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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kamratbedömning: ris eller ros? : En kvalitativ studie av åk 8 elevers känslor för att arbeta med kamratbedömning i svenskämnet / Peer assessment: praise or blame? : A study of students feelings for peer assessment in the subject Swedish

Granqvist, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to explore how a class of year 8 students from a school in the middle region of Sweden experience peer assessment on written assignments in the Swedish subject as well as their feelings towards peer assessment and their opinion of how well it works as a tool for learning. To answer this question an observation of a peer assessment session concerning a debate article was conducted. This was followed up by a focus group interview with five students during which peer assessment was thoroughly discussed. The purpose of the observation was for the researcher to gain insight into how the class worked with peer assessment. It also served as a foundation for the interview. The study shows that the students see many benefits with peer assessment, mainly, they appreciate giving response. Receiving responce was often viewed as a difficulty, both as the receiver and giver as the students wanted to avoid hurting others. They also felt that they were unable to be completely honest to their peers and that were sometimes hard to rely on the feedback they got. The students asked for more exercises in peer assessment, mainly in the earlier years, in order to gain the positive effects described by the literature.

Alla vägar bär till mål : Formativ bedömning i geografiundervisning på mellanstadiet

Hautala, Susanna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of formative assessments is used in the Geography education at middle-school in Sweden, and how the use of formative assessment differs between teachers. A further aimis to examine whether any problems canbe observed with formative assessment in Geography education. Following questions will try to be answered: What strategies informative assessment occurs in Geography educationin indoor schooling at Swedish schools? What problems/lacks can be observed based on the strategies used in formative assessment in Geography subject in indooreducation? How does the use of formative assessment differ between three Geography teachers? To answer these questions, nine lessons in Geography education were observed in total; three teachers held three lessons each which were observed. Earlier studies have showed that Geography education held outdoors was more motivational according to students. Earlier studies also concludethat students considered that Geography education held indoors had no purpose, and that students were passive during the lessons. Other studies have showed that lessons where formative assessment was used, increased the students' motivation and desire to learn. This study concludes that all strategies in formative assessment has been used by all three teachers. One conclusion is that when the goals of the lesson wasn't visible for the pupils, it affected the motivation of pupils. Another conclusion is that when the goals of the lesson wasn't visible, there was a connection to pupils not using self-regulated learning.

Formativ bedömning inom svenskämnet : En studie av en lärares och elevers feedback samt upplevelser av återkoppling och kamratbedömning / Formative assessment in swedish lessons : A study of one theacher and student´s formative feedback and their perceptions of feedback and peer-assessment

Andersson, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate formative assessment and formative feedbacks effects on students. One teacher describes through interviews her experiences of formative assessment and feedback. Also the students' perceptions are described. It is examined through observations, how different types of feedback is communicated by the teacher to the student and among students. This study wanted to highlight the effects formative assessment and formative feedback may have on their learning and motivation. This with particular interest in the Swedish lessons. I chose to concentrate on this following questions: What types of feedback communicates from teacher to student, and students among each other? How does one teacher describe her feedback and how it affects student motivation and learning process? What is the student’s thoughts on the feedback they give and receive from each other and how it affects their motivation and learning process? Formative assessment includes five strategies that shape the students to reach the goal in which three actors are involved. Those are the teacher, other students and the pupil. One of the five strategies is formative feedback, that can identify and provide the student information which helps the student to gain insight on how a task should be solved. Different types of feedback are identified by Hattie and Timperley and had the function as analyses tools in this study. The method of this study was qualitative, though I have done observations in one classroom of 26 students for five days and interviews with one teacher and 10 pupils in the school year 3 (9-10 year-olds). The result showed that the teacher used mostly process-oriented feedback and the pupils became to use it through time. The result also indicated that the students' learning process and motivation was affected to the extent that they were more independent, seeking feedback from peers and became more engaged in the lessons with time.

