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Mothers, men and mind control : an analysis of Sheri S. Tepper's novels : Grass and The frescoMuller, Martina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sheri S. Tepper, one of the most prolific feminist science fiction writers, uses her novels to address humanity‟s ignorance about, and indifference towards, various social, gender and environmental issues, and in so doing, she attempts to rectify these issues by creating an awareness of them. Her novels generally focus on four main issues: motherhood, both as ideology and experience; the essentialized nature and acceptance of the superiority of masculinity; the influence of religions, traditions and ideologies; and an ever-increasing concern for environmental preservation. These issues are all interlinked in her novels. Though some of her works have received critical attention, most notably The Gate to Women’s Country (1988) and Gibbon’s Decline and Fall (1996), most have received little. I will present a critical analysis of Tepper‟s Grass (1989) – a novel which has received some critical attention – and The Fresco (2000) – a novel which has received very little critical attention. Although these novels deal with the same issues, they do so in different ways: Grass is a much more layered critique of modern society, whereas The Fresco is a rather blatant critique and the passionate voice of its author filters through more prominently than in Grass. I will be examining Tepper‟s portrayal of motherhood, masculinity and the influence of ideologies, religions and traditions in both of these novels. Although there will not be a section devoted to Tepper‟s environmental views, these will be highlighted within the other sections. Tepper ultimately stands for women‟s rights to opt for motherhood as a free choice. She also insists that ideologies, religions and traditions – society‟s oppressive straitjackets – should adapt to modernity, and that the acceptance of masculinity as the dominant gender be destabilized. Rectifying these problems, in Tepper‟s view, would also lead to the preservation of the environment for future generations. In my conclusion I address the most frequent critique directed against Tepper‟s work, namely that her novels are repetitive with regard to thematic content, by suggesting that her work is repetitive because she feels the need to reiterate the same issues in her novels, to indicate that the same societal problems of the past are still prevalent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sheri S. Teper, een van die vernaamste feminis-wetenskapfisksie skryfsters, gebruik haar romans om die mensdom se onkunde oor, en onverskilligheid teenoor, verskeie sosiale-, geslags- en omgewingskwessies aan te spreek in „n poging om hierdie kwessies op te los deur mense meer bewus te maak van die kwessies. Haar romans fokus gewoonlik op vier hoof kwessies wat aan mekaar verbind is: moederskap, beide as ideologiese en fisiese ervaring; die genoodsaakte aanvaarding van manlikheid as die dominante geslag; die invloed van gelowe, tradisies, en ideologieë op die samelewing; en „n toenemende besorgheid oor die bewaring van die omgewing. Alhoewel sommige van haar romans kritiese aandag ontvang het, in besonder The Gate to Women’s Country (1988) en Gibbon’s Decline and Fall (1996), het die meeste baie min kritiese aandag ontvang. Ek beoog dus om twee van Tepper se romans, Grass (1989) en The Fresco (2000), krities te ontleed. Alhoewel Grass ietwat meer kritiese aandag ontvang het, het The Fresco byna geen kritiese aandag ontvang nie. Beide die romans spreek dieselfde kwessies aan, maar in verskillende maniere: Grass is a baie meer subtiele kritiek van die moderne samelewing, terwyl The Fresco „n baie meer flagrante kritiek is en die passievolle stem van die outeur is baie meer opmerklik in diè roman. Ek beoog om Tepper se uitbeelding van moederskap, manlikheid en die invloed van ideologieë, gelowe en tradisies in beide hierdie romans ondersoek. Hoewel daar nie „n spesifieke seksie gaan wees wat opgedra is aan die ondersoek van Tepper se omgewingsboodskap nie, sal dit tog uitgelig word in ander seksies. Daar sal gewys word dat Tepper vir die regte van vroue staan om moederskap vrylik te kan kies. Sy beveel ook aan dat dat ideologieë, gelowe en tradisies moet aan pas by die vereistes van moderne samelewing, en dat die aanvaarding van manlikheid as die dominante geslag omgekeer moet word. Deur hierdie probleme reg te maak, in Tepper se opinie, sal dit lei tot die bewaring van die omgewing vir toekomstige generasies. In my gevolgtrekking spreek ek een van die algemeenste kritieke teen Tepper se romans aan, naamlik dat die tematiese inhoud herhalend is. Ek voel dat die werklike probleem is dat Tepper dit nodig ag om dieselfde kwessies uit te beeld, aangesien dit aan dui dat probleme van die verlede steeds voorkom in die huidige samelewing.
