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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationstechnische Unterstützung mobiler Dienstleister: Eine Analogiekonstruktion in der ambulanten Gesundheitsversorgung / IT-Support of Mobile Service Providers: Analogy-based Engineering for Ambulant Healthcare

Breitschwerdt, Rüdiger 02 October 2013 (has links)
In dieser Dissertationsschrift wird ein Design-Science-Ansatz unternommen zur Analyse der IT-Unterstützung mobiler Gesundheitsdienstleister. Dabei wurde für das Forschungsfeld E-Health bzw. M-Health an der Schnittstelle von Gesundheits- und Wirtschaftsinformatik ein Ausbau der Prozessorientierung untersucht. Daraus resultierten basierend auf einer Analogie zum technischen Außendienst in sechs wissenschaftlichen Erst- und Koautorenschaften des Verfassers (siehe Tabelle 3 sowie Literaturverzeichnis für bibliographische Details) Artefakte und Gestaltungswissen. Mit deren Hilfe können komplexe Versorgungsabläufe als Hilfestellung für Rettungs- oder ambulante Pflegekräfte IT-gestützt auf modernen tragbaren Endgeräten, wie Smartphones mit Touchscreen, zur Verfügung gestellt werden, unter anderem zum Ausbau evidenzbasierten Handelns. Die Resultate werden weiterhin in einem Ordnungsrahmen für Gestaltungswissen lokalisiert, so dass diesbezügliche Erkenntnisse auch andernorts leicht wiederverwendet werden können. Bisherige Evaluationen des Konzepts und eines bereits vorliegenden Prototyps, insbesondere mit Anwenderzielgruppen, erbrachten positive Resultate bzw. Rückmeldungen hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, so dass dieser für eine praktische Implementierung weiter vorbereitet werden kann.

Smart Service Systems Engineering: Gestaltung datengetriebener Wertschöpfungssysteme am Beispiel des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus

Kammler, Friedemann 15 May 2020 (has links)
Die Digitalisierung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen durch die Integration moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien wird in Wissenschaft und Praxis intensiv und anhand diverser Modelle diskutiert. Smart Service Systeme, als Gegenstand dieser Diskussion, skizzieren den Einsatz „intelligenter“ Produkte (sog. „Smart Products“) in flexibilisierten Dienstleistungssystemen, mit dem Ziel, sensorisch erfasstes Kontextwissen zur automatisierten Anpassung von Leistungen an individuelle Kundenbedürfnisse zu nutzen. Dieses ambitionierte Ziel birgt eine Reihe von Forschungsaufgaben für die Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). Denn neben den diversen gestalterischen Herausforderungen, die für die Entwicklung einzelner Bestandteile zu lösen sind, ist gerade die Verknüpfung einzelner Forschungsperspektiven, wie dem Service Systems Engineering oder der Data Science, eine Herausforderung, in der die WI als Vermittlerin auftreten kann. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht vor diesem Hintergrund Smart Service Systeme als Modell für datengetriebene Wertschöpfung im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau und erarbeitet Wissen in vier Bereichen: (1) der Identifikation von domänenspezifischen Anforderungen an die zugrundeliegenden Informationssysteme, (2) der Integration von produkt- und dienstleistungsbezogenen Datenströmen, (3) der Verfolgung von herstellerübergreifenden Plattformlösungen für den kontinuierlichen Betrieb und das Management von Smart Services und (4) dem Kontexttransfer entwickelter Lösungen in weitere Domänen. Die Arbeit generiert auf diese Weise anwendungsorientiertes Wissen über die Entwicklung und den Einsatz von Smart Service Systemen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Auf übergeordneter Ebene entsteht ein Beitrag zur bislang ausstehenden Etablierung einer gemeinsamen Gestaltungsgrundlage zwischen beteiligten Disziplinen, in dem demonstriert wird, wie eine gemeinsame Entwicklung zukünftiger, datengetriebener Wertschöpfungssysteme gelingen kann.

