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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the customer journey : An exploratory study investigating the customer journey

Bolinder, Marcus, Philip, Boström January 2019 (has links)
The customer journey is a re-submerged subject which has become increasingly relevant. The focus derives from the increased focus on customer experience as touch points are increasing as well as becoming more accessible. This is creating problems for companies to allocate their resources in marketing. Previous literature on customer journeys are also limited, mostly originating from research on customer experience. This motivates research within the field with the purpose of exploring the customer journey and connected phenomena.    The basis of this thesis was the customer journey which derives from customer experience. Further, the theoretical framework presents theories about customer experience, consumer buying decisions, customer journey and its touch points. The theoretical framework also presents two conceptual models concerning customer journey and customer experience. Focus was here on exploring the formulation of the customer journey, its steps and components. But also, on investigating how customer experiences affects customer journeys. This thesis had a qualitative research strategy and empirical material was collected through interviews. The empirical findings and the analysis resulted in several conclusions as this was an exploratory study. Reason for use of route, use of different touch points, customer experience impact and were found. Furthermore, the customer journey itself was identified as a reason for conducting a purchase. The result of this thesis might help companies allocate their resources more efficiently between touch points. As well as understanding how to create positive customer experience and the importance of it.

Effecteurs mobiles de la permanence des soins ambulatoires missionnés par le SAMU-Centre 15 : intérêt d'un modèle numérique des trajets. Application dans le Val-de-Marne / Mobile general pratictioners for out-of-hours home visits missionned by the SAMU-Centre 15 : interest of a digital optimization model. Application in the French Val-de-Marne district

Heidet, Matthieu 27 May 2019 (has links)
En-dehors des horaires d’ouverture des cabinets de médecine générale, la permanence des soins ambulatoires (PDSA) est assurée par des médecins effecteurs mobiles (MPDSA), missionnés par le SAMU – Centre 15 et effectuant des visites au domicile des patients. L’ordre de réalisation de ces visites est basé sur un modèle intuitif, défini selon le degré d’urgence établi lors de l’appel au SAMU – Centre 15 et la connaissance du secteur par le MPDSA. Cette méthode intuitive est le plus souvent dictée par la problématique du plus court chemin entre les visites. Le maintien de délais compatibles avec le besoin médical dépend ainsi du flux de visites et du temps d’acheminement des MPDSA. Or, ce temps d’acheminement dépend notamment des effectifs de MPDSA de garde et des conditions de trafic. Les modèles existants d’optimisation des trajets sont inapplicables à la PDSA, en raison de la réactualisation continue de la liste des visites à effectuer, ainsi que de la pondération du délai cible par le degré d’urgence.Nous proposons donc de créer un modèle spécifique d’optimisation des trajets des MPDSA missionnés par le SAMU–Centre 15. Nous développons une méta-heuristique évolutionnaire de type algorithme génétique, dont nous comparons d’abord les performances calculatoires à celles d’une méthode exacte d’optimisation linéaire en nombres entiers (méthode d’optimisation combinatoire non évolutionnaire), sur données théoriques, intégrant les données cliniques (3 degrés de priorité de visite), opérationnelles (taille de la flotte des MPDSA) et les objectifs temporels (3 délais d’effection cible). Les objectifs de ce travail sont de montrer que l’algorithme génétique, comparativement à la méthode linéaire en nombres entiers, conduit à une réduction des délais d’effection des visites MPDSA, donc à un plus grand respect des délais d’effection cibles ainsi qu’à une augmentation du nombre de patients vus par unité de temps (plage horaire de PDSA). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’algorithme génétique est à la fois plus performant que la méthode linéaire en nombres entiers sur tous les critères établis, et que ses performances s’améliorent avec la complexité du problème à résoudre (nombre de patients à visiter, taille de la flotte des MPDSA).L’utilisation de la méthode d’optimisation développée dans ce travail pourrait permettre aux SAMU-Centres 15 d’améliorer le service rendu à la population, en termes d’accès au juste soin et de sécurité du patient. / During out-of-hours times, mobile general practitioners (GPs), appointed by the SAMU - Centre 15 (French public emergency call center), can provide out-of-hours home visits (OOH-HV).The order in which these visits are carried out is based on an intuitive model, i.e. the shortest path problem, and determined according to the degree of urgency established at the time of the call to the SAMU - Centre 15 and the knowledge of the sector by the mobile GP. Maintaining timelines consistent with the medical need thus depends on the flow of visits and the GP’s response times. However, this transit time depends in particular on the number of available GPs and traffic conditions. Existing models for routing optimization are inapplicable to OOH-HV, due to the continuous updating of the list of visits to be carried out, as well as the weighting of the target time by the degree of urgency.We therefore propose to create a specific model for the optimization of the mobile GPs’ sent by the SAMU-Centre 15. We develop an evolutionary meta-heuristic of the genetic algorithm type, whose computational performances we first compare with those of an exact method of integer linear optimization (non evolutionary combinatorial optimization method), on theoretical data, integrating the clinical data (3 degrees of priority of visit), operational constraints data (mobile GPs’ fleet size) and response times objectives (3 target effection times). The objectives of this work are to show that the genetic algorithm, compared to the integer linear method, leads to a reduction in mobile GPs visit completion times, to a greater respect of the deadlines of target outcomes, as well as an increase in the number of patients seen per time unit (GPs time slot).Our results suggest that the genetic algorithm is more efficient than the integer linear method on all established criteria, and that its performances improve with the complexity of the problem to be solved (number of patients to visit, size of mobile GPs’ fleet).The use of the optimization method developed in this work could enable the SAMU-Centres 15 to improve the service provided to the population, in terms of efficiency, safety and quality of access to care.

