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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A healthy option? : the provision, access and use of health information by academics, professionals and consumers in the UK

Harrison, Janet January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores the statement that the health information needs and behaviour of the general public, namely health information consumers are comparable with those of academics, health and social care professionals. The research has been conducted in the broad Interpretist tradition, seeking to understand rather than merely explain human behaviour. A model depicting the health information and knowledge environment has been developed to show the how the infonnation behaviour of the various populations in the research are interpreted and where they are placed. The provision, access and use of health information by consumers is the focus of the inner core of the model and is the first theme of the thesis. Several discrete groups of the information poor are investigated to explore their information needs and behaviour. The middle layer of the model depicts the second theme of this thesis focusing on the attitudes of academics, health and social care professionals in their use and access of health information and IT in everyday practice. The information behaviour of the health information and library professional is the focus of the third theme of the thesis and is represented by the outer layer of the model. This theme explores the detail and the contribution of the role to the clinical team, the use of Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Governance. Conclusions support the opening statement that the health information needs and behaviour of the general public, namely health information consumers are comparable with those of academics, health and social care professionals. Recommendations are made to promote better and more frequent use of health information and health information professionals in the everyday practice of health and social care; to improve the access and provision of health information for consumers.

O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their training

Lima, Celly de Brito 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.

Experiências e formações : os caminhos trilhados por bibliotecários gestores na UFRGS

Alves, Miriam January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar nas trajetórias profissionais – as experiências e as formações continuadas, mais especificadamente, os caminhos trilhados por bibliotecários em cargos de gestores de bibliotecas na UFRGS. Com o intuito de atender a esse objetivo, são caracterizados o perfil sócio-profissional e as políticas de carreira e desenvolvimento dos bibliotecários da UFRGS, identificados os caminhos trilhados nas experiências profissionais dos bibliotecários no exercício da gestão e verificados os percursos de formações continuadas realizadas pelos bibliotecários gestores, e se identificaram contribuições para o exercício das atividades pertinentes ao cargo. Contextualiza a instituição e os sujeitos da pesquisa. Apresenta conceitos referentes a trajetórias profissionais (FRANZOI, 2006), (DUBAR, 2005), competências (BRANDÃO; BORGES-ANDRADE, 2007), (FLEURY; FLEURY, 2001) e competências gerenciais (MINTZBERG 1973 apud ROBBINS, c2000), (FAGUNDES; SEMINOTTI, 2009) especialmente de bibliotecários (VALENTIM, 2002), (MACIEL; MENDONÇA, 2006) A pesquisa tem caráter descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa e estudo de caso como método adotado. Como técnica de coleta de dados utilizou-se a base dados da UFRGS, documentos, currículo lattes e entrevistas com bibliotecárias-chefe submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Como resultados, percebeu-se que há uma valorização do Mestrado para exercer a chefia. As bibliotecárias construíram sua carreira trazendo a bagagem de conhecimentos e experiências profissionais anteriores, agregando os conhecimentos de Biblioteconomia e das formações continuadas. As lacunas que percebem no currículo, especialmente em gestão e gestão de pessoas e as contribuições voltadas à parte técnica da profissão. Revelam também quais características são necessárias ao bibliotecário-chefe para o bom exercício da gestão e por isso justifica a busca pela formação continuada a fim de suprir as falhas detectadas na formação, seja por cursos de qualificação, seja por cursos de capacitação oferecidos pela própria Universidade.As gestoras têm expectativas à continuação ou não dos estudos. Como sugestões, a revisão do currículo da Graduação e o oferecimento de cursos de extensão e de pósgraduação, latu e strictu sensu na área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação pela UFRGS a fim de que as bibliotecárias possam se aperfeiçoar na carreira sem terem que se deslocar do seu estado de origem ou ter que cursar áreas afins. Outra sugestão é a criação de um programa de desenvolvimento de gestores dentro da Universidade. / This work has the objective of analyzing,within professional careers, the continuing experiences and graduations, more specifically the paths tracked by librarians in positions of management of libraries at UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). In order to meet this objective, the socio-professional profileand career politics and development policies of UFRGS librarians are characterized, the paths taken by active manager librarians are identified, while is verified the continuing education graduation taken by manager librarians, and contributions were identified for the exercise of activities relevant to the position. Contextualizes the institution and the subjects of the research. It presents concepts related to professional trajectories (FRANZOI, 2006), (DUBAR, 2005), competencies (BRANDÃO; BORGES-ANDRADE, 2007), (FLEURY; FLEURY, 2001) and managerial competencies (MINTZBERG 1973 apud ROBBINS, c2000), (FAGUNDES; SEMINOTTI, 2009), especially of librarians (VALENTIM, 2002), (MACIEL; MENDONÇA, 2006). The research has a descriptive character with a qualitative and quantitative approach and case study as the method adopted. As data collection technique, UFRGS database, documents, curriculum lattes and interviews with chief librarians were used to analyze the content. As results, it has been noted that there is a valorization of the Master's to exercise leadership positions. The librarians in focus have built up their careers by bringing a wealth of knowledge and a load of previous experiences, bringing together the knowledge of Library Science and continuing education. The gaps that they perceive in the curriculum, especially in management and management of people as well as the contributions towards the technical side of the profession. They reveal also the characteristics that are necessary to be a chief librarian, for the good exercise of management and for that reason justifies the search for a continued education in order toovercomethe failures detected in the formation, either through qualification courses or by training courses offered by the University itself. As managers, they have expectations regarding the continuation or not of their education. As a suggestion, points to the review of the Undergraduate curriculum and the offer of extension and postgraduate courses, latu and strictusensu in the area of Librarian Studies and Information Sciences from UFRGS, so that the librarians can improve their careers without having to go out of their residential regions or to be forced to study just related courses. Another suggestion is the creation of a manager development program within the University.