HealthLab: Konceptdriven designforskning om hanteringen av hälsodata : en studie om hur enskilda individer kan använda hälsodata i ett meningsfullare syfte för att optimera sin träning / HealthLab: Concept-driven design research on the management of health data : a study on how individuals can use health data for a more meaningful purpose to optimize their exercise

Welin, Anna, Melms, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Människor använder sig allt mer av digitala hälsoplattformar, vilket gör att det genereras mängder av hälsodata från användarnas digitala aktiviteter. Syftet med detta examensarbetet är att med hjälp av en konceptdriven designforskning framställa ett designkoncept för att hantera denna stora mängd hälsodata. Målet med konceptet är att det ska skapa en möjlighet för individer att själva hantera och få tillgång till sin hälsodata som genereras, för att i sin tur även kunna utnyttja det till något meningsfullt.  Med hjälp av en metodologisk guide har konceptet utvecklats, för att ta fram teoretiskt förankrade egenskaper och sammanställa dem till ett koncept i form av en modell. För att få in extern kritik av konceptet involverades tio användare, vilket i sin tur ledde till revidering och kontextualisering av HealthLab. I resultatet presenteras slutgiltligt koncept av Healthlab. Konceptet ska fungera som en multiplattform vars syfte är att samla in externa hälsodata, för att användarna ska få in flera aspekter i deras träning, som ska i sin tur hjälpa till att bidra till en bättre träningsupplevelse. Det slutgiltiga resultatet av HealthLab är tänkt att vara en framtidsvision för att vägleda och väcka nya tankesätt hos forskare och designers. / People are increasingly using digital health platforms, which means that lots of health data is generated from users' digital activities. The purpose of this paper is to develop a design concept to manage this large amount of health data, with the help of concept-driven design research. The goal of the concept is to create an opportunity for individuals to manage and access their generated health data, in order to use it for something meaningful.  With the aid of a methodological guide, the concept has been developed, to create theoretically anchored qualities and to compile them into a concept in the form of a model. To get external criticism of the concept, ten users were involved, which in turn led to revision and contextualisation of HealthLab. In the result, a final concept model is presented of HealthLab. The concept will serve as a multiplatform whose purpose is to collect external health data so that users can get several aspects of their training, which in turn will contribute to a better training experience. The final result of HealthLab is intended to be a vision for the future to guide and awaken new ways of thinking among researchers and designers.

Acceptance and use of mHealth tools by auxiliary midwives in Myanmar : a qualitative study

van der Wal, Kyong Ran 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Digital Coaching Application with Automated Mistake Identification using a Multi-Sensor Configuration / Utveckling av en digital träningsapplikation med automatiserad felidentifiering med hjälp av en multisensorkonfiguration