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”Bra jobbat working mama!” : En studie i hur genus, föräldraskap och karriär reproduceras och konstrueras på Instagram / "Good job working mom!" : A study of how gender, parenting and careers replicates and reconstructs on InstagramKaseste, Malin, Levén, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Instagram grundades 2010 och är idag ett av de mest populära sociala medierna med över 800 miljoner användare. Instagramanvändare publicerar över 95 miljoner bilder om dagen, alla poster gör intryck och avtryck på användarnas liv då media är en stor del i konstruktionen av verkligheten.Vår kvalitativa studie har sin grund i den kritiska diskursanalysen, världen får sin mening genom språket och språket skapar en bild av verkligheten genom de sociala praktikerna. I studien har vi undersökt Instagram och hur genus, föräldraskap och karriär reproduceras och konstrueras. I studien har två Instagram konton undersökts, Isabella Löwengrip (@isabellalowengrip) och Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) som är entreprenörer och föräldrar. Genom en multimodal textanalys har vi undersökt deras bilder, bildtexter och kommentarer från följarna utifrån genusteorin.Resultatet har visat att de båda kontona reproducerar och konstruerar genus. Både Löwengrip och Brathen ler ofta på bilderna vilket är ett typiskt kvinnligt drag. Brathenär mer stereotypisk med en mycket “moderlig” framtoning medan Löwengrip är merprofessionell i sin framtoning, en roll som ofta tillskrivs män. Följarna har en del i konstruktionen och reproduktionen av genus. De ifrågasätter de val som Löwengrip och Brathens gör som mammor och entreprenörer. Följarna konstruerar också genus då de blir glada över Löwengrips och Brathens framgångar, genom att, precis som män gjort i årtionden, hålla varandra om ryggen, hjälpa och stötta varandra. / Instagram was founded in 2010 and is now one of the most popular social media platforms with over 800 million users worldwide; Instagram users are publishing over 95 million posts every day thereby influencing the daily lives of each other, as the media contributes to users navigating in the world as well as taking part in the constructing of our reality. Our qualitative approach depart from critical discourse analysis, according to which the world gets its meaning from the language and the language helps to construct reality through social practices. In this study we have analysed the topic of gender roles by looking at how Instagram is helping to constructing and changing images of gender roles, careers and parenthood. Our main task in this study is to analyse two Instagram entrepreneurs who are constructing and changing gender roles regarding career and parenting; Isabella Löwengrip (@isabellalowengrip) and Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) are our two selected Instagram entrepreneurs. We have conducted a qualitative multimodal text analysis of these two accounts and comments from followers between 1 - 31 March 2018 and the results show that these two account both produce and reproduce gender roles. Brathen and Löwengrip have both created social media platforms and businesses and are still contributing to the reproduction of gender roles, but both are also producing new roles through their choice of words and pictures on their social media platform. Both accounts portray a typical female behaviour as where they are smiling and giving the followers a chance to study them without demanding their attention. However, Brathen is more stereotypical with a very “motherly” approach while Löwengrip has more of a businesslike professional in her approach to her Instagram account which could be seen as a more masculine role. The followers take part in reproducing a female role when they ask questions about Brathen and Löwengrip ́s choice as mothers and career women, but they are also creating a new way of looking at a working mum when they, like men, are helping and cheering each other to success.
