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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnbok om AST – Autismspektrumtillstånd : Processen bakom skapandet av en informativ barnbok / A Children’s Book About ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder : The process behind creating an informative children’s book

Appelgren, Linnéa, Oldhammer, Elina January 2016 (has links)
Idag finns det mycket litteratur om Autismspektrumtillstånd att läsa, men det mesta är riktat till dem som redan har diagnosen eller föräldrar och bekanta. Det finns även många med AST som själva har skrivit böcker om sin diagnos. Det som saknas är en bok för barn utan AST men som möter barn med AST i vardagen och därför valde vi att skapa en bok om AST för barn. Detta för att barn utan kunskap kanske inte vet hur de ska bemöta sina klasskompisar med diagnosen. På ett lärorikt sätt ska barn utan AST kunna läsa och uppleva boken för att få en ökad förståelse om vad det innebär att ha AST. En bakgrundsstudie genomfördes för att få en ökad förståelse för AST och hur man skriver en barnbok. En webbenkätundersökning genomfördes för att ta reda på människors generella uppfattning och kunskaper om AST. Därefter skapade vi en barnbok för målgruppen 7–9 år med all den bakgrundskunskap vi fick fram. Vi testade vår slutprodukt med klass 3A och 3B på Hälsinggårdsskolan i Falun. De fick själva läsa boken och svara på en enkät med frågor om vad de tyckte om boken och om de hade lärt sig något nytt. Testet av vår bokprototyp visade att målgruppen uppskattade bokprototypen och att de elever som deltog lärde sig något om AST. / Today you can read a lot about Autism spectrum disorder, but most of the literature is for the people that already have the diagnosis or the people around them and some of the books come from people who have the diagnosis themselves. What we think is missing on the market today is a book for children who meet people with ASD in everyday life. Therefore we created a children’s book about ASD. We believe it’s important for children without knowledge to understand their classmates with ASD. In an educational way they should be able to read and understand what it means to have ASD. A background study was made to gain a better understanding of ASD and how to write a children’s book. A survey was also made to find out people’s general perception and knowledge about ASD. After the background study we designed a children’s book for children in the age of 7–9 years. To test our bookprototype we met class 3A and 3B of Hälsinggårdsskolan in Falun. They got to read the book and afterwards they answered questions about what they learned and thought about the book. The test of our bookprototype showed that the audience appreciated the book and that they learned and had a better understanding of people with ASD.

A Bountiful Harvest: Pueblo of Laguna College Graduates Assessment of Tribal Utilization of Subsidized Academic Capital

Graham, Joe L. January 2012 (has links)
The Pueblo of Laguna in New Mexico maintains a tribal scholarship program to assist students in their pursuit of higher education. This research was initiated to assess from the graduates' perspective how effectively the tribe utilized its subsidized academic capital. The purpose of the study was to identify obstacles, incentives, distractions, or alternative opportunities that Laguna college graduates encountered on their academic paths that influenced their perceptions about working for the tribe. Several challenges were identified that if addressed could profoundly benefit the tribe by increasing the retention of tribal graduates for the professional roles for which they were academically trained. A mixed methods research design was employed to examine why graduates educated with considerable assistance from their tribe were not working for their tribe in the capacity for which they earned degrees. Within this study, both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to gather, report, and interpret the data. The combined use of a survey as the quantitative method and interviews as the qualitative method provided a balanced view of the perceptions of the Laguna graduates. An analysis of both sets of data indicated that several significant rifts existed between the arenas of tribal professional employment opportunities, college level academic attainment, and the existing secondary school system. Conversely, notions of tribal student loyalty and an intense desire to contribute to community were confirmed. Based on the findings, it was recommended that several critical decisions regarding the future of the Pueblo's higher education priorities be made. Further, it was recommended that the tribe increase their efforts to capitalize on the intrinsic community connectedness demonstrated by the Laguna graduates.