Chrysanthou, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Home-based exercise is a popular physical activity of maintaining fitness, health andwellness in general. However, without proper supervision and basic knowledge of theexercises in the workout plan, there is an increased risk of injury. Considering that noteveryone is willing to attend crowded gyms or schedule professional personal trainingsessions, in this study, a novel feedback system is proposed, in the form of a mobileapplication. Accelerometer and gyroscope data were collected from 10 volunteersperforming 3 exercises, squats, lunges and bridges, with inertial sensors attachedto their back lumbar region, on both shanks and on both thighs. Each participantperformed 5 repetitions of the correct technique and 5 repetitions of 4 mistakes foreach exercise. The accuracies of 3 classifiers, a SVM, a RF and DT were comparedwith the SVM performing the best across all 3 exercises. The best location and numberof sensors was determined by examining the accuracy of a SVM model for 15 uniquemulti-sensor configurations. The best performing setup, being the configuration with 2sensors, one at the lumbar area and one at the shank, was used in exploring the efficacyof different data processing techniques. Time-domain statistical features, sensor angletimeseries and the filtered signal timeseries were evaluated as input to a NN. The timedomainfeatures performed the best achieving the highest accuracy in all 3 exercises,with an accuracy of 67% for the squats, 87% for the lunges and 75% for the hip bridges.Overall, the final model demonstrated promising capabilities of classifying exercisetechnique of basic lower-body exercises, with a real-time feedback implementationbeing a feasible solution for self-efficient fitness. / Hemmaträning är en populär typ av fysisk aktivitet för att upprätthålla kondition,hälsa och välbefinnande. Dock utan övervakning och basal kunskap om hur olikaövningar bör utföras så finns det en ökad risk för skador. Alla människor går intefrivilligt till trånga och fullsatta gym eller bokar in pass med personlig tränare. Därförföreslås i denna studie ett nytt återkopplingssytem vid träning som kan användas via enmobilapp. Data från en accelerometer och ett gyroskop har samlats in från tio frivilligapersoner. De har utfört tre olika styrkeövningar; knäböj, utfallssteg och höftlyft medtröghetssensorer placerade på deras ländrygg, på underbenen och på låren. Varjedeltagare utförde fem repetitioner med korrekt teknik och sedan fem repetitionermed fyra olika typer av felaktig teknik för varje styrkeövning. Noggrannheten förtre klassificerare, SVM, RF och DT jämfördes sedan med det SVM som presteradebäst i alla tre styrkeövningarna. Det optimala antalet sensorer tillsammans med bästplacering av dessa räknades ut genom att undersöka en SVM modell med 15 unikamultisensorkonfigurationer. Det visade sig att kombinationen med två sensorer, envid ländryggen och en på underbenet var den bästa och därför användes den föratt undersöka effektiviteten av olika databehandlingstekniker. Tidsdomänsstatistiskafunktioner, sensorvinkeltidsserier och filtrerade signaltidsserier utvärderades sominmatning till ett NN. Tidsdomänsfunktionerna presterade bäst och uppnådde högstnoggrannhet i alla tre övningarna. Detta med ett korrekt utfall av 67% för knöböj,87% för utfallsteg och 75% för höftlyft. Sammantaget visade den slutliga modellenen lovande förmåga att klassificera träningsteknik för basala styrkeövningar för nedredelen av kroppen. Samtidigt som användaren får feedback i realtid vilket gör detmöjligt att utföra effektiv träning själv hemma.

Konceptualisering av etiska problem kring mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament : En kvalitativ kartläggning / Conceptualization of ethical problems regarding mobile health with financial incentives : A qualitative survey

Sjöberg, Sebastian, Seldevall, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet har blivit ett hälsoproblem, vilket har lett till att olika aktörer intresserat sig av att nyttja modern teknik för att främja hälsosamma val. Mobil hälsa utgörs av aktivitetsspårare i form av exempelvis vristarmband och smarttelefoner som samlar in hälsodata (steg, puls, sömn, etcetera) från användaren. Studier visar på att mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament kan öka motivationen hos användare. Hälsodata betraktas i regel vara av särskild känslig karaktär med risker för etisk problematik. Vilka aktörer som är inblandade och vilka finansiella incitament som används är faktorer som har påverkan på de etiska problemen. Den här studien belyser detta genom en konceptualisering av etiska problem med hänsyn till mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament. Data från intervjuer har sammanställts med stöd av teori som PAPAS och därefter analyserats med annan forskning. Sammanställningen visar på sex typer av etiska problem som kan tas i åtanke vid utveckling av mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament. / Physical inactivity has become a health problem, which has led to various actors starting to use technology to promote healthy choices. Mobile health consists of activity trackers in the form of, for example, smartwatches and smartphones that collect health data (steps, heart rate, sleep, etc.) from the user. Studies show that mobile health combined with financial incentives can increase user motivation. Health data is generally considered to be a particularly sensitive type of data. The actors involved and the financial incentives used are factors that have an impact on how ethical problems take form. This study highlights this by conceptualizing ethical issues linked to mobile health with financial incentives. Questions for interviews were created primarily using the PAPAS framework and thereafter analyzed using thematic analysis in order to identify the ethical problems. The compilation resulted in six forms of ethical problems that need to be considered when developing mobile health with financial incentives.