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Reproductive migrations : surrogacy workers and stratified reproduction in St PetersburgWeis, Christina Corinna January 2017 (has links)
Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a woman conceives in order to give birth to child or children for another individual or couple to raise. This thesis explores how commercial gestational surrogacy is culturally framed and socially organised in Russia and investigates the roles of the key actors. In particular it explores the experiences of surrogacy workers, including those who migrate or commute long distances within and to Russia for surrogacy work and the significance of their origin, citizenship, ethnicity and religion in shaping their experience. Ethnographic fieldwork was carried out in St Petersburg between August 2014 and May 2015 and involved semi-structured interviews, (participant) observations, informal conversations and ethnographic fieldnotes with 33 surrogacy workers, 7 client parents, 15 agency staff and 11 medical staff in medical and surrogacy agency facilities. Data were analysed using inductive ethnographic principles. A reflexive account, which includes a consideration of the utility of making one’s own emotional responses a research tool, is also included. Drawing on and expanding on Colen’s (1995) conceptual framework of stratified reproduction and Crenshaw’s (1989) analytical framework of intersectionality, this research shows that surrogacy in Russia is culturally framed and therefore socially organised as an economic exchange, which gives rise to and reinforces different forms of intersecting reproductive stratifications. These stratifications include biological, social, geographic, geo-political and ethnic dimensions. Of particular novelty is the extension of Colen’s framework to address geographic and geo political stratifications. This was based on the finding that some women (temporarily) migrate or commute (over long distances) to work as gestational carriers. The thesis also demonstrates how an economic framing of surrogacy induced surrogacy workers to understand surrogacy gestation as work, which influenced their relationships with client parents. Given the rapid global increase in the use of surrogacy and its increasingly internationalised nature, this research into the social organisation of commercial gestational surrogacy in Russia is timely and has implications for users, medical practitioners and regulators, as well as researchers concerned with (cross-border) surrogacy and reproductive justice.
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L'objet maternel dans le champ des institutions de la petite enfance : une lutte de représentations autour de la place de la mère / Maternal object in the infancy institutions sector : a struggle of representations about the place of the motherWilpert, Marie-Dominique 17 December 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose de mettre en lumière, dans le secteur professionnel de la petite enfance, une lutte de représentations concernant la place de la mère. La première représentation figure une mère toute dévouée, portant finalement la responsabilité exclusive de son tout-petit. La seconde fait entrer en scène une citoyenne, travailleuse et mère, qui partage sa responsabilité éducative avec le père et des tiers sociaux. L’auteure s’attache aussi à montrer que cette lutte, loin d’être seulement présente chez les professionnelles, traverse également des discours légitimés dans le secteur en termes de savoir, et des dispositifs d’action médico-sociale à destination des familles en difficulté. La seconde représentation semble aujourd’hui cohérente avec la réalité sociale du travail, et un projet démocratique, en termes d’égalité de sexe, d’accueil qualitatif des jeunes enfants, de lutte contre les inégalités sociales. Mais elle ne bénéficie pas actuellement, ni d’une véritable légitimité politique, ni de référents théoriques qui articulent suffisamment, d’une part les enjeux d’égalité démocratique entre les citoyen-ne-s, d’autre part les enjeux de santé psychique des tout-petits et de leurs familles. L’auteure vise un dépassement de certains clivages théoriques et idéologiques, afin de construire une théorie politique de la prime éducation, qui contribue à ébranler la légitimité d’un ordre social qui fait porter aux seules citoyennes la responsabilité des jeunes enfants. Cette assignation, réalisée en sourdine, produit de surcroît un renforcement des inégalités criantes, selon l’appartenance sociale, face à l’exercice de la parentalité et de la citoyenneté. / The aim of this research is to bring to light a struggle of representations concerning the place of the mother in the infancy professional sector. The first representation stands for a completely devoted mother, who then assumes the exclusive responsibility for her baby. The second representation figures both a hard-worker-citizen mother who shares her educational responsibility with the father and a social third party. The author pays particular attention to display this struggle as not being only present among professionals but also filling, between the lines, some speeches legitimated in the sector as a “knowledge”. As well as it underlies health centers plans of action for families in trouble. Nowadays, the second representation seems coherent with the social reality of work and with a democratic project, speaking in terms of sexual equality, of qualitative care of youngsters in our society and fight against social disparities. Nonetheless, it can’t be said today that this representation gained a real political legitimity nor theorical references which could hang enough together the two elements at stake: democratic equality between men and women as citizens and psychic health of the infants and their family. The author aims at going beyond some theorical and ideological theories in order to build up a political theory of infant education that could contribute to contest the legitimity of a social order which considers the female citizen as sole responsible for infants. Moreover, this insidious assignment reinforces, depending on social origin, some flagrant disparities in the way of parenting and exercising their citizenship.
