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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Querelle des anciens et des modernes - striden mellan det gamla och det moderna : En vetenskaplig essä om hur vi fritidhemslärare bemöter elevers konflikter över nätet / Querelle des anciens et des modernes - the battle between the old and the modern : Scientific essay about the clashes that can occur in daily activities when understanding is lacking regarding student rela-tionship creation and identity creation online

Olsson, Angelica, Wallgren, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
Querelle des anciens et des modernes - striden mellan det gamla och det moderna, är en vetenskaplig essä om de krockar som kan uppstå i den dagliga verksamheten när förståelsen brister gällande elevers relationsskapande och identitetsskapande online. Relationsskapandet och identitetsskapandet sker både i spel och i chattfunktioner i digitala miljöer. När förståelsehorisonter skiljer sig mellan vårdnadshavare, elever och pedagoger påverkas möjligheten till att lösa konflikter som sker online då samsynen brister. Alla konflikter går inte att lösa, däremot, kan vi arbeta med att förebygga att liknande situationer uppstår igen genom ett interkulturellt och empatiskt förhållningssätt, även att bjuda in elever i lärprocesser med utgångspunkt i deras intresse för att våra förståelsehorisonter ska närma sig varandra. I våra två gestaltningar får ni följa med in i två olika konfliktsituationer som har startats mellan elever online.I Angelica W:s gestaltning startar en konflikt i spelet Minecraft där en elev får sin värld förstörd av kamrat. Händelsen leder till att eleven brottar ner sin kamrat. Angelica W för samtal med eleverna, läraren och vårdnadshavare där förståelsen krockar när det kommer till spelandet. I Angelica O:s gestaltning har konflikter eskalerat under en längre tid mellan elever i chatten WhatsApp och offline. Berättelsen fokuserar på en konflikt där en elev utesluter en annan elev och skickar kränkande meddelanden. Vi har valt essäskrivande som forskningsmetod och där undersökningen och denhermeneutiska analysen av våra handlingar utgår från en svårbedömd handlingssituation. Den veten-skapliga essän syftar till att pröva och tänka högt i skriftlig form. Prövande i att utforska och reflektera över vårt agerande i de olika situationerna som vi har hamnat i vår yrkespraktik.Uppsatsen har en utgångspunkt i Hans-Georg Gadamers teorier om förståelsehorisonter och fördomar. Vi har till stor del även använt oss av Jonna Hjertström Lappalainen och hennes texter som har en tydlig grund i reflektionens värde samt Elza Dunkel, som är docent i pedagogiskt arbete och hennes arbete kring barns och ungas nätanvändning. / Querelle des anciens et des modernes - the battle between the old and the modern, is a scientific essay about the clashes that can occur in daily activities when understanding is lacking regarding student rela-tionship creation and identity creation online. When the horizons of understanding varies between guardians, students and educators it affects the opportunities to solve conflicts that occur online because of the lack of consensus. All conflicts can’t be solved, however, we can work to prevent similar situa-tions from occurring again through an intercultural and empathetic approach, even inviting students in learning processes based on their interest, which is approaching horizons of understanding each other.Relationship creation and identity creation take place both in online games and in chat functions in the digital environments.In our two dilemmas you can follow along into two different conflict situations that have been started between students online. In the scenario of Angelicas W:s a conflict emerges in the online game Mine-craft where a student gets it world destroyed by his classmate. The event leads up to that the student strikes down his classmate. In the scenario of Angelica O, conflict has been escalating during a longer period between students in the chatting-app WhatsApp and offline. The story is focused around a conflict where one classmate excludes another and sends demeaning messages. We’ve chosen essay writing as an exploration method and where the study and the hermeneutical analysis of our actions is based on a difficult to assess action situation. The scientific essay aims to test and think loudly in written form. Trying to explore and reflect on our actions in the various situations that we have encountered in our professional practice. The essay is based on Hans-Georg Gadamer theo-ries on understanding-horizons and prejudices. We have for the most part also used Jonna Hjertström Lappalainen and her texts which have a clear foundation in the value of reflection and Elza Dunkel who is a teacher in educational work and her work on kids and young people’s habits and understanding of the online world.

