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Ocenění investičního projektu / Real estate project valuationDokulilová, Vlasta January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the evaluation of a specific investment opportunity on the private equity real estate market in the Czech republic. The analysed investment project offers rare opportunity to create additional cash flow to the project under the management of the new owner. The theoretical part will define the core problematic of investment decision making process and the evaluation of investments. Practical part is focused on building a projection of cash flow and analysis of various return scenarios by using the internal rate of return as a key financial criteria to evaluate the investment opportunity.
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Påverkande faktorer vid initiativ till nya investeringar och valet av kalkylmetod : En komparativ flerfallstudie av sexton svenska elnätsföretagMohamed Ibrahim, Munira, Värnlund, Matilda, Zetterström, Susanna January 2020 (has links)
Titel: Påverkande faktorer vid initiativ till nya investeringar och valet av kalkylmetod - En komparativ flerfallstudie av sexton svenska elnätsföretag Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Tillväxten i samhället och förändrade behov har lett till högre krav på svenska elnätsföretag och elnätet. Det befintliga elnätet är en stor del av Sveriges infrastruktur och kräver underhåll och reparation, samtidigt som det behöver anpassas till nya tekniska lösningar för att ställa om till helt förnybar energi. Det finns därmed ett investeringsbehov i branschen samtidigt som företagen står inför stram intäktsreglering. Detta skapar en osäkerhet eftersom företagen inte alltid kan erhålla skäliga intäkter för de långsiktiga investeringar de genomför. Elnätsföretagens investeringar tenderar dock att påverkas av både finansiella och icke-finansiella faktorer, något som tidigare studier visat kan påverka både initiering av investeringar och valet av kalkylmetod. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie ämnar till att förstå och förklara de faktorer som påverkar och initierar investeringar i elnätet hos elnätsföretag. Utifrån de påverkande faktorerna kommer kartläggning göras av vilka kalkylmetoder som används vid utvärdering av investeringsalternativ. På så sätt kan studien kartlägga huruvida det finns ett samband mellan de påverkande faktorerna och valet av kalkylmetod. Metod: Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i en flermetodsforskning där både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskningsstrategi har använts med en flerfallsstudie som forskningsdesign. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av enkäter och strukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: De slutsatser som kan erhållas utifrån studiens syfte är framförallt att politiska och legala faktorer har störst påverkan på initiering av investeringar i elnätsföretag genom framförallt intäktsreglering. Samtidigt har också en illustration kring relationen mellan olika faktorer som ekonomiska, sociala, teknologiska och miljömässiga konstaterats, eftersom de många gånger tenderar att påverka varandra. Ett vagt samband kan också betraktas mellan faktorernas påverkan på företagens val av kalkylmetoder. Vår bedömning är därför, att utifrån den omgivning företagen verkar i med osäkerhet och risk i beaktning, att företagen kritiskt bör granska valet av kalkylmetod och varför den skapar värde för företaget.