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[pt] O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a dinâmica da mulher contemporânea em relação à duas das faces de sua identidade: a carreira e a maternidade. Para alcançarmos o objetivo proposto, exploramos a representação social da mulher ao longo da história, os movimentos de inserção feminina no mercado de trabalho e delimitamos alguns aspectos da função materna no processo de constituição do sujeito, com base na teoria de Winnicott. Entrevistamos cinco mulheres de classe média do Rio de Janeiro, profissionais e mães de crianças de até 3 anos, e verificamos que, para lidar com as exigências da maternidade e a atividade profissional, há uma negociação constante da mulher, com o suporte das redes de apoio e em meio a uma diversidade de sentimentos, conflitos e satisfações. / [en] The objective of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the contemporary woman in relation to two of the sides of her identity: career and motherhood. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we have explored the social representation of women throughout history, the movements of women s insertion in the labor market, and delimited some aspects of the maternal role in the process of constitution of the subject, based on Winnicott s theory. We have interviewed five middle-class women from Rio de Janeiro, workers and mothers of children up to 3 years old, and found that, in order to deal with the demands of motherhood and professional activity, there is a constant negotiation of women, with the aid of support networks and amid a plurality of feelings, conflicts and accomplishments.
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Biopolíticas de inclusão social e produção de maternidades e paternidades para uma 'infância melhor'Klein, Carin January 2010 (has links)
Esta tese analisa uma política voltada para a promoção de uma “Primeira Infância Melhor” (PIM), do Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, para discutir como ela, ao atuar como uma instância pedagógica se propõe a enunciar educar e regular mulheres e homens como sujeitos de gênero, no sentido de governar e instituir formas de exercer a maternidade e a paternidade. Utilizo os aportes dos Estudos de Gênero e Culturais, em aproximação com a perspectiva pós-estruturalista, principalmente da análise do discurso, de inspiração foucaultiana. O material empírico da tese foi produzido em um trabalho de campo de caráter etnográfico, por meio do cruzamento de informações de diferentes fontes: (i) documentos oficiais referentes ao PIM; (ii) atividades que integram o PIM, conforme registradas em diário de campo; (iii) entrevistas com técnicos/as, visitadoras e mulheres-mães participantes. Ao assumir o pressuposto de que a linguagem é produtora das práticas sociais, tornou-se importante descrever e explorar: (i) a metodologia do PIM, anunciada tanto em seus documentos quanto através da materialidade expressa por meio de falas, conselhos, ensinamentos de educação e(m) saúde e atividades protagonizadas pelos/as técnicos/as e visitadoras, dirigidos às mulheres e crianças; (ii) o que as famílias, sobretudo através das mulheres-mães, precisavam aprender a fim de melhor cuidar e conduzir a infância; (iii) as aproximações produzidas entre a prática do cuidado materno e as propostas de educação e(m) saúde voltadas à infância. Com o propósito de visibilizar os argumentos que investem numa politização contemporânea da maternidade e apreender como o gênero funciona para organizar, a partir de um conjunto de significados e símbolos construídos, relações sociais de poder, analiso a articulação de fragmentos discursivos provenientes da puericultura, das políticas maternalistas, da psicologia do desenvolvimento, da economia e da neurociência, cujo objetivo era embasar e formular os ensinamentos e orientações dirigidas às famílias, principalmente às mulheres-mães. As análises permitem dizer que as formas de “educar” e de atingir os objetivos formulados, por meio do PIM, operam no sentido de posicionar os/as técnicos/as, as mulheres-visitadoras e as mulheres-mães de diferentes modos. Nesse contexto, o posicionamento das mulheres-mães decorre da necessidade de o Estado, num cenário de pobreza e vulnerabilidade social, politizar a maternidade por meio da adequação a uma extensa pedagogia, co-responsabilizando as mulheres-mães pelo cumprimento de funções relativas à saúde e à educação das crianças. / This thesis analyzes a policy proposed by the government of Rio Grande do Sul State aiming at improving the situation of early childhood (Primeira Infância Melhor – PIM). The thesis approaches how this policy, by acting as a pedagogical resource, attempts to enunciate, educate and regulate women and men as gender subjects, so as to govern and institute forms of exercising motherhood and fatherhood. I have used Cultural and Gender Studies, in an approximation to the post-structuralist perspective, mainly the discourse analysis, as inspired by Foucault. The empirical material was produced through ethnographic field work, by intertwining information from different sources: (i) official