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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La doctrine de la prophétie chez Maïmonide (m. 601/1204) entre pensée juive et pensée musulmane / The doctrine of Prophecy in Maimonides' Philosophy between Judaic and Islamic Thought

Al-Kayyali, Abdul-Hameed 22 June 2012 (has links)
Maïmonide (m. 601/1204) est resté sans doute une figure majeure du judaïsme rabbinique. Mais, sa connaissance de la philosophie fit de lui une référence indispensable dans la pensée philosophico-religieuse juive, chrétienne et musulmane. Son œuvre, riche et variée, témoigne de la jonction harmonieuse, dans un même esprit, d'une religiosité profonde, telle qu'elle s'exprime dans ses traités juridiques et théologiques, et d'une curiosité philosophique et métaphysique qui se révèle dans son œuvre Le Guide des égarés. La présente étude consiste à analyser les origines de la doctrine de la prophétie chez Maïmonide en puisant dans un premier temps, dans ses propres sources, pour les comparer dans un second temps aux références textuelles des philosophes musulmans tels que Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā et Ibn Bāğğa. Le chapitre I a pour objet la définition de la prophétie chez Maïmonide. Le chapitre II porte sur le rôle de l'imagination dans la prophétie. Le chapitre III est consacrée aux significations politiques de la prophétie. / Maimonides (d. 601/1204) is universally recognized as a leading rabbinic authority in Judaism. His eminence as a philosopher made him an indispensable source in Jewish, Christian and Islamic philosophical and religious thought. The present study aims to analyze the origins of the doctrine of prophecy in Maimonides' philosophy by studying, first, the original sources and then to compare them with the works completed by Muslim philosophers, most notably, Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Bāğğa. Chapter I addresses Maimonides' definition of prophecy. Chapter II examines the role of imagination in the prophecy. Chapter III is devoted to the political implications of prophecy.

Spinoza : philosophie, grammaire et interprétation de l'"Ecriture" / Spinoza : philosophy, grammar and the interpretation of "Scripture"

Cohen, Jacques Jacob 05 December 2008 (has links)
Spinoza a rédigé deux ouvrages majeurs : Le Traité Théologico-politique où il interprète l’Écriture, et l’Éthique où il expose sa philosophie. Contrairement à la règle de conduite de Descartes, Spinoza fait irruption dans le domaine de la Théologie en se mêlant d’interpréter l’Écriture. Nous avons cherché quel était le lien entre ces deux oeuvres dont le style et le ton sont tellement différents. D’autre part, Spinoza a écrit une grammaire hébraïque dont personne ne semble se préoccuper. Nous avons voulu savoir ce que venait faire une grammaire hébraïque dans une oeuvre philosophique. L’analyse de son contenu devrait permettre de savoir si cette grammaire avait pour vocation d’admettre une nouvelle interprétation de l’Ecriture et quelle pourrait en être la portée philosophique. L’examen de la méthode d’interprétation de Spinoza et des résultats obtenus permettra de dire si la publication du Traité Théologico-politique avait pour objet d’introduire « l’Éthique ». Il restera à savoir si la révolution spinozienne a été un fait aussi important que la révolution copernicienne. Si en identifiant Dieu à la Nature, Spinoza a fait une découverte de la même importance, et qu’il aurait, comme Copernic, dévoilé à l’humanité un aspect de la réalité qui avait été ignoré pendant des siècles. La philosophie de Spinoza est-elle le résultat d’une refonte du « Savoir » ou bien n’a-t-il fait que réinterpréter, en les refaçonnant des idées anciennes, pour aboutir à un système qui, quoique parfaitement bien construit, n’aurait cependant aucun fondement ? L’objet de cette étude est de suggérer quelques éléments de réponse en vue de permettre une meilleure approche de la question / Spinoza wrote two major works: the Theologico-Political Treatise in which he interprets Scripture, and the Ethics in which he expresses his philosophy. Contrary to the rule that Descartes imposed on himself, Spinoza bursted in the field of Theology by meddling with the interpretation of Scripture. We have looked for the link between those two works which styles and tones are so different. Secondly, Spinoza wrote a Hebrew grammar which nobody seems to care for. We wanted to understand what the place of a Hebrew grammar was in a philosophical work. The analysis of its contents should allow us to know whether the aim of this grammar was to provide a new interpretation of Scripture and what its philosophical impact could be. The examination of the interpretation method and of the results obtained will enable us to say if the aim in publishing the Theologico-Political Treatise was to introduce the Ethics. There remains to know if the Spinozian revolution was as important a fact as the Copernician revolution. If, by identifying God to Nature, Spinoza made a discovery of the same importance, and if he had like Copernic, unveiled to humanity an aspect of the reality which had been ignored for centuries. Was Spinoza's philosophy a result of a reworking of "Knowledge" or did he just reinterpret, by reshaping them, ancient ideas in order to create a system which, although it is well constructed, would have no basis? The aim of this study is to provide some elements of answer to those questions in order to have a better approach of the question

