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Reformation London and the Adaptation of Observed PietyDiaz, Hannah 01 May 2017 (has links)
In reformation London, the shift of the governed religion enabled laymen to recognize individuality in their faith, to read scripture in the vernacular, and to exercise their faith outside of mass. Therefore, the overall perception of personal piety took a turn from being exercised communally to becoming something reflective of the individual. Analyzing gender dynamics, language, religious orders, and theology reveal this transition and help gain a holistic understanding of transitioning perceptions of piety. This thesis contributes to the rich historiographical conversation in understanding Reformation studies. By adopting elements from top-down and bottom-up approaches, this thesis further develops on the understanding of perceptions of religious piety in reformation London.
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Transforming Corrections: Humanistic Approaches to Corrections and Offender Treatment, 2nd EditionPolizzi, David, Braswell, Michael, Draper, Matthew 01 January 2014 (has links)
Foreword / Hans Toch -- Introduction / David Polizzi, Michael Braswell -- A phenomenological approach to criminology / Christopher M. Aanstoos -- Phenomenological and existential approaches to crime and corrections / Hayden Smith, Kenneth Adams -- Offender objectification : implications for social change / John S. Ryals, Jr. -- Theorizing criminalized subjectivities : narrating silenced identities / Dawn Moore -- Dialogue : a unique perspective for correctional counseling / Matthew R. Draper, Mark S. Green, Ginger Faulkner -- The good lives model : a strength-based approach to offender rehabilitation / Tony Ward and Clare-Ann Fortune -- Transforming corrections through psychological jurisprudence redux : towards a radical philosophical and cultural critique / Bruce A. Arrigo -- Mutual respect and effective prison management / Terry A. Kupers -- Civility in prisons : a radical proposal / Catherine A. Jenks, John Randolph Fuller -- Varieties of restorative justice : therapeutic interventions in context / Lana A. McDowell, John T. Whitehead -- Ambiguous loss, concrete hope : examining the prison experience for mothers from an ambiguous loss framework / Beth Easterling -- How the "positive" can influence criminal behavior : growing out of criminal spin by positive criminology approaches / Natti Ronel and Dana Segev -- Correctional treatment and the human spirit : the context of relationship / Michael Braswell, Kristin Wells -- Psycho-spiritual roots of adolescent violence : the importance of rites of passage / Drake Spaeth -- Transforming meaning : the nexus between the utilization of the Rogerian framework and the social construction of pedophilic sex offenders / Roger Schaefer -- Developing therapeutic trust with court-ordered clients / David Polizzi -- Epilogue : toward a more humanistic future in corrections / David Polizzi. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1073/thumbnail.jpg
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Human Monsters: Examining the Relationship Between the Posthuman Gothic and Gender in American Gothic FictionRivera, Alexandra 01 January 2019 (has links)
According to Michael Sean Bolton, the posthuman Gothic involves a fear of internal monsters that won't destroy humanity apocalyptically, but will instead redefine what it means to be human overall. These internal monsters reflect societal anxieties about the "other" gaining power and overtaking the current groups in power. The posthuman Gothic shows psychological horrors and transformations. Traditionally this genre has been used to theorize postmodern media and literary work by focusing on cyborgs and transhumanist medical advancements. However, the internal and psychological nature of posthumanism is fascinating and can more clearly manifest in a different Gothic setting, 1800s American Gothic Fiction. This subgenre of the Gothic melds well with the posthuman Gothic because unlike the Victorian Gothic, its supernatural entities are not literal; they are often figurative and symbolic, appearing through hallucinations. In this historical context, one can examine the dynamic in which the "human" is determined by a rational humanism that bases its human model on Western, white masculinity. Therefore, the other is clearly gendered and racialized. Margrit Shildrick offers an interesting analysis of the way women fit into this construction of the other because of their uncanniness and Gothic monstrosity. Three works of American Gothic fiction--George Lippard's The Quaker City, Edgar Allen Poe's "Ligeia," and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" portray these gendered power dynamics present within the posthuman Gothic when applied to the American Gothic; the female characters are either forced by patriarchy into becoming monstrous, or they were never fully human in the first place.
