Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifamiliar"" "subject:"multifamiliares""
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The Role of Multifamily Real Estate Investments in Retirement PlanningFernandez, Miguel A. 01 May 2006 (has links)
By using data from the 1995 Property Owners and Managers Survey (POMS), this study explores the role of owner characteristics (socioeconomic and behavioral) and ownership characteristics in predicting the likelihood of using multifamily property for retirement purposes. In addition, this study examines the likelihood of reporting a profit in the prior year among those who purchase multifamily properties for retirement purposes. The sample consists of property owners who own multifamily real estate other than their primary residence (N = I ,3 19). Property owners with retirement savings motive (RSM) were more likely to be male, White, have income more than $100,000, own more than 30 units, and be located in the Midwest. Property owners who reported a profit in the prior year were more likely to be male, White, own property more than 10 years, own 30 or more units, and be located in the Midwest.
The results of logistic regression analysis indicate that gender, income, the amount of time contributed to maintenance by the owner, owner living at the property, individual ownership, and the number of units in the property were significantly related to the likelihood of owning real estate for retirement purposes. Being older, White, having higher income, contributing to maintenance, being an individual owner, owning the property for more than 10 years, and owning more than live units were significantly related to the likelihood of reporting a profit in the prior year.
By identifying who is purchasing multifamily properties for retirement purposes and their likelihood of success, educators, researchers, financial planners, and economists can gain a better understanding of the multifamily housing market. Individual investors, financial planners, lenders, and researchers can utilize this information to expand, develop, or reline models that measure the quality of a financial deal (i.e., the probability of making a profit and/or risk of default).
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The Modulo: Bridging Community and Individuality in Multi-Family HousingIlgen, Tugba 13 September 2023 (has links)
Modular construction, a method where building components are prefabricated off-site and then transported as completed modules, is generally employed to save time and cost in the building industry. Despite its default as a repetitive component, it holds potential to address both individuality and community engagement within multi-story housing.
This thesis investigates modular design as a possibilty to develop better quality affordable housing in densely populated urban areas.
The modular components are positioned with respect to privacy, individuality , and an encouragement of community interaction. By using precast components and CLT modules in this arrangement, this thesis aims to create private spaces that cater to residents' individual preferences and requirements while simultaneously establishing communal areas that facilitate social interaction and a sense of community. / Master of Architecture / Modular construction, a method where building components are prefabricated off-site and then transported as completed modules, is generally employed to save time and cost in the building industry. Despite its default as a repetitive component, it holds potential to address both individuality and community engagement within multi-story housing.
This thesis investigates modular design as a possibilty to develop better quality affordable housing in densely populated urban areas.
The modular components are positioned with respect to privacy, individuality , and an encouragement of community interaction. By using precast components and CLT modules in this arrangement, this thesis aims to create private spaces that cater to residents' individual preferences and requirements while simultaneously establishing communal areas that facilitate social interaction and a sense of community.
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Whose Choice Is It Really?: The Impact of Property Profitability, Owner Strategies, & Perceived Majority Tenant Prejudices on Housing Choice Voucher AcceptanceMitchell, Kimberly Jean 16 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the critical role of landlords in implementing the Housing Choice Voucher program. Housing choice vouchers provide tenant-based rental assistance to low-income families so that they can have greater opportunities to select apartments and locations than under other rental housing assistance programs. Vouchers provide a renter with more location, quality and housing type options than project-based subsidized housing. The program's ability to increase choice depends heavily on the decisions of private landlords to accept voucher tenants. This research examines the factors influencing housing choice voucher acceptance by owners, or their agents, specifically property profitability, owner strategies, and perceived majority tenant prejudices. One previous study attempted to identify the factors that affect landlords' acceptance of vouchers, and was restricted to landlords participating in the voucher program. This dissertation expands our understanding of landlords' decisions to accept voucher tenants in two key ways: empirical modeling of voucher acceptance using a national sample of rental properties; and qualitative studies of landlords within a single market area. This research has implications for improving the future performance of the voucher program and the housing quality of low-income renters. By understanding the factors influencing voucher acceptance, public policy makers can utilize this information and direct their efforts to successfully market the program, expand voucher knowledge, and increase non-participating owners' acceptance of vouchers. Furthermore, policy makers can determine if additional legislation is needed to enhance the protection of voucher holder's rights and maintain the supply of eligible units. Such efforts will enhance the effectiveness of housing agencies and thus, help achieve the goal of providing low-income renters with better housing options. / Ph. D.
