Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifamiliar"" "subject:"multifamiliares""
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Implementación de la curva de liberación en el last planner system para controlar el impacto del síndrome del 90 % en proyectos multifamiliares / Implementation of the release curve in the last planner® system to control the impact of the 90% syndrome in multi-family projectsCifuentes Garay, Eduardo, Escalante Bejar, Dyvi, Pastor Jarama, Gabriela Elisa, Sánchez Barrueto, José Andrés 27 September 2021 (has links)
Las empresas constructoras del sector inmobiliario, conforme se acercan a la fecha de entrega del proyecto, enfrentan mayor dificultad para culminarlo. Esto, por lo general, sucede cuando la obra se encuentra alrededor de un 90 % de avance, y el 10 % de avance restante no se comporta de la misma manera que lo ya realizado, generándose ampliaciones de plazo. Cuando se produce esta condición, decimos que se ha generado el Síndrome del 90 %.
La gran mayoría de las empresas constructoras del sector inmobiliario plantean su programación de obra en base a la Curva S, o Curva de Avance, y descuidan el control de lo que se viene liberando en la obra. Este comportamiento es el principal motivo por el cual se genera el Síndrome del 90 %, razón por la cual se realiza el presente trabajo de investigación, para diseñar una metodología que reconozca, mitigue y revierta los efectos negativos que este síndrome pueda producir.
La propuesta ha sido aplicada a un proyecto multifamiliar en curso y plantea generar una curva adicional a la tradicional Curva S haciendo uso del Last Planner® System. Se trata de la Curva de Liberación, la cual recogerá la data de cómo se están produciendo las liberaciones de partidas de nuestra obra, otorgándonos información que nos permita elaborar una programación que nos aleje del Síndrome del 90 % y de los efectos negativos que éste produce, tales como la ampliación de plazos, el incremento en los costos, las penalidades por no cumplimiento y una segura afectación a la imagen comercial de la empresa. / As the building companies in the real estate sector approach the project delivery date, they face greater difficulty finishing it. This, in general, happens when the work is around 90% complete, and the remaining 10% progress does not behave in the same way as what has already been done, generating an increase in the schedule. When this condition occurs, we say that the 90% Syndrome has been generated.
The vast majority of building companies in the real estate sector plan their work schedule based on the S Curve, or progress curve, and neglect to control what is being released in the work. This behavior is the main reason why the 90% Syndrome is generated, which is why this research work is carried out, to design a methodology that recognizes, mitigates and reverses the negative effects that this syndrome may produce.
The proposal has been applied to an ongoing multifamily building and proposes generating an additional curve to the traditional S Curve using the Last Planner® System. This is the release curve, which will collect the data on how the releases of items of our work are taking place, providing us with information that allows us to develop a schedule that moves us away from the 90% Syndrome and the negative effects it produces, such as the schedule increase, the cost increase, penalties for non-completion and a certain impact on the commercial image of the company. / Trabajo de investigación
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Decreasing Energy Use by 50% in Swedish Multifamily buildings by 2050 - Obstacles and OpportunitiesShafqat, Omar January 2012 (has links)
Building sector in Sweden constitutes a major part of the overall energy consumption, making up for around 40% of the total energy use. During the 60s and 70s, there was a big surge in housing in Sweden with over a million dwellings, both single family houses and multi-family apartments, constructed over a period of ten years. These buildings constructed according to the pre-oil crisis standards, suffer from poor energy performance and are in dire need for large scale renovations. This makes it a very interesting area to focus on to meet the Swedish government targets of 50% energy reduction by 2050. This study tries to assess the prevailing situation in multifamily housing sector and focuses on various obstacles and hinders in the path towards achieving long term energy saving goals. A model has been developed using bottom-up approach to study different scenarios for energy use in 2050 based on various renovation possibilities in the building stock.