Trimačio kartografinio vaizdo informatyvumo galimybės / Informative potential of the three-dimensional cartographical view

Alekna, Vilmantas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe yra siekiama išanalizuoti trimačio kartografinio vaizdo (žemėlapio) informatyvumo galimybes autoriaus sukurtų trimačių žemėlapių (modelių) pagrindu. Darbe apžvelgiami trimačio kartografinio vaizdo kūrimo metodai ir priemonės. Svarbų indelį trimačių kartografinių kūrinių sudaryme šiandien vaidina atskira grafinio dizaino kryptis – infografika. Tačiau trimatį kartografavimą palaikančių kompiuterinių programų nėra daug, pagrindinės iš jų leidžiančios sudarinėti erdvinius modelius yra ArcGIS ir AutoCAD. ArcGIS grafinio trimačio vizualizavimo ir Google SketchUp programinės įrangos pagrindu sukurti 4 trimačiai įvairių teminių sričių žemėlapiai. Informatyvumo nustatymo tikslui pasiekti yra vykdomas trimačių kartografinių ženklų informatyvumo, informacijos talpumo (kartografuojamų rodiklių kiekio atžvilgiu) bei panaudojimo tyrimas. Taip pat atliekama kartografijos profesionalų bei teminių sričių specialistų apklausa. Rezultatuose išryškėja pradinių kartografuojamų duomenų analizės svarba. Tinkamai parinkus kartografinį metodą leidžiantį atskleisti trečios dimensijos papildomas galimybes trimatis žemėlapis tampa informatyvesnis lyginant su įprastu planiniu kartografiniu vaizdu. Santykinių – hipotetinių paviršių žemėlapiai, kuriuose naudojami struktūriniai ženklai tinkamiausi socialinių rodiklių, o kombinuojant su tolydžiu paviršiumi – ir fiziniams reiškiniams kartografuoti. / The author is seeking to analize three-dimensional cartographical view informative opportunities created by the author 3D maps (models) basis. The paper gives an overview of 3D cartographic display methods and instruments. Important role in nowadays 3D mapping plays a separate graphic design trend – infographics. However 3D mapping computer programs are not many, the main ones allowing a spatial model are ArcGIS and AutoCAD. Basis of 3D graphics and imaging software ArcGIS together with Google SketchUp were created 4 different 3D thematic maps. Informative purpose is atchieved by research of 3D cartographic signs informative-capacity and uses potential. Also were done a poll of mapping professionals and thematic cartography specialists. Initial results revealed the importance of mapping data analysis. Properly selected mapping method allows to reveal additional opportunities of third dimension, in this way the map becomes more informative comparing it with two-dimensional map. Relative – hyphotethical surfaces maps in which are used structural cartographic signs is most appropriate for mapping of social indicators. And in the combination with continual surface (terrain model) – is appropriate for mapping of natural phenomena.

Le défi de l'éducation au Brésil et en France : Le processus de lecture des jeunes et des adultes en situation de réinsertion scolaire dans la perspective d'une reprise d'études / The process of reading between young people and adults in the context of school reintegration by the perspective of a resumption of the studies.

