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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad visar den plan som säger mer än tusen ord? : Illustrationsplanens betydelse utifrån tydlighetskravet i Plan- och Bygglagen

Söder, Tove, Eliasson, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka illustrationsplaners betydelse som ett förtydligande dokument till detaljplanen, samt i vilken utsträckning illustrationsplaner uppfyller tydlighetskravet i 4 kap 32 och 33 § § Plan- och bygglagen (PBL). Studien har framtagits med avsikt att uppmärksamma en problematik vars effekter kan påverka det faktiska medborgarinflytandet. En brist på forskning har observerats inom ämnet och studien avser därför bidra till att fylla den kunskapsluckan i samhällsplaneringen.  Tydlighetskravet innebär att detaljplanens regleringar tydligt ska redovisas för att säkerställa medborgarnas förståelse för planens innebörd och konsekvenser. I avsikt att uppnå tydlighetskravet används ofta illustrationsplaner som kommunikationsverktyg för att förmedla detaljplanens syfte och planbestämmelser till allmänheten. Detta beror på att detaljplanen ofta kan upplevas svårtydd eftersom detaljplankartans utformning tydligt skiljer sig från hur kartor brukar illustreras i andra sammanhang. Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys ämnar undersökningen besvara i vilken utsträckning illustrationsplaner uppfyller tydlighetskravet i PBL. Vid undersökningen jämfördes detaljplanekarta och planbestämmelser med tillhörande illustrationsplan för att gradera hur tydliga illustrationsplaner är. Detta genomfördes genom ett antal uppställda påståenden som illustrationsplanen kunde svara mot. Påståendena baseras bland annat på tidigare domslut kring illustrationer samt semiotikens syn på hur bilder kan tolkas. Undersökningen kompletterades med ett antal intervjuer från branschkunniga personer, detta för att få en mer kvalitativ och djupgående förståelse för resultatet samt illustrationsplaners betydelse som kommunikativt verktyg. Undersökningens resultat visar på en bristfällighet hos de undersökta illustrationsplanerna vad gäller tydlighet. Svårtolkade illustrationsplaner försvårar medborgarens möjligheter att uppfatta detaljplanens konsekvenser och deras möjlighet att lämna relevanta synpunkter under planprocessen minskar därmed ytterligare. Denna syn på illustrationsplanens potentiella konsekvenser delades med de personer som intervjuades i samband med studien.  Med undersökningen och intervjuerna som grund har ett antal ställningstaganden och förslag sammanställts som anses inneha praktisk relevans för samhällsplaneringen. Ett exempel på detta är att en mer gedigen vägledning bör tas fram, till förmån för en nationellt enhetligare användning av illustrationer. Vägledningen hade kunnat utformas på olika sätt, bland annat genom att bristfälliga planer sammanställs för att påvisa vilka konsekvenser som kan följa av en otydlig illustrationsplan. Därtill har även annan typ av vägledning samt andra förslag lyfts fram i studiens slutsatser.

Comparison of calculated and experimental power in maximal lactate-steady state during cycling

Hauser, Thomas, Adam, Jennifer, Schulz, Henry 11 July 2014 (has links)
Background: The purpose of this study was the comparison of the calculated (MLSSC) and experimental power (MLSSE) in maximal lactate steady-state (MLSS) during cycling. Methods: 13 male subjects (24.2 ± 4.76 years, 72.9 ± 6.9 kg, 178.5 ± 5.9 cm, V_O2max: 60.4 ± 8.6 ml min−1 kg−1, V_ Lamax: 0.9 ± 0.19 mmol l-1 s-1) performed a ramp-test for determining the V_O2max and a 15 s sprint-test for measuring the maximal glycolytic rate (V_ Lamax). All tests were performed on a Lode-Cycle-Ergometer. V_O2max and V_ Lamax were used to calculate MLSSC. For the determination of MLSSE several 30 min constant load tests were performed. MLSSE was defined as the highest workload that can be maintained without an increase of blood-lactate-concentration (BLC) of more than 0.05 mmol l−1 min−1 during the last 20 min. Power in following constant-load test was set higher or lower depending on BLC. Results: MLSSE and MLSSC were measured respectively at 217 ± 51 W and 229 ± 47 W, while mean difference was −12 ± 20 W. Orthogonal regression was calculated with r = 0.92 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The difference of 12 W can be explained by the biological variability of V_O2max and V_ Lamax. The knowledge of both parameters, as well as their individual influence on MLSS, could be important for establishing training recommendations, which could lead to either an improvement in V_O2max or V_ Lamax by performing high intensity or low intensity exercise training, respectively. Furthermore the validity of V_ Lamax -test should be focused in further studies.