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Influence of Lifestyle on Housing Preferences of Multifamily Housing ResidentsLee, Hyun-Jeong 30 November 2005 (has links)
Lifestyle is a popular concept used to understand consumers' behaviors; however, the lifestyle concept rarely has been applied to housing studies. Although renting a multifamily dwelling is a non-normative housing choice in the United States, many people prefer to rent multifamily housing units for reasons other than financial.
The purpose of this study is to identify the housing preferences of multifamily housing residents as determined by their lifestyles. The model of influences on housing choice was used as a theoretical framework for the study.
Fifty nine housing activity, interest, and opinion (AIO) statements were developed as a lifestyle measurement for this study. A total of 211 responses were collected from residents of nine selected apartment communities in Charlotte, N.C., through two phases of questionnaire surveys. The respondents were represented by young single-person or couple households with high income and college degrees or higher education.
Four lifestyle factors (Well-being, Social, Spaces, and Envirotech) were derived from housing interest and opinion items, and the respondents were grouped into four lifestyle clusters (Community Cluster, Basics Cluster, Home Cluster, and Environment Cluster) on the basis of the lifestyle factors. The relationships between the lifestyle clusters and their housing preferences were tested and the model of influences on housing choice was partially supported.
Households in the Community Cluster had a strong downtown-orientation and the weakest perception of homeownership, and preferred to have security features. Households in the Basics Cluster had the weakest preferences for apartment home and community features and the second weakest perception of homeownership. Households in the Home Cluster had the strongest perception of homeownership and relatively strong feature preferences, including preferences for upscale interior design features. Households in the Environment Cluster had a strong suburban-orientation and preferred to have outdoor parking spaces in front of the building, plant watering service, and an on-site car care center.
The findings from this study can be applied to the design and management of apartment communities and to marketing strategies that are sensitive to lifestyle concepts. Because of the unique sampling framework, the results from this study cannot be generalized. Instead, it is recommended that further research studies test the housing AIO statements with different groups in diverse markets. / Ph. D.
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Improved building energy simulations and verifications by regressionVesterberg, Jimmy January 2016 (has links)
It is common with significant differences between calculated and actual energy use in the building sector. These calculations are often performed with whole building energy simulation (BES) programs. In this process the analyst must make several assumptions about the studied building and its users. These calculations are often verified with measured data through the EUI benchmark indicator which is calculated by normalizing the annual energy use (from the grid) with the floor area. Due to the highly aggregated nature of the EUI indicator it is problematic to use this indicator to deduce erroneous assumptions in the calculations. Consequently, the learning process is often troublesome. Against this background, the main aim of this thesis has been to develop methods that can provide feedback (key building performance parameters) from measured data which can be used to increase simulation accuracy and verify building performance. For the latter, regression models have been widely used in the past for verifying energy use. This thesis has the focus on the use of regression analysis for accurate parameter identification to be used to increase the agreement between BES predictions and actual outcome. For this, a BES calibration method based on input from regressed parameters has been developed which has shown promising features in terms of accurate predictions and user friendliness. The calibration method is based on input from regressed estimations of air-to-air-transmission losses, including air leakage (heat loss factor) and ground heat loss. Since it is known that bias models still can give accurate predictions, these parameters have been evaluated in terms of robustness and agreement with independent calculations. In addition, a method has been developed to suppress the bias introduced in the regression due to solar gain. Finally, the importance of calibrated simulations was investigated. The regressed parameters were found to be robust with yearly variations in the heat loss factor of less than 2%. The regressed estimates of ground heat loss were also in good agreement with independent calculations. The robustness of the heat loss factor based on data from periods of