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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Goethe's Vision of Natur during the Italian Journey

Ewing, John Paul 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The following project will examine the scientific, metaphysical, and aesthetic themes connected to Goethe's vision of Natur during and surrounding the years of his famed Italian Journey. Goethe's progressing conceptualization of the Urpflanze during this period, as witnessed in his autobiographical Italienische Reise and the Versuch, die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklaren, will be of special concern because of its pertinence to a number of vital natural scientific themes in Goethe's scientific work. I will also trace the progression of these themes over time as seen in Goethe's related theories of the intermaxillary bone and of the morphology of plant organs so as to maintain that the Italian Journey may be seen as a period not only of literary revitalization as commonly cited, but also of scientific progress in connection with Goethe's deepening understanding of Natur as well as its inherent laws and archetypal nature. The first chapter will introduce the project's problem in detail as well as the textual and critical obstructions associated with the project. I will maintain in Chapter II that Goethe's biography during the 1780s shows a systematic progression in the understanding of Natur in his scientific projects and in the Reise, which also helps to demonstrate that Goethe's Journey was a period during which Goethe was able to develop, in greater detail than heretofore, his metaphysical vision of Natur. In Chapter III, I will investigate the primary textual material on Goethe?s notion of the Urpflanze within the Italienische Reise and its resulting extension in his 1790 study of plant morphology, the Metamorphose der Pflanzen. Chapter IV will discuss the topic of the Eins in Nature and anschauende Urteilskraft as detected in Goethe's scientific writings. Chapter V will continue and conclude this argument by linking Richards' argument regarding "Romantic biologists" to Goethe?s natural science during the time of the Italian Journey, thus making a connection between Kunst and Natur in the Italienische Reise and in Goethe's scientific projects during and surrounding the Journey.

Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutz in der deutschen Land- und Forstwirtschaft / Die Rolle von Politiksektoren und Politikintegration / Implementation of EU environmental policies in the German agriculture and forestry sectors / The role of policy sectors and policy integration

Kaufer, Ricardo 24 July 2015 (has links)
Die Agrar- und Forstpolitiken der EU und Deutschlands stehen in einem politökonomischen Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Wertschöpfung und Rohstoffproduktion als ökonomieorientierte Ziele einerseits, der Ökologisierung der Landnutzung andererseits und schließlich dem Ziel der Förderung der ländlichen Entwicklung. In wissenschaftlichen und staatlich-politischen Diskursen und Analysen hinsichtlich der Politiksektoren Land- und Forstwirtschaft wurden Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte in den letzten 25 Jahren stark betont. Insbesondere dem politisch-praktischen Konzept der Politikintegration kommt in den Diskursen und Analysen eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Die Studie untersucht die agrar- und forstpolitischen Prozesse der Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutz in der deutschen Land- und Forstwirtschaft und leistet einen Beitrag zur qualitativen Erforschung sektoraler Machtverhältnisse. Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung der Policy-Analyse entspricht die Studie dem Anspruch der Theorieintegration, da eine kritisch-materialistische Perspektive auf politische Prozesse, eine materialistische Staatstheorie, das Konzept der Politiksektoren zusammengeführt werden und dazu beitragen Politikintegrationsprozesse zu analysieren. Im Ergebnis stellt die Studie anhand von vier Fallstudien in den Bundesländern Brandenburg (BB), Niedersachsen (NI), Nordrhein-Westfalen (NW) und Sachsen-Anhalt (ST) und anhand der drei policy issues Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen, Reduzierung von Stoffeinträgen in die Umweltmedien Boden und Wasser und Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt den Ist-Zustand der Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen und EU-Umweltschutzpolitiken in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft dar. Anhand der Agrar- und Forstpolitiken in BB, NI, NW und ST in den Förderperioden 2000-2006 und 2007-2013 wird aufgezeigt, dass die Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutzzielen von der politökonomischen Entwicklung der Sektoren abhängt. Sowohl die Agrar- und Forstbürokratien als auch privatwirtschaftliche AkteurInnen dominieren die Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutz. Profitorientierung und ökonomische Regionalentwicklung als Ideologiefragmente der dominanten Status quo- und ökonomieorientierten AkteurInnen setzen Ökologisierungsansätze permanent dem Sachzwang der Profitabilität aus. In den Machtverhältnissen und Kämpfen um die Verallgemeinerung von AkteurInneninteressen dominieren die Status quo- und ökonomieorientierten AkteurInnen die politischen Prozesse durch einen privilegierten Zugang zu den Entscheidungszentren, die ideologische Kongruenz zwischen der Ministerialbürokratie und den dominanten Unternehmensverbänden, die Abhängigkeit der öffentlichen Bürokratien von einer gelingenden Wertschöpfung und der Befassungskontinuität zentraler policy entrepreneure innerhalb der Ministerialbürokratien und der damit verbundenen Policy-Stabilität. Politikintegrationsprojekte wie der produktionsintegrierter Natur- und Umweltschutz (Integrativer Naturschutz) in der deutschen Forst- und Landwirtschaft als Modus der Umsetzung von EU-Umweltschutz führen zur Legitimation und Reproduktion der bestehenden Produktionsweise.

