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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O exercício de greve nas atividades essenciais do serviço público e a inexecução da prestação dos serviços básicos à população / The exercise of essential activities strike of the public service and the enforceability of the provision of basic services to the population

Cardoso, José Claudemir Bezerra 07 October 2009 (has links)
The theory of fundamental rights is linked to multiple dimensions or generations that have, however, the same constitutional hierarchy. In the case of the right to strike, the central question is related to its application in relation to other individual rights related to citizens who depend on the implementation of the provision of such services as a guarantee of their fundamental rights. To do so, although the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 has assigned to the right to strike the immediate implementation, both generally and specifically, it is necessary to stipulate which are its limits in the face of possible abusive pipelines can be charged. This concern is shared by doctrine and jurisprudence, which provide solutions to solve the problem. The most important, however, in respect of constitutional actions trials concerning the assignment of application of law nº 7.783/89, which refers to strike in private initiative, to cases involving public servers. As a result, will be analyzed the consequences of decisions for future situations configured after October 2007, and will be considered the question on the scope of the effectiveness of debt is incurred in respect of the parties involved, or in respect of all related cases and what occurs, for example, through a binding summing-up. Will also be examined its inability to retreat for matters filed before its definition. Accordingly, with the intention to solve the problems that may be incurred by such decisions shall be wheeling proposals aimed at solving the problem involving essential services, particularly as regards the delimitation of those services which are, reasonable limitation but not the seal. In this case, will be assessed issues involving the health services and education, evaluating also the question of rejecting the strike to the armed forces and military police. As a proposal for a better use of the right to strike, will be considered acceptance of collective bargaining institute based formed by the international conventions on the subject that have not yet been ratified by Brazil. Bearing in mind to overcome such omission which the Brazilian legal system will be evaluated even admits, the possibilities of ratification of Conventions nº 87 and 151 of the ILO to make the public service strike, fuller, a right derived from the principle of syndical freedom and assisted by collective bargaining. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A teoria dos direitos fundamentais relaciona-se a várias dimensões ou gerações, que possuem, no entanto, a mesma hierarquia constitucional. No caso do direito de greve, a questão central está relacionada à sua aplicação em relação a outros direitos individuais relacionados aos cidadãos que dependem da execução da prestação desses serviços como forma de garantia dos seus direitos fundamentais. Para tanto, apesar de que a Constituição de 1988 atribuiu ao direito de greve o caráter de aplicação imediata, tanto geral como especificamente, torna-se necessário especificar quais sejam os seus limites em face de possíveis condutas abusivas que possam ser praticadas no exercício deste direito. Esta preocupação é compartilhada pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência, que apresentam soluções à resolução do problema. As mais importantes, contudo, destacam-se em relação aos julgamentos de ações constitucionais referentes à atribuição da aplicação da Lei nº 7.783/89, que se refere à greve na iniciativa privada, aos casos envolvendo servidores públicos. Em decorrência disso, serão analisadas as consequências dessas decisões para as situações futuras, configuradas após outubro de 2007, bem como será apreciada a questão sobre o alcance da eficácia constitutiva desta decisão, em relação às partes envolvidas, ou em relação a todos os casos relacionados, à semelhança, do que ocorre, por exemplo, por meio da súmula vinculante. Também será examinada a sua impossibilidade de retroagir para as questões ajuizadas antes da sua definição. Nesse sentido, com a intenção de resolver os problemas que possam ser ocasionados pelos desdobramentos dessas decisões, serão apresentadas propostas destinadas à resolução do problema envolvendo os serviços essenciais, principalmente no que se refere à delimitação de quais sejam esses serviços, em que será cabível a limitação, porém não a vedação do exercício deste direito. Neste caso, serão apreciadas as questões envolvendo os serviços de saúde e educação, avaliando-se também a questão da proibição do exercício da greve para as forças armadas e a polícia militar. Como proposta de melhor aproveitamento do direito de greve, será analisada a possibilidade de aceitação do instituto da negociação coletiva, baseada no sistema formado pelas Convenções internacionais sobre o tema que ainda não foram ratificadas pelo Brasil. Tendo-se em vista a superação dessa omissão que o sistema jurídico brasileiro ainda admite, serão avaliadas as possibilidades de ratificação das Convenções nº 87 e 151 da OIT, no sentido de tornar a greve no serviço público um direito mais completo, derivado do princípio da liberdade sindical e auxiliado pelos instrumentos de negociação coletiva.

