Spelling suggestions: "subject:"macrophages.""
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Regulação cruzada entre peroxidases e indolamina 2,3 dioxigenase no controle da metabolização do triptofano / Peroxidases and indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase crosstalk modulating tryptophan metabolizationOkada, Sabrina Sayori 13 July 2010 (has links)
Triptofano (TRP) é metabolizado por duas vias, a via serotonérgica e a via das quinureninas. Na via serotonérgica, TRP é metabolizado a serotonina (5-HT) e, em algumas células, à melatonina (MLT) que pode ser oxidada à N1-acetil-N2-formil-5- metoxiquinuramina (AFMK) e N1-acetil-5-metoxiquinuramina (AMK) por ação de peroxidases. Na via das quinureninas o TRP é diretamente metabolizado à N formilquinurenina (NFK) e em seguida a quinurenina (QUIN). A enzima indolamina 2, 3 dioxigenase (IDO) é uma das responsáveis por esta reação. Dada a importância da IDO na tolerância imunológica e pelo fato desta enzima ser induzível nos propusemos a avaliar a existência de uma regulação cruzada entre esta enzima e a via serotonérgica. Avaliando a interferência de AMK sobre a ação de IDO e a interferência de QUIN sobre a formação de AFMK por peroxidases, observamos uma possível interação entre as vias. AMK é um inibidor competitivo clássico de IDO e o Ki encontrado foi de 0,98 mM. QUIN é um inibidor acompetitivo linear simples da formação de AFMK e o Ki encontrado foi de 0,1 mM. A inibição da formação de AFMK também ocorre para a peroxidase humana (mieloperoxidase, MPO). Além de representarem uma regulação cruzada utilizada in vivo, as inibições encontradas podem ser relevantes para a proposta de novos inibidores de IDO e MPO na terapia imunomodulatória. Dado o nosso interesse pelas enzimas IDO e MPO, avaliamos ainda a localização intracelular destas enzimas em células de peritônio de camundongo, tanto residente como ativada com concanavalina A (Con A). O estímulo com Con A representa uma ativação de linfócitos T mediado por interferon gama (IFN-γ) e foi usado como modelo experimental para avaliar condições de localização em células ativadas. Por imunocitoquímica verificamos que IDO e MPO localizam-se próxima à membrana plasmática sendo que uma leve dispersão apenas de MPO foi observada em células ativadas com Con A. A localização intracelular das duas enzimas é no citoplasma, vesículas e núcleo. Curiosamente, verificamos MPO em células isoladas e também em agrupamentos celulares de duas ou mais células. Por citometria de fluxo identificamos macrófagos, linfócitos B1 e agrupamentos celulares como células que contém MPO. A mobilização de MPO durante a ativação celular, a presença de MPO em linfócitos e a presença de MPO e IDO em núcleos são informações novas que sugerem novas atividades para estas enzimas. / Tryptophan (TRP) is metabolized by two mains pathways, the serotoninergic pathway and the kynurenine pathway. In the serotoninergic pathway, TRP is metabolized to serotonin (5-HT) and, in some cells, to melatonin (MLT). The later can even be oxidized to acetyl-N1-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and N1-acetyl-5 -methoxykynuramine (AMK) by peroxidases. In the kynurenine pathway, TRP is metabolized to N-formylkynurenine (NFK) and to kynurenine (KYN). Indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase (IDO) is one of those responsible for this reaction. Since IDO is importat in immune tolerance and the fact that this enzyme is inducible by cytokines we proposed whether there is a cross regulation between this enzyme and the serotoninergic pathway. A possible interaction between MLT and TRP oxidation pathways was shown by the AMK influence on IDO activity and QUIN interference on AFMK formation by peroxidases. AMK was shown to be an IDO classical competitive inhibitor with a Ki of 0.98 mM. QUIN was a peroxidase (horseradish peroxidase, HRP) classical uncompetitive inhibitor and Ki was found to be 0,1 mM. AFMK formation inhibition was also found in human peroxidase (myeloperoxidase, MPO). Beyond the in vivo crosstalk, new IDO and MPO inhibitors in immunomodulatory therapy would be proposed by the compounds shown in this study. Given our interest in IDO and MPO, we also evaluated their intracellular localization in both resident and concanavalin A (Con A) activated mice peritoneum cells. Con A stimulation is a IFN-γ mediated T lymphocytes activation and was our experimental model to evaluate activated cells. In light microscopy we observed IDO and MPO localization near the membrane and MPO only had a dispersed localization in Con A activated cells. Cytoplasm, nucleus and vesicles were the intracellular localization of both enzymes. Interestingly, we found MPO in isolated cells and in cell clusters of two or more cells. MPO was founded on macrophages, B1 cells and cell clusters by flow cytometry. The MPO mobilization during cell activation, the presence of MPO in lymphocytes and the presence of MPO and IDO in nuclei are new informations to suggest new activities for these enzymes.