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About body-buildingBjörk, Carola January 2019 (has links)
Not always so remarkable but still most important. Every day. The beautiful, small, horrible and often insignificant experiences that makes us who we are, fascinates me. You see, choose and become with no interruption. The constant change inspires me. This is a text circulating around an artistic practice, it´s an illustration of a why how what. Or, maybe more an attempt to put words onto a wish to see for tracing, where an aim is being become became. Be
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Penser l'hybride - une critique de la raison économique / Thinking the hybrid – a critic of the economic reasonHalpern, Gabrielle 15 March 2019 (has links)
A-t-on raison de vouloir sauver la raison, à tout prix ? Au fil de l’histoire des idées, c’est à une véritable dénaturation de la raison humaine, à laquelle nous assistons. Originellement simple mode d’appréhension du réel, la raison s’est mue en système, en idéologie et en paradigme. Cela a eu pour conséquence de faire passer l’être humain d’un humanisme libérateur et fécond à un anthropocentrisme conquérant et dangereux. Ainsi la raison est-elle devenue un loup pour l’homme ; la crise protéiforme que nous vivons actuellement n’est que le symptôme de cette altération. L’idéologie rationaliste rend l’être humain non seulement incapable d’accéder au réel tel qu’en lui-même, mais en outre, elle le conduit à travestir, à tordre, à maltraiter le réel. De nombreuses rustines ont été inventées dans toute l’histoire des idées occidentale par maints philosophes pour diminuer, ou du moins, contenir cette dénaturation, mais elles ont eu pour effet pervers de renforcer, de rigidifier encore le paradigme rationnel. Il est temps d’imaginer un mode d’appréhension différent du réel, associé à une épistémologie inédite, à même de faire advenir une nouvelle théorie de la connaissance : il s’agira de la pensée « a-systématique ». Nourrie par l’épistémologie talmudique et par les sciences cognitives, cette nouvelle théorie de la connaissance, dont les prolégomènes sont posés, est construite sur une logique radicalement différente de la logique aristotélicienne. Connaître autrement pour penser autrement, tel est l’enjeu de cette épistémologie nouvelle. / Is it right to want to save reason, at any cost? In the course of the history of ideas, it is a real denaturation of human reason, which we are witnessing. Originally simple mode of apprehension of the real, the reason turned into system, ideology and paradigm. This had the consequence of making the human being from a liberating and fruitful humanism to aconquering and dangerous anthropocentrism. So reason has become a wolf for man; theprotean crisis we are now experiencing is only a symptom of this alteration. The rationalist ideology renders the human being not only incapable of accessing the real as in himself, but also leads him to disguise, to twist, to mistreat the real. Numerous patches have been invented throughout the history of Western ideas by many philosophers to diminish, or at least to contain,this denaturation, but they have had the perverse effect of reinforcing and further rigidifyingthe rational paradigm. It is time to imagine a mode of apprehension different from reality, associated with anunprecedented epistemology, capable of bringing about a new theory of knowledge: it will be about "systematic" thinking. Nourished by talmudic epistemology and cognitive science, this new theory of knowledge, whose prolegomena are posited, is built on a logic radically different from Aristotelian logic.To know otherwise to think otherwise is the stake of this new epistemology.
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Afterlife, but not as we know it : medicine, technology and the body resurrectedLizama, Natalia January 2008 (has links)
This thesis contends that technologically-derived resurrections of human bodies and bodily fragments can be viewed as indicative of a 'post-biological' ontology. Drawing from examples in which human bodies are resurrected, both figuratively and actually, this thesis puts forward the term 'post-biological subject' as an ideological framework for conceptualising the reconfiguration of human ontology that results from various medical technologies that 'resurrect' the human body. In this instance, the term 'postbiological', borrowed from Hans Moravec who uses it denote a future in which human being is radically disembodied and resurrected within a digital realm, is used somewhat ironically: where Moravec imagines an afterlife in which the body is discarded as so much 'meat', the post-biological afterlife of the body in this thesis centres around a form of corporeal resurrection. Corpses, living organs and excreta may all be resurrected, some of them in digital format, yet this kind of resurrection departs radically from the disembodied spiritual bliss imagined in many conceptualisations of resurrection. The post-biological subject resists ontological delineation and problematises boundaries defining self and other, living and dead, and human and nonhuman and is fraught with a number of cultural anxieties about its unique ontological status. These concerns are analysed in the context of a number of phenomena, including melancholy, horror, monstrosity and the uncanny, all of which similarly indicate an anxious fixation with human ontology. The purpose of discussing post-biological bodies in relation to phenomena such as melancholy or the uncanny is not to reinstate as ideological frameworks the psychoanalytic models from which these concepts are derived, but rather to use them as starting points for more complex analyses of postbiological ontology. The first and second chapters of this thesis discuss instances in which the human body is posthumously modified, drawing on Gunther von Hagens's Body Worlds exhibition and the Visible Human Project. The Body Worlds plastinates are situated in a liminal and ambiguous ontological space between life and death, and it is argued that their extraordinary ontological status evokes a form of imagined melancholy, wherein the longed-for and lost melancholic object is a complete process of death. In the case of the Visible Human Project, it is argued that the gruesome and highly technologised process of creating the Visible Male, wherein the corpse is effectively dehumanised and iv rendered geometric, evokes the trope of horror, while at the same time being fraught with a nostalgic longing for a pre-technological, anatomically 'authentic' body. The third and fourth chapters of this thesis discuss instances in which the living human body is reconfigured, focusing on immortal cell lines and organ transplantation, and on medical imaging technologies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In the third chapter it is argued that organ transplantation and the creation of immortal cell lines give rise to profound anxieties about ontological contamination through their capacity to render permeable the imagined boundaries defining self, and in this way invoke the monstrous. The fourth chapter interrogates the representation of medical imaging in Don DeLillo?s novel White Noise, arguing that the medical representation of the body functions as a form of double, a digital doppelganger that elicits an uncanny anxiety through its capacity to presage death.
