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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The late Ming courtesan Ma Shouzhen (1548-1604) : visual culture, gender and self-fashioning in the Nanjing pleasure quarter

Merlin, Monica January 2013 (has links)
Ma Shouzhen (1548-1604) was a cultured courtesan who lived in the famous pleasure quarter along the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, the southern capital of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). She was talented in dance and music, painting and poetry, and surprisingly for her time, she was also a playwright. Although she was a celebrity of the prolific Nanjing cultural milieu and there is a good corpus of extant material by and about her, the particular contribution of Ma Shouzhen - her character and her work - have been marginalised, or even neglected, by the previous scholarship. This thesis is a cross-disciplinary study of Ma Shouzhen and is the first in-depth scholarly investigation into the entirety of her activities. It employs material and methods traditionally pertaining to the disciplines of sinology, history, art history, literary and drama studies. The thesis has a dual aim: first, to provide a nuanced understanding of the courtesan, her cultural production and social practice; second, to reclaim the agency and legacy of her character within the cultural milieu of late Ming Nanjing and beyond. These aims will be achieved through two main research objectives: (1) recovering and re-evaluating visual and written sources by and about the courtesan; (2) investigating those sources in order to comprehend her modes of self-representation and strategies of self-fashioning, analysed especially through the lens of gender. The main body of the thesis is composed of an introduction, five core chapters, and an epilogue; the chapters are structured so as to provide as complete a picture of Ma Shouzhen as possible. Chapter Two explores the space of the pleasure quarter, Ma’s biography and its entwinement within the complexities of the historical moment. Chapter Three focuses on her painting, Chapter Four considers her poetry, and Chapter Five explores her theatre practice; Chapter Six extends the investigation to focus on the construction of Ma’s historical character in later decades. In its content and aims, this thesis contributes to women’s and gender history, as well as to studies in visual culture and literature.