Sefer Ha'iqqarim : présentation et traduction du premier et du troisième traité / Sefer Ha'iqqarim : presentation and translation of the first and the third treatise

Fraenckel, Naftaly 18 April 2013 (has links)
Le Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim de Joseph Albo qui a pour objet la définition des principes fondamentaux du Judaïsme s’inscrit dans une réflexion qui a commencé avec Sadia Gaon, qui s’est poursuivie avec Maimonide, Gersonides, Crescas, Duran. Dans le but de permettre au lecteur de se faire sa propre opinion, nous avons souhaité présenter et traduire l’oeuvre de Joseph Albo. Traduire l’ensemble du Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim dépassant le cadre de notre projet, nous nous sommes contentés de traduire le premier traité qui présente la conception de Joseph Albo sur les principes fondamentaux et sa réduction à trois principes fondamentaux qui sont la croyance à l’existence de Dieu, la croyance à une révélation divine, et la croyance à la rétribution. Les trois traités suivant ne constituant qu’un approfondissement du premier, nous avons traduit un chapitre supplémentaire pour voir et comprendre comment Joseph Albo développe et approfondit le thème déjà ouvert dans le premier traité. C’est le troisième traité qui développe le second principe fondamental de la croyance à la révélation divine. / The Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim of Joseph Albo which try to determine the basic principles of Judaism is part of a reflection that began with Sadia Gaon, which continued with Maimonides, Gersonides and Crescas Duran. To allow the reader to form his own opinion, we wanted to introduce and translate the work of Joseph Albo. Translating the whole of the Sefer Ha-ʻIqqarim exceeding the framework of our project, we simply translate the first treaty which presents the conception of Joseph Albo on fundamentals and its reduction to three fundamental principles which are the belief in the existence of God, the belief in a divine revelation, and the belief in retribution. The three following treaties being only a deepening of the first, we have translated an additional chapter to see and understand how Joseph Albo develops the theme already opened in the first treaty. This is the third treaty that develops the second fundamental principle of belief in the divine revelation.

Indagação filosófica e educação judaica: as leis do estudo da Torá do Código de Maimônides como guia / Philosophical enquire and Jewish education: the Laws of the Torah Study from the Maimonides Code as a guide

Trzonowicz, Alberto Samuel Milkewitz 27 April 2012 (has links)
A tese procura demonstrar que em resposta ao desafio de transmitir o judaísmo para as novas gerações, num mundo freqüentemente hostil à cosmo-visão judaica, há uma proposta que é a visão halakhika da educação judaica que se baseia na articulação do conhecimento dos caminhos mandatórios ou leis judaicas, transformados em ações e comportamentos concretos que as realizam, na qual é fundamental e estruturante a indagação filosófica sobre os princípios que as fundamentam e suas aplicações em outros casos e situações. Tudo isso se dá dentro do referencial judaico, que reúne diversos conceitos específicos como HaSchem, Shabat, Torá e Olam Habá. Eles produzem uma visão da educação judaica com diferenciais próprios. O autor apresenta, para fundamentar a tese, algumas Leis do Estudo da Torá, conforme ensinamentos de Maimônides, bem como o pensamento de dois filósofos contemporâneos, Isadore Twersky e Moshe Greenberg, que focaram seu trabalho acadêmico nas fontes judaicas tradicionais, especialmente na Torá ou Bíblia Hebraica, no Talmud e no Mischnê Torá. / The thesis aims at to demonstrate that, as an answer to the challenge of transmitting Judaism to the new generations in a world that is frequently hostile to this world vision there is a proposal, that is the halakhik vision of Jewish education based on the articulation of knowledge of the Jewish mandatory pathways or laws, expressed into concrete actions and behaviors, in which the philosophical enquire is fundamental, structuring the principles that underlie them and its applications in other cases and situations. All this happens inside the Jewish referencial which brings together diverse specifical concepts, like HaSchem, Shabat, Torah and Olam Habah. These produce a vision of Jewish education with its own differences. The author, to fundament the thesis, presents some of the Laws of the Torah Study, according to the teachings of Maimonides and the thought of two philosophers, Isadore Twersky and Moshe Greenberg, who focused his academic work in traditional Jewish sources, especially Torah, the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and the Mishne Torah.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

Indagação filosófica e educação judaica: as leis do estudo da Torá do Código de Maimônides como guia / Philosophical enquire and Jewish education: the Laws of the Torah Study from the Maimonides Code as a guide