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Multifamily Units in the Dispersed City: Measuring Infill and Development by Neighborhood Type in the Kansas City RegionMcMillan, Andrew James, Mr. 15 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Energiprisstrukturens inverkan på val av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder : En analys av trender inom el- och fjärrvärmeprissättning och dess inverkan på effektiviseringsåtgärder i bostadsbeståndetWallenbert, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this examination is to see how energy efficiency measures affect peak loads in multifamily buildings. In addition, how much of an energy share warm water has in peak loads. The Swedish building sector represents 40 % of all energy used. The thesis was restricted to multifamily buildings, which is dominated by district heating. The most common energy measures to save peak cost and reduce peak loads that are focus in this thesis work, e.g. changing windows, isolate walls and attics but also lowering indoor temperature. It was assumed in the thesis that the cost of peak loads will increase in the future and therefore the choice of energy efficiency measures is important. The calculations to determine the effectiveness of the energy measures where done by using hourly temperature data from the year 2014 in combination with, known investment costs for each energy measure. The only measures that went with profit over a 40-year period was the attics isolation and lower indoor temperature. The highest peak load savings in heating was the change of windows and wall isolation, but the investment cost was too high to gain a profit. The conclusion is that the best energy efficiency measures are attic isolation and lower indoor temperature because of its low investment cost and quick payback time, but also effective at lowering peak load by reducing the temperature difference between outdoor and indoor temperature in multifamily buildings. The analysis of warm water energy's share of the peak loads varied much between the 15 given multifamily buildings, where a base load and a peak load where compared. The result was between 10-50 % were the difference between the buildings warm water energy share off the peak loads. It where concluded that a standard value of 20 % would give much inaccuracy in determining the warm water share. It is therefore, suggested to use this method to determine the warm water share of the hourly peak load. / I detta arbete har syftet varit att hitta de vanligaste energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna som görs idag i det svenska bostadsbeståndet. Energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna påverkar effekttoppar i flerbostadshus och har undersökts. Om det antas att energiprisstrukturen går mot en mer effektbaserad taxa kan åtgärderna få större påverkan på energipriset i framtiden. I arbetet har varmvattnets andel av timeffekttoppar undersökts, med stöd av energianvändningsdata från 15 anonymiserade flerbostadshus med fjärrvärme. Energianvändningen i bostadsbeståndet står för ca 40 % av Sveriges energianvändning. Det ställs då krav på de lågenergihus som byggs idag och vid renovering av hus att möta Sveriges som såväl EU 2020 målet att minska energianvändningen i bostäder genom att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. De vanligaste energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna i flerbostadshus har varit isolering av väggar och vind, installation av energiglas och frånluftssystem med värmeåtervinning. En sänkt inomhus temperatur har även medtagits. För fastighetsägare av flerbostadshus, där energianvändning för uppvärmning och varmvatten domineras av fjärrvärme är prisutvecklingen viktig. Om i framtiden ett antagande görs att el och fjärrvärmepriset övergår från en energibaserad taxa kr/kWh till en mer effektbaserad taxa kr/kW där kunden betalar för de högsta effekttopparna under ett år. I denna studie redovisas det när effekttoppar uppstår och vilka energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som påverkar effekttopparna i flerbostadshus. De högsta effekttopparna uppstår oftast under vinterårstiden då uppvärmningsbehovet är störst. I ett framtaget typbostadshus där de valda energiåtgärderna beräknades, det visade sig att energiglas minskar effektbehovet och effektpriset mest, därefter väggisolering med mineralull. Emellertid ger energiglas och väggisolerings åtgärderna ger förluster i lönsamhetsberäkningen. Det skiljer sig från tilläggsisolering med mineralull av vinden och sänkt inomhus temperatur som har en investerings vinst över en 40 års period. I beräkningarna användes temperaturdata från år 2012 både på typhuset innan och efter implementerad åtgärd.En viktig parameter vid minskning av uppvärmningsbehovet är U-värdet. Tilläggsisolering av vind samt sänkt temperatur är de åtgärder som rekommenderas då båda påverkar effektbehovet och ger en lönsam investering. Åtgärd vid fönster och väggar minskar dock uppvärmningsbehovet mest men ger en olönsam ekonomisk investering. Varmvattenandelen av den högsta timeffekttoppen över året togs fram genom att jämföra baslasten och effekttoppen under dagen då effektbehovet är som högst. Resultatet visade att varmvattenandelen av effekttoppen tycks variera mellan ca 10- 50 %. Varmvattenandelen av effekttoppen varierar stort och därför föreslås användningen av metoden i detta examensarbete istället för ett schablonvärde på 20 % vid undersökning av varmvattenandelen av timeffekttoppen.
