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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O movimento emancipacionista na perspectiva das elites políticas na Província do Espírito Santo, 1869-1888 / The emancipation moviment in perspective of the political elites in Espírito Santo's province,1869-1888

Mellina de Fátima Neres de Sousa Curty 27 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ao longo do Dezenove presenciou-se debates acerca da questão servil no Brasil. Essa querela também teve seus reflexos na Província do Espírito Santo, tendo esta, como objeto de investigação. No fim dos anos de 1860, o movimento emancipacionista começava a ser delineado pelas elites política e intelectual a nível nacional e local. No ano de 1867, a Fala do Trono trouxe à tona questões significativas a respeito do problema servil e os possíveis caminhos a serem seguidos a favor da libertação dos escravos. As décadas de 1870 e 1880 foram períodos de intenso debate acerca da campanha emancipacionista e abolicionista brasileira. Especialmente na década de 1870 com a promulgação da Lei do Ventre Livre em 1871 teve-se um número significativo de ações de arbitramento de escravos na Província do Espírito Santo, especialmente na cidade da Vitória e em suas freguesias. O intento deste trabalho é identificar como ocorreu o desenrolar do processo emancipacionista na Província do Espírito Santo, a partir do entendimento da cultura política daquela sociedade, tendo como fonte de estudo os debates proferidos no espaço da Assembleia legislativa provincial, concomitante às ações de liberdade de escravos e dois importantes periódicos: O Jornal da Victoria e A Província do Espírito Santo, pois, seus redatores e proprietários permeavam os espaços políticos e intelectuais da cidade de Vitória Oitocentista. Têm-se como marcos temporal os anos de 1869 a 1888, pois, aquele ano foi promulgada a primeira lei provincial de caráter emancipador e o último marco refere-se a extinção plena e total de uma das instituições mais duradouras na História do Brasil. / Several debates about the servile issue were seen during the nineteenth century. This squabble was also reflected in the Espírito Santo province, having this as object of investigation. By the end of the years 1860 the emancipacionist movement started to be sketchy by the political and intelectual elites at nacional and local levels. In the year of 1867 the Speech from the Throne brought up significant questions about the servile problem and the possible ways to be taken in favor of the slaves freedom. The decades of 1860 and 1870 were periods of intense debate towards the emancipacionist and abolitionist Brazilian campaign. Especially in the decade of 1870, with the promulgation of the Ventre Livre law in 1871, there was a significant number of slave arbitration lawsuits in the Espírito Santo province, especially in the city of Vitória and its parishes. The intent of this research is to identify how the emancipationist process development in the Espírito Santo province happened from the understanding of the political culture of that society, having as study sources the debates pronounced in the space of the Provincial Chamber, concomitant to the slaves freedom lawsuits and two important periodicals: O Jornal de Vitória and A Província do Espírito Santo, because their editors and owners permeated the political and intelectual spaces of the nineteenth Vitória City. The period from 1869 to 1888 was considered as timeframe, mainly because in 1869 the first provincial law of emancipatory feature was promulgated, and the last mark refers to the plain and total extinction of one of the longer lasting institutions in the History of Brazil.

A Responsabilidade Civil do Advogado sob a perspectiva civil-constitucional

Thaita Campos Trevizan 13 April 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A responsabilidade civil do advogado é um tema que merece destaque sob a perspectiva civil constitucional. A abrangência dessa relação jurídica pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor e a natureza negocial multiforme da relação estabelecida entre o advogado e o cliente, cuja normativa deve ser estabecida tendo em vista o caso concreto, são pontos de destaque desse trabalho, assim como a aplicabilidade do consentimento informado. Nessa toada, pretende-se conferir o enfoque funcional a partir da releitura das classificações tradicionais da responsabilidade civil em contratual, extracontratual, subjetiva, objetiva e entre as obrigações de meio e resultado para em seguida, analisarmos das hipóteses mais frequentes de responsabilização, quais sejam: a perda de uma chance, o abuso do direito processual e a reversão de liminares revertidas ao final do processo. Por fim, dentre as tendências de prevenção e precaução de danos da responsabilidade civil, revela-se a formalização de seguros de responsabilidade profissional para advogados. / Liability of attorney is a topic that deserves attention from the perspective of the constitutional civil measure. The scope of this legal relationship by the Consumer Protection Code and the nature of multifaceted relationship between lawyer and client, whose rules must be developed further in view of the case, are highlights of this work, as well as the applicability of informed consent. In this tune, it is intended to confer the functional approach from the rereading of traditional classifications of liability in contract, tort, subjective, objective, and between the obligations of means and results to then analyze the most common assumptions of accountability, which are: the loss of a chance, the abuse of procedural law and the reversal of court orders reversed at the end of the process. Finally, among the trends of precaution and prevention of damage to civil liability, it is the formalization of professional liability insurance for lawyers.