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Papel das células CCR2+ no processo de reparo ósseo alveolar em camundongos: caracterização histomorfométrica e molecular / Role of CCR2+ cells in the alveolar bone repair process in mice: histomorphometric and molecular characterizationBiguetti, Claudia Cristina 28 March 2014 (has links)
O processo de reparo ósseo depende de uma resposta inflamatória inicial e transitória, a qual envolve a participação de diversos leucócitos, como células da linhagem monócito/macrófago. O receptor CCR2 é importante para o recrutamento de macrófagos durante as respostas imunes, além de ter um papel na regulação da osteoclastogênese. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar papel de células CCR2+ no processo de reparo ósseo alveolar pós-exodontia em camundongos, por meio de análises microscópicas (MicroCT, histomorfometria, análise de birrefringência e imuno-histoquímica) e moleculares (PCRArray) comparativas entre as linhagens C57Bl/6 (WT) e CCR2KO, ao longo dos períodos de 0 hora, 7, 14 e 21 dias pós-exodontia do incisivo superior direito. Como resultado geral das análises microscópicas, constatamos que a ausência de células CCR2+ não afetou o resultado final do reparo ósseo alveolar em camundongos CCR2KO, mas levou a alterações transitórias e estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05) para quantificação de infiltrado inflamatório, vasos sanguíneos, fibroblastos, fibras colágenas, osteoblastos e osteoclastos. Além disso, a ausência de células CCR2+ resultou em diminuição (p<0,05) de células F4/80+ e CCR5+ no infiltrado inflamatório ao longo do processo de reparo ósseo alveolar de camundongos CCR2KO, demonstrando o papel do receptor CCR2 no recrutamento de macrófagos (células F4/80+), bem como sugerindo que as células F4/80+ apresentam dupla positividade para os receptores CCR2 e CCR5. Neste contexto, o receptor CCR5 seria o responsável pela migração remanescente, ainda que reduzida, de células F4/80+ nos animais CCR2KO. Considerando os resultados moleculares, a ausência de CCR2 resultou na alteração da expressão de diferentes marcadores em camundongos CCR2KO, tais como: o fator de crescimento TGF1, marcadores de matriz COL1, MMP1a, MMP2 e MMP9, marcadores ósseos RUNX2, DMP1, RANKL, RANK e CTSK, e marcadores de MSCs CD106, COT-4, NANOG, CD146 e CD105, bem como de marcadores imunológicos como as citocinas IL-6 e TNF-a, receptores de quimiocinas CCR1, CCR5 e CXCR1,e as quimiocinas CCL12, CCL20, CCL25 e CXCL12. Em conclusão, estes resultados indicam que células CCR2+ desempenham diferentes funções no reparo ósseo alveolar em camundongos, influenciando tanto a resposta inflamatória, como os eventos teciduais observados ao longo deste processo. / The bone repair process depends of an initial and transitory inflammatory response, which involves the participation of various leukocytes subsets, as of the monocyte/macrophage lineage. The CCR2 receptor is important to macrophage recruitment during immune responses, and play an active role in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis. Thereby, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of CCR2+ cells in the alveolar bone repair process in mice, by means of microscopic (MicroCT, histomorphometry, birefringence analysis and immunohistochemistry) and molecular (PCRArray) comparative analysis between C57BL / 6 (WT) and CCR2KO mice during periods of 0 hour, 7, 14 and 21 days post-extraction of the right upper incisor. As a result of the microscopic analysis, we noted that the absence of CCR2+ cells did not affect in the overall outcome of alveolar bone repair in CCR2KO mice, but resulted in transient and statistically significant (p<0.05) alterations of inflammatory infiltrate, blood vessels, fibroblasts, collagen fibers, osteoblasts and osteoclasts counts. Furthermore, the absence of CCR2+cells resulted in a decrease (p<0.05) of CCR5+ and F4/80+ cells in the inflammatory infiltrate along the alveolar bone repair process in CCR2KO mice, demonstrating the role of CCR2 receptor in macrophages migration (F4/80+ cells), as well as suggesting that the F4/80+ cells are double positive for CCR2 and CCR5. In this context, CCR5 receptor could be responsible for the remaining (but reduced) migration, of the F4/80 + cells in CCR2KO mice. According to molecular results, the absence of CCR2 resulted in an altered expression of different markers in CCR2KO mice, such as: growth factor TGF1, the matrix markers COL1, MMP1a, MMP2 and MMP9, the bone markers RUNX2, DMP1 RANKL, RANK and CTSK, and MSCs markers CD106, OCT-4, NANOG, CD146 and CD105, as well as immunological markers as IL-6 and TNF-, chemokine receptors CCR1, CXCR1 and CCR5, and the chemokines CCL12, CCL20, CCL25 and CXCL12. In conclusion, these results indicate that CCR2+ cells have different functions in alveolar bone repair in mice, influencing the inflammatory response and also tissue events observed throughout the process events.