Strengthening the relationship between librarians and library users : A study of librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship, services and resources at the Library of National University of Rwanda / Att stärka bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas relation : En studie om bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas syn på bibliotekarier, service och resurser på Rwandas Nationaluniversitets Bibliotek

Eklöf, Sophi, Hellberg, Therese January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis we aim to study the librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship and the library at National University of Rwanda. Accordingly, we have gathered information from these groups. The information is based on qualitative interviews as well as observations and participation in a work group for library promotion. The latter made it possible to investigate how respondents consider these issues and how librarians’ self image is expressed in their daily work and in promotion. We analyze the most important frame factors that impede on librarians’ self image and library users’ perception of library services. This makes it possible to understand what probably affects the actual situation at NUR’s library. Marked impeding frame factors established are for example the economy and the organization. Information provided through this thesis could to be shared among library personnel and used as a base for their further development of library services. Our thesis points out library users’ opinions about the library in general as well as the areas that are most critical to improve. These areas are service at the circulation desk, acquisitions and courses in how to retrieve information. It also points out the need for a more explicit professional librarian identity and that the librarians need to work more as knowledge librarians. An explicit identity would imply unified library personnel that would make it possible to work towards common goals and clarify how to conduct daily work.

CompetÃncias essenciais necessÃrias à atuaÃÃo dos bibliotecÃrios gestores de pessoas nas Bibliotecas da Rede Federal de EducaÃÃo Profissional, CientÃfica e TecnolÃgica / Core competence necessary for the performance of librarians managers of people in Federal Libraries Network of Professional Education, Scientific and Technological

