Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifamiliar"" "subject:"multifamiliares""
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Evaluación comparativa de un edificio multifamiliar en sistemas de concreto armado y su similar en concreto postensado en la ciudad de Lima / Comparative evaluation of a multifamily building in reinforced concrete systems and its similar in post-tensioned concrete in the city of LimaPerez Ancieta, Bryan Javier 17 February 2021 (has links)
La filosofía actual del diseño estructural para edificios en Lima pone al sistema de concreto armado como el más eficiente y económico entre los sistemas existentes; pero hay un sistema capaz de igualar los beneficios del sistema de concreto armado e incluso mejorarlos, el cual es llamado sistema de concreto postensado. En la actualidad, Perú ha adoptado el sistema de concreto armado como el pionero a usarse en la construcción de edificios para vivienda familiar. Un estudio realizado por la INEI corroboro que Lima, ciudad que alberga la gran mayoría de habitantes del país y que ostenta la mayor cantidad de condominios multifamiliares, concentra la mayor parte de conjuntos habitacionales construidos en base a concreto armado en todo el país (47.9 %). Un método tradicional que no se quiere dejar de lado dado el tiempo de uso y el desconocimiento sobre otros métodos capaces de ser mejores a este. Pero el método de concreto postensado podría ser más efectivo y hasta ahorrativo al momento de pensar en la cantidad de materiales y tiempo a usar. Es así como se plantea una comparación de ambos métodos estructurales, con el fin de verificar y dar a conocer a la comunidad ingenieril los beneficios y desventajas de ambos, y que, de esta forma, se tenga información sobre qué sistema podría ser más efectivos a la hora del levantamiento de un edificio multifamiliar. / The current philosophy of structural design for buildings in Lima places the reinforced concrete system as the most efficient and economical among existing systems; but there is a system capable of equalizing the benefits of the reinforced concrete system and even improving them, which is called post-tensioned concrete system. Currently, Peru has adopted the reinforced concrete system as the pioneer to be used in the construction of buildings for family housing. A study carried out by the INEI bear out that Lima, the city that houses the great majority of the country's inhabitants and that boasts the largest number of multifamily condominiums, concentrates most of the housing assemblies built on the basis of reinforced concrete throughout the country (47.9%). A traditional method that no one wants to ignore given the time of use and ignorance about other methods capable of being better than this. But the post-tensioned concrete method could be more effective and even thrifty when thinking about the amount of materials and time to use. This is how a comparison of both structural methods is proposed, in order to verify and make known to the engineering community the benefits and disadvantages of both, and that, in this way, there is information on which system could be more effective at the time of the erecting of a multi-family building. / Tesis
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Propuesta de adaptación de la gestión colaborativa NEC-3 para mejorar la comunicación e integración de stakeholders en proyectos multifamiliares en Lima / Proposal for adaptation of NEC collaborative management to improve communication and integration of stakeholders in multi-family building projects in LimaMamani Zevallos, Jair Oscar 18 January 2022 (has links)
Tras el éxito del Proyecto de los Juegos Panamericanos en el Perú, se dio a conocer ante la sociedad los mecanismos adoptados, por la organización, para lograr los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto. Los Contratos NEC utilizados para el proyecto de los Juegos Panamericanos es un aporte innovador para el sector construcción en nuestro país, se basa principalmente en metodologías colaborativas que enfocan todas sus directrices en el éxito del proyecto y el bienestar de todos los involucrados. El presente proyecto de tesis busca la adaptación de las formas, mecanismos y metodologías de la Gestión Colaborativa NEC en proyectos tradicionales de construcción que se realizan en el Perú, enfocándose principalmente en viviendas multifamiliares en la ciudad de Lima. La investigación plantea resolver la problemática de falta de comunicación e integración de los Stakeholders en proyectos Multifamiliares en Lima. Por ello, a partir de una encuesta de Juicio de expertos que están involucrados en gestión colaborativa de proyectos de construcción se pudo validar la problemática y obtener información valiosa para la investigación. Asimismo, se analizó el proyecto del Complejo Andrés Avelino Cáceres que se realizó dentro del proyecto especial Juegos Panamericanos bajo la metodología NEC, y en base a ello se obtuvo un análisis de riesgos, aplicación de la Junta de Solución de Disputas (DAB) y la gestión de involucrados. Todo ello, se realizó con la finalidad de obtener datos más precisos sobre la gestión colaborativa NEC. Además, en base a los procedimientos anteriores se plantea una propuesta para la gestión de Stakeholders, riesgos y el uso del DAB. Enfocándose principalmente en la integración y comunicación de los Stakeholders en las etapas de Inicio, Planificación, Ejecución y Control del Proyecto. Finalmente se proponen flujogramas para el correcto desarrollo de la gestión de Stakeholders para las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del proyecto y herramientas para adoptar