documents related to PIM, (ii) activities proposed by PIM, as recorded in a field diary; (iii) interviews with technicians, visitors and mothers. By assuming the presupposition that language produces social practices, it has become important to describe and explore: (i) PIM‟s methodology, shown both in its documents and in the materiality expressed in speeches, advices, teachings in health education, and activities carried out by technicians and visitors and directed towards women; (ii) what families, mainly mothers, should learn in order to look after children and conduct childhood; (iii) approximations produced between the practice of maternal care and proposals of health education aimed at childhood. With the aim of both making visible the arguments that invest in a contemporary politicization of motherhood and apprehending how gender works to organize, from a set of meanings and symbols, social relations of power, I have analyzed the articulation of discursive fragments coming from child care, maternal policies, development psychology, economics and neuroscience, whose aim was to found and formulate teachings and orientations to families, mainly mothers. The analyses have enabled me to say that the forms to “educate” and achieve the objectives formulated by PIM operate to position technicians, visitors and mothers in different ways. In this context, the positioning of mothers is due to the need of the State, in scenery of poverty and social vulnerability, politicize motherhood through the conformation to an extensive pedagogy in which mothers are co-responsible for functions related to children's health and education.
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Relação mãe-bebê no contexto do HIV : investigando as representações maternas da gestação ao segundo ano de vida da criançaFaria, Evelise Rigoni de January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a relação mãe-bebê no contexto do HIV, da gestação ao segundo ano de vida da criança, a partir do conceito de representações maternas de Stern (1991, 1997). Participaram do estudo quatro mães que viviam com HIV, com idades entre 19 e 39 anos. Na ocasião da gestação, todas eram casadas, duas eram primíparas e duas multíparas, sendo que duas souberam do diagnóstico na gestação e duas já sabiam antes de engravidarem. Elas realizavam acompanhamento pré-natal especializado na rede pública de saúde de Porto Alegre. A pesquisa teve um delineamento de estudo de caso coletivo, longitudinal, sendo cada caso investigado no final da gestação e aos três, 12 e 24 meses de vida da criança. Análise de conteúdo qualitativa foi utilizada para se examinar os relatos maternos durante as entrevistas com base em quatro categorias de representações maternas: sobre si mesma, o bebê, o pai do bebê, e a própria mãe. Os resultados indicaram que a relação mãe-bebê no contexto do HIV, ao longo dos dois anos de vida da criança, foi acompanhada de diversas satisfações e alegrias, mas também desafios associados ao desempenho da maternidade, ao desenvolvimento infantil e à convivência com o HIV. Inicialmente, os relatos associados às representações maternas sugeriam um bebê mais vulnerável e uma mãe culpada e que temia o preconceito. Essas representações eram explicitadas nas interações mãe-bebê de maneiras diversas, incluindo cuidados intensos com o bebê. Ao longo do tempo, porém, houve mudanças nessas representações, que passaram a ser de uma criança saudável e forte diante do HIV, e de uma mãe mais segura frente à infecção e à maternidade. Embora algumas preocupações relativas ao HIV permanecessem presentes, elas eram secundárias diante dos desafios impostos pelo próprio desenvolvimento infantil ao longo dos dois primeiros anos de vida. Este processo, no entanto, só pareceu possível quando a mãe conseguia aceitar e conviver com as limitações e possibilidades diante da infecção, o que envolveu o uso de estratégias defensivas mais flexíveis e focadas no enfrentamento do HIV. Quando isso não aconteceu, em um dos casos, fortes ansiedades maternas recaíram sobre o bebê, que passou a ser visto a partir dessas projeções maternas, ficando em um segundo plano suas capacidades adaptativas e singularidades, o que pode pôr em risco seu desenvolvimento emocional. Neste sentido, reforça-se a importância de se ampliar o foco do atendimento em saúde para além da prevenção materno-infantil do HIV, oferecendo-se uma atenção especial à saúde mental da mãe com o intuito de se proteger também a criança em desenvolvimento. / This study investigated mother-infant relationship in the context of HIV from pregnancy to the second year of the infant, based on Stern’s maternal representations (1991, 1997). The study included four mothers living with HIV, aged between 19 and 39 years. At pregnancy, all mothers were married, two were primiparous and two multiparous. Two mothers knew their HIV diagnosis during pregnancy, and two had known before becoming pregnant. They performed prenatal care at a public health center for HIV treatment in Porto Alegre, Brazil. A longitudinal multiple case study design was used. Data were collected at the third trimester of pregnancy and at