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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Médias québécois et femmes autochtones : analyse de la couverture journalistique de la crise de Val-d’Or

Labelle, Suzy 08 1900 (has links)
En octobre 2015, lors de la crise de Val-d’Or, des femmes autochtones ont témoigné à visage découvert devant la caméra de la journaliste Josée Dupuis de l’émission Enquête à Radio-Canada. Ces témoignages ont levé le voile sur les relations entre les femmes autochtones et les policiers du Québec et ont partiellement fait la lumière sur la discrimination et le racisme systémiques que vivent les Autochtones au sein de certains services publics québécois. La représentation des femmes autochtones dans la presse écrite au Canada a été historiquement empreinte de stéréotypes coloniaux et sexistes. Néanmoins, très peu d’études portent sur la presse écrite québécoise. Ainsi, la présente recherche retrace les écrits sur les femmes autochtones parus dans la presse écrite québécoise sur une période de quatre ans en lien avec la crise de Val-d’Or et le phénomène des femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées. Une analyse thématique de contenu de ces écrits est faite dans une optique postcoloniale et intersectionnelle afin de contextualiser ce phénomène large et complexe. Ce mémoire explore donc le discours et plus particulièrement la représentation des femmes autochtones dans un contexte de violence systémique. / In the midst of the Val-d’Or crisis in October 2015, several Indigenous women came forward on Radio-Canada’s television program Enquête to give an account of what they experienced. What these women told journalist Josée Dupuis shone a bright light on the relations between the Quebec provincial police and Indigenous women. It also began to reveal the systemic discrimination and racism that Indigenous people are subjected to by a number of Quebec public institutions. Throughout Canadian history, representations of Indigenous women in the press have been fraught with colonial and sexist stereotypes, but interestingly, there are few studies on the ways that the Quebec press depicted these women. In an attempt to provide a broader context for such vast and complex phenomena as the Val-d’Or crisis and the missing and murdered Indigenous women, this study develops a thematic content analysis—using a postcolonial and intersectional approach—on a collection of articles about Indigenous women published over a span of four years in the Quebec press. The aim of this dissertation is then to explore how female Indigenous discourse is framed, and especially how Indigenous women themselves are represented, in the context of violent events.

Ready, Player Juan: Navigating Latinx Masculinities and Stereotypes in Video Games

Kelly, Carlos Gabriel 07 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Queering Survivorhood

Wolfe, Audrey 14 December 2022 (has links)
There has been little research conducted in general that explores the impact of sexualized violence on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. There is even more limited qualitative research, and almost none of it from a therapeutic perspective. This led me to engage with the fictionalized stories of LGBTQ youth characters who have survived sexualized violence to learn how these stories might inform the work of helping professionals. This thesis provides a reflexive thematic analysis of three novels written by queer authors. Through the lens of response-based therapy, intersectional feminism, and queer theory, it considers the ways in which the characters are impacted by their experiences with sexualized violence and their responses to it. Findings indicate that the characters were affected by childhood sexual abuse at a time in their lives when their sexual identities were on the cusp of being formed. Their experiences with sexualized violence impacted the ways that the characters learned to live with contradictions; experienced ambivalence in the relationships with the adults who caused them harm; and engaged in small acts of resistance against the impact of sexualized violence in their lives to create futures in which they could thrive. The characters’ experiences with casual sex and sex work are shown as an act of resistance against violence. This research aims to queer the discourses on LGBTQ youth who have experienced sexualized violence, expose the small acts of resistance that they perform against the impacts of sexualized violence, and transform the ways that child and youth care workers, therapists, social workers, and other helpers understand the resilience and experiences of LGBTQ survivors. / Graduate

Alter(n), Diversität und Stadtgesellschaft / Eine räumliche Perspektive auf die Vielfalt von Lebenssituationen im Alter am Beispiel Berlins