esta metodología como: sesiones ICE, un formato para las visitas a obra por parte del DAB, control y mejora continua de la gestión colaborativa. / After the success of the Pan American Games Project in Peru, the mechanisms adopted by the organization to achieve the objectives proposed in the project were made known to society. The NEC Contracts used for the Pan American Games project is an innovative contribution to the construction sector in our country, it is based on collaborative methodologies that focus all its guidelines on the success of the project and the well-being of all involved. This thesis project seeks the adaptation of the forms, mechanisms and methodologies of NEC Collaborative Management in common projects carried out in Peru, focusing mainly on multi-family projects in the city of Lima. The research aims to solve the problem of lack of communication and integration of Stakeholders in Multifamily projects in Lima. For this reason, a survey of experts who are involved in collaborative management of construction projects was able to validate the problem and obtain valuable information for the investigation. Likewise, the project of the Andrés Avelino Cáceres Complex that was carried out within the Pan American Games project under the NEC methodology was analyzed, and based on this, a risk analysis was obtained, using the Dispute Resolution Board (DAB) and the management of involved. All this was done in order to obtain more precise data on NEC collaborative management. Based on the above procedures, a proposal is made for the management of Stakeholders, risks and the use of DAB. Focusing mainly on the integration and communication of those Involved in the Start, Planning, Execution and Control stages of the Project. Flowcharts of stakeholder management development are proposed for these stages and tools to adopt this methodology such as: ICE sessions, a format for site visits by DAB, control and improvement of collaborative management. / Tesis
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A Statistical Approach to Estimate Thermal Performance and Energy Renovation of Multifamily Buildings : Case study on a Swedish city districtEriksson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Several climate and energy goals have been set in the European Union, one of them being to increase energy efficiency. In Sweden, a large potential for increased energy efficiency lies in the residential and service sectors, which account for about 40% of total energy use. A large share of buildings in Sweden were built in the Million Homes Program in the 1960s and ’70s. These buildings are now in need of renovation, which enables renovation with the ambition of reducing energy use. In this thesis, the purpose is to develop an energy signature method, a bottom-up statistical method. This method has been validated using a building energy simulation software called IDA ICE, for two kinds of multifamily buildings from the Million Homes Program. The energy signature method has then been applied to a district located in Gävle, Sweden, containing more than 90 multifamily buildings with similar construction. In addition to characterizing current thermal performance of the buildings, the energy signature method is further developed so that potential for energy renovation of the district can be simulated. Simulated energy renovation is developed to comply with building energy use requirements, according to the most recent Swedish building regulations. Both on building and district level, sensitivity analysis is performed. In both cases the energy signature method is insensitive to changes in internal heat gains and indoor temperature. To investigate the effects of simulated renovation on a local district heating system, results are visualized in a duration diagram, where energy use reduction in different load periods is displayed. Thus, it is demonstrated how the energy signature method can be used as a rapid way of simulating energy renovation on district level and with readily available data. / EU har beslutat om flera klimat- och energimål, bland annat att energi ska användas mer effektivt. I Sverige finns en stor potential för ökad energieffektivitet i bostads- och servicesektorn, som står för cirka 40 % av den totala energianvändningen. En stor av del Sveriges byggnadsbestånd består av miljonprogramsbyggnader från 1960- och 1970-talen. Dessa byggnader är i behov av renovering, vilket möjliggör ytterligare renovering med syfte att sänka energianvändningen. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en energisignaturmetod, en ”bottom-up” statistisk metod. Metoden har validerats med byggnadsenergisimuleringsprogrammet, IDA ICE, för två typer av flerbostadshus från miljonprogrammet. Energisignaturmetoden har sedan applicerats på ett distrikt i Gävle som innehåller fler än 90 flerbostadshus med liknande konstruktion. Förutom att karakterisera byggnadernas nuvarande termiska prestanda, vidareutvecklas energisignaturmetoden så att även energirenovering kan simuleras. Denna metod utvecklas för att uppfylla Boverkets krav på byggnaders energianvändning, enligt gällande svenska byggnadsreglerna. Känslighetsanalys utförs både på byggnads- och distriktsnivå. I båda fallen visar sig energisignaturmetoden vara okänslig för förändringar i intern värmegenerering och inomhustemperatur. Effekterna av den simulerade renoveringen presenteras i ett varaktighetsdiagram, som visar de möjliga effekterna på ett lokalt fjärrvärmesystem. På detta sätt demonstreras hur energisignaturmetoden kan användas för att snabbt simulera energirenovering på distriktsnivå och med lättillgänglig data.
