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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentų fizinio aktyvumo ir miego kokybės sąsajų su sveikatos nusiskundimais tyrimas / Assiciations between physical activity, sleep quality link and health complaints among students

Vitartaitė, Indrė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Fizinio aktyvumo ir miego kokybės sąsajos su sveikatos nusiskundimais. Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti sąsajas tarp studentų fizinio aktyvumo, miego kokybės ir sveikatos nusiskundimų. Hipotezė: Mažiau fiziškai aktyvūs studentai pasižymi blogesne miego kokybe ir dažnesniais sveikatos nusiskundimais. Uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti LSMU ir kolegijos studentų fizinio aktyvumo lygį, miego kokybę, mokymosi trukmę, patiriamą distresą, žalingus įpročius, vidinės darnos lygį ir sveikatos nusiskundimų dažnį. 2. Įvertinti sąsajas tarp studentų miego kokybės ir sveikatos nusiskundimų, patiriamo distreso, mokymosi trukmės, vidinės darnos lygio. 3. Įvertinti sąsajas tarp studentų fizinio aktyvumo lygio ir miego kokybės, sveikatos nusiskundimų, patiriamo distreso, nuovargio mokymosi procese, vidinės darnos lygio, žalingų įpročių. Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas: Momentinė anketinė apklausa buvo vykdoma 2012 m. spalio – lapkričio mėn. Viso apklausta 150 LSMU medicinos ir 150 Kauno kolegijos vadybos ir kraštotvarkos studentų. Rezultatai: Žemu fizinio aktyvumo lygiu (mažiau nei kartą per savaitę) pasižymėjo 47,3 proc. LSMU ir 34,0 proc. kolegijos studentų (p = 0,004 ). 56,1 proc. kasdien sportuojantys studentai skundėsi miego trūkumu, tuo tarpu mažiau nei kartą per savaitę sportuojančių studentų tarpe miego trūkumu skundėsi 68,9 proc. (p = 0,04). Su blogesne miego kokybe patikimai siejosi neigiamas savo sveikatos vertinimas (p < 0,0001), silpna vidinė darna (p < 0,0001), kaklo skausmai (p < 0... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work object: physical activity and sleep quality associations with healh complaints. The aim of the work: to eveluate associations between physical activity, sleep quality and health complaints among students. Hypothesis: Less physically active students have poorer sleep quality and more frequent health complaints. The tasks: 1. To compare physical activity level, sleep quality, learning time, experienced distress, addictions, internal coherence level and frequency of health complaints between LUHS and college students. 2. To eveluate links between students sleep quality and health complaints, experienced distress, learning time, internal coherence level. 3. o eveluate links between students physical activity and sleep quality, health complaints, experienced distress, fatigue in the learning process, internal coherence level, addictions. Research process and the organization: instant questionnaire survey was carried out in October and November in 2012. There were questioned 150 medical students of LUHS and 150 management and landscape students of Kaunas college. The results: low level of physical activity was prevalent in 47, 3% among students of LUHS and 34,0 % students of college (p-0,004). These students go in for sports less than once a week. 56, 1 % students who go in for sports every day complained about the lack of sleep. While 68, 9 % (p=0,04) students who go in for sports less than once a week complained about the lack of sleep. According to poorer sleep quality... [to full text]

Vidutinio amžiaus žmonių fizinio aktyvumo sąsajos su jų gyvenimo kokybe / Links between physical activity of middle-aged population and their quality of life

