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Lietuvos sporto universiteto I-IV kurso studentų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacijos raiška / Physical activity motivation expression among Lithuanian sports university I-IV courses studentsGadeikienė, Jovita 10 September 2013 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje susirūpinimą kelia vis prastėjanti jaunų žmonių sveikata. Dažnas studentas neskiria pakankamai dėmesio sveikai elgsenai. Fizinis aktyvumas - vienas iš svarbiausių sveikos gyvensenos veiksnių, tačiau Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų fizinis aktyvumas yra nepakankamas. Daugelio mokslininkų nuomone, Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų sveikata yra prasta, ir tai susiję su mažu fiziniu aktyvumu, nepakankamai sąmoningu ir motyvuotu asmens požiūriu į fizinę veiklą. Studentai ateina turėdami teigiamą požiūrį į kūno kultūrą, bet be vidinio fizinės saviugdos poreikio, prastas jų kūno kultūros žinių lygis. Dėl menkos motyvacijos mažai tikėtina, kad studentai reguliariai mankštintųsi, nes jų poelgiai labiau priklauso nuo išorinių veiksnių ir situacijos. Labai svarbu tirti studentų fizinio aktyvumo poreikius, siekius bei, tuo remiantis, kurti palankią edukacinę aplinką, skatinančią juos fizinei veiklai.
Darbo objektas — studentų motyvacija fiziniam aktyvumui.
Darbo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos sporto universiteto sporto biomedicinos fakulteto I pakopos I- IV kurso studentų motyvacijos fiziniam aktyvumui raišką lyčių aspektu.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti, kaip studentai vertina savo sveikatą lyčių aspektu.
2. Nustatyti fizinio aktyvumo svarbą jaunimui.
3. Įvertinti LSU sporto biomedicinos fakulteto studentų motyvus fiziniam aktyvumui lyčių aspektu.
1. Nustatyta, kad vaikinai geriau vertina savo sveikatą negu merginos. Vaikinai dažniau vertino savo sveikatą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Worldwide concerns about the continued deterioration of the young people's health. Frequent student does not pay sufficient attention to healthy behavior. Physical activity is one of the most important factors in a healthy lifestyle, but physical activity of Lithuanian high school students is insufficient. Many scientists believe that Lithuanian high school student’s health is poor, and it is associated with low levels of physical activity, lack of conscious and motivated individual approach to physical activity. Students come by having a positive attitude towards physical education, but without the need for an internal physical self-education, they have poor Physical Education knowledge. Due to poor motivation is unlikely to believe, that the students are doing exercises on a regular basis, because of their actions depend more on external factors and situations. It is important to research physical activity requirements, objectives of the students, and, on this basis, to create a supportive educational environment that promote their physical activity.
Object of the work – physical activity motivation of the students.
Aim of the work is to determine the Lithuanian Sports University sports biomedical faculty I-IV courses students motivation to physical activity by gender.
1. Determine how students value their health by gender.
2. Determine the importance of physical activity for young people.
3. Evaluate motivation to physical activity of LSU Sports Biomedicine... [to full text]
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Viešojo saugumo tarnybos pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacijos ypatumai / Specifics of motivation for physical activities of public safety service officersŽalneravičius, Donatas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tema: Viešojo saugumo tarnybos pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacijos ypatumai.
Raktiniai žodžiai: Viešojo saugumo tarnyba; fizinis aktyvumas; motyvacija.
Tikslas: Išanalizuoti VST pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacijos ypatumus.
1. Nustatyti VST pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo ypatumus.
2. Atskleisti profesionaliai sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių viešojo saugumo tarnybos pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacijos ypatumus.
3. Atskleisti skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo grupių VST pareigūnų motyvacijos ypatumus.
Probleminis klausimas: Ar VST pareigūnų, kurių darbas reikalauja didesnio fizinio aktyvumo, motyvacija fiziniam aktyvumui yra stipresnė?
