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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restoration of a Rich Fen by Top Soil Removal : Temporal and Spatial Responses among Vascular Plants, Bryophytes and Land Snails during 15 years

Evasdotter, Liselott January 2011 (has links)
Rich fens are calcareous and nutrient poor wetlands with a rich flora of orchids, sedges and mosses. As many as one hundred plant species are rich fen specialists. Many wetlands have been drained historically, and transformed to agricultural land or production forests. Today rich fens cover only 2-3% of the total mire area in Sweden. Rich fen is a rare and valuable habitat also from a European perspective and is protected in the Natura 2000-network. To increase and maintain the biodiversity and ecosystem services rich fens can offer, it is important to increase the rich fen area by restoration and management. Rich fen restoration can be carried out in different ways. In this report the restoration method of top soil removal is investigated. The method has never been tested before in Sweden and therefore it is important to evaluate the suitability of the method for further conservation work.   Before restoration, the study area had been drained, used as arable land and pasture, and finally become abandoned and overgrown by tall eutrophic herbaceous vegetation. An excavator dug away the layer of nutrient rich top soil and then the site was left for spontaneous development. Adjacent to the restored area, there is a small remnant of rich fen. Monitoring of the restored area was performed during the first five years after the restoration. I repeated the monitoring after ten years, and analyzed the long-term succession of plants and snails, in comparison with the status in the reference fen.   The vegetation in the restored parts is approaching the one in the reference fen. For example, the number of rich fen specialists has increased steadily. However, the colonization of bryophytes is slow. They cover at most 20 % in the restored parts, while 80 % in the reference fen, possibly because of dispersal limitation and the fact that the restored area is drier than the reference fen. More species of herbs can be found in the restored parts than in the reference fen. Another difference is the high cover of bare soil in the restored areas, compared to none in the reference fen. Some trees and bushes are growing in the area, primarily birch (Betula pubescens) and different species of Salix. The land snails have successfully colonized the restored areas. After two years the same number of species was found in the restored area, as in the reference fen. The total number of species found in the restored areas was 26, compared to 29 in the reference fen, among them three rare rich fen indicator species.   The results show how the restored site has developed from bare mineral soil to a rich fen site, approaching the species composition of the reference fen. Several species of rich fen specialists among vascular plants, bryophytes and land snails have established in the restored areas. The small rich fen close to the restored area functions as a source from where plants and animals can spread. Overall the restoration shows very positive results, going from bare soil to rich fen vegetation in only ten years.

Towards a Sustainable Fisheries Management : How to address uncertainty in order to achieve a sustainable development of regional fisheries management

Folkesson, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Fisheries management is not only about managing the resource fish, but also includes managing the social system. Aquatic ecosystems and the social system are both complex and change continuously. It is important to address what types of uncertainty the combination of both systems, complex socio-ecological systems leads to, their consequences and how these should be dealt with. Successful or unsuccessful management outcomes are difficult to address whether or not they are due to management efforts or natural changes. In addition, uncertainties often lead to a short-term management, since lack of knowledge makes it difficult to act in a long-term perspective. This thesis conceptualizes how to address different types of uncertainty prevalent in fisheries management, with focus on natural process uncertainty, measurement and estimation uncertainty, decision and implementation uncertainty, and institutional and regime uncertainty.  This was done by analyzing how three theoretical approaches, namely co-management, adaptive management and adaptive co-management address these uncertainties. In order to highlight how different types of uncertainty have been dealt with in practice, a case study on the fishery management in Lake Vättern has been made. A comparison between the literature study and this thesis’ case study shows that hypothesis-testing, cooperation, communication and transparency are corresponding factors on how to deal with uncertainties in fisheries management and that institutional and regime uncertainty is inadequately addressed in Sweden.

Att leta efter kännskap : Hur lärare ser på utemiljön som en miljö för lärande

Nyman, Ingemar January 2008 (has links)
In outdoor education the empirical outdoor experience is an important basis for a learning process – the teacher can affect learning with the choice of location. In order to develop the model in school, we need to build on teachers' perception of how their every day schoolwork looks like. This paper takes as its starting point at three teachers' perception of their learning environment and outdoor environments as well as a theoretical model of the site's importance in the learning process. The paper addresses both the importance of a structured and a unstructured meeting with outdoor sites. By linking teachers' interview response to a theoretical model an overall picture of how outdoor education can function in school is given. We look at the differences that exist between teaching inside and outside and at the possibilities the different environments give.

