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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e qualidade nutricional da dieta na população americana / Ultra-processed food consumption and diet quality in the American population

Larissa Galastri Baraldi 06 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O sistema alimentar atual despreza a cultura alimentar, a produção local e desvaloriza o uso do tempo com o preparo e consumo de alimentos, criando espaço e oportunidades para a penetração dos alimentos ultraprocessados. Nos Estados Unidos, os dados de estudos epidemiológicos em nutrição apontam para a elevada prevalência de obesidade e perda da qualidade da alimentação na população. Objetivo: Estudar o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados nos Estados Unidos e o impacto desse consumo na qualidade da dieta da população americana. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados do consumo alimentar, de 23.847 indivíduos com dois anos de idade ou mais, de três ciclos da National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2008, 2009-2010 e 2011-2012.Todos alimentos consumidos foram alocados em um dos quatro grupos da classificação NOVA. Alimentos ultraprocessados foram definidos como formulações industriais feitas predominantemente de substâncias extraídas diretamente de alimentos (óleos, gorduras, açúcar), derivadas de constituintes de alimentos (gorduras hidrogenadas, amido modificado) ou sintetizadas em laboratório a partir de matérias orgânicas (corantes, aromatizantes, realçadores de sabor). Exemplos incluem guloseimas em geral, chocolates, sorvetes, bolachas doces e salgadas, salgadinhos de pacote, refrigerantes, hambúrgueres e outras refeições de fast food. A descrição do consumo alimentar da população americana foi feita segundo a participação média dos grupos e subgrupos de alimentos na dieta, expressada como porcentagem do valor calórico total da dieta; em seguida, o mesmo foi feito por sexo e faixa etária. A evolução, ao longo dos três períodos estudados, da participação média no valor calórico total da dieta foi descrita para o grupo de alimentos ultraprocessados e seus 15 subgrupos. Modelos de regressão foram aplicados para estimar a relação entre variáveis socioeconômicas e a participação de ultraprocessados nas calorias totais da dieta. Também foi verificado o impacto do consumo de produtos ultraprocessados na qualidade da dieta. Resultados: O consumo energético médio diário dos americanos foi de 2051,7 kcal, sendo 58,7 por cento das calorias provenientes de alimentos ultraprocessados. A participação de ultraprocessados foi maior na dieta de crianças e adolescentes. As associações entre as variáveis socioeconômicas e o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados foram significativas, embora com coeficientes de regressão de pequena magnitude. A associação entre raça/etnia e a participação de alimentos ultraprocessados na dieta revelou as maiores disparidades sociais. No curto período decorrido entre as três pesquisas estudadas, houve aumento significativo da participação de alimentos ultraprocessados na dieta, principalmente entre crianças e adolescentes, indivíduos do sexo masculino e pessoas com escolaridade intermediária. Ao contrastar o primeiro com o último quinto de participação de ultraprocessados, o conteúdo de açúcar adicionado dobrou e, na mesma direção, aumentou a densidade energética da dieta. Além disso, foram reduzidos o conteúdo de fibras, em um terço, e o consumo de água total, em um quarto. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que são necessárias políticas públicas para barrar o consumo elevado de alimentos ultraprocessados em todos estratos da população americana. Tais medidas podem ser efetivas na melhora da qualidade da dieta dessa população, levando à diminuição da densidade energética, do açúcar adicionado, aumento de fibras e água, o que pode, consequemente, auxiliar no combate à obesidade no país. / Introduction: The current food system despises food culture, local production and create space and opportunities for penetration of food ultraprocessados on the diet. Data from epidemiological studies in United States shows the high prevalence of obesity and loss of diet quality, which could be related with the consumption of ultra-processed food. Objective: The study aims to evaluate the consumption of ultra-processed food in the United States and their impact on the diet quality. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2008, 2009-2010 e 2011-2012.The sample, representative of American population, involved 23.847 individuals from 2 years or older. Food consumption data were collected through two 24-hour food records. The consumed food items were classified according to NOVA classification. Ultra-processed foods were defined as industrial formulations that are predominantly made from substances that are extracted from foods (sugar, oils and fats), derived from food constituents (hydrogenated fats, modified starch) or synthesized in a laboratory form organic materials (flavors, colours, flavor enhancers). Examples included confectionery, soft drinks, cookies, crackers, chips, hamburgers, sausages, nuggets or sticks and other pre-prepared frozen dishes. The description of food consumption of US population was expressed as the caloric share of the four food groups and stratified by sex and age group. Short trend, within the period studied, was estimated for the ultra-processed food consumption and its 15 subgroups. Linear regression models were applied to assess the association between the socioecomic variables and quintiles of consumption of ultra-processed foods, as well as to assess the influence of consumption of ultra-processed foods on the diet quality. Results: The average daily energy intake of Americans was 2051.7 kcal; ultra-processed food comprised 58.7 per cent of this intake. Children and adolescents presented the higher energy share of ultraprocessados in the diet. The associations between socioeconomic variables and the consumption of food ultraprocessados were significant, although the small magnitude in regression coefficients. The largest differences in ultra-processed energy consumption was between the classes of race/ethnicity, showing social disparities. In the short period studied, it was observed a significant increase in the share of ultraprocessados foods in the diet, especially among children and adolescents, males and people with intermediate education. Contrasting the first with the last fifth of ultraprocessados share, increased the content of added sugar and also energy density of the diet. In addition, the increase of consumption of ultra-processed food reduced the fiber content in a third and the intake of total water in a fourth. Conclusion: The results from this study give support to public polices to create barriers on the consumption of ultra-processed food in US. The results also highlight the negative impact of ultra-processed food consumption on the diet quality. Decreasing the share of ultra-processed food on diet would lead to less added sugar and energy density content on diet and more fiber and water consumption.