Crest Factor Reduction using High Level Synthesis

Mahmood, Hassan January 2017 (has links)
Modern wireless mobile communication technology has made noticeable improvements from the technologies in the past but is still plagued by poor power efficiency of power amplifiers found in today’s base stations. One of the factors that affect the power efficiency adversely comes from modern modulation techniques like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing which result in signals with high peak to average power ratio, also known as the crest factor. Crest factor reduction algorithms are used to solve this problem. However, the dominant method of hardware description for synthesis has been to start with writing register transfer level code which gives a very fixed implementation that may not be the optimal solution. This thesis project is focused on developing a peak cancellation crest factor reduction system, using a high-level language as the system design language, and synthesizing it using high-level synthesis. The aim is to find out if highlevel synthesis design methodology can yield increased productivity and improved quality of results for such designs as compared to the design methodology that requires the system to be implemented at the register transfer level. Design space exploration is performed to find an optimal design with respect to area. Finally, a few parameters are presented to measure the performance of the system, which helps in tuning it. The results of design space exploration helped in choosing the best possible implementation out of four different configurations. The final implementation that resulted from high-level synthesis had an area comparable to the previous register transfer level implementation. It was also concluded that, for this design, the high-level synthesis design methodology increased productivity and decreased design time. / Användning av högnivåsyntes för reduktion av toppfaktor Det har gjorts noterbara framsteg inom modern trådlös kommunikationsteknik för mobiltelefoni, men tekniken plågas fortfarande av dålig energieffektivitet hos förstärkarna i dagens basstationer. En faktor som påverkar energieffektiviteten negativt är om signaler har en stor skillnad mellan maximal effekt och medeleffekt. Kvoten mellan maximal effekt och medeleffekt kallas för toppfaktor, och en egenskap hos moderna moduleringstekniker, såsom ortogonal frekvensdelningsmodulering, är att de har en hög toppfaktor. Algoritmer för reducering av toppfaktor kan lösa det problemet. Den dominerande metoden för design av hårdvara är att skriva kod i ett hårdvarubeskrivande språk med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level och sedan använda verktyg för att syntetisera hårdvara från koden. Resultatet är en specifik implementation som inte nödvändigtvis är den optimala lösningen. Det här examensarbetet är inriktat på att utveckla ett system för reducering av toppfaktor, baserat på algoritmen Peak Cancellation, genom att skriva kod i ett högnivåspråk och använda verktyg för högnivåsyntes för att syntetisera designen. Syftet är att ta reda på om högnivåsyntes som designmetod kan ge ökad produktivitet och ökad kvalitet, för den här typen av design, jämfört med den klassiska designmetoden med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level. Verktyget för högnivåsyntes användes för att på ett effektivt sätt undersöka olika designalternativ för att optimera kretsytan. I rapporten presenteras ett antal parametrar för att mäta prestandan hos systemet, vilket ger information som kan användas för finjustering. Resultatet av undersökningen av designalternativ gjorde det möjligt att välja den bästa implementationen bland fyra olika konfigurationer. Den slutgiltiga implementationen hade en kretsyta som är jämförbar med en tidigare design som implementerats med hårdvarubeskrivande språk med abstraktionsnivån Register Transfer Level. En annan slutsats är att, för den här designen, så gav designmetoden med högnivåsyntes ökad produktivitet och minskad designtid.