權重達, Quan, Zhong-Da Unknown Date (has links)
中韓兩國國境相毗鄰,關係密切,因其文化交流之頻繁,早己形成一東方文化圈。古來,文化之中心為中國,韓國為中國文化圈之邊緣文化,有人更謂韓國文化及中國文化之一變型。 中國為文化古國,其政治、經濟、社會、學術、宗教等、自然影響及周邊國家,周邊國家吸收之後,又各依其國情而有不同之發展。或不待文化之自然傳播,而逕至該文化中心留學,作深入而有系統之薰習。韓國即受中國文化影響,且大量派遺留學生前往中國,彼等學習之範圍頗為廣,汎自儒學、佛教、朱子學、陽明學、考證學、乃至近代之天主教、西洋文,化皆直接沿襲於中國。 以是,吾人欲探討韓國之文化與學術,則必先瞭解中國之文化與學術,進而研究兩者之相關處。韓國方面,研究韓國文化者綦多,然關心於兩國文化之關係者較少;重以二次大戰以後,鼓吹民族自主性之呼聲甚,高而排擊事大主義之潮流遂風靡學學術界。故韓國學者往往偏重中國文化短處之檢討,而忽略其功能與長處。惟就學術而言,應同時顧及正面與反面,方可得其真相,此本論文所由作也。 為明悉中椲文化交流之真相,本論文特以司馬光之資治通鑑為題,分析其對於中韓學術之影響。資治通鑑問世之後,中國方面,形成通鑑學,自古以來,一直深受學人注意;而韓國方面,通鑑學東傳之後,亦普獲重視。然而,近世以還,韓國學人關心者少之又少,誠憾事也。 故筆者側重於闡發: (1)通鑑精神之變遷過程。 (2)通鑑學與當時政治、學術、思想之關係。 (3)通鑑學東傳以後之演變情形。 其中,尤注重通鑑精神中之正統論與華夷觀;於韓國通鑑學,則著力於通鑑東傳以後,通鑑精神之昇華過程。於通鑑學之考證與訓則非其所及。 本論文所利用之中國資料,以直接材料與通鑑之論著為主;韓國方面之參考文獻,率皆原始資料,又李朝時代之文集中,有相當豐富之相關篇什,亦酌予採用。 本論文,除導論、結論共分四章,前二章論中國之通鑑學,後二章敘述通鑑學東傳之後,於韓國方面之發展。今簡介如左: 導論:考察唐未以後與北宋前期中學術思想之潮流,所以見資治通鑑之著述淵源也。 第一章:研述司馬光撰修資治通鑑之環境,以及時代背景,發現資治通鑑并非單純之史書,而為政治教科書。於彼時政治狀況下,司馬光擁護傳統,以資治通鑑表達其政治理論,反對王安石之急進改革。而北宋皇帝亦皆認定資治通鑑之資治機能,多方關 心,并用為強化君主權之理論依據。 第二章:證明宋室南遷,與金國對峙中,朱子集新儒學之大成,一面樹立道統論,確定學術正統;一面撰著資治通鑑綱目,強調國家之正統,復主張華夷觀,鼓吹民族精神。而後略述元明之通鑑學。明亡,土夫之撰讀通鑑論,檢討中國歷中大之興亡原因,於,此特論船山先生之正統論、華夷觀、未來觀。 第三章:考究資治通鑑之東傳時期,約距資治通鑑初刊完成後三十∼五十年,蓋高麗仁宗時(代南宋初),金富軾已依資治通鑑撰三國史記故也。此後,高麗內憂外亂,資治通鑑不甚為人所重;迄高麗末、李朝初(元末明初),李成桂掌權,崇儒排彿,方大力吸收資治通鑑。既而,朱子學以及其通鑑綱目播遷,亦為李朝所信奉。因李朝熱心推廣通鑑學,於學術、教育、政治、印刷術之等造成極大影響。 第四章:說明通鑑學東傳後,於學術、思想之影響。由元末歷明朝(李朝前期),不獨吸收并模倣通鑑學,而修東國通鑑等書。及明末清初以降,李朝士大夫一者批評明商輅之續綱目,而崇奉朱子學以及朱子綱目,本其綱目凡例,撰修宋、元歷史,確立正統論、華夷觀,發揚朱子之精神。再者,尤強烈維持慕華思想,蔑視滿清之文化不似中華,自謂「小中華」,以中華文化保存者自任,發揮李朝之主體意識。 本論文之完成,蒙熊師翰叔、高師仲華、方師杰人之指導,舉凡資料之蒐集、大綱之擬定、文字之修飾,皆一一加以斧正;羅所長宗濤博士,亦多方校正、斟酌,裁成之德,曷曰敢忘。另有曹愉生、程南洲、王國良學長,梁煌儀、耿志堅同學之連夜校正,俾本論文順利付,梓并致謝忱。由於腹笥誠虛,疏漏之處,所在多有,望大雅大雅君子指教,匡我不逮。

Perspective vol. 27 no. 4 (Dec 1993)

VanderVennen, Robert E., Fernhout, Harry 31 December 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Interaktivna nastava korpusne lingvistike na diplomskim akademskim studijama anglistike: teorijski, metodološki i praktični aspekti / Interactive Teaching of Corpus Linguistics at MA Studies of English Language andLinguistics: Theoretical, Methodological andPractical Aspects

Kavgić Aleksandar 03 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Ova disretacija bavi se korpusnom<br />IZ lingvistikom, ali iz perspektive teorijskih<br />metodolo&scaron;kih i praktičnih aspekata<br />koncipiranja kursa korpusne lingvistike koji<br />je utemeljen na principima interaktivne<br />nastave. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja jeste<br />da se u njemu formuli&scaron;u principi<br />projektovanja interaktivnih kurseve koji su<br />usklađeni sa sadržajima studijskih programa<br />i sadržaja ostalih kurseva, ali i koji su<br />pedago&scaron;ki efikasni i orijentisani na studenta.<br />Drugi cilj istraživanje jeste da se u skladu<br />sa ovim principima koncipira kurs korpusne<br />lingvistike koji je optimalno prilagođen<br />uvođenju korpusne lingvistike i interaktivne<br />natave na diplomske akademske studije<br />anglistike u Srbiji. Treći cilj istraživanja je<br />da proveri inicijalnu hipotezu da će kurs<br />korpusne lingvistike projektovan u skladu sa<br />principima koncipiranja interaktivne natave i<br />sproveden u hibridnom okruženju biti<br />superioran u odnosi na kurs istih sadržaja ali<br />sproveden isključivo primenom<br />tradicionalnih metoda nastave.</p> / <p>This thesis deals with corpus linguistics, but<br />AB from the point of view of theoretical,<br />methodological and practical aspects of<br />designing a course in corpus lingusitics<br />which is based on the principles of<br />interactive teaching and learning. The main<br />aim of the research is to formulate principles<br />of designing interactive courses which are<br />alligned with curricula and syllaby, but<br />which are also pegogically efficient and<br />student-friendly. The secondary aim is to<br />design a course in accordance with these<br />principles which is optimally suitable for<br />introducing corpus linguistic and interactive<br />teaching methods to MA studies of English<br />language and linguistics in Serbia. The third<br />aim of the research is to test the initial<br />hypothesis that a course designed in accordance with interactive principles of course design and realized as a hybrid course will be superior to the same course based entirely on traditional teaching methods.</p>

