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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den Normaliserande Alliansen : Två programverksamheter för unga lagöverträdare

Ejenström, Anna-Karin, Kevin, Marianne January 2007 (has links)
The papers purpose is to examine how the Botkyrka and Huddinge municipalities implement their juvenile law offenders' programs. The paper briefly and concisely outlines the history of juvenile offenders and the social services programs dealing with them. We focus on how two municipalities’, Huddinge and Botkyrka, implement these programs. The municipalities belong to the same judicial district,”Södertörns tingsrätt”. The paper has a qualitative approach with interviews with those responsible for the programs. Recent year’s criticism has been directed towards the lack of control and structure of the application of the program within the municipalities. This paper's conclusion is that implementations of the program vary a great deal between Huddinge and Botkyrka. However, it also shows that Huddinge and Botkyrka are making an effort to remove these differences between their respective programs. On the basis of the analysis of the material, this paper concludes that the programs can be seen as a creation of a mesosystem that include the young and partly its microsystem. Participation in the program will hopefully have a positive influence on the other systems that the young offenders are a part of. The control of that the young is managing its punishment is done by supervision. Trough this supervision the behavioural pattern of the young is influenced. The power and force to change the young offenders, and give them possibilities to change, to deploy and evolve lie within in the use of words and conversation.

Socialarbetares syn på institutionell påverkan i arbetet med unga lagöverträdare

Engström, Fredrik, Karlén, Peter January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding regarding which institutional demands can be identified by social welfare secretary’s in their work with juvenile offenders. The study uses organizational theory to try and find different institutional strategies that social workers use to handle such demands. The study takes a qualitative approach and consists of six semi-structural interviews with social welfare secretary’s who work with juvenile offenders.The results of the study show how institutional influence comes from various organizations and institutions such as media, legislation as well as the police and justice system. Results also show that a wide range of strategies are used in coping with these demands. The strategies are identified from organizational theory as buffering and bridging strategies.The study’s conclusions show a conflict between what should be the social workers main focus in their work, welfare or justice. It identifies two separate paths social welfare secretary’s take in coping with institutional demands. One leans more towards welfare while the other is more justice oriented. It also shows that cooperation with other organizations in the same field seems to be a possible solution to the conflict.

“Vi kallar oss ungdomsutredare” : En narrativ analys av ungdomsutredares perspektiv på polisyrkets villkor och de unga lagöverträdarna

Gärdström, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Genom analys av ungdomsutredares narrativ om villkoren för yrket, syn på yrkesroll, de unga lagöverträdarna och falska erkännanden undersöker denna studie hur ungdomsutredare uppfattar sin yrkesroll samt hur de uppfattar förutsättningarna för att hantera misstänkta unga lagöverträdare i förhörssituationen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem ungdomsutredare i Stockholmsregionen visar en dualistisk bild av polisyrket som dels fantastiskt men med usla villkor. Utredarnas narrativ förtäljer om en uppfattning av falska erkännanden som ovanligt i svensk kontext då utredarens uppgift är att utreda vad som hänt oavsett om någon erkänner sig skyldig till brottet. Dock framställs en problematik kring hur de dåliga villkoren påverkar utredaren i sin yrkesroll. Personalpolitik och kunskapsutveckling lyfts fram som något som organisationen behöver förbättra för att stärka utredarens förutsättningar och säkerställa ett rättssäkert förfarande i utredningen. / This study examines how juvenile investigators perceive the preparation for their professional role and how they perceive the requirements and conditions for handling suspected juvenile offenders in the interrogation room. This study is conducted by analyzing the juvenile investigators' narratives about the working conditions of their profession and their approach and attitude toward their professional role, the juvenile offenders, and false confessions. Semi-structured interviews with five juvenile investigators in the Stockholm region reflect a conflicting and dualistic picture of the police profession as being simultaneously both fantastic and yet one of poor working conditions. The narratives of the investigators attest to a perception of false confessions as an unusual phenomenon in the Swedish context due to their professional duty and responsibility to investigate what happened, regardless of whether someone confesses or not. However, poor working conditions seems to have an effect on the investigator: the informants highlight the need for organizational improvement concerning the staff policies, and the investigators’ knowledge development to ensure legal rights in the investigation process.