EDHIN FRANKLIN MAMANI CASTILLO 04 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese, estudamos algumas propriedades dinâmicas e geométricas do fluxo geodésico de certas variedades compactas sem pontos conjugados. A tese tem duas partes principais. Primeiro estendemos o trabalho de Gelfert-Ruggiero sobre a existência de um fator expansivo para o fluxo geodésico ao caso de superfícies compactas sem pontos conjugados e gênero maior que um. A idéia principal é definir uma relação de equivalência que colapsa as órbitas bi-asintóticas do fluxo geodésico. Isto induz um fator que preserva o tempo e é semi-conjugado ao fluxo geodésico sob o mapa do quociente. Além disso, o fator é expansivo, topologicamente misto e tem uma estrutura de produto local. Estas propriedades implicam que o fator tem uma única medida de máxima entropia. Levantamos esta medida para o fibrado tangente unitário e nos certificamos de que é a única medida de máxima entropia para o fluxo geodésico. Isto fornece uma prova alternativa do teorema de Climenhaga-Knieper-War para o resultado de unicidade. Na última parte da tese, estendemos alguns resultados de Gelfert e Ruggiero de superfícies compactas do gênero superior e sem pontos conjugados para n-variedades compactas sem pontos conjugados e recobrimento universal Gromov hiperbólico. Assumindo que os fibrados de Green são contínuos e a existência de uma geodésica fechada hiperbólica, mostramos que os fibrados de Green são tangentes às foliações horósfericas. Além disso, as foliações horósfericas são as únicas foliações contínuas do fibrado tangente unitário, invariantes pelo fluxo geodésico e que satisfazem uma condição de transversalidade local. Este fato só foi conhecido para superfícies compactas sem pontos conjugados pelo trabalho de Barbosa-Ruggiero, e em dimensões mais elevadas assumindo a condição mais forte de assíntota limitada pelo trabalho de Eschenburg. / [en] In this thesis, we study some dynamical and geometrical properties of the geodesic flow of certain compact manifolds without conjugate points. The thesis has two main parts. We first extend Gelfert-Ruggiero s work about the existence of an expansive factor for the geodesic flow to the case of compact surfaces without conjugate points and genus greater than one. The main idea is to define an equivalence relation that collapses biasymptotic orbits of the geodesic flow. This induces a factor time-preserving semi-conjugate to the geodesic flow under the quotient map. Moreover, the factor is expansive, topologically mixing and has a local product structure. These properties imply that the factor has a unique measure of maximal entropy. We lift this measure to the unit tangent bundle and make sure that it is the unique measure of maximal entropy for the geodesic flow. This provides an alternative proof of Climenhaga-Knieper-War’s theorem for the uniqueness result. In the last part of the thesis, we extend some results of Gelfert and Ruggiero from compact higher genus surfaces without conjugate points to compact n-manifolds without conjugate points and Gromov hyperbolic universal covering. Assuming that Green bundles are continuous and the existence of a hyperbolic closed geodesic, we show that Green bundles are tangent to the horospherical foliations. Moreover, the horospherical foliations are the only continuous foliations of the unit tangent bundle, invariant by the geodesic flow and satisfying a condition of local transversality. This fact was only known for compact surfaces without conjugate points by Barbosa-Ruggiero s work, and in higher dimensions assuming the stronger condition of bounded asymptote by Eschenburg s work.