three, 12 and 24 months of the infant. Each mother answered a semi-structured interview, and a questionnaire about her health and medical treatment. Content analysis was carried out based on four categories of maternal representations: about herself, the infant, the infant's father and the own mother. The results indicated that the mother-infant relationship in the context of HIV, over the two years of the infant, was accompanied by various satisfactions and challenges related to motherhood, child development and living with HIV. Initially, the maternal representations showed a vulnerable infant and a guilty mother. Mothers enacted these representations in various ways, including intense care with the baby. Over time, however, there were changes in these representations: the child has been seen healthier and stronger, and the mother, more competent and less anxious in childcare. Although some concerns related to HIV remain, they were secondary to the challenges posed by the child's development over the first two years of life. This process, however, was possible when the mother could accept and live well with the limitations and possibilities from HIV infection, using defensive strategies more flexible and focused on coping actively with HIV. When this did not happen, as seen in one case, strong maternal anxieties relapsed over the infant, who was seen through these maternal projections. In this case, the infant adaptive capabilities and singularities were not adequately recognized by the mother, which can jeopardize the child’s emotional development. In this sense, this study reinforces the importance of broadening the focus of health care beyond the prevention of mother-child transmission of HIV, offering special attention to the maternal mental health in order to protect the developing child.
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Expectativas e sentimentos acerca do bebê em gestantes primíparas e secundíparasColdebella, Nadia January 2006 (has links)
Durante a gravidez, a gestante experiencia sentimentos intensos acerca de si e do bebê. Também constrói expectativas relacionadas à criança. Estes sentimentos e expectativas contribuem para a relação que ela estabelece com seu bebê. Contudo, diferente de gestantes primíparas, este processo pode apresentar algumas particularidades para secundíparas, tendo em vista sua experiência anterior com o filho primogênito. Neste sentido, este estudo investigou as eventuais diferenças nas expectativas e sentimentos de gestantes primíparas e secundíparas acerca de seu bebê. Foi realizado um estudo de caso coletivo, envolvendo sete primíparas e sete secundíparas que estavam no terceiro trimestre de gravidez. As gestantes responderam a uma entrevista estruturada que investigava seus sentimentos e expectativas acerca do bebê. Uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa evidenciou mais semelhanças do que diferenças entre os grupos. Dentre as diferenças, pode-se destacar que, enquanto primíparas tenderam a basear suas expectativas e sentimentos na idéia de um bebê ideal, no caso de secundíparas, estas foram mediadas pela existência do primogênito. Assim, expectativas e sentimentos de secundíparas contribuíram para que delineassem e configurassem a identidade do bebê, diferenciando-o do primogênito; para que reformulassem seu papel de mãe e iniciassem a integração do segundo filho no sistema familiar. Estes dados sugerem a possibilidade de intervenção precoce na presença de problemas decorrentes da gestação de um segundo filho. / During the pregnancy, the pregnant live deeply intense feelings concerning herself and the baby. Also she constructs expectations related to the child. These feelings and expectations contribute for the relation that she establishes with her baby. However, different of primiparous pregnants, this process can present some particularities for secundiparous, in view of their previous experience with the firstborn son. In this direction, this study investigated the eventual differences in the primiparous and secundiparous pregnant’s expectations and feelings concerning their babies. A study of collective case was carried through, involving seven primiparous and seven secundiparous that they were in the third trimester of pregnancy. The pregnant had answered to a structuralized interview that investigated their feelings and expectations concerning the baby. A qualitative content analysis evidenced more similarities than differences between the groups. Amongst the differences, it can be distinguished that, while primiparous had tended to base their expectations and feelings in the idea of an ideal baby, in the secundiparous case, these expectations and feelings had been mediated by the firstborn existence. Thus the secundiparaous expectations and feelings had contributed so that they delineated and configured the identity of the baby, differentiating him of the firstborn; so that they reformulated their mother role and they initiated the integration of the second child in the familiar system. These data suggest the possibility of early intervention in front of the current problems of a second child gestation.