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Juniorfinansiering i fastighetsbranschen– Fokus kring Mezzanine / Juniorfinancing in the Real Estate business- Focus around MezzanineNaghavi, Alessandro, von Berens, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Real estate financing is one of the key figures for financial success and fundamental to a successful business. Funding will come in several different ways , from existing cashflows and assets to new capital requirements which are aimed at different markets. These markets are constantly changing and since the recent financial crisis , there have been adjustments and austerity measures which led to that the banks have become more restrictive in their lending. The real estate industry is characterized by both long-term and short-term thinking that is characterized by a solid continuity. Our thesis discuss how the demand is in the real estate business and how mature the Swedish market is for junior financing with focus around mezzanine debt and where are we headed in the near future. We've reached out to the key players in the industry on both the buy and sell side of real estate financing but also people between lenders and borrowers that handles transaction advice . To have been able to implement the analysis a survey and simulation of an investment calculation was created . This questionnaire was answered by many real estate companies with senior people that had operational positions most associated with corporate commitments. These companies are active in growth areas and especially in the Stockholm area of commercial real estate. After conducting the study , we have determined that the Swedish market is mature and ready for junior financing and it tends to be a gap between the smaller and the larger real estate companies in terms of demand for mezzanine debt . / För fastighetsbolag är tillgång till f inansiering en av nyckelfaktorerna för att uppnå en framgångsrik verksamhet. Finansiering sker på flera olika sätt, allt från befintliga kassaflöden och tillgångar till nytt behov av kapital där man vänder sig till olika marknader. Dessa marknader förändras hela tiden och sedan den senaste finanskrisen har det skett regleringar och åtstramningar vilket lett till att banker blivit mer restriktiva i sin utlåning. Fastighetsbranschen präglas av både långsiktighet och kortsiktighet som kännetecknas av en gedigen kontinuitet och vår uppsats behandlar hur efterfrågan ser ut i fastighetsbranschen och hur mogen den svenska marknaden är för juniorfinansiering med fokusering kring mezzaninekapital och om vi därigenom kan dra någon slutsats vart vi är på väg. Vi har lokaliserat de viktigaste aktörerna i branschen på både köp- och säljsidan vid fastighetsfinansiering men också personer mellan långivare och låntagare som sköter transaktionsrådgivning. För att ha kunnat implementera analysen gjordes en enkät och simulering av en investeringskalkyl. Denna enkät besvarades av flertalet fastighetsbolag med högt uppsatta personer med operativa befattningar samt flertalet bolagsengagemang knutna till sig. Dessa bolag är verksamma i tillväxtorter och framförallt i Stockholmsområdet mot kommersiella fastigheter. Efter att ha genomfört studien har vi fastställt att juniorfinansiering är något den svenska marknaden är mogen för och det tenderar till att uppstå en klyfta mellan de mindre och de större fastighetsbolagen när det gäller efterfrågan på mezzaninekapital.
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Impact of offtake mechanisms on wind turbine selection and design in North and Central EuropeReiter, Gesa January 2023 (has links)
Wind power has become a major supplier of electricity in the European market in the last years. In 2020, 13% of electricity generated on the European continent was wind energy (onshore and offshore) and these shares are projected to increase in the next years due to reasons such as climate change and the energy security aspect. While an increased share of renewable electricity in the electricity mix has a lot of benefits, it also comes with challenges. One of these challenges are the electricity market design and the offtake mechanisms that find application. If national expansion goals for wind energy are to be achieved, wind power plants need to be profitable and hence be an attractive and competitive investment. If wind farms are running within the prevalent merit order system where the energy source with the highest marginal cost sets the electricity price, there is a risk of low or even negative income at times of high wind or solar irradiation. The unforeseeable and potentially low revenues also lead to worse conditions in the financing of wind projects, resulting in high financing costs. To counteract this challenge, governments have set up policy frameworks and subsidies and owners of wind farms have adopted different offtake mechanisms such as pay-as-produced PPAs (power purchase agreements) and baseload PPAs. Additionally, many operators hedge their assets, meaning that risks are reduced by deployment of different offtake mechanisms. All of this is where this study ties in. The objective was to evaluate how the design of markets and offtakes and their respective pricing level and predictability impact the best turbine fit in North and Central Europe. To get to an answer, two key onshore markets within the region have been chosen and characterized, namely Germany and Sweden. Two different turbine types, one with a low capacity factor but high rated power and one with a lower rated power but high capacity factor, have been examined in these markets in order to evaluate which turbine type performs better. A third turbine type which is a new concept in the technology demonstrator stage has been added to the study to assess its performance