Nguyen, Quoc-Hung 25 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thése concerne l'existence et la régularité de solutions d'équations non-linéaires elliptiques, d'équations paraboliques et d'équations de Hesse avec mesures, et les critéres de l'existence de solutions grandes d'équations elliptiques et paraboliques non-linéaires. \textbf{Liste de publications} \begin{description} \item[1.] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron, L. Véron; {\em Quasilinear Lane-Emden equations with absorption and measure data,} Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,~{\bf 102}, 315-337 (2014). \item[2] Avec L. Véron; {\em Quasilinear and Hessian type equations with exponential reaction and measure data,} Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, {\bf 214}, 235-267 (2014). \item[3] Avec L. Véron; {\em Wiener criteria for existence of large solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations with absorption,} 17 pages, soumis, arXiv:1308.2956. \item[4] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {\em Stability properties for quasilinear parabolic equations with measure data,} 29 pages, á apparaître dans Journal of European Mathematical Society, arXiv:1409.1518. \item[5] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {\em Evolution equations of $p$-Laplace type with absorption or source terms and measure data}, 21 pages, á apparaître dans Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, arXiv:1409.1520. \item[6] {\em Potential estimates and quasilinear parabolic equations with measure data,} 118 pages, arXiv:1405.2587v1. \item[7] Avec L. Véron; {\em Wiener criteria for existence of large solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with absorption in a non-cylindrical domain,} 29 pages, soumis,\\ arXiv:1406.3850. \item[8] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {Pointwise estimates and existence of solutions of porous medium and $p$-Laplace evolution equations with absorption and measure data,\em } 27 pages, soumis, arXiv:1407.2218. \end{description}\begin{description} \item[1.] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron, L. Véron; {\em Quasilinear Lane-Emden equations with absorption and measure data,} Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,~{\bf 102}, 315-337 (2014). \item[2] Avec L. Véron; {\em Quasilinear and Hessian type equations with exponential reaction and measure data,} Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, {\bf 214}, 235-267 (2014). \item[3] Avec L. Véron; {\em Wiener criteria for existence of large solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations with absorption,} 17 pages, soumis, arXiv:1308.2956. \item[4] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {\em Stability properties for quasilinear parabolic equations with measure data,} 29 pages, á apparaître dans Journal of European Mathematical Society, arXiv:1409.1518. \item[5] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {\em Evolution equations of $p$-Laplace type with absorption or source terms and measure data}, 21 pages, á apparaître dans Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, arXiv:1409.1520. \item[6] {\em Potential estimates and quasilinear parabolic equations with measure data,} 118 pages, arXiv:1405.2587v1. \item[7] Avec L. Véron; {\em Wiener criteria for existence of large solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with absorption in a non-cylindrical domain,} 29 pages, soumis,\\ arXiv:1406.3850. \item[8] Avec M. F. Bidaut-Véron; {Pointwise estimates and existence of solutions of porous medium and $p$-Laplace evolution equations with absorption and measure data,\em } 27 pages, soumis, arXiv:1407.2218. \end{description}

Computational aspects of infinite automata simulation and closure system related issues / Aspects de complexité du problème de composition des services web

Ennaoui, Karima 28 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à des problématiques d’algorithmique et de complexité sur deux sujets. Le premier sujet s’intéresse à la composition comportementale des services web. Ce problème a été réduit à la simulation d’un automate par le produit fermé d’un ensemble d’automates. La thèse étudie dans sa première partie la complexité de ce problème en considérant deux paramètres : le nombre des instances considéré de chaque service et la présence des états hybrides : état à la fois intermédiaire et final dans un automate. Le second sujet porte sur les systèmes de fermeture et s’intéresse au calcul de l’extension maximale d’un système de fermeture ainsi qu’à l’énumération des clefs candidates d’une base implicative. On donne un algorithme incrémental polynomial qui génère l’extension maximale d’un treillis codé par une relation binaire. Puis, la notion de key-ideal est définie, en prouvant que leur énumération est équivalente à l’énumération des clefs candidates. Ensuite, on donne un algorithme qui permet de générer les key-ideal minimaux en temps incrémental polynomial et les key-ideal non minimaux en délai polynomial. / This thesis investigates complexity and computational issues in two parts. The first concerns an issue related to web services composition problem: Deciding whether the behaviour of a web service can be composed out of an existing repository of web services. This question has been reduced to simulating a finite automata to the product closure of an automata set. We study the complexity of this problem considering two parameters; the number of considered instances in the composition and the presence of the so-called hybrid states (states that are both intermediate and final). The second part concerns closure systems and two related issues; Maximal extension of a closure system : we give an incremental polynomial algorithm that computes a lattice's maximal extension when the input is a binary relation. Candidate keys enumeration : we introduce the notion of key-ideal sets and prove that their enumeration is equivalent to candidate keys enumeration. We then give an efficient algorithm that generates all non-minimal key-ideal sets in a polynomial delay and all minimal ones in incremental polynomial time.