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From Boring Boxes to Beautiful Cost-Effective Houses : A study about housing development and exterior architectural preferences / Från tråkiga lådor till vackra kostnadseffektiva hus : En studie om bostadsutveckling och exteriöra arkitektoniska preferenserGranström, Rebecca, Wahlström, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The last time Sweden did face a major housing shortage was during the 1960’s. As a solution to the housing shortage, The Million Homes Programme was initiated. The programme did manage to get rid of the housing shortage, but has received a lot of criticism concerning its architecture and environment since its completion. At the time for this study, Sweden is experiencing yet another housing crisis. In order to manage the housing shortage in a more successful way this time, it is important to not down-prioritise the exterior architecture. The exterior architecture plays an important role in creating both an aesthetical appealing and a social sustainable built environment. But the scarcity of housing makes it easy to sell the produced apartments, especially in the larger cities, which reduces the incentives for the developers to prioritise the aesthetics. There is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning a dissatisfaction with the exterior architecture and there is an absence of research regarding the end-users preferences. The identified problem that is addressed in this thesis concerns the down-prioritised aesthetics of the exterior architecture in multi-family residential areas in Sweden. The purpose with the study is to identify how housing developers can accomplish an exterior architectural design that is considered aesthetical attractive by its end-users. The study investigates preferences concerning exterior architecture, perceptions of the existing housing supply in Stockholm and how the housing developers can meet the identified preferences. A questionnaire was used as a method to identify peoples’ preferences and perceptions of four multifamily residential housing areas in Stockholm. Interviews were conducted with a housing developer to identify how housing developers can cost-effectively meet the preferences. The majority of the housing supply, built in what is generally considered to represent a contemporary style, did not satisfy the identified preferences concerning exterior architecture. As the title of this report indicate, the questionnaire respondents considered contemporary areas in general to look more or less like identical boring boxes. It was only the supply built in traditional style that satisfied the identified preferences. That is, the studied housing supply does not meet the end-users demand fully satisfactory. However, the interviews revealed that housing developers can satisfy the identified preferences cost-effectively by accompanying some suggestions of improvements. / Senast Sverige upplevde en bostadskris var under 1960-talet och som en lösning initierades Miljonprogrammet. Miljonprogrammet reducerade bostadsbristen men har sedan det färdigställdes fått motta mycket kritik för sin exteriöra arkitektur och sin byggda miljö. Vid tiden för genomförandet av den här studien, genomgår Sverige ännu en bostadskris. För att hantera bostadsbristen på ett mer framgångsrikt sätt den här gången är det viktigt att den exteriöra arkitekturen inte nedprioriteras. Den exteriöra arkitekturen spelar en viktig roll i skapandet av en byggd miljö som är estetiskt tilltalande och socialt hållbar. Men den stora efterfrågan på bostäder gör det relativt enkelt att sälja de nyproducerade lägenheterna, särskilt i landets större städer, vilket reducerar initiativen för bostadsutvecklare att prioritera det estetiska. En pågående mediedebatt i Sverige vittnar om att det finns ett missnöje rörande dagens exteriöra arkitektur. Dessutom saknas det forskning om hur slutanvändarna faktiskt vill bo. Problemet som behandlas i den här rapporten rör den nedprioriterade exteriöra arkitekturen i bostadsområden med flerfamiljshus i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att identifiera hur bostadsutvecklare kan uppnå en exteriör arkitektonisk design som anses vara estetiskt attraktiv av sina slutanvändare. Studien undersöker preferenser rörande exteriör arkitektur, hur det befintliga utbudet av bostadshus i Stockholm uppfattas och hur bostadsutvecklare kan möta de identifierade preferenserna. En enkätundersökning användes som metod för att identifiera människors preferenser och uppfattning gällande fyra olika bostadsområden i Stockholm. Intervjuer genomfördes med en bostadsutvecklare för att identifiera hur de kunde möta