Réorganisation des systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels et de la topologie cérébrale entre les formes à début précoce et tardif de maladie d'Alzheimer. : Approche comportementale et en IRMf de repos / Reorganization of anatomo-functional systems and brain topological properties between early and late-onset Alzheimer’s - : Behavioral and resting-state fMRI approaches

Gour, Natalina 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les fonctions cognitives reposent sur la communication dynamique de régions cérébrales interconnectées. Dans la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), les travaux antérieurs suggèrent que le processus neuropathologique cible de façon précoce un ou plusieurs systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels spécifiques. La dysfonction du réseau par défaut a été objectivée de façon consistante. Cependant, ses relations avec les symptômes cliniques et avec l’atteinte des régions du lobe temporal interne qui lui sont fonctionnellement connectées restent à clarifier. L’IRM fonctionnelle de repos est une technique pertinente pour caractériser in vivo chez l’Homme la connectivité cérébrale.Par une approche des systèmes neuraux, ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de caractériser la réorganisation fonctionnelle neuronale dans la MA, ses corrélats cliniques, ainsi que l’influence de l’âge de début des symptômes. Par le recueil et l’analyse des données neuropsychologiques, en IRMf de repos et en IRM structurale, acquises chez des sujets avec des troubles de la mémoire et avec une forme mnésique légère de MA, notre travail apporte des éclairages : i) sur l’implication du réseau temporal antérieur dans la mémoire déclarative décontextualisée et ses modifications dans le cours de la MA ; ii) sur les similitudes et spécificités des systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels ciblés dans les deux formes cliniques distinctes - à début précoce et tardif - de la MA ; iii) sur la réorganisation de l’organisation topologique cérébrale dans son ensemble de ces deux formes de la maladie. / Cognitive functions rely on the dynamic interplay of connected brain regions. Previous studies suggest that in Alzheimer disease (AD), early pathological changes target one or several specific anatomo-functional networks. Dysfunction of the default mode network is a consistent finding. However, its relationship with clinical symptoms and interconnected medial temporal regions remains to be clarified. Resting state functional MRI (fMRI) is an emerging method aimed at characterizing in vivo brain connectivity in the Human.Using a neural system approach, the aim of this thesis was to characterize neuronal functional reorganization in AD, its clinical correlates, and to determine the influence of age at onset. Neuropsychological data, structural and fMRI were obtained in subjects with early memory impairment and mild “amnestic” AD. This work provides new insights into : i) the functional role of the anterior temporal network in context-free declarative memory and its changes throughout the course of AD; ii) the common and specific features in targeted anatomo-functional networks between early and late onset AD ; iii) the reorganization of whole brain topological properties in the two forms of the disease.

Mythes personnels et mythes pluriels dans l'oeuvre de Kimiko Yoshida : une esthétique de l'entre-deux, 1995-2012 / Personal myths and plural myths in Kimiko Yoshida's work of art : aesthetics of the in-between, 1995-2012