Nutrição e saúde: o papel do ultraprocessamento de alimentos / Nutrition and health: the role of the ultra-processed foods.

Maria Laura da Costa Louzada 07 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de obesidade e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis tem aumentado em todo o mundo, enquanto as deficiências de micronutrientes continuam sendo um grave problema de saúde pública. Este cenário tem sido impulsionado, entre outros fatores, por transformações recentes no sistema alimentar global, caracterizadas principalmente pela substituição dos hábitos alimentares tradicionais pelo consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados. Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo são analisar o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados no Brasil e sua influência sobre a qualidade nutricional da alimentação e indicadores de obesidade e avaliar o uso de dados de aquisição domiciliar de alimentos para estimar o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados. Métodos: Foram produzidos quatro manuscritos baseados em dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. Os três primeiros utilizaram dados do módulo de consumo alimentar individual, que avaliou 34.003 adolescentes e adultos brasileiros. Todos os alimentos consumidos foram classificados de acordo com as características do processamento industrial. Alimentos ultraprocessados foram definidos como formulações industriais feitas predominantemente de substâncias extraídas diretamente de alimentos (óleos, gorduras, açúcar), derivadas de constituintes de alimentos (gorduras hidrogenadas, amido modificado) ou sintetizadas em laboratório a partir de matérias orgânicas (corantes, aromatizantes, realçadores de sabor). Exemplos incluem balas, chocolates, sorvete e guloseimas em geral, bolachas doces, salgadas, salgadinhos, refrigerantes e refrescos, hambúrgueres e outras refeições fast food. Modelos de regressão foram empregados para descrever a associação entre quintos do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados ( por cento do total de energia), o perfil nutricional da alimentação (artigos 1 e 2) e indicadores de obesidade (artigo 3). No artigo 4, compararam-se as estimativas de consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados obtidas por dados do módulo de aquisição domiciliar de alimentos e do módulo de consumo alimentar individual. Resultados: Os alimentos ultraprocessados apresentaram maior densidade energética, maior conteúdo em açúcar livre e gorduras totais, saturadas e trans e menor teor de fibras, proteínas e de vários micronutrientes, em comparação ao conjunto dos outros alimentos. Maior consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados determinou generalizada deterioração no perfil nutricional da alimentação. O perfil nutricional da alimentação dos brasileiros que menos consumiram alimentos ultraprocessados aproximam este estrato da população das recomendações internacionais para prevenção da obesidade e doenças crônicas. Os indivíduos no quintil superior de consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados apresentaram maior índice de massa corporal (0,94 kg/m2; IC 95 por cento 0,42;1,47) e maiores chances de serem obesos (OR=1,98; IC 95 por cento : 1,26;3,12) em comparação àqueles no quintil inferior. Observou-se uma concordância razoável entre as estimativas de consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados obtidas a partir de dados de aquisição familiar de alimentos e de consumo alimentar individual. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam prejuízos à saúde decorrentes da substituição de refeições tradicionais baseadas em alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados por alimentos ultraprocessados e apoiam a recomendação para ser evitado o consumo desses alimentos. Além disso, os achados reforçam a utilização de dados de aquisição familiar de alimentos, que são coletados sistematicamente no Brasil desde os anos 70, como um proxy do consumo real de alimentos ultraprocessados. Na ausência de pesquisas de consumo alimentar individual com representatividade nacional, pesquisas domiciliares podem ser uma ferramenta valiosa para monitorar os padrões alimentares da população. / Introduction: Rates of obesity and other chronic diseases have increased worldwide while micronutrient deficiencies remain a serious public health problem. This transition is paralleled with recent transformations in the globalizing food system, mainly characterized by the replacement of traditional food habits by the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods in Brazil and its influence on the nutritional dietary quality and on obesity indicators, and to evaluate the use of household food acquisition data to estimate actual consumption of ultra-processed foods. Methods: Four manuscripts were produced based on data from the Brazilian Household Budget Survey 2008-2009. The first three manuscripts were based on the module of individual food consumption, which evaluated 34,003 Brazilian adolescents and adults. All food items were classified according to characteristics of food processing. Ultra-processed foods were defined as industrial formulations that are predominantly made from substances that are extracted from food (oils, fats, sugar), derived from food constituents (hydrogenated fats, modified starch) or synthesized in a laboratory from organic materials (colorants, flavorings, flavor enhancers). Examples included candies, chocolates, ice cream and confectionary in general, cookies, crackers, chips, sugar-sweetened beverages, hamburgers and other fast food dishes. Regression models were fitted to evaluate the association of quintiles of consumption of ultra-processed foods ( per cent of energy intake) with the nutrient intake profile (manuscripts 1 and 2) and obesity indicators (manuscript 3). In the fourth manuscript, estimates of the consumption of ultra-processed food obtained from the module of household food acquisition and from the module of individual food intake were compared. Results: The nutrient profile of ultra-processed foods, compared to the rest of the diet, revealed higher energy density, higher content in added sugar and in total, saturated, and trans fats, and lower in fiber, protein and many micronutrients. Higher contribution of ultra-processed foods to the total diet was associated with an overall deterioration of the nutrition profile of the diet. The 20 per cent lowest consumers of ultra-processed foods were anywhere near reaching international nutrient goals for the prevention of obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases. Individuals in the highest quintile of consumption of ultra-processed foods had significantly higher body-mass-index (0.94 kg/m2; 95 per cent CI: 0.42,1.47) and higher odds of being obese (OR=1.98; 95 per cent CI: 1.26,3.12) compared with those in the lowest quintile of consumption. Comparative analyses showed a reasonable agreement between the estimates of ultra-processed foods consumption obtained from household acquisition and individual food intake inside home data. Conclusions: The results from this study highlight the damage to health that is arising based on the observed trend of replacing traditional meals, based on natural or minimally processed foods, with ultra-processed foods. These results also support the recommendation of avoiding the consumption of these foods. In addition, our findings strengthen the use of household acquisition data, which is collected systematically in Brazil since the 70s, as a proxy of the actual intake of ultra-processed foods. In the absence of nationally representative dietary intake surveys, household data is a valuable tool to monitor national food and nutrition security.