DEN SOM ÄR VUXEN OCH BEGÅR ETT BROTT SKA OCKSÅ BEHANDLAS SOM VUXEN AV RÄTTSVÄSENDET- ELLER? : En argumentationsanalys av Moderaternas motion att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdare

Andersson, Emma, Eishow, Violina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att analysera Moderaternas argument till att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdare. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod och använde en argumentationsanalys för att besvara syftet. Moderaternas motion är en offentlig handling och användes som urval. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien var Garlands teori “acting out”. Teorin problematiserar olika politiska strategier. För att undersöka argumenten i motionen applicerades pro et contra-metoden. En teoretisk modell användes vid sammanvägning av argumentens beviskraft. Resultatet i studien visade att argumenten i Moderaternas motion innehöll moraliska värderingar snarare än faktabaserad information. Resultatet visade även att motionen innehöll otydliga motiveringar till att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdare. Tesen som framförts i motionen var enligt resultatet inte styrkt av de argument som tagits fram. Argumenten lyfte inte fram någon lösning på den problematik som framförts, utan var enbart något som Moderaterna själva ansåg vara mer rättvist. Vidare tolkades det som att Moderaterna argumenterar på ett sätt som ökar medborgarnas förtroende genom att använda känslostyrda formuleringar. För framtida studier rekommenderas det att analysera argument skrivna av andra politiska partier, som diskuterar straffrättsliga åtgärder för unga lagöverträdare. Det kan bidra till bredare perspektiv och förståelse. / The aim of this study was to analyse the Moderate party´s arguments to remove penalty reduction for young offenders. The study was based on a qualitative method and used an argumentation analysis to answer the purpose of this study. The Moderate party´s proposal is a public document and was used as a sample. The theoretical framework in this study was Garlands theory “acting out”. Acting out problematizes different political strategies. To be able to examine the arguments in the proposal we used the pro et contra-method. A theoretical model was used to put together the arguments probative value. The results in the study showed that the arguments in the proposal contained morale values rather than information based on facts. The results also showed that the proposal contained unclear motivations for removing penalty reduction for young offenders. The thesis in the proposal was according to the results not confirmed by the arguments that were brought up. The arguments did not conclude any solutions on the problem that the proposal mentioned. The arguments were solely built on something that the moderate party considered as fair. Moreover, it was interpreted that the Moderate party uses arguments in ways that increases the citizens trust by using sentences based on emotions. For future studies it is recommended to also do analyse arguments on other political parties that discusses criminal proceedings for young offenders. It can contribute to a broader perspective and understanding.

Kriminalpolitisk diskurs för unga lagöverträdare : En undersökning om den kriminalpolitiska diskursens innehåll gällande argument för och emot särbehandling vid tilldelning av straff för unga lagöverträdare mellan år 2006–2022

Khan, Ronja January 2023 (has links)
Sveriges kriminalpolitiska diskurs är i ständig förändring, vilket påverkar de straff som döms ut till unga lagöverträdare. Syftet med den föreliggande studien var att undersöka den kriminalpolitiska diskursens innehåll utifrån argument som förs för respektive emot särbehandling vid tilldelning av straff för unga lagöverträdare. Granskningen genomfördes utifrån olika regeringsbildningar (Högerregering mellan 2006–2014, Vänsterregering mellan 2014–2022) och i relation till den straffrättsliga principen om proportionalitet och de teoretiska utgångspunkterna individualprevention, allmänprevention och Dual Systems Model. Det innefattade en granskning av potentiella skillnader i argument mellan unga omyndiga lagöverträdare i åldern 15–17 och unga myndiga lagöverträdare i åldern 18–20. En kvalitativ tematisk analys gjordes utifrån olika politiska dokument, vilket var studiens urval och material. Resultatet visade på flertalet argument för och emot särbehandling av unga omyndiga respektive unga myndiga lagöverträdare vid tilldelning av straff. Det sågs också skillnader i regeringsbildningarna, där vänsterregeringen har haft en skärpt kriminalpolitik för unga lagöverträdare i jämförelse med högerregeringen. / The discourse of the criminal policy in Sweden is constantly changing, which will affect the punishments given to juvenile offenders. The aim of the present thesis was to examine the content of the criminal policy discourse regarding juvenile offenders through analyzing arguments for and against treating juvenile offenders differently when assigning sentences. This was examined through carefully reviewing different government formations (Right wing between 2006–2014, Left wing between 2014–2022) and in relation to the criminal justice principle proportionality and the theoretical frameworks individual prevention, general prevention, and Dual Systems Model. It also included an examination for potential differences in arguments for minor juvenile offenders between the ages of 15–17 and juvenile offenders of age between the ages of 18–20. A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted by reviewing different political documents, which was used as the sample and material. The results showed multiple arguments for and against treating minor juvenile offenders and juvenile offenders of age differently than adult offenders when assigning sentences. It also showed differences between the government formations where the left formation had a more punitive criminal policy for juvenile offenders compared to the right formation.