Veillon, Charlène 25 February 2014 (has links)
L'œuvre principalement photographique de Kimiko Yoshida (née le 23 juin 1963 au Japon et installée en France depuis 1995) se fonde sur la création de « mythes» à travers ses autoportraits. Les « mythes du Photographe» à l'origine des « fonctions» de son œuvre - visant entre autres à « informer, représenter, surprendre, faire signifier, donner envie» selon Roland Barthes dans La chambre claire - trouvent leurs sources dans la société, la culture, l'époque auxquelles l'artiste appartient et par conséquent également dans ce qui touche à la singularité de la personnalité, du vécu, de l'histoire à l'échelle intime de celui-ci. De fait, le titre général de cette étude énonce une quête des « mythes personnels et pluriels dans l'œuvre de Kimiko Yoshida », dont le thème de « rentre-deux» constitue la posture esthétique majeure, l'artiste et son œuvre se trouvant entre Japon et Occident, entre figuration et abstraction, entre réalité et fiction, entre citation et transgression. Ce discours fictionnel par l'image et dans l'image subit différentes métamorphoses qui forment les quatre axes fondateurs de la thèse, à savoir l'entre-deux particulier du « personnage conceptuel» défini par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans Qu'est-ce que la philosophie / appliqué à la « signature» Kimiko Yoshida : l'étude d'un entre-deux géographique et culturel définissant un « syncrétisme» artistique singulier: les illustrations des différentes dimensions spatio-temporelles perceptibles dans l ' œuvre de Kimiko Yoshida, notamment à travers les (enjeux des couleurs des images : et l'interrogation concernant la place du sujet à l'image, entre trace et absence. / The work of Kimiko Yoshida (born on June 23rd, 1963, in Japan and living in France since 1995), mainly based on photography, is founded on the creation of « myths ». This study is about searching, defining and analysing the « functions » of Kimiko Yoshida's self-portraits. The « myths of the Photographer », at the origins of her work's functions - aiming. amongst others, to « inform, represent, surprise, signify, create desire» according to Roland Barthes' Camera Lucida - are rooted in the society, the culture and the time the artist belongs to, and as a consequence also in the singularity of his/her personality, experience, and intimate story. Thus, the general title of this study brings forwards a research of « personal and plural myths in Kimiko Yoshida's work of art», whose topic of the « in-between » is the main aesthetic position, the artist and her work situated between Japan and the West between representation and abstraction, between reality and fiction, between quotation and transgression. The fictional speech through and in the image undergoes several transformations which make up the four founding lines of this thesis, that is to say the distinctive in-between of the « conceptual character » defined by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in Whut is Philosophy ) applied to Kirniko Yoshida's name : the study of a geographical and cultural in-between defining a singular artistic « syncretism » : the illustrations of the several perceptible space-time dimensions in Kimiko Yoshida's work, notably through the games/aims of the images' colours : and the questioning about the subject in the image, between trace and absence.

Sindicato e partido em um estado periférico da formação social brasileira: o SINPROESEMMA e o PCdoB no Governo do Maranhão

Fortes, Mayara Pinheiro 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-05T12:07:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Mayara Pinheiro Fortes.pdf: 1992983 bytes, checksum: facfc2ec74424449543e39da62aa36a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T12:07:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mayara Pinheiro Fortes.pdf: 1992983 bytes, checksum: facfc2ec74424449543e39da62aa36a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The present thesis displays the results of research made on the activity of SINPROESEMMA – Union of Maranhão State‘s Workers in Public Basic Education from State and City Networks -, based on their political, economic and corporative struggle, since Flavio Dino´s (PCdoB) winning campaign to the government of Maranhao, 2014. The research relies on the theory that the union structure of State drives the political activity of the unions; include those from the middle class. In that sense, the analysis from Sinproesemma‘s activity considers: 1) the reform in the unionist structure during Lula´s administration, encompassing Sinproesemma´s operation in light of that structure; 2) the 2017´s Labor Reform. Flavio Dino‘s election represented the end, on the state level, of the oligarchic cycle known as sarneyismo, thus unleashing a new moment on Maranhão‘s education – one that impacted both the union‘s activity and the teacher‘s base on the state as a whole. This work outlines an analysis of policies undertaken by a PCdoB administration, particularly on the behalf of the implementation of educational policies, as well as those from a teacher´s union which board is predominantly led by that party / Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a atuação do SINPROESEMMA – Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação Básica das Redes Públicas Estadual e Municipais do estado do Maranhão -, a partir de suas lutas econômico-corporativas e política, desde a vitoriosa campanha eleitoral de Flávio Dino (PCdoB) para governador, em 2014. A pesquisa parte da perspectiva teórica de que a estrutura sindical de Estado é condicionante da atividade política dos trabalhadores; inclusive os de classe média. Neste sentido, a análise da atuação do SINPROESEMMA leva em conta: 1) a reforma da estrutura sindical durante o governo Lula, perpassando a atuação do Sinproesemma à luz dessa estrutura; 2) a reforma trabalhista de 2017. A eleição de Flávio Dino marcou o fim de um longo ciclo oligárquico (o sarneyismo) nos governos estaduais, e também abre um novo momento para a educação do Maranhão, com impactos na atuação do sindicato e em sua base docente. Aqui se esboça a análise das práticas de um governo dirigido pelo PCdoB, particularmente, no que diz respeito à implementação de políticas educacionais, e de um sindicato docente cuja direção a presença deste partido é predominante