as compared to the existent turbines. The evaluation has been performed in form of a Use Case Analysis and Sensitivity Study. Finally, the results have been compared and generalized into key takeaways that can be transferred into other markets in the region of North and Central Europe. The study finds that different market characteristics and offtake mechanisms do in fact impact turbine selection and the best turbine fit. Important factors that have been found in this research are the key financial metric (NPV and IRR), market constraints such as a grid constraint, and offtake mechanisms and the predictability of revenues that comes with the offtake. The main impacts on wind turbine selection that can be tied to offtake mechanisms are the payment received per unit of electricity and the level of security that comes with the offtake mechanism. Constant incomes improve financing conditions, meaning that resources from crediting institutes are granted at better conditions if the income can be anticipated. For both markets, the optimal turbine fit varies depending on the boundary conditions. High capacity factor turbines have been found to be a better fit if the developing company considers the IRR as focal financial metric. If the NPV is the focal metric, the results are less clear: While low capacity turbines are a better fit for sites with low revenues from electricity pricing and lower wind conditions, turbines with high rated power benefit from high and secured electricity pricing and high wind speeds where rated power is reached. The German EEG as a special case promotes installation of high capacity turbines due to high and constant revenues per MWh. While the overall Value Pool (payment per MWh of electricity) is higher for Germany, business cases in Sweden benefit from higher turbine lifetimes. / Vindkraft har under de senaste åren blivit en viktig leverantör av el på den europeiska marknaden. År 2020 var 13 % av elproduktionen på den europeiska kontinenten vindkraft (på land och till havs) och dessa andelar förväntas öka under de kommande åren på grund av orsaker som klimatförändringar och energisäkerhet. Även om en ökad andel förnybar el i elmixen har många fördelar, kommer den också med utmaningar. En av dessa utmaningar är elmarknadens utformning och de uttagsmekanismer som tillämpas. Om de nationella utbyggnadsmålen för vindkraft ska kunna uppnås måste vindkraftverken vara lönsamma och därmed utgöra en attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig investering. Om vindkraftsparkerna drivs inom det rådande merit order-systemet, där den energikälla som har högst marginalkostnad sätter elpriset, finns det risk för låga eller till och med negativa intäkter vid tillfällen med mycket vind eller solinstrålning. De oförutsägbara och potentiellt låga intäkterna leder också till sämre villkor för finansiering av vindkraftsprojekt, vilket resulterar i höga finansieringskostnader. För att motverka denna utmaning har flera regeringar inrättat politiska ramverk och subventioner och ägare av vindkraftsparker har infört olika uppköpsmekanismer såsom PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) med betalning efter produktion och PPA för basbelastning. Dessutom säkrar många operatörer sina tillgångar, vilket innebär att riskerna minskas genom användning av olika upptagningsmekanismer. Målet var att utvärdera hur utformningen av marknader och upptag samt deras respektive prisnivå och förutsägbarhet påverkar den bästa turbinanpassningen i Nord- och Centraleuropa. För att komma fram till ett svar har representativa marknader inom regionen valts ut och karakteriserats, nämligen Tyskland och Sverige. Två olika turbintyper, en med låg kapacitetsfaktor men hög nominell effekt och en med lägre nominell effekt men hög kapacitetsfaktor, har undersökts på dessa marknader för att utvärdera vilken turbintyp som presterar bättre. En tredje turbintyp som är ett nytt koncept i teknikdemonstratorstadiet har lagts till i studien för att bedöma dess prestanda jämfört med de befintliga turbinerna. Utvärderingen har utförts i form av en användningsfallsanalys och en känslighetsstudie. Slutligen har resultaten jämförts och generaliserats till viktiga slutsatser som kan överföras till andra marknader i regionen Nord- och Centraleuropa. Studien visar att olika marknadsegenskaper och uppköpsmekanismer påverkar valet av turbin och vilken turbin som passar bäst. Viktiga faktorer som har hittats i denna forskning är det viktigaste finansiella måttet (NPV och IRR), marknadsbegränsningar som spetshöjd eller nätbegränsningar, och uppköpsmekanismer och förutsägbarheten av intäkter som kommer med uppköpet. De viktigaste faktorerna som påverkar valet av vindkraftverk och som kan kopplas till avsättningsmekanismer är den betalning som erhålls per enhet el och den säkerhetsnivå som följer med avsättningsmekanismen. Konstanta inkomster förbättrar finansieringsvillkoren, vilket innebär att resurser från kreditinstitut beviljas på bättre villkor om inkomsterna kan förutses. För båda marknaderna varierar den optimala turbinpassningen beroende på gränsvillkoren. Turbiner med hög kapacitet har visat sig passa bättre om utvecklingsföretaget betraktar internräntan som ekonomiska nyckeltal. Om NPV är det centrala måttet är resultaten mindre tydliga: Medan turbiner med låg kapacitet passar bättre för platser med låga intäkter från elpriser och lägre vindförhållanden, gynnas turbiner med hög nominell effekt av höga och säkra elpriser och höga vindhastigheter där nominell effekt uppnås. Det tyska EEG är ett specialfall som främjar installation av turbiner med hög kapacitet på grund av höga och konstanta intäkter per MWh. Medan den totala värdepoolen (betalning per MWh el) är högre för Tyskland, gynnas affärsfall i Sverige av högre livslängd för turbinerna.