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Caracterização funcional de CD100/Sema4D na infecção de macrófagos por Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. / Functional characterization of CD100 / SEMA4D in macrophage infection by Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis.Galuppo, Mariana Kolos 19 February 2016 (has links)
A leishmaniose é causada por tripanossomatídeos do gênero Leishmania que infectam preferencialmente macrófagos. Vários factores influenciam a forma e a severidade da doença: a espécies de Leishmania e a resposta imune do hospedeiro. Considerando a importância da ativação dos macrófagos na infecção, o potencial papel de CD100 na modulação da ativação dos macrófagos e os nossos dados anteriores de que CD100 solúvel (sCD100) aumenta a infectividade pelo parasita, pretendemos caracterizar os efeitos do CD100 na infecção por Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. Descobrimos que ambos, promastigotas e amastigotas, são mais infecciosos na presença de sCD100 e que o receptor CD72 é o responsável pelo aumento da infecção. Experimentos in vitro indicaram índice de infecção similares entre macrófagos nocautes para CD100 e selvagens, mas curiosamente, os animais nocautes infectados desenvolveram lesões significativamente menores do que os selvagens, sugerindo que sCD100 presente em outras células pode influenciar a formação da lesão. / Leishmaniasis is caused by trypanosomes of the genus Leishmania that preferentially infect macrophages. Several factors influence the form and severity of the disease: the species of Leishmania and the host immune response. Considering the importance of the activation of macrophages in infection, potential role of CD100 in the modulation of macrophage activation and our previous data that CD100 soluble (sCD100) increase the infectivity of the parasite, we intend to characterize the effect of CD100 in infection with Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. We found that both promastigotes and amastigotes, are most infectious in the presence of sCD100 and the CD72 receptor is responsible for the increased infection. In vitro experiments indicated similar infection rate of macrophages to CD100 knockouts and wild type, but interestingly, the infected knockout animals developed significantly smaller lesions than wild type suggesting that sCD100 present in other cells may influence lesion formation.
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"Efeito do treinamento moderado sobre o metabolismo de macrófagos de ratos envelhecidos" / Effect of aerobic training on macrophage metabolism obtained from old ratsCoutinho, Marcela Meneguello 02 February 2005 (has links)
Com o avanço da idade observamos a queda na eficiência do Sistema Imunológico, estando relacionada ao aumento da morbidade e mortalidade em idosos. Dentre as células do sistema imunológico encontramos os macrófagos que garantem ao organismo a capacidade de defesa contra infecções, proliferação de células tumorais e reparo de tecidos. Uma das formas de reverter ou até mesmo restaurar algumas das funções imunológicas comprometidas com o processo de envelhecimento é a utilização da prática de exercício aeróbio moderado. Por este motivo, estudamos o efeito do treinamento moderado em natação sobre a função e o metabolismo de macrófagos de ratos envelhecidos. Em macrófagos obtidos da cavidade peritoneal, observamos uma melhora da capacidade funcional, através do aumento das funções de aderência, quimiotaxia e produção de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e óxido nítrico (NO-), que foram acompanhadas pelo aumento no metabolismo de glicose (aumento de consumo e da enzima hexoquinase), contribuindo para a melhora da função imune no envelhecimento. / Disorders of the immune function contribute to the high incidence of infections and cancer among elderly people. Macrophages play a crucial role in immune response, destroying bacteria, parasites, viruses and tumour cells through various mechanisms of action. Exercise is able to induce changes and modulate the immune response. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the function and metabolism of macrophages obtained from old rats submitted to moderate exercise training. Sedentary adult (2 4 months), old (15 18 months) and trained old rats were studied. The results show an increase in the function of macrophages obtained from the peritoneal cavity of trained old rats compared with old rats, regarding chemotaxis, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide production, as well a enhanced glucose consumption and increased maximal activity of the enzymes hexoquinase and glutaminase. In summary, our results indicate that exercise (moderate training) stimulates some functional aspects of macrophages of old rats, with a concomitant increase in glucose metabolism.