Vybrané přesné prostoročasy v Einsteinově gravitaci / Selected exact spacetimes in Einstein's gravity

Ryzner, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to construct exact, axially symmetric solutions of Einstein- Maxwell(-dilaton) equations, which possess a discrete translational symmetry along an axis. We present two possible approaches to their construction. The first one is to solve Einstein-Maxwell equations, the second one relies on a dimensional reduction from a higher dimension. We examine the geometry of the solutions, their horizons and singu- larities, motions of charged test particles and compare them. 1

Beyond the horizon : an enquiry into the production and reception of the writing of Enid Blyton

Coetzee, Liesel 27 October 2004 (has links)
This study explores reasons for Enid Blyton’s vast popularity. Blyton and her life are discussed in terms of the production and reception of her texts in the light of changing dominant discourses in society and varying horizons of expectation. It has been found that selected aspects of reception theory (in particular the horizon of expectation posited by Hans-Georg Gadamer and developed by Hans Jauss) and the theories of Michel Foucault on power and discourse can be used to examine the influence of societal and literary discourses on both Blyton’s writing and on those who read her work, including adults and children. The study includes a discussion of Blyton’s personal life, her role in education and her success in business. Blyton’s horizons of expectation – shaped not only by the dominant discourses that surrounded her, but also her training in the Froebel method of education – are examined. Furthermore, a number of aspects of Blyton’s life and writing subvert dominant discourses and these are discussed in terms of Foucault’s ideas on power relations. Evidence of the influence of her life on her work has been found in her texts. The criticism of Blyton is discussed in terms of both literary criticism and social criticism. Blyton’s popularity as a storyteller is also considered and it has been found that, regardless of criticism by adults, she remained popular with children. Furthermore, Blyton used a number of specific techniques (such as fast-paced plots and simple language and style) and it has been found that her techniques can be linked to both formula writing, the oral tradition, and to her training as a teacher in the Froebel method of education. These techniques are examined in terms of their manifestation in her writing, particularly in her series books – including adventure stories and school stories. In conclusion, the place of Blyton’s writing in contemporary society is deliberated and recommendations for further research are made. / Dissertation (MA (English))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / English / unrestricted

Det stora vägskälet : gymnasieelevers upplevelse och planerade val inför nästa fas i livet / The great crossroads : upper secondary school students experience and planned choice for the next phase in life

Kärrström, Petra, Nilsson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Brytpunkten från gymnasiet kan förstås som ett avgörande vägskäl med ett överflöd avvalmöjligheter för ungdomar. Syftet med denna studie var att genom en kvantitativenkätundersökning kartlägga hur gymnasieelever i år tre på naturvetenskaps-,samhällsvetenskaps-, och ekonomiprogrammet i Stockholms län planerade och motiverade sittval inför tiden efter gymnasiet och att se hur detta skilde sig åt utifrån bakgrundsfaktorerna kön,etnicitet och bostadsort, samt att få en översikt för hur gymnasieeleverna upplevde brytpunktenfrån gymnasiet och hur de såg på sin egen handlingshorisont. Resultatet analyserades sedanutifrån Hodkinson & Sparkes Careershipteori (1997, 2008) och visade att etnicitet såväl sombostadsort till viss del gjorde skillnad i hur elever planerade sina studie- och yrkesval. Valen attstudera vidare, arbeta eller ta sabbatsår motiverades främst av intresse, behov av paus frånstudier och att fundera på nästkommande val. Resultatet av studien visade även att majoritetenav respondenterna upplevde brytpunkten som halvt osäker men med en majoritet som vartillfredsställda med sina planerade val. Den främsta begränsningen vid det planerade valet somrespondenterna uppgav var betyg. / The turning point from upper secondary school can be understood as a definitive crossroadswith an abundance of choices for young people. The purpose of this study was to, through aquantitative survey, study how students in year three of the science, social sciences andeconomics program in Stockholm County planned and motivated their choice for the next phasein life, and to see how this differed based on the background factors gender, ethnicity and placeof residence, as well as to get an overview of how upper secondary school students experiencethe turning point from upper secondary school and how they see their own horizons for action.The results have then been analysed based on Hodkinson & Sparkes Careership Theory (1997,2008). The results showed that ethnicity as well as the students' place of residence to someextent made a difference in how the students planned their educational and career choices. Thechoice to study, work or take a sabbatical was mainly motivated by interest, the need for a breakfrom studies and to further plan for their future. We also concluded from the results of the studythat the majority of respondents experienced high to some satisfaction with their plannedchoice. Grades were what the students experienced as most limiting in planning for their future.

