of the Royal National City Park, collected values and visions were shared with park stakeholders. By collecting diverse nature value perspectives on a local scale using the Nature Futures Framework, this work contributes to the generation of a global perspective of desirable nature futures. While the Natures Futures Framework proved effective in generating rich value perspectives, a reflection survey revealed that not all participants found the framework easy to understand, particularly the difference between the different value perspectives presented in the framework. In conclusion, this study provides insights into possible futures and inspires actions toward a sustainable future where humans and nature coexist in harmony.


MAYARA GOMES SILVA 07 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] O petróleo e gás são importantes na economia mundial, utilizados como matéria-prima em vários produtos. Para a extração desses produtos é necessário realizar a caracterização dos reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos. A partir dessa caracterização são extraídos um volume com dados sísmicos da região de interesse. Esses dados são interpretados para identificação de várias características, como a classificação de fácies sísmicas, horizontes, falhas, e gás. A grande quantidade de dados do volume de sísmica, torna a interpretação manual cada vez mais desafiadora. Muitos pesquisadores da área de interpretação sísmica tem investido em métodos utilizando redes neurais. As redes neurais convolucionais (CNN) são muito utilizadas em problemas de visão computacional, e obtém ótimos resultados em muitos problemas com dados 2D. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a aplicação de redes neurais convolucionais no mapeamento supervisionado de horizontes sísmicos. Avaliamos nossa proposta usando o bloco F3 com as anotações de fácies sísmicas. Os dados foram utilizados baseados em modelo de seção e patches. Na previsão de horizonte foram avaliadas as arquiteturas da ResUnet e DC-Unet. Como função de perda foram analisadas a Generalized Dice e a perda Focal Tversky. O método mostrou resultados promissores com a ResUnet e função de perda Focal Tversky, nos dados baseados em patches de 128x128, alcançando aproximadamente 56 por cento na métrica Dice. A implementação completa e as redes treinadas estão disponíveis em https://github.com/mayaragomys/seismic_horizons. / [en] Oil and gas are important in the world economy, used as raw materials in various products. For the extraction of these products, it is necessary to carry out the characterization of the hydrocarbon reservoirs. This characterization extracts a volume with seismic data from the region of interest. These data are interpreted to identify various features, such as the classification of seismic facies, horizons, faults, and gas. A large amount of seismic volume data makes manual interpretation increasingly challenging. Many researchers in the field of seismic interpretation have invested in methods using neural networks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are widely used in computer vision problems and get great results in many situations with 2D data. The present work aimed to apply convolutional neural networks in the supervised mapping of seismic horizons. We evaluated our proposal using the F3 block with seismic facies annotations. The data representation in the input layer are patches of sections. In the horizon forecast, we evaluate the architectures of ResUnet and DC-Unet. We use the Generalized Dice and the Focal Tversky loss functions for the loss function. The method delivered promising results with the ResUnet and Focal Tversky loss function on data based on 128x128 patches, reaching approximately 56 percent on the Dice metric. The full implementation and the trained networks are available at https://github.com/mayaragomys/seismic_horizons.

Human rights and United States military humanitarian and civic assistance in Latin America

Shimotsu, John M. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The thesis evaluates the extent to which human rights were promoted in United States Military Humanitarian and Civic Assistance exercises in Latin America. This is important because the promotion of human rights is a stated foreign policy goal, even in security cooperation programs. It will be argued that a human rights focus matters in the selection of training objectives, engagement in the interagency process, and coordination with the host nation. Comparative case analysis of Opening Roads-Ecuador 1987 and New Horizons-Nicaragua 1999 indicates that the post-Cold War US military is implementing some principles congruent with a human rights perspective, such as promoting sustainable development and good governance. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Naval Reserve

Máximos e mínimos na Educação Básica: abordagens elementares sem derivadas / Maxima and minima in Basic Education: elementary approaches without derivatives