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Processos afetivo-semióticos na integração da perda de um filho por morte violenta à identidade pessoal maternaSilva, Márcio Santana da 24 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-20T15:20:50Z
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tese de Marcio Santana da Silva.pdf: 14516799 bytes, checksum: 7a269cc207741c949b4f201da7ec1baf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-20T15:22:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
tese de Marcio Santana da Silva.pdf: 14516799 bytes, checksum: 7a269cc207741c949b4f201da7ec1baf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-20T15:22:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese de Marcio Santana da Silva.pdf: 14516799 bytes, checksum: 7a269cc207741c949b4f201da7ec1baf (MD5) / CAPES, FAPESB / Este estudo teve como objetivo principal compreender os processos afetivo-semióticos através dos quais mães que perderam filhos por motivos de morte violenta (homicídio) integram tal evento traumático ao senso de self, enfatizando-se os processos de emergência e mediação semiótica, bem como a organização semiótica das experiências afetivas. A fundamentação teórica do presente estudo é constituída por conceitos da psicologia cultural de orientação semiótica, bem como pela teoria do self dialógico. Da psicologia semiótico-cultural, os principais construtos teóricos articulados neste estudo foram: signos (tipos e funcionamento em processos psicológicos), sínteses pessoais, sistemas semióticos pessoais, mediação semiótica, condições de emergência semiótica e organização semiótica da experiência afetiva. Este estudo de caso descritivo e de cunho predominantemente instrumental foi desenvolvido no bairro de Plataforma, área integrante do Subúrbio Ferroviário de Salvador, Bahia, e é integrado por dois casos: o da participante Rebeca (41 anos de idade), que havia tido três filhos jovens assassinados quando de sua participação neste estudo e o outro, da participante Helena (52 anos de idade), com dois filhos jovens vítimas de homicídio à época de sua participação no estudo - a primeira participante apresentou uma integração minimamente satisfatória das perdas traumáticas ao seu senso de self, o que não ocorreu no caso de Helena. Os dados foram coletados através de uma entrevista narrativa, seguida de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e, ao fim, uma entrevista conversacional com cada participante separadamente. A análise de dados seguiu, em termos gerais, um modelo categorial baseado em episódios caracterizados como eventos ambivalentes; ademais, a análise priorizou os conteúdos compartilhados pelas participantes, embora a forma de construção de tais conteúdos tenha sido eventualmente considerada nas análises, sendo cada caso analisado separadamente. Dentre os achados, aqueles relacionados à integração pessoal da perda podem ser assim sumarizados: sínteses afetivo-semióticas pessoais (como a posição de eu pessoa forte, por exemplo), oriundas de problemáticas envolvendo elementos centrais da experiência de luto, foram fundamentadas em elementos da história de vida da mãe enlutada interconectados com elementos da história pessoal do filho falecido; nesse sentido, o foco da mãe enlutada recaiu sobre elementos das histórias de vida (sua e do filho) que haviam promovida a trajetória a qual resultaria, por fim, na morte do filho. Além disso, mesmo quando satisfatórias e funcionais (a partir da avaliação da própria participante), tais síntese foram caracterizadas como construções afetivo-semióticas complexas e integradas por elementos mantenedores de ambivalência, a partir de um catalisador semiótico internamente ambivalente. Com relação ao caso de não integração da perda ao senso de self, destacou-se uma série de mecanismos envolvendo tentativas de circunvenção do direcionamento social rígido das experiências afetivas de pesar e luto, dentre os quais pode-se destacar: compressão semiótica da experiência afetiva, através da contextualização de signos afetivamente relevantes e de funcionamento automático; reorganização do campo afetivo através da valoração dos afetos experienciados; e, por fim, condição errática de emergência semiótica mediada por signos fortes. Em ambos os casos, destacou-se uma ênfase pessoal intensificada na organização semiótica das experiências afetivas em relação com o rígido direcionamento social de tal organização. This case study aimed at understanding how bereaved mothers who have lost young children to homicide integrate such traumatic losses to their sense of self through affective-semiotic processes. Semiotic construction and mediation as well as semiotic organization of affective experiences are main general processes which were emphasized in this study, whose theoretical framework is that of a