Modalités de gestion du milieu temporel dans une conduite de processus multiples en situation dynamique : une recherche dans des entreprises horticoles / Terms of environment temporal management in a conduct of multiple processes, in dynamic situations : a research in horticulture production

Zara-Meylan, Valérie 22 October 2012 (has links)
Modalités de gestion du milieu temporel dans une conduite de processus multiples en situation dynamique :une recherche dans des entreprises horticoles. Cette recherche porte sur les modalités de gestion temporelle, dans des situations professionnelles tendues entre les nécessités d’une production engageant des phénomènes dynamiques multiples et une rationalisation du travail supposée faire face aux besoins économiques de l’entreprise, en l’occurrence, dans le secteur de l’horticulture. La thèse soutenue est que les travailleurs, et en particulier des chefs de culture en tant qu’encadrants intermédiaires, assurent une gestion de leur milieu temporel de travail, dans la dynamique de leur activité. Cette gestion est active dans le sens où elle intègre des cadres temporels. Ceux-ci peuvent être analysés à la fois comme des ressources et des contraintes dans leur activité. La gestion du milieu temporel peut être entravée par certaines configurations de ces cadres, qui ne permettent pas aux chefs de culture d’intégrer les risques pour la production, pour eux-mêmes ou pour les autres travailleurs. Nous proposons une structure de formalisation des cadres temporels et de leurs interrelations dans la dynamique du milieu temporel. Elle est issue d’une démarche de « dépliage » des temporalités, fondée sur une analyse ergonomique de l’activité. La modélisation des cadres et de la gestion du milieu temporel est une conceptualisation fonctionnelle pour analyser les conditions temporelles du travail en tant que ressources pour un agir temporel pragmatique dans l’activité. / Terms of environment temporal management in a conduct of multiple processes, in dynamic situations : A research in horticulture production. This research focuses on how to manage temporalities in professional situations strained between the needs of a multiple dynamics production and a rationalization of work supposed to meet the economic needs of the company. The thesis is that workers, especially in this case middle managers in horticulture production, manage their temporal work environment in the dynamics of their activity. This management is active in the sense that it integrates timeframes, which are both resources and constraints in their activity. Temporal environment management can be hampered by some configurations of timeframes, which do not enable these workers to masterise production risks, and risks for themselves or other workers.We propose a formalization of timeframes and their relationships in the dynamics of the temporal environment. The methodology consists in a process of “unfolding” temporalities. It is based on ergonomic activity analysis. Modeling timeframes and temporal environment management is a functional conceptualization to analyze the temporal conditions of work as resources for pragmatic temporal acting, in work activity.

Theoretical and phenomenological aspects of non-singular black holes / Aspects théoriques et phénoménologiques des trous noirs sans singularité