Entre o direito e a política : a trajetória de advogados e a causa dos direitos humanos (Rio Grande do Sul/1964-1982)

Guazzelli, Dante Guimaraens January 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa busca analisar a trajetória dos advogados gaúchos Eloar Guazzelli, Werner Becker e Omar Ferri durante a ditadura civil-militar brasileira relacionando-as com a emergência da causa dos direitos humanos. Estes advogados ficaram reconhecidos pela sua atuação na defesa de presos políticos e por suas atividades como criminalistas. Devido ao seu trabalho, durante a ditadura eles surgiram no espaço público denunciando e atacando as violências e o arbítrio cometidos pelo Estado, o que fez com que eles ganhassem notoriedade na cena política, relacionando sua atuação com a causa dos direitos humanos. Este reconhecimento levou-os a iniciarem uma carreira política e candidatarem-se a cargos eletivos, o que aconteceu na eleição de 1982: Guazzelli e Ferri lançaram candidatura à deputado federal e Becker à vereador em Porto Alegre. Isto foi auxiliado pela atuação destes advogados dentro de entidades classistas, como o Instituto dos Advogados do Rio Grande do Sul (IARGS) e a seccional gaúcha da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB/RS), que, ao longo da ditadura, passaram a criticar publicamente o regime. Desta forma, o trabalho procura mostrar os diferentes meios nos quais os personagens transitaram com o intuito de reconstruir o processo no qual conquistaram seu reconhecimento como advogados e militantes de esquerda. / The research seeks to analyze the trajectory of the lawyers Eloar Guazzelli, Werner Becker and Omar Ferri during the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship, relating them to the emergence of the cause of human rights. These lawyers were recognized for their role in the defense of political prisoners and for their activities as criminalists. Due to their work, during the dictatorship they appeared in the public scene denouncing and attacking the violence and arbitration committed by the State, which caused them to gain notoriety in the political scene, relating their action to the cause of human rights. This recognition led them to start a political career and to stand for elected positions, which happened in the 1982 election: Guazzelli and Ferri launched candidacy for the federal deputy and Becker to the councilor in Porto Alegre. This was aided by the work of these lawyers within class entities, such as the Rio Grande do Sul Lawyers Institute (IARGS) and the Rio Grande do Sul branch of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RS), which, throughout the dictatorship, publicly criticize the regime. In this way, the research tries to show the different means in which the characters have transited with the intention to reconstruct the process in which they have gained their recognition as advocates and militants of the left.

Portrait des "professionals" en tant que narrateurs dans la fiction courte victorienne et édouardienne : les discours de pouvoir des médecins, des hommes d’église et des hommes de loi dans les nouvelles de Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Wilkie Collins et Arthur Conan Doyle / Professionals as narrators in Victorian and Edwardian short fiction : discourse and empowerment : doctors, clergymen and lawyers in the short fiction of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Wilkie Collins and Arthur Conan Doyle

