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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experience of American undergraduates in study-abroad programmes in South Africa

Paola, Roberta James 30 November 2004 (has links)
Study-abroad in the United States traces its roots back to early colonial times. The concept of spending a semester or year abroad during the undergraduate degree programme is not a new one; however increasing emphasis has been placed upon the need for acquiring a global education to cope with the demands of an ever increasing internationalised world. The traditional locations for American undergraduates who chose to study-abroad have always been and continue to be Western Europe. Yet, with a culture similar to that of the United States, the question of what intercultural learning takes place is an apt one. Emphasis on non-traditional locations is increasing, yet few studies have been undertaken which examine the experience of American undergraduates who do choose non-traditional destinations for their study-abroad experience. This research examines, through a qualitative study, using in-depth, semi-structured descriptive interviews, the experience of six American undergraduates who chose to spend a semester in South Africa from January to June 2004. A focus group of professionals within the American university study-abroad setting was also interviewed in May of 2003 to determine factors of interest to professionals within the field. The major findings included: The traditional barriers to study-abroad were not applicable to the students studied, however, barriers dealing with lack of information or inaccurate information regarding South Africa and non-promotion of South Africa as a first world country were found to be relevant as deterrents to students choosing South Africa as a destination for study-abroad. The most relevant factors that influenced students to study-abroad in South Africa were found to be: prior academic coursework in African studies at the home institution, the perception that it was a destination that offered opportunities for personal enjoyment and learning prospects in a unique cultural setting in addition to the fact that the host institution's language of instruction was English. Based on these findings, relevant recommendations for further research in this field were suggested. / Educational Studies / DED (COMP EDUCATION)

Quality assurance challenges for private providers in post-school education and training in South Africa

Baumgardt, Jacqueline 09 1900 (has links)
Quality assurance has been a vexed and troubled journey for private providers in South Africa in a complex and burdensome educational environment. It is well recognised that private providers are significant role-players in the provision of education and training in South Africa and the stated intention is to create a more enabling regulatory framework The focus of this thesis is on the private providers at the post-school level. The quality assurance regime was examined and contextualised to analyse what is required, and to determine how the private provider is impacted by the regulatory requirements for the establishment and operation of a private tuition provider in South Africa. The experience of private providers, CEOs of professional bodies, ETQA managers and ETD practitioners was investigated using a mixed methods research approach. The conclusion is a call for a far more streamlined system with a centralised oversight body, greater stakeholder consultation, less political interference and a deeper appreciation for the contribution that private providers make to the education of learners in South Africa. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

L'enquête judiciaire en matière économique et financière : une réforme nécessaire / Judicial inquiry in economic and financial matters : a necessary reform

Parisien, Bruno 14 December 2018 (has links)
Environ vingt milliards d’euros, tel est le coût de la délinquance économique et financière en France. Phénomène proche de la criminalité organisée et pourtant toujours mal défini, délinquance atypique aux caractères spécifiques, elle demeure un espace où seuls quelques initiés parviennent à déjouer les malversations commises par des criminels précurseurs quant à leur modes opératoires. Gangrène du système socio-économique, elle tend à être appréhendée aujourd’hui dans l’hexagone, mais les réformes successives et novatrices ne sont pas synonymes d’une répression adaptée. Si le système judiciaire s’est doté de dispositifs de lutte fondés sur la spécialisation de plusieurs juridictions pénales, l’enquête judiciaire, berceau de toute répression, demeure majoritairement soumise aux règles de procédures du droit commun. Comme l’attestent les retours d’expériences, à une criminalité d’exception s’opposent des pouvoirs d’investigations basiques pourtant susceptibles d’être améliorés par l’adaptation de dispositifs éprouvés. / Twenty billions : that is the cost of financial and economic crime in France. This is close to organised crime, but it still remains an ill-defined phenomenon, an atypical delinquency with specific features, an area where only few initiate persons succeed in twarthing misbehaviours committed by pioneer criminals in regard to the modus operandi they use. Financial and economic crime plagues the social and economic system, and although this tends to be contained in France, successive and innovative reforms haven’t ensured a more appropriate criminal justice response. Judicial system has been provided with specialized penal courts, but judicial inquiry, the cradle of fight against crime, still remains subject to ordinary criminal procedural rules. As feedbacks show, basic investigation powers contrast with exceptional delinquency, whereas they could be improved by the adaptation of the tested investigation devices.


