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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sangvinolent berättande : En studie av Yu Huas roman En handelsman i blod / Sangvinolent Narration : A Study of Yu Hua's Novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

Engdahl, Lin January 2011 (has links)
The present MA thesis analyzes how body and blood functions as historical and narrative elements in Yu Hua's novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995). In the novel, the story and the plot can not be regarded as disparate items; the two levels of the text are tightly interwoven by what the thesis introduces as a sangvinolent narration. The term conceptualizes the use of blood as a structural element and the thrust of the text, in this case how the ability to sell blood is a prerequisite for the story and the plot. Close readings reveal the structural correlations between the blood-selling main-character Xu Sanguan in the plot on the one hand, and in the story on the other, which can be detected to have, inter alia, an effect on the temporality of the narrative. Themes linked to identity, belonging and survival (performativity, mimicry, reification and alienation) permeate the text. In the novel the body and bodily fluids are sacrificed in order to form and enforce perceptions of identity and societal roles. The rhetorical use of ‘blood and tears’ (Ch. xue yu lei) indicates thematic connections to the Chinese revolutionary literature, and furthermore, the use of flesh and blood can be read in relation to the cannibalistic discourses crucial to Chinese modernity since Lu Xun.

Room 2046: A Political Reading of Wong Kar-Wai's Chow-Mo Wan Trilogy through Narrative Elements and Mise-en-scene

Baldwin, Jillian 12 1900 (has links)
As ownership of Hong Kong changed hands from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China in 1997, citizens and filmmakers of the city became highly aware of the political environment. Film director Wong Kar-Wai creates visually stimulating films that express the anxieties and frustrations of the citizens of Hong Kong during this period. This study provides a political reading of Days of Being Wild (1991), In the Mood for Love (2000), and 2046 (2004) through analyzing various story elements and details within the mise-en-scene. Story elements include setting, dialogue, character relationships, character identities, thematic motifs, musical references, numerology, and genre manipulation. Wong also uses details within the films' mise-en-scene, such as props and color, to express political frustrations. To provide color interpretations, various traditional aesthetic guidelines, such as those prescribed by Taoism, Cantonese and Beijing opera, and feng shui, are used to read the films' negative comments on the handover process and the governments involved. When studied together the three films illustrate how Wong Kar-Wai creates narrative and visual references to the time and atmosphere in which he works, namely pre-and-post handover Hong Kong.

基督敎與近代中國女子高等敎育: 華南女子文理學院的個案硏究. / 華南女子文理學院的個案硏究 / Jidu jiao yu jin dai Zhongguo nü zi gao deng jiao yu: Hua nan nü zi wen li xue yuan de ge an yan jiu. / Hua nan nü zi wen li xue yuan de ge an yan jiu

January 2001 (has links)
朱峰. / "2001年3月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (leaves 150-159) / 附中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 3 yue" / Zhu Feng. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 150-159) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 論文提要 --- p.I / 目錄 --- p.IV / 序言 --- p.VI / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 --- p.1 / Chapter 一´Ø --- 槪念澄淸 / Chapter 二´Ø --- 研究回顧 / Chapter 第二章 --- 華南女子文理學院的歷史回溯 --- p.12 / Chapter 一´Ø --- 佈道家辦學…程呂底亞時期(1908-1925) / Chapter 二´Ø --- 教育家辦學…盧愛德時期(1925-1927) / Chapter 三´Ø --- 華人治校……王世靜時期(1928-1951) / Chapter 第三章 --- 社會角色的變遷:服務教會與服務社會的互動 --- p.50 / Chapter 一´Ø --- 直接服務教會(1908-1927) / Chapter 二´Ø --- 從服務教會到服務社會(1927´ؤ1949) / Chapter 三´Ø --- “爲人民服務´ح的嘗試(1949一1951) / Chapter 第四章 --- 教育角色的實踐:基督教女子高等教育的特點 --- p.77 / Chapter 一´Ø --- 宗教教育與愛國主義 / Chapter 二´Ø --- 女權辯論與家政專業 / Chapter 三´Ø --- 校友統計與個案分析 / Chapter 第五章 --- 性別角色的追尋:與福建協和大學的合倂爭論 --- p.114 / Chapter 一´Ø --- 合倂爭論的困擾 / Chapter 二´Ø --- 合倂爭論的分析 / Chapter 三´Ø --- 合倂爭論的意義 / 結語 --- p.133 / 參考書目 / 附錄一 :2000年度問卷調˘¬表和基本數據 / 附錄二:華南女子文理學院學生畢業論文題目(部分) / 附錄三:華南女子文理學院教職員工履歷表 / 附錄四:金陵女院與華南女院各項統計數字比照(1934年) / 附錄五:華南女子文理學院財政收入比例變化表 / 附錄五:中外人名漢/英對照表