substantial solar gain was also found to be high, with an average absolute deviation of 4.0%. The benefit with calibrated models was mainly found to be increased accuracy in predictions and parameters in absolute terms. With increased access to measured data and the promising results in this thesis it is believed that the presented regression models will have their place in future energy quantification methods for accessing energy performance of buildings. / Det är vanligt med betydande skillnader mellan beräknad och verklig energi användning inom byggnadssektorn. Dessa beräkningar utförs ofta med hjälp av byggnads energi simulerings (BES) program där användaren måste göra ett flertal antaganden om den aktuella byggnaden och dess brukare. Det beräknade resultatet kontrolleras ofta i ett senare skede mot byggnadens faktiska behov av energi från nätet. I denna kontroll är det dock svårt att särskilja den energimängd som byggnaden behöver och den del som är kopplad till brukaren. Detta gör att lärdomarna som kan dras i denna verifieringsprocess ofta blir begränsade. Mot denna bakgrund, har det huvudsakliga syftet med denna avhandling varit att utveckla metoder som kan användas för att extrahera information om byggnadens prestanda från mätdata. De extraherade parametrarna skall kunna användas för att öka noggrannheten i prediktioner från BES modeller och för att verifiera byggnaders prestanda. Regression analys har ofta använts i det senare fallet i avseendet att verifiera energi användning. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att utveckla regressionsmodeller som ger en hög noggrannhet i modellens parametrar som möjliggör att de bl.a. kan användas för att kalibrera BES modeller och på så sätt minska den vanligt förekommande diskrepans mellan simulerat och faktiskt utfall. En BES kalibrerings metodik har utvecklats baserat på skattning av transmissions förluster ovan mark, inklusive luftläckage (värmeförlust koefficient) samt värmeförlust till mark (G) med hjälp av regressionsanalys. Denna kalibrerings metodik uppvisar lovande egenskaper i form av noggranna prediktioner och användarvänlighet. Goda prediktioner är dock ingen garanti för att modellens ingående parametrar är fysikaliskt rimliga. Därför har regressionsmodellernas parametrar utvärderats i termer av robusthet och överensstämmelse med oberoende beräkningar. Dessutom har en metod utvecklats för att minimerar solens inverkan på regressionsskattningarna. Slutligen har vikten av kalibrerade simuleringar undersökts. Parametrarna i de framtagna regressionsmodellerna visade sig vara robusta, med årliga variationer i värmeförlust koefficient mindre än 2%. Ytterligare visade sig G var i god överensstämmelse med oberoende beräkningar. Robustheten i värmeförlustfaktorn baserad på data från perioder av betydande solstrålning konstaterades också att vara hög, med en genomsnittlig absolut avvikelse på 4.0%. Fördelen med kalibrerade modeller visade sig främst vara en ökad noggrannhet i prediktioner och modell parametrar i absoluta tal. Med ökad tillgång till mätdata och lovande resultat i denna avhandling är det författarens övertygelse att de presenterade regressionsmodellerna kommer att ha sin plats i framtida bedömnings metoder av byggnaders energiprestanda.
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Den byggda utemiljön för flerbostadshus : Fallstudie av Mimers områden Timmerkojan, Tujan och Cedern i VästeråsBrandt, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Den gemensamma utemiljön är viktig för de boende i flerbostadshus, framförallt för de som inte har egna privata uteplatser i bostaden. Utemiljön måste dock utformas så att den ger så många önskvärda funktioner som möjligt till den stora heterogena skaran boende som kommer att bo här under husets livstid. Speciellt då olika åldersgrupper kan ha varierande krav och önskemål gällande vad som önskas och prioriteras på den gemensamma bostadsgården. Brister i den gemensamma utemiljön kan ha stora konsekvenser för de boendes trivsel, men också för hur bostadsområdet uppfattas, och hur lätt det är att hyra ut bostäderna och vad hyresgästerna är villiga att betala. Då få bostadsområden planeras strängt med endast en samhälls- eller åldersgrupp i åtanke genom byggnadernas långa livslängd så blev det en fråga om att prioritera. Vilka funktioner ansågs viktigast och vilka var önskvärda? därefter kunde platstillgång och kostnader bedömas och slutligen val göras. Arbetet ämnade granska hur den gemensamma bostadsgården upplevdes och användes i tre stycken flerbostadshus fastigheter i de östra stadsdelarna av Västerås. Granskningen omfattade också vilka funktioner som hade prioriterats och vilka som var de mest brukade. Därmed så hade också eventuella förslag till ändringar skapats, vilka av dessa som kunde tänkas vara överförbara och applicerbara till liknande objekt undersöktes. Som en grund utfördes en litteraturstudie för att skapa grund i redan gjorda undersökningar gällande utemiljön inom olika områden och för olika grupper. Arbetet genomfördes sedan som fallstudier