BROGGINI, SUSANNA 05 May 2017 (has links)
Questa tesi riflette l’attuale interesse per il dibattito educativo sul ruolo e sull’uso dell’inglese come lingua veicolare in ambiente accademico. I programmi che utilizzano l’inglese come Medium of Instruction (EMI) sono al centro dell’attenzione di questo studio, che si compone di una parte quantitativa e una parte qualitativa. Attraverso un’analisi aggiornata dei dati raccolti da Costa e Coleman nel 2012, la prima parte descrive i risultati di un questionario spedito a tutte le università italiane; la parte qualitativa descrive l’utilizzo dei marcatori metadiscorsivi impiegati da quattro docenti dell’Università Cattolica di Milano. A tale scopo, è stata adottata una versione semplificata del modello di Ädel (2003), proposto da Nobles (2010), e applicato in questa sede al discorso accademico orale. L’aumento del numero di corsi di EMI in Italia registrato da Costa e Coleman nel 2012 è rimasto stabile. Il confronto tra l’uso di marcatori metadiscorsivi personali e impersonali mostra un maggior utilizzo dei primi, in particolare del pronome personale “we”. Infine, lo studio vuole fornire dati e riflessioni a docenti, istituzioni universitarie e legislatori, utili anche alla progettazione di corsi di formazione per insegnanti. / This thesis reflects the shared current interest in the ongoing educational debate on the role and use of English as a medium of instruction in academic settings. English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) programs are the main focus of this study which includes a quantitative and a qualitative part. Through an up-to-date analysis of the data on EMI courses in Italy collected by Costa and Coleman in 2012, the first part shows the results of a questionnaire that was sent to all Italian universities; the qualitative part describes the use of metadiscourse markers by four Italian lecturers at the Università Cattolica of Milan. The simplified and restricted classification model of metadiscourse markers proposed by Nobles (2010), adapted from Ädel (2003), was here applied to the academic spoken discourse. The increase in the number of EMI courses in Italy registered by Costa and Coleman in 2012 has remained stable. The comparison of the use of personal and impersonal metadiscourse shows that personal metadiscourse tokens surpass the impersonal counterpart, with the pronoun “we” as the most frequent self-mention marker in the corpus. Finally, the present study can be of great interest both for lecturers and university policymakers or teacher-training designers.

Der Ausgleich der Interessen der Wirtschaft und des Umweltschutzes in Frankreich : eine rechtsvergleichende Studie zu Ermessensentscheidungen im Umweltrecht im Lichte der Internationalisierung des Rechts am Beispiel der National- und Regionalparks in Frankreich / La conciliation entre les intérêts économiques et environnementaux : une étude de droit comparé français-allemand à l'exemple des parcs nationaux et régionaux en France / The arbitration between economic and environmental issues : a French-German study in comparative law of national parks and regional parks in France

Lüer, Stefanie Christina 19 December 2018 (has links)
La conciliation entre la protection de la nature et les intérêts de nature économique s'opère en recourant à la notion de développement durable. D'un point de vue juridique, les acteurs clés pour opérer une telle conciliation sont l'administration et le juge, qui appliquent et interprètent les normes applicables. Ils concilient l'intérêt général tenant à la protection de l'environnement avec les intérêts et les droits des acteurs du tourisme en utilisant leur pouvoir discrétionnaire, selon des modalités qui diffèrent en France et en Allemagne. Les parcs naturels nationaux et régionaux ont été retenus pour limiter le champ de recherche et constituent des exemples permettant d'illustrer les modalités de la conciliation entre exploitation économique et protection environnementale. Tandis que l'objectif assigné au parc national par la loi vise en premier lieu la protection de la nature, les parcs régionaux sont consacrés au développement durable, outil de conciliation entre les intérêts économiques et environnementaux. Le tourisme joue ainsi un rôle central dans l'organisation et le fonctionnement des parcs régionaux et présente la particularité d'être une activité économique qui suppose l'existence d'un environnement au moins en partie vierge et une nature préservée. / An optimal balance between economic and environmental issues is guided by the concept of sustainable development. From a legal perspective, the main parties making arbitrary decisions in this matter are the administrations and the administrative courts. They apply and interpret the respective rules by using their specific national power of discretion, arbitrary arbitrating between the public interest to protect the environment and the issues of the key players of the "green" tourism industry. The National parks and the Regional parks have been chosen to refine the study because these two constitute an example painting out the methods of arbitrary decision making between economic exploitation and the protection of the environment. With regard to the National park, the law assigns priority to the protection of the environment whereas the Regional park is dedicated to sustainable development as the method to accomplish the arbitration between economic and environmental issues. The tourism industry is playing a central role in the functional organisation of the Regional parks and is characterized by being an economic activity dependent on an environment at least in part untouched and still pristine.