Enßle-Reinhardt, Friederike 10 December 2020 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich am Beispiel Berlins mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Alterung der Gesellschaft und wachsender Diversität. In sechs Fachartikeln werden methodologische Zugänge zum Zusammenspiel von Alter und Diversität entwickelt und neue empirische Befunde aus qualitativer und quantitativer Empirie vorgestellt. Auf Basis der empirischen Erhebungen wird gezeigt, inwiefern gängige gesellschaftliche Altersbilder den komplexen Lebenslagen im Alter nicht gerecht werden, und entsprechend auch der institutionelle Umgang mit Diversität im Alter vielfach nicht adäquat ist. Daran anknüpfend schlägt die Arbeit eine räumliche Perspektive als methodologischen Zugang für die Analyse des Zusammenspiels von Alter und Diversität vor. Aus dieser räumlichen Perspektive werden drei empirische Beispiele analysiert: Die Nutzung öffentlicher Parks durch ältere Menschen, Umzugspläne und Umzugsmotivationen im Alter, sowie die Bedeutung der räumlichen Nähe für das Entstehen von sozialen Netzwerken in der Nachbarschaft im Alter. Die Arbeit leistet damit sowohl auf empirischer als auch auf analytischer und methodologischer Ebene einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag: Sie vermittelt zunächst vertiefte Einblicke in die Lebenslagen älterer Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen. Auf dieser Basis hinterfragt die Arbeit die implizite Normierung der mittleren Lebensjahre als objektiven Beobachterhorizont und unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, Diversität mehrdimensional zu denken. Die Arbeit plädiert insofern dafür, die Konzepte Intersektionalität und Superdiversität zu verknüpfen, um auch innerhalb sozialer Gruppen genauer differenzieren zu können. Dabei erlaubt eine räumliche Perspektive einen offenen Blick auf Diversität und ermöglicht es, die bislang getrennten Forschungsfelder der Diversitäts- und Altersforschung zu verbinden. Die Arbeit schließt mit Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik und Planung. / The dissertation deals with the interplay between the aging of society and growing social diversity, drawing on Berlin as a case study. In six papers, the dissertation develops methodological approaches to scrutinize the interplay of age(ing) and diversity and presents new empirical findings from qualitative and quantitative empirical research. Based on the empirical findings, the dissertation shows that prevalent societal images of old age do not do justice to the complex life situations of older people and, accordingly, the institutional handling of older people’s diversity is inadequate. In addition, the thesis develops a spatial perspective as methodological approach to analyze the interplay between age(ing) and diversity. Employing this spatial perspective, the thesis examines three empirical cases: The use of public parks by older people, relocation plans of older people, and the importance of spatial proximity for older people’s social networks in the neighborhood. The dissertation thus makes a scientific contribution on an empirical as well as on an analytical and methodological level: First, it provides in-depth insights into the life situations of older people with different backgrounds. On this basis, the thesis questions the implicit norming of middle age as an objective perspective and underlines the necessity of thinking diversity in a multidimensional way. In this respect, the paper argues for linking the concepts of intersectionality and superdiversity in order to differentiate more precisely within social groups. A spatial perspective allows an open view on diversity and makes it possible to connect the previously separate fields of research on diversity and gerontology. The work concludes with recommendations for policy and planning

Journalernas objektiva sanning : En mikrohistorisk och intersektionell undersökning av patientjournaler från Stockholms hospital 1905–1927 / The journals objective truth : A micro historic and intersectional study from patient records in Stockholm’s hospital 1905–1927