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Resettlement and sustainable livelihoods in Ethiopia : a comparative analysis of Amhara and southern regionsKassa Teshager Alemu 02 1900 (has links)
Resettlement as a development discourse has become a worldwide phenomenon. This
phenomenon is mainly caused by population pressure, war or prolonged hostilities between countries or groups within the country, irreversible environmental degradation and development projects. While there are diverse causes of resettlement situations, this study focused on state sponsored resettlement programmes caused by socio-economic, political and environmental problems in Amhara and the southern regions of Ethiopia. The main objective of this empirical study was to analyse the effects of planned government intra-regional resettlement programme on the sustainable livelihoods of resettled households in Ethiopia. The central research question was: Does a planned intra-regional resettlement programme provide sustainable livelihoods for settler households in the two selected regions of Ethiopia? If it does, what chain of factors explains the livelihood security and sustainability? If it does not, what are the interacting variables and how
have they generated a process of livelihood insecurity? To this end, the combination of Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) and Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) models were used as the pillars of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. Mixed method design that combines both quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources were used in this study. Primary data were collected through a household survey, key informants interview, focus group discussion and field observation. A total of 250 households were surveyed and a total of 28 interviewees were contacted from the two regions. A total of 6 focus group discussions were also conducted with purposively selected participants. This study concludes that the effects of planned resettlement on the sustainable livelihoods of resettlers were mixed and challenged the generic representation of the scheme as a success or a failure. The adverse effects
were mainly due to policy gaps, the mismatch between policy and practice, poor inter-sectoral and inter-regional integration and inadequate capacity building efforts. Recommendations were provided in line with these gaps. In addition, the knowledge documented through the application of SLF and IRR in mixed method design contributed to the methodological and theoretical advancement of resettlement and livelihood studies. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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投資營運中太陽能發電廠之評估研究 - 以H產險公司為例 / Assessment Research on Investing Operational Solar Power Station --- H Insurance CO., LTD.羅祥恩, Lo, Hsiang En Unknown Date (has links)
投資績效的準確度有賴於評估模式的準確性,而評估模式的準確性則取決於影響因子之準確性。故要算出較為準確的投資績效,理解與抓出適當之影響因子為本研究的研究基礎。最後,本研究將太陽能電廠之營運風險評估方式分為「營收面」與「成本面」兩個面向,「營收面」中包含環境因素、系統因素與太陽光電躉購費率三大類的影響因子;「成本面」則包含投資成本、租金成本、維修與管理成本與清潔成本四類影響因子。由以上影響因子來評估一間營運中太陽能發電廠的價值,並以20年來計算內部投資報酬率(IRR)作為評判基準。 / Due to the rapidly growth in renewable energy nowadays, the quantity of solar power systems rises sustaining. Taiwan, which has high solar technology, is still expending its capability on solar power systems. It makes Taiwan have a bright prospect of solar industries. However, the high cost and lengthy industrial chain of solar industries let solar power companies try to sell out their power systems or find investments. On the other side, based on the domestic saturated market and low interest rates, insurance industries in Taiwan are hardly to earn profit on their operation. Another way for insurance companies to obtain profit is investment. Therefore, a stable investing profit makes insurance companies out of the low-rate situation. But due to the investment restriction in Taiwanese laws, insurance companies are always lack of investment projects. Based on the short of capital funds in solar power system and the lack of investment projects in insurance companies, how to let insurance companies know more on solar industries and their potential risks, and how to assessment solar power system will be the key point in this paper.