Statutory civil remedies in trade mark litigation

Kelbrick, R. (Roshana) 06 1900 (has links)
Little attention is paid to the civil remedies available when infringement of a trade mark or the right to goodwill occurs. Yet, for the owners of ~uch rights, these remedies are of much greater importance than theoretical considerations regarding the nature of the rights or what constitutes their infringement. This thesis analyses the civil remedies for trade mark infringement granted by the South African Trade Marks Act 194 of 1993. In the South African context, any consideration of civil remedies is rendered problematic by the attempted graft of English remedies onto a legal system with a different common-law background. It is, therefore, essential first to trace the English origin and application of these remedies, and then to determine whether each remedy is acceptable in terms of the South African common law. This is necessary, as our courts have previously rejected or adapted English remedies which were unknown to our common law but which Parliament introduced in legislation. The remedies of interdict (or injunction) in final and interlocutory form, compensatory damages, reasonable royalties, and delivery up are analysed from a substantive law and a procedural perspective. The procedural innovation of an inquiry as to damages is also considered. In respect of each remedy, (1) the English roots and development of the remedy are traced; (2) differences of approach in two other Commonwealth jurisdictions, Australia and Canada, are highlighted; (3) the development of the South African equivalent is detailed; and (4) suggestions for the future implementation of the remedy in South Africa are made. In the penultimate chapter, our common law and legislation (including the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996 ) are measured against the requirements of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Recommendations for the effective utilization of each remedy in South Africa are then made. They include suggestions for legislative amendment in respect of delivery up and an inquiry as to damages, and the introduction of statutory damages as an further civil remedy. / Mercentile Law / LL. D. (Laws)

O controle de constitucionalidade por omissão no Supremo Tribunal Federal: análise dos casos de omissão legislativa nos vinte e um anos da Constituição / The constitucional control by omission in the brazilian supreme court (Supremo Tribunal Federal STF): analysis of the cases of legislative omission in twenty-one years of constitution

Luciana de Oliveira Ramos 04 October 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o controle de constitucionalidade por omissão exercido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo empírico com base no exame de um conjunto de ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade por omissão e mandados de injunção julgados pelo STF entre 1988 a 2009. A partir do exame dos mecanismos de proteção judicial contra a omissão do legislador, procura-se analisar a judicialização dos casos envolvendo as omissões legislativas e investigar o modo como o STF decide estes casos. Os dois tipos de controle constitucional por omissão previstos na Constituição Federal o concentrado e o difuso são objeto de análise na presente dissertação, atentando-se para as particularidades de cada um. No primeiro caso, o foco está nas causas e resultados da judicialização da política promovida pelos legitimados para a propositura das ADO. O perfil dos demandantes e a saliência das questões levadas à apreciação do Tribunal são fatores que contribuem para explicar a ampla judicialização protagonizada pelos partidos políticos. Já no segundo caso, o estudo está focado nas decisões concessivas de mandado de injunção e a sua relação com a efetividade das normas constitucionais. Nesse contexto, verifica-se que, embora o STF tenha sido muitas vezes chamado a se manifestar sobre as omissões inconstitucionais, foi apenas recentemente que ele optou por concretizar o direito dos demandantes, garantindo eficácia plena às normas constitucionais até que o legislador supra a omissão. O exame dos julgados do STF revela que o descumprimento (non compliance) de suas decisões declaratórias da omissão é um dos fatores que levam à adoção de uma postura mais propositiva do Tribunal, momento em que ele passa a determinar a regra aplicável ao caso concreto, sem necessariamente criar normas. Por esta razão, conclui-se que o Supremo Tribunal Federal concretiza o pedido do impetrante sem exercer um papel ativista, uma vez que ele não influi diretamente na atividade do legislador. / This thesis aims at examining the way the Brazilian Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal STF) handles legislative omission in matters involving constitutional issues. For this, we performed a research based on analysis of a series of STF decisions on legislative omission lawsuits (direct actions of unconstitutionality by omission and writ of injunction) from 1988 to 2009. By examining the constitutional protections against the absence of a regulatory provision that disables the exercise of constitutional rights, this study attempts to offer a diagnostic of the dynamics presiding Judicary actions in politically loaded issues and to investigate the ways the Court decides such cases. There are two types of legislative omission control express in the Constitution concentrated and diffuse which are analysed in detail. In the first case, the focus is on the causes and results linked to the judicialization of politics. The profile of the plaintiffs and the salience of issues are factors leading to the prominent role played by political parties here. In the second case, the study focuses itself on the injunctions granted by the Court and their connection to the efficacy of constitutional norms. This paper suggests that only recently the STF has decided to start granting injunctions guaranteeing that plaintiffs exercise specific, non-statutory rights until the Legislature remedies the omission on the matter. It also suggests that non compliance with the Courts previous rulings on legislative omission has been a key factor in the more resolute stance recently adopted by the Court, when it comes determining the rule applicable in this case, without playing a role of rule-maker. In conclusion, this study holds that the Courts actions are not a chapter of judicial activism insofar it does not directly interfere with the substance of legislative action.