Witting, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
The aim of the paper was to identify tendencies in the type of descriptions, categories, and identities that the doctors at the mental hospital Stockholm’s hospital gave to the mentally ill patients. The time period was chosen for a few specific reasons, one being Bror Gadelius, then chief physician at the mental hospital and his ambitions for a humanistic care of the mentally ill. The other reason is that this period has been forgotten in Swedish history of mental health care as it fell between the 18th and 19th century ‘surveillance and control’, and on the other hand a period of electrical treatments, lobotomies,and sterilisations to ‘treat’ mental illness and fix society during 1930-1950. In the paper, two theories are used to be able to discern tendencies and different attitudes from the doctors in the patient records. The first is the intersectional perspective with some main categories such as Gender, Class, Body, and Sexuality, but also smaller categories that I discovered during the research. These are somewhat abstract yet self-explanatory: Curable/Incurable, meaning whether the attitude in the records suggests that there was any chance for the patient to get well. Talking/Not talking, where the patient's ability or unwillingness to talk to the doctor changes how the patient is described, and finally Docile/Resistant, which means that the patient is described according to how they behave in accordance with the norms of the mental hospital. The second theory is about objective medicine, which developed with the natural sciences, and the need to be scientifically accurate and to be able to define what disease is, what it looks like and its dimensions. However, when objective medicine developed, it was based on a subjective basis, and therefore being ill meant being 'ugly' and not conforming to societal norms. The two theories work well together because they both highlight historically changing meanings within patients' categories and given identities. Although these are two major theories, the paper is still a micro-historical study, I wanted to get up close to the source material and thoroughly examine the different ways in which patients could be described in the mental hospital. And I believe that it is possible, even with a small study of ten patient records, to provide some nuances of how the doctors viewed the mentally ill patients in the early 20th century.

La violence domestique envers les femmes au Mexique : une analyse multidimensionnelle et intersectionnelle