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Confucian humanism as the foundation of human rights and economic ethics: a study of Korea, Japan and the Republic of China.Lee, Calvin C, calvin.lee@rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
This study is about Confucian humanism as the foundation of human rights and economic ethics. The study covers Korea, Japan and the Republic of China. The main research question lies in how Confucian humanism emerged as an enduring tradition, and how it impacts upon human rights and economic ethics of the three nations on their individual paths towards globalizing civil societies. Research elements are (i) literature review, (ii) focus group discussions and (iii) documentation corroborations. Literature reviews covered scholarly works of East Asia and international scholars. Narrative data were obtained from the focus group discussions. Documentation corroboration complemented the focus group discussions. The study explores the origin of Confucianism and proceeds to examine how the Confucian philosophical tradition gave naissance to Confucian humanism. From Confucian humanism, the thesis proceeds to Confucian governance (ching shih). Alternative political views of more egalitarian Confucian schools such as of Mencius also take up a good part of the governance theme. The role of life long self-cultivation is seen as the foundation of character-building for respective societal roles within Confucian ethics and social ethos. The modern democratic institution of human rights is argued as having emerged from the fertile demo-centric Confucian social psychology, but benefited directly from the Western institutional models. Discussions on the tradition of Confucianism and that of Confucian humanism progress through the important turning points throughout history, i.e., the Classic age of Confucius, the Neo-Confucian reformation, the Practical Learning sub-era of the Neo-Confucian era, and, finally, the contemporary Neo-Confucian. The discussions highlight that the Confucian tradition of 'humanity' that Confucius and his disciples formulated in the Classical age endured through the ages to modernity. They also point to the notion that Confucians pursued their intellectual, moral and aesthetic ideals to the highest possible level through the system of learning, philosophizing, and practicing in the tradition. The Confucian cosmology of the 'human to nature' nexus and the Confucian spirituality of cosmic immanence in the 'self' provide clues to the multi-layer structure of Confucian consciousness of self, selves and the greater self, namely society or the Heaven itself. The Neo-Confucian school of 'mind and heart' learning reinforced the inquiry into selves in nexus to nature and the universe. Religious tolerance and the adaptability of Confucianism have stood out as important qualities in the globalization of East-Asian values and ethos, i.e., Confucian 'souls and decorum.' Japan, as an island nation with a unique perception of its self-identity, employs Confucianism, still considered fundamentally as the philosophy of China, to reinforce the national identity without compromising the integrity of the Japanese tradition and sensitivity. Japanese aesthetic sensitivity would place aesthetic unity with nature on equal footing with that of moral unity with the world. Secularism and spirituality of Confucianism benefited from the peaceful co-existence amongst the three great philosophical traditions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The thesis as an inquiry into Confucian humanism as a living tradition concludes by answering the main research question and its three associated postulates.