Girard, Romain 23 November 2015 (has links)
Les membres de la classe des professions, qu'ils soient narrateurs ou personnages, occupent une place à la fois centrale et équivoque dans le texte victorien, dans sa construction, sa composition. En effet, si cette place prépondérante paraît indiquer une prise de pouvoir de ces derniers, elle s'accompagne fréquemment d'une mise en question, voire d'une mise en danger de leur statut au sein du récit. Cette position paradoxale semble être le résultat du lien quasi-systématique (mais souvent sous-jacent) entre l'apparition d'un narrateur ou d'un personnage issu des professions et la déstabilisation des notions de signification et de vérité dans l'ensemble du texte. Nous étudierons les modalités et les outils de cette déstabilisation, mais aussi ses conséquences sur le corps du texte. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrerons sur le support de la nouvelle véhiculée par les périodiques pour son caractère propice à l'expérimentation et sa grande diffusion auprès du lectorat victorien. Par ailleurs, nous avons centré notre corpus de textes sur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins et Le Fanu car ces derniers ont participé activement à la diffusion dans la littérature des idées propres aux classes moyennes et ont abondamment illustré les mutations sociales de cette classe durant la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle. Cela s’est fait à travers leurs nouvelles notamment, qui apparaissent comme le lieu privilégié de l’expression des interrogations concernant l'instabilité de certains discours structurants de la société : loi, religion et médecine. Ainsi, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, fils d’un homme d’église et féru de théologie, Arthur Conan Doyle, lui-même médecin de formation et William Wilkie Collins, homme de lettres portant un grand intérêt à la chose scientifique (comme le suggère son long roman didactique Heart and Science paru en 1883) ont tous trois contribué à la définition des relations particulières entre les membres des professions et le reste de la société victorienne. De plus, leur participation active à la publication des périodiques les plus lus de leur époque atteste de leur contribution importante à la définition de la pensée victorienne. / Members of the middle class, particularly clergymen, doctors, and lawyers occupy a central place in Victorian literature, both as narrators and characters. However, it seems that this prominent place fosters questioning as much as empowerment. This paradoxical position seems to stem from the recurrent appearance of members of the professions in texts within which the principles of truth and meaning are undermined. Therefore, we will show how members of the professions, both as narrators and characters, put forward discursive strategies which allow them to manipulate the notion of truth and to destabilize meaning. In order to do so, we will study predominantly short stories, as this genre was favoured by Victorian writers as the locus of narrative and literary experimentation. Besides, this genre was widely read by Victorian audiences and can be seen as a privileged media for authors to express their doubts and commentaries on contemporary society. We have chosen to study the works of three authors in particular, who played a vital role in the bringing of the middle classes on the forefront of Victorian literary representation. Indeed, we will focus on Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, the son of a clergyman and a man fascinated by the arcana of theology, Arthur Conan Doyle, a doctor himself, before he became a writer and William Wilkie Collins, who had a passion for science and the transformations its growing influence imposed on Victorian society. What is more, these three writers' active role in the establishment of the most popular Victorian periodicals attests to their vast contribution to the development of Victorian values.

The international human rights law as a source of law in the Burundian judicial system

Ndayikengurukiye, Michel January 2005 (has links)
"The enjoyment of all human rights by all persons is the ultimate horizon of democracy. It is generally admitted that democratic societies are less likely to violate human rights. The good human rights records of these societies can be justified, among others, by the promotion of a strong legal culture, which provides procedural avenues for allocating responsibility for human rights violations. Thus, the protection of human rights follows from the functions of law in society, and the nature of human rights claims. At the national level, human rights are protected by both domestic and international mechanisms. Therefore, the human rights claims should be based on violations of either domestic law or relevant provisions of operational international human rights instruments. However, most of the time this is not the case, especially in Africa. Many African states have ratified several international human rights instruments, but the record of the way the latter are applied in their respective judicial systems remains very poor. This study aims to analyse the case of Burundi, one of these state whose judicial system only rarely applies international human rights instruments in spite of the importance devoted to them by the Constitution. It must be understood that international human rights as a source of law will be referred to, in this study, both as a source of rights and as a source of interpretation of domestic human righs instruments such as the Bill of Rights. ... Chapter one will set out the content of the research, identify the problem and outline the methodology. Chapter two will focus on the status of international law in domestic legal systems. It will highlight the theories that have been used to determine the relationship between international and domestic law in general. Chapter three will analyse on basis of some samples of cases how the Burundian courts interpret and apply international human rights instruments. Chapte four discusses the role played by the Burundian lawyers in the enforcement of these instruments. Chapter five will draw [a] conclusion and recommendations." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Professor Grace Patrick Tumwine-Mukubwa at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Proyecto Arca Legal