Cinema, circuitos culturais e espaços formativos: novas sociabilidades e ambiência na Bahia (1968-1978) / Cinema, cultural circuits, and formative spacies: new possibilities and environment in Bahia (1968 - 1978),

Melo, Izabel de Fátima Cruz 02 May 2018 (has links)
A tese Cinema, circuitos culturais e espaços formativos: novas sociabilidades e ambiência na Bahia (1968-1978), tem como objetivo principal investigar a triangulação existente entre o Clube de Cinema da Bahia (CCB), o Grupo Experimental de Cinema (GEC) e as Jornadas de Cinema da Bahia como um espaço formativo de uma cultura cinematográfica em Salvador entre os anos 60 e 70, possibilitando a emergência de críticos, cineclubistas, diretores, entre outras atribuições, funções e modalidades de participação no universo cinematográfico. Nesta perspectiva, compreendermos o cinema como uma prática cultural que se estabelece através de redes de sociabilidade, formação e aprendizagem, reconhecendo-os, como elementos principais no campo cinematográfico em Salvador no período. Assim, por meio da sua documentação interna (boletins, correspondências, ofícios, programas, relatórios, catálogos, fichas de inscrição, entre outros), cobertura jornalística e entrevistas com alguns então participantes e organizadores, interessa-nos recompor a sua trajetória através das suas atividades, tais como cursos livres e profissionalizantes, mostras, seminários e realização de filmes. A partir desta documentação, observamos a atuação de Walter da Silveira e especialmente de Guido Araújo, estabelecendo com seu esforço curatorial diversas parcerias pessoais e institucionais em diferentes pontos do Brasil e algumas vezes em outros países. Assim, eles conseguiram promover uma rede de formação em permanente diálogo tanto na própria Bahia, quanto com outras iniciativas semelhantes em outros estados, inserindo o campo cinematográfico baiano e seus frutos na história do cinema brasileiro. / The tesis Cinema, cultural circuits, and formative spacies: new possibilities and environment in Bahia (1968 - 1978), has as a main goal investigating the relations among \"Clube de Cinema da Bahia (CCB)\" - Bahia Cinema Club, the \"Grupo Experimental de Cinema (GEC)\"- Experimental Cinema Group, and \"Jornadas de Cinema da Bahia\"- Bahia\'s Cinema Jouney as a formative space of the cinematic culture of Salvador between the 60\'s and the 70\'s, enabling the growth of the class of critics, film enthusiastics, film directors; among other atributions, functions and types of participation in the cinematic universe. In this perspective , we understand cinema as a cultural practice that stablish itself throug sociability nets, formation and learning, recognizing them as principal elements in the cinematic field in that period of time. Therefore, through its internal documentation (reports, mails, documents, programs, catalogs, applications, and others), press coverage and interviews with its formers participants and organizers , we are interested in rebuild its trajectory trough its activities , as free courses and professional ones, exhibitions, seminars and film productions. From this documentation, we observed the acting of Walter da Silveira and specially of Guildo Araújo, who stabilished with his curatorial effort many personal and institutional partneships in many points of Brazil and some times in other countries. Thus, they could promote an information net in permanent dialog in Bahia, as with other equal projects in other states, inserting the cinematic field of Bahia and its profits in the Brazilian Cinema History.