Boganika, Luciane 06 December 2018 (has links)
En matière de réinsertion scolaire des jeunes et des adultes, le Brésil met en place l’Éducation des Jeunes et des Adultes (EJA), et la France le Diplôme d’Accès aux Études Universitaires – DAEU. Chacune de ces formations constitue un dispositif pédagogique complet inséré dans le système national d’Éducation avec des programmes officiels, des cours spécifiques, un corps enseignant et des examens avec une visée diplômante. Leurs diplômés ont le droit de postuler aux concours de la fonction publique, ainsi comme au Brésil de postuler pour la sélection des universités publiques et privées, et en France de s’inscrire dans les établissements ouverts aux titulaires d'un baccalauréat. Cependant, au Brésil la formation est orientée vers le marché du travail, afin de favoriser la réinsertion et la mobilité professionnelles, ainsi que la formation de l’individu, tandis qu’en France, l’objectif principal est la poursuite d’études.Dans notre thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’enseignement de la lecture et nous cherchons, dans une perspective contrastive, à évaluer les effets de chacun de ces deux systèmes sur l’apprentissage de la compréhension écrite, et nous discutons des effets du modèle scolaire au sein duquel les lecteurs ont réalisé leurs premiers apprentissages, en particulier, et lecturaux.Notre protocole de recherche, mis en place lors des séances d’étude, propose aux lecteurs de répondre à des questionnaires de lecture portant sur des textes informatifs et journalistiques extraits de publications en ligne. Pour répondre à notre problématique nous formulons les questions suivantes :(1) Comment ces lecteurs lisent-ils ?(2) Quels sont les éléments du texte qu’ils mobilisent ?(3) Comment ces éléments sont-ils repris dans leurs réponses ?(4) Quelles sont les stratégies mises en œuvre lors de la lecture ?Ce protocole et ses fondements théoriques s’inspirent des travaux sur la lecture et la compréhension écrite menés au sein du laboratoire LIDILEM de l’université Grenoble-Alpes dans l’esprit de ceux initiés par Michel DABENE (DABÈNE, FRIER & VISOZ, 1992) et des travaux de l’équipe de recherche brésilienne dirigée par Lúcia CHEREM et Rosa NERY sur la matrice de questions et la progression de la lecture. Le croisement de ces différents indicateurs (partie du texte mobilisée, stratégie d’appropriation du texte, identification du parcours argumentatif, des jugements de valeur et de la polyphonie énonciative, formulation de la réponse) nous permet de reconstruire la cohérence du parcours de lecture - du repérage des informations à la compréhension de la complexité textuelle grâce à l’analyse de l’argumentation - et d’identifier des types de lecture correspondant à des degrés de développement du processus de lecture et de compréhension.De plus, nous nous demandons si la préoccupation du travail de lecture dans une pensée sociale (FREIRE, 1967) a des influences sur la qualité de lecture et de la compréhension écrite et sur la formation des lecteurs. Nous élaborons nos réponses en nous référant à des chercheurs qui, comme Paulo Freire et Pierre Bourdieu, ont pensé la question sociale. Nous pensons, avec eux, que quand la lecture a une signification pour le lecteur, le travail d’apprentissage est plus motivé et est plus cohérent.L’attention particulière à l’article de presse en ligne que nous prenons comme document de base pour notre recherche est motivée par cette perspective de faire dialoguer les pratiques sociales de l’écrit et l’enseignement – apprentissage de la lecture et de la compréhension écrite. / In terms of school reintegration of young people and adults, Brazil set up the educational program named Education for Young People and Adults [Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA], while France set up the educational project called Pass degree for the sake of the Access to University Studies [Diplôme d’Accès aux Études Universitaires - DAEU]. Each of these constitutes a complete educational device that composes The National System of Education in relation to others official programs as well as to specific courses, teaching staff and exams based on the degree acquisition. The graduates of both programs have the right to apply for public service. Moreover, in the Brazilian context they can apply for public and private universities and in the French situation they are able to sign up in the institutions that are open to people with a university degree. However, in Brazil the pedagogical training is oriented towards the job market and aims to promote the professional reintegration and the mobility of people, while the pedagogical training in France has as main point the pursuit of the studies by these individuals.In our thesis, we are interested in the teaching of the reading and we seek, by a contrastive perspective, to evaluate the effects of each of these two educational systems on the learning of the written comprehension; we also discuss the effects of the school model in which the readers have made their first learning, particularly, their first readings.Our research method, set up during several study sessions, invites the readers to answer a reading quiz about informative and journalistic texts that were extracted from the internet. To answer our present problematization, we formulate the following questions:(1) How do these readers read?(2) What are the elements of the text that they mobilize?(3) How are these elements taken up in their answers?(4) What are the strategies implemented during the reading?This method and its theoretical foundations are inspired by the work on reading and written comprehension conducted in the LIDILEM laboratory of the University of Grenoble-Alpes in the sense of the studies initiated by Michel DABENE (DABÈNE, FRIER & VISOZ, 1992) and of the works performed by the Brazilian team of research led by Lúcia CHEREM and Rosa NERY on the matrix of questions and the progress of reading. The intersection of these different indicators (part of the mobilized text, appropriation strategy of the text, identification of the argumentative path, value judgments and enunciative polyphony, formulation of the answer) allows us to reconstruct the coherence of the reading path – from the retrieval of the information to the understanding of the textual complexity through argumentation analysis – and to identify the types of reading concerning both the degrees of development and of reading-comprehension process.Furthermore, we ask whether the concern with the reading work in social thought (FREIRE, 1967) influences on the quality of the reading and written comprehension as well as on the quality of the pedagogical training of readers. We elaborate our answers by referring to researchers who, like Paulo Freire and Pierre Bourdieu, thought about the social question. We think, with them, that when reading is meaningful to the reader, the learning work is more motivated and more coherent.The special attention to the online press article, that we take as a basic document for our research, is motivated by this perspective that establishes the dialogue between the social practices of the written and the teaching-learning of the reading and written comprehension.