García Salinas, Danna Mabel, Giraldo Navarro, Fiorella Alessandra, Meza Loayza, Lucero Alejandra, Pujadas Urpe, Jenny Marlene, Ynga Gonzales, Chayna Kolett 01 December 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto demuestra la viabilidad de una plataforma online que conecta abogados y clientes, los cuales pueden contratar servicios jurídicos de manera rápida e intuitiva. La plataforma, llamada “Arca Legal”, brinda transparencia y confidencialidad durante todo el proceso contractual entre abogado y cliente. La investigación permitió detectar que el proceso de contratación de abogados suele representar un problema para los clientes. En base a entrevistas a usuarios, se descubrió que el público objetivo suele cambiar a su abogado, pues en la mayoría de los casos se les dificulta encontrar un especialista que se alinee a sus necesidades. Por ello, Arca Legal hace posible que los clientes escojan de un portafolio de abogados, cuya experiencia y colegiatura son verificadas para garantizar seguridad a nuestros clientes. Asimismo, ofrece diversas opciones como un panel de anuncios y chats integrados para que los clientes puedan hacer seguimiento del estado de su caso. Además, a raíz de la pandemia del COVID-19 y su influencia en el aceleramiento de la digitalización, optamos por desarrollar nuestra propuesta de negocios vía online. Finalmente, cabe señalar que llevamos a cabo experimentos que permitieron analizar y validar el modelo de negocio planteado. Igualmente, desarrollamos el plan de marketing y plan financiero, los cuales contemplan las actividades necesarias para lograr la viabilidad del proyecto. / This project demonstrates the viability of an online platform that connects lawyers and clients, who can hire legal services quickly and intuitively. The platform, called "Arca Legal", provides transparency and confidentiality throughout the contractual process between lawyer and client. The investigation found that the process of hiring lawyers often represents a problem for clients. Based on user interviews, it was discovered that the target audience usually changes their lawyer, because in most cases it is difficult for them to find a specialist who aligns with their needs. Therefore, Arca Legal makes it possible for clients to choose from a portfolio of lawyers, whose experience and license are verified to guarantee security to our clients. It also offers various options such as a bulletin panel and integrated chats so that clients can track the status of their case. In addition, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its influence on the acceleration of digitalization, we chose to develop our business proposal via online. Finally, it should be noted that we carried out experiments that allowed us to analyze and validate the proposed business model. Likewise, we develop the marketing plan and financial plan, which contemplate the necessary activities to achieve the viability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación

"Vad är det då som förhindrar honom attt ta livet av fler personer än en?" : En kvalitativ studie om hur advokater upplever samt framställer straffreduktionens avskaffande och dess konsekvenser. / "What prevents him from taking the lives of more people than one?" : A qualitative study on how lawyers perceive and present the abolition of penalty discounts and its consequences.

Nilsson, Ninni, Gunnefur, Ronja January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt advokaters uppfattning och erfarenheter av straffrabattens avskaffande för unga lagöverträdare mellan 18-20 år. Studiens syfte var att undersöka på vilket sätt advokater upplever att avskaffandet av straffrabatten har medfört några konsekvenser samt hur lagändringen fungerat i praktiken och hur lagändringen framställs av advokaterna. Studiens undersökningsmetod var semistrukturerade intervjuer, och resultatet analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att advokaterna beskrev konsekvenser på flera nivåer och tre teman utvecklades ur materialet: konsekvenser för de unga lagöverträdarna, konsekvenser för advokater samt konsekvenser för samhället. Studiens slutsats är att advokaterna ställer sig kritiska till lagändringen, något som kan förklaras både utifrån ett instrumentellt perspektiv och ett rättighetsperspektiv. / This study has examined lawyers' perceptions and experiences of the abolition of the penalty discount for young offenders aged 18-20 years. The purpose of the study was to investigate how lawyers perceive the abolition of the penalty discount to have brought about any consequences, as well as how the legal amendment operates in practice and how it is portrayed by the lawyers. The study’s research method was semi-structured interviews, and the results were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that the lawyers described consequences on multiple levels and three themes developed from the material: consequences for young offenders, consequences for lawyers, and consequences for society. The study's conclusion is that lawyers are critical of the legal amendment, which can be explained from both an instrumental perspective and a perspective of human rights.