Nas trilhas do herói. histórias em quadrinhos & itinerários de formação / In the tracks of the hero: comic books & training itineraries

Brésio, Sabrina da Paixão 12 September 2016 (has links)
A jornada do herói é uma trajetória autoformativa presente em narrativas ancestrais que, ultrapassando barreiras espaços-temporais, ainda ecoam nas produções contemporâneas, sem perder suas potencialidades simbólicas. Seguindo pelas trilhas do Imaginário Simbólico, acompanharemos protagonistas das obras em quadrinhos É um pássaro, de Steven T. Seagle e Teddy Kristiansen, Daytripper, de Gabriel Bá e Fábio Moon, e Habibi, de Craig Thompson, que trilham seus caminhos através do labiríntico processo de conhecimento do mundo e de si. Partindo dos caminhos metodológicos da Mitopoética e da mitologia comparada, seguiremos em busca dos fios que compõem o tornar-se quem se é, em uma investigação poética que mescla itinerários autoformativos ficcionais presentes nas Histórias em Quadrinhos, destacando a valorização da experiência, o papel das narrativas na constituição de si e as tessituras com a Pedagogia da Escolha, bem como as relações entre a composição artística dos quadrinhos, sua relação com a jornada heroica e os processos educativos. / \"The hero\'s jornney is a sellf-formative path present in ancestral narratives which, going beyond space-time barriers, still echo in contemporary productions without losing its symbolic potential. Following the paths of the structure of imaginary Symbol, we\'ll keep up the protagonists of the comics It\'s a bird, from Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen, Daytripper, created by Gabriel Bá e Fábio Moon, e Habibi, from Craig Thompson, who tread their way through the labyrinthine of world knowledge process and of itself. From the methodological ways of mythopoetic and comparative mythology, we will searching for the threads that indicates \"how one becomes what one is\", in a poetic investigation that merges processes of self-formatives itineraries in comic books, highlighting the value of the experience, the role of narrative in the constitution itself and the tessitura with the Pedagogy of choice , as well as relations between the artistic composition of the comic, the relationship with the heroic journey and educational processes.

Caminhar, aprender, criar: o quadro de apoio das escolas / Walking, learning, creating: the schools support staff.

Lacerda, Sandra da Costa 30 March 2010 (has links)
Considerando que, além dos professores e da equipe gestora, atuam nas escolas os profissionais do quadro de apoio e que pouco foi investigado nos meios acadêmicos sobre quem são, suas influências nas relações intersubjetivas que se estabelecem no grupo-escola (funcionários, alunos, docentes e equipes gestoras), delineou-se o objetivo dessa pesquisa, que é o de melhor apreender quem são esses sujeitos, como pensam, sentem e agem no cotidiano das escolas, bem como suas histórias, experiências, práticas, percurso ou o que se denominou jornadas arquetípicas, as quais favorecem a busca de um maior conhecimento acerca deles mesmos, seus avanços, limites e possibilidades. Para este fim, uma abordagem fenomenológicacompreensiva foi definida como metodologia, visando a investigar, por exemplo, as questões que mobilizaram o pessoal do quadro e influenciaram seus modos de ser, pensar, agir e sentir, a partir da participação, durante cinco anos, no Projeto Inter- Escolas de Formação dos Educadores. Análise para a qual foram imprescindíveis as contribuições de Gilbert Durand, Cornelius Castoriadis, Edgar Morin, Michel Mafesolli, Joseph Campbell, Paula Carvalho e Carol Pearson, entre outros. Esse trabalho foi organizado em três capítulos, sendo o primeiro dedicado à introdução, ao referencial teórico e à metodologia; o segundo, ao desenvolvimento do Projeto Inter-Escolas de Formação dos Educadores e no qual os agentes escolares, vigias e auxiliares técnicos de educação participaram; e o terceiro, que conta com relatos e histórias de alguns desses profissionais e suas respectivas jornadas. Temos, finalmente, algumas considerações acerca de quem são esses sujeitos, suas histórias e os caminhos percorridos na direção de si mesmos. / Considering that apart from the teachers and the board team, the support staff works in schools and that there is few academic research about who they are, how they influence the intersubjective relations which occur in schools among employers, students, teachers and board team, delineates this research target which is to try to understand who those actors are, how they think, feel and act every day in schools, also understand their stories, experiences, practices and ways during their lives or, in other words, what was nominated archetypical journeys, which favor the search for a bigger knowledge about themselves, their advances, limits and possibilities. In oder to do that a methodological phenomenological-understanding approach was adopted, intending to investigate the questions which mobilized the support staff and influenced their way of being, thinking, acting and feeling, observing how they participate in the Educators Education Inter-Schools Project for five years. The theoretical support of this research was the indispensable contributions from Gilbert Durand, Cornelius Castoriadis, Edgar Morin, Michel Mafesolli, Joseph Campbell, Paula Carvalho and Carol Pearson, among others. This work has three chapters: the first one is dedicated to the introduction, theoretical references and methodology; the second, to the Educators Education Inter-Schools Project development, in which the support staff participated; and the third, where the reports and stories from some those professionals and their own journeys are told. In the end, there are some considerations about who those actors are and their journeys toward themselves.

Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline: o itinerário de uma viagem / Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline: the itinerary of a trip

Miguel, Regina Lima Dantas 24 August 2010 (has links)
Voyage au bout de la nuit, do escritor francês Louis-Ferdinand Céline, obteve uma grande repercussão nos círculos literários e junto ao público em 1932, ano de seu lançamento. Por uma linguagem popular e virulenta até então ausente da literatura francesa e pela violência com que seu herói Ferdinand Bardamu denunciava as injustiças da sociedade, o livro de estréia de Céline causou um forte impacto e, até hoje possui um lugar à parte no cenário literário. Um dos fatores responsáveis por esse impacto seria sem dúvida, a inovação perpetrada à língua francesa uma vez que seu autor pretendia renová-la a partir da linguagem oral e popular. O romance apresenta um duplo movimento de protesto: a denúncia virulenta de seu protagonista e o golpe desferido no âmago da língua literária acadêmica. Grande parte de sua repercussão, deveu-se em larga escala a essa escolha lingüística considerada inovadora e revolucionária para os padrões da época. A invenção de Céline de escrever como se fala seria uma espontaneidade aparente, pois, seu estilo nada tem de natural, ao contrário, é artifício, resultado de um longo trabalho. Se a escolha de uma língua criada a partir de tal registro escandalizou os leitores de sua época, hoje em dia, o impacto do romance decorre nem tanto da linguagem e mais da violência com que Bardamu se refere a seus semelhantes. Gostaríamos no presente trabalho de esboçar uma análise das duas forças do texto - o estudo da escritura e do universo criados por Céline. A abordagem de sua viagem nos conduziria à percepção de um mundo criado a partir de uma dimensão onírica, pois uma viagem imaginária é anunciada desde a epígrafe do romance: Nossa viagem, a nossa, é inteiramente imaginária. A viagem ao fim, ao fundo da noite empreendida por Céline teria a acepção do caminho lento e gradual para a morte. O mergulho dentro de tal universo nos remeteria também à porção autobiográfica sugerida na obra celiniana, visto que os itinerários de Bardamu e de Céline seriam convergentes. Enfim, esse estudo nos permitiria refletir sobre o uso de uma língua construída sobre um código oral-popular dispositivo utilizado pelo autor para introduzir na linguagem escrita a emoção do falado. / Journey to the end of the night (Voyage au bout de la nuit), by the French author, Louis- Ferdinand Celine, caused a stir in literary circles and the public at large when it was launched in 1932. Its vitriolic tone and the popular idiom in which it was written were quite unprecedented, as was the vehemence with which Ferdinand Bardamu decried social injustice. This, the first book written by Celine, created a huge impact and until today continues to occupy an important place in the world of literature. The authors intention to breathe new life into the French literary canon by introducing the popular idiom into the written language was, without doubt, one of the factors behind this impact.The form of protest adopted by the novel is two-pronged: alongside the vehement denunciation of an absurd world, was the blow which was aimed at the very heart of academic literary language. There can be no doubt that the vast resonance created by the work is the result of this choice of language, which was considered to be both innovative and revolutionary when judged by the standards of its time.Today, Celines invention of writing the way we speak, has a particular air of spontaneity, which would have been lost, had the author instead resorted to the artifice of a more elaborate style. If the choice of language set off a wave of resounding scandals at the time, nowadays it is not the language, but rather the violent manner in which Bardamu refers to his peers that creates a similar impact upon contemporary readership. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the two driving forces behind the text: the writing and Celines universe. The manner in which the voyage is approached leads to the perception of a world wrought from a dreamstate dimension, since it is an imaginary voyage which is announced in the foreword of the novel. This journey of ours is entirely imaginary. The journey to the nights end, undertaken by Celine has the sense of a slow and deliberate journey towards death. Once immersed in this universe, we are led to a place where the itineraries of Bardamu and Celine converge, suggesting strong autobiographical associations. Finally, this analysis allows us to reflect on the usage of a language constructed upon the code of a popular idiom, a mechanism used by its creator to introduce the paradox of emotive reasoning expressed in the popular idiom, into the written language.