Contribution to the Synchronous Reluctance Machine Performance Improvement by Design Optimization and Current Harmonics Injection / Contribution à l'amélioration des performances d'une machine synchrone à réluctance variable synchrone par optimisation de la conception et injection d'harmoniques de courant

Yammine, Samer 06 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacré à l’évaluation et l’amélioration de la performance de la machine synchrone à réluctance variable pour des applications à vitesse variable en général et pour les applications automobiles en particulier. Les deux axes de développement sont la conception de la machine et l’injection des harmoniques de courants de phase. Le rotor est un élément important dans la conception de la machine, et un intérêt particulier est dédié à la conception et l’évaluation du rotor pour améliorer la performance de la machine. Une méthode analytique est proposée dans la thèse pour concevoir le rotor. Plusieurs éléments tels que les ponts qui maintiennent le rotor mécaniquement résistant, ainsi que le rapport d’isolation d’axe q (rapport air-acier) sont étudiés. Une étude de conception assistée par ordinateur basé sur un problème d’optimisation paramétrique est présentée aussi. Les trois familles des algorithmes d’optimisation sont évaluées pour la procédure d’optimisation: un algorithme à base de gradient (algorithme de Newton Quasi), un algorithme non-évolutionnaire sur la base de non-gradient (Nelder Mead Simplex) et un algorithme évolutif sur la base non-gradient (algorithme génétique). Les designs de machines basées sur la procédure analytique et la procédure d’optimisation sont testés sur un banc d’essai. Le deuxième axe d’études de la thèse est l’injection d’harmoniques dans les courants de phase de la machine à réluctance variable synchrone. L’interaction des harmoniques de courant avec les harmoniques spatiales des inductances est étudiée et formalisée pour une machine à m-phases. Ensuite, le concept d’injection d’harmoniques est évalué dans le cas particulier d’une machine à deux phases. Cette étude montre l’avantage de l’injection d’harmoniques dans la réduction de l’ondulation de couple de la machine. Un design d’une machine est finalement développé pour une application automobile sur la base de l’optimisation paramétrique du stator et du rotor. Cette conception est évaluée pour les spécifications imposées électromagnétiques par une application de traction à puissance moyenne / This thesis is dedicated to the evaluation and the improvement of the synchronous reluctance machine’s performance for variable speed drive applications in general and for automotive applications in particular. The two axes of development are machine design and phase current harmonics injection. The rotor is an important element in the machine design and particular emphasis is placed to the design and evaluation of the rotor for enhancing the machine performance. An analytical procedure is proposed for the rotor design. The rotor elements like the ribs and the bridges that maintain the rotor mechanically strong as well as the q-axis insulation ratio (air-to-steel ratio) are studied. A computer-aided design study based on a parametric optimization problem is presented as well. The main three families of the optimization algorithms are evaluated for the optimization procedure: a gradient-based algorithm (Quasi Newton Algorithm), a non-gradient based non-evolutionary algorithm (Nelder Mead Simplex) and a non-gradient based evolutionary algorithm (Genetic Algorithm). The machine designs based on the analytical procedure and the optimization procedure are both manufactured and tested on a bench. The second axis of study of the thesis is the injection of harmonics in the phase currents of the synchronous reluctance machine. The interaction of current harmonics with the spatial inductance harmonics is studied and formalized for an m-phase machine. Then, the harmonics injection concept is evaluated in the particular case of a 2-phase machine. This study shows the benefi t of harmonics injection in the reduction of the machine torque ripple. A synchronous reluctance machine design is fi nally developed for an automotive application based on parametric optimization of the stator and rotor. This design is evaluated for the electromagnetic specifi cations imposed by a mid-power electric vehicle traction application

Měřící systém pro sledování efektivity fotovoltaického panelu / Measuring system of photovoltaic panels efficiency

Hofman, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on development and initial run of a measurement system whose aim is to measure photovoltaic panel efficiency. Experimental photovoltaic panel is installed outside the laboratory. Measurement system consists of the solar radiation measurement module (pyranometer), photovoltaic panel load module (panel power measurement) and panel climate measurement module. Data from measurement module is being captured via control computer for subsequent analysis of panel efficiency and climatic impacts on it.