個人、社會與曲藝社: 以觀華遊樂社為硏究對象. / 個人社會與曲藝社 / Ge ren, she hui yu qu yi she: yi guan hua you yue she wei yan jiu dui xiang. / Ge ren she hui yu qu yi she

January 1997 (has links)
徐焯賢. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學人類學部, 1997. / 參考文獻: leaves 73-76. / Xu Zhuoxian. / Chapter 第一章 --- 總論 --- p.1 / Chapter 甲. --- 硏究課題 / Chapter 乙. --- 文獻回顧 / Chapter 丙. --- 硏究方法 / Chapter 第二章 --- 香港粤曲曲藝社的槪況一一以觀華遊樂社爲例 --- p.14 / Chapter 甲. --- 觀華遊樂社的背景資料 / Chapter I. --- 名稱由來 / Chapter II. --- 成立經過和歷史 / Chapter III. --- 會員人數 / Chapter IV. --- 日常活動 / Chapter V. --- 宗旨 / Chapter VI. --- 組織架構 / Chapter 乙. --- 活動描述 / Chapter I. --- 操曲 / Chapter II. --- 敎授老人中心 / Chapter III. --- 公開演出 / Chapter 丙. --- 小結 / Chapter 第三章 --- 觀華遊樂社與香港社會的關係 --- p.34 / Chapter 甲. --- 觀塘社區發展 / Chapter 乙. --- 整體粤曲粤劇發展 / Chapter 丙. --- 九七回歸帶動的身份認同 / Chapter 丁. --- 小結 / Chapter 第四章 --- 觀華遊樂社與個人社會空間的關係 --- p.50 / Chapter 甲. --- 前言 / Chapter 乙. --- 個人資料 / Chapter 丙. --- 參加觀華的重要性 / Chapter I. --- 觀華成員身份的確立 / Chapter II. --- 社區身份 / Chapter III. --- 中國文化身份 / Chapter 丁. --- 小結 / Chapter 第五章 --- 總結一一個人、社會與曲藝社 --- p.69 / 參考書目 --- p.73

古代「雜文」的演變─從《文心雕龍》、《昭明文選》到《文苑英華》 / The Change Of Ancient 〝Tza-Wen〞 ─From Wen Xin Diau Lung 、 Jau Ming Wen Shiuan To Wen Yuan Ying Hua

郭章裕, Kuo, Zhang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「雜文」作為一種切確的文類,可以溯源自劉勰《文心雕龍》,其中有〈雜文〉一篇,明確劃定出範圍,及其所含之體類,與體類之特性。 劉勰「雜文」範圍內體類繁多,兼有「文」、「筆」性質,但以「問答(含設論)」、「七」、「連珠」三者為主要,此三者其實賦體,但不以賦為名的體類,我們可以後設稱之為「賦體雜文」。整體說來,「雜文」中的各種對象,它們是在文學史上較為新出,由「詩」、「賦」、「章」、「奏」等各種主要體類,所流衍派生的對象,當然重要性也就不如其主要體類,且實際功能或政教意義,也較為淡薄。總之,「雜文」文類的劃定,其實本於劉勰的文學觀念,是一種對於文學體類發展演變的詮釋。 下及宋初《文苑英華》,雖然在整體體類的編目上,大抵上承《昭明文選》,但其中卻也出現「雜文」一類。單就此文類看來,應該與《文心雕龍》淵源更深,但內容更趨複雜,下分「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」、「明道」、「雜說」、「辯論」、「贈送」、「箴誡」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「雜製作」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」共十六類目。而其中體類對象,除「賦體雜文」,另外還有箴體、論體、記體但不以箴、論、記為名的「箴體雜文」(「誡」)、「論體雜文」(「說」、 「辯」、「解」、「原」、「題跋」)、「記體雜文」(「志」、「述」),及「雜著」(不具體類名稱的篇章)與少數「越界文體」(有其體類之名,但無其體類之實的篇章)之作,分佈在其中。 「賦體雜文」體類,集中於「問答」、「騷」、「帝道」三子目,「箴體雜文」體類,則集中在「箴誡」;此外,「論體雜文」、「記體雜文」、「雜著」及「越界文體」則分佈於其他十二目。進一步發現,「問答」目中,合併了傳統「對問(含設論)」、「七」二種體類;「騷」雖自六朝總集中有之,但廣泛包含擬騷之作,非往昔《楚辭》篇章專屬;「帝道」其實為六朝「符命(封禪)」之文。「箴誡」目中,主要為「誡」,而「誡」又分有韻、無韻,前者似「箴」,後者則近於「論」、「記」。「明道」、「贈送」、「諫刺雜說」、「記述」、「諷喻」、「論事」、「征伐」、「識行」、「紀事」是 依照文章題材與主旨所劃分的類目。「雜說」、「辯論」、「雜製作」分類依據不明,但目中分別以「說」、「辯」與「原」、「題跋」篇章較為偏多,所以推測有凸顯這些體類的意義。 可見「雜文」的內容,前後差異極大。從原本「賦體雜文」為重心,後來則各種對象紛呈。這種現象的轉變,一來與六朝至唐代,「文」之觀念與範圍演變相關,二來也與唐代散文風氣及務實文學觀的興盛,造成文學創作方式的改變相關。 《文苑英華》「雜文」直接影響《唐文粹》「古文」的形成,然則後人對於「古文」;以及後來總集中「雜文」、「雜著」之類,在文類的觀念及內涵上,我們當不能忽略《文苑英華》「雜文」對於後代的影響。而這是本論文結束之後,即將在拓進的研究方向。