Föräldrarnas insikt och intresse i miljö- och utomhuspedagogik / Parents' Insight and Interest in Environmental and Outdoor Education

Leiegård, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på föräldrars uppfattning om vilket värde och innehåll som utomhuspedagogiken har för deras barns lärande. Nio föräldrar deltog enskilt i kvalitativa intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor. Resultatet visar att föräldrarnas insikt och kunskap om innehåll och värde i utomhuspedagogiken är viktig för helheten omkring barnens lärprocesser När föräldrar blir medvetna om hur mycket naturupplevelser, hälsa, sinnesupplevelser, kreativitet och kommunikation med omgivningen betyder för lärandet så blir de delaktiga inte bara i sina barns lärprocesser utan även i utomhuspedagogikens utveckling i skolan.

The Last Three Four-part Female Part-songs by Franz Schubert

Tseng, Ya-yi 08 September 2000 (has links)
The women¡¦s chorus has been a minor category in the bulk of western music history. It was not until the nineteenth century that a female chorus had the opportunity to perform as the same way that a male or mixed chorus had. Only then, did composers start to compose part-songs for female chorus, and Schubert is one of the pioneers. He composed nine pieces for female chorus. Two of them were done as assignments while a student when he was young (1812). Three short pieces were finished in 1815-16. Even in these early pieces his sensitivity to German text and gift for setting the text to music are clearly shown. In 1820-27, Schubert finished four female choral works. Three of them were four-part-- ¡§Psalm 23¡¨, ¡§Gott in der Natur¡¨, ¡§Stänchen¡¨. These three pieces are the best in all Schubert¡¦s female choral works. The tonality is more fully developed, and the length is almost four times longer than before. More imitation is used, composed with homophonic texture than is used in the first five pieces. Schubert had demonstrated a strong desire to express the text freely with all types of musical techniques from the early Romantic Period. This master¡¦s thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter offers some historical background and can be divided into three sections. First is a concise report about female chorus¡¦s development in western music history. The second part discusses the definition of 19th century style and how the contemporary background influenced the part-songs. The third section gives a general review of Schubert¡¦s female choral works. Chapter Three is a detailed analysis of the final three four-part female works. Derived from Chapter Three (i. e. based on the analysis), Chapter four proposes a teaching procedure when a director or a school teacher wants to perform any of these three numbers. Some performance considerations and conducting suggestions are also included. The final Chapter is conclusion for the entire research. Two appendixes are included: one is the translations and IPA phonetics for the German texts; the other is a list of the publishers for Schubert female chorus works.

Phosphorus recycling from wastewater to agriculture using reactive filter media

Cucarella Cabañas, Victor January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis focused on testing the suitability of reactive filter media used for phosphorus (P) removal from wastewater as fertilizers, thus recycling P to agriculture. The work compared the P sorption capacity of several materials in order to assess their suitability as a source of P for plants. The selected materials (Filtra P, Polonite and wollastonite) were saturated with P and used as soil amendments in a pot experiment. The amendments tended to improve the yield of barley and ryegrass compared with no P addition. The amendments also increased soil pH, P availability and cation exchange capacity in the studied soils. The substrates studied here can be of particular interest for acid soils. Of the materials studied, Polonite appears to be the most suitable substrate for the recycling of P from wastewater to agriculture</p>

Under resans gång har vi blivit gröna i själen : konsekvenser för småföretag att arbeta med Stockholms stads miljödiplom