Versuchsflächenanalyse, Modellparametrisierung und waldbauliche Konsequenzen für die Behandlung von Buchen-Lärchen-Mischbeständen im Südniedersächsischen Bergland / Growth dynamics of mixed stands of Beech and European Larch (Larix decidua, Mill.).

Guericke, Martin 16 March 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Kinh Settlers in Viet Nam’s Northern Highlands : Natural Resources Management in a Cultural Context

Lundberg, Mats January 2004 (has links)
This study deals with the Kinh (or Viet) majority people who have migrated from the lowland Red River Delta to the mountainous areas of northern Viet Nam, and their adjustment to a new social and physical environment. Its aim is to analyse the social and cultural consequences for these migrants when settling in communities populated with people who belong to the national ethnic minorities (the Tày, the Giay and the Ngan peoples). Focus is on impacts in new interactive situations. The case is a special one in that it focuses on majority people's adaptation to minorities, and to a lesser extent vice versa. The Kinhs' view of how a "civilised" landscape ought to look like and how to utilise the natural resources therein demonstrated to be a central theme when discussing restructuring of the migrants' livelihood. This fact indicates the cultural dimension in the exploitation of the natural landscape and the reconstruction of the subsistence system. In the process of adaptation to a new social environment (as well as to a new physical one), social interactions between the Kinh and the ethnic minorities have proven to be important steps towards integration. One factor that turned out to be decisive in the integration process is the harmonising of life cycle ceremonies (especially weddings and funerals) between the Kinh and the minorities. New knowledge is accumulated locally, based on pooled experience. The study concerns how new knowledge on natural resources management is formed through a mixture of the migrants' knowledge from the Red River Delta and the minorities' knowledge of the local area. With a background in the delta area the Kinh brought the old knowledge of advanced wet rice production with them when migrating to the highlands. The facts show that the influence on the subsistence system has not been a one-way flow. That is, not only has the Kinh changed the minorities' agriculture system, but also the minorities' systems have had an impact on the Kinhs' system so that it now is more adapted to the conditions in the highlands.

Matter that matters : A study of household routines in a process of changing water and sanitation arrangements