Kavaliauskienė, Indrė 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: vidutinio amžiaus žmonių fizinio aktyvumo su jų gyvenimo kokybe sąsajos. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti vidutinio amžiaus žmonių fizinio aktyvumo sąsajas su jų gyvenimo kokybe. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti Kauno miesto vidutinio amžiaus gyventojų gyvenimo kokybę; 2. Išsiaiškinti veiksnius, įtakojančius gyvenimo kokybę; 3. Sužinoti vidutinio amžiaus gyventojų fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus; 4. Išsiaiškinti priežastis, trukdančiais vidutinio amžiaus gyventojams užsiimti aktyvia fizine veikla. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1. Sveikatos gerinimas ir fizinio aktyvumo didinimas yra esminiais gyvenimo kokybės gerinimo rodikliais. 2. Didesnis fizinis aktyvumas teikia visapusišką naudą ir gerina sveikatą. 3. Didžioji vidutinio amžiaus gyventojų dalis yra mažai fiziškai aktyvūs dėl laiko stokos ir per didelio fizinio užimtumo. Tiriamieji:117 Kauno miesto gyventojų. Tyrimo metodai: Literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa ir matematinė statistika. Išvados: Atliktame tyrime dalyvavo 117 respondentų, kurių didesnę dalį sudarė moterys, aukštesnį išsilavinimą bei nuolatinį darbą turintys žmonės. Savo gyvenimo kokybę didžioji dalis respondentų įvardino vidutiniška arba bloga. Tokias respondentų nuostatas daugiausia nulėmė vidiniai veiksniai. Gyvenimo kokybę įtakoja tiek objektyvūs rodikliai, tiek ir subjektyvus vertinimas. Veiksniai, labiausiai įtakojančiais gyvenimo kokybę respondentai nurodė sveikatą, materialinę gerovę bei santykius šeimoje. Fizinis aktyvumas kaip geros gyvenimo kokybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: links between physical activity of middle-aged population and their quality of life. Purpose of the study: to determine links between physical activity of middle-aged population and their quality of life. Objectives of the study: 1. To explore the quality of life of middle-aged population of Kaunas city; 2. To determine factors influencing the quality of life; 3. To find out peculiarities of physical activity of middle-aged population; 4. To find out the reasons that impedes middle-aged population to be engaged in the active physical activity. Hypotheses of the study: 1. Improving health and increasing of physical activity are the essential indicators of enhancement of the quality of life. 2. Increased physical activity provides comprehensive benefits and improves health. 3. The majority of middle-aged population is a little physically active due to the lack of time and physical over-employment. Subjects:117 residents of Kaunas City Methods of the study: The analysis of literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics. Conclusions: The study involved 117 respondents with a higher of women and people having higher education and a regular job. The majority of respondents named the quality of their life as average or poor. These attitudes of respondents were mainly determined due to internal factors. The quality of life is influenced by both objective indicators, as well as a subjective assessment. According to the respondents factors that... [to full text]

Psichikos ligomis sergančiųjų gyvenimo kokybės ir fizinio aktyvumo ypatumai / Mentally ill patients' quality of life and physical activity features

Leleika, Giedrius 10 September 2013 (has links)
Atlikti moksliniai tyrimai rodo teigiamą fizinio aktyvumo įtaką psichinei sveikatai, o gyvenimo kokybė yra svarbus metodas vertinant bendrą psichinėmis ligomis sergančiųjų funkcionavimą. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti psichinėmis ligomis sergančių pacientų gyvenimo kokybės ir fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus, galimas sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 18-92 metų diagnozuotomis psichikos ligomis sergantys atsitiktine tvarka atrinkti tiriamieji (n=79). Pacientai buvo vertinami gyvenimo kokybės SF-36 klausimynu ir fizinio aktyvumo klausimynais. Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad psichikos ligomis sergančių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė yra vidutiniška. Tiriamieji geriausiai įvertino fizinio aktyvumo, o blogiausiai socialinių ryšių ir energingumo ir gyvybingumo sritis. Nustatyti stiprūs statistiškai reikšmingi ryšiai tarp gyvenimo kokybės klausimyno sričių rodo, kad didėjant energingumui, gerėja emocinė būklė ir bendras sveikatos vertinimas, o emocinė būklė ir dėl jos esantys mažesni veiklos apribojimai teigiamai įtakoją bendrą psichinę sveikatą. Kuo didesnis fizinis aktyvumas, tuo geresnė ir bendra fizinė sveikata. Psichinėmis ligomis sergančiųjų fizinis aktyvumas didžiausias namuose (atliekant namų ruošos darbus), o mažiausias kasdieninėje veikloje. Gyvenantys šeimose patiria mažiau skausmo nei gyvenantys vieni. Turintys mažesni išsilavinimą, yra labiau fiziškai aktyvūs, patiria mažiau skausmo ir veiklos apribojimų dėl fizinių problemų, jų geresnė bendra fizinė sveikata. Reikšminga lyties, darbinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Already performed researches shows positive physical activity influence on mental health, while quality of life is important method evaluating common mentally ill patients’ functioning. The aim of this research was to evaluate mentally ill patients’ quality of life and physical activity features and possible interfaces. In this research participated randomly selected 79 participants with any psychiatric diagnose from 18 until 92 years age. Participants were evaluated using quality of life questionnaire SF-36 and physical activity questionnaires. Results show, that quality of life of mentally ill patients is moderate. Respondents showed best evaluations in physical activity field, worst in vitality and social relations fields. The strong statistically significant correlations between areas of quality of life show, that increasing energy and vitality improve emotional status and general health evaluation. Also better emotional status and less activity limitations due to emotional problems positively affect general mental health. Furthermore, better physical activity leads to better general physical health. Mentally ill respondents have best physical activity at home and worst physical activity in daily life, including leisure physical activity. Married participants experience less pain if compared with lonely participants. Participants with lower education degree are more physical active, they have less activity limitations due to physical problems, has better general physical... [to full text]