Quistgaard, Louise, Svensson, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Kraven på att företag skall arbeta med att minska sin miljöpåverkan har blivit hårdare från samhällets sida. Ett verktyg för småföretag som vill jobba systematiskt med miljöfrågor är miljödiplom, där Stockholms stads miljödiplom är ett av dessa. Stockholms stads miljödiplom är uppbyggt i tre nivåer och det tar ett år att genomföra varje nivå.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilka konsekvenser och förändringar som sker när företag diplomerar sig med Stockholms stads miljödiplom. Detta kommer att analyseras utifrån organisationsteori med tonvikt på förändringar. För att svara på syftet har diplomeringsansvariga för sex företag, fördelade på två per nivå i miljödiplomet, intervjuats om sitt arbete med miljödiplomeringen samt hur miljöarbetet påverkat den dagliga verksamheten inom företaget.</p><p>Resultat och slutsatser visade att kundkrav var den främsta faktorn till varför företagen diplomerade sig med miljödiplomet. Företagen valde Stockholms stads miljödiplom då det är bättre anpassat för småföretag än ISO 14001. Miljödiplomet uppfattas dock inte som tillräckligt känt i företagskretsar, utan där framstår ISO 14001 som mest erkänt. Trots miljödiplomet har inte miljöarbetet blivit direkt integrerat i företagens verksamheter vilket kan bero på bristande kommunikation mellan de diplomeringsansvariga och övriga anställda. De anställda var inte delaktiga i diplomeringsarbetet vilket kan vara en orsak till att inga större förändringar i den dagliga verksamheten hade skett i majoriteten av företagen. Företagen i studien har behövt mycket hjälp från Miljöcentrum, som är ansvariga för Stockholms stads miljödiplom, vilket innebär att kompetensen om miljödiplomet inte alltid skapades eller fanns inom företaget.</p>

An Economic Analysis of Transparency Improvement in the Baltic Proper, Baltic Sea

Quwsar, Mohammad Abu January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Baltic Sea is the one of the most studied seas area in the world and it is severely affected by human activities where eutrophication is the overall environmental problem. Although there is an international agreement that nutrient input to the Baltic should be reduced, the measures taken so far have not resulted in major reductions in nutrient inputs nor in environmental improvements. Sewage reduction is the most important factor for transparency improvement of the Baltic Proper and wetland restoration and change of N spreading time have no effective role in this aspect. Within the Baltic area, establishment of sewage treatment technology in Russia and Poland is more cost-effective than it would be in Sweden. Without this measure transparency improvement would be expensive. In Sweden NOx reduction is most cost-effective measure for transparency improvement in the Baltic Proper and without this measure the total cost would be ~ 58.5 million euro.</p>

Seasonal Variation of Inorganic Nutrients (DSi, DIN and DIP) Concentration in Swedish River

Ahmed, Rafiq January 2007 (has links)
<p>Rivers have been playing most important role as fresh water source and medium of nutrient transportation from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystem. Inorganic form of nutrients (DSi, DIN and DIP) are plant available mostly control the productivity of aquatic ecosystem. Transfer of these nutrients in higher concentrations cause harmful eutrophication in receiving water body.</p><p>Study of dissolved inorganic nutrients concentrations in 12 Swedish rivers of different basin characteristics demonstrated both similar and varying behaviour from river to river and from season to season depending on catchment hydrology; land use and geology. Highest concentration did not coincide with the highest runoff. High DSi concentration observed in the unperturbed rivers however, high DIN and DIP concentration observed in agriculture dominated river followed by river basin dominated by industrial and urban activities. DSi and DIN concentration observed high in winter and decreased through spring to reach lowest in summer. DIP concentration although found low in summer but high concentration observed in early spring and early autumn. Rivers with low average runoff positively correlated with DSi and DIN concentration however, DIP demonstrated weak correlation.</p>

Tematisk undervisning om skog och natur i svenska som andraspråk : definitioner och förslag på praktisk tillämpning / Teaching Thematically about Nature in Swedish as a Second Language : Definitions and Suggestions for Practical Application

Johansson, Martina January 2002 (has links)
<p>Det här arbetet handlar om tematisk undervisning i skolan. Syftet har varit att genom litteratur söka utveckla kunskap om tematisk undervisning samt kunskap om invandrarelevers relation till skog och natur. Jag har utfört en empirisk undersökning för att ta reda på vad en grupp elever med svenska som andraspråk skulle vilja arbeta med i ämnet skog och natur. </p><p>Huvudsyftet och tyngdpunkten i arbetet ligger i att, med påverkan från litteratur och den empiriska undersökningen, skapa och forma en planering och ett arbetsmaterial inom ämnet svenska som andraspråk. Utgångspunkten i undervisningsmaterialet är tematisk undervisning med inriktningen Tema Natur.</p>

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