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Perfil transcriptômico comparativo de macrófagos em cultura, infectados com isolados clínicos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis com diferentes perfis de resistência a quimioterápicos / Comparative transcriptomics profile of macrophages in culture, infected with clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with different profiles of resistance to chemotherapeuticLeite, Gabriela Guimarães Sousa 11 June 2014 (has links)
A tuberculose ainda é pontuada como uma doença de impacto mundial, sendo considerada desde 1993 um problema de saúde pública global. Uma das grandes preocupações é a contínua prevalência de cepas da Mycobacterium tuberculosis multidroga resistentes, especialmente o genótipo hipervirulento W-Beijing. Acredita-se que este genótipo apresenta alguma vantagem seletiva em relação a outros genótipos da M. tuberculosis, além de estar associado à falha terapêutica, tuberculose extrapulmonar, resistência à vacinação pela BCG e acentuada capacidade de disseminação. Estas cepas apresentam variável capacidade de sobrevivência dentro de macrófagos e do granuloma, modulando vias metabólicas específicas que culminam no escape do sistema imunológico e sucesso na infecção. Buscando entender esta vantagem seletiva e capacidade de persistência na infecção, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar e comparar o perfil transcriptômico de macrófagos infectados com as cepas da M. tuberculosis, W-Beijing 1471 e H37Rv. Os RNAs mensageiros dos macrófagos infectados foram sequenciados em plataforma HiScan Genome Analyzer Illumina. Foram gerados aproximadamente 30 milhões de sequências por amostra, em leituras single reads, com mais de 70% de sequências com valores de score Q de qualidade superior ou igual a 30. Foram mapeados e analisados 35.581 transcritos. Em média, 63% dos genes não apresentaram diferenças nos valores de expressões, 19% tiveram suas expressões reduzidas e 18% dos genes foram classificados como mais expressos, para todas as amostras de macrófagos sequenciadas. Após as análises terciárias e validação por PCR em tempo real, as amostras infectadas com a cepa W-Beijing 1471 apresentaram um aumento nas expressões de IFNs da classe I (p<0,001) e aumento exacerbado de TNF-alfa (p<0,001), comparativamente ao controle e as amostras infectadas com a cepa padrão H37Rv. Aditivamente foi observado um aumento nas expressões de duas quinases, RIPK1 e RIPK3 e de moléculas envolvidas na indução e controle de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), que em infecções por bactérias intracelulares, estão correlacionadas com a morte de macrófagos por necroptose. A cepa hipervirulenta da M. tuberculosis, W-Beijing 1471, apresentou reduzida persistência intramacrofágica e induziu morte precoce dos macrófagos ao quinto dia de infecção. A morte observada nos macrófagos foi associada a ativação de IFNs da classe I/TNF-α/RIPK1/RIPK3 e ROS, indicando necroptose. Ainda, foi observado um aumento na expressão do receptor TLR3 nas amostras infectadas com a cepa W-Beijing, comparativamente as amostras controles e infectadas com a cepa H37Rv. É provável que a ativação inicial dos IFNs da classe I tenha ocorrido via TLR3 através do reconhecimento de dsRNAs da M. tuberculosis. / Since 1993 the tuberculosis is considered as a disease of worldwide impact and a problem of public health. A major concern is the continuing prevalence of multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, especially the hypervirulent W - Beijing genotype. It is believed that this genotype has a selective advantage over other genotypes of M. tuberculosis and has being associated with treatment failure, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, resistance to BCG vaccination and marked ability to spread. These strains have varying ability to survive within macrophages and granuloma, modulating specific metabolic pathways that culminate in the escape of the immune system response. To understand this selective advantage and ability to persist in infection, this study aimed to analyze and compare the transcriptomic profile of macrophages infected with strains of M. tuberculosis W - Beijing 1471 and H37Rv. The mRNAs of infected macrophages were sequenced in HiScan Illumina Genome Analyzer platform. Were generated approximately 30 million sequences per sample, in single-reads readings. More than 70 % of sequences had values of Q score superior or equal to 30. Were mapped and analyzed 35,581 transcripts. On average, 63% of the genes showed no differences in the expressions, 19% were downregulated and 18% were upregulated, for all samples sequenced macrophages. After tertiary analysis and validation by real-time PCR, samples infected with the strain W -Beijing in 1471 showed an increase in expression of IFN class I (p <0.001) and exacerbated increase of TNF- alpha (p < 0.001) when compared to the control samples and those infected with standard strain H37Rv. Additively was observed an increase in expressions of the two kinases RIPK1 and RIPK3 and molecules involved in the induction and control of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In infections by intracellular bacteria, activation of RIPK1, RIPK3, ROS and TNF-α, are correlated with death of macrophages by necroptosis. The hypervirulent M. tuberculosis W - Beijing 1471 strain showed reduced persistence inside macrophage and induced early death of macrophages in the fifth day of infection. The death observed in macrophages was associated with activation of IFNs class I/TNF-α/RIPK1/RIPK3 and ROS, indicating necroptosis. Also was observed an increase in the expression of TLR3 receptor in infected samples with W-Beijing 1471 strain compared to controls and those infected with H37Rv strain. Probably the initial activation of IFNs class I occurred by TLR3 through the recognition of M. tuberculosis dsRNAs.