Entry and operation strategies of Indian pharmaceutical firms in Africa under the dynamics of markets and institutions / Stratégies d'entrées et de fonctionnement des firmes pharmaceutiques indiennes en Afrique sous la dynamique des marchés et des institutions

Singh, Sauman 12 July 2018 (has links)
La thèse démontre que l'environnement protectionniste en Inde a contribué à bâtir une industrie pharmaceutique solide. L'arrivée simultanée de l'Accord ADPIC et de la libéralisation économique a créé des « push factors » à la fois compétitifs et favorables, obligeant les firmes pharmaceutiques indiennes (FPI) à chercher de nouvelles voies de croissance à l’étranger. Les politiques des pays africains en faveur des génériques, l’action des organisations internationales et la nouvelle gouvernance des marchés financés par les bailleurs de fonds ont aussi induits des « pull factors » permettant aux FPI de s'engager davantage sur ces marchés. Cette thèse montre à travers le cas du Mali que le marché en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone est divisé en quatre segments – le marché public financé par l'État et par des donateurs et le marché privé formel et informel – avec des réglementations différentes. Les FPI n'utilisent que l'exportation dans ces pays, mais leurs organisations varient selon le segment dans lequel elles souhaitent opérer. Enfin, ce travail utilise l’étude du Synriam, un nouvel antipaludéen pour montrer que Ranbaxy a utilisé le partenariat avec Medicines for Malaria Venture pour développer ses capacités, accéder à de nouveaux marchés et gagner en légitimité. Cette étude met en évidence que les organisations internationales peuvent créer des barrières institutionnelles et influencer les stratégies d'entrée des firmes. En conclusion, cette thèse illustre la richesse et la complexité du marché pharmaceutique africain et démontre également que les stratégies d'entrée sur le marché et d'exploitation des FPI sont influencées par l'environnement institutionnel sous-jacent. / This dissertation first shows that the early protectionist environment in India helped build a robust indigenous pharmaceutical industry. The simultaneous arrival of TRIPS and economic liberalization created both competitive and supportive push factors forcing Indian firms to look for new avenues of growth beyond national boundaries. Generic supporting policies of African countries, the action of international organizations and the new governance of donor-funded markets also acted as pull factors for Indian firms to engage in these markets.Next, taking the case of Mali, the thesis shows that the pharmaceutical market in Francophone West African countries is divided into four specific segments – government and donor-funded public and formal and informal private markets – with different regulatory characteristics. Indian firms are using only export to operate in these countries, but the organization of export varies according to the segment in which a firm intends to operate. Lastly, it takes the case of Synriam, a new antimalarial to show that Ranbaxy used the partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture for developing capabilities, accessing new markets and gaining legitimacy. The case also reflects that international organizations may create institutional barriers and influence the market entry strategy of firms. To conclude, this thesis illustrates the richness and complexities of the African pharmaceutical market and shows that market entry and operation strategies of Indian firms are influenced by the underlying institutional environment.

Discursive constructions of internationalisation at an Australian University: implications for professional practice