Optimal Control of Thermoviscoplasticity

Stötzner, Ailyn 09 November 2018 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the study of optimal control problems governed by a quasistatic, thermoviscoplastic model at small strains with linear kinematic hardening, von Mises yield condition and mixed boundary conditions. Mathematically, the thermoviscoplastic equations are given by nonlinear partial differential equations and a variational inequality of second kind in order to represent the elastic, plastic and thermal effects. Taking into account thermal effects we have to handle numerous mathematical challenges during the analysis of the thermoviscoplastic model, mainly due to the low integrability of the nonlinear terms on the right-hand side of the heat equation. One of our main results is the existence of a unique weak solution, which is proved by means of a fixed-point argument and by employing maximal parabolic regularity theory. Furthermore, we define the related control-to-state mapping and investigate properties of this mapping such as boundedness, weak continuity and local Lipschitz continuity. Another major result is the finding that the mapping is Hadamard differentiable; a main ingredient is the reformulation of the variational inequality, the so called viscoplastic flow rule, as a Banach space-valued ordinary differential equation with non-differentiable right-hand side. Subsequently, we consider an optimal control problem governed by thermoviscoplasticity and show the existence of a minimizer. Finally, close this thesis with numerical examples. / Diese Arbeit ist der Untersuchung von Optimalsteuerproblemen gewidmet, denen ein quasistatisches, thermoviskoplastisches Model mit kleinen Deformationen, mit linearem kinematischen Hardening, von Mises Fließbedingung und gemischten Randbedingungen zu Grunde liegt. Mathematisch werden thermoviskoplastische Systeme durch nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen und eine variationelle Ungleichung der zweiten Art beschrieben, um die elastischen, plastischen und thermischen Effekte abzubilden. Durch die Miteinbeziehung thermischer Effekte, treten verschiedene mathematische Schwierigkeiten während der Analysis des thermoviskoplastischen Systems auf, die ihren Ursprung hauptsächlich in der schlechten Regularität der nichtlinearen Terme auf der rechten Seite der Wärmeleitungsgleichung haben. Eines unserer Hauptresultate ist die Existenz einer eindeutigen schwachen Lösung, welches wir mit Hilfe von einem Fixpunktargument und unter Anwendung von maximaler parabolischer Regularitätstheorie beweisen. Zudem definieren wir die entsprechende Steuerungs-Zustands-Abbildung und untersuchen Eigenschaften dieser Abbildung wie die Beschränktheit, schwache Stetigkeit und lokale Lipschitz Stetigkeit. Ein weiteres wichtiges Resultat ist, dass die Abbildung Hadamard differenzierbar ist; Hauptbestandteil des Beweises ist die Umformulierung der variationellen Ungleichung, der sogenannten viskoplastischen Fließregel, als eine Banachraum-wertige gewöhnliche Differentialgleichung mit nichtdifferenzierbarer rechter Seite. Schließlich runden wir diese Arbeit mit numerischen Beispielen ab.

The Application of Multiuser Detection to Spectrally Efficient MIMO or Virtual MIMO SC-FDMA Uplinks in LTE Systems.

Ben Salem, Aymen 20 December 2013 (has links)
Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) is a multiple access transmission scheme that has been adopted in the 4th generation 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) of cellular systems. In fact, its relatively low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) makes it ideal for the uplink transmission where the transmit power efficiency is of paramount importance. Multiple access among users is made possible by assigning different users to different sets of non-overlapping subcarriers. With the current LTE specifications, if an SC-FDMA system is operating at its full capacity and a new user requests channel access, the system redistributes the subcarriers in such a way that it can accommodate all of the users. Having less subcarriers for transmission, every user has to increase its modulation order (for example from QPSK to 16QAM) in order to keep the same transmission rate. However, increasing the modulation order is not always possible in practice and may introduce considerable complexity to the system. The technique presented in this thesis report describes a new way of adding more users to an SC-FDMA system by assigning the same sets of subcarriers to different users. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the system to accommodate more users than conventional SC-FDMA and this corresponds to increasing the spectral efficiency without requiring a higher modulation order or using more bandwidth. During this work, special attentions wee paid to the cases where two and three source signals are being transmitted on the same set of subcarriers, which leads respectively to doubling and tripling the spectral efficiency. Simulation results show that by using the proposed technique, it is possible to add more users to any SC-FDMA system without increasing the bandwidth or the modulation order while keeping the same performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) as the conventional SC-FDMA. This is realized by slightly increasing the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) at the transmitters.

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