Krantz, Helena January 2005 (has links)
Our society changed, but the urban water and sanitation system of today is roughly the same as it was 100 years ago. The system is designed for, developed from and sustained by human activities, and has since its introduction affected household patterns of routine activities. The urban water and sanitation system is now being criticised for not being sustainable due to excessive material, energy and chemical use, and failure to recycle and reuse resources. Altering household practices is perceived as one important step towards improved sustainability. In this study, two changes in water and sanitation arrangements at the household level are analysed: individual meters for volumetric billing of hot and cold water, and dry toilets with separate collection of urine and faeces. These arrangements increase system transparency, and their proponents believe that the arrangements enhance resource recycling and/or rsource savings. However, success in this regard can only be achieved if accompanied by appropriate household routines. The extent to which such appropriate routines come about and why (not) is the focus of attention in this study; the aim is to describe and analyse the interaction between householder routines and changes in water and sanitation arrangements. This study takes as its starting point household everyday life. A methodological combination of time-diaries, interviews, physical measurements and simple observations is developed and implemented in two cases; the housing area Ringdansen with flats (volumetric billing) and the collective Gebers based on an ecological way of life (dry toilets). The theoretical approach is developed from time-geography and culture analysis. The methodological and theoretical approaches have proven useful and can be developed further. Household responded differently to the volumetric billing in Ringdansen, but in general, no sweeping routine changes took place in the households. A comparison of average total water usage per household (at an aggregated level) between the two cases, showed no significant difference. Water-use routines are also similar in the two areas, even though variations appear between households. There seems to be a socio-culturally defined lower limit for water use, regarded as necessary for maintaining sufficient standards of cleanliness and comfort, irrespective of the influence of ecological or economic incentives. Differences in household composition, built-in technical arrangements and existence of a garden (Gebers) explain the differences in hot and cold water usage between the two areas. The dry toilet was shown to have a decisive impact on toilet disposal routines; only biodegradable waste products are thrown into it and the cleaning agents are environmentally friendly toilet disposal routines that reach beyond the 'good' routines evolving from environmental concern. The relationship between changes in water and sanitation arrangements and householder routines may be expressed as follows: an extensive change in arrangements, either technical/physical, organisational and/or economical, results in more radical routine changes, and more so if combined. However, the improvement as regard ecological sustainability is conditional on what is socio-culturally accepted - social sustainability.

Untersuchung von Eichfeldtheorien in Termen von lokalen eichinvarianten Größen

Rudolph, Michael 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen des Funktionalintegralzugangs zur Quanteneichfeldtheorie wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Quantisierungsprozedur in Termen eichinvarianter Felder vorgeschlagen und am Beispiel zwei- und vierdimensionaler abelscher Modelle (Thirring-Modell und QED) sowie der One-Flavour QCD konkret realisiert. Dazu wird die Algebra der aus der eichabhängigen Feldkonfiguration der zugrunde liegenden Quantenfeldtheorie gebildeten eichinvarianten Grassmann-Algebra-wertigen Differentialformen, welche die Struktur einer Z_2-graduierten Differentialalgebra trägt, näher untersucht. Danach erfolgt die Implementierung eines geeignet gewählten Satzes eichinvarianter Felder sowie bestimmter algebraischer Relationen in das Funktionalintegral, wodurch die ursprüngliche eichabhängige Feldkonfiguration ausintegriert werden kann. Diese als "Reduktion des Funktionalintegrals" bezeichnete Prozedur führt schließlich auf eine effektive bosonisierte (Quanten-) Theorie wechselwirkender eichinvarianter, und damit physikalischer Felder. Die vorgestellte Prozedur kann als allgemeines Bosonisierungsschema für Quantenfeldtheorien in beliebigen Raum-Zeit-Dimensionen angesehen werden. Die physikalische Auswertung der erhaltenen effektiven Theorien wird am Beispiel der Berechnung der chiralen Anomalie sowie bestimmter Vakuum-Erwartungswerte im Rahmen der untersuchten abelschen Modelle demonstriert. Wie sich dabei zeigt, wird man mit einer Reihe neuartiger Phänomene und Probleme konfrontiert, die bei geeigneter Behandlung tiefere Einblicke in nichtperturbative Fragestellungen erlauben. / Within the thesis a new procedure, called "reduction of the functional integral", is developed for formulating quantum field theories in terms of gauge invariant quantities (physical observable fields). It provides a new way for the construction and analysis of effective field theoretical models. Starting with a detailed mathematical analysis of the algebra of Grassmann--algebra valued gauge invariants, the procedure is applied to the two--dimensional Thirring--model, the four--dimensional spinor QED and the one--flavor QCD in four dimensions. For each of these three models an effective theory of interacting bosonic gauge invariant fields was deduced on the quantum level. Apart from this more theoretical considerations, first steps on the way to an analysis of the obtained effective models towards their application in various physical problems are performed. In the case of the two Abelian models a new approach to the bosonisation scheme and the calculation of the chiral anomaly in two and four dimensions were obtained, giving some deeper insight into the nature of the bosonisation phenomenon as well as the nature of anomalies, respectively. Moreover, the investigation of current--current expectation values shows that the suggested procedure can be viewed as a new way towards a non--perturbative formulation and understanding of quantum field theories.