Data Subject Rights in Mental Health Applications : Assessing the Exercise of Data Subject Rights under the GDPR / Rättigheter för Registrerade Personer i Mentala Hälsoappar : En Bedömning Enligt GDPR

Gustafsson, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
The rapid growth of Mobile Health (mHealth) applications, particularly those focusedon mental health, has provided accessible and affordable support for users’ well-being.However, this growth has raised substantial privacy concerns, especially regardinghandling sensitive personal health data. This thesis evaluates the extent to whichmental health apps allow users to exercise their Data Subject Rights (DSRs) under theEuropean General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides recommendationsfor enhancing data protection and user privacy. The primary objectives are to identifythe relevant DSRs for mental health apps, empirically assess the extent to which suchrights are respected on the existing apps, and propose actionable recommendationsfor improvement. The study’s methodology involved a comprehensive review ofprivacy policies, using automated tools for privacy assessment, and submitting DataSubject Access Requests (DSARs) to app providers. Findings indicate that whilesome apps demonstrate high conformity with DSRs, the majority still falls short invarious aspects. Common issues include inadequate transparency in privacy policies,incomplete responses to DSARs, and non-compliance with the right to data portability.Specifically, only 45.5% of apps responded to the DSARs with a partial or completeanswer, and only 40% of the responses contained data in machine-readable formats,meeting the requirements for data portability. The study emphasizes the need formental health app developers to enhance privacy practices, ensuring users are fullyinformed about data collection and usage, can easily access and delete their personaldata, and receive their data in portable formats. Recommendations include improvingthe clarity and accessibility of privacy policies, adopting best practices for datasecurity, and implementing user-friendly mechanisms for data access and deletion. Inconclusion, while progress has been made in GDPR compliance among mental healthapps, significant improvement is still needed. Addressing these challenges will betterprotect user privacy, build trust, and support the responsible development of digitalhealth technologies. / Den snabba tillväxten av mobila hälsoappar, särskilt de som fokuserar på psykisk hälsa,har gjort det möjligt för användare att få tillgång till prisvärt och lättillgängligt stöd förderas välbefinnande. Men denna tillväxt har också väckt betydande integritetsfrågor,särskilt när det gäller hantering av känsliga personuppgifter om hälsa. Dettaexamensarbete utvärderar i vilken utsträckning hälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa tillåteranvändare att utöva sina rättigheter enligt den europeiska dataskyddsförordningenoch bidrar med rekommendationer för att förbättra dataskydd och användarintegritet.De primära målen är att identifiera relevanta rättigheter för hälsoappar för psykiskohälsa, empiriskt bedöma i vilken utsträckning sådana rättigheter respekteras ibefintliga appar och föreslå konkreta rekommendationer för förbättring. Studienhar genomförts med en omfattande granskning av integritetspolicys, användning avautomatiserade verktyg för integritetsbedömning och inlämning av begäranden omregisterutdrag till applikationsleverantörer. Resultaten visar att även om vissa apparuppvisar hög överensstämmelse med rättigheterna från GDPR, faller majoritetenfortfarande kort på flera områden. Vanliga problem inkluderar otillräcklig transparensi integritetspolicys, ofullständiga svar på DSARs och bristande efterlevnad av rätten tilldataportabilitet. Specifikt svarade endast 45,5% av apparna på DSARs med ett delviseller komplett svar, och endast 40% av svaren innehöll data i maskinläsbara format,vilket uppfyller kraven för dataportabilitet. Studien betonar behovet för utvecklare avhälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa att förbättra deras integritet, säkerställa att användareär fullt informerade om datainsamling och användning, lätt kan komma åt och raderasina personuppgifter samt ta emot sin data i portabla format. Rekommendationerinkluderar att förbättra tydligheten och tillgängligheten av integritetspolicys, antabästa praxis för datasäkerhet och implementera användarvänliga mekanismer fördataåtkomst och radering. Sammanfattningsvis, även om framsteg har gjorts i GDPR-efterlevnad bland hälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa, behövs betydande förbättringar. Attta itu med dessa utmaningar kommer att bättre skydda användarnas integritet, byggaförtroende och stödja den ansvarsfulla utvecklingen av digitala hälsoteknologier.