Korepetitoriavimo, kaip edukacinės paslaugos moksleiviams, reikšmingumo tyrimas / Tutoring and its influence to quality of education

Rauchienė, Asta 09 June 2005 (has links)
Tutoring and its influence to quality of education is rather topical subject for the educational system. This is the main topic of this master thesis. The aim of this research is to determine amount of additional occupation in an incidentally chosen schools in Siauliai. It was also interesting to discover what is pupil’s opinion about the services provided by tutors and their quality of education. There were arranged a set of tasks: to rate the amount of pupils who attended additional occupation, to determine the variety of tutoring forms and their distribution, to settle the efficiency and availability of tutoring and its influence on quality of education. There were used various methods of analysis, such as theoretical analysis and generalization, form questioning and mathematical statistics. A. Markeviciute’s questionnaire was applied for usage. 336 pupils from Siauliai schools were present in the research. All the received questioning data were processed with computer software SPSS 11.0. Obtained data shows that tutoring is very popular in Siauliai district schools. Almost about 33% of pupils are taking tutor services. On the basis of this research it is possible to state that “shadow education” is one of the quality of education indicators.

Vidinis auditas kaip pradinėje mokykloje kaitą skatinantis veiksnys / Internal Audit as the Alternation Stimulating Factor if Primary School

Ramanauskienė, Ona 15 June 2005 (has links)
Study object: • Internal audit and changes related with it in primary school. Aim: • To determine the influence of internal audit on alternation processes in primary school. Study tasks: • To analyze pedagogical and psychological literature of monitoring direction. • To clarify the attitude of pedagogues, parents and pupils to internal audit as the main alternation stimulating factor. • To explore internal audit influence on alternation. • To discuss about internal audit as knowledge and perfection condition of ourselves. Study methods: • The research of scientific literature. • Analyze of the documents. • Method of quantitative research. • Statistical treatment of data. The research of activity efficiency in the comprehensive schools was analyzed of very outstanding Lithuanian scientists and other investigators practices. I would like to mention B. Bitinas, P. Jucevičienė, V. Stulpinas, Ž. Jackūnas, V. Targamadzė, R. Želvys, M. Barkauskaitė, A. Bagdonas and others. The first research in branch of internal audit was done by Center of Pedagogues Education (CPE), the internal audit experiments were done in the preschools, in the primary schools and in the comprehensive schools. In nowadays very important to establish the internal audit, because just then schools by themselves could plumb to their done specific activities, would be interested to education politic and standards of quality. In 2002-2003 the internal audit were done in every comprehensive school, but there... [to full text]

Pramonės įmonių vandens išteklių integruoto valdymo modelis / Integrated water resource management model in industry

Dvarionienė, Jolanta 20 July 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research – to investigate and evaluate the criteria for water use and reuse, and to develop a model for effective management of water resources in industry.

Upės baseino vandens išteklių valdymo modelis / Water resource management model for a river basin

Jelisejevienė, Emilija 20 July 2005 (has links)
The objective is to develop river basin management model that ensures integrated analysis of existing water resource problems and promotes implementation of sustainable development principles in water resources management.