Knowledge-sharing practices by legal information professionals at Hogan Lovells : law firm in South Africa and England

Manamela, Boitumelo Eddy 02 1900 (has links)
Knowledge-sharing practices are all the actions aimed at improving the internal flow and use of knowledge within a virtual team. The collective knowledge of team members only becomes powerful if it is shared among those who possess common goals. The main purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge-sharing practices of Hogan Lovells’ virtual team of legal information professionals and establish how these practices could be enhanced in order to provide a superior information service to the firm’s lawyers. Hogan Lovells is a multinational law firm with offices in South Africa and England, and its virtual team of legal information professionals were experiencing challenges in sharing knowledge. The study adopted a qualitative methodology and a case-study research design. Interview guides were used to collect qualitative data from study Participants. Out of the 23 potential interviewees from the London and Johannesburg team who were purposively selected as the target population for the study, the researcher interviewed 14 on reaching the point of saturation. The Participants interviewed were in possession of suitable information related to the objectives of the study. Qualitative data collected were analysed using content analysis; findings were then made from the completed analysis. From the findings, it emerged that there were several gaps in the knowledge-sharing practices. Several enablers to the knowledge-sharing practices by legal information professionals were identified. The study recommended several ways by which the knowledge-sharing practices at Hogan Lovells’ virtual team of legal information professionals may be enhanced, amongst which are: formalising team meetings as a virtual community of practice, stimulating informal peer mentoring, valuing storytelling and regularly conducting After-Action Reviews. In addition to this, the virtual team should use other knowledge-sharing practices, such as brainstorming, subject-matter experts, and face-to-face virtual meetings. The study suggested that additional studies, particularly surveys and quantitative studies, be conducted on other virtual teams of legal information professionals in South Africa in order to explore their knowledge-sharing practices. / Information Science / M. A. (Information Science)

Suing dragons? : taking the Chinese state to court

Givens, John Wagner January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the ability of Chinese lawyers to use administrative litigation to protect individuals and groups from an authoritarian state that frequently infringes on their rights. These plaintiffs fill administrative courts in China, opposing the overzealous tactics of police, challenging the expropriation of their land, and disputing the seizure and demolition of their homes. Empirically, it relies on several unique data sources in a mixed-methodological approach. Qualitative and small-n quantitative data from 126 interviews with a random sample of Chinese lawyers and 52 additional interviews are supplemented by documentary sources. These findings are then tested against official data and a large survey of Chinese lawyers. This research demonstrates that administrative litigation is part of a polycentric authoritarian system that helps the Chinese state to monitor its agents, allows limited political participation, and facilitates economic development (Chapter One). By giving ordinary Chinese a chance to hold their local governments accountable in court, administrative litigation represents a significant step towards rule of law, but its limited scope means that it has not been accompanied by dramatic liberalisation (Chapter Three). In part, this is because the most prolific and successful administrative litigators are politically embedded lawyers, insiders who challenge the state in court but eschew the most radical cases and tactics (Chapter Four). The tactics that allow politically embedded lawyers to successfully litigate administrative cases rely on and contribute to China’s polycentric authoritarianism by drawing in other state, quasi-state, and non-state actors (Chapter Five). Multinationals in China are largely failing to contribute to the development of China’s legal system because they readily accept preferential treatment from the Chinese state as an alternative to litigation (Chapter Six). While administrative litigation bolsters China’s polycentric authoritarianism in the short term, it offers tremendous potential for rationalisation, liberalisation, and even democratisation in the long term.