"Mer vackert till akuten" : Personalens upplevelse av den visuella miljön på akutmottagningen - en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Staff experiences of the visual environment in the emergency department - a qualitative interview study

Cassidy, Kate, Wilhelmsson, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Evidensbaserad Design (EBD) är en process som har utvecklats för att säkerställa att beslut om planering och utformning av vårdmiljön bygger på trovärdig forskning med målet att skapa bästa möjliga resultat för personal, patienter och närstående. Vårdmiljöforskning visar att en välplanerad och genomtänkt fysisk vårdmiljö spelar en viktig roll för patientsäkerhet, patientnöjdhet och arbetstillfredsställelse hos personalen. Inom begreppsramen för EBD ingår den visuella miljön som en variation av den fysiska miljön. Det finns redan mycket forskning som undersöker olika aspekter av den visuella miljön inom vården, men det finns dock lite forskning som beskriver åtgärder som syftar till att förbättra vårdmiljön på en akutmottagning.   Syfte: Att beskriva personalens upplevelse av den visuella miljön på akutmottagningen.   Metod: En kvalitativ induktiv intervjustudie genomfördes vid två akutmottagningar i södra Sverige. Femton (n = 15) intervjuer med legitimerade sjuksköterskor, undersköterskor och läkare utfördes. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat: Personalen vid akutmottagningen upplevde att en balanserad visuell miljö främjar välbefinnande. Balansen består av en integration av klinisk funktionalitet och estetiska intryck. Den visuella miljön kan distrahera på olika sätt, vilket skapar en avledning från stressiga upplevelser. Det kan också uppmuntra nyfikenhet och reflektion. Aspekter av den visuella miljön kan emellertid vara distraherande på ett provocerande sätt vilket i sin tur kan ökar stress. En balanserad visuell miljön skapar atmosfär för vårdande. Den visuella miljön har en stimulerande känslomässig inverkan som kan vara både positiv och negativ samt stimulera delaktighet och dialog.   Slutsats: Att skapa en balanserad visuell miljö på akutmottagningen kräver en helhetssyn som inkludera funktionella och personliga perspektiv. Man kan dra slutsatsen att en balanserad visuell miljö i slutändan kan förbättra atmosfären på akutmottagningen och därmed bidra till en stödjande miljö som främjar en känsla av välbefinnande hos personal, patienter och närstående. / Background: Evidence-based Design (EBD) is a process that has been developed to ensure that decisions on planning and design of the healthcare environment are based on credible research with the goal of creating the best possible outcomes for staff, patients and next-of kin. Research on health care design shows that a well-planned and thought out physical environment plays an important role in patient safety, patient satisfaction and job satisfaction for the staff.  Within the conceptual framework of EBD, the visual environment is included as a variation of the physical environment. There is a substantial amount of research that examines different aspects of the visual environment within healthcare, there is however little research describing interventions aimed at improving the healthcare environment in an emergency department (ED). Purpose: To describe the staff experiences of the visual environment at an ED. Method: A qualitative inductive interview study was conducted at two emergency departments in southern Sweden.  Fifteen (n=15) interviews including registered nurses, assistant nurses and emergency physicians were conducted. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis. Result: The staff at the emergency department experienced that a balanced visual environment promotes well-being. The balance consists of an integration between clinical functionality and aesthetic impressions. The visual environment can be distracting in various ways, creating a diversion from stressful experiences. It can also encourage curiosity and reflection. Aspects of the visual environment can however be equally distracting in a provocative manner, reinforcing stress. The visual environment has a stimulating emotional impact that can be both positive and negative as well as stimulating participation and dialogue. A balanced visuell environment creates an atmosphere which supports caring. Conclusion: Creating a balanced visual environment in the emergency requires a holistic approach incorporating practical and personal perspectives. It can be concluded that providing a balanced visual environment can ultimately improve the atmosphere of the emergency department and thereby promote a sense of well-being in staff, patients and next-of kin.