Contribuição ao estudo da rotulagem ambiental dos materiais de construção civil / Contribution to the Environmental Labeling Study of Civil Construction

Caiado, Alessandra Ramos 20 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver modelos de tabelas informativas contendo atributos de desempenho técnico e ambiental de produtos da construção civil para os produtos forro de lã de vidro e impermeabilização de coberturas planas. Foram estudadas as normas para Declaração Ambiental (normas ISO 14.000) e um levantamento dos requisitos que demandam atributos específicos para materiais de construção e que constam nos sistemas de certificação ambiental de edifícios LEED BD+C 2009, AQUA Residencial e norma de desempenho NBR 15.575: 2013 - Parte 1. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com a participação de agentes do meio produtivo, articulando as demandas de projetistas e dos segmentos industriais dos produtos supracitados. Foram selecionados atributos que influenciam a qualidade ambiental do edifício: toxicidade; conteúdo de compostos orgânicos voláteis; presença de substâncias carcinogênicas; porcentagem na composição e tipo de conteúdo reciclado; descarte do produto e da embalagem; certificações do produto e do fabricante. Atributos que influenciam o desempenho técnico do material quanto à segurança, funcionalidade e durabilidade foram selecionados para cada tipologia de produto: reação ao fogo; propriedades que afetam a estanqueidade, manutenção, o desempenho térmico e acústico; prazos de garantia e durabilidade. A combinação desses atributos permite, desde as fases iniciais do processo de projeto, exercício de análise e interpretação dos dados para a especificação de materiais adequados às necessidades do edifício e seus usuários. O modelo apresentado, denominado Tabela Ambiental, favorece a informação dinâmica aos envolvidos da cadeia construtiva, evoluindo juntamente com o conhecimento do mercado sobre o tema e suas inovações tecnológicas. A Tabela Ambiental apresenta uma proposta de comunicação simplificada e, por meio da referência de comprovação, incentiva a especificação consciente e responsável, podendo incrementar a educação ambiental e direcionar o mercado da construção civil a novos rumos na sustentabilidade. / The present paper aims to develop models of informative tables containing attributes of technical and environmental performance of civil construction products for glass wool ceiling and flat roofs waterproofing. Standards were studied for Environmental Declaration (ISO 14000 standards) and a survey of requirements which demand specific attributes for building materials in the environmental certification systems for buildings LEED BD + C 2009, AQUA Residential and performance standard NBR 15.575: 2013 - Part 1. The research was developed with productive agents articulating the demands of designers and industrial segments of the mentioned products. Attributes which influence on building environmental quality were selected: content and type of recycled; packaging and product disposal; maker and product certifications. Attributes that influence the environmental quality of the building were selected: toxicity; content of volatile organic compounds; presence of carcinogenic substances; percentage in the composition and type of recycled content; disposal of product and packaging; certifications of the product and the manufacturer. Attributes that influence the technical performance of the equipment for safety, functionality and durability were selected for each type of product: reaction to fire; properties that affect the tightness, maintenance, thermal and acoustic performance; warranty terms and durability. The combination of these attributes allow, from the early stages of the design process, exercise of analysis and data interpretation for specifying suitable materials to the building needs and its users. The model presented, called as Environmental Table, favors to the dynamics involved in constructive chain information, progressing with the market knowledge about the subject and its technological innovations. The Environmental Table presents a simplified communication proposal and through reference encourages responsible and conscious specification, it can increase environmental education and direct the civil construction market to new ways in sustainability.