Alberto Samuel Milkewitz Trzonowicz 27 April 2012 (has links)
A tese procura demonstrar que em resposta ao desafio de transmitir o judaísmo para as novas gerações, num mundo freqüentemente hostil à cosmo-visão judaica, há uma proposta que é a visão halakhika da educação judaica que se baseia na articulação do conhecimento dos caminhos mandatórios ou leis judaicas, transformados em ações e comportamentos concretos que as realizam, na qual é fundamental e estruturante a indagação filosófica sobre os princípios que as fundamentam e suas aplicações em outros casos e situações. Tudo isso se dá dentro do referencial judaico, que reúne diversos conceitos específicos como HaSchem, Shabat, Torá e Olam Habá. Eles produzem uma visão da educação judaica com diferenciais próprios. O autor apresenta, para fundamentar a tese, algumas Leis do Estudo da Torá, conforme ensinamentos de Maimônides, bem como o pensamento de dois filósofos contemporâneos, Isadore Twersky e Moshe Greenberg, que focaram seu trabalho acadêmico nas fontes judaicas tradicionais, especialmente na Torá ou Bíblia Hebraica, no Talmud e no Mischnê Torá. / The thesis aims at to demonstrate that, as an answer to the challenge of transmitting Judaism to the new generations in a world that is frequently hostile to this world vision there is a proposal, that is the halakhik vision of Jewish education based on the articulation of knowledge of the Jewish mandatory pathways or laws, expressed into concrete actions and behaviors, in which the philosophical enquire is fundamental, structuring the principles that underlie them and its applications in other cases and situations. All this happens inside the Jewish referencial which brings together diverse specifical concepts, like HaSchem, Shabat, Torah and Olam Habah. These produce a vision of Jewish education with its own differences. The author, to fundament the thesis, presents some of the Laws of the Torah Study, according to the teachings of Maimonides and the thought of two philosophers, Isadore Twersky and Moshe Greenberg, who focused his academic work in traditional Jewish sources, especially Torah, the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and the Mishne Torah.

Création du monde et arts d’écrire dans la philosophie juive médiévale (Xe-XVe siècles) / Creation of the World and Arts of Writing in Medieval Jewish Philosophy (10th – 15th Centuries)

Lemler, David 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les philosophes juifs du Moyen Âge emploient des stratégies d’écriture ésotériques pour traiter certains problèmes d’importance capitale. L’opposition de la « thèse religieuse » de la création du monde et de la « thèse philosophique » de son éternité en est l’exemple type. Ces « arts d’écrire » ont été généralement considérés, depuis les travaux de Leo Strauss, comme des moyens de dissimuler une opinion hétérodoxe, en vue de se prémunir contre la persécution politique. Nous nous engageons à comprendre cet « ésotérisme », non pas comme un stratagème politique, mais comme la conséquence proprement philosophique d’une difficulté intrinsèque à certains problèmes qui mettent en défaut les capacités expressives du langage, comme en l’occurrence la tentative d’énoncer l’origine radicale de toute chose. À partir de cette hypothèse, nous abordons le traitement de la création du monde chez des philosophes juifs actifs entre le Xe et le XVe siècles, qui soutiennent chacun une thèse différente sur la question (Saadia Gaon, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Maïmonide, Isaac Albalag, Gersonide et Ḥasday Crescas). Nous montrons comment la perspective doxographique, visant à identifier la « véritable thèse » de chaque auteur, n’est pas appropriée eu égard à de tels écrits ésotériques et nous efforçons de mettre en lumière, à travers eux, un style original du philosopher qui s’invente dans le moment médiéval de la rencontre de la philosophie et de la « révélation ». / The Medieval Jewish philosophers used esoteric writing strategies in order to deal with matters of critical importance. The opposition between the « religious theory » of the creation of the world and the « philosophical theory » of its eternity constitues one of the most typical example of such subjects. Since Leo Strauss’ works, these « arts of writing » have been generally considered as means of hiding heterodox opinions, used by the philosophers in order to avoid political persecution. We try to show that this esotericism does not stem from mere political calculation, but from intrinsically philosophical considerations : the limitation of langage itself, that fails to express certain issues, such as the radical origin of all things. From this starting point, we discuss the views and writing strategies of diverse Jewish philosophers, active between the 10th and the 15th centuries, each of whom held a different theory on creation (Saadia Gaon, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Maimonides, Isaac Albalag, Gersonides and Ḥasday Crescas). We argue that the doxographic perspective, aiming at identifying each author’s « real view », is not appropriate when dealing which such esoteric writings, which we propose to envisage as the manifestation of a specific philosophical style, emerging in the Medieval period from the confrontation between philosophy and « revelation ».

現代ユダヤ思想における神権政治をめぐる論争 : ブーバー、ヴァイレル、ラヴィツキーの理解を中心に / ゲンダイ ユダヤ シソウ ニオケル シンケン セイジ オ メグル ロンソウ : ブーバー、ヴァイレル、ラヴィツキー ノ リカイ オ チュウシン ニ / 現代ユダヤ思想における神権政治をめぐる論争 : ブーバーヴァイレルラヴィツキーの理解を中心に

平岡 光太郎, Kotaro Hiraoka 31 March 2014 (has links)
博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Abraham's Final Lekh-Lekha : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the Akedah / Abraham’s Final לך-לך : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the Akedah

Saleh, Leo January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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