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Byggregler för flerbostadshus : en studie av konsekvenser och möjligheter att skapa kvalitativa bostäder genom riktad problemlösning i byggprocessenBergqvist, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning have been conducting housing needs assessments since 1995 (Boverket 2015). The latest assessment was conducted in 2015 and showed that 71,000 homes will need to be built annually by 2020. To be able to contribute to building more homes, Willhem AB is carrying out a project called ”Så bygger vi för alla”. As part of the work, this thesis will examine the building rules and how they can contribute to innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which rules, laws and norms we have to keep to in Sweden regarding housing construction. The aim of the work is to investigate whether the regulatory framework can create creativity amongst the players in the market. This thesis is limited to examining which laws, government policies and eventual municipal requirements that exist in Sweden. Therefore, industry rules, such as the AMA, and contracting regulations, such as AB and ABT, will not be taken into consideration. The survey is also limited to newly built multifamily houses only. Finally, the reference objects that are studied in the thesis will be in Sweden and be limited to being either construction-technical or plan-based innovative and have been recently executed. This thesis is based on the existing regulations and theories from previous studies. The data collected for this survey will be studied from a qualitative point of view. The survey aims to investigate a number of reference objects more thoroughly and conduct interviews with key people involved in the project, which means a qualitative approach is best suited. In 1987, Sweden received a new building legislation according to Örnhall (2017), which has resulted in a transition from specification requirements to functional requirements in order to increase the liberty in housing production. However, according to Örnhall (2017 the new legislation has contributed to a wider picture of the regulatory framework. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is the authority that has the overall responsibility for community planning, urban development, construction and housing (Nordstrand 2008). The most important laws and government policies that the social planning sector primarily have to obey are the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF) as well as and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (BBR) (Örnhall, Swedish Construction Service 2017a). The Planning and Building Act (SFS 2010:900), PBL, regulates the planning for land and water whilst the responsibility for maintaining the regulations lies with the municipalities. The purpose of PBL is to promote social development for long-term, equal, social and environmental sustainable development for today’s society and future generations (SFS 2010: 900). When creating new homes, special consideration should be given to long term use of the home (Boverket 2016). At the interview stage, six areas emerged that were considered to be particularly problematic or interesting for the development of innovative and cheap housing. These areas were; accessibility, municipal requirements, rules, advice and interpretations, energy, innovation and development, and the ability to build for everyone. I perceived the accessibility aspect as very complex. Several interviewees argue that the accessibility requirements entail an increased cost for new builds, in one case it was even expressed that today’s availability requirements means the housing becomes less accessible to a larger group. The rules for creating an inclusive society also emerged at the interview stage while another recurring opinion is the renewal of the legislation. Several interviewees stated that they consider the regulations to be outdated and need to be updated according to today’s society. Based on this, I found The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning requirements contradictory whilst providing support for innovation, many requirements inhibits the development of housing. Therefore, extensive research should be carried out on how people in Sweden want to live today; thereafter the regulations can be updated according to today’s needs. In one way or another, all reference objects have been at the forefront when it comes to housing development. A common factor for the various reference objects is that a major problem was identified in all projects, which led to a product or solution being developed. They show that there is not one solution to the problem, but that different solutions can be found to achieve the same goal: better housing for more people.