The accuracy of investment performance depends on accuracy of assessment model, and the accuracy of assessment model hinges on accuracy of impact factors. Therefore, in order to find an accurate investment performance, to realize and choose the appropriate impact factors will be the key process in this paper. Finally, to assess operational solar power station, this paper divided all the impact factors into two main categories: revenue and expense. Revenue includes 3 impact factors: environment factors, systems factors and feed-in tariff. Expense includes 4 impact factors: initial investment cost, rent expense, repair and managing cost and cleaning cost. According to these impact factors, we can assess the value of operational solar power station and evaluate internal rate of return (IRR) in 20 years.
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As taxas de retorno dos projetos de concessão e PPP do setor de rodoviasIto, Minoru 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Minoru Ito (minoruito@gmail.com) on 2015-02-26T16:18:44Z
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Minoru Ito - Dissertação.pdf: 3146333 bytes, checksum: 2be44b6347010be421091aa520f3aef9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-03-02T19:32:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Minoru Ito - Dissertação.pdf: 3146333 bytes, checksum: 2be44b6347010be421091aa520f3aef9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-03-02T19:33:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Minoru Ito - Dissertação.pdf: 3146333 bytes, checksum: 2be44b6347010be421091aa520f3aef9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-02T19:33:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Minoru Ito - Dissertação.pdf: 3146333 bytes, checksum: 2be44b6347010be421091aa520f3aef9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / As concessões e as Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP) são mecanismos cada vez mais utilizados pelo setor público para alavancar os investimentos em infraestrutura no país. Para que haja viabilidade econômica das mesmas, as suas taxas internas de retorno (TIR) apresentam-se como variáveis que precisam refletir os riscos e a realidade do negócio. O presente estudo busca analisar as taxas de retorno utilizadas para a modelagem das tarifas-teto do setor de rodovias federais frente às especificidades do seu mercado. Para tal, são seguidas três frentes: a primeira é analisar a metodologia da taxa de retorno utilizada para a modelagem das concessões mais recentes de rodovias; a segunda é estimar uma taxa de retorno a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica; e a terceira é, por meio de dados de rentabilidade de balanços de concessionárias do setor, observar se as taxas de retorno das primeiras concessões foram devidamente calculadas na época. Na dissertação, concluímos que a atual metodologia da taxa de retorno do Tesouro Nacional pode ser aprimorada, principalmente em relação aos parâmetros de grau de alavancagem e capital de terceiros, e observamos que a taxa de retorno tem se aproximado do custo de oportunidade do setor ao longo das últimas etapas de concessão. O estudo visa contribuir para o debate sobre a rentabilidade dos projetos de infraestrutura rodoviária, em meio a um período de intensos investimentos no setor. / Concessions and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are mechanisms increasingly used by the public sector to enhance the investments in infrastructure in Brazil. To achieve economic viability in these projects, their internal rates of return (IRR) are variables which must reflect the risks and reality of the business. The present study seeks to analyse the IRRs used for modeling the price-caps of the federal highways’ sector, under the specificities of such market. For this purpose, three approaches are pursued: the first one analyses the methodology of IRR calculation applied for modelling the most recent highway concessions; the second estimates an IRR based on bibliographic research; and the third makes use of data acquired from the balance sheets from the sector`s concessionaries, to observe if the IRR for the f irst concessions of federal highways were properly calculated at the time. In this dissertation, we concluded that the current National T reasury´s methodology of the rate of return can be improved, especially in relation to parameters like leverage and debt, and we observed that the rate of return has come closer to the opportunity cost for the sector throughout the last concession rounds. This study aims to contribute to the debate on the profitability of road infrastructure projects, a midst a period of intense investments in the sector.