Religiose Ansprechbarkeit der Post-Sowjetischen Kirgisen : eine sozio-missiologische Fallstudie des Bekehrungsprozesses der zum Christentum konvertierten Kirgisen / Religious accountability of post-Soviet Kyrgyz people: a socio-missiological case study of the conversion process to Christianity of proselyt Kyrgyz people

Zweininger, Jakob 91 1900 (has links)
The Kyrgyz are a Mongolian, Turkic ethno-linguistic people group. The political and social changes of the post-soviet times have led to a great religious openness among the Kyrgyz. Within one decade the nunber of Kyrgyz Christians has grown from few dozens to over 3000. The intention of this work was to analyze the conversion process of the Kyrgyz converts to Christianity and to apply the results to further missiological activity. The religious background of the Kyrgyz, which is heavily influenced by Folk Islam, was presented in the first chapter of the paper. In the second chapter, interviews collected from Kyrgyz Christians were evaluated. The third chapter summarizes the most important findings of the work and makes them applicable for missionary work. The precise knowledge of the religious background of the Kyrgyz and intercultural communication that it is based upon it can essentially dismantle barriers for the acceptance of the gospel. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Setkávání lásky a přírody v lyrice Eduarda Mörikeho / The Encounters of Love and Nature in the Lyric Poetry of Eduard Mörike

Dvořáková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the lyrical poetry of Eduard Mörike (1804-1875), a German poet. The topic of the thesis is theencountering of nature and love in his works. This poet, less known in the Czech context, wrote various kinds of poems, which deserve attention. The thesis is divided in two parts, theoretical and interpretative. In the first part, the thesis focuses on giving an overall context (I deal with a historical context, literary epochs, during which Eduard Mörike wrote, his personality and general introduction in lyrical poetry). The second part of my thesis aims to interpret selected poems, which are divided bytheir themes: romantic love, the morning, wayfaring, the forest and the so-called "Dinggedichte," or poems focusing on understanding and appreciation of a single item. In each poem, a mood or feeling that characterizes the poem is described, who is the speaker within the poem, and which topics of love and nature can be observed. From the perspective of form, I analyze the rhyme scheme. The analysis of each thematic group also contains a comparation of the poems. The interpretational part aims to connect and evaluate the interweaving of love and nature in the poetic works of Eduard Mörike and touch upon the deeper meaning of the poems. Its aim is also to make the selected works...

Framtidens energieffektiva förskola : Gestaltning och formgivning av en naturförskola i passivhusteknik / The pre-school of tomorrow : Configuration and conformation of a nature-preschool in passive house technology