To understand a little less, or a little more, that is the question : En komparativ rättshistorisk fallstudie kring behandlingen av unga lagöverträdare i Sverige och England / : A comparative legal historical case study regarding the treatment of juvenile delinquents in Sweden and England

Behtoui, Parann January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Egna barn och andras ungar : En diskursanalys över hur barn som kan misstänkas för brott kommer till uttryck i rättsliga dokument / My children and other people's kids : A discourse analysis of how children who may be suspected of crimes are expressed in legal documents

Olsson, Jens January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats behandlas på ett diskursivt plan hur frågor om barn under femton år som nyttjas av annan för kriminell verksamhet, kommer till uttryck i samtida rättsliga dokument med tillhörande remissvar. Problemformulering som ligger till grund för denna studie har bestått av tre frågor; vilka diskursiva antaganden och påståenden figurerar om barn som begår brott i promemorian Ds 2020:23 (?), vilka diskursiva antaganden och påståenden figurerar om barn som begår brott i de inkomna remissvaren (?), och hur återfinns och konstrueras de olika diskurserna i SOU 2022:1? Materialet som ligger till grund för studien utgörs av två utredningar och tillhörande remissvar. Det analyserade materialet har hanterats med diskursanalys som både teori och metod. Eftersom uppsatsen är inriktad på specifika samtida rättsliga dokument har inga studier på samma inslagna linje identifierats. Tidigare forskning utgörs av angränsande områden som polisiära ingripande, brottsförebyggande arbete och medias rapportering om brott. Samtliga som på olika sätt är en del i omhändertagandet av barn som nyttjas av annan för kriminell verksamhet. Denna uppsats pekar på att det finns bred uppfattning och stor skillnad mellan olika remissvar. Resultatet kan även visa hur diskursordningen förändras mellan utredning och betänkande, som med stor sannolikhet påverkar utgången av givet lagförslag: Beslag, husrannsakan och kroppsvisitation får även utan sådana skäl göras om det finns särskild anledning att anta att den unge utnyttjas av annan i brottslig verksamhet.

Evidensbaserad praktik med unga lagöverträdare : - ett svårimplementerat arbetssätt? / Evidence-based practice with young offenders : – a difficult approach to implement

Fornstedt, Rebecca, Hedlund, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte 33 socialsekreterares självskattade tillämpning av evidensbaserad praktik i arbetet med unga lagöverträdare och dess samband med deras självskattade handlingsutrymme och arbetslivserfarenhet. Vidare undersökte studien i vilken utsträckning socialsekreterarna ansåg att deras utbildningsbakgrund försett dem med kunskap kring evidensbaserad praktik. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genom en webbenkät. Teoretiska utgångspunkter i studien var gräsrotbyråkrati och isomorfism. Genom en korrelationsanalys påvisade resultatet att det inte fanns något samband mellan evidensbaserad praktik och professionellt handlingsutrymme samt mellan evidensbaserad praktik och arbetslivserfarenhet. Socialsekreterarna arbetade enligt en evidensbaserad praktik med unga lagöverträdare i viss utsträckning men skattade något lägre när det gäller huruvida insatserna tillgodosåg målgruppens behov. Resultatet påvisade att socialsekreterarna inte fått med sig tillräcklig kunskap gällande evidensbaserad praktik från sin socionomutbildning. / This study investigated 33 social workers' self-accessed application of evidence-based practice in combination with young offenders and it’s connection to their self-assessed professional discretion and length of work experience. Furthermore, the study investigated to which extent social workers regard that their educational background has provided them with knowledge about evidence-based practice. The study was carried out as a quantitative cross-sectional study through a websurvey. Theoretical points of departure included the street-level bureaucracy and isomorfism. Through a correlation analysis the result showed that there is no connection between evidence-based practice and work experience, as well as no connection between evidence-based practice and professional discretion. Social workers worked in an evidence-based manner with young offenders to some extent but scored somewhat lower in regards to whether their aids were satisfactory to the needs of the target audience. The result showed that the social workers didn’t acquire sufficient knowledge regarding evidence-based practice from their bachelor degree in social work.