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Resettlement and sustainable livelihoods in Ethiopia : a comparative analysis of Amhara and southern regionsKassa Teshager Alemu 02 1900 (has links)
Resettlement as a development discourse has become a worldwide phenomenon. This
phenomenon is mainly caused by population pressure, war or prolonged hostilities between countries or groups within the country, irreversible environmental degradation and development projects. While there are diverse causes of resettlement situations, this study focused on state sponsored resettlement programmes caused by socio-economic, political and environmental problems in Amhara and the southern regions of Ethiopia. The main objective of this empirical study was to analyse the effects of planned government intra-regional resettlement programme on the sustainable livelihoods of resettled households in Ethiopia. The central research question was: Does a planned intra-regional resettlement programme provide sustainable livelihoods for settler households in the two selected regions of Ethiopia? If it does, what chain of factors explains the livelihood security and sustainability? If it does not, what are the interacting variables and how
have they generated a process of livelihood insecurity? To this end, the combination of Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) and Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction (IRR) models were used as the pillars of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. Mixed method design that combines both quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources were used in this study. Primary data were collected through a household survey, key informants interview, focus group discussion and field observation. A total of 250 households were surveyed and a total of 28 interviewees were contacted from the two regions. A total of 6 focus group discussions were also conducted with purposively selected participants. This study concludes that the effects of planned resettlement on the sustainable livelihoods of resettlers were mixed and challenged the generic representation of the scheme as a success or a failure. The adverse effects
were mainly due to policy gaps, the mismatch between policy and practice, poor inter-sectoral and inter-regional integration and inadequate capacity building efforts. Recommendations were provided in line with these gaps. In addition, the knowledge documented through the application of SLF and IRR in mixed method design contributed to the methodological and theoretical advancement of resettlement and livelihood studies. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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Dermarome is launching a B2B website : A qualitative study which considers investment theories, and how a B2B website can influence the customer purchasing behaviour.Kalfas, Alice, Svensson, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Digitalization is an important aspect for future growth of all organizations, and especially in times like the past year where most of the world has been faced with covid-restrictions and lockdown. Dermarome is a leading skincare and beauty distributor and are currently in the process of launching a new B2B website and web-shop. The aim of this research is to provide an answer to the following interrelated research questions: 1. How do the management of Dermarome decide on their investments in the business- to- business IT infrastructure? 2. How will the launch of the business- to- business website affect the purchasing behaviour of the business- to- business customers? To answer these research questions a qualitative study has been made and the top management at Dermarome has been interviewed for this purpose. 5 interviewees were selected based on their knowledge and experience. All interviews that participated in this research were anonymous. The result of this thesis is divided up into two parts, firstly, it describes how Dermarome has used the Payback rule and SWOT in order to make a decision regarding the investment in the B2B website. Secondly, it describes how Dermarome believes the saloon and spa customers purchasing behaviour will change due to this website, as it will lead to an increase in Dermarome’s sales.
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Techno Economic study of Citizen Energy Communities among 5 case studies in the EUNair, Archana Babu, Boteju, Senali January 2024 (has links)
Energy communities are formed to create integrated regional energy market in EU and non- EU neighboring countries. It attracts investors in generation and energy networks as it comes up with new stable regulations, so that it will ensure the supply is stable and continuous. Five EU countries (Germany, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Austria) with different policies are selected and simulations are done. Economic analysis for the 5 countries is done based on simulation results. The selected 5 EU countries shows a good economic result; therefore, it can be recommended to implement energy communities and cities by developing the directives. By transposition of policies of the energy community and implementing more subsidies or incentive will make a better contribution for the citizen partnership for creating CEC.
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