Valle-Fajer, Minea 03 1900 (has links)
En s’inscrivant dans la perspective du féminisme intersectionnelle et en mobilisant des méthodes mixtes, cette recherche tente de mieux comprendre la violence domestique envers les femmes au Mexique, à la fois à travers une analyse du discours des féministes mexicaines et d’une analyse statistique multidimensionnelle de données d’enquête identifiant les facteurs institutionnels, économiques et socioculturels associés au risque de vivre de la violence domestique. Cette thèse se démarque des réflexions féministes traditionnelles faites au Mexique puisqu’elle approche les rapports de genre en lien avec d’autres systèmes d’oppression et de subordination, fondés notamment sur les rapports de classe et l’ethnicité. Ainsi, elle appréhende la violence faite aux femmes en lien avec le patriarcat, sans réduire ce dernier à quelques indicateurs sociodémographiques et comportementaux mesurés au niveau individuel, mais en tenant compte du contexte d’inégalité de genre au niveau régional. Ce faisant, la recherche tente de réconcilier les deux grandes perspectives théoriques qui expliquent la violence conjugale, soit les approches de la violence familiale (qui s’attardent à des facteurs au niveau microsocial) et les approches féministes (qui mettent l’accent sur la structure patriarcale, c’est-à-dire le contexte plus large des inégalités de genre). Les résultats des entretiens réalisés avec des féministes représentant les trois branches du féminisme mexicain (féminisme hégémonique, populaire et autochtone) ont révélé les fractures existantes à l’intérieur du mouvement féministe au Mexique (antagonisme entre l’institutionnalisation et l’autonomie du mouvement féministe). De façon générale, l’analyse des entretiens a montré que l’engagement des féministes envers la cause des femmes est en accord avec les «idéaux types» des trois branches du féminisme mexicain. Les féministes hégémoniques mettent surtout l’accent sur la structure patriarcale de la société mexicaine et sur les inégalités de genre lorsqu’il s’agit de trouver des causes à la violence faite aux femmes. Pour les féministes du secteur populaire, la violence faite aux femmes s’explique autant par les inégalités de genre, que par les effets du système économique capitaliste. Le discours des femmes autochtones semble, quant à lui, tenir davantage compte de l’articulation des rapports de genre, des rapports ethniques, ainsi que des rapports socio-économiques. Néanmoins, nous constatons que les féministes de la branche hégémonique et populaire semblent de plus en plus sensibles à l’entrecroisement de systèmes de domination et d’oppression. Par ailleurs, l’analyse multiniveau effectuée à partir des données de l’Enquête nationale portant sur la dynamique des relations dans les ménages (2006), a révélé plusieurs résultats importants qui méritent d’être soulignés. D’abord on constate que les différences de prévalence des violences entre les municipalités mexicaines sont en grande partie expliquées par leur composition sociale, c’est-à-dire par des caractéristiques des femmes et de leur couple (niveau micro), plutôt que par des différences entre le niveau des inégalités de genre dans les municipalités mexicaines mesurées par l’ISDH (Indice Sexospécifique du Développement Humain). Les résultats des analyses montrent que les femmes autochtones ont en général des taux de violences moins élevés que les femmes métisses (groupe majoritaire). Enfin, en ce qui a trait à la relation entre le contexte d’inégalité de genre et la violence conjugale, les résultats suggèrent que plus l’ISDH d’une municipalité est élevée, plus il y a de femmes qui subissent les formes de violences. Cela va à l’encontre des postulats habituels des théories féministes et suggèrent que les progrès récents de la situation de la femme en matière de santé, d’éducation et de revenu n’ont pas bouleversé les rapports de genre encore très patriarcales qui continuent à privilégier la suprématie des hommes (Casique, 2004). / By adopting the intersectional feminist approach and mobilizing mixed methods, this research seeks to better understand partner violence in Mexico, both through a discourse analysis of the Mexican feminist movement and a quantitative multidimensional level of analysis by identifying the institutional, economic and socio-cultural factors associated with the risk of experiencing domestic violence. This research differs from the traditional feminist reflections made in Mexico because it takes into consideration gender inequality in interaction with other systems of oppression and subordination, mainly based on social class and ethnicity. Thus, it captures partner violence in relation to patriarchy, without reducing it to sociodemographic and behavioral indicators measured at the individual level, but by taking into account the structural context of gender inequality at the regional level. By integrating individual and contextual factors, this research attempts to reconcile the two major theoretical perspectives that explain partner violence, which are the family violence approach (that linger to factors at the micro level) and feminist approaches (which focus on the patriarchal structure, in other terms the broader context of gender inequality). The results of the discursive analysis from the interviews with the feminists representing all three branches of the Mexican feminism (hegemonic, popular and indigenous feminism) revealed existing fractures within the feminist movement in Mexico (antagonism between institutionalization and autonomy of the feminist movement). In general, this analysis showed that the feminists’ gender struggle and their demands are consistent with the "ideal types" of the three branches of the Mexican feminism. Hegemonic feminism focuses mainly on the patriarchal structure of Mexican society and gender inequality when it comes to finding the causes of violence against women. For the popular feminism, violence against women is explained by both gender inequalities and the vulnerable economic situation. The discourse of indigenous women emphasizes the articulation of gender, ethnic and socio-economic inequalities. However, we found evidence that hegemonic and popular feminism seem increasingly sensitive to the intersection of systems of domination and oppression. In addition, multilevel analysis using data from the National Survey of Dynamics of Relationships within Households (2006) revealed several important findings that deserve to be highlighted. Firstly, we show that differences in the prevalence of partner violence among Mexican municipalities are largely explained by their social composition, that is to say, by the characteristics of women and their relationship (micro level), rather than differences between the level of gender inequality in the Mexican municipalities measured by the GDI (gender-Human Development Index). In addition, the results show that indigenous women generally have lower rates of violence that the rest of mestizas Mexican women (majority group). Finally, in regard to the relationship between the context of gender inequality and domestic violence, and contrary with what would be expected, violence is higher in municipalities with higher GDI. This result seems to contradict feminist assumptions. It would seem that despite recent progress in women’s situation in areas such as health, education and income in Mexico, it has not been able to transform the gender order.

La objetualización de las mujeres y los indígenas en dos novelas latinoamericanas de los años 60 del siglo XX : Un análisis interseccional / The objectification of women and natives in two Latin American novels of the sixties : An intersectional analysis