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Avaliação da resposta imune inata respiratória em bezerros sadios durante o segundo trimestre de vida / Evaluation of respiratory innate immune response in healthy calves during the second trimesterBertagnon, Heloisa Godoi 06 February 2015 (has links)
A idade entre o terceiro e o sexto mês de vida é um período peculiar para o estabelecimento da imunidade própria dos bezerros. Nesse intervalo, há susceptibilidade e índice de letalidade à broncopneumonias maiores, provavelmente devido à imaturidade do sistema imunológico pulmonar, quer seja por uma insuficiente resposta, nos primeiros momentos, quer seja por uma resposta citotóxica exagerada, no momento subsequente. A par disso, este trabalho teve o intuito de verificar o momento em que ocorre a maturidade do sistema imunológico, como se comportam os perfis Th1 e Th2 e a existência de uma resposta citotóxica exagerada, durante esta fase de estabelecimento da imunidade ativa dos bezerros. Para tal, estudaram-se as funções de fagocitose e metabolismo oxidativo de leucócitos sanguíneos e broncoalveolares, as classes de imunoglobulinas e citocinas incriminadas nos padrões de resposta linfocitária Th1 e Th2, em 10 bezerros da raça holandesa, sadios, avaliados em sete momentos experimentais, com intervalo quinzenal, entre o terceiro e o sexto mês de vida. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística, pela comparação entre as médias ou medianas, confrontadas pelo teste de Anova e Tukey, quando paramétricas, e pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis e Dunn, quando não paramétricas, considerando nível de significância P≤ 0,05 e tendência P≤ 0,10. Os dados que apresentaram dinâmicas semelhantes entre si foram submetidos ao teste de correlação de Pearson. Na região broncoalveolar, observaram-se um aumento progressivo das funções dos macrófagos alveolares, equilíbrio de secreção dos isotipos IgG1 e IgG2 e predominância de citocinas compatíveis com padrão de resposta Th1, até os 150 dias de vida dos bezerros. Aos 165 dias de vida, ocorreram diminuição da função celular, aumento dos títulos de IgG2 e aumento da citocina regulatória IL-10. Aos 180 dias, retornou-se o equilíbrio entre secreção de IgG1 e IgG2, diminuiram os teores de IL-10 e ocorreu tendência a aumento de IL-12, TNF-α e metabolismo oxidativo de macrófagos alveolares, o que permitiu concluir que a resposta imune tem característica própria, nesta faixa etária, e não se torna matura até os seis meses de vida. Apesar de os fagócitos pulmonares já estarem eficientes, a partir dos 135 dias de vida, tornam-se hiperresponsivos aos 150 dias de vida, momento em que gera consequentemente uma resposta regulatória e/ou humoral aos 165 dias de vida, para que aos 180 dias de vida, o equilíbrio entre os perfis Th1 e Th2 seja atingido / The age between the third and sixth month of life is a peculiar period for the establishment of active immunity of calves. There is a greater susceptibility and lethality by bronchopneumonia, probably due to the immaturity of the pulmonary immune system, whether by an insufficient response , in the first moments , whether by an exaggerated cytotoxic response in the subsequent time. So, this work aimed to verify when the maturity of the immune system occurs, how the Th1 and Th2 profiles behave and if there is an exaggerated cytotoxic response during this active phase for immunity of the calves without maternal interference. For this purpose we studied the functions of phagocytosis and oxidative metabolism of blood and bronchoalveolar leukocytes, classes of immunoglobulins and cytokines incriminated in lymphocyte response patterns Th1 and Th2, in 10 holstein healthy calves. They were sampled every fifteen days, during the third until sixth month of life. Data were statistically analyzed by comparing the means or medians, confronted by ANOVA test and Tukey, when the data were parametric, and by Kruskal Wallis and Dunn's test, when the data were nonparametric, level of significance p ≤ 0.05 and trend p ≤ 0.10. The data that showed similar dynamics between them were subjected to Pearson correlation test. In bronchoalveolar region, until 150 days of age, the alveolar macrophages functions increased progressively, the IgG1 and IgG2 isotypes secretion showed a balance, and the cytokines profile were compatible with Th1 response. At 165 days of age, there was a decrease of cellular function, an increased of IgG2 titers and the IL-10 secretion, a regulatory cytokine, increased. At 180 days of life, we observed a balance of IgG1 and IgG2 secretion, a decreased of IL-10 levels and a tendency to increase IL-12, TNF-α and alveolar macrophage oxidative metabolism. These results indicated that the calves have an active immune response with particularities for this age group and it does not become mature until six months of life. Despite of the macrophages alveolar are already efficiency from the 135 days of age, they become more reactive at 150 days. After this moment, a regulatory and/or humoral response begins at 165 days of life, as the balance of Th1 and Th2 profiles are reached at 180 days of calves life