Os fragmentos de cerâmica arqueológica como fonte potencial de fertilidade dos solos TPA

RODRIGUES, Suyanne Flavia Santos 26 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2015-02-25T16:22:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Tese_FragmentosCeramicaArqueologica.pdf: 2730320 bytes, checksum: 17b6905cf4258038493ac0e737626392 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2015-02-25T17:15:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Tese_FragmentosCeramicaArqueologica.pdf: 2730320 bytes, checksum: 17b6905cf4258038493ac0e737626392 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-25T17:15:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Tese_FragmentosCeramicaArqueologica.pdf: 2730320 bytes, checksum: 17b6905cf4258038493ac0e737626392 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os solos tipo Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) são reconhecidos por sua elevada fertilidade, em forte contraste com os solos pobres da Amazônia. Esta fertilidade parece persistir mesmo após o seu uso intensivo na agricultura. As TPA são geralmente ricas em fragmentos cerâmicos, importantes registros de que estão interligados com ocupação humana na Préhistória. Muitos estudos se concentraram sobre os aspectos estilísticos das vasilhas cerâmicas representativas desses fragmentos, e mais restritamente são motivos de estudos de caracterização químico-mineral, para identificação de matéria prima, procedência, tecnologia, e principalmente a origem do seu conteúdo em P, variado e relativamente elevado. Esses teores de P estão representados por fosfatos de alumínio, em geral, amorfos a variscitaestrengita, e sua origem é creditada ao uso das vasilhas para o preparo de alimentos. Embora já aventado a possibilidade de que estes fragmentos possam responder pela a fertilidade continuada destes solos, estudos experimentais não foram realizados para demonstrar a potencial contribuição destes fragmentos para reconhecida fertilidade das TPA. O presente trabalho demonstra esta possibilidade, e para atingir este fim foram selecionados fragmentos de três sítios arqueológicos com características distintas situados em diferentes porções da Amazônia: Monte Dourado 1 (Almeirim-PA), Jabuti (Bragança-PA) e Da Mata (São José de Ribamar-MA). Inicialmente 325 fragmentos cerâmicos foram descritos mesoscopicamente e submetidos à caracterização mineralógica e química por DRX; microscopia óptica; TG-ATD; IV-FT; MEV-SED; ICP-MS e ICP-OES; adsorção gasosa; medidas dos parâmetros de fertilidade; e ensaios de dessorção de P. Com estes dados objetivou-se identificar matérias primas, processos produtivos, modificações ocorridas durante o uso e após o descarte, e desta forma avaliar as possíveis contribuições destes fragmentos a fertilidade das TPA. A hipótese de contaminação por nutrientes provindos dos alimentos durante o uso das vasilhas para preparação de alimentos foi comprovada através de experimento em laboratório simulando condições de cozimento, onde foi avaliada a incorporação de cálcio e fósforo em panelas cerâmicas similares as arqueológicas. Os resultados mostram que os antigos povos ceramistas utilizaram matérias primas dos arredores de seus sítios. A composição em termos de uma matriz com metacaulinitica e quartzo, por vezes muscovita é comum a todos os fragmentos, indicando matéria prima rica em caulinita e quartzo, fundamental para produção das vasilhas. A metacaulinita sugere que a queima ocorreu em torno de 550°C. Por outro lado, adições de antiplásticos distintos promoveram diferenças químicas e mineralógicas fazendo com que os fragmentos no seu todo divirjam entre si: os do sítio Da Mata se caracterizam pelo emprego exclusivo de cariapé, em Monte Dourado 1 o cariapé com rochas trituradas de mineralogia complexa, e no Jabuti conchas por vezes cariapé. Fosfatos amorfos são comuns a todos os sítios, embora em teores distintos, sendo que fosfatos de alumínio cristalinos tipo crandallitagoyazita foram encontrados apenas no Jabuti e fosfatos de Fe-Mg-Ca, a segelerita, em Monte Dourado 1. Os fosfatos amorfos e a crandallita-goyazita foram interpretados como indicadores de uso das vasilhas representativas dos fragmentos para preparação de alimentos, enquanto a segelerita uma neoformação ocorrida após o sítio ter sido submetido às condições hidromórficas, que persistem até atualidade. Em termos das concentrações de P, nos fragmentos do sítio Da Mata estão as menores, em média, 1,04% de P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> que assemelham-se a maioria dos fragmentos já investigados, enquanto os do Jabuti são os mais elevados (em média, 7,75%) já conhecidos, e nos do Monte Dourado 1 são, em média, 2,23% . É provável que os altos teores de P, Ca e Sr sejam provenientes da dieta alimentar a base de mariscos, como demonstra a riqueza em conchas nos fragmentos. Os teores elevados de Ca em Monte Dourado 1 refletem a presença de labradorita no antiplástico. A fertilidade potencial dos fragmentos cerâmicos é nitidamente superior a dos solos TPA quando analisados sem os fragmentos. Portanto é plausível se supor que os fragmentos podem ser fonte dos macronutrientes e micronutrientes. Isto foi comprovado através dos ensaios que comprovara a dessorção de P, a qual ocorre de forma lenta, um aspecto muito importante para reforçar a persistência da fertilidade. Essa dessorção é mais bem descrita pelo modelo de Freundlich que sugere interações entre os íons adsorvidos. O experimento que simulou condições de cozimento mostrou que o Ca e o P podem ser adsorvidos tanto nas paredes quanto nas tampas das panelas cerâmicas, porém concentrações mais elevadas são evidenciadas nas paredes. Embora o Ca tenha sido adsorvido não foi identificada uma fase seja ela amorfa ou cristalina contendo este elemento, provavelmente porque o tempo não foi suficiente. Porém quanto ao P, a adsorção ocorreu, e já a partir de 600 h formou-se variscita, um fosfato de alumínio, nas paredes das panelas. Portanto os fosfatos de alumínio podem se formar ainda nas vasilhas cerâmicas durante o preparo de alimento por