Développement d’un indice de vitalité dérivé à partir du Hexoskin afin d’obtenir une mesure d’angine digitale et raffiner l’étude de la maladie cardiaque athérosclérotique

Avram, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Jusqu’à la moitié des patients souffrant d’angine de poitrine vont continuer à être symptomatiques malgré une revascularisation coronarienne pour leur angine. Par ailleurs, l’évaluation de l’angine souffre du biais d’adaptation au seuil ischémique, phénomène par lequel les patients réduisent leur niveau d’activité physique pour limiter leurs symptômes. L’étude NOVA-SKIN (NCT02591758) utilise une veste intelligente (Hexoskin™) afin de (i) valider l’électrocardiogramme (ECG) de cette veste avec le Holter et l’épreuve d’effort (ii) dériver un “indice de vitalité” à partir des mesures biométriques de la veste, afin d’ajuster les mesures conventionnelles d’angine pour le biais d’adaptation au seuil ischémique et dériver des mesures d’angine digitale et (iii) évaluer si la réadaptation cardiaque à domicile peut être surveillée à distance avec le Hexoskin. Méthodes: Trente patients référés pour angiographie coronarienne pour leur angine réfractaire au traitement médical ont complété une épreuve d’effort et ont porté la veste Hexoskin (avec enregistrement simultané d’Holter) pendant 48 heures, 2 semaines avant leur examen. Les patients furent revus 2 semaines après la revascularisation coronarienne percutanée ou 6 semaines après la chirurgie cardiaque s’ils ont eu des pontages, où ils ont porté la veste Hexoskin avec Holter pendant 48 heures et fait une épreuve d’effort. Nous avons dérivé un indice de vitalité digital (Indice de vitalité = fréquence cardiaque * activité) chez chaque patient pour les deux enregistrements de la veste. Nous avons dérivé des mesures d’angine digitale en divisant ou multipliant (selon la direction de l’effet post coronarographie attendu) les mesures d’angine conventionnelle (classe SCC, pointage de qualité de vie, décompte de nitroglycérine et décompte d’angine) par l’indice de vitalité propre au patient. Nous avons comparé les différences (pré- et post-coronarographie) de mesures d’angine ajustées pour l’indice de vitalité dérivé à partir d’une veste intelligente (« angine digitale ») avec les mesures d’angine conventionnelles non ajustées. Les participants devaient ensuite compléter 6 sessions de réadaptation cardiaque à domicile sur une période de 1 mois. Une corrélation de Pearson fut obtenue entre la fréquence cardiaque de l’ECG de l’Hexoskin et celle du Holter et du tapis roulant. L’indice de vitalité pré et post-angiographie fut comparé en utilisant un test t et nous avons mesuré la taille de l’effet du traitement de l’angine dans le même patient, pour les mesures ajustées et non ajustées d’angine. Résultats: Trente patients, âgés de 68.0±7.0 ans, majoritairement des hommes (n=28; 93.3%) ont subi une angiographie coronarienne et ont été traités, pour leur angine, de façon percutanée (n=20; 66.7%), avec pontages (n=6; 20.0%) ou avec traitement médical (n= 4; 13.3%). Tous les patients étaient en rythme sinusal au départ. La fréquence cardiaque obtenue avec l’ECG de l’Hexoskin avait une corrélation très forte avec celle obtenue avec l’ECG du tapis roulant (r=0.95) et forte avec l’Holter (r=0.85). L’indice de vitalité a augmenté de manière significative (2.30±1.38 pré vs 2.70±1.12 post-traitement de l’angine; p=0.05). Les mesures d’angine digitale ayant montré une différence plus importante que les mesures conventionnelles sont le décompte hebdomadaire de nitroglycérine, l’échelle de santé globale du SF-36, la durée d’effort sur le tapis roulant et le nombre de METS maximal. Par ailleurs, chez les patients classifiés comme non-répondants au traitement de l’angine par mesures conventionnelles, les mesures d’angine digitale suivantes se sont améliorées de façon significative: classe SCC, décompte hebdomadaire d’angine, questionnaire d’angine de Seattle et la durée d’effort pendant l’épreuve d’effort. Aucun évènement cardiovasculaire ne s’est produit durant la réadaptation cardiaque à domicile et 93.3% des patients ont complété les 6 sessions. Conclusion : Dans notre étude pilote, l’ECG de Hexoskin a obtenu des mesures de fréquence cardiaque valides lorsque comparées au Holter et au tapis d’effort. L’incorporation d’un indice de vitalité obtenu à partir d’une veste intelligente a permis d’ajuster des mesures d’angine pour celui-ci et obtenir une angine digitale. La mesure d’angine digitale a une plus grande taille de l’effet post