cultural psychology os semiotic orientation as well as the dialogical self theory. The main theoretical constructs from semiotic cultural psychology which were contextualized in this study are: signs (types and their functioning in psychological processes); personal syntheses; personal semiotic systems; conditions of semiotic emergence and semiotic mediation; and semiotic organization of affective experiences. The present descriptive case study of predominantly instrumental interest was developed in Plataforma area, in Subúrbio Ferroviário de Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, being composed by two single cases: Rebeca’s (41 years old) and Helena (52 years old). Rebeca had lost three young adult male children when she participated in the study and she presented a minimally satisfactory integration of the losses to her sense of self; Helena, who had lost two young adult children (a son and a daughter) at the time of her participation in the study, did not presented such a subjective integration as Rebeca did, still facing difficulties in constructing personally integrated meanings regarding her losses (mainly related to her deceased daughter). The data collecting procedures included a narrative interview, followed by semistructured interview and, finally, a conversational interview, being the participants interviewed individually. Data analysis followed a categorical model, focusing in episodes characterized as ambivalent situations; furthermore, the analysis also focused on the contents shared by the participants, being the form through which such contents emerged occasionally taken into consideration during the process of data analysis. Among the main findings related to Rebeca’s case, the following ones stood out: personal affective-semiotic syntheses (such as I-as-strong person), which originated from issues related to central elements of the grieving experience, wered founded upon elements of the bereaved mother’s personal trajectory intertwined with elements of the deceased sons’ personal trajectories; in this sense, the bereaved mother focused on personal life trajectories (hers and her sons’ in relation to social others) which had promoted the sons’ trajectories that ultimately led to their deaths. Besides, even when the personal syntheses were considered functional and satisfactory by the participant, such syntheses were characterized as manifold affective-semiotic constructions which were made up by ambivalence-laden elements. In such cases, the very semiotic catalyzer element was considered ambivalence-filled as well. As for Helena’s case, in which no relevant integration of the losses was presented, a series of semiotic mechanisms which involved attempts to circumvent the strict social direction of her affective experience was explored, of which the following stood out: semiotic-mediated constriction of the affective experience, through the contextualization of signs which were affectively relevant (i.e. to which the participant was affectively sensitive) and of automatic functioning; reorganization of the affective experience through valuation of the affective field; and erratic condition of semiotic emergence through contextulization of strong signs. In both cases, it was identified an intensified personal emphasis on the personal semiotic counter-organization of the affective experience in opposition to the strict social direction towards it.
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Sociální aspekty v přístupu k rodičovství v České republice / The Social Aspects of the Approach to Parenthood in the Czech RepublicČARNICKÁ, Hana January 2007 (has links)
The theme of my diploma project deals with an influence of social aspects on approach to parenthood. Many changes have happened in question of family behaviour during the last decades in the Czech society. The goal of my thesis is to contribute to understanding of social events, which influence formation of attitudes and immediate approach to parenthood of contemporary population and fitting research of these aspects to the wide scope of special socio-demographic factors. The first part of theoretical section concerns with historical changes in family behaviour and its contemporary trends. I also illustrate the list of basic demographic data connected with parenthood. The second part of the theoretical section describes development of family policy in the Czech Republic and its contemporary status. The main accent is focused on contemporary family steps. The third section is addressed to the research. It evaluate effectivity of contemporary steps of family policy of the state. Especially the influence of these steps on the parents decisions on their future parenthhod. This thesis ends with discussion and brief conclusion.
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