Prefabricerade betongbroar över järnväg - En jämförelse mellan traditionell platsgjuten konstruktion och prefab på plats / Prefabricated concrete bridges over railway - A comparison between traditional cast on site construction and precast on site

Eriksson, Andreas, Larsson, Nils January 2016 (has links)
När nya betongbroar över järnväg ska upprättas finns det många aspekter som försvårar byggandet, som t.ex. att trafiken inte kan stoppas helt förutom under kortare perioder under byggtiden. Tågstoppen planeras in många år i förväg vilket gör att produktionen måste planeras och utföras utefter de planerade stoppen. Det är svårt att få till en industrialiserad brobyggnadsprocess med högre effektivitet och mer upprepning. Den traditionella platsgjutna metoden är den metod som är vanligast i Sverige trots att det finns metoder som skulle kunna ersätta den. Det huvudsakliga syftet med rapporten är att ta reda på om prefabricerade betongelement på plats är en möjlig metod för att underlätta byggandet av nya betongbroar över järnväg. Denna rapport baseras på en fallstudie av ett befintligt broprojekt för att se vilka fördelar och förbättringar metoden med prefab på plats kan ge i olika aspekter. Utöver detta har intervjuer och en enkätundersökning genomförts för att samla in material och åsikter om prefab och industrialiserade brobyggnadsprocesser. Resultatet i denna rapport visar att metoden med prefab på plats är mer fördelaktig än den traditionella platsgjutna metoden i flera hänseenden. Det är en metod som gör det möjligt att nå upprepning och serietillverkning av broar. Vid intervjuerna framkom att entreprenörerna är intresserade av prefablösningar men bland annat krav på utformning och konservativ syn på prefab från beställarna hindrar möjligheterna för att tillämpa metoden / When new concrete bridges over railway is to be established there are many aspects that complicates the construction, such as that traffic not can be stopped completely except for short periods during the construction process. The train stop is planned many years in advance, which means that construction must be planned and performed along the planned stops. It is difficult to get to an industrial bridge construction process with higher efficiency and more repetition. The traditional cast on site method is the most common in Sweden although there are methods that could replace it. The main purpose of the report is to find out if precast concrete elements on site is a possible method to facilitate the construction of new concrete bridges over the railway. This report is based on a case study of an existing bridge project to see the benefits and improvements the method with precast on site can provide in various aspects. Also interviews and surveys was conducted to collect opinions about prefabrication and industrial bridge construction. The results in this report show that the method of prefab on site is more advantageous than the traditional cast on site method in several respects. It is a method that makes it possible to reach repetition and serial production of bridges. The interviews revealed that contractors are interested in prefabricated solutions, but among other requirements for the design and conservative view of prefabrication from clients prevents the possibility of applying the method.

Disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes para a população das regiões metropolitanas de Recife e São Paulo. / Energy and nutrients disponibility to the people living in Recife and São Paulo metropolitan areas.