Hipotezė – tikėtina, kad labiau fiziškai aktyvių VST pareigūnų fizinio aktyvumo motyvacija pasireiškia intensyviau.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, matematinės statistikos metodai.
Išvados: Viešojo saugumo tarnybos turi užtikrinti saugumą ir likviduoti susidariusias kliūtis paprastomis ir ekstremaliomis sąlygomis laikantis įstatymų. Viešojo saugumo tarnybos pareigūnų specialiojoje kuopoje (4,90) bei konvojaus kuopoje (4,71) išsiskyrė amotyvacijos vidurkiai mažo fizinio aktyvumo grupėje. Išorinės motyvacijos rodiklio vidurkiai išsiskyrė vidutinio fizinio aktyvumo grupėje mobiliojoje (2,30) bei konvojaus (2,42) pareigūnų kuopose. Perimtos, identifikuotos bei vidinės motyvacijos rodiklių vidurkiai išsiskyrė intensyvaus fizinio aktyvumo grupėje specialiojoje kuopoje (3,55; 10,38; 10,86 ). Nerasta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research topic: Specifics of motivation for physical activities of public safety service officers.
Key words: Public safety service; physical activity; motivation.
The aim: To analyze the specifics of phycical activity motyvation of PSS officers.
Main goals:
1. To identify specifics of PSS officers physical activity .
2. To reveal the specifics of physical activity motyvation of those PSS oficcers, who exercise proffesionally and who don‘t exercise at all.
3. To reveal the specifics of motivation of PSS officers from different physical activities groups.
Problem question: Do PSS officers, whose job requires more physical activities, have stronger motivation for physical activities?
Hyphotesis – It‘s probably that motivation for physical activities is stronger for those officers, who have more physical activities .
Research mothods: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire , mathematical statistic methods.
Results: Public safety services have to ensure security and eliminate existing obstacles to the simple and extreme conditions in accordance with the law. Averages of amotivation in low physical activities group stood out among PSS officers in special purpose company (4,90) and convoy company (4,71). Averages of extrinsic motivation indicators in average physical activities group stood out among PSS officers in mobile company (2,30) and convoy company (2,42). Averages of introjected, identified and intrinsic motivation indicators in intense physical... [to full text]
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Slaugytojų motyvacijos ir jų požiūrio į motyvavimo sistemos elementus VŠĮ Kauno Medicinos Universiteto Klinikose įvertinimas / Evaluation of nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the hospital of Kaunas University of MedicinePetkevičiūtė, Dalia 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study : to evaluate nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine.
Methodology of the study :
The object of the study – motivation of the nurses' at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine, their fulfilment with their work, the role of self – realization in the motivation, potentials in career planning, nurses' approach to the elements of motivation system .
Methods of the study - Questionnaire for the nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine.
Scope - 65 pages .
Methods of statistic analysis – data of the study are accomplished and analysis of statistic data is obtained having used statistic package SPSS for Windows 12.0. Statistic reliability of the differences of responses was controlled according to Chi (χ²) criterium. Checking statistic hypotheses, 0,05 importance level was chosen Man – Withney test was applied to determine the differences between two separate groups.
Results and conclusions - forms of material stimulation has the greatest significance in the motivation of nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. Self – realization and career potentials stimulate the nurses least. Less than a half of the nurses staff is satisfied with their job. The essential reasons are inadequate pay and depreciatian of this occupation. Most nurses are paid extra money from incentive fund, and it has some motivating significance, but majority of nurses... [to full text]
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Kraujo donorų požiūris į donorystę / Blood donors attitude to blood donationStonienė, Laimutė 10 June 2005 (has links)
Importance of blood safety by voluntary and altruistic blood donation is presented in the Master degree thesis. The major theoretical and practical solution of blood donations adopted during the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign legislation, results of analysis of society blood donor’s motivation and blood donors focusing problems.
Master degree thesis consists of four main parts: analysis of the problem, background literature review, practical research and final conclusions.