traitement de l’angine par revascularisation et peut détecter davantage de changements, au-delà des mesures d’angine conventionnelles. Cela est plus marqué chez les patients initialement classifiés comme “non-répondants” au traitement de l’angine. La réadaptation cardiaque à domicile fut sécuritaire et complétée par la majorité des patients. / Introduction : Up to half of coronary artery disease patients will remain symptomatic of angina, despite coronary revascularization. Moreover, the assessment of angina suffers from the ischemic threshold adaptation bias where patients will restrict their physical activity level in order to minimize their angina symptoms. The NOVA-SKIN study (NCT02591758) was designed to use a novel “smart clothing” (Hexoskin™) to (i) validate the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal of against traditional Holter and Treadmill stress tests (ii) to derive a ‘vitality index’ using the biometric measures obtained from the Hexoskin in order to adjust conventional angina assessment metrics to account for the ischemic threshold adaptation bias and derive a digital measure of angina and to (iii) assess if home cardiac rehabilitation can be remotely monitored using the Hexoskin system. Methods: Thirty stable angina patients referred for coronary angiography for refractory angina underwent a treadmill stress test and then simultaneously wore the Hexoskin vest and a traditional Holter monitor for 48 hours, 2 weeks before their exam. The patients were followed up 2 weeks after the percutaneous coronary intervention and 6 weeks after their cardiac surgery if they had coronary artery bypass graft. During the follow-up visit, they wore the vest with a Holter monitor for 48 hours and underwent another treadmill stress test. We obtained an average vitality index pre- and post-angiogram (Vitality index=heart rate * activity) using recordings from the vest. We also obtained health related questionnaires during the same timeframe. We compared differences in conventional angina metrics adjusted for the vitality index (“digital angina”) with the conventional metrics unadjusted for the vitality index, pre- and post-coronary angiography. Patients then had to complete 6 home cardiac rehabilitation sessions during a 1-month period. Pearson correlation was obtained between the heart rate (HR) derived from the ECG of the vest and the HR of the Holter and treadmill stress test. The vitality index pre and post-angiography was compared using a t-test. We derived digital angina metrics by dividing or multiplying (according to the direction of the effect expected post-coronarography) the conventional angina metrics. Then we measured the effect size of the angina treatment and compared it between adjusted and unadjusted metrics within the same patient. Results: Thirty patients aged 68.0±7.0 years (93.3% men; n=28) were enrolled in the study. Patients were treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (n=20; 66.7%), coronary artery bypass grafting (n=6; 20.0%) or medical therapy (n=4; 13.3%). The heart rate from ECG signal of the Hexoskin demonstrated a very strong correlation with that of the treadmill stress test ECG (r=0.95) and a strong correlation with the Holter (r=0.85). The vitality index increased significantly from 2.30±1.38 to 2.70±1.12 (p=0.05). The digital angina metrics (adjusted for the vitality index) that were found to be more responsive to the treatment of the angina than conventional were: the weekly nitroglycerin count, the global health sub-scale of the SF-36, the treadmill stress test length and the peak METs. Furthermore, in patients classified as non-responders to the treatment of angina by conventional metrics, the digital angina measures improved significantly, when looking at the CCS class, the weekly angina count, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire metrics and the duration of exercise on the treadmill stress test. No adverse events occurred during home cardiac rehabilitation and 28 patients completed all 6 sessions wearing the Hexoskin. Conclusion : In our pilot study, the Hexoskin ECG was well correlated with standard HR measurement using a treadmill ECG or a Holter. Adjusting conventional metrics for the vitality index allows for greater sensitivity in gauging the effect of revascularization on angina than conventional metrics alone, particularly for patients who would be considered non-responders to their treatment based on conventional metrics. Home cardiac rehabilitation was safe and was completed by most patients.