av de olika områdena. Områdena undersöktes med ett stort antal platsbesök och observationer där utemiljön i områdena dokumenterades noggrant. Anteckningar fördes över vilka funktioner som brukades vid olika tidpunkter, både i fråga om veckodag och klockslag. Vidare så granskades de olika områdenas arkivmaterial för att ge en tydligare och mer komplett bild över grundläggande fakta som till exempel: byggår, hur många lägenheter och omfattning av lägenheterna som har privat uteplats i form av antingen balkong eller uteplats i markplan. En grundläggande skillnad när det gällde önskemål och användande av bostadsgården var individens ålder. Barn ville ha en utemiljö där de kunde springa runt, leka, cykla och klättra, deras föräldrar ville ha en trygg närmiljö där de inte behövde oroa sig för att barnen skulle behöva utsättas för farlig trafik och oönskade människor. Vuxna ville dessutom ha en utemiljö som fungerade genom att det gick att komma fram till porten med bil efter större inköp, och där räddningstjänsten kunde komma till ifall något hände. Det var också önskvärt med en vacker och trivsam närmiljö att betrakta från fönster och uteplatser. Tryggheten var viktig också för de vuxna, här handlade det framförallt om att bostadsgården skulle vara väl upplyst på kvällen och att den var lätt att överblicka. Många önskade sig gemensamma uteplatser även ifall de hade egen balkong, det kunde till exempel handla om grillning som inte var tillåten på de egna balkongerna eller att kunna vistas i solen när denna stod i ett annat väderstreck än vad balkongen gjorde. De äldre som frågades i litteraturstudiens undersökningar uppgav att viktiga faktorer var jämna och lättframkomliga vägar, samt möjlighet att själva kunna vara med och sköta planteringarna. De äldre tillsammans med föräldralediga vuxna var också de mest flitiga brukarna av de gemensamma uteplatserna. Avgörande för hur flitigt dessa brukades var faktorer som: tillgång av sol och skugga, betraktningsvärd utsikt och möjlighet till samtal och umgänge. En ytterligare faktor gällande gemensamma uteplatsers nyttjande som nämndes i litteraturstudien och observerades vid besöken var huruvida uteplatsen låg i andra grannars synfält. Det upplevdes svårt att slappna av när vi kände oss betraktade av människor som vi kände delvis, inte helt främmande men inte heller familj eller nära vänner. Område 1 Timmerkojan hade en stor och öppen bostadsgård som var väl överblickbar men tom och dåligt utnyttjad. Gården erbjöd flera uppskattade funktioner som: två lekplatser, en grillplats, en boulebana, paviljong och ett antal utspridda fasta bänkar. De flesta av dessa funktioner var väl använda och fungerande, undantaget var vissa av de fasta parkbänkarna som låg i väl många synfält eller saknade något ytterligare som motiverade valet av just dessa. Det skulle kunna varit något att se på eller tillgången till ett bord och kanske fler bänkar i grupp för lättare umgänge. Bostadsgården saknade också karaktär eller utmärkande drag, förslag för detta var att till exempel låta fastighetsnamnet Timmerkojan vara inspiration för en större lekplats utformad för att ha något att erbjuda barn i alla åldrar. Denna borde i så fall också utformas så att den utgör ett spännande blickfång. Gården saknade bommar till en del av infarterna, detta bidrog till att minska trafiksäkerheten på bostadsgården. Vissa andra funktioner från de andra studerade områdena skulle också kunna brukas här: den öppna dagvattenleden och dammen från område 2A kombinerat med lite större höjdskillnader och mer skyddade uteplatser med bersåer skulle göra den här gården mer egen. Område 2A hade en bra storlek samt också ett bra förhållande för gårdens format. Bostadsgården lyckades väl med att skilja den halvprivata gårdsytan från den allmänna. Tillträde till gården skede via tre avstickare från omgivande cykelvägar eller områdets parkeringsområde. Gården karaktäriserades av den öppna dagvattenkanalen och dammen samt tre stycken stora ekar som tillsammans med gårdsmarkens kupering hade sparats från det ursprungliga naturliga. Denna gård erbjöd följande funktioner: lekplats, grillplats och bänkar grupperade i en halvcirkel för umgänge. Av dessa var det huvudsakligen grillplatsen som behövde förbättras med lite häckplantering som ökar avskildhet och vindskydd. Område 2B hade en långsmal form centrerad runt en central väg, gårdsytan blev mer spridd i form av ett antal mindre gårdsytor som skapades i anknytning till denna. Det fanns dock vissa mindre grönytor mellan de olika avgreningarna som skulle kunna nyttjas bättre, förslag på användning av dessa är mindre bersåer, planer för mindre utrymmeskrävande bollspel och liknande. Det fanns här ett antal fasta bänkar med omotiverad placering och som därmed användes dåligt, även dessa ytor skulle kunna planeras om enligt föregående förslag. Området hade två lekplatser med ett tydligt fokus på de yngre barnen, de äldre barnen erbjöds andra funktioner i direkt närhet till bostadsgården, dessa var: grönområde med skog och bollplaner samt skolgård med lekplatser. / The