Att vara resurser för varandra : kamratbedömning i matematikundervisningen / Being resources for one another : peer assessment in mathematics education

Suriya, Ramon January 2019 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för den här litteraturstudien är det sociokulturella perspektivet där lärandet sker i samspelet med varandra. Kamratbedömning delar samma utgångspunkt. Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att sammanställa och analysera vad forskningen säger om kamrat-bedömningens effekter på matematiklärande. Metoden som används för att få fram ett resultat är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Tjugotre forskningsstudier har kartlagts och analyserats. Resultatet visar att kamratbedömning ger positiva effekter för elevers lärande när det används i ämnet matematik. I det här arbetet delas kamratbedömningens effekter in i två teman (sociala effekter och kognitiva effekter) och fem underteman (samspel, beteende, feedback, reflektion och förståelseutveckling). Resultatet diskuteras utifrån synen på kunskap och lärande utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras vidare forskning och konsekvenser för undervisningen. / The starting point of this literature study is the socio-cultural perspective where learning takes place through interaction with each other. Peer-assessment shares the same point of view. The purpose of this literature study is to compile and analyze what the research says what peer assessment has for effect on mathematics learning. The method that was used for this research is a systematic literature study. Twenty-three research studies have been mapped and analyzed. The result shows that peer tutoring gives positive effects when methods is used it in mathematics. In this study has divided effecter of peer tutoring into two themes (social effects and cognitive effects) and five subthemes (interaction, behavior, feedback, reflection and understanding development). The result is discussed from the viewpoint of knowledge and learning from the socio-cultural perspective. Finally, further research and implications for teaching are discussed.

Vart är jag på väg, hur är jag på väg & vad är mitt nästa steg? / Where am I now, how do I get there & what is my next step?

Alawieh, Batol, Hansen, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbetets syfte är att belysa lärande bedömning i pedagogiska miljöer, såsom i bildklassrummet. Detta undersöker vi genom en kvalitativ gruppintervju med fyra elever och två bildlärare, om hur bedömning upplevs och vilka svårigheter elever samt lärare bemöter. Eleverna i intervjun önskade sig ändringar för en enkel och rättvis bedömning utan komplexitet på grundskolenivå. En annan källa som vi använde oss av för vår undersökning är den valda litteraturen av Anders Jönsson (2013) och Lars Lindström m.fl. (2011). Källorna lyfter fram författarnas teorier, metoder och tolkningar om hur läraren kan samspela med elever, för att kunna nå en smidig bedömning utan en upplevelse av komplexitet. Författarna utgår från bedömning, återkoppling, kamratbedömning, svårigheter inom bedömning, metoder för bedömning och sociokulturellt perspektiv. Målet i texterna handlar om processen och hur eleverna utvecklar deras tankar kring bedömning genom kommunikation med andra elever och lärare.

Kamratbedömning i naturvetenskap på mellanstadiet : formativ återkoppling genom gruppsamtal

Granekull, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Kamratbedömning kan ha en positiv effekt på elevers lärande. För att uppnå denna positiva effekt måste elever kunna ge återkoppling till sina kamrater och även ta emot återkoppling från sina kamrater. Elever måste också kunna använda den återkoppling som de får. Återkoppling kan ges på fyra olika nivåer, uppgiftsnivå, processnivå, självregleringsnivå och personnivå. Att använda elever som lärande resurser för varandra, är en av nyckelstrategierna inom formativ bedömning. Fokus på formativ bedömning och användning av den samma har ökat inom skolan. Det, tillsammans med att det inte finns många studier som undersöker formativ bedömning med ett ämnesinnehåll i svensk kontext, är exempel på vad som ligger till grund för studien. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om hur kamratbedömning genomförs i naturvetenskap på mellanstadiet. Fokus riktades dels mot hur lärare implementerar kamratbedömning, men framförallt mot hur elever ger varandra återkoppling. För att undersöka hur och på vilka nivåer som 11-åriga elever ger varandra återkoppling, genomförde elever kamratbedömning i mindre grupp efter att enskilt ha besvarat uppgifter med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll. Insamling av data skedde i flera steg. När läraren gav eleverna instruktioner kring bedömningsmatrisen, uppgifterna och den kamratbedömning som de skulle genomföra, observerades och videofilmades detta. Elevernas kamratbedömningssamtal i grupp, videofilmades också. Därefter intervjuades eleverna enskilt.Studiens resultat visade att eleverna fick återkoppling på olika nivåer av sina kamrater. Den återkoppling som var mest förekommande, var på uppgiftsnivå. Det fanns exempel på återkoppling på andra nivåer också i materialet, samt exempel där det inte förekom någon återkoppling alls. När eleverna bedömde varandras svar, fokuserade de på mängden naturvetenskapliga begrepp i kamraternas svar. Slutsatser som dragits utifrån studiens resultat var bland andra att elever behöver träna både på kamratbedömning och på att ge användbar återkoppling, samt att lärare bör vara medvetna om att deras instruktioner är betydelsefulla när det gäller hur kamratbedömningen faller ut. En annan slutsats är att kamratbedömning med ämnesinnehåll, kräver både bedömarfärdighet och ämneskunskap. / Peer assessment may have a positive effect on student learning. In order to have these positive effect students have to be able to give feedback to their peer and also to receive feedback from their peer. The students also have to be able to use the given feedback. Using students as learning resources to each other is a key strategy within formative assessment. The feedback that is given can be directed at four different levels, task level, process level, self-regulation level and self-level. Using peers as learning resources, is one of the key strategies within formative assessment. Focus on formative assessment and the use of it, have increased within school. That, and the fact that there are not many studies that examines formative assessment with science content, are a part of the background to the conducted study.The overall purpose of the study was to contributed to the field concerning peer assessment in science with 11-year old students. The focus was partly how teachers implement peer assessment, but above all how students give feedback. In order to examine how and in what different levels student give each other feedback, students conducted peer assessment in small groups, after they had answered questions concerning science. Data collection was done in the following steps. At first, the teacher gave the students instructions about the tasks, the scoring rubric, how to assess and so on. While doing that, the teacher was observed and video recorded. Next step concerned the students. They answered the questions and then had peer assessment in small groups. This was also video recorded. Later on the students were interviewed. The students received different kinds of feedback, mostly at task level, from their peer. Some examples of feedback at other levels were also discovered. When students assessed each other’s answers, they looked at the amount of science concepts that were used in their peer’s answers. The results suggest that students need to practice peer assessment, how to give useful feedback and that the teacher need to be aware of that given instruction may turn out differently from what is expected. The results also show that students believe that peer assessment is useful and that feedback is given. This was contradictory from what was seen in some of the observations of the peer assessment. Conclusions are for example that students need both assessment skills and scientific knowledge.