Kai kurių geriamo vandens mikrobiologinių rodiklių įvertinimas / Evaluation of microbiological quality of drinking water

Kasnauskytė, Neringa 16 March 2006 (has links)
Aim of study: to evaluate microbiological quality of drinking water according Lithuanian drinking water standard HN 24:2003. Material and methods. The data of microbiological tests of drinking water were collected from laboratories responsible of drinking water control in Kaunas region. Part of the study was carried out at Helsinki University (dep. of Food and Environmental Hygiene). Different microbiological criteria of drinking water samples from small community supply were examined. Results. The results of our study showed that 94.4 % of drinking water from centralist drinking water supplies in Lithuania fulfill requirements of drinking water standard HN 24:2003 and is safe to drink. Drinking water from dug wells more often are contaminated and does not fit drinking water standard requirements. We found that there were too much coliforms in 12,8 % of drinking water samples, enterococci in 23.4% and E. coli in 16.7 % respectively. The study showed that there is a season variation of microbiological quality of drinking water. Less microbiological contamination of dinking water samples was during winter season from both water supply systems - centralist drinking water supplies and small community supplies. Microbiological quality of drinking water in Lithuania from small community supplies was worse compare to drinking water from small community supplies in Finland. The average of E.coli bacteria in Lithuanian drinking water from small community supplies was 5.57±2,09/10... [to full text]

Specialistų ir tėvų benradarbiavimas bei paslaugų kokybė ankstyvosios reabilitacijos tarnybose / Parents‘ and specialists‘ cooperation and quality of services in the institutions of early rehabilitation

Adomavičienė, Renata 08 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the research is to examin the specialists from the Early Rehabilitation services (ERS) and the patients parents‘ attitude towards services for children quality, and introduce recommendations how to improve parents‘ and specialists‘ cooperation while accomplishing the services for children. Methodology. The anonymous questioning was made with 100 parents whose children were visiting specialists of Early Rehabilitation in 3 public medical institutions in Kaunas. The questionnaire used in the research was composed on the base of SERVQUAL methodology. One part of the questionnaire gave possibility to find parents‘ expectations towards servises for children quality, the next part satisfaction in services they get. The evaluation was made in differences which are in parents‘ expectations and satisfaction in the quality of servises they get in the aspect of dimensions (evidence, response, security, empathy). Linkert scale was used for answers. The statistical package SPSS version 13.0 for Windows was used to conduct data analysis. Results. In parent‘s opinion, services quality expectations got less point (mean score 2,80±0,44) than their satisfaction of the service provided (mean score 2,80±0,44) Therefore, the satisfaction of the service provided by ERS was beyond expectations. The largest quality gap was observed in the response, the smallest – in the dimensions of evidence. The parents‘ expectations were: to consult specialists of ERS at the desirable time... [to full text]

Sandėliavimo įtaka mėsos kokybei ir mikrobiologijai / The influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat

Dovalcovienė, Jurgita 17 April 2007 (has links)
The main goal of this work – determine the influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat, when storage is conducted according to regalement rules, or the storage is conducted breaking the rules by storing meat together with vegetables in the freezer with 4°C and 6 °C° temperature during 30 days period. The tasks of this work: 1. To research the pH changes when the storage regime is changing. 2. To determine the common microbiology pollution (BMS and pH), when the storage conditions are optimal, and when the storage conditions are deliberately broken. 3. To determine bacteria of salmonella and jersinia, storing meat is determined conditions, and then changing the conditions deliberately. The research shown, that storing meat at reglamented conditions for 14 days period at 4 °C, the example held out very well, with pH 5.54, and the example stored at 6 °C held out worse (pH 5.55), than the example stored at 4°C. That could influence the fact, that lower temperature influenced the holding out of meat. Conclusions: 1. Meat is more likely to be damaged, when it is stored together with another food products, and the microbiological state of meat was especially damaged, when it was stored with vegetables. When meat has been stored together with vegetables at 4°C temperature, the amount of microorganisms after 14 days increased from 9,6 mil 1cm3. to 890 mil. 1cm3, and after 30 days the amount of microorganisms increased from 9,6 mil. 1cm3. to 8,9 milij. 1cm3... [to full text]

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