Kommunikativt Designarbete : Kommunikation och Kunskapsöverföring vid Visualiseringsskapande

Wirebrand, Joacim January 2015 (has links)
Det finns ett flertal studier som på påvisar hur kommunicerande mellan designers, både experter och noviser, och hur de förhåller sig till visualiseringar Arvola & Artman, 2006; Segelström., 2009 & Tholander, Karlgen, Ramberg, & Sökjer, 2008). Det finns även studier som jämför designutförande mellan expertdesigners och designnoviser Ahmed, Wallace, & Blessing, 2003; Ball, Ormerod, & Morley, 2004; Ho, 2001 & Kavalki & Gero, 2002), men någon uttalad standard för designers beteende och kommunicerande vid visualsieringsskapande finns inte och i nya studier observeras hela tiden nya fenomen. Det finns även få studier som undersöker hur individer helt ovana vid design förhåller sig till visualiseringar och hur de kommunicerar kunskap mellan varandra vid visualiseringsskapande. Denna studie utfördes som en fallstudie på Migrationsverket i Norrköping. Syftet med arbetet var dels att utforska hur individer som är ovana vid designarbete kommunicerar kunskap mellan varandra vid skapandet av visualiseringar inom tjänstedesign. Studien syftade även till att undersöka hur individer ovana vid designarbete förhåller sig till visualiseringarna de skapar vid kommunicerade med resterande gruppmedlemmar. För att studera detta hölls två workshops där fyra individer som aldrig hade hört talas om tjänstedesign, två individer ifrån medborgarskapsenheten och två individer ifrån kundtjänst, tillsammans fick skapa customer jouney maps och service system maps. Workshoptillfällena spelades in med videokamera och det inspelade materialet användes för att analysera konversation och interaktion mellan deltagarna och deras förhållningssätt till visualiseringarna. Resultaten ifrån studien visar att deltagarna använde sig av två huvudsakliga metoder för att kommunicera kunskap. Aningen genom yttranden eller genom frågor och svar. Deltagarnas yttranden var korta och nämndes vid tillfällen i diskussioner där deltagare ansåg att de hade kunskap som kunde bidra till utvecklingen av visualiseringarna. Vid kommunicerande av kunskap genom frågor och svar var det vanligast att deltagare ifrån den ena enheten frågar deltagare ifrån den andra enheten hur de förhåller sig till de sökande och hur deras arbetsuppgifter ser ut. Resultaten visar även att deltagarna använde sig av visualiseringarna för att referera till händelser i tjänsteförloppet eller för att uppmärksamma resterande deltagare om felaktigheter som hade uppstått i visualiseringen. Deltagarna arbetade iterativt i sitt visualiseringsskapande och alla designbeslut kring utvecklingen av visualiseringarna fattades gemensamt. I studiens slutsatser påpekas visualiseringars kommunikativa förmågor inom designgrupper och hur deltagarna använder sig av visualiseringarna för att effektivt kommunicerande med varandra. Ytterligare påvisas effekten visualiseringar kan ha på strukturen för kommunicerande och informationsutbyte och att deltagarnas strävan efter att fatta gemensamma beslut ledde till att de utbildade varandra kring de ämnen och processer som visualiserades.

The hobby horse's stumbling block

Tracey, Karen Kaiser January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries / Department: English.