Aline Rodrigues de Lima Mendes 25 April 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / A pesquisa teve como propÃsito identificar as competÃncias essenciais dos bibliotecÃrios gestores de pessoas nas bibliotecas da Rede Federal de EducaÃÃo Profissional CientÃfica e TecnolÃgica, buscando responder ao seguinte questionamento: quais sÃo as competÃncias essenciais que o bibliotecÃrio precisa ter para assumir a funÃÃo como gestor de pessoas nas bibliotecas da Rede EPCT? Teve como objetivo identificar, na visÃo dos bibliotecÃrios-gestores, as competÃncias essenciais para sua atuaÃÃo na gestÃo de pessoas nas bibliotecas da Rede Federal de EducaÃÃo Profissional, CientÃfica e TecnolÃgica. Para tanto, se buscou embasamento teÃrico sobre competÃncias, competÃncias essenciais (core competences), gestÃo de pessoas e bibliotecas universitÃrias. A pesquisa, quanto aos objetivos foi classificada como exploratÃria, com abordagem qualiquantitativa, sendo o levantamento de dados feito mediante questÃes semiestruturadas (abertas e fechadas). Quanto ao ambiente, à classificada como de campo, sendo que o mÃtodo de sustentaÃÃo das anÃlises se fundamenta na abordagem estruturalista. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi o questionÃrio eletrÃnico, elaborado e enviado atravÃs da ferramenta Google Docs. A pesquisa contou com a participaÃÃo de 42 bibliotecÃrios de vÃrias regiÃes do Brasil, o que configura 9,56% do universo total da pesquisa, que à de 439 bibliotecÃrios em todo o PaÃs. A anÃlise dos dados e a discussÃo dos resultados demonstram que as competÃncias essenciais necessÃrias para subsidiar as prÃticas da gestÃo de pessoas pelos bibliotecÃrios nas bibliotecas da Rede EPCT, apontadas por esses profissionais sÃo: GestÃo de pessoas, LideranÃa, Trabalho em equipe, Fazer biblioteconÃmico (prÃticas do bibliotecÃrio), ComunicaÃÃo, Relacionamento interpessoal, Responsabilidade, VisÃo holÃstica e Compromisso. TambÃm ficou latente o fato de que a maioria desses profissionais à especialista, do gÃnero feminino e està na gestÃo em mÃdia de 2 a 5 anos (35%), sendo que grande parte deles jà tinham experiÃncia de gestÃo de pessoas antes de entrar para Rede EPCT. As competÃncias que eles julgam ter sÃo: responsabilidade como caracterÃstica pessoal, habilidades de lideranÃa e, como tÃcnica que ele julga ter na funÃÃo como gestor de pessoas, foi a de responder Ãs demandas e solicitaÃÃes. As competÃncias gerenciais que os bibliotecÃrios aplicam no exercÃcio da gestÃo de pessoas foram, entre outras: saber comunicar, assumir responsabilidades, se engajar e ser comprometido com a funÃÃo. / The research aimed to identify the core competences of people managers librarians in the libraries of the Federal Network of Vocational Science and Technology, seeking to answer the following question: what are the core competences that librarians need to have to take on the role as manager of people in the libraries of EPCT Network? Aims to identify, in the view of librarians, managers, key competences for his performance in people management in the libraries of the Federal Network of Vocational Education, Science and Technology. To this end, we sought theoretical foundation in skills, core competences, people management and academic libraries. Research as to the objectives was classified as exploratory, with qualitative and quantitative approach, with data collection done by semi-structured questions (open and closed). For the environment, it is classified as a field, and the method of support of the analyzes is based on structuralist approach. The data collection instrument used was the electronic questionnaire prepared and sent through Google Docs tool. The research involved the participation of 42 librarians from various regions of Brazil, which sets up 9.56% of the total universe of research, which is 439 librarians throughout the country Data analysis and discussion of the results showed that the core competences necessary to support the practices of people management by librarians in the libraries of EPCT Network, pointed out by these professionals are: People Management, Leadership, Teamwork, Making librarianship (practices Librarian), Communication, Interpersonal Relationship, Responsibility, Vision holistic and Commitment. It was also the latent fact that most of these professionals are expert female and the management is on average 2-5 years (35%), and that most of them had experience of people management before joining Network EPCT. The skills they believe they are responsible as personal characteristic, leadership skills and technique as he thinks he has the role as a manager of people, was to respond to the demands and requests. Managerial skills that librarians apply to the exercise of employee management were, among others: know how to communicate, take responsibility, engage and be committed to the role.

O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their training

Celly de Brito Lima 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.

Digitalisering inom bibliotek : En kvalitativ studie av påverkan inom kommunikation mellan folkbibliotek och användare / Digitization in libraries : A qualitative study of the influence in communication between public libraries and users

Gewers, Einar January 2019 (has links)
The library in general has been faced with a new society with changed forms of communication. This means that the development has altered the use of media in general, but also that the communication from traditional oral and written to digital communication. The aim of this study is to investigate how communication between libraries and users has changed in the more digital society. The thesis is about communication between libraries and users by means of digital channels. I have conducted interviews with librarians who handle communication within their respective public libraries and to find out how they handle communication with their users via digital channels and other means. In the study, I chose to use a qualitative method that consisted of five semi-structured interviews. I analyzed the results using the Marketing mix theory. The results of the study show that according to the participants, the presence of social media has changed how libraries communicate with their users, as they have given the libraries several channels of communication. Hence the increased part of citizens with a digital presence gives libraries the opportunity to disseminate information about the library to a larger number of users or future users.