Les obligations de faire en droit des sociétés / Obligations to do under French corporate law

Kouhaiz, Sami 03 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de découvrir les apports du droit des sociétés à la théorie générale de l'obligation de faire et de déterminer le rôle qu'elles occupent dans ce domaine du droit. A cette fin, des analyses sont consacrées à l'identification des obligations juridiques de faire parmi les différents types de contraintes pesant sur l'activité des personnes. L'étude présente ensuite une typologie des principales obligations des dirigeants et des associés. Après la détermination de l'objet des obligations de faire, il est entrepris un examen des façons d'accomplir les obligations de faire. A cet égard, les délégations constituent un mode d'exécution naturel, car elles permettent de « faire faire» au sein des entreprises. Par ailleurs, le contrôle de la manière d'exécuter l'obligation de faire constitue une étape décisive en vue de libérer le débiteur. Pour apprécier les façons de faire, les standards et le droit souple jouent un rôle important pour séparer les bonnes pratiques des mauvais procédés d'exécution. Par la suite, les réponses du droit à l'inexécution des obligations de faire sont examinées. Il s'agit alors d'analyser les difficultés résultant des obligations de faire à l'égard des responsabilités civile et pénale. Pour pallier ces difficultés, le législateur a cherché à renouveler les sanctions en recourant à la déchéance, aux injonctions de faire, au mandat ad hoc ou la stigmatisation publique. Les mérites de ces nouvelles façons de faire sont appréciés. Enfin, cette thèse défend l'idée que le régime de l'exécution forcée doit être adapté aux sociétés, car les personnes morales n'agissent pas comme les personnes physiques. / Obligation to do refers to the Roman classification of obligations: dare, facere, nonfacere, and praestare. The debtor of an obligation to do has to perform a task of any kind such as intellectual and legal services or labour works. This thesis intends to develop a legal analysis of directors' and shareholders' duties in corporate law with a specific interest for obligations to do. For instance, it focuses on duty of care, internai control, compliance or cooperation with legal auditors. Regarding shareholders' obligations, it highlights the duties of controlling shareholders - whether contractual or legal - collaterals, sweat equities, and other various cornmitments subscribed as they purchase or sale shares. This thesis also deals with how corporations, directors, and shareholders perform their obligations. In this regard, it shows that directors divide up tasks through delegations for their corporation to comply with its liabilities as well as performing their own duties. Moreover, this study reviews guidance provided by soft law and how can judges use it - through standards - to decide whether an obligation has been properly completed or not. Furthermore, it investigates the efficiency of remedies in case of the debtor's non-performance. Along with a critical examination of civil and criminal liability, this thesis assesses new forms of remedies and their merits such as injunction to do, forfeiture, and shaming.

L'injonction surmoïque chez le criminel non psychotique / Superego injunction in the non-psychotic criminal

Iffli, Sandie 19 November 2016 (has links)
À partir de notre expérience clinique auprès de personnes incarcérées, notre travail de recherche propose une modélisation théorique du concept de passage à l’acte dans son rapport à l’instance du Surmoi. Il s’agit ainsi de dégager les enjeux métapsychologiques du concept de Surmoi tels qu’ils se présentent dans la clinique des passages à l’acte, et plus spécifiquement dans le versant de l’acte criminel, en retraçant les conditions de son élaboration théorique. Si Freud pose les fondements essentiels à notre réflexion, les concepts kleiniens de Surmoi primitif et de position schizo-paranoïde nous seront bien plus précieux pour tenter de penser le retour de certains fonctionnements placés sous la domination d’un Surmoi particulièrement cruel et destructeur. Cet aspect repris par Lacan sous la forme impérative du Surmoi servira de base à nos propos. Si l’instance surmoïque est initialement repérée dans sa fonction de conscience morale en tant qu’instance légiférante, il est également question d’une double polarité plus paradoxale qui se fait l’envers de la Loi par une injonction féroce et cruelle de jouissance. Dans cette perspective, le passage à l’acte criminel se présente comme la réponse irrépressible à l’injonction d’un Surmoi fort aux actions sévères et virulentes. Ce travail insiste notamment sur l’acte criminel comme ultime recours. Un recours pour se dégager de la position d’objet de jouissance de l’Autre et la tentative de surgir ailleurs, comme sujet. / From our clinical experience with prison inmates, our research work proposes a theoretical paradigm of the concept of acting-out in relation with the superego instance. The purpose is thus to bring out the metapsychological stakes and issues of the superego concept as they appear in the clinical approach of the acting-out, and more specifically in relation with the criminal act, while tracing back the conditions of its theoretical elaboration. Even if the foundations that Freud laid is essential to our reflection, the kleinian concepts of primitive superego and of paranoid-schizoid position will be far more precious to us in this endeavour to reflect on the reappearance of certain modes of functioning which are under the supremacy of a particularly cruel and destructive superego. This aspect, which Lacan has reformulated with his view of an imperative superego, will provide the basis for our discourse. While the superego instance is first identified through its function of moral consciousness, as a legislating instance, there also exists a more paradoxical double polarity whereby the reverse side of the Law is expressed through a ferocious and cruel injunction to have enjoyment (“jouissance”). Within this perspective, the criminal acting-out appears like the irrepressible response to the injunction of a strong Superego pushing to commit harsh and virulent actions. This thesis notably insists on the criminal act seen as a last resort. A resort which aims at releasing oneself from the position where one has become the object of the Other's “jouissance”, while one tries, at the same time, to be a subject.