Célia Regina Ferrari Faganello 06 February 2003 (has links)
A interpretação do perfil de consumo alimentar de uma população é tarefa complexa, especialmente quando a sociedade brasileira vem passando por intensos processos, entre outros, a rápida industrialização, acelerada urbanização, a crescente participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho, o desenvolvimento da agroindústria e os planos de ajustes econômicos, o envelhecimento da população, a crescente importância da mídia, modificações dos hábitos e costumes.Também têm sido enfatizados os conhecidos danos para a saúde que podem decorrer do consumo insuficiente de nutrientes ou do consumo excessivo, que invariavelmente condiciona a obesidade. Tendo em vista as lacunas existentes, sobre o consumo alimentar da população, julgou-se pertinente implementar a presente pesquisa tendo entre seus objetivos a análise do conteúdo de energia e nutrientes, disponível nos domicílios das regiões metropolitanas de Recife e São Paulo e a variação dos mesmos de acordo com o recebimento familiar per capita; avaliação da participação relativa dos diferentes grupos de alimentos e, também, dos macronutrientes no valor energético total – VET. Como base de dados, foram utilizadas as informações obtidas pela Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares - POF, realizada pelo IBGE, durante o período de 1 o de outubro de 1995 a 30 de setembro de 1996 (IBGE, 1998). Para a análise dos dados relativos ao conteúdo disponível de energia e nutrientes, adotou-se o software Virtual Nutri (Philippi et al, 1996).Os recursos do software Statistical Analysis System – SAS (1996),foram utilizados para a elaboração das demais análises. Para analisar como a disponibilidade de energia e os nutrientes selecionados variam com o recebimento familiar per capita nas duas regiões metropolitanas analisadas, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão múltipla. Elaborou-se a análise da participação dos macronutrientes (carboidratos, proteína e lipídeos) no valor total de energia disponível nos domicílios para as famílias de todos os estratos de recebimentos, adotando-se como parâmetros os valores preconizados pela National Academy of Sciences (2002). Verificou-se que para as duas regiões metropolitanas e totalidade dos estratos de recebimento, a participação da proteína animal supera o valor recomendado .Note-se que a participação da proteína que procedem de fontes animais supera 50%, quando se examina os resultados referentes à totalidade dos estratos de recebimentos.Quando se considera a participação dos macronutrientes, verifica-se que o maior valor (31%), referente aos lipídios no VET é verificado na região metropolitana de São Paulo (famílias com rendimento entre 15 e 20 s.m.). Valor também considerado elevado, foi observado em São Paulo para famílias pertencentes aos estratos de 3 a 5, 20 a 30 e acima de 30 salários mínimos.No tocante a participação dos carboidratos, vale enfatizar que os maiores percentuais (63% e 62%) foram verificados na região metropolitana de Recife. Quando se considerou os três estratos de recebimento (< 2 s.m.; entre 6 e 8 s.m.; e > 30 s.m.) verificou-se que as famílias da região metropolitana de Recife, pertencentes aos referidos estratos dispõe de maior conteúdo de energia no domicílio, que as famílias da região metropolitana de São Paulo. A disponibilidade de fibras se revelou muito inferior ao mínimo recomendado. Situação preocupante também foi observada quando se considerou a disponibilidade no domicílio, do ferro. Verificou-se também que possivelmente os hábitos regionais exerçam forte influência no consumo da população. Ilustra esse registro a contribuição do grupo das farinha no VET disponível para as famílias da região metropolitana de Recife (região nordeste do pais) que se revelou superior àquela verificada para São Paulo. A participação das frutas se revelou mais expressiva, para as famílias pertencentes aos estratos mais elevados de renda, das duas regiões consideradas nas análises. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa forneçam subsídios para as análises do comportamento do perfil alimentar dos brasileiros das áreas duas urbanas. Acredita-se, também, que os resultados contribuam para sistemas agroalimentares brasileiros e, entre outros procedimentos de intervenção, para a elaboração de programas educativos na área da saúde mais condizente com a melhoria do estado nutricional da população.As indústrias de alimentos e profissionais da área de marketing também poderão se beneficiar dos resultados à medida que esses revelam tendências e preferências dos consumidores. / It is a complex task interpreting the eating habits of a given population, especially when the Brazilian society is passing through great changes, as the fast industrialisation, quick urbanisation growth the increasing of the women’s participation at the job market, the agroindustrial development, the economic agreement plans, the population aging-process, the growth of the media importance, those factors result in habit and custom changings. It is also been emphasising the well-known health problems that occur because of the inadequate nutrients consumption or the excess nutrients consumption, which drives the individual to an obese condition. Because of the lack of information on the population eating consumption, I resolve to start the following research to analyze the energy and nutrient contents, available at the homes in Recife and São Paulo metropolitan regions and the range of the energy and nutrients according on how much each family earns, their per capita income, the evaluation of the relative participation of the different food groups, and also the macronutrients found in the Total Energetic Value – TEV. Based on collected data, it was used the information obtained by the pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares – POF (Familiar Budget Research) fulfiled by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) throughout the period of October 1 st , 1995 to September 30 th, 1996 (IBGE,1998). To analyze the data related to the available energy and nutrients contents, it was used the Virtual Nutri software (Philippi et al, 1996). The Statical Analysis Sytem – SAS resources (1996) were used to elaborate the other analyses. To analyze how the energy and nutrient available chosen ranges according the familiar per capita income in both metropolitan regions it was used a multiple regression model. It was elaborated the macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) participation in the total valour of the available energy found at the homes to the families from every social class, the parametres taken were the foretold by the National Academy of Sciences (2002). It was verified that for both regions and all familiar range income the participation of animal protein surpasses the recommendable valour, in a 50% scale, when it is taken the whole familiar income range. When one considers the macronutrients participation, one verifies that the major valour (31%) is conserning to the fat in the TEV it is found that in São Paulo metropolitan region (families that have about 3000 to 4000 Reais monthly income – being 1 dollar equal to about 3,80 Reais nowadays) another high considered valour was observed in São Paulo within the families who have incomes from 600 Reais to 1000 Reais, the families who income ranges from 4000 Reais to 6000 Reais and the families that have an income higher than 6000 Reais. As far as carbohydrate is concerned it is good to emphasise that the major valours (63% and 62%) were found in Recife metropolitan region. When it was considered the three levels of income (less than 400 Reais; between 1200 Reais and 1600 Reais and more than 6000 Reais) it was verified that the families in Recife metropolitan area in the citied income levels have more energy content at home than theirs counterparts in São Paulo metropolitan areas. The available fibre turned out to be much fewer than the recommendable one. That worrying situation was also observed when one considered the iron available at home. It was observed that probably the regional habits have a strong influence as far as comsuption is concerned. The flour in the TEV available to the families shows us the regional habits, because it is higher in Recife metropolitan area than in São Paulo metropolitan area. It was noticed the fruits expressive participation among the families who have the major incomes in both regions. It is expected that the results in this research provide subsidies to the Brazilian eating behaviour in both metropolitan regions. It is believed that the results will help the Brazilian agro-food systems and amongst other intervention proceedings, to elaborate educative programmes on health field aiming the improving the nutritional state of the population. The food industries and the professionals on the marketing area will also be able to get the benefits from the results for they reveal the consumers tendencies and preferences.

Investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento fomentados pela Lei de Informática no fortalecimento da formação ou capacitação profissional em instituições de ensino e pesquisa

Vasconcelos, Scheyla January 2018 (has links)
Recursos Humanos com formação de qualidade e boa capacitação se constituem no capital intelectual da indústria que busca a capacitação tecnológica e maior competitividade, tanto a nível nacional, quanto a mundial. Na permanente busca de alternativas para o preenchimento desta lacuna de pessoal qualificado, a Lei de Informática (LI – Lei nº 8.248/91) traz sua contribuição por meio da obrigação de aplicação em formação ou capacitação profissional como uma das atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) estabelecidas no regramento legal da Lei. Os projetos de P&D da LI de formação ou capacitação profissional contribuem para a produção de capital intelectual, ou seja, capital humano capacitado, que vem de encontro a suprir em parte a falta de profissionais qualificados. A LI determina que as empresas de desenvolvimento ou produção de bens e serviços de informática e automação invistam em atividades de P&D em Tecnologia da informação (TI) e que possam pleitear os benefícios da Lei, que consistem em isenção do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI). Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar os projetos de P&D de Formação ou Capacitação Profissional, de níveis médio e superior, desenvolvidos pelas Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa (IEPs) e executados com recursos da LI. Para atingir este objetivo, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa destes projetos e também uma análise quantitativa da Plataforma de Dados da SEPIN. Foram analisados 199 projetos de uma média de 18 empresas incentivadas, executados por uma média de 25 IEPs, no período de 2011-2014. A principal conclusão deste estudo é a confirmação do resultado da LI como instrumento de fomento da capacitação tecnológica e do estímulo da competitividade, por meio do incentivo às atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) em Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Estas atividades englobam Formação ou Capacitação Profissional, que foi o foco deste trabalho. / Human resources with high quality and good professional training are the industry's intellectual capital, that seeks technological capacity and more competitiveness, both nationally and globally. In the ongoing search for alternatives to fill this qualified personnel gap, the Informatics Law (IL - Law nº. 8.248 / 1991) brings its contribution through the law requirement application in formal or professional training as one of the Research and Development (R & D) activities established by this law. The R & D projects developed on the scope of the IL, involving training or professional training, contributed to the production of intellectual capital, what is the trained human resources, which addresses the market’s lack of qualified professionals. The IL determines that development or production companies of Information Technology (IT) and automation invest in R & D in IT, may claim the benefits of the law, consisting of tax reduction. This thesis analyzes the R & D projects of formal or professional training, at both secondary and superior level, developed by the Education and Research institutions and executed with financial resources from the IL. To achieve this goal, this author carried out a qualitative analysis of these projects and also a quantitative analysis of the SEPIN Data Base Platform. The author analyzed 199 projects, involving 18 IL beneficiary companies (average), executed by an average of 25 certificated Teaching and Research Institutions, during the period 2011-2014. The main finding of this study is the confirmation of the results expected from the IL as an instrument for fostering technological capacity and a stimulus of competence via incentives of P&D activities in IT. These activities include formal professional training in IT, which was the focus of this study.

Elección de los productos ultraprocesados que realizan las madres para la alimentación del niño preescolar durante la evolución de la pandemia del COVID-19 / Choice of ultra-processed products made by mothers of preschool children during the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic

Villarán Espinoza, Ivana, Paz Soldán Zapata, Nadine 27 August 2021 (has links)
Introducción: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por el nuevo coronavirus, a nivel mundial se han adoptado diversas medidas para disminuir la propagación de este. Entre ellas, el aislamiento social obligatorio, el cual ha generado cambios en el estilo de vida de las personas, especialmente en los niños preescolares, quienes han visto interrumpidas, y sustituidas sus actividades académicas a modalidades online, limitando sus actividades recreacionales por actividades más sedentarias. Sumado a esto, el Perú ya venía experimentando un aumento en el consumo de productos ultraprocesados, con incremento en la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños. Objetivo: Explorar cómo influye la evolución de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la elección de los productos ultraprocesados que realizan las madres para la alimentación del niño preescolar. Método: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizó 26 entrevistas semiestructuradas utilizando una guía de preguntas. La muestra seleccionada fue por bola de nieve hasta alcanzar la saturación. Resultados: Las madres entrevistadas tuvieron entre 21 y 47 años de edad, la mayoría vivía en los distritos de Miraflores y Surco, contaban con estudios superiores completos y trabajo al momento de las entrevistas. Ellas expresaron que la experiencia de vivir la evolución de la pandemia ha generado cambios en la dinámica de sus familias como: alteraciones en los horarios, introducción del trabajo remoto, adaptación de sus hijos a la educación virtual y mayor sedentarismo. Se demostró que la mayoría tenía un adecuado conocimiento respecto a los productos ultraprocesados. Sin embargo, se evidenció una mayor elección de estos para los preescolares, siendo estos consumidos mayormente en las tardes. Conclusión: Los cambios generados por la evolución de la pandemia aumentaron la elección de productos ultraprocesados por parte de las madres de los niños preescolares. / Introduction: Since the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, measures have been taken worldwide to reduce its spreading. Among them, obligatory quarantine, which has generated changes in people’s lifestyles, especially that of preschool aged children, who have been forced to substitute their academic activities for online modalities and their recreational activities for more sedentary ones. In addition, Peru has been experiencing an increase in the consumption of ultra-processed products and in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children. Objective: Explore how the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic influences the choice of ultra-processed products that mothers make for feeding their preschool children. Methods: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted using a question guide. The sample was selected by snowball until reaching saturation. Results: The interviewed mothers were between 21 and 47 years old, the majority lived in the districts of Miraflores and Surco, had completed higher education and they had work at the time of the interviews. They expressed that the experience of living the evolution of the pandemic has generated changes in the dynamics of their families such as: alterations in schedules, introduction of remote work, adaptation of their children to virtual education and greater sedentary lifestyle. Most were shown to have adequate knowledge of ultra-processed products. However, a greater choice of these was evidenced for preschoolers, being these consumed mostly in the afternoons. Conclusion: The changes generated by the evolution of the pandemic increased the choice of ultra-processed products by the mothers of preschool children. / Tesis