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Papel do metabolismo de tumores associados ao papilomavírus humano na modulação do fenótipo de macrófagos humanos. / The role of HPV-associated tumor metabolism on human macrophage phenotype.Stone, Simone Cardozo 07 October 2016 (has links)
O lactato, produto do metabolismo alterado das células tumorais, possui papel na modulação de fenótipo supressor em células imunes. Macrófagos são uma das principais células do microambiente tumoral, sendo pró-tumorais em câncer cervical. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do lactato no fenótipo de macrófagos associados a células tumorais derivadas de câncer cervical. Linhagens celulares positivas e negativa para HPV foram utilizadas para formação de esferoides tumorais, os quais receberam monócitos de doadores saudáveis para diferenciação em macrófagos. Macrófagos cultivados com linhagens tumorais positivas para HPV apresentaram fenótipo misto e pró-tumoral, enquanto os cultivados com a linhagem negativa, um fenótipo mais anti-tumoral. A inibição da enzima lactato desidrogenase, nas células tumorais, promoveu diferentes efeitos no fenótipo dos macrófagos, dependendo do tipo celular a que estavam associados. Essas alterações diminuíram o aspecto pró-tumoral desses macrófagos, que induziram maior proliferação de linfócitos T e morte de células tumorais. / The lactate, product of the altered metabolism of tumor cells, is associated with the induction of a suppressor phenotype in immune cells. Macrophages are one of the major cells of the tumor microenvironment, and are pro-tumor in cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lactate in the phenotype of macrophages associated with tumor cells derived from cervical cancer. HPV positive and negative cell lines were used for formation of tumor spheroids, which received healthy donor monocytes to differentiate into macrophages. Macrophages cultivated with HPV positive tumor cell lines presented a mixed and pro-tumor phenotype, while macrophages cultivated with the HPV negative cell line, a more anti-tumor phenotype. Inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase in the tumor cells promoted different effects on macrophages phenotype, depending on the cell type that they were associated. These changes decreased the pro-tumor property of macrophages, which were able to induced T cell proliferation and tumor cell death.
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Estudo do papel dos receptores do tipo Toll (TLRs) na indução de CD200 em macrófagos murinos infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. / Role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in CD200 induction in murine macrophages infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis.Sauter, Ismael Pretto 21 November 2017 (has links)
A L. (L.) amazonensis é capaz de evadir a resposta imune do macrófago hospedeiro induzindo a expressão de CD200 na célula. Porém, ainda não se sabe como ocorre este mecanismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a participação dos TLRs na indução de CD200 em macrófagos infectados por L. (L.) amazonensis. Os resultados mostraram que a indução de CD200 por L. (L.) amazonensis é dependente de TLR9 e das proteínas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. Além disso, observamos que CD200 pode ser induzida pelo DNA do parasito, assim como por vesículas extracelulares (VEs) contendo DNA liberadas por ele. Os resultados in vivo mostraram que a ausência de TLR9 não altera o tamanho da lesão e nem a expressão de CD200 nos macrófagos presentes. Contudo, a carga parasitária foi maior nos camundongos selvagens. A partir dos resultados obtidos podemos concluir que a L. (L.) amazonensis induz CD200 de maneira dependente da via de TLRs e que esta indução pode ser estimulada pelo DNA do parasito. / L. (L.) amazonensis evades the immune response of host macrophage inducing the CD200 expression in the cell. However, it is not yet known how this mechanism occurs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the participation of TLRs in CD200 induction in infected macrophages by L. (L.) amazonensis. The results showed that the CD200 induction by the parasite is dependent on TLR9 and the adaptor proteins MyD88 and TRIF. In addition, we observed that the CD200 can be induced by the parasite DNA, as well as by extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing DNA released by it. In vivo results showed that the absence of TLR9 does not alter the lesion size nor the CD200 expression in macrophages present in the lesion. However, the parasite load was higher in wild type mice. Therefore, we can conclude that the CD200 induction by L. (L.) amazonensis amastigotes is TLR dependent and this can be stimulated by the parasite DNA.