LUIZ FERNANDO VOSS CHAGAS LESSA 22 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] A Internalização dos Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos e a Constituição de 1988. A partir da promulgação da Constituição da República de 1988 a doutrina brasileira vem tentado defender a tese de que os pactos internacionais de direitos humanos são incorporados de forma automática ao direito interno, bastando para tanto sua ratificação no plano internacional. Os mesmo autores defendem, ainda, o status de norma de direito fundamental destes pactos uma vez incorporados. Partindo dessas duas assertivas, a presente dissertação, rejeita o primeiro postulado para afirmar que o caráter de norma constitucional das normas internacionais internalizadas decorre antes de tudo de seu conteúdo e não da forma de sua internalização. Do mesmo modo, pugna o presente trabalho que a adoção do rito tradicional para a internalização de tratados internacionais que versem sobre os direitos humanos não significa outorgar ao Executivo uma carta branca para postergar a prática dos atos necessários para a sua incorporação. Ao final, defende a possibilidade da intervenção do Poder Judiciário para assegurar a proteção dos direitos individuais ameaçados ou lesados por tal omissão. / [en] The relationship between International Human Rights Law and municipal law in Brazil has taken a new turn with the adoption of a new Constitution in 1988. Human Rights lawyers and law teachers support the idea that the new Constitutional Charter allow for a monistic approach to the relationship between International Human Rights Law and municipal law. The present dissertation contends that even in the case of a Human Rights treaty the Brazilian Constitution demands an act destined to transform International Law in domestic law. Contrary to what these Human Rights advocates and theorists believe, the dualist theory allows, not only for the International Human Rights Law to be adopted in Brazil as material Constitutional Law, but for its prompt adoption after the entry in force of any human rights treaty ratified by Brazil. Also, this dissertation contends that in those cases that the delay in transforming International Law in municipal law harms individual rights, the Judiciary branch can offer a quick and effective response.

Medida cautelar e a efetividade do controle abstrato de constitucionalidade no Brasil

Garcia, André de Albuquerque 13 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:17:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andre de Albuquerque Garcia.pdf: 1069399 bytes, checksum: 6e6125cda92a42909f8cc282ccad6c00 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-13 / The work approaches the issues related to urgency injunctions on the constitutional judicial review, specially those related to its process, as well as to its doctrine, precedents and legal treatment. Initially, it focuses on the brazilian constitutional jurisdiction, framework on which the constitutional judicial review is inserted, and it intends to analyze the juridical nature and effects caused by anticipation of effects of jurisdictional injunctions on legal proceeding. Study supported on juridical doctrine and precedents related to lawsuits on which seems feasible the employ of urgency injunctions, such as the generic direct action of unconstitutionality and the claim of violation of fundamental rule of law / O trabalho versa sobre a disciplina relativa à tutela de urgência no controle concentrado de constitucionalidade, especialmente em seus desdobramentos de natureza processual, seu tratamento legal, doutrinário e jurisprudencial. Enfoca inicialmente a jurisdição constitucional brasileira, contexto no qual se insere o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade e visa a analisar a natureza jurídica e os efeitos decorrentes da concessão da antecipação dos efeitos da tutela jurisdicional no bojo dos procedimentos. Estudo baseado em dados doutrinários e jurisprudenciais circunscrito às ações concentradas em que se afigura possível o emprego de medidas liminares, a saber, a ação direta de inconstitucionalidade genérica, a ação declaratória de constitucionalidade e a argüição de descumprimento de preceito fundamental