”Att få eleverna att inse att dom lär sig för deras egen skull, inte för mamma, pappa eller fröken.” : En kvalitativ studie som kartlägger lärarens arbete med bedömning för lärande med fokus på formativ bedömning, och ger förslag på utvecklingsmöjligheter

Omark, Karin January 2013 (has links)
<p>Validerat; 20130215 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Ett nytt sätt att tänka : En studie av fem lärares syn på bedömning och betygssättning i Engelska 5 / A new way of thinking : A study of five teachers' views on assessment and grading in English 5

Billow, Emilie January 2012 (has links)
Sedan 1990-talet har Sverige ett kunskaps- och målrelaterat bedömningssystem i skolan där eleverna blir bedömda och betygsatta utifrån ämnesplan och kunskapskrav. I samband med den nya skolreformen 2011 reviderades innehållet i dessa styrdokument. Studiens syfte är att belysa hur engelsklärare resonerar i sitt val av bedömningsformer för underlag vid bedömning och betygssättning i förhållande till ämnesplan och kunskapskrav i Gy11, samt att undersöka om det finns skillnader i lärarnas bedömningsarbete i jämförelse med Lpf94. Undersökningen har genomförts vid en gymnasieskola där kvalitativa intervjuer har hållits med fem engelsklärare som undervisar i kursen Engelska 5. Studien visar att bedömning sker kontinuerligt av lärarna, men att de har olika sätt att bedöma, dokumentera och använda sig av bedömning i lärandet. De fem olika lärarna väljer att använda ämnesplan och kunskapskrav på olika sätt men med konkreta, tydliga och individuella synsätt. Elevdelaktighet är mycket viktigt utifrån motivation och engagemang i ämnet, och lärarens syn på bedömning är central såväl som hur både ämnesplan och kunskapskrav används i undervisning och bedömning. Lärarnas intentioner är att få eleverna motiverade och att känna lusten att lära sig något som de kan använda i praktiken. Slutsatsen är att Gy11, med ny ämnesplan och kunskapskrav i Engelska 5, ger lärarna en utmaning med ett nytt sätt att tänka. Utifrån den formativa bedömningen behövs tydlighet, kommunikation, strategier, återkoppling, elevaktivitet med ett kvalitativt tänkande som en röd tråd. / Since the 1990s, Sweden has a knowledge and goal-related grading system in schools, where students are assessed and graded according to the syllabus and grading criteria. In conjunction with the educational reform in 2011 the contents of these documents was revised. This study aims to show how English teachers reason when choosing which assessment forms for assessment and grading to use in relation to the syllabus and grading criteria of Gy11. It also aims to investigate whether there are differences in teachers’ assessments in comparison with Lpf94. The survey was conducted at an upper secondary school where qualitative interviews were held with five English teachers who teach the course English 5. The study shows that the teachers do assessment continuously, but that they have different ways to assess, document and use assessment in the learning process. The five different teachers choose to use the syllabus and grading criteria in different ways but with concrete, distinct and individual approaches. Student participation is very important as regards motivation and engagement in the subject, and the teacher’s approach to assessment is central as well as how both substance level and knowledge is used in teaching and assessment. The teachers’ intentions are to get the students motivated and feel the urge to learn something they can use in practice. In conclusion, the Gy11 reform, with a new syllabus and grading criteria in English 5, gives teachers a challenge with a new way of thinking. Based on the formative assessment, clarity, communication, strategies, feedback and student activity, with a qualitative approach is needed.