outdoor environment of multifamily dwellings should be carefully planned to accommodate the large number of different dwellers, that are to live there through the lifetime of the building. Different groups of residents have different needs and wishes, and all these must be considered. Failure to achieve a working courtyard where all these needs was met would result in low usage of shared outdoor spaces, and discontentment among the residents. This thesis has strived to catalogue the courtyards of three multifamily housing estates in the Swedish city of Västerås. It has also compared the shared features among the three case studies, according to where the single feature was best implemented and why it worked better there. That comparison gave an indication to what could be considered best practice for similar projects. The initial literature study gave good insight on what matters including: children’s play areas, public seating, different age group’s views and wants. Of universal importance was also the significance of feeling secure in the courtyard. One major difficulty was getting the residents to use the public seating in their area. Studies have suggested that the problem is that they feel observed by their neighbours. This could be solved by providing optional seating out of sight, the compromise with this solution became in making sure that these secluded seating areas was not thought of as possible places for hiding miscreants. Another solution was to make use of non-stationary furniture, which introduces the possibility of the furniture being stolen. Lockable storage for the resident’s private outdoor utensils was then a good suggestion.
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O Grupo Multifamília no contexto de vulnerabilidade social: o olhar do profissional / "The Multifamily Group in the context of social vulnerability: the professional view"Oliveira, Sonia Maria de 14 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Sonia Maria de Oliveira.pdf: 746163 bytes, checksum: a3ac726e3f37ff1ee16a453d14c056b8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-05-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In order to know and understand the professional experience with the Multifamily
Group undertaken in the context of social vulnerability, this research attempted to
investigate what is the view of the professional to his group: its composition, the
theories and techniques, which use the learning achieved in the relation with the
families and what s the influence of the institutional context in the development of his
group. Empirical research, of qualitative approach, exploratory descriptive type, used
semi structured interviews to collect data. The participants were 05 professional
coordinators of Multifamily Group, identified by the criteria of intentional sample. The
analysis has been done with a few tools of the qualitative method of Analysis of the
Content and the interpretation of the results was based on the theoretical principles
of systemic thinking and the new paradigmatic and in the specific literature on the
Multifamily Group. The results showed that the prepared professional for such work,
should have the needed flexibility to adapt the group to the requirements of the
context, without, however, moving away from the defining premises of this practice.
His function in the group permeates different tasks; not being possible to adopt a
single name to characterize it. The professional performance should preferably be
interdisciplinary, backed by legitimated spaces for reflection with other professionals
in order to keep a sensitive action to the constructions that may emerge from
meetings / Com o objetivo de conhecer e compreender a experiência do profissional com o
Grupo Multifamília realizado no contexto de vulnerabilidade social, essa pesquisa
procurou investigar qual é o olhar do profissional para o seu grupo: sua composição;
as teorias e técnicas que utiliza; as aprendizagens alcançadas na relação com as
famílias e qual a influência do contexto institucional no desenvolvimento de seu
grupo. Pesquisa empírica, de abordagem qualitativa, de tipo exploratório descritivo,
utilizou a entrevista semi-estruturada para coleta de dados. Os participantes foram
05 profissionais coordenadores de Grupo Multifamília, identificados pelo critério de
amostra intencional. A análise foi feita com algumas ferramentas qualitativas do
método de Análise de Conteúdo e a interpretação dos resultados foi embasada nos
pressupostos teóricos do pensamento sistêmico novo paradigmático e na literatura
específica sobre o Grupo Multifamília. Os resultados mostraram que o profissional
preparado para esse trabalho, deve ter a flexibilidade necessária para adaptar o
grupo às necessidades do contexto, sem, contudo, se afastar dos pressupostos
definidores dessa prática. Sua função no grupo perpassa diferentes tarefas, não
sendo possível adotar um único nome para caracterizá-la. Sua atuação deve ser
preferencialmente interdisciplinar, respaldada por espaços legítimos para reflexão