cozimento, assim, sua presença nas das vasilhas cerâmicas se constitui, em um importante indicador de uso das mesmas para o cozimento de alimentos e seus fragmentos nos solos são fonte potencial importante de fertilidade. / Soils of the Amazon Dark Earth (ADE) type are known for their high fertility, which contrasts with the typically poor soils found throughout most of the Amazon. The fertility of these soils appears to persist even after their intensive use for agriculture. The ADE are usually rich in sherds, important evidence linking them to the occupation of the region by prehistoric populations. Many studies have focused on the stylistic characteristics of the vessels represented by these sherds, although less attention has been paid to the chemical and mineralogical features of this material, which are important for the identification of the raw material use to produce the artifacts, provenience, technology, and in particular the origin of their relatively high P content. These high levels of P are derived from aluminum phosphates, which are generally amorphous to variscite-strengite, and have been linked to the use of the pots for the preparation of food. While the possible role of the sherds in the maintenance of the fertility of ADE has been widely discussed, no experimental data have been presented to confirm this connection. This study presents systematic evidence that the sherds contribute to the fertility of the soils. For this, sherds were obtained from three archeological sites with distinct characteristics located in different parts of the Amazon: Monte Dourado 1 (Almeirim, Pará), Jabuti (Bragança, Pará), and Da Mata (São José de Ribamar, Maranhão). Initially, 325 sherds were first described mesoscopically and then their chemical and mineralogical composition was determined by XRD, optical microscopy, TGA/DTA, FT-IR, SEM-EDS, ICP-MS and ICP-OES. Different parameters of fertility were then measured, followed by gaseous adsorption tests, and finally, P desorption assays. These data were used to identify the raw materials used in the fabrication of the vessels, details of the productive process, modifications occurring during the use of the utensils and after being discarded, with the aim of evaluating the potential contribution of these sherds to the fertility of the ADE soils. The hypothesis of contamination by nutrients from foods during the use of the vessels for the preparation of meals was confirmed by a laboratory experiment simulating cooking conditions using ceramic pots similar to the archeological artifacts, and measuring the incorporation of Ca and P during the cooking process. The results indicate that the ancient ceramicist peoples used raw materials available in the area surrounding their habitation sites. The composition of the sherds, all of which are made from a matrix of metakaolinite and quartz, and occasionally muscovite, indicating raw materials rich in kaolinite and quartz, which are fundamental to the production of ceramic artifacts. The presence of metakaolinite indicates that the pots were fired at approximately 550°C. However, the addition of different types of antiplastic contributed to chemical and mineralogical variation among sites in the overall composition of the sherds. At Da Mata, only cariapé was used, while at Monte Dourado 1, the cariapé was mixed with crushed rocks with a complex mineralogical content, and at Jabuti, shells were used in addition to cariapé. Amorphous phosphates are common to all the sites, albeit at distinct levels, with crystalline aluminum phosphates of the crandallite-goyazite type being found only at Jabuti, and Fe-Mg-Ca phosphates, segelerite, being exclusive to Monte Dourado 1. The amorphous phosphates and crandallite-goyazite were considered to be indicators of the use of the original pots (from which the sherds were derived) for the preparation of food, whereas the segelerite was interpreted as a neoformation following exposure of the fragments to the hydromorphic conditions that persist to the present day. The lowest phosphorus concentrations-1.04% of P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> on average- were recorded at Da Mata, and were similar to the majority of sherds studied up until now, whereas the highest concentrations (a mean of 7.75%) were recorded at Jabuti, the highest values yet reported. At Monte Dourado 1, the mean concentration was 2.23%. It seems likely that the high levels of P, Ca, and Sr are related to a diet rich in shellfish, as reflected in the diversity of shells fragments found in the sherds. The high levels of calcium recorded at Monte Dourado 1 reflect the presence of labradorite in the temper. The potential fertility of the sherds is clearly greater than that of the ADE soil when analyzed without the ceramics. It thus seems reasonable to assume that the sherds are the source of the macro- and micronutrients found in the soil. This was confirmed through desorption assays, which showed that P was desorbed at a slow rate, a characteristic which may be especially important for the persistence of fertility. This process is best described by the Freundlich model, which indicates the occurrence of interactions among the adsorbed ions. The experiment that simulated cooking conditions indicated that the Ca and P may be adsorbed into both the sides and lids of the ceramic pots, albeit with higher concentrations being accumulated in the sides. While calcium was adsorbed, no phase of this element was identified, either amorphous or crystalline, probably because the duration of the experiment was too short. By contrast, the chemical adsorption of the P did occur, and after 600 h of cooking, variscite, an aluminum phosphate, formed in the sides of the pots. Aluminum phosphates may thus form in the ceramic vessels during the cooking of food. These results indicate that the presence of aluminum phosphates in the matrix of the ceramic vessels represents a reliable indicator of their use as cooking vessels, and that the sherds of these utensils in the soil constitute a potentially important source of fertility.