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O mercado imobiliário vende felicidade? Caracterização das áreas de lazer dos edifícios verticais multifamiliares em Maceió-AL (2010-2015) / The real estate market sells happiness? Characterization of the recreational areas of multifamily buildings vertical in Maceió-AL (2010-2015)Coutinho, Marta Cristina Cavalcante 08 August 2016 (has links)
The common areas of contemporary vertical multifamily buildings have increasing amount of leisure environments. This may be a response to the demands of the consumer society, whose new needs that arise at all times require new merchandise that convert to new needs and desires. The real estate market works with the attributes of real estate in search of sales consolidation, especially those related to the style and quality of life desired by buyers. Media operates the sign value selling dreams, lifestyle, leisure, healthy environment, peace, security, prestige, nobility, exclusive and happiness. What does the real estate market offer as leisure environments in vertical buildings multifamily? The objective of this master’s dissertation is to characterize the extent and configuration of leisure environments and leisure areas located in common areas of multifamily vertical buildings in the city of Maceio / AL. As an object of study, were selected 31 buildings of seven construction companies operating in the city, delivered or launched over the period from 2010 to 2015, through portfolios available on the internet. The buildings were separated in three groups, according to the area of their housing units (HU), using as basis the Sales Speed Index (IVV), provided by SINDUSCON-AL: GROUPING A (8 buildings and 3 condos) - HU to 70m²; GROUNPING B (8 buildings and 1 condominium) – HU 51m² to 150m²; and GROUNPING C (10 buildings and 1 condominium) - HU above 101m². The leisure environments found were grouped in four groups: children, teen, adult and shared. It was found that adults and shared environments, occur throughout the sample, most often for fitness space and parties room or gourmet space. It was found that most leisure environments are located on ground floor / pilotis of the buildings, and there are also environments on the roof floor and on the mezzanine and occasionally underground floor. There are five types of location and spatial organization for leisure areas of multifamily vertical buildings: TYPE 1 - Leisure area on the ground floor / pilotis with the adult pool environment; TYPE 2 - Leisure area on the ground floor / pilotis without pool environment; TYPE 3 – Leisure area on the ground floor / pilotis and mezzanine; TYPE 4 - Leisure area in the ground floor / pilotis and roof floor; TYPE 5 - Leisure area type club. It was found that leisure index, total leisure area divided by the likely number of residents per building, has increased average, according to the increase in the area of housing units in buildings belonging to each grouping: GROUNPING A - 0,54m²/resident; GROUNPING B - 1,06m²/resident; and GROUNPING C - 1,11m²/resident. The fact that all the buildings researched having leisure areas, regardless of the range area of housing units, points to a contemporary tendency to offer to this typology, is for use by residents, or to be sold as symbol of status and happiness. / As áreas comuns dos edifícios verticais multifamiliares contemporâneos apresentam quantidade cada vez maior de ambientes de lazer. Essa pode ser uma resposta às demandas da sociedade de consumo, cujas novas necessidades que surgem a todo instante exigem novas mercadorias que se convertem em novas necessidades e desejos. O mercado imobiliário trabalha com os atributos dos imóveis em busca da consolidação das vendas, destacando-se aqueles relacionados com o estilo e a qualidade de vida desejados pelos compradores. A mídia opera com o valor de signo vendendo sonhos, estilo de vida, lazer, ambiente saudável, sossego, segurança, prestígio, nobreza, exclusividade e felicidade. O que o mercado imobiliário oferece como ambientes de lazer nos edifícios verticais multifamiliares? O objetivo dessa dissertação de mestrado é caracterizar a abrangência e a configuração dos ambientes e das áreas de lazer localizadas nas áreas comuns dos edifícios verticais multifamiliares, na cidade de Maceió/AL. Selecionaram-se, como objeto de estudo, 31 edifícios de sete construtoras que atuam na cidade, entregues ou em lançamento no período de 2010 até 2015, por meio de portfólios disponibilizados na internet. Separaram-se esses edifícios em 3 grupamentos, de acordo com a área de suas unidades habitacionais (UH), utilizando-se como base o Índice de Velocidade de Vendas (IVV), disponibilizado pelo SINDUSCON-AL: GRUPAMENTO A (8 edifícios e 3 condomínios) – UH até 70m²; GRUPAMENTO B (8 edifícios e 1 condomínio) – UH de 51m² até 150m²; e GRUPAMENTO C (10 edifícios e 1 condomínio) – UH acima de 101m². Agruparam-se os ambientes de lazer encontrados em quatro grupos: infantil, juvenil, adulto e compartilhado. Verificou-se que os ambientes adultos e compartilhados, ocorrem