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Mécanismes de formation et de fermeture des phagosomes dans les macrophages / Mechanisms of formation and closure of phagosomes in macrophagesMarie-Anaïs, Florence 27 September 2016 (has links)
La phagocytose est un mécanisme cellulaire essentiel de l’organisme. Elle joue un rôle à la fois dans le maintien de l’homéostasie tissulaire mais également dans le système immunitaire. Ce processus, réalisé par des cellules phagocytaires, telles que les cellules dendritiques, les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles ou les macrophages, permet l’ingestion et l’élimination quotidienne de particules de grandes tailles (>0,5 µm) : bactéries, champignons ou débris cellulaires. Il est induit par de nombreux récepteurs phagocytaires tels que les récepteurs aux fragments cristallisables des immunoglobulines (FcR) et les récepteurs au complément (CR3). Ceux-ci induisent des cascades de signalisation différentes mais aboutissant, toutes deux, à un remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et de la membrane plasmique. Il y alors formation d’une coupe phagocytaire entourant et enfermant la particule à internaliser dans un compartiment clos appelé phagosome. Alors que de nombreuses études ont permis de disséquer l’organisation des coupes phagocytaires induites par les FcR, le mécanisme de fermeture des phagosomes n’était pas élucidé. Par ailleurs, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la formation des phagosomes suite à l’engagement des CR3 sont moins bien décrits. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons analysé le rôle de la dynamine 2, une GTPase impliquée dans les mécanismes de fission des vésicules d’endocytose, au cours de la formation et de la fermeture des phagosomes. Nous avons utilisé un système expérimental original utilisant la microscopie à ondes évanescentes pour montrer, que la dynamine 2 est recrutée avec l’actine dans les coupes phagocytaires en formation et qu’elle s’accumule au site de fermeture des phagosomes dans des macrophages vivants. L’inhibition de son activité GTPase induit une inhibition de l’efficacité de phagocytose et un défaut de la dynamique de l’actine lors de l’extension des coupes phagocytaires. De façon surprenante, la dépolymérisation de l’actine conduit à un défaut de recrutement de la dynamine 2 au site de la phagocytose mettant en évidence une régulation croisée entre la dynamine 2 et l’actine. Enfin cette étude a montré que la dynamine 2 joue un rôle critique dans la scission du phagosome. Dans un second temps, nous avons initié l’étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de l’activité du récepteur au complément CR3. L’activation de ce récepteur phagocytaire, qui fait partie de la famille des intégrines, requiert un ancrage à l’actine nécessaire à la signalisation vers la polymérisation d’actine et à la formation des coupes phagocytaires. L’ensemble de ces résultats contribue à une meilleure connaissance des mécanismes moléculaires fins impliqués dans la phagocytose. / Phagocytosis is an important cellular mechanism. It plays a role in both the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and in the immune system. This process, performed by phagocytic cells, including dendritic cells, polymorphonuclear neutrophils or macrophages, enables daily ingestion and elimination of large particles (> 0.5 microns) e.g. bacteria, fungi or cellular debris. It is induced by many phagocytic receptors such as the receptors for crystallizable fragments of immunoglobulins (FcR) and complement receptor (CR3). These receptors induce different signaling cascades but ultimately lead to a remodelling of the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Next there is the formation of a phagocytic cup which surrounds and encloses the ingested particle in a closed compartment called the phagosome. While many studies have dissected the phagocytic cup organization induced by the FcR, the mechanism of phagosome closure was not understood. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms involved in phagosome formation following CR3 engagement are less well described. In this work, we analyzed the role of dynamin 2, a GTPase involved in fission mechanisms of endocytosis vesicles, and in the formation and closure of phagosomes. We used an original experimental system using the total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) to show that dynamin 2 is recruited with actin during phagocytic cup formation and accumulates at the site of phagosome closure in living macrophages. The inhibition of its GTPase activity induced an inhibition of phagocytosis and a defect in actin dynamics during pseudopod extension. Surprisingly, the depolymerization of actin lead to a defective recruitment of dynamin 2 at the phagocytic site showing there is a cross-regulation between dynamin 2 and actin. Finally, this study showed that dynamin 2 plays a critical role in the scission of the phagosome. Secondly, we initiated the study of the mechanisms involved in regulating the activity of the complement receptor CR3. Enabling this phagocytic receptor, part of the integrin family, requires anchoring actin which is necessary for signaling to the actin polymerization and the formation of phagocytic cups. All these results contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in phagocytosis purposes.