Rocha, Wilian Oliveira 28 May 2019 (has links)
Nosso objetivo com este trabalho é contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da ação educativa do professor de matemática na Educação Básica, tanto em formação inicial quanto em formação continuada. Apresentamos algumas abordagens elementares para estudo de Máximos e Mínimos que utilizam conteúdos próprios dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio embasados principalmente na obra Maxima and Minima without Calculus (NIVEN, 1981). Discutimos os conceitos de Conhecimento Especializado e de Horizontes de Conteúdo Matemático como justificativa para a relevância do uso deste material, que foram cunhados por pesquisadores da Universidade de Michigan, liderados por Deborah Ball no artigo Content Knowledge for Teaching: What Makes it Special? (2008). Trazemos uma análise crítica da abordagem utilizada para o tema em alguns livros didáticos de Ensino Médio. Discorremos sobre os quatro conceitos de Médias aritmética, geométrica, harmônica e quadrática partindo de problemas que originaram tais conceitos. Mostramos ainda como podem ser naturalmente associados a medidas de segmentos definidos em quadrados, trapézios e semicírculos que evidenciam claramente certas desigualdades entre elas. A seguir, como aplicação de produtos notáveis e trinômios do segundo grau, apresentamos problemas algébricos e geométricos envolvendo máximos e mínimos e discutimos suas soluções. Estabelecemos e provamos algebricamente as desigualdades entre as quatro médias (de até quatro números positivos), que são aplicadas para a determinação de pontos de máximo ou mínimo de funções variadas em problemas contextualizados. Por fim generalizamos e provamos as desigualdades entre as médias para n números positivos e desenvolvemos várias outras aplicações. / This work intends to be a contribution to the improvement of the educational action of mathematics school teachers in both initial or continuous formation. We present some elementary approaches for the study of Maxima and Minima that use final years of Elementary and High School contents only, mainly based on Ivan Nivens book Maxima and Minima without Calculus (NIVEN, 1981). We discuss the concepts of Specialized and Horizons Knowledge of Mathematical Content as a justification for the relevance of the use of this material, which were been introducted by the University of Michigans researchers, led by Deborah Ball, in the article - Content Knowledge for Teaching: What Makes it Special? (2008). We bring a critical analysis of the approach employed for the topic (maxima and minima) in some high school textbooks. We discuss the four concepts of averages - arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and quadratic - starting from problems that originated them. We also show how they can be naturally associated with measures of segments defined in squares, trapezoids and semicircles so that we can clearly visualise certains inequalities between them. Next, as an application of notable products and of second degree trinomials, we present algebraic and geometric problems of maxima or minima and discuss their solutions. We establish and prove algebraically the inequalities between the four averages (up to four positive numbers), which are applied to determine maximum or minimum points of varied functions in contextualized problems. Finally we generalize and prove the averages inequalities for n positive numbers and we develop several applications.


AURELIO MORAES FIGUEIREDO 21 February 2008 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho apresentamos um algoritmo baseado em agrupamento de dados para o mapeamento automático de horizontes e de falhas sísmicas a partir de dados sísmicos 3D. Apresentamos uma técnica para quantizar o volume sísmico de entrada a partir dos neurônios do grafo resultante do processo de treinamento de uma instância do algoritmo Growing Neural Gas (GNG). No conjunto de amostras de entrada utilizadas pelo GNG, cada amostra representa um voxel do volume de entrada, e retém informações da vizinhança vertical desse voxel. Depois da etapa de treinamento, a partir do grafo gerado pelo GNG um novo volume quantizado é gerado, e nesse volume possíveis ambigüidades e imperfeições existentes no volume de entrada tendem a ser minimizadas. A partir do volume quantizado descrevemos uma nova técnica de extração de horizontes, desenvolvida com o objetivo de que seja possível mapear horizontes na presença de estruturas geológicas complexas, como por exemplo horizontes que possuam porções completamente desconectadas por uma ou mesmo diversas falhas sísmicas. Também iniciamos o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de mapeamento de falhas sísmicas utilizando informações presentes no volume quantizado. Os resultados obtidos pelo processo de mapeamento de horizontes, testado em volumes diferentes, foram bastante promissores. Além disso, os resultados iniciais obtidos pelo processo de extração de falhas sugerem que a técnica pode vir a ser uma boa alternativa para a tarefa. / [en] In this work we present a clusterization-based method to map seismic horizons and faults from 3D seismic data. We describe a method used to quantize an initial seismic volume using a trained instance of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) algorithm. To accomplish this task we create a training set where each sample corresponds to an entry volume voxel, retaining its vertical neighboring information. After the training procedure, the resulting graph is used to create a quantized version of the original volume. In this quantized volume both horizons and faults are more evidenced in the data, and we present a method that uses the created volume to map seismic horizons, even when they are completely disconnected by seismic faults. We also present another method that uses the quantized version of the volume to map the seismic faults. The horizon mapping procedure, tested in different volume date, yields good results. The preliminary results presented for the fault mapping procedure also yield good results, but needs further testing.