Aspectos da tradução (frânces-português) de uma receita da cozinha francesa: especificidades e desafios / Aspects of translation (French-Portuguese) of a recipe of French cooking: specificities and challenges

Ghoubar, Janaina Bello 31 October 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma proposta de tradução, do francês para o português, de uma receita da obra Révélations Gastronomiques (1995) de Hervé This. A singularidade desta obra consiste na transmissão de explicações dos processos físico-químicos que acontecem durante o preparo de um prato e da indicação dos gestos, ações e operações que garantam o bom resultado da receita, em um texto expressivo marcado pela presença de metáforas, ritmo, humor e pelo emprego de termos da cozinha francesa. Adotamos a perspectiva funcionalista em nossa proposta de tradução e verificamos a aplicação da metodologia de Nord (1997) na análise dos fatores pragmáticos dos textos de partida e de chegada. Sustentamos que devemos privilegiar a transmissão dos conteúdos dos verbos especializados da cozinha para permitir sua compreensão e boa execução da receita pelo cozinheiro brasileiro não especializado. A descrição dos conteúdos se construirá a partir das definições presentes nas obras de referência escolhidas em nossa pesquisa. / The aim of this study is to present a translation proposal, from French to Portuguese, of a recipe in Révélations Gastronomiques (1995), written by Hervé This. The uniqueness of this work is providing explanations of chemical processes that occur during the preparation of a dish and indication of gestures, actions and operations that ensure the sucess of the recipe, in a text marked by the presence of significant metaphors, rhythm, humor and of french cooking terms. We adopt a functionalist perspective on our proposal to translate and verify the application of the methodology of Nord (1997) analysis of pragmatic factors in both source text and target text. We argue that our study should focus on the transmission of the content of specialized cooking verbs to allow their understanding by the Brazilian receiver in order to succeed the recipe preparation as described in the source text. The description of the contents will be built from the definitions in the works of reference chosen in our research.

Pesquisas sob amostragem informativa utilizando o FBST / Surveys under informative sampling using the FBST

Azerêdo, Daniel Mendes 28 May 2013 (has links)
Pfeffermann, Krieger e Rinott (1998) apresentaram uma metodologia para modelar processos de amostragem que pode ser utilizada para avaliar se este processo de amostragem é informativo. Neste cenário, as probabilidades de seleção da amostra são aproximadas por uma função polinomial dependendo das variáveis resposta e concomitantes. Nesta abordagem, nossa principal proposta é investigar a aplicação do teste de significância FBST (Full Bayesian Significance Test), apresentado por Pereira e Stern (1999), como uma ferramenta para testar a ignorabilidade amostral, isto é, para avaliar uma relação de significância entre as probabilidades de seleção da amostra e a variável resposta. A performance desta modelagem estatística é testada com alguns experimentos computacionais. / Pfeffermann, Krieger and Rinott (1998) introduced a framework for modeling sampling processes that can be used to assess if a sampling process is informative. In this setting, sample selection probabilities are approximated by a polynomial function depending on outcome and auxiliary variables. Within this framework, our main purpose is to investigate the application of the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST), introduced by Pereira and Stern (1999), as a tool for testing sampling ignorability, that is, to detect a significant relation between the sample selection probabilities and the outcome variable. The performance of this statistical modelling framework is tested with some simulation experiments.

Factors for perceived trust in mobile applications

Persson, Felicia, Thorslund, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Mobile commerce can be seen as the phenomenon, which is likely to take over e-commerce since purchasing online is increasing on mobile applications (Parameswari, 2015). The problem this study addresses is the uncertainty that may follow when purchasing online via mobile applications. The purpose of this study is to investigate some human and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications. Human factors are defined as the same thing as user factors throughout this thesis.   This will answer the research question: What are the most important user and technology factors for perceived trust in mobile applications? The study is limited to two main areas (human and technology factors) that have been broken down into three subgroups based on perceived trust. These subgroups are: informative context for decision-making, ease of use and payment methods.   To gather data, an online self-completion questionnaire was conducted and was sent out to different social groups on Facebook. The participated segmentation resulted in needing to be modified according to uneven response rates in the different age groups. The target group went from the whole Swedish population to only people in the ages span of 16-32. The collected data was processed in the analysis program SPSS to find relations among the variables.   All the chosen factors resulted in being of great importance for users to perceived trust in mobile applications and to increase the interactivity between human and machine. However, only payment methods showed a significant value in relation to perceived trust. This result will be useful to companies when developing mobile applications to keep customers and increase sales.