em toda a mostra, com maior frequência para espaço fitness e salão de festas ou espaço gourmet. Constatou-se que a maioria dos ambientes de lazer se localiza no pavimento pilotis/térreo dos edifícios, havendo também ambientes na cobertura e no mezanino e ocasionalmente no subsolo. Identificaram-se 5 tipos de localização e organização espacial para as áreas de lazer dos edifícios verticais multifamiliares: TIPO 1 - Área de lazer no pavimento térreo/pilotis com o ambiente piscina adulto; TIPO 2 - Área de lazer no pavimento térreo/pilotis sem piscina; TIPO 3 - Área de lazer no pavimento térreo/pilotis e no mezanino; TIPO 4 - Área de lazer nos pavimentos térreo/pilotis e cobertura; TIPO 5 – área de lazer tipo clube. Verificou-se que o índice de lazer, área de lazer total dividido pelo número provável de moradores por edifício, possui média crescente, de acordo com o aumento da área das unidades habitacionais dos edifícios pertencentes a cada grupamento: GRUPAMENTO A – 0,54m²/morador; GRUPAMENTO B – 1,06m²/morador; e GRUPAMENTO C – 1,11m²/morador. O fato de todos os edifícios pesquisados possuírem áreas de lazer, independente da faixa de área das unidades habitacionais, aponta para uma tendência contemporânea de oferta para essa tipologia, seja para utilização pelos moradores, ou para ser vendida como símbolo de status e felicidade.
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Standardiserade flerbostadshus - En utredning om en hållbar förtätning av stadskärnan / Standardized multifamily housing – An investigation of sustainable urban densificationOmerovic, Damir, Kronkvist, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceptions of Wooden Multifamily Houses : Applying an Extended Association Pattern TechniqueSchauerte, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
During the past years, wooden one and two family houses showed a higher growth rate on the German construction market compared to conventional material like brick and stone. Wood as construction material became more and more attractive. Furthermore, a growing demand on multifamily houses could be recognized, yet, wood has not been considered as an alternative in this field of application until now. Trying to understand the end-users attitudes towards wooden multifamily houses, this licentiate thesis aims at exploring German end-users’ perceptions of wooden multifamily houses. To collect the necessary data, the Association Pattern Technique (APT) was applied, which is a two-stage method and has its foundations in the Means-End theory. In the first stage, 31 in-depth laddering interviews were carried out, which served as the base for the matrix-survey in the second stage, where 229 answers were received. Extending the existing method in the matrix-survey stage allowed for important additional data to be uncovered. The results show that individuals associate certain product attributes with wooden multifamily houses and that these attributes are thought to entail specific consequences. These consequences are in turn linked with the personal values of the respondents. The most dominant perceptual orientations of different groups of respondents are shown and significant differences could be found in how individuals in German perceive wooden multifamily houses depending on age, income and habitation.
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[pt] A aplicação de soluções e sistemas prediais sustentáveis em edificações, em especial em habitação, tem sido promovida pela adoção recente de leis pertinentes e pela maior consciência sobre o tema da sustentabilidade. Isto tem levado à iniciativas pontuais que visam redução de custos e de consumo de
recursos como energia e água. Porém, é pouco comum verificar no mercado habitacional do Rio de Janeiro o surgimento de novos lançamentos imobiliários que já contemplem soluções sustentáveis em seus projetos, mostrando falta de atenção por parte dos incorporadores imobiliários e clientes compradores com
relação à adoção de práticas sustentáveis e de gestão de recursos durante o desenvolvimento e operação da edificação. Este trabalho analisa parâmetros de incorporação e custos de operação de um empreendimento residencial hipotético, com oito pavimentos tipo, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no qual é
avaliada a inclusão de quatro sistemas: geração de energia solar fotovoltaica, reuso de águas cinzas, captação de água de chuvas e uso de hidrômetros individualizados. A análise financeira é realizada através da montagem de seis cenários de avaliação, o primeiro considerando a edificação sem nenhuma solução sustentável, os quatro seguintes com cada uma das soluções aplicadas separadamente, e a última considerando todas as soluções implementadas simultaneamente. Os resultados financeiros são comparados para avaliar dados do interesse do agente incorporador, como custos de incorporação,