The first part of the thesis emphasizes the necessity for EU member states to ensure the provision for safe blood products which quality must fulfil the same EU standards, to restore public confidence. The main problem is transition from paid and relative’s blood donations to unpaid (voluntary) donations, which is revealed in the first part of thesis.
The legislation regulating blood donations, the types of current donors and factors influencing on donors motivation are discussed in the second part. The second part consists of three chapters.
The review of Lithuanian legislation about donor ship in Lithuania is considered in the first chapter. It is possible to state that till the year 2004 in Lithuania legal paid blood donations system was established which today barrier in transition is from paid and relatives blood donation to unpaid (voluntary) process. The second chapter describes the changing during last 3 year among Lithuanian blood donors and in donations.
on process. And the last... [to full text]
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Pradinių klasių moksleivių vertinimas: tėvų ir pedagogų nuostatų ypatumai / The evaluation of the primary school pupils: ruling singularities of parents and teachersKavaliauskaitė, Lina 13 June 2005 (has links)
The Master paper consists of introduction and two parts: a) the singularities of an alternation of the pupils‘ evaluation in the context of the learning paradigm; b) the investigation of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers into the evaluation of the pupils. The conclusions and the recommendations for the teachers and parents are provided in the end of the paper.
In the primary school on the basis of the humanistic ideas the grading evaluation was rejected. Further it was made according to the individual progress evaluation the criteria of which might have been not completely clear to parents as well as it might raise unclearness to the teachers. The negative ruling possibility might possibly become higher because of the unclearness in the evaluation of the pupils‘ progress.
Therefore, the question turns out: which of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers (positive, neutral or negative) are oriented towards the basic changes of the students‘ progress evaluation? The question and search for the answer is the problematic basis of this Master‘s work.
Goal of the analysis: to analyze the ruling singularities of parents and teachers of the primary school towards the evaluation of the pupils by grading and towards the idiographic way of evaluation.
The fundamental goals of the work: to clarify the impact of the nature of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers upon the progress and the achievement evaluation system in the primary school regarding the... [to full text]
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Rizikos grupės mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / The Aspects of Motivation for Learning in School Learners' Risk GroupTarbūnienė, Lina 16 June 2005 (has links)
Children who have stopped attending school and do not have firm educational, cognition and activity motivation are disappointed about possibility to study, and the losses of learning they themselves and the society experience are long-lasting: their illiteracy makes it harder for them to participate in the society’s activities, social and economic insecurity as well as the probability to belong to socially isolated groups grow.
The aim of the research was to state the reasons which weaken pupils’ motivation to study and encourage non-attendance and reluctance to learn.
The object of the research was pupils of the 5th – 10th forms who belong to the risk group: 1) those who do not attend school; 2) those who attend it badly; 3) those who are unsuccessful in their studies.
The following tasks were set during the research: 1) having analyzed pedagogical-psychological literature to present the concept of the motivation to study, to clarify the reasons for reluctance to learn; 2) to investigate the peculiarities of the motivation to study characteristic of the pupils of the 5th-10th forms; 3) to analyze and compare the differences in the motivation to study in these groups; 4) to compare the reasons for the reluctance to learn.
Theoretical and empirical methods as well as the method of mathematical statistics were used in the investigation. The investigation was carried out together with other MA students, 667 informants were questioned.
As... [to full text]
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Gebėjimas skaityti kaip mokymosi sėkmės prielaida / How Ability to read Influences LearningCivinskienė, Ramunė 16 June 2005 (has links)
The research paper analyzes the main features of ability to read and its influence on studens learning. The investigation was conducted between III – IV formers according to the development of their reading ability, an average time needed to fullfil the reading task correctly as well as teachers’ opinion was analyzed. 171 studens (76 girls and 95 boys) and 60 teachers took part in this research. The research revealed that ability to read is one of the most important parts in the process of learning and it can influence learning in a positive way as well as in a negative way.