Caracterização e evolução das substâncias húmicas de horizontes espódicos na planície costeira do estado de São Paulo / Characterization and Evolution of humic substances of spodic horizons in the coastal plain of São Paulo State

Lopes, Josiane Millani 20 January 2011 (has links)
A evolução da planície costeira do Estado de São Paulo foi influenciada por eventos de transgressões e regressões do mar durante o Quaternário e suas características resultam da interação da dinâmica dos processos geológicogeomorfológicos que agiram continuamente durante esses eventos. Os solos de maior ocorrência nesse ambiente, genericamente chamado de restinga, são os Espodossolos, caracterizados pela presença de horizonte espódico (Bh ou Bhm). São poucos os estudos científicos relacionadas à gênese destes solos em regiões tropicais, assim como há poucos estudos detalhados avaliando as características e a composição química da matéria orgânica (MO) presente nestes solos, bem como as suas relações com a transcorrência do tempo e as condições de drenagem. Os municípios paulistas de Cananéia e Bertioga foram selecionados para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa devido à presença de diferentes unidades sedimentares e de vegetação remanescente. A caracterização dos ácidos húmicos (AH) extraídos dos horizontes dos diferentes perfis de Espodossolos com o emprego de técnicas espectroscópicas como Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) de 13C, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e Fluorescência, bem como o fracionamento quantitativo das substâncias húmicas (SH), foram realizadas com o objetivo de se conseguir um maior detalhamento da matéria orgânica (MO) presente nesses solos e, a partir daí, relacionar os resultados com a estabilidade do carbono e o tempo de residência médio (TRM) da MO. A principal hipótese testada foi a de que os perfis com a MO com maior TRM teriam os maiores conteúdos de compostos mais recalcitrantes e as condições de drenagem dos perfis poderia interferir nas concentrações e características desses compostos. Neste âmbito, os principais resultados relacionados com os objetivos foram: (a) independente do perfil, os espectros de RMN de 13C dos AH apresentaram uma tendência de diminuição das porcentagens de alquil C e O-alifáticos e aumento de aromáticos, carboxílicos e carbonílicos em profundidade; (b) os perfis mais antigos foram os que apresentaram as maiores concentrações de compostos mais recalcitrantes, principalmente nos horizontes subsuperficiais (Bh e Bhm), essa inferência pode indicar que com a transcorrência do tempo a MO presente tende a sofrer alterações na sua composição e se tornar mais recalcitrante; (c) as condições de drenagem e a presença ou não de horizonte cimentado (Bhm) pode, de certa forma, estabelecer uma diferenciação na distribuição das frações húmicas ao longo dos perfis. / The evolution of the coastal plain of São Paulo State was influenced by transgressions and regressions events of the sea during the Quaternary and their characteristics result from the interaction of the dynamics of geologicalgeomorphological processes that acted continuously during these events. The soils of higher occurrence in this environment, generically called restinga, are Espodossolos, have characterized by the presence of spodic horizon (Bh or Bhm). Few scientific studies related to the genesis of these soils in tropical regions, as there are few detailed studies assessing the characteristics and chemical composition of organic matter (OM) present in these soils and their relations with the transcurrent time and conditions drainage. The municipalities of Cananéia and Bertioga were selected for this research due to the presence of different sedimentary units and the remaining vegetation. The characterization of humic acids (HA) extracted from different horizons of Espodossolos profiles with the use of spectroscopic techniques as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of 13C spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Fluorescence, as well as the quantitative fractionation humic substance (HS) were conducted with the aim of achieving a greater detail of organic matter (OM) present in these soils and, thereafter, to relate the results with the stable carbon and the mean residence time (MRT) of OM. The main hypothesis tested was that the profiles with the OM with higher MRT would have the higher content of recalcitrant compounds and the drainage of the profiles could influence the concentrations and characteristics of these compounds. In this context, the main results related to the aims were: (a) regardless of the profile, the 13C NMR spectra of the HA showed a tendency to decrease the percentage of alkyl C and O-aliphatic and increased aromatic, carboxyl and carbonyl in depth; (b) older profiles showed the highest concentrations of the more recalcitrant compounds, especially in the subsurface horizons (Bh and Bhm), this inference may indicate that with the transcurrent time the OM tends to change in its composition and becomes more recalcitrant; (c) the drainage and the presence or absence of cemented horizon (Bhm) can somehow make a difference in the distribution of humic fractions along the profiles.

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