Disminución del déficit de vivienda para los niveles socio económico C y D en la región Ica utilizando modelo de construcción industrializada, caso de estudio proyecto “Residencial Terra Blanca”, provincia de Pisco / Reduction of housing shortage for socio-economic levels C and D in Ica region, using an industrialized building model, study case: “Residencial Terra Blanca” project, province of Pisco

Colone Amez, Franco 16 September 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo demuestra que es posible la disminución del déficit de viviendas en los sectores socioeconómicos C y D, implementando proyectos atractivos para la demanda y económicamente rentables para el promotor. El caso de estudio es el proyecto “Residencial Terra Blanca”, de la empresa Inmobiliaria Yaku, el cual se desarrolla en la ciudad de Pisco y va dirigido a los niveles socioeconómicos C y D. La tesis presenta dos partes, la primera, relacionada con la promoción inmobiliaria y el análisis económico del proyecto, donde en función al estudio de mercado y a la comparación con proyectos similares en la zona, el promotor propone un producto atractivo y accesible para la demanda de la ciudad. Asimismo, se hace un análisis económico dando como resultados indicadores de rentabilidad aceptables, concluyendo que el proyecto es viable. Como complemento a esta primera parte, se hace el análisis de sensibilidad con las tres variables más relevantes de los proyectos inmobiliarios: la velocidad de ventas, el precio promedio de las viviendas y el costo de construcción de la edificación para determinar los rangos en los cuales estas variables mantienen la viabilidad del proyecto. En la segunda parte, y como propuesta de valor, se propone una optimización del presupuesto de construcción de la edificación, empleando un modelo de construcción industrializado para la preparación, el transporte y la colocación del concreto preparado en obra, adicionalmente, se introduce una propuesta colaborativa que disminuye la carga tributaria del proyecto. De la aplicación de ambas propuestas, se ha determinado el impacto en el aumento de la rentabilidad del proyecto, producto del ahorro en el presupuesto de construcción. / This paper shows that the reduction of housing shortage in C and D socio-economic sectors is possible, through the implementation of attractive projects for demand and that are economically profitable for a developer. The study case is “Residencial Terra Blanca” project, from Inmobiliaria Yaku S.A.C, which is developed in the city of Pisco and it is intended for socio-economic levels C and D. The thesis has two parts, the first one is related to real state development and project economic analysis, which according to market research and comparing to similar projects in the area, the developer proposes an appealing and affordable product for the city’s demand. An economic analysis is also carried out resulting in acceptable profitability indicators, concluding that the project is viable. In addition to this first part, a sensitivity analysis is made with the three most important variables: sales velocity, average housing price and construction cost of the building, to determine the ranges in which these variables keep the project feasibility. The second part, and as value proposal, it is suggested a construction budget optimization of the building, using an industrialized building model for the preparation, transportation and placement of concrete mixed on site; additionally, it is introduced a collaborative proposal that reduces tax burden of the project. After applying both proposals, it has been determined an impact on increase of project profitability, as a consequence of savings in the construction budget. / Tesis

Framework procurements and their effect on the Swedish housing market – An analysis of SABO Kombohus Bas / Ramavtalsupphandlingar och dess effekt på den svenska bostadsmarknaden – En analys av SABO Kombohus Bas