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Vyresniųjų klasių (IX-XII ) moksleivių pasiekimo motyvacijos ir sveikatos kontrolės lokuso ypatumai / Peculiarities of achievement motivation and locus of health control of senior schoolchildren (years IX – XII)Vidugirienė, Jolanta 22 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to study the peculiarities and interrelations of achievement motivation, locus of health control (multidimensional and visual analogue scales) and academic advancement of senior schoolchildren (years IX – XII). 228 senior schoolchildren participated in the study. The study involved two methodologies. The first one, meant for the research of learning motivation of schoolchildren, was used A. Mehrabian’s achievement motivation test-enquiry, modified by M. Sh. Magomed – Eminov. The second one – K. Wallston’s (1978) health locus of control (multidimensional and visual analogue scales). The research results data confirmed the hypothesis that achievement motivation of senior girls is different from that of senior boys. It was established that the ratios of motivation of boys were higher than those of girls of the same age. It is confirmed by the statistically relevant relation (t(226)=2,004, p = 0,04). The analysis of research data showed that: achievement motivation of senior schoolchildren decreases with the age; senior schoolchildren’s belief that condition of health depends on contingencies or external influences decreases with the age; senior boys evaluate their health better than girls of the same age; advancement of senior schoolchildren increases with the age. Second hypothesis of probability of relation among achievement motivation, health control ratios and academic advancement in senior grades was not confirmed.
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Mokymosi motyvacijos, agresyvaus elgesio bei žalingų įpročių raiškos priklausomybė nuo paauglių fizinio aktyvumo bei lyties / Motivation to learn, aggressive treatment and addictions expressions’ dependence on teenagers physical activity and genderNorkus, Tomas 17 May 2006 (has links)
Motivation to learn, aggressive treatment and addictions expressions’ dependence on teenagers physical activity and gender
In this study were analysed correlation between motivation of learning, aggressive treatment, addictions and teenagers’ physical activity. Absence of definite answer, how sport activity governs students’ motivation of learning and attitude to school, initiated this study. Researches don’t answer, are the physical active pupil more susceptible to aggressive treatment and addictions.
In this case as independent variable was chose pupils’ physical activity and gender, and dependent variable – attitude to school, learning and motivation of learning peculiarity, aggressive treatment and addictions expression. Our purpose – to find motivation of learning, aggressive treatment and addictions expression dependence on teenagers’ physical activity and gender.
Research tasks
1. To find attitude to school and motivation of learning subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender.
2. To evaluate aggressive treatment expression subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender.
3. To evaluate addictions expression subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender.
To serve the purpose were investigated 230 the eighth class students of Kaunas secondary schools. Were investigated 105 boys and 125 girls. Students were picked accidentally using serial principle from ten different schools and in every one was examined by one the eighth class. We used... [to full text]
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Suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacija neformaliojo švietimo organizacijoje / Adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educational organizationŠatrauskienė, Lijana 07 June 2006 (has links)
The issues on adults‘ motivation discussed in scientific discource are not prolific. They and related problems have been studied by Viliūnas (1990), Boshier (1971), Hatter (1990), Entwistle (1998), Taylor (1982). However, there is a lack of research of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educational organization. This is the foundation of the research of the master‘s thesis which enables to formulate the problem of the research, emphasizing the search for peculiarities of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages, highlighting prevailing motifs, their relations to some demographical sharacteristics of adults when teaching and learning is performed in an informal educational organization.
Object of the research – Adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages.
Aim of the research – to analyse the peculiarities of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educationa organization.
Tasks of the research:
1. To carry out a theoretical analysis of learning motivation in order to find out the understanding of learning motivation, types of motivation.
2. To analyse the features of an adult‘s foreign languages learning motivation, pointing out possible learning barriers related with age, education, social status, etc., and highlighting some aspects of adults‘motivation for learning foreign languages (dominant learning motifs, tendencies, difficulties).
3. To study an informal educational organization as one of adults‘... [to full text]
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