Lööv, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Daggkåpan är en förskola som projekterats i passivhusteknik. Förskolan är en naturförskola, vilket främst innebär att i stort sett all verksamhet bedrivs utomhus. Byggnaden är i två plan vilket gör att tomtarean kan utnyttjas till mer utomhusvistelse. Förutsättningar för att bedriva verksamheten inomhus finns även. Utomhusmiljön och inomhusmiljön hos Daggkåpan smälter samman och barnen kan lätt ta ett steg ut till naturen från sina hemvister. Detta innebär att antalet utgångar ökar. En solcellsanläggning genererar all elektricitet och gör byggnaden självförsörjande. Byggnadens varmvatten och värme står solfångare för. I takt med bostadsutvecklingen blir även behovet av förskolor större. Att skaffa kunskap och erfarenheter om energieffektivt byggande är idag en god idé eftersom alla byggnader på sikt måste vara så energieffektiva som möjligt. En av hörnpelarna med att bygga passivhus är att låta ett genomtänkt och energieffektivt byggnadsskal ersätta ett konventionellt värmeförsörjningssystem. Genom att förbättra konstruktioner och hålla koll på byggprocessen kan andra delar av byggnaden förenklas och i vissa fall helt ersättas. Det som fördyrar i ena änden kan leda till en god investering i den andra. Utmaningen med passivhus är att systematisera, se helheter och sammanhang och framför allt eftersträva det enkla. Enkla system ger låga drift- och underhållningskostnader och risken för driftstörningar minskar. Den största delen av värmen är gratis. Den kommer från instrålande sol, värme från människor och spillvärme från apparater och matlagning. Grundkravet är att byggnaden har ett värmeeffektbehov under 10 W per kvadratmeter vid +20ºC inomhus på årets kallaste dag, definierat av dimensionerande utetemperatur. Byggnaden får max läcka 0,3 l/s, m² oms vid +/- 50 Pa tryckskillnad. För att uppnå god komfort krävs välisolerade väggar, solavskärmningar, energieffektiva fönster och dörrar, små köldbryggor och ett bra ventilationssystem där värmen från insidan av huset återvinns. Antalet passivhus i Sverige ökar snabbt, men det är fortfarande småhusen som dominerar. Att bygga en förskola som passivhus är en god idé ur flera synvinklar; Bland annat för att de täta och välisolerade väggarna stänger ute buller och oljud. Även mellanväggar isoleras och bidrar till en extra tyst byggnad. Dessutom blir barnen miljömedvetna eftersom de får vara delaktiga i energieffektivisering. -En viktig aspekt för framtiden. Barnen bidrar själva till uppvärmning av lokalerna genom kroppsvärmen. Undersökningar har bland annat visat att barn som får vistas utomhus är friskare, mer självgående, mer kreativa och klokare. Det ultimata är att använda sig av utemiljöer som ett extra rum för förskolan. Detta leder till minskad byggnadsarea och mindre byggmaterial krävs. Pedagogiken Reggio Emilia använder sig just utav detta begreppet "Uterummet som ett extra rum för verksamheten". Barnen får därmed röra sig fritt i utemiljö, utveckla sina sinnen i en rik fantasivärld, inspireras och samverka med natur och hållbarhet. / Daggkåpan is a preschool projected in passive house technology. The preschool is a nature preschool, which means the activity is mainly out door. It is a two floor building which gives conditions to use the area for more outdoor activities. Conditions for drive the preschool indoors is possible as well. The garden and the inside rooms are connected to each other by the exterior rooms and it is easy for the children just to take a step out to the garden from their residences. A solar cell system generates electricity to the building and makes it self-supplied. The residential development leads to the need of preschools. To obtain knowledge of energy effective constructions is a good idea as the buildings in the future have to be as energy effective as possible. One of the most important things by use the passive house technology is letting a well measured and energy- effective building shell replace a conventional heat supply. By improvement of the construction and focus on the process other parts of the building can be simplified and some can be replaced. What is expensive in one end can lead to a good investment in the other. The challenges with passive house are to systematize, see whole parts and contexts and especially to seek after the simple. Easy systems give low operations- and service-costs and reduce fear of disruptions. Most of the heat is for free. It comes from insulation, human heat and heat from cooking and technologies. Basic requirements for this type of building is a need of heat-output under 10 W per square-meter at an indoor temperature of 20 degrees on the coldest day of the year, defined of the dimensioned outdoor- temperature. The maximum of leak is 0,3 liters per second and square meter at +/- 50 Pa. To receive high comfort it claims well-isolated walls, shadings, energy-effective windows and doors, small thermal bridges and a good ventilation-system where the indoor heat recycles. The number of Passive houses increases, dominated of small houses. Building a preschool as a passive house is a good idea from several perspective; the well-isolated walls leaves out the noise, even the intermediate walls isolates and contributes to a silent building. The children get environmentally conscious as well and take notes of the energy- effectively. - A very important aspect for the future. The children contributes them self of heat to the building by their body heat. Investigations has been shown that outdoor playing children is more healthy, self-propelled, more creative and more clever. The most ultimate is so use patios as an extra room for the preschool activities. The pedagogy Reggio Emilia uses this concept. The children can consequently feel free staying outside, developing their minds in an imaginative environment, inspired of the interaction of the nature and sustainability.

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