Rivalité et marchés : une éthique adversative pour les agents économiques

Martin, Dominic Carl 01 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain. / L’argument de cette thèse est le suivant : dans la rivalité, un agent peut tenter de satisfaire ses préférences aux dépens de celles des autres si cela permet de produire des bénéfices sociaux impossibles à produire autrement (et si ces comportements ne causent pas des torts trop grands). Développer cet argument équivaut à développer une éthique adversative, c’est-à-dire une formulation de la moralité dans des contextes comme une compétition sportive ou un procès. Cette éthique sera développée et appliquée aux comportements des agents économiques dans les marchés économiques. On répondra à deux questions. La première question porte sur le design de nos institutions sociales. On peut façonner une institution en ayant recours à un schème adversatif, c’est-à-dire un pattern d’interactions sociales remplissant sa fonction par une dynamique de rivalité. Quand est-il désirable d’avoir recours à ce type de schème? Il est désirable si le rapport entre sa fonctionnalité et ses torts est 1) acceptable et 2) comparativement préférable aux autres schèmes. Ces deux conditions forment un test (développé dans le premier chapitre). Le marché réussit ce test (deuxième chapitre). Dans un schème adversatif, on doit avoir la permission de se comporter de manière adversative. Mais cette permission ne s’applique pas à l’extérieur du schème ou à l’intérieur de schèmes non adversatifs incorporés (comme une entreprise dans un marché ou une équipe dans une compétition sportive). Superposées l’une à l’autre, ces deux limites créent une division tripartite ou une tripartition de la moralité applicable à un agent économique. Cette tripartition permet d’éviter certains problèmes du modèle de la primauté des actionnaires et de la théorie des parties prenantes (troisième chapitre). La deuxième question porte sur la moralité à l’échelle individuelle. Comment doit-on se comporter dans un schème adversatif? Il faut incarner l’idéal de la rivalité bénéfique, ce qui implique 1) de contenir ses comportements adversatifs à l’intérieur du schème, 2) d’en respecter les règles et 3) d’adopter des comportements permettant au schème de réussir le test (quatrième chapitre). Cet idéal évite certains problèmes avec l’idéal de la saine concurrence de Joseph Heath et l’idéal de la concurrence positive de Lynn Sharp Paine (cinquième chapitre). / The argument of my thesis can be summarised as follows: in the context of rivalry, an agent may attempt to satisfy his or her preferences at the expense of other agents’ preferences if this generates social benefits that could not be generated otherwise (without producing too much harm). This argument leads to an adversarial ethics, that is, a description of our moral obligations in contexts like a sport competition or a trial. This ethics will be developed and applied to the behavior of economic agents in the market. I will address two main questions. The first question focuses on the design of our social institutions. An adversarial scheme is a pattern of social interactions that fulfills its function through a dynamic of rivalry. Parts of our institutions can be modeled as adversarial schemes. When is it desirable to use these schemes? It is desirable if the balance between the scheme’s functionality and harms is 1) acceptable and 2) preferable by comparison with other schemes. These two conditions yield a test. The test is developed in the first chapter. The second chapter argues that the market passes this test. An agent must be allowed to adopt adversarial behaviors in an adversarial scheme. But this permission does not apply to his or her behavior outside the scheme or inside non-adversarial incorporated schemes (like a firm in the market or a team in sport competitions). These two criteria, once combined, yield a threefold distinction or a tripartition of the moral obligation of economic agents, which solves some of the problems with the shareholder primacy view and the stakeholder theory. The tripartition and its implications are presented in the third chapter. The second question focuses on our moral obligations at the personal level. How ought we to behave in an adversarial scheme? In the fourth chapter, I argue that we ought to adopt the ideal of beneficial rivalry, which implies that we ought to: 1) contain our adversarial behaviors inside the scheme, 2) respect the scheme’s rules and 3) adopt a behavior that will allow the scheme to pass the desirability test (developed in the first chapter). The fifth chapter argues that this ideal avoids some of the problems with Joseph Heath’s ideal of healthy competition and Lynn Sharp Paine’s ideal of positive competition.

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