Leask, Betty January 2005 (has links)
The portfolio explores the construction, representation and interpretation of internationalisation at the University of South Australia (UniSA) within the broader concept of internationalisation in higher education. The research is situated within a postmodern, postcolonial world and is influenced significantly by the work of Foucault ([1972] 2003), Fairclough (1989; 1992), Said (1995 [1978]) and Cherryholmes (1988). The portfolio consists of three related research reports and a meta-analysis which both connects these individual reports and conducts further analysis of the issues and themes arising from the research. The literature reviewed in Research Report 1 describes a range of approaches to internationalisation and issues associated with its definition and implementation in universities. It is concluded that internationalisation in higher education is part of a network of constantly developing and changing discourses all of which both influence and are influenced by political, social and economic contexts and agendas. The nature of the discourse of internationalisation at UniSA and the power/knowledge relations which are embedded within and support it are the focus of the second research report which consists of a critical discourse analysis of a corpus of documents related to internationalisation and Graduate Quality #7 at UniSA. Five discourses of internationalisation at UniSA are identified and the roles associated with the primary subjects of the discourse (academic staff, Australian students and international students) are described. Significant shifts in the discursive construction of internationalisation at UniSA over time are also identified, including the tendency for the economic discourse to be viewed as dominant and the associated ideology to be naturalised. The third research report consists of ‘snapshots’ of the experience of internationalisation in different places and from different perspectives. It strives for a deeper understanding of the complexity of internationalisation at UniSA through exploration of the construction of Graduate Quality #7 (that students of UniSA will develop international perspectives as professionals and citizens) in two different cultural and educational contexts ���������������� Adelaide and Hong Kong. The research highlights the need to embed and integrate intercultural learning into the culture of UniSA – to assist all staff and all students to move into uncomfortable intercultural spaces; to learn from and with each other within those spaces; to challenge their stereotypes and prejudices and to move on from them. The three reports are drawn together in the meta-analysis which concludes that although there are signs of ideological struggle within the discourse of internationalisation, the constructions of internationalisation and its subjects and actors at UniSA and beyond are consistent with a construction of internationalisation as a neo-colonialist activity. It suggests a modified approach to internationalisation – one that challenges the stereotypes and hegemonies currently associated with it. This has implications for the focus of professional development and student services to support internationalisation at UniSA and other Australian universities.

Théorie des contrats administratifs et marchés publics internationaux

Elbeherry, Ibrahim 30 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Liés aux investissements d'envergure, les marchés publics internationaux réalisent des projets de travaux publics, de services, de fournitures ou de ressources énergétiques. Ces accords, aussi riches en quantité qu'en qualité, sont marqués par des complexités liées à leur caractère hybride et à l'absence d'un véritable régime juridique. Placés au carrefour de toutes les branches de Droit, ces mêmes accords entretiennent des liens très étroits avec les contrats administratifs, donc avec le Droit public : présence de l'État ou de ses émanations, accomplissement de l'intérêt général ou maîtrise étatique de leurs modes d'accès et d'exécution. Ainsi, quoique réalisables par des étrangers, un bon nombre de ces accords peut avoir un caractère administratif. Cette qualification est néanmoins compromise en raison de l'internationalité des accords visés, du respect dû au principe de l'autonomie de la volonté, et de la position des arbitres, éprouvant une frilosité juridique mal comprise à l'encontre des États contractants. Bien qu'administratifs, ces accords sont transnationaux. À ce titre, ils mettent en jeu plusieurs ordres juridiques concurrents (lois nationales, lex-mercatoria ou Droit des gens). Ce problème des conflits de lois permet l'intervention du droit public interne dont la compétence exclusive n'interdit pas l'application. Ce droit contient des règles qui permettent de dissiper la contradiction entre la force obligatoire du contrat et le pouvoir souverain de l'État (mutabilité essentielle, fait du Prince ou imprévision) et de juger l'exercice excessif du pouvoir exorbitant (détournement de pouvoir). Dès lors, il offre aux M.P.I. des solutions dont la transposition aux problèmes similaires ne peut qu'être bénéfique en matière d'investissements.

The experience of American undergraduates in study-abroad programmes in South Africa

Paola, Roberta James 30 November 2004 (has links)
Study-abroad in the United States traces its roots back to early colonial times. The concept of spending a semester or year abroad during the undergraduate degree programme is not a new one; however increasing emphasis has been placed upon the need for acquiring a global education to cope with the demands of an ever increasing internationalised world. The traditional locations for American undergraduates who chose to study-abroad have always been and continue to be Western Europe. Yet, with a culture similar to that of the United States, the question of what intercultural learning takes place is an apt one. Emphasis on non-traditional locations is increasing, yet few studies have been undertaken which examine the experience of American undergraduates who do choose non-traditional destinations for their study-abroad experience. This research examines, through a qualitative study, using in-depth, semi-structured descriptive interviews, the experience of six American undergraduates who chose to spend a semester in South Africa from January to June 2004. A focus group of professionals within the American university study-abroad setting was also interviewed in May of 2003 to determine factors of interest to professionals within the field. The major findings included: The traditional barriers to study-abroad were not applicable to the students studied, however, barriers dealing with lack of information or inaccurate information regarding South Africa and non-promotion of South Africa as a first world country were found to be relevant as deterrents to students choosing South Africa as a destination for study-abroad. The most relevant factors that influenced students to study-abroad in South Africa were found to be: prior academic coursework in African studies at the home institution, the perception that it was a destination that offered opportunities for personal enjoyment and learning prospects in a unique cultural setting in addition to the fact that the host institution's language of instruction was English. Based on these findings, relevant recommendations for further research in this field were suggested. / Educational Studies / DED (COMP EDUCATION)