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Religionsundervisning ur fas med samtiden : en kvalitativ granskning av pedagogisk praktik i en åländsk grundskolaFagerlund, Anette January 2007 (has links)
<p>På Åland lever i dag människor från ett tjugotal olika länder. De bär med sig sin kultur, och även om de inte aktivt utövar den, också sin religion. Jag blev nyfiken på huruvida den åländska skolans tillämpning av de normativa texter som grundskolelagen och läroplanen utgör, appellerar till dagens verklighet, som den uttrycks i den offentliga debatten i medier och hos allmänheten.</p><p>I augusti 2003 fick Finland en ny religionsfrihetslag, den tidigare daterade sig till 1922. Målet med den nya lagen är att alla religiösa samfund i Finland skall vara jämlika och autonoma. Till samfundsstatusen är kopplad en statlig garanti om undervisning i den egna religionen. (Hbl, s. 12, 2004.05.06) I praktiken innebär det att om elevens vårdnadshavare begär undervisning i elevens egen religion, och det finns tre elever som hör till religionen i fråga, måste skolan ordna den. (GrUL § 13 mom.3, GymnL § 9 mom.3)</p><p>För landskapet Ålands del innebär den nya religionsfrihetslagen att bestämmelser om undervisningen i religions- och livsåskådningskunskap i grundskolelagen måste korrigeras. (Utr.2004, s.2)</p><p>Samhället påverkar skolan bland annat genom de normativa dokument som skolans verksamhet vilar på. Politik och samhällsordningar sätter sin prägel på skollagar och läroplaner. Skolan skickar ut framtidens samhällsmedborgare som i sin tur kommer att påverka kommande generationers skola. Detta är en spiral i ständig utveckling. Åtminstone borde den vara det. ”Ifall du vill böja ett träd, böj det medan det är ungt, ifall du låter det växa för högt är risken stor att det bryts av.” (Kenyanskt ordspråk)</p><p>Frågan är om religionsundervisningen förändras i takt med tiden, och om lärarna reflekterar över det. I min undersökning ställs målen i läroplan och styrdokument mot tre pedagogers praktiska erfarenhet. Undersökningen är gjord i en av Ålands tjugosex grundskolor.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att:</p><p>1. undersöka hur undervisningen i religionskunskap förhåller sig till målen som skollagen och läroplanen ställer.</p><p>2. undersöka hur lärare uppfattar undervisningen och målen.</p>
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Machiavelli and a Sixteenth Century Republican Theory of LibertyDumais, Charles 21 September 2012 (has links)
In the following thesis, I argue that to contextualize Machiavelli’s republican thought in his Italian humanist heritage permits us to understand how Machiavelli reaches back not only to an Italian pre-humanist inheritance of liberty as freedom from servitude, but to a Stoic conception of agency which he inherits and shapes in that concept of liberty. While my analysis of Machiavelli and his humanist heritage is in fundamental agreement with that of Quentin Skinner in The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, it develops however the implications of two theses that Paul O. Kristeller outlines in his works on Italian humanism: the eclectic nature of humanist ideas and their rhetorical focus. From this I draw a slightly different picture of the humanist heritage and its polemics with Augustine, and from these an understanding about Stoic agency and how it is inherited and shaped in Machiavelli’s conception of the citizen and civic duties.
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Religionsundervisning ur fas med samtiden : en kvalitativ granskning av pedagogisk praktik i en åländsk grundskolaFagerlund, Anette January 2007 (has links)
På Åland lever i dag människor från ett tjugotal olika länder. De bär med sig sin kultur, och även om de inte aktivt utövar den, också sin religion. Jag blev nyfiken på huruvida den åländska skolans tillämpning av de normativa texter som grundskolelagen och läroplanen utgör, appellerar till dagens verklighet, som den uttrycks i den offentliga debatten i medier och hos allmänheten. I augusti 2003 fick Finland en ny religionsfrihetslag, den tidigare daterade sig till 1922. Målet med den nya lagen är att alla religiösa samfund i Finland skall vara jämlika och autonoma. Till samfundsstatusen är kopplad en statlig garanti om undervisning i den egna religionen. (Hbl, s. 12, 2004.05.06) I praktiken innebär det att om elevens vårdnadshavare begär undervisning i elevens egen religion, och det finns tre elever som hör till religionen i fråga, måste skolan ordna den. (GrUL § 13 mom.3, GymnL § 9 mom.3) För landskapet Ålands del innebär den nya religionsfrihetslagen att bestämmelser om undervisningen i religions- och livsåskådningskunskap i grundskolelagen måste korrigeras. (Utr.2004, s.2) Samhället påverkar skolan bland annat genom de normativa dokument som skolans verksamhet vilar på. Politik och samhällsordningar sätter sin prägel på skollagar och läroplaner. Skolan skickar ut framtidens samhällsmedborgare som i sin tur kommer att påverka kommande generationers skola. Detta är en spiral i ständig utveckling. Åtminstone borde den vara det. ”Ifall du vill böja ett träd, böj det medan det är ungt, ifall du låter det växa för högt är risken stor att det bryts av.” (Kenyanskt ordspråk) Frågan är om religionsundervisningen förändras i takt med tiden, och om lärarna reflekterar över det. I min undersökning ställs målen i läroplan och styrdokument mot tre pedagogers praktiska erfarenhet. Undersökningen är gjord i en av Ålands tjugosex grundskolor. Syftet med denna uppsats är att: 1. undersöka hur undervisningen i religionskunskap förhåller sig till målen som skollagen och läroplanen ställer. 2. undersöka hur lärare uppfattar undervisningen och målen.
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