郭維雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機原在對川西山區人群變遷的歷程作一通盤的考察;繼而欲以川隴交界地區的白馬人為重心,以歷史、地域與文化三面向為觀察途徑。在第一章緒論裡,曾介紹相關學科的演進以建構歷史民族誌撰述的框架,同時就川西山區歷史民族誌的研究歷程、白馬人系屬問題之提出與相關研究概況作回顧。 第二章與第三章所記述的是歷史記憶與文獻解讀的層面,前一章著眼於川西山區全景在魏晉時期以前曾經出現的人群活動、神話傳說及其歷史記載,並試圖在不同的地理分區歸納出個別人群之間的文化類型;其後一章則集中考究活動於川隴之間的古代氐人及其遺裔的歷史,間或以當時華夏人群西部邊緣的消長為時空背景,對照出其人群歷史興衰的過程。 第四章以川隴山區的地理環境為主軸,分別討論今日白馬聚落與古代氐人部落的向外活動軌跡,由對外通道的變遷亦可了解其歷史重心的轉移過程;第五章則以白馬聚落的文化內涵與社會變遷為研究對象,得知古代的氐人與今日的白馬人之間不僅文化風貌極為接近而有前後相承的類緣關係,在地緣上可比對出古代氐羌系人群的文化分布範圍。第六章則以「在變與常之間的山區人群歷史與文化」為全文結論,希冀作為進一步研究其他山區人群歷史民族誌的開端。

Perspective vol. 27 no. 4 (Dec 1993) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

VanderVennen, Robert E., Fernhout, Harry 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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