Wearable Systems For Health Monitoring Towards Active Aging

Majumder, Sumit January 2020 (has links)
Global rise in life expectancy has resulted in an increased demand for affordable healthcare and monitoring services. The advent of miniature and low–power sensor technologies coupled with the emergence of the Internet–of–Things has paved the way towards affordable health monitoring tools in wearable platforms. However, ensuring power–efficient operation, data accuracy and user comfort are critical for such wearable systems. This thesis focuses on the development of accurate and computationally efficient algorithms and low–cost, unobtrusive devices with potential predictive capability for monitoring mobility and cardiac health in a wearable platform. A three–stage complementary filter–based approach is developed to realize a computationally efficient method to estimate sensor orientation in real–time. A gradient descent–based approach is used to estimate the gyroscope integration drift, which is subsequently subtracted from the integrated gyroscope data to get the sensor orientation. This predominantly gyroscope–based orientation estimation approach is least affected by external acceleration and magnetic disturbances. A two–stage complementary filter–based efficient sensor fusion algorithm is developed for real–time monitoring of lower–limb joints that estimates the IMU inclinations in the first stage and uses a gradient descent–based approach in the second stage to estimate the joint angles. The proposed method estimates joint angles primarily from the gyroscope measurements without incorporating the magnetic field measurement, rendering the estimated angles least affected by any external acceleration and insensitive to magnetic disturbances. An IMU–based simple, low–cost and computationally efficient gait–analyzer is developed to track the course of an individual's gait health in a continuous fashion. Continuous monitoring of gait patterns can potentially enable detecting musculoskeletal or neurodegenerative diseases at the early onset. The proposed gait analyzer identifies an anomalous gait with moderate to high accuracy by evaluating the gait features with respect to the baseline clusters corresponding to an individual’s healthy peer group. The adoption of a computationally efficient signal analysis technique renders the analyzer suitable for systems with limited processing capabilities. A flexible dry capacitive electrode and a wireless ECG monitoring system with automatic anomaly detection capability are developed. The flexible capacitive electrode reduces motion artifacts and enables sensing bio–potential over a dielectric material such as cotton cloth. The virtual ground of the electrode allows for obtaining single–lead ECG using two electrodes only. ECG measurements obtained over different types of textile materials and in presence of body movements show comparable performance to other reported ECG monitoring systems. An algorithm is developed separately as a potential extension of the software to realize automatic identification of Atrial Fibrillation from short single–lead ECGs. The association between human gait and cardiac activities is studied. The gait is measured using wearable IMUs and the cardiac activity is measured with a single–lead handheld ECG monitor. Some key cardiac parameters, such as heart rate and heart rate variability and physical parameters, such as age and BMI show good association with gait asymmetry and gait variation. These associations between gait and heart can be useful in realizing low–cost in–home personal monitoring tool for early detecting CVD–related changes in gait features before the CVD symptoms are manifested. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Wearable health monitoring systems can be a viable solution to meet the increased demand for affordable healthcare and monitoring services. However, such systems need to be energy–efficient, accurate and ergonomic to enable long–term monitoring of health reliably while preserving user comfort. In this thesis, we develop efficient algorithms to obtain real–time estimates of on–body sensors' orientation, gait parameters such as stride length, and gait velocity and lower–limb joint angles. Furthermore, we develop a simple, low–cost and computationally efficient gait–analyzer using miniature and low–power inertial motion units to track the health of human gait in a continuous fashion. In addition, we design flexible, dry capacitive electrodes and use them to develop a portable single–lead electrocardiogram (ECG) device. The flexible design ensures better conformity of the electrode to the skin, resulting in better signal quality. The capacitive nature allows for obtaining ECG signals over insulating materials such as cloth, thereby potentially enabling a comfortable means of long–term cardiac health monitoring at home. Besides, we implement an automatic anomaly detection algorithm that detects Atrial Fibrillation with good accuracy from short single–lead ECGs. Finally, we investigate the association between gait and cardiac activities. We observe that some important cardiac signs, such as heart rate and heart rate variability and physical parameters, such as age and BMI show good association with gait asymmetry and gait variation.

Engaging with mHealth to Improve Self-regulation: A Grounded Theory for Breast Cancer Survivors

Kelley, Marjorie M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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