de identifierade preferenserna kostnadseffektivt. Majoriteten av det undersöka bostadsutbudet, som är byggt i vad som generellt anses vara nutida stil, tillfredsställde inte de identifierade preferenserna rörande exteriör arkitektur. Precis som rapportens titel indikerar, ansåg enkätundersökningens respondenter att bebyggelsen i våra nutida bostadsområden generellt ser mer eller mindre ut som identiska tråkiga lådor. Det var endast bostadsutbudet byggt i en traditionell stil som tillfredsställde de identifierade preferenserna. Det betyder att den studerade bostadstillgången inte möter slutanvändarnas efterfrågan till fullo. Likväl, intervjuerna visade på att bostadsutvecklarna kan tillfredsställa de identifierade preferenserna kostnadseffektivt genom att följa ett antal förbättringsförslag.
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Novel Application of Combined Heat and Power for Multi-Family Residences and Small Remote CommunitiesAlqaed, Saeed A. 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Energieffektivisering av äldre flerbostadshus : En analys av energisparande åtgärder i 50-talsflerbostadshus klimatskal, ställd mot deras kostnadNorell Arlid, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Äldre flerbostadshus står för en stor del av Sveriges totala energianvändning som behöver sänkas föratt minska klimatpåverkan och klara regeringsmålet om effektivare energianvändning. Examensarbetets syfte är därför att bidra till en ökad kunskap om energieffektivisering genom åtgärder i äldre byggnaders klimatskärm, och om hur åtgärder kan värderas genom energisimulering och livscykelkostnadsanalys. Målet är att identifiera vilka åtgärder som är ekonomiskt och arkitektoniskt lämpliga för äldre flerbostadshus med intresse av att bevara deras karaktär. Det är även att bedöma vilken energibesparing och livscykelkostnad de utvalda åtgärderna genererar. Ett flerbostadshus i centrala Luleå valdes ut som referensbyggnad. Byggnaden är genom sin konstruktion och design representativ för tidseran. Intressanta åtgärder samt åtgärdspaket i dess klimatskal valdes ut. Sedan utfördes en bred litteraturgenomgång om bostadsbyggandet i Sverige 1945–1964, byggnadens energianvändning, energieffektivisering av klimatskalet, de utvalda åtgärderna samt metoderna energisimulering och livscykelkostnadsanalys. Referensbyggnaden dokumenterades och en energisimuleringsmodell byggdes i programvaran IDA ICE. Den nuvarande utformningen av byggnaden simulerades och kalibrerades mot senast uppmätt normalårskorrigerad energianvändning. Sedan utfördes simuleringar för de utvalda åtgärderna och åtgärdspaketen vilka bestämts till tilläggsisolering av vindsbjälklag, byte av fönster till lågenergifönster och tätning av otätheter runt dessa, en kombination av båda tidigare åtgärder (åtgärdspaket 1), tilläggsisolering av fasad och fönsterbyte, samt en kombination av alla tre åtgärder (åtgärdspaket 2). Livscykelkostnaderna för nuläget och för implementering av de olika åtgärderna beräknades genom nuvärdeskostnadsmetoden. Även återbetalningstider beräknades genom simple-payback-metoden. Byggnadens nuvarande utformning gav efter kalibrering en simulerad energianvändning på 136,2 kWh/(m2Atemp,år); 2,9 % över det senast uppmätta normalårskorrigerade värdet. Nuvärdeskostnaden för att inte utföra någon åtgärd beräknades till ca 2 727 tkr. Åtgärderna genererade energibesparingar på 3,5–14,6 %, nuvärdeskostnader på 2 685-5 880 tkr och återbetalningstider på 7-105 år. För varje adderad åtgärd i klimatskalet ökade energibesparingen. Tilläggsisolering av vindsbjälklag visade sig vara den enda lönsamma åtgärden, då den har en nuvärdeskostnad som är lägre än att inte utföra någon åtgärd. En känslighetsanalys utfördes för kostnadsberäkningarna där diskonteringsräntan höjdes och sänktes med 2 % och energipriset höjdes med 10 %. Tilläggsisoleringav vindsbjälklag kvarstod dock som den enda lönsamma åtgärden. Åtgärderna hade kunnat generera högre procentuell energibesparing för en annan liknande byggnad. Referensbyggnaden innehåller ett stort renoverat kontor vilket ger en lägre nuvarande energianvändning och lägre procentuell energibesparing för åtgärder än om endast den äldre bostadsdelen studerats. Då Luleå har Sveriges lägsta energipris är åtgärder med hög investeringskostnad ekonomiskt svårmotiverade. Detta beror på att kostnadsbesparingarna genom minskad energianvändning blir små i förhållande till åtgärdernas investeringskostnader. Tilläggsisolering av fasad kan inte rekommenderas då åtgärden både är mycket olönsam och förändrar byggnadens uttryck väsentligt. Slutsatsen är att tilläggsisolering av vindsbjälklag är den lämpligaste åtgärden för äldre flerbostadshus, av