necessidades de correção nos preços de venda e disposição a pagar do consumidor, e dados de interesse do cliente comprador, como economias geradas durante a operação e payback do investimento. / [en] The increase in the global population and the ever-increasing development of cities have given rise to various challenges to be overcome in environmental, social, cultural and economic terms. This situation makes it important to encourage the use of new technological solutions to build more sustainable cities
and the real estate market has an important role in this process, because the incorporation of sustainable practices into buildings is decided upon during the design of real estate developments. With respect to the Brazilian market, the managers of developers currently bear the responsibility of being the decision-makers on the use of sustainable building systems and on the reduction of energy consumption over the lifespan of
buildings. On the other hand, within the real estate market in the city of Rio de Janeiro, it is unusual to find multi-family housing developments that already feature such solutions integrated from the beginning into their designs, thereby demonstrating that real estate developers and buying customers overlook
resource management during construction. Notably, financial considerations govern market relations and it is supposed that the implementation of sustainable solutions is still an unknown variable in terms of financial results, since the probable increase in the cost of initial construction still does not lead to visible,
immediate gains for real estate developers. In addition, consumers do not have clarity on the gains tied to acquiring sustainable buildings. Information is lacking on the benefits in ecological terms and mainly, in financial terms, relating to the reduction in operating costs from the use of energy and natural resources during the lifespan of the building.
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Diagnóstico de fallas incidentes en instalaciones sanitarias en viviendas multifamiliares de Lima Metropolitana, mediante la evaluación post venta y el enfoque a procesosCcahuana Huanachin, Orlando, Tong Mont, Angie Jennifer 09 May 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación se desarrolla en torno a los numerosos problemas de calidad que se presentan en las nuevas viviendas multifamiliares en Lima Metropolitana; enfocado específicamente en las instalaciones sanitarias, que es la especialidad que presenta más inconvenientes. Se pretende que, mediante la evaluación de la post venta y el enfoque a procesos, se detecten las causas de los principales reclamos, para diagnosticar las fallas incidentes en las instalaciones sanitarias, y así, realizar una propuesta que mejore los procedimientos actualmente utilizados.
El trabajo consta de cinco partes. En la primera, se evidencia que la problemática está presente en muchas partes de Latinoamérica, específicamente en nuestra capital. En la segunda, se definen los reglamentos, normas y bases teóricas en las cuales se fundamenta la investigación; asimismo, se explican cómo son las instalaciones sanitarias y los procedimientos utilizados actualmente en nuestro país. En la tercera, se presenta la información recopilada, los reportes de post venta, y se realizan los respectivos análisis con distintas herramientas de calidad. En la cuarta, se hace una discusión de los resultados del capítulo anterior y se definen las causas de las fallas más recurrentes en las instalaciones sanitarias. Por último, en la quinta, se desarrolla la propuesta de mejora de la investigación.
Finalmente, cuando se aplican las propuestas de mejora, se obtiene un porcentaje de problemas solucionados del 65% de los reclamos hechos a post venta en el rubro de instalaciones sanitarias. / This research is developed around the numerous quality problems that arise in new multi-family homes in Metropolitan Lima; specifically focused on sanitary facilities, which is the specialty that presents the most drawbacks. It is intended that, by evaluating the after-sales and focusing on processes, the causes of the main complaints are detected, to diagnose the incident failures in the sanitary facilities, and thus, make a proposal that improves the procedures currently used.
The work consists of five parts. In the first, it is evident that the problem is present in many parts of Latin America, specifically in our capital. In the second, the regulations, standards and theoretical bases on which the research is based are defined; Likewise, it explains what the sanitary facilities and procedures currently used in our country are like. In the third, the information collected is presented, the post-sale reports, and the respective analyzes are carried out with different quality tools. In the fourth, a discussion of the results of the previous chapter is made and the causes of the most recurrent failures in sanitary facilities are defined. Finally, in the fifth, the research improvement proposal is developed.
Finally, when the improvement proposals are applied, a percentage of problems solved is obtained of 65% of the claims made after sales in the area of sanitary facilities. / Tesis
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