Lamy, Frédéric 21 September 2018 (has links)
Le problème des singularités en relativité générale remonte à la première solution exacte de la théorie obtenue en 1915, à savoir celle du trou noir de Schwarzschild. Qu'elles soient de coordonnée ou de courbure, ces singularités ont longtemps questionné les physiciens qui parvinrent à mieux les caractériser à la fin des années 1960. Cela conduisit aux fameux théorèmes sur les singularités, s'appliquant à la fois aux trous noirs et en cosmologie, basés sur un comportement classique du contenu en matière de l'espace-temps résumé par des conditions d'énergie. La violation de ces conditions dans les processus quantiques pourrait indiquer que les singularités doivent être vues comme des limitations de la relativité générale, pouvant ainsi disparaître dans une théorie plus générale de la gravité quantique.Dans l'attente d'une telle théorie, nous avons pour objectif dans cette thèse d'étudier les espaces-temps de trous noirs dépourvus de toute singularité ainsi que leurs conséquences observationnelles. A cette fin, nous considérons à la fois des modifications de la relativité générale et le couplage de la théorie à des contenus en matière exotiques. Dans le premier cas nous montrons qu'il est possible de retrouver des trous noirs réguliers à symétrie sphérique connus, tout d'abord en principe avec la théorie tenseur-scalaire de gravité mimétique, puis implicitement par le biais d'une déformation de la contrainte hamiltonienne en relativité générale inspirée des techniques de gravitation quantique à boucles. Dans le second cas nous restons dans le cadre de la relativité générale, et considérons des tenseurs énergie-impulsion effectifs. Ils sont en premier lieu associés à un modèle régulier à la Hayward en rotation fournissant dans un certain régime un premier exemple de trou noir en rotation exempt de toute singularité, puis à un espace-temps dynamique décrivant la formation et l'évaporation d'un trou noir sans singularité. Pour ce dernier, nous montrons que tout modèle basé sur l'effondrement gravitationnel de coquilles de genre lumière visant à décrire l'évaporation de Hawking est voué à violer les conditions sur l'énergie dans une région non compacte de l'espace-temps. Enfin, l'étude théorique de la métrique de Hayward en rotation est accompagnée de simulations numériques d'un tel objet au centre de la Voie Lactée, obtenues à l'aide du code de calcul de trajectoires de particules Gyoto en reproduisant les propriétés connues de la structure d'accrétion du trou noir présumé Sgr A*. Ces simulations permettent d'illustrer deux régimes très différents de la métrique, avec ou sans horizon, et soulignent la difficulté d'affirmer avec certitude la présence d'un horizon à partir d'images en champ fort telles que celles obtenues par l'instrument Event Horizon Telescope. / The issue of singularities in General Relativity dates back to the very first solution to the equations of the theory, namely Schwarzschild's 1915 black hole. Whether they be of coordinate or curvature nature, these singularities have long puzzled physicists, who managed to better characterize them in the late 60's. This led to the famous singularity theorems applying both to cosmology and black holes, and which assume a classical behaviour of the matter content of spacetime summarized in the so-called energy conditions. The violation of these conditions by quantum phenomena supports the idea that singularities are to be seen as a limitation of General Relativity, and would be cured in a more general theory of quantum gravity. In this thesis, pending for such a theory, we aim at investigating black hole spacetimes deprived of any singularity as well as their observational consequences. To that purpose, we consider both modifications of General Relativity and the coupling of Einstein's theory to exotic matter contents. In the first case, we show that one can recover the static spherically symmetric non-singular black holes of Bardeen and Hayward in principle in mimetic gravity, and implicitly by a deformation of General Relativity's hamiltonian constraint in an approach based on loop quantum gravity techniques. In the second case, we stay inside the framework of General Relativity and consider effective energy-momentum tensors associated with a fully regular rotating Hayward metric and with a dynamical spacetime describing the formation and evaporation of a non-singular black hole. For the latter, we show that all models based on the collapse of ingoing null shells and willing to describe Hawking’s evaporation are doomed to violate the energy conditions in a non-compact region of spacetime. Lastly, the theoretical study of the rotating Hayward metric comes with numerical simulations of such an object at the center of the Milky Way, using the ray-tracing code Gyoto and mimicking the known properties of the accretion structure of Sgr A*. These simulations allow exhibiting the two very different regimes of the metric, with or without horizon, and emphasize the difficulty of asserting the presence of a horizon from strong-field images as the ones provided by the Event Horizon Telescope.

Konstverket i spelmiljö : En undersökning av spelet Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) användande av konstverk och presentation av museet som institution / The Artwork in the Age of Game Environment : A study of the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) usage of artwork and presentation of the museum as an institution