Förvärv och förvaltning av hyreshus - En utredning av de nya lagstiftningarnas tillämpning / Acquisition and management of rental properties - An investigation of the appliance of the new legislations

Aydogan, Alev January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Les demandes d'arrêt de paiement des lettres de garantie et des lettres de crédit en raison de fraude

Lamontagne, Mariana 01 1900 (has links)
À l’ère de la mondialisation, les transactions commerciales internationales occupent une importance capitale dans l’économie mondiale. Dans ce type de transaction, les parties se trouvent dans des États différents ce qui rend difficile l’établissement d’une relation de confiance. Cette problématique peut être atténuée par un engagement que prend un tiers, généralement une institution financière, qui émet soit une lettre de crédit dont le bénéficiaire sera le vendeur, soit une lettre de garantie dont le bénéficiaire sera le plus souvent un acheteur. Ainsi, les lettres de garanties jouent un rôle fondamental dans le commerce international en assurant à un créancier d’une obligation de recevoir un paiement dans le cas où le débiteur ne respecte pas ses obligations. Cependant, dans certains cas, les demandes de paiement des lettres de garanties peuvent être frauduleuses. En ce sens, en matière de lettre de garantie une question fondamentale se pose : en cas de fraude, dans quelles circonstances les tribunaux accorderont une injonction pour empêcher le paiement d’être effectué? La thèse qui sera soutenue est que les circonstances dans lesquelles les tribunaux accorderont une injonction varieront selon les différentes juridictions. Dans un premier temps, les conditions générales d’exercices des lettres de garanties seront abordées. Dans une deuxième partie, les circonstances spécifiques dans lesquelles différents tribunaux nationaux accordent des injonctions afin d’empêcher le paiement de la garantie seront étudiées. / In the era of globalization, international business transactions are of paramount importance in the global economy. In this type of transaction, parties are located in different states, which makes it difficult to establish a relationship of trust. This problem can be mitigated by a commitment made by a third party, generally a financial institution, which issues either a letter of credit whose beneficiary will be the seller, or a letter of guarantee whose beneficiary will most often be a buyer. Thus, letters of guarantee play a fundamental role in international trade by assuring a creditor of an obligation to receive payment in the event that the debtor fails to meet its obligations. However, in some cases, requests for payment of letters of guarantee may be fraudulent. In this sense, when it comes to letters of guarantee, a fundamental question arises: in the event of fraud, in what circumstances will the courts grant an injunction in order to prevent payment? The thesis that will be argued is that the circumstances in which courts will grant an injunction will vary in different jurisdictions. First, the general conditions for exercising letters of guarantee will be discussed. In a second part, the specific circumstances in which different national courts grant injunctions in order to prevent the payment of the guarantee will be studied.

Selective legal aspects of bank demand guarantees

Kelly-Louw, Michelle 31 October 2008 (has links)
Bank demand guarantees have become an established part of international trade. Demand guarantees, standby letters of credit and commercial letters of credit are all treated as autonomous contracts whose operation will not be interfered with by courts on grounds immaterial to the guarantee or credit itself. The idea in the documentary credit transaction/demand guarantee transaction is that if the documents (where applicable) presented are in line with the terms of the credit/guarantee the bank has to pay, and if the documents do not correspond to the requirements, the bank must not pay. However, over the years a limited number of exceptions to the autonomy principle of demand guarantees and letters of credit have come to be acknowledged and accepted in practice. In certain circumstances, the autonomy of demand guarantees and letters of credit may be ignored by the bank and regard may be had to the terms and conditions of the underlying contract. The main exceptions concern fraud and illegality in the underlying contract. In this thesis a great deal of consideration has been given to fraud and illegality as possible grounds on which payment under demand guarantees and letters of credit have been attacked (and sometimes even prevented) in the English, American and South African courts. It will be shown that the prospect of success depends on the law applicable to the demand guarantee and letter of credit, and the approach a court in a specific jurisdiction takes. At present, South Africa has limited literature on demand guarantees, and the case law regarding the grounds upon which payment under a demand guarantee might be prevented is scarce and often non-existent. In South Africa one finds guidance by looking at similar South African case law dealing with commercial and standby letters of credit and applying these similar principles to demand guarantees. The courts, furthermore, find guidance by looking at how other jurisdictions, in particular the English courts, deal with these issues. Therefore, how the South African courts currently deal/should be dealing/probably will be dealing with the unfair and fraudulent calling of demand guarantees/letters of credit is discussed in this thesis. / Jurisprudence / LL.D

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