com outros profissionais, a fim de manter uma atuação sensível às construções que
emergirem dos encontros
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Verticalização residencial em FortalezaBarroso, Paulo Hermano Mota 02 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Paulo Hermano Mota Barroso.pdf: 30746199 bytes, checksum: ccea74c078e061da8a6d7b6bbed2a6c8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-02 / The research aimed to study the vertical integration process in Fortaleza, from 1979 to
2009. The investigation was first to identify the antecedents and changes in urban
space prior to this vertical integration, in this way, we tried to understand how the city
was transformed with the spread of residential buildings. Then, the study sought to
identify the legal aspects that influenced or were influenced by vertical integration, and
how these laws led to distribution of the buildings around the city. Later the analysis is
reported to the resulting city, before and after this process, the regions that most
changed in type of housing were mapped and the neighborhoods that most increased
in the number of apartments were identified. The study of average income and density
were essential to establish the direct relationship of these with the process of vertical
integration and the research aimed to identify the correspondence between the city
designed by the legislation and the result diagnosed. This study suggests that the
interference of the legislation is much more significant in the development of buildings
of projects than actually in the definition of urban space, and that the distribution of the
buildings in the city, receives more influence of the real estate market than of the
legislation itself. / A pesquisa estuda o processo de verticalização no Município de Fortaleza, no período
de 1979 até 2009. A investigação se inicia com a identificação dos antecedentes e
das alterações do espaço urbano que precederam o processo de verticalização. Desta
forma, vai-se compreendendo como a cidade foi se transformando com a
disseminação dos edifícios residenciais. Em seguida, o trabalho identifica os aspectos
legais que mais influenciaram ou foram influenciados pela verticalização, e como
essas leis interferem na distribuição dos prédios pela cidade. Posteriormente, a
análise se reporta à cidade resultante, antes e após este processo. Foram mapeadas,
então, as regiões que mais sofreram mudanças no tipo de moradia e identificados os
bairros que mais apresentaram crescimento no número de apartamentos. O estudo
da média de renda e da densidade foi fundamental para constatar a relação direta
destas com o processo de verticalização e procurar identificar a correspondência entre
a cidade pensada pela legislação e o resultado diagnosticado. Este estudo sugere que
a interferência da legislação é muito mais significativa no desenvolvimento dos
projetos das edificações do que propriamente na definição do espaço urbano, e que a
distribuição dos prédios na cidade recebe maior influência do mercado imobiliário do
que propriamente da legislação.
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Control de costos en un edificio multifamiliar aplicado a una constructora / Cost control in a multifamily buildingCelis Paira, Janet Karina 05 1900 (has links)
Todo aquello que pueda ser medido podrá ser mejorado, de esta manera si no conocemos el margen de culminación de un proyecto de construcción difícilmente podremos encontrar y analizar a tiempo las desviaciones en su presupuesto y tomar las acciones correctivas que permitan retomar el rumbo original.
Mediante una adecuada gestión económica del presupuesto de construcción podemos encontrar y analizar estas desviaciones. Así a través de su comprensión y la aplicación de las herramientas de gestión adecuadas, podemos controlar su evolución económica dando seguridad a la organización que el proyecto se encuentra dentro de lo estimado originalmente, o de lo contrario poniendo las alertas del caso de manera oportuna para tomar acciones correctivas
El costo es, tal vez, el elemento de la línea base que tiene la mayor incidencia en la definición de la viabilidad de un proyecto y es el que, de no ser adecuado, puede hacer fracasar un proyecto.
Una técnica específica para medir el rendimiento del trabajo es la gestión del valor ganado para un componente de la estructura del trabajo o un proyecto. La cual compara la cantidad de trabajo ya completada en un momento dado con la estimación realizada antes del comienzo del proyecto y los costos reales. De este modo, se tiene una medida de cuanto trabajo queda para finalizar el proyecto y extrapolando a partir del esfuerzo invertido en el proyecto, se pueden estimar los recursos que se emplearan para finalizar el proyecto. / Everything that can be measured can be improved, so if we do not know the margin of completion of a construction project, we can hardly find and analyze deviations in its budget in time and take the corrective actions that allow us to return to the original course.