Winnberg, Bonnie, Heller, Simone January 2016 (has links)
Sweden is suffering from a large housing shortage due to urban population growth and low levels of new construction. Public housing companies play a major role on the market with their 46 percent share of the rental market. The production of rental apartments is especially problematic since profitability is limited. The low levels of new supply could be explained by high construction costs since they have reached levels that now inhibit the building of new rental apartments. One approach to increasing the supply of rental apartments on the Swedish housing market is by introducing framework procurements for turnkey ready multi-family housing. The effect of such framework procurement is researched, analyzed and put in relation to theories in the field of real estate economics, urban spatial theory, industrialized housing construction and competition. The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the field of research and increase the knowledge of supply side factors on the housing market. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis, analysis has been conducted with a mixed method approach, using a survey and interviews to reach all the public housing companies that have used the framework procurement Kombohus Bas. The case was chosen because it is a framework procurement for turnkey ready multi-family housing. Kombohus Bas has been developed by the Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies in order to try to help the public housing companies increase the supply of rental apartments. Research results show that the framework procurement Kombohus Bas has increased the number of rental apartments on the Swedish housing market, most importantly because it has lowered the production costs, as well as simplified and shortened the process of building housing. Thus, the use of framework procurements for turnkey ready multi-family housing could reduce the housing shortage. / Det råder en stor bostadsbrist i Sverige idag vilken framförallt beror på en ökande befolkning och låga nivåer av nyproduktion. De allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen är stora aktörer inom bostadssegmentet med en andel om 46 procent av hyresmarknaden. Produktionen av hyresrätter är speciellt problematisk eftersom lönsamheten är begränsad. De låga nivåerna av nytt utbud kan till viss del förklaras av höga produktionskostnader eftersom dessa har nått nivåer som nu hämmar nyproduktionen av hyresrätter. Den här forskningsrapporten analyserar möjligheten att öka utbudet av hyresrätter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden genom att introducera ramavtalsupphandlingar för nyckelfärdiga flerfamiljshus. Effekten av sådana ramavtalsupphandlingar analyseras i denna studie och sätts i relation till teori inom fastighetsmarknaden, stadsbyggnadsekonomi, industrialiserat byggande och konkurrens. För att uppfylla målet med studien har ett case kallat Kombohus Bas studerats. Kombohus Bas valdes ut på grund av att det är en prispressad ramavtalsupphandling för nyckelfärdiga flerfamiljshus. Ramavtalsupphandlingen har tagits fram av Svenska Allmännyttans Bransch Organisation, SABO, med syfte att försöka underlätta för de allmännyttiga bostadsbolagen till att öka utbudet av hyresrätter på marknaden. Syftet med studien är att bidra till befintlig forskning och öka kunskaperna kring de faktorer som påverkar utbudssidan av bostadsmarknaden. Forskningen har utförts genom att använda en blandad metodik där både en enkät och intervjuer har genomförts med syfte att nå alla allmännyttiga bostadsbolag som använt ramavtalsupphandlingen Kombohus Bas. Resultatet från studien visar att ramavtalsupphandlingen Kombohus Bas har ökat utbudet av hyresrätter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden, främst genom att sänka byggkostnaderna samt genom att förenkla och förkorta byggprocessen. Detta resultat indikerar att bostadsbristen kan minskas genom att använda ramavtalsupphandlingar för nyckelfärdiga flerfamiljshus.

Asociación entre perímetro de cuello y consumo de energía de alimentos industrializados en peruanos de 15 a 65 años: un análisis del ELANS / Association between neck perimeter and energy consumption of industrialized food in Peruvians aged 15 to 65: an analysis of ELANS

Chau Mendoza, Alexandra, Van Heurck Nolasco, Andrea Alessandra 27 August 2021 (has links)
Marco teórico: El sobrepeso y la obesidad está asociado con el incremento del consumo de alimentos industrializados (AI). Últimamente se ha identificado el perímetro de cuello (PC) como un buen indicador de grasa corporal y sobre todo riesgo en la salud. Por lo que nuestro objetivo es evaluar la asociación entre el consumo de energía de AI y el PC en peruanos de 15 a 65 años. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis secundario de la base datos del Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS) realizado en Perú. Las variables de interés fueron el consumo de energía de AI y el PC, para evaluar su asociación se realizó una regresión de Poisson cruda y ajustada por variables confusoras y se calculó la razón de prevalencia (RP). Los análisis se realizaron a un nivel de confianza del 95%. Resultados: La media del PC fue de 35,4 cm (DE: 3,6) y la mediana del consumo de los AI fue de 372,4 kcal (227,6-554,1). Los que se encuentran en el segundo y tercil superior de consumo de energía en AI tienen mayor probabilidad de PC aumentado (RP: 1,05; IC:1,00-1,10, p=0,042; RP: 1,06; IC:1,01-1,12, p=0,017, respectivamente) en relación a los que estaban en el primer tercil. Conclusión: A medida que aumenta el tercil del consumo de energía de AI aumenta el riesgo de PC aumentado en peruanos de 15 a 65 años. Es importante identificar estrategias que permitan implementar políticas públicas que mejoren la calidad de AI y disminuyan el riesgo de PC aumentado. / Background: Overweight and obesity is associated with increased consumption of industrialized foods (IF). Lately, the neck perimeter (NP) has been identified as a good body fat indicator and specially of health risk. Therefore, our objective is to evaluate the association between energy consumption of IF and NC in Peruvians aged 15 to 65. Methods: A secondary analysis of the database of the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (ELANS) conducted in Peru was performed. The variables of interest were power consumption of IF and NP, to evaluate its association, a crude and adjusted for confounding variables Poisson regression was performed and the prevalence ratio (PR) was calculated. The analyses were performed at a 95% confidence interval. Results: The mean NC was 35,4 cm (SD: 3,6) and the median consumption of IF was 372,4 kcal (227,6-554,1). Those in the second and upper tertile of energy consumption of IF have a higher probability of increased NC (PR: 1,05; IC:1,00-1,10, p=0,042; PR: 1,06; IC:1,01-1,12, p=0,017, respectively) in relation to those who were in the first tertile. Conclusion: As the tertile of energy consumption of IF increases, the risk of increased NC increases in Peruvians aged 15 to 65. It is important to identify strategies to implement public policies that improve the quality of IF and reduce the risk of increased NC. / Tesis

Cirkulära flöden för avfallshantering inom industriellt byggande : Kartläggning och bedömning av trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell / Circular flows for waste management in industrial construction : Mapping and assessment of timber, plywood, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell

Erstam, Fanny, Håkansson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Den linjära metodiken för användning av produkter i byggsektorn är huvudorsaken till uttömning av naturresurser och uppkomsten av avfall. Inom byggindustrin är förbränning det vanligaste sättet att göra sig av med avfall. Genom att integrera cirkulära flöden kan den linjära metodiken motverkas vilket leder till att livcykeln för produkterna förlängs. Standardiseringen som industriellt byggande kräver är en förutsättning för att cirkulära flöden ska kunna nyttjas. Detta då avfallet uppstår i större volymer och i renare fraktioner. Det kan dock konstateras att det inte är nog studerat vilka cirkulära flöden som finns och som är användbara för industriella byggföretag. Det finns således en motivering till syftet i studien som är att undersöka vilka cirkulära flöden industriella byggföretag kan använda sig av för att minska avfall som går till förbränning och deponi. Målet med examensarbetet är således att först och främst kartlägga det industriella byggföretagets avfall för trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell. Vartefter olika cirkulära flöden för dessa material ska hittas och presenteras utifrån hur väl de presterar i parametrarna ekonomi, utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter, logistikkomplexitet och avfallstrappan. För att stödja detta arbete har följande två forskningsfrågor tagits fram; Vilka är orsakerna till uppkomsten av avfall av trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell hos industriella byggföretag och hur kan detta avfall klassificeras i olika kategorier? Vilka cirkulära flöden kan industriella byggföretag implementera baserat på sitt avfall? För att svara på den första forskningsfrågan har en kartläggning genom mätningar i det industriella byggföretagets fabrik utförts. Sedan har datan från dessa mätningar kategoriserats och katalogiserats för att kunna dra slutsatser om orsakerna till uppkomsten av avfallet samt inom vilka kategorier det kan klassificeras. Från resultatet för kartläggningen kunde det konstateras att den största orsaken till uppkomsten av avfall var kapspill, detta för samtliga studerade material. För trävirket kunde slutsatsen dras att den största andelen materialspill hamnade inom längdintervallet 0–149 mm. För skivmaterialen gips och plywood uppstod avfallet i areor mindre än 0,5 m2, där det enbart för glasroc och fermacell fanns avfall i areor över 0,5 m2. Genom mätningarna kunde det konstateras att fermacell och glasroc stod för störst mängd avfall. För att svara på forskningsfråga två har först och främst en litteraturstudie kring vilka cirkulära flöden som finns gjorts. För de cirkulära flöden som är genomförbara för det industriella byggföretaget har resultatet för parametrarna ekonomi, utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter, logistikkomplexitet och avfallstrappan presenterats för de cirkulära flödena. I analysen har sedan resultaten för de olika cirkulära flödena rangordnats inom varje parameter. De cirkulära flöden som har hittats för träprodukterna är intern och extern fingerskarvning, intern och extern biokolstillverkning, internt ekologipaket samt extern spånskivstillverkning. För skivmaterialen var det endast materialåtervinning för att göra nya skivmaterial som hittades. För ekonomiparametern var det extern fingerskarvning som visade sig vara mest fördelaktig. För parametern för utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter så var det intern biokolstillverkning som var mest fördelaktig och för logistikparametern var det extern biokolstillverkning som var mest fördelaktig. För den sista parametern, avfallstrappan, var det de tre flödena intern och extern fingerskarvning samt det interna ekologipaketet som hade de bästa resultaten. Extern biokolstillverkning visade sig även vara det enda cirkulära flöde som placerades i övre halvan av rangordningen för samtliga parametrar. / The linear methodology of using products in the construction sector is the main reason for the depletion of natural resources and the production of waste. In the construction industry energy recovery is the most common way of disposing of waste. By integrating circular flows the linear methodology can be counteracted, which leads to an extended life cycle for products. The standardization that industrialized construction requires is a prerequisite for circular flows to be utilized, since the waste occurs in larger volumes and in cleaner fractions. However, it has been established that there in not enough research about which circular flows that exist and can be used by industrialized construction companies. There is thus a justification for the purpose of this study, which is to investigate which circular flows industrialized construction companies can use to reduce waste that goes to energy recovery and landfill. The goal of the thesis is thus first and foremost to map the industrialized construction company’s waste for timber, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell. Where different circular flows for these materials are to be found and then presented based on how well they perform in the parameters of economy, emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, logistics complexity and the waste hierarchy. To support this work, two research questions have been developed; What are the causes of production of timber, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell waste in industrialized construction companies and how can this waste be classified into different categories? Which circular flows can industrialized construction companies implement based on their waste? To answer the first research question, a mapping through measurements in the industrial construction company’s factory has been carried out. Where the data from these measurements then has been categorized and cataloged to be able to come to conclusions about the causes of the origin of the waste and into which categories it can be classified. From the results of the mapping, it could be stated that the biggest cause for waste was spillage. For the timber, it could also be determined that the largest proportion of waste ended up within the length range 0-149 mm. For the board materials gypsum and plywood, the waste occurred in areas smaller than 0.5 m2. Only glasroc and fermacell occurred in areas over 0.5 m2. Through the mapping, it could also be established that fermacell and glasroc accounted for the largest proportions of waste. To answer the second research question, a literature study has been conducted to find which circular flows that exist. For the circular flows that were feasible for the industrial construction company, their results for the parameters economy, emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, logistics complexity and the waste hierarchy have been presented. In the analysis, the results for the different circular flows have been ranked within each parameter. The circular flows that have been found for the timber products are internal and external finger jointing, internal and external biochar production, internal ecology package and external particle board production. For the board materials, only material recycling to make new board materials were found. For the economy parameter, external finger jointing was the most beneficial. For the parameter for emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, it was internal biochar production that was most beneficial. For the logistics parameter, external biochar production was the most beneficial. For the last parameter, the waste hierarchy, it was the three flows internal and external finger jointing and internal ecology package that had the best results. External biochar production was also the only circular flow placed in the top half of the ranking for all parameters.

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