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Exploration du rôle de TREM-1 dans l'athérosclérose / TREM-1 inhibition reduces atherosclerosisJoffre, Jérémie 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les cellules myéloïdes jouent un rôle majeur dans le développement et les complications de l’athérosclérose. TREM (Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells)-1 est un récepteur, exprimé par les cellules myéloïdes, impliqué dans l’amplification de la réponse inflammatoire en réponse à une stimulation de la voie des TLRs. Notre objectif était d’étudier les conséquences de l’inhibition de TREM-1 sur le développement de l’athérosclérose expérimentale.Matériel et résultats : Dans un modèle de souris chimères Ldlr-/- retransplantées avec une moelle de souris Trem-1+/+ ou Trem-1-/-, nous avons montré que la déficience hématopoïétique en Trem-1 induisait une réduction de 42% de la taille des plaques d’athérosclérose au niveau du sinus aortique après 6 semaines de régime gras et une réduction de 60% après 14 semaines. De plus, la déficience hématopoïétique en Trem-1 induisait un phénotype lésionnel plus stable avec une moindre accumulation macrophagique, un centre nécrotique moins volumineux. Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans un modèle de souris ApoE-/-/Trem1-/-. Parallèlement, l’inhibition pharmacologique de TREM-1 par des injections répétées de peptide LR12 induisait une réduction significative de la taille des plaques au niveau du sinus et de l’aorte thoracique chez la souris ApoE-/- sous un régime riche en matières grasses. En utilisant différentes approches in vitro et in vivo, nous avons montré que l’invalidation génique de Trem-1 ou son inhibition pharmacologique induisait une déviation de la réponse immune vers un profil moins inflammatoire, réduisait le recrutement des monocytes non classiques dans la plaque d’athérosclérose et enfin limitait l’endocytose des lipides oxydés en régulant l’expression du CD36. Ces données de modulation de la réponse immune et de l’endocytose des lipides ont été confirmées sur des macrophages humains. Nous avons enfin montré que TREM-1 est exprimé dans des plaques d’athérosclérose humaines essentiellement par les macrophages spumeux. L’expression de TREM-1 est significativement plus importante dans les plaques athéromateuses par rapport aux plaques fibreuses. Conclusion : Nous avons montré que TREM-1 est impliqué dans le développement de l’athérosclérose à différents stades de la maladie, en modulant la réponse immune systémique et l’endocytose des lipides oxydés. L’inhibition de TREM-1 pourrait constituer une nouvelle cible thérapeutique des maladies cardiovasculaires. / Innate immune responses activated through myeloid cells contribute to the initiation, progression and complications of atherosclerosis in experimental models. However, the critical upstream pathways that link innate immune activation to foam cell formation are still poorly identified.Objectives: We hypothesized that activation of TREM (Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells)-1 plays a determinant role in macrophage atherogenic responses. Methods and Results: Ldlr-/- mice reconstituted with bone marrow deficient for Trem-1 (Trem-1-/-) showed a strong reduction of atherosclerotic plaque size in both the aortic sinus and the thoraco-abdominal aorta, and were less inflammatory compared to plaques of Trem-1+/+ chimeric mice. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 led to alteration of monocyte recruitment into atherosclerotic lesions and inhibited Tlr4-initiated pro-inflammatory macrophage responses. Furthermore, we identified a critical role for Trem-1 in the upregulation of Cd36, thereby promoting the formation of inflammatory foam cells. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 in Apoe-/-/Trem-1-/- mice or pharmacological blockade of Trem-1 in Apoe-/- mice using LR-12 peptide also significantly reduced the development of atherosclerosis throughout the vascular tree, and lessened plaque inflammation. TREM-1 was expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions mainly in lipid-rich areas, with significantly higher levels of expression in atheromatous compared to fibrous plaques. Conclusion: We identify TREM-1 as a major upstream pro-atherogenic receptor. We propose that TREM-1 activation orchestrates monocyte/macrophage pro-inflammatory responses and foam cell formation through coordinated and combined activation of CD36 and TLR4. Blockade of TREM-1 signaling may constitute an attractive novel and double-hit approach for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
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