花木蘭原型的叙事演變及其文化批評 = Culture criticism and narratice evolutionof Hua Mulan's archetype / Culture criticism and narratice evolutionof Hua Mulan's archetype

陳宇 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

跨文化背景下的衝突與融合 : 福克納對當代中國作家影響的倫理敍事研究 / 福克納對當代中國作家影響的倫理敍事研究;"Clash and amalgamation in the cross-cultural background : an ethical-narrative study of William Faulkner's influence on contemporary Chinese writers"

胡雅坤 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

殖民權力與醫療空間: 香港東華三院中西醫服務變遷(1894-1941年). / Colonial power and medical space: transformation of Chinese and western medical services in the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 1894-1941 / Transformation of Chinese and western medical services in the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 1894-1941 / 香港東華三院中西醫服務變遷(1894-1941年) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhi min quan li yu yi liao kong jian: Xianggang Dong hua san yuan Zhong xi yi fu wu bian qian (1894-1941 nian). / Xianggang Dong hua san yuan Zhong xi yi fu wu bian qian (1894-1941 nian)

January 2007 (has links)
Taking into account of the colonial nature of modern Hong Kong, this author is to examine how the TWGHs as a medical space gradually developed from one that used only Chinese medicine into one in which Chinese medicine and western medicine coexisted. However, it finally became a western style hospital using only western medicine in the inpatient services in the 1940s, along with the growing hegemony of western medicine that was underpinned by colonial power. The multidimensional relationships among different agents in the process of transformation of medical services in the TWGHs constitutes another important theme of this thesis. These relationships touched upon a series of significant interactions between colonial government and Chinese community, colonial authorities and the Tung Wah Board of Directors, Chinese and western medical practitioners, Chinese community and the Tung Wah authorities, and so on. / The implantation, dissemination and expansion of modern western medicine, as an important part of western learning that infiltrated into the Orient, exerted profound impacts on Chinese traditional medical patterns and Chinese medical ideas and practices. As the center for exchange between Chinese and Western Culture, Hong Kong became a significant space for the spread and practice of western medicine. A wide range of western medical services and activities were delivered and developed by the colonial government, western missionaries, benevolent societies, and private practitioners in order to promote the development and popularization of western medicine among the Chinese community, including the establishment of hospitals, dispensaries and clinics, the opening of medical schools and training of western doctors, and the promotion of public health education. / This thesis also points out that the early intense prejudice and resistance against western medicine is not necessarily and cannot be entirely attributed to the underlying difference in the concept and practice of healing and sickness in the two different medical systems. Instead, I argue that a number of technical and practical factors in the delivery of western medical services provided by different agencies greatly affected and determined the choices and uses of the Chinese population. At the same time, the gradual recognition and reception of western medicine among the Chinese was not only the passive result of the compulsory western medical system developed by the colonial government, but also an active realization of the real efficiency and value of western medicine among the indigenous population and their consent and acceptance of its ideology and cultural value, to a great extent. / This thesis examines the confrontation and interaction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and the diverse and complicated Chinese attitudes towards western medicine by studying the history of the introduction of western medicine into Hong Kong and the case of transformation of Chinese and western medical services in the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) during the period between 1894 and 1941. The history of the TWGHs dates back to the opening of the Tung Wah Hospital in 1870. Originally intended for the accommodation and treatment of those Chinese who had strong fears and prejudices against western medicine, the Tung Wah Hospital was founded to provide treatment only by Chinese doctors using Chinese medicine. The bubonic plague of 1894 in Hong Kong marked an important turning point in the history of medical services of the Tung Wah Hospital. Since then, western medicine was formally introduced into the Tung Wah Hospital in 1897. / 楊祥銀. / Adviser: Hon-ming Yip. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-02, Section: A, page: 0715. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-306). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Yang Xiangyin.