de undersökta åtgärderna för energieffektivisering i klimatskalet. Den är arkitektoniskt lämplig med hänsyn till bevarandet av byggnaden då den inte förändrar byggnadens utseende. Den är även ekonomiskt lämplig då den har en livscykelkostnad som är lägre änalternativet att inte utföra någon åtgärd. För fortsatta studier föreslås bl.a. att undersöka hur åtgärder kan göras mer attraktiva för fastighetsägare, att kartlägga fastigheter från tidseran (skick, energianvändning, resultat av åtgärder, möjligheter) samt att utvärdera potentialen av ny teknik. / Old multifamily houses stand for a large part of Sweden’s total energy usage, which must decrease to minimize our environmental impact and to accomplish the government goal of more efficient energy usage. The aim of this master thesis is therefore to contribute to an increased knowledge on energy optimization through building envelope improvements in older buildings, and how energy efficiency measures can be evaluated through building energy simulation and life cycle cost analysis. The goal is to identify which measures that are economically and architecturally appropriate for old multifamily houses with interest in retaining their character. It is also to evaluate which energy saving and life cycle cost the selected measures generate. A multifamily house in central Luleå was selected as reference building. The building is by its construction and design representative for the era. Interesting energy efficiency measures in the building envelope were chosen. Then a wide literature study was carried out on house building in Sweden 1945-1964, building energy usage, energy efficiency through building envelope measures, the selected measures and the methods building energy simulation and life cycle cost analysis. The reference building was documented and an energy simulation model was built in the software IDA ICE. A present version of the building was simulated and calibrated to better match the latest normalised annual value. After that, simulations were performed for the selected measures; additional attic insulation, change to low energy windows and weather stripping these, a combination of both previous measures, additional facade insulation and change of windows, and a combination of all three measures. The life cycle costs of the present situation and for implementation of the different measures were calculated through the net present cost method. Also, payback times were calculated through the simple payback method. The building in its original state showed a post-calibration energy usage of 136,2 kWh/(m2Atemp,year); 2,9 % above the surveyed value. The net present cost for not performing any energy conservation measures was calculated to about 2 727 SEK. The measures generated energy savings of 3,5-14,6 %, net present costs of 2 685 -5 880 SEK and payback times of 7-105 years. For each added measure in the building envelope, the energy saving increased. Additional insulation of the attic turned out to be the only profitable measure, since its net present cost is lower than for not performing any energy conservation measure. A sensitivity analysis was performed for the cost analyses where the discount rate was raised and lowered by 2 % and the energy price raised by 10 %. However, the additional attic insulation remained as the only profitable measure. The energy conservation measures could have generated greater energy savings for a similar building. The reference building contains a large retrofitted office which lowers the present energy usage and the percental energy savings for measures compared to if only the dwelling part had been studied. Since Luleå has Sweden’s lowest energy prices, measures with high investment costs become difficult to give grounds for. This is because the cost savings achieved by their energy savings are low compared to their investment costs. Additional facade insulation cannot be recommended since it both is very unprofitable and highly changes the appearance of the building. The conclusion is that additional attic insulation is the most appropriate energy conservation measure for old multifamily houses, of selected measures in the building envelope. It can be regarded as architecturally appropriate since it does not change the building appearance. It is also economically appropriate since its life cycle cost is lower than for not performing any measure. Suggested future research includes analyzing how energy efficiency measures can be made more attractive for real estate owners, charting real estate from the era (condition, energy usage, results from measures, opportunities) and evaluating the potential of new technology within the field.