Through an adequate economic management of the construction budget we can find and analyze these deviations. Thus, through its understanding and application of the appropriate management tools, we can control its economic evolution by giving security to the organization that the project is within the originally estimated, or otherwise putting the case alerts in a timely manner to take corrective actions.
The cost is, perhaps, the element of the baseline that has the greatest impact on the definition of the viability of a project and is the one that, if not adequate, can make a project fail.
A specific technique for measuring work performance is the management of the value earned for a component of the work structure or a project. Which compares the amount of work already completed at a given time with the estimate made before the start of the project and the actual costs. In this way, we have a measure of how much work is left to finalize the project and extrapolating from the effort invested in the project, we can estimate the resources that will be used to complete the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Mapeamento de variáveis tipológicas para edifícios residenciais multifamiliares em Porto Alegre/RS, na vigência do PDDUA : as macrozonas 1 e 3 / Mapping out of variable architectural standards for multifamily residential buildings in Porto Alegre /RS, since the PDDUA went into validity: macrozones 1 and 3Weber, Ismael January 2006 (has links)
As grandes cidades brasileiras, como São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Porto Alegre, sofreram um crescimento acelerado ao longo das últimas décadas. Em conseqüência, mostrou-se necessário controlar o seu planejamento, garantindo à população condições favoráveis de desenvolvimento habitacional. Para Porto Alegre/RS, o instrumento básico de controle urbanístico é o Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Ambiental (PDDUA). As definições apresentadas no PDDUA identificam, a partir do início da sua vigência, uma nova tipologia arquitetônica para as várias regiões da cidade. Neste contexto, o estudo de tipologias torna-se importante, pois, além de indicar os critérios de projeto adotados em determinada época e local, pode servir de parâmetro para os estudos de viabilidade, quando da necessidade de tomada de decisão para a implantação de uma nova edificação. Em função disto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as características geométricas típicas dos projetos arquitetônicos de edificações residenciais multifamiliares construídos em Porto Alegre/RS a partir da vigência do PDUUA. Para cumprir com o objetivo proposto, foi realizado um levantamento documental junto à Secretaria Municipal de Obras e Viação da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre/RS (SMOV/PMPA) onde, a partir de uma população de projetos elaborados seguindo as diretrizes do PDDUA, foram realizadas análises com uma amostra de projetos estatisticamente representativa. Como na amostra houve grande concentração de projetos localizados nas Macrozonas 1 e 3, as edificações destas regiões da cidade foram detalhadamente estudadas. Os aspectos analisados procuraram englobar os principais elementos arquitetônicos dos projetos constituintes da amostra. Dentre os resultados alcançados, cabe salientar que a área total projetada, a presença de apartamento de zelador, a área útil total das unidades privativas e o número de dependências apresentam resultados diferentes segundo a localização. Além disso, os apartamentos de 3 dormitórios possuem, de maneira geral, valores de área superiores aos apartamentos de 2 dormitórios. Confirmam-se, assim, decisões de projeto particulares segundo a região. / Brazilian big cities, like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, have suffered accelerated growth throughout the last decades. Due to this growth, it has been necessary to control city planning, in order to guarantee favorable conditions of housing development for the population. In Porto Alegre/RS, the basic instrument of urban building control is the Management Plan of Urban and Environmental Development (PDDUA). The definitions presented in the PDDUA identify, from the beginning of its validity, a new architectural standard for the various regions of the city. In this context, the study of the standards has become important, for, besides indicating the project criteria to be adopted in determined time and place, they can serve as parameter for viable studies, when making planning decisions for the implementation of a new construction. For this reason, the present work has, as objective, to identify the typically geometric characteristics found in the architectural projects of multifamily residential constructions built in Porto Alegre /RS from the validity date of the PDUUA. To fulfill the considered objective, a documentary survey was carried out along with the City Department of Work and Means of Transportation of the Municipal City Hall of Porto Alegre /RS (SMOV/PMPA) where a statistically valid sample was selected from a population of elaborated projects which follow the norms of the PDDUA. As in the sample there was great concentration of projects located in Macrozones 1 and 3, the projects of these areas of the city were studied in detail. The analyzed aspects tried to include the main architectural elements of the constituent projects of the sample. Amongst the results reached, the projected total area, the presence of keeper's apartment, the useful total area of the apartments and the number of dependences present different results according to the location. Besides, apartments with 3 bedrooms possess, in a general way, higher area values than apartments with 2 bedrooms. Thus, it confirms different decisions according to the region.
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