Perfil de variação no número de cópias do DNA e regiões de perda de heterozigose na susceptibilidade ao lúpus eritematoso sistêmico / DNA copy number variation and loss of heterozygosity profiles in susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus

Barbosa, Fernanda Bueno 20 July 2017 (has links)
O lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é uma doença autoimune com forte componente genético, caracterizada por inflamação crônica e produção de autoanticorpos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil de variação no número de cópias (CNVs) e de regiões de perda de heterozigose (LOH) na patogênese do LES. A detecção de CNVs e LOH foi feita pela metodologia Cytoscan HD array em pacientes com LES (n = 23) e indivíduos saudáveis (n = 110). Devido à formação tri-híbrida da população brasileira, foi desenvolvido e validado um painel de 345 marcadores informativos de ancestralidade, a partir dados provenientes do próprio array, para estimar as proporções de ancestralidade individual e, em última instância, inseri-las nos modelos de regressão logística como variável de controle nas análises de distribuição de CNVs e LOH. O perfil de CNVs evidenciou que o número e o tamanho de duplicações são maiores nos indivíduos saudáveis do que nos pacientes com LES. Duplicações nos genes FCGR3B e ADAM3A foram descritas como fator de proteção ao LES, quando tais genes foram avaliados por PCR quantitativa em maior grupo amostral de pacientes (n = 135) e controles (n = 200). Além disso, mostrou-se o efeito sinérgico da presença da deleção em ambos os loci FCGR3B e ADAM3A no aumento do risco para desenvolver a doença. Deleções em pacientes com LES envolvendo os genes CFHR4, CFHR5 e HLA-DPB2, previamente descritos em associação com o LES na literatura, foram identificadas por array e confirmadas por PCR digital. O protocolo desenvolvido para identificação de variantes raras, resultou em um conjunto de 21 CNVs raras em pacientes com LES. Em relação às regiões de perda de heterozigose, não foram encontradas evidências de que o número médio e a extensão dos segmentos LOH seja diferente entre pacientes e indivíduos saudáveis. No entanto, os cromossomos 6 e 12 em pacientes exibem regiões de perda de heterozigose em maior quantidade e tamanho do que os de indivíduos saudáveis, além de apresentarem 17 segmentos LOH restritos ao grupo de pacientes com LES. Os resultados aqui descritos evidenciam que novos loci de susceptibilidade ao LES podem ser encontrados quando a distribuição de CNVs é analisada em todo o genoma, em que a investigação de sua relação com a patogênese pode contribuir para a compreensão da base genética da doença. / Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with a strong genetic background characterized by chronic inflammation and autoantibody production. The purpose of this study was to determine the copy number variation (CNV) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) profiles in the susceptibility to SLE. The detection of CNVs and LOH was performed by the Cytoscan HD array methodology in SLE patients (n = 23) and healthy subjects (n = 110). Due to the tri-hybrid composition of the Brazilian population, a panel of 345 ancestral informative markers was developed and validated, based on data from the array itself, to estimate the proportions of individual ancestry and, ultimately, to insert them into the logistic regression models as a control variable in the analysis of CNV and LOH distribution. The CNVs profile showed that the burden and the size of duplications are higher in healthy individuals than in SLE patients. Duplications in FCGR3B and ADAM3A genes were described as a protective factor for SLE, when these genes were evaluated by quantitative PCR in a larger SLE (n = 135) and control (n = 200) groups. In addition, the synergistic effect of the presence of deletion in both FCGR3B and ADAM3A loci increase the risk of developing the disease. Deletions in SLE patients encompassing the CFHR4, CFHR5 and HLA-DPB2 genes, previously described in the literature in association to SLE, were identified by the array and confirmed by droplet digital PCR. The pipeline developed here for the identification of rare variants resulted in a set of 21 rare CNVs in SLE patients. Regarding the loss of heterozygosity regions, no evidence was found that the mean number and extent of LOH segments is different between patients and healthy individuals. However, the chromosomes 6 and 12 in SLE patients exhibit greater quantity and size of LOH than those of healthy individuals, besides showing 17 LOH segments restricted to the group of SLE. The results described here show that novel susceptibility loci to SLE can be found once the distribution of variants is analyzed throughout the genome, in which the investigation of its relation to the pathogenesis may contribute to the understanding of the genetic basis of the disease.