Gymnasieelevers informationskompetens : En studie i sju klasser i gymnasiets år 3 / Information Literacy and Students in Secondary Education : a Study of Seven Upper Secondary School Classes

Lordh, Anneli January 2009 (has links)
<p>This master's thesis examines information literacy and students in secondary education. The study is framed within a sociocultural perspective of learning and the method used is questionnaires. The major question posed is how and where students seek information. Other questions are if the students critically evaluate and analyse in­formation sources and if teachers and school librarians cooperate with each other in order to help the students with their assignments.</p><p>The findings indicate that most students regard information seeking as fact-finding or finding the right an­swers to the question. Only one third of students experienced information seeking as seeking and using informa­tion for understanding a topic. The first place the students look for information is the Internet. Half of the stu­dents think they have been trained in information seeking. More boys than girls believe they have been trained. Three quarters of the students do not think they need more training in information seeking. Two thirds of the students think they have been sufficiently trained in source evaluation and more boys than girls believe they have been sufficiently trained. Just over half of the students do not think they need more training in source evaluation.</p><p>A good half of the students think the school library is quite important and almost half of the girls and one third of the boys visit the library once or twice per month. The cooperation between the teachers and the librari­ans does not work as well in the schools as the teachers and librarians wish but is improving. The majority of the teachers and librarians think their cooperation needs to be improved. The majority of the teachers think there is a correlation between information seeking and learning outcomes. All the librarians think the library is a resource that ought to be integrated in the students' education.</p><p>My conclusion is that the majority of the students are not information literate. To be information literate, the students need to have the ability to locate and evaluate the required information. Information seeking as scruti­nizing and analysing is a pre-requisite for lifelong learning.</p>

Genus i barnlitteratur : En studie med fokus på flickors och pojkars utrymme och egenskaper i barnboken

Johansson, Frida, Grönevik, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är främst att undersöka hur genus framställs i barnlitteratur samt fokusera på bibliotekariens roll i samband med utlåning av barnböcker till förskolan och vårdnadshavare. Som förskollärare ser vi boken som ett pedagogiskt redskap och som ett stöd i ett genusarbete. Vi har erfarenheter av att boken har ett stort användningsområde och de flesta böcker lånas via biblioteket. Därför ser vi att bibliotekarien har en viktig roll för förskolan i deras bokutbud. LpFö98 tar upp genusarbetet som en del av verksamheten, vi anser att det är vår skyldighet att ha kunskap om genus och dess betydelse för kommande generationer. Vi har valt att analysera barnböcker utifrån ett genusperspektiv för att få en inblick i hur könsrollerna framställs. I studien finns en fördjupad del där bibliotekarierna beskriver sin roll för förskolan och deras syn på genus.   Slutsatsen i arbetet är att de stereotypa könsrollerna framhävs till viss del i våra valda barnböcker. Studien tydliggör bibliotekariernas nära samarbete och betydelse för förskolan och vårdnadshavare. Slutligen framkommer bokens betydelse som ett pedagogiskt redskap för barnens identitetsutveckling.

Informationskompetens : En fenomenografisk undersökning av skolledares uppfattningar om informationskompetens

Olsson, Therese January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my “two years master thesis” was to examine school administrators perceptions about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control, perceptions about what role the teachers and the librarians have in teaching students information literacy and perceptions about the collaboration between these groups. My questions have been: Have the school administrators reflected upon the conception of information literacy? What conceptions do school administrators have about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control? What role do they consider the teachers and the librarians to have in making all students information literate? How do they consider the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work? What role do they consider themselves to have on a management level to make all students’ information literate? I used a phenomenographical method and carried out six qualitative interviews with school administrators from five senior high schools in the municipality of Gävle. Both public schools and independent schools were included in the study.   Most of the school administrators considered information literacy to be the same as criticism of sources, which they also considered as one of the most important information literacy skills. Only one of the school administrators thought that information literacy is about arranging the information. All of the school administrators thought that the teachers have the main responsibility for the education in information literacy. The  librarians were by the school administrators considered not to be used at their full potential and the perceptions about the librarians tasks was that they were to be a guidance in databases, tempt students in to reading by talking about books and ask students critical questions through the information literacy process. The school administrators thought that the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians was satisfying. All of the school administrators thought that they should provide the right conditions for collaboration between the groups, but that the school administrators should not run the project. One of the reasons why the school administrators in my essay focused on criticism of the sources and not on the arranging of information can be due to that information literacy is vaguely described in the school curriculum. A conclusion in the study is that the school administrators have insufficient knowledge and insight in how the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work and that the school administrators do not allocate enough time for the teachers and librarians to collaborate.

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