Holmdahl Arnman, Thea January 2020 (has links)
This essay focuses on the digitalization of art canonisation in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo/Nintendo EPD, 2020). Furthermore, the purpose of this essay is to understand which artworks the game incorporates in its museum, as well as how the player can interact with the artworks in question. Bolter and Grusin's remediation theory are thoroughly explored through the material, as well as the maintaining of norms through representation. The conclusion is that the game allows the player to interact restrictedly with the art in the museum, but is allowed more freedom outside of it. However, the restricted interaction is strongly incorporating known norms of how to behave and interact with the museum as an institution. These norms are also applicable in situ – outside of the museum's pixelated world. The aura of the artworks is compromised through the notion that the player can obtain any number of original artworks. Still, the originality and aura of the artworks are secured through the institutionalised environment in the museum. / Uppsatsen behandlar digitaliserad konsts kanonisering i spelet Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo/Nintendo EPD, 2020). Uppsatsens syften är att analysera vilka konstverk som spelet integrerar i sitt museum och hur dessa verk kategoriseras, samt hur spelaren kan interagera med konstverken. Bolter och Grusins remedieringsteorier behandlas utifrån denna frågeställning med fokus på digitalisering och konstrepresentation. Slutsatsen är att spelarens interaktion med konstverken på det digitala museet är begränsad, men att spelaren får mer frihet i spelets andra miljöer. Således följs etablerade konventioner kring hur besökaren på ett museum ska bete sig. Konstverkens aura förändras då spelaren kan inneha hur många originalverk som helst. Trots denna omdefinierade aura stärks däremot verkens originalitet av museets institutionaliserade och auktoritära presentation.

The caring church as a worshipping community

Theron, Bruce B. V. 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation starts from the premise that we are living in an increasingly individualistic and secular society. The church is seen as a worshipping community, where mutual care emanating from true Christian community could serve as a corrective to current fragmentation. A theory is developed of the church as a caring and worshipping faith community which exists alongside other communities. The church therefore exists to enable people to embody the gospel ideals in their lives. The whole Christian community must thus be seen to be offering the love, compassion and acceptance that is needed today. This role can be enhanced by encouraging training in caring skills. The faith community exercises its nurturing support system through the fusion of horizons as members seek to give expression to their faith. This faith community functions against the background of the myriad of relationships and different communities in which its members find themselves in. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Gadamer's Fusion of Horizons and Intercultural Interpretation

Krahn, Ryan 08 September 2009 (has links)
Taking as its central motif Hans-Georg Gadamer’s claim that “the true locus of hermeneutics is [the] in-between,” this thesis defends Gadamer’s concept of the fusion of horizons as radically interstitial against recent allegations that link his project to Romantic interpretive commensurability. Distancing Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics from both the Romantic hermeneutical approach and the incommensurabilist alternative proposed by John D. Caputo, this study reassesses Gadamer’s contributions toward understanding the other in a manner that avoids both imperious reductions and hyperbolic valorizations of the other’s alterity. Extending this discussion to cross-cultural interpretation, this thesis concludes by arguing for the fusion of horizons as a model for conceiving a new postcolonial space, irreducible to the commensurabilism of colonialism and the incommensurabilism of nativism. To this end, Gadamer is brought into discussion with Homi K. Bhabha, whose work on cultural hybridity offers a striking parallel with Gadamer’s fusion of horizons.

Modalités de gestion du milieu temporel dans une conduite de processus multiples en situation dynamique : une recherche dans des entreprises horticoles

Zara-Meylan, Valérie 22 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Modalités de gestion du milieu temporel dans une conduite de processus multiples en situation dynamique :une recherche dans des entreprises horticoles. Cette recherche porte sur les modalités de gestion temporelle, dans des situations professionnelles tendues entre les nécessités d'une production engageant des phénomènes dynamiques multiples et une rationalisation du travail supposée faire face aux besoins économiques de l'entreprise, en l'occurrence, dans le secteur de l'horticulture. La thèse soutenue est que les travailleurs, et en particulier des chefs de culture en tant qu'encadrants intermédiaires, assurent une gestion de leur milieu temporel de travail, dans la dynamique de leur activité. Cette gestion est active dans le sens où elle intègre des cadres temporels. Ceux-ci peuvent être analysés à la fois comme des ressources et des contraintes dans leur activité. La gestion du milieu temporel peut être entravée par certaines configurations de ces cadres, qui ne permettent pas aux chefs de culture d'intégrer les risques pour la production, pour eux-mêmes ou pour les autres travailleurs. Nous proposons une structure de formalisation des cadres temporels et de leurs interrelations dans la dynamique du milieu temporel. Elle est issue d'une démarche de " dépliage " des temporalités, fondée sur une analyse ergonomique de l'activité. La modélisation des cadres et de la gestion du milieu temporel est une conceptualisation fonctionnelle pour analyser les conditions temporelles du travail en tant que ressources pour un agir temporel pragmatique dans l'activité.

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