Pändel, Lisen January 2017 (has links)
En este trabajo se analizan las representaciónes de dos categorías sociales, las mujeres y los indígenas en dos novelas latinoamericanas cuyas tramas acontecen en la primera mitad del siglo XX en Perú y México, respectivamente: La casa verde (1965) del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa y Oficio de tinieblas (1962) de la escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos. Nos proponemos analizar cómo diferentes formas de discriminación (referidas a clase social, género sexual y etnicidad) se entrecruzan en las novelas. Para ello vamos a realizar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de una selección de diálogos de ambas novelas. Para llevar a cabo el análisis cuantitativo vamos a valernos del test de Bechdel. Mediante el cual podremos comprobar si hay una escasa cantidad de diálogos entre mujeres e indígenas en comparación con otros grupos sociales, lo cual nos permitirá visualizar posibles desigualdades en las representaciones de ambos grupos sociales en las novelas. En nuestra parte cualitativa, a través de un análisis crítico del discurso y utilizando una perspectiva interseccional, analizamos los diálogos directos en los que se habla sobre estos dos grupos sociales, las mujeres y los indígenas, para poder estudiar su representación en las novelas y para ver si encontramos elementos que puedan considerarse discriminatorios con respecto a estos grupos sociales. Finalmente, se compara el resultado cuantitativo con el resultado cualitativo para así poder también probar la conveniencia del test de Bechdel para analizar desigualdades en los medios de ficción. / The aim of this paper is to analyse the representation of two social categories, women and natives, in two Latin American novels, whose plot takes place in the first half of the twentieth century in Peru and Mexico, respectively: The green house/La casa verde (1965) by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa and The book of lamentation/Oficio de tinieblas (1962) by Mexican author Rosario Castellanos. In this study, we will analyse how different forms of discrimination (regarding social class, gender and ethnicity) intersect in both novels. We will use a quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected dialogues of both novels. To perform the quantitative analysis, we will make use of the Bechdeltest. Through this test we can study a small amount of dialogues between women and natives compared to other social groups, allowing us to visualize possible inequalities in the representation of both social groups in the novels. In our qualitative part we will study the dialogues in which the interlocutors talk about these two social groups, women and natives, to interpret their representation in the novels and to find out if there are elements that may be considered discriminatory with respect to these social groups, through a critical discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective. Finally, the quantitative result is compared with the qualitative results so that we can test the suitability of Bechdel test to analyse inequalities in the media fiction.

La reconnaissance des discriminations multiples en droit du travail français : état des lieux et perspectives / The acknowledgment of multiple discriminations in french employment law : inventory and prospects

Rossignol, Sophie 07 July 2017 (has links)
La non-discrimination est une notion en constante évolution. Elle se doit d’être réceptive aux nouvelles formes discriminatoires vécues par les travailleurs afin de garantir un niveau de protection juridique conforme aux exigences internationales et nationales. En ce sens, les discriminations multiples sont un parfait exemple. Il s’agit de situations dans lesquelles interviennent et interagissent plusieurs motifs prohibés. Or, le concept de discriminations multiples, issu des sciences sociales, n’est théorisé en droit que depuis les années 1980. Si elles sont inconnues du droit positif, la doctrine et la pratique tendent à souligner la nécessité de leur reconnaissance juridique. Saisies par le droit du travail, elles posent de nombreuses questions quant à leur définition et leur mise en oeuvre. Leur étude va permettre de délivrer une approche différente de l’exigence de non-discrimination en droit du travail mais également des objectifs de diversité en entreprise. / Anti-discrimination law is always evolving. It must be receptive to new types of discrimination against workers to guarantee a level of legal protection consistent with international and national standards. In that sense, multiple discriminations are a perfect example. They take place when several protected characteristics occur and interact with each other. The concept of multiple discriminations arises from social sciences but has only been legally theorized since the 80s. If French law does not consider them, jurisprudence and practice tends to underline the necessity of a legal acknowledgment. Seized by employment law, multiple discriminations pose many questions with regard to their definition and implementation. Nonetheless, studying them offers a different approach to the duty to not discriminate at work, and to insuring diversity in the workplace.

Inclusive Shakespeare: An Intersectional Analysis of Contemporary Production

Brinkman, Eric M. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Visiting while Latinx: An Intersectional Analysis of the Experiences of Subjectivity among Latinx Visitors to Encyclopedic Art Museums

Betancourt, Veronica Elena 16 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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