L'internationalisation pluraliste du droit public de l'intégration régionale : une comparaison d'après la jurisprudence de la CJUE et du TJCA / The pluralistic internazionalisation of regional integration public law : a comparative approach through the ECJ's and AJC case law

Sierra Cadena, Grenfieth de Jesús 12 December 2014 (has links)
L’internationalisation du droit communautaire de l’UE a engendré le développement de nouveaux centres de production juridique en dehors de l’espace juridique européen comme la CAN. Ce processus a stimulé un phénomène de pluralisme juridique mondial à double dimension : on note d’une part la création , à l’échelle régionale, de modèles alternatifs d’intégration ; d’autre part, au niveau national, l’émergence d’une discussion sur l’identité constitutionnelle et administrative des Etats au regard des systèmes juridiques supranationaux. La comparaison jurisprudentielle entre la CJUE et le TJCA montre une expansion du pluralisme juridique en Amérique latine et dans l’Union européenne, tant à l’échelle nationale que régionale ; constitutionnelle qu’administrative. Un tel pluralisme appelle la construction d’une jurisprudence de coordination-harmonisation régionale plutôt qu’une standardisation juridique mondiale telle qu’elle est envisagée par le droit économique de l’OMC, la doctrine du Global Administrative Law ou celle proposant des standards constitutionnels mondiaux. La jurisprudence comparée explique comment le dialogue –«spontané et débridé»- de juges nationaux et régionaux révèle les rapports conflictuels entre le droit économique du marché mondial (OMC) et la protection de l’ordre public à l’échelle régionale. La thèse aborde cette problématique du pluralisme juridique au prisme de la jurisprudence comparée de la CJUE et du TJCA. D’un point de vue constitutionnel tout d’abord, la notion de « savoir-pouvoir du juge » (se substituant à la notion d’activisme des juges) propose de comprendre le juge communautaire en tant que garant du pluralisme juridique national afin d’aborder une nouvelle configuration complexe du pouvoir juridique à l’échelle supranationale. D’un point de vue administratif ensuite, la notion de gouvernabilité régionale (se substituant à la notion de gouvernance mondiale) appelle à un espace d’étatisation juridique des pouvoirs économiques régionaux pour les placer sous le contrôle du droit. Il s’agit d’imaginer un droit public régional capable d’étatiser les pouvoirs régionaux en tant que contre-pouvoirs de régulation du marché face à l’indéfinition juridique de la gouvernance mondiale. / The internationalization of Community Law in the EU has led to the development of new centers of legal production outside the European legal space such as CAN. This process has stimulated a two -dimensional global phenomenon of legal pluralism: on the one hand there is the creation of alternative regional integration models and on the other hand, the emergence of a discussion on national level about the constitutional and administrative identity of States under supranational legal systems. The comparison between different jurisprudences shows an expansion of legal pluralism in Latin America and in the EU, as much as in a national or regional scale than in a constitutional or administrative scale. Such pluralism demands the construction of a regional coordination-harmonization rather than a standardization of the legal world as envisaged by the WTO's economic Law, the doctrine of Global Administrative Law or the constitutional providing of global standards. Comparative jurisprudence explains how the national and regional judges’ “spontaneous and unrestrained” dialogue reveals the conflicting relationship between the beneficial owner of the world market (WTO) and the protection of public order at a regional level. The thesis addresses the problem of pluralism through the comparative analysis of both the ECJ's and the ACJ's jurisprudences. First, from a constitutional point of view, the notion of “power-knowledge of the judge” (replacing the concept of judicial activism) suggests the understanding of the community judge as the protector of the national legal pluralism to address a new complex configuration of legal authority at a supranational level. Secondly, from an administrative point of view, the notion of regional governability (replacing the concept of global governance) demands the judicial nationalization of regional economic powers to place it under the control of law. The aim is to imagine the regional public law capable of nationalizing the regional authorities as counter-powers regulating the market to face the lack of legal definition of the global governance.

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