Muntlig formativ kamratbedömning som kommunikativ praktik : En designbaserad studie i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet / Oral formative peer-assessment as a communicative practice : A design-based study in the science classroom

Danckwardt-Lillieström, Kerstin January 2014 (has links)
In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ”talk science”, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students’ abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students’ learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students’ meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school. I have designed and tested a method of oral peer-assessment that enables dialogue-interaction in the natural science-classroom where the students, under supervision of the teacher, get to use each other as learning-resources in groups. The oral formative peer-assessment has been conducted in form of a design-based study in two upper-secondary school classes where each teacher taught natural sciences. The data collected include conversations in small groups, between groups and with the teacher. Data was analysed based on different types of talk (exploratory, cumulative and disputational talk) and type and level of feedback that was given in the classroom. The results showed that the students were given different opportunities for meaning-making, where the lack of subject-knowledge, difficulties with peer-assessment and physical artefacts were seen to significantly affect the learning process. The analyses of the interaction in the classroom showed that the teachers, in both studies, gave a direct feedback, where the students got the opportunity to compare and support their results in a dialogue with each other and the teacher. This type of feedback is considered highly efficient for learning. This study shows that the oral formative peer-assessment is a tool that teachers can use, and adapt to their practices, in order to create interactions in the classroom that can increase the students’ meaning-making. / I de naturvetenskapliga ämnena är det viktigt att eleverna ges förutsättningar att ”prata naturvetenskap” eftersom talet som sker i klassrummet har en mycket stor betydelse för elevernas möjligheter att skapa mening i det naturvetenskapliga lärandet. Interaktionen i klassrummet och den återkoppling som ges har därför stor betydelse för elevernas inlärning. Med syfte att bidra till utveckling av redskap för formativ bedömning som kan mediera elevernas meningsskapande i naturvetenskaplig undervisning på gymnasiet, har jag designat och testat en metod som möjliggör dialogisk interaktion i det naturvetenskapliga klassrummet där eleverna under ledning av läraren gruppvis får använda varandra som läroresurser i en muntlig kamratbedömningsövning. Den muntliga formativa kamratbedömningen har genomförts i form av en designbaserad studie i två gymnasieklasser där ämnesområden i naturkunskap behandlades av lärarna. Datainsamlingen inkluderar samtal som har förts inom grupper, mellan grupper och med läraren. Data analyserades utifrån olika typer av samtal (exploratory, cumulative och disputational talk) och typ samt nivå på den återkoppling som gavs i klassrummet. Elevsamtalen inom grupperna visade att delaktigheten var stor men att typen av kommunikation gav eleverna olika förutsättningar till meningsskapande där bristen på ämneskunskaper, ovana vid kamratbedömning och fysiska artefakter kan anses vara av stor betydelse för läroprocessen. Analysen av interaktionen i klassrummet visade att läraren i de båda studierna använde direkt återkoppling som gav eleverna möjlighet att jämföra och motivera sina resultat i en dialog med varandra och läraren, vilken anses vara en typ av återkoppling som är mycket effektfull för inlärningen. Studien visar att den muntliga formativa kamratbedömningsövningen i sin ursprungliga form är ett redskap som lärare kan använda och anpassa till sina praktiker för att skapa interaktioner i klassrummet som kan öka elevernas meningsskapande.

Kamratbedömning i svenska : Nio lärares tankar och erfarenheter / Peer assessment in Swedish as a school subject : Nine teachers' thoughts and experiences

Graner, Gunlög January 2014 (has links)
This paper studies how peer assessment is used as a strategy to improve young learners' results in Swedish as a school subject. Nine teachers are interviewed about their use of the method on 7-12-year-old pupils. Comparisons are made between the interviews and Swedish and international discussion on peer assessment. There are similarities between the practice of the teachers and what is said in the litterature about the method and its advantages and drawbacks. The teachers tend to emphasize the social aspects more, though. They also point to adjustments necessary to make the method function in groups of different kinds. Of feedback methods, they seem to prefer "Two stars and a wish" to others.

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