Nas trilhas do herói. histórias em quadrinhos & itinerários de formação / In the tracks of the hero: comic books & training itineraries

Sabrina da Paixão Brésio 12 September 2016 (has links)
A jornada do herói é uma trajetória autoformativa presente em narrativas ancestrais que, ultrapassando barreiras espaços-temporais, ainda ecoam nas produções contemporâneas, sem perder suas potencialidades simbólicas. Seguindo pelas trilhas do Imaginário Simbólico, acompanharemos protagonistas das obras em quadrinhos É um pássaro, de Steven T. Seagle e Teddy Kristiansen, Daytripper, de Gabriel Bá e Fábio Moon, e Habibi, de Craig Thompson, que trilham seus caminhos através do labiríntico processo de conhecimento do mundo e de si. Partindo dos caminhos metodológicos da Mitopoética e da mitologia comparada, seguiremos em busca dos fios que compõem o tornar-se quem se é, em uma investigação poética que mescla itinerários autoformativos ficcionais presentes nas Histórias em Quadrinhos, destacando a valorização da experiência, o papel das narrativas na constituição de si e as tessituras com a Pedagogia da Escolha, bem como as relações entre a composição artística dos quadrinhos, sua relação com a jornada heroica e os processos educativos. / \"The hero\'s jornney is a sellf-formative path present in ancestral narratives which, going beyond space-time barriers, still echo in contemporary productions without losing its symbolic potential. Following the paths of the structure of imaginary Symbol, we\'ll keep up the protagonists of the comics It\'s a bird, from Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen, Daytripper, created by Gabriel Bá e Fábio Moon, e Habibi, from Craig Thompson, who tread their way through the labyrinthine of world knowledge process and of itself. From the methodological ways of mythopoetic and comparative mythology, we will searching for the threads that indicates \"how one becomes what one is\", in a poetic investigation that merges processes of self-formatives itineraries in comic books, highlighting the value of the experience, the role of narrative in the constitution itself and the tessitura with the Pedagogy of choice , as well as relations between the artistic composition of the comic, the relationship with the heroic journey and educational processes.

Narrando uma experi?ncia formativa: uma viagem pela Am?rica Latina / Narrating a formative experience: a trip through Latin America.

Pra?a, Marina Ferreira 10 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-19T15:28:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Marina Ferreira Pra?a.pdf: 155299263 bytes, checksum: 80ad057996f9e29fa2506349706c9177 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-19T15:28:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Marina Ferreira Pra?a.pdf: 155299263 bytes, checksum: 80ad057996f9e29fa2506349706c9177 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-10 / The narration of a trip became the possibility of reflection about education and the human formation. the path, throughout fifteen months, around seven south-american countries, has been, here, reinvented and has transformed itself into a collective experience. from the discussion about the experience, the narration, the encounters and nets, i have myself thinking about the building of knowledge in movement, contemplating the possibility of education being built also, and, perhaps, mainly, beyond the curricular structures and the formality of the spaces exclusively designated to be that. therefore, this work constitutes itself in a collective experience, made of wandering knowledge ? including its process of being written. the discussion about the importance of thinking about education in the world, guided by the freedom and the open-mindedness regarding the differences, takes us to a narration of everything lived in each country, revisited in the making and writing of this research-living. / A narrativa de uma viagem tornou-se possibilidade de reflex?o sobre educa??o e forma??o humana. O percurso, durante quinze meses, por sete pa?ses do continente sul-americano no ano de 2011, foi aqui reinventado para ser compartilhado e tornar-se tamb?m uma experi?ncia coletiva. A partir da discuss?o sobre experi?ncia, narrativa, encontros e redes, me proponho pensar a constru??o de conhecimento em movimento, contemplando a possibilidade de que a educa??o se d? tamb?m, e qui?? principalmente, para al?m das estruturas curriculares e das formalidades dos espa?os exclusivamente destinados a este fim. Este trabalho constitu?-se, assim, como experi?ncia educativa composta por aprendizagens andantes, inclusive durante sua pr?pria escrita. A discuss?o sobre a import?ncia de pensar a educa??o no mundo, pautada pela liberdade e pela abertura ?s diferen?as nos leva, assim, para uma narrativa do vivido em cada um dos pa?ses, revisitadas na escrita dessa pesquisa-vida

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