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Perceptions of Wooden Multifamily Houses : Applying an Extended Association Pattern TechniqueSchauerte, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>During the past years, wooden one and two family houses showed a higher growth rate on the German construction market compared to conventional material like brick and stone. Wood as construction material became more and more attractive. Furthermore, a growing demand on multifamily houses could be recognized, yet, wood has not been considered as an alternative in this field of application until now. Trying to understand the end-users attitudes towards wooden multifamily houses, this licentiate thesis aims at exploring German end-users’ perceptions of wooden multifamily houses.</p><p>To collect the necessary data, the Association Pattern Technique (APT) was applied, which is a two-stage method and has its foundations in the Means-End theory. In the first stage, 31 in-depth laddering interviews were carried out, which served as the base for the matrix-survey in the second stage, where 229 answers were received. Extending the existing method in the matrix-survey stage allowed for important additional data to be uncovered.</p><p>The results show that individuals associate certain product attributes with wooden multifamily houses and that these attributes are thought to entail specific consequences. These consequences are in turn linked with the personal values of the respondents. The most dominant perceptual orientations of different groups of respondents are shown and significant differences could be found in how individuals in German perceive wooden multifamily houses depending on age, income and habitation.</p>
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Analyse comparative de systèmes de construction industrialisés et leur applicabilité à une habitation multifamiliale verticale pour la classe moyenne à Recife (Brésil)Campelo Nogueira, Matheus 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A influência da dimensão da abertura de saída da cozinha/serviço no potencial de ventilação dos ambientes de edificações multifamiliares em Maceió-AL / The outlet kitchen opening dimension influence on the natural ventilation potencial of Maceió-AL multifamily building environmentSacramento, Alexandre da Silva 29 March 2012 (has links)
The design of residential buildings should have as an important criteria, the adoption of bioclimatic principles, taking into consideration the local climate in order to potentize the desirable characteristics of this climate as a means to meet the requirements for human comfort. In hot and humid climate, such Maceió-AL climate, natural ventilation as design strategy, it is important to the renewal of the air environment, for cooling the building envelop, to minimize energy costs, and to provide satisfactory levels of human thermal comfort. The performance of natural ventilation is strongly linked to the characteristics of the opening in buildings, which influence the potential of ventilation indoors. To make the air movement inside the building happen, it is necessary inlet and outlet openings. Few studies have addressed the potential provided by the ventilation outlet openings. This study sought to estimate the natural ventilation potential of multifamily residential building in Maceió-AL, varying the size of outlet openings of the kitchen/service for two types of urban roughness. To that end, was defined a Maceió - AL typical multifamily building, form which were varied the outlet openings size in the percentage of 10%, 15% and 25% based on the floor area and the middle section area of the environment. The results show that the natural ventilation potential for air quality was satisfactory in all cases. In relation to the recovery of comfort by natural ventilation, the results based on the floor area were close to those based on the middle section of the environment. Despite of the proximity of results, the outlet openings based on the middle section of the environment had a better performance / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / O projeto de edificações residenciais deve ter como critério importante a adoção de princípios bioclimáticos, levando em consideração o clima da região, de forma a potencializar as características desejáveis desse clima como meio de preencher os requisitos de conforto humano. No clima quente e úmido, como é o caso do clima de Maceió-AL, a ventilação natural como estratégia de projeto, é importante para a renovação de ar do ambiente, para o resfriamento da edificação, para minimizar custos com energia elétrica e para proporcionar níveis satisfatórios de conforto térmico humano. O desempenho da ventilação natural está fortemente ligado às características das aberturas das edificações, que influenciam no potencial de ventilação dos ambientes internos. Para que ocorra o movimento de ar dentro de uma edificação, é necessário que existam aberturas de entrada