Barn som ljuger får ingen ersättning : Ett barnrättsligt perspektiv på frihetsberövandelagens jämkningsregler / The Kids Aren't Alright : Compensation for Wrongful Incarceration When the Complainant Was Underaged during their Confinement

Sjölin, Celeste January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the rules of adjustment of compensation for wrongful imprisonment as applied to juveniles aged 15–18 from a child law perspective.  The Law of Compensation for Wrongful Deprivation of Liberty[1] excludes claims where the complainant has contributed to causing the deprivation, for instance through false confessions or other suspicious behavior. There are no exceptions for those who exhibited such behavior while they were underage. There is also no other guidance or precedent for special treatment of such cases with regard to the level of responsibility for the damages, although children are generally awarded a somewhat larger sum than adults. This essay considers the rules of exclusion in light of child rights, material laws concerning children in the justice system, as well as tort law principles regarding participation in causing damages to oneself. The purpose is to investigate whether there would be cause to change the law to include separate rules for children. The essay finds that preferential treatment of children is the rule rather than the exception, both in the criminal justice system, in torts, as well as with regard to the ability to enter agreements. This is mainly motivated by children's inability to take responsibility for their actions. Adults, commonly the child's parents or other legal guardians, but also representatives of the state, are to varying degrees tasked with taking responsibility for children and to protect them not only from others – but from themselves. The essay also finds that the cause of the damage, the deprivation of liberty, is different when it occurs during childhood, because: ·       Children are officially not punished for their crimes; their deprivation of liberty is defined as receiving care.  ·       The treatment children receive through the criminal justice system is more psychologically damaging to them than prison sentences are to adults and has far-reaching consequences regarding their development.  ·       The state has greater responsibility for children than for adults. ·       The nature of the fundamental rights violated through the confinement are different, as children do not fully have the same freedom as adults, and because they have rights which adults do not have. After considering a range of legal and non-legal factors, it would be reasonable and consistent to regulate children's claims to compensation for wrongful deprivation of liberty more preferentially. The state has a responsibility for the welfare and healthy development of children in general, as well as a duty to ensure that children are not being deprived of their liberty unless it is necessary to do so, according to article 37 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which holds a status as Swedish law since January 2020.[2] Research has shown young age and life adversity to be clear risk factors for falsely confessing to a crime. This should merit some caution on the side of the state when handling confessions from young people; especially when adult family members or friends could be suspected of the same crime. The very unequal power balance between the child and the state in that context should be reflected in the rules of adjustment of compensation. Another important issue with the current legislation is that children are unable to apply for the compensation without the signature(s) of their legal guardian(s), which has not been compensated for with regard to prescription. This is the case for various damage claims of children against the state. Thus, children are offered a shorter time than adults to personally claim compensation. The essay also considers whether an individual could claim this type of preferential treatment more directly based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Results in this regard are inconclusive. Importantly, while there may be reasons both for and against any changes, it is clear from the seriousness of the subject matter that such reasons should be explored and considered by the lawmaker.   [1] Lag (1998:714) om ersättning för felaktigt frihetsberövande (My translation. No official English translation appears to be available.)[2] Although originally ratified in 1989.

Bidrar socialtjänsten till bristande rättssäkerhet för unga lagöverträdare? : Om LUL-yttranden och rättsprocessen med unga lagöverträdare

Borgvall, Erik January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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