Contribuição ao estudo da rotulagem ambiental dos materiais de construção civil / Contribution to the Environmental Labeling Study of Civil Construction

Alessandra Ramos Caiado 20 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver modelos de tabelas informativas contendo atributos de desempenho técnico e ambiental de produtos da construção civil para os produtos forro de lã de vidro e impermeabilização de coberturas planas. Foram estudadas as normas para Declaração Ambiental (normas ISO 14.000) e um levantamento dos requisitos que demandam atributos específicos para materiais de construção e que constam nos sistemas de certificação ambiental de edifícios LEED BD+C 2009, AQUA Residencial e norma de desempenho NBR 15.575: 2013 - Parte 1. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com a participação de agentes do meio produtivo, articulando as demandas de projetistas e dos segmentos industriais dos produtos supracitados. Foram selecionados atributos que influenciam a qualidade ambiental do edifício: toxicidade; conteúdo de compostos orgânicos voláteis; presença de substâncias carcinogênicas; porcentagem na composição e tipo de conteúdo reciclado; descarte do produto e da embalagem; certificações do produto e do fabricante. Atributos que influenciam o desempenho técnico do material quanto à segurança, funcionalidade e durabilidade foram selecionados para cada tipologia de produto: reação ao fogo; propriedades que afetam a estanqueidade, manutenção, o desempenho térmico e acústico; prazos de garantia e durabilidade. A combinação desses atributos permite, desde as fases iniciais do processo de projeto, exercício de análise e interpretação dos dados para a especificação de materiais adequados às necessidades do edifício e seus usuários. O modelo apresentado, denominado Tabela Ambiental, favorece a informação dinâmica aos envolvidos da cadeia construtiva, evoluindo juntamente com o conhecimento do mercado sobre o tema e suas inovações tecnológicas. A Tabela Ambiental apresenta uma proposta de comunicação simplificada e, por meio da referência de comprovação, incentiva a especificação consciente e responsável, podendo incrementar a educação ambiental e direcionar o mercado da construção civil a novos rumos na sustentabilidade. / The present paper aims to develop models of informative tables containing attributes of technical and environmental performance of civil construction products for glass wool ceiling and flat roofs waterproofing. Standards were studied for Environmental Declaration (ISO 14000 standards) and a survey of requirements which demand specific attributes for building materials in the environmental certification systems for buildings LEED BD + C 2009, AQUA Residential and performance standard NBR 15.575: 2013 - Part 1. The research was developed with productive agents articulating the demands of designers and industrial segments of the mentioned products. Attributes which influence on building environmental quality were selected: content and type of recycled; packaging and product disposal; maker and product certifications. Attributes that influence the environmental quality of the building were selected: toxicity; content of volatile organic compounds; presence of carcinogenic substances; percentage in the composition and type of recycled content; disposal of product and packaging; certifications of the product and the manufacturer. Attributes that influence the technical performance of the equipment for safety, functionality and durability were selected for each type of product: reaction to fire; properties that affect the tightness, maintenance, thermal and acoustic performance; warranty terms and durability. The combination of these attributes allow, from the early stages of the design process, exercise of analysis and data interpretation for specifying suitable materials to the building needs and its users. The model presented, called as Environmental Table, favors to the dynamics involved in constructive chain information, progressing with the market knowledge about the subject and its technological innovations. The Environmental Table presents a simplified communication proposal and through reference encourages responsible and conscious specification, it can increase environmental education and direct the civil construction market to new ways in sustainability.

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