e de saída. Poucos estudos abordam o potencial de ventilação proporcionado pelas aberturas de saída. Esta pesquisa pretendeu estimar o potencial de ventilação de edificações residenciais multifamiliares em Maceió Al, variando o tamanho das aberturas de saída do ar da cozinha/serviço para dois tipos de rugosidade urbana. Para tanto, foi definida uma tipologia de edificação multifamiliar predominante para Maceió-AL, a partir da qual foram variados os tamanhos das aberturas de saída na porcentagem de 10%, 15% e 25% em função da área do piso e da seção média do ambiente. Os resultados encontrados mostram que o potencial de ventilação para a qualidade do ar foi satisfatório em todos os casos. Em relação à restituição do conforto pela ventilação natural, os resultados para as aberturas baseadas na área do piso foram semelhantes aos resultados para as aberturas baseadas na seção média. Apesar da proximidade de resultados, as aberturas baseadas na seção média tiveram melhor desempenho no cômputo geral
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Indica??es para o projeto arquitet?nico de edif?cios multifamiliares: uma an?lise p?socupa??o em Natal/RNDuarte, Matheus Jaques de Castro Ribeiro 27 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / Confirming the Brazilian tendency in the field, the multifamily vertical condominium habitats in Natal are defined as buildings with three or more floors which have been an increasingly used solution. In the mentioned project, the connection between the projectarchitects and the user/ buyers are spread out, by which the first people conceive the realestate property as a creation for the market and not the individual client in specific. Such situation along with technical and financial limitations of the project lead to the adoption of standard solutions to be utilized by clients with different profiles. Besides that, there are various legal and urban parameters by the City Director Plan showing elements of great influence in the final solution adopted by the mentioned edifices. Moving to this subject in general, this project is focused on the case study of the Ed. Ville de Montpellier, having as a base of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), considered an efficient tool to analyze and keep up with the progress of the construction of the building, including technical approvals, the application of surveys with the local residents and the creation of informal interviews. The data shows that with time some items that initially motivated the acquisition of the realestate property (with a social common area) move to being less valued, and that the residents quickly alter the pre constructed space, thus seeking to alter the property in a more personal and conforming manner. The possibility of a new emphasis for projects on the mentioned space should also be in discussion, the created project calls for the attention of projected conceptual aspects and interdependence within project and construction which permits the indication of some recommendations for the projection of multifamily residential buildings within the studied realm / Confirmando tend?ncia brasileira na ?rea, em Natal, a habita??o em condom?nios verticais multifamiliares, constitu?dos por edif?cios com mais de tr?s pavimentos, tem sido uma solu??o crescentemente utilizada. Nesse tipo de projeto, no entanto, a liga??o entre os arquitetosprojetistas e os usu?rios/compradores ? difusa, pois os primeiros concebem o im?vel tendo em vista uma demanda de mercado e n?o um cliente espec?fico. Tal situa??o, aliada ?s limita??es t?cnicas e financeiras do empreendimento, conduz ? ado??o de solu??es standard a serem utilizadas por clientes de perfis diferentes. Al?m disso, os v?rios par?metros urban?sticos e legais definidos pelo Plano Diretor da cidade mostramse elementos de grande influ?ncia na solu??o final adotada para essas edifica??es. Partindo desse quadro geral, esse trabalho realiza o estudo de caso do Ed. Ville de Montpellier, tendo como base a avalia??o p?socupa??o (APO), considerada eficiente ferramenta para an?lise e acompanhamento do desempenho edil?cio. No trabalho, de cunho qualitativo descritivo, foram utilizados multim?todos envolvendo: an?lise de documentos relacionados ao pr?dio em quest?o, vistoria t?cnica, aplica??o de question?rios com moradores e realiza??o de entrevistas informais. Os dados mostram que, com o tempo, alguns itens que inicialmente motivaram a aquisi??o do im?vel (como a ?rea social comum) passam a ser menos valorizados, e que rapidamente os moradores alteram o espa?o padronizado, buscando adequ?lo aos seus desejos e necessidades. Discutindo a possibilidade de novo enfoque para projetos arquitet?nicos nesta ?rea, o trabalho chama a aten??o para aspectos de concep??o projetual e a interdepend?ncia entre projeto e obra, e permite a indica??o de algumas recomenda??es para a projeta??o de edif?cios residenciais multifamiliares na realidade estudada
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