趙郁文, ZHAO, YU-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來有關企業策略及產業演進之研究,隨著組織內外環境互動之增加,而逐漸受到 相當的重視。有關企業策略之研究,一般偏向於公司個體作為之剖析;而有關產業演 進之研究,則多採整體覯察之方式進行;本研究試圖同時以個體微觀與整體巨觀之方 式,對兩者間互動關係進行探討。有關產業演進之理論根據,係以哈佛大學教授波特 (Porter. 1980)有關產業分析與演進之論著為主,並參考吳思華教授之「產業 政策與企業策略」;有關企業策略之文獻則以司徒達賢教授之「企業政策」及策略形 態理論為骨架,旁及國內外學術期刊中有關競爭策略之論著。由於研究範圍相當廣泛 ,且重點在於建立自有之理論架構,故研究方法係自理論之研討與實務之觀察同時並 進,著重於資料之蒐集、分析、比對,並以專家請教、團體研討、腦力激盪等方式來 產生創造性思考,以獲致架構性結論。研究內容係以電視機及個人電腦產業為對象, 分別觀察其國內外產業演進之歷史軌跡,以生命週期循環之觀念劃分其演進階段,並 歸納呇階段之產業特色、關鍵性成功因素、以及變遷訊號;而另一方面亦透過專家請 教及次級資料之蒐集,來瞭解國內外主要廠商在產業演進各階段之策略性作為,以及 其策略成效。研究結果發現不同產業之演進型態有所差異,而不同階段中有著不同的 關鍵性成功因素;就企業而言,策略形態之決策係受外在環境、內在條件以及企業目 標組合之影響,當功能性政策及組織結構與策略形態配合良好時,可以產生策略效率 ,使企業之策略作為有所涵意,然而,此項策略涵意必須能配合業滿足產業階段性關 鍵成功因素,才能產生實質的策略效果,而達成企業績效。最成功的企業,能夠在環 境變化實際發生以前偵測到變化訊號,予以正確之解釋與推論,並且預先調整本身策 略形態以為因應;而未能敏感於內外變動,且無策略調整以為因應之企業,其生存成 長將受到嚴重威脅。


陳靜芝, CHEN, JING-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
從亞里斯多德問題,團體就成為學者研究的焦點之一。歷來有關利益團體的研究即備 受爭議,特別是在利益團體的源起部分,學說層出不窮,至今仍未有定論。公益性團 體的興起,更使得團體理論愈加複雜。 近年來,我國政治情勢及社會環境的變遷,人們參與團體活動的趨勢有增無減,特別 是一些新興的公益性團體,除了消費者文教基金會,另外最惹人注目的該是一些以環 境保護為訴求反公害團體了。我們所感興趣的是,用什麼理論來解釋這些團體的發展 呢? 本文企圖由複雜的團體理論分析中,歸納出一個適合解釋反污染團體源起及維持的分 析架構,並以彰化縣公害妨治協會為個案分析對象,希望獲得一個初步的了解。 全文共分五章,計六萬餘言。 第一章緒論部分,將就本文的研究目的、研究方法、名詞界定分別闡述。 第二章理論探討,抱括杜魯門(David Truman),奧爾森(Mancur Olscn),哈定( Russell hardin),薩利伯瑞(Rcbert H.Salisbury )等人的理論要點闡述,並就 各項之優劣點予以評估而提出本文之研究架構。 第三章源起分析,就整體社會變遷、政治企業家,約定俗成及道德理性等因素探討彰 化縣公害防治協會的源起。 第四章維持分析,就組織目標、向心力、資源等方面探討彰化縣公害防治協會的維持 狀況。 第五章結論。檢討及建議。

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