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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣半導體產業的政治經濟分析:國家—產業制度的建立、發展與轉型 / State-Business Institutions for the Development of High-Technology Industry: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan

王文岳, Wang, Wen-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


吳怡銘, Wu, I-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文是以新制度研究方法,來分析台灣派系政治的穩定與變遷。本文的論點是我們在(1)台灣的地方派系政治互動,存在著交易成本。(2)制度因素控制交易成本,進而影響威權時期與民主轉型期的派系政治互動的研究目標前提下,藉由補助金制度運作為例,來理解台灣派系政治的變化。因此我們將全文的探討,建立在下列的假設上:”威權時期的台灣地方派系政治,之所以能維持穩定的運作而成為國民黨有效的統治形式,補助金制度能降低交易成本是主要原因之一。而在民主轉型期間,派系政治所發生的變遷,也是因為補助金制度無法再有效控制交易成本所導致的結果。” 而在對於上述假設的探討上,我們首先發現在整體地方財政結構上的嚴重失衡,使得地方財政必須強烈依恃於中央的補助支持。但是由於補助金制度缺乏有效的監督機制,導致主事者可以藉由制度上的缺失,來進行自身政治目的的運作。 因此在威權時期,補助金制度之所以能控制交易成本,維持派系政治穩定運作主要是由於: (1)補助制度能有效的弱化地方政府的能力、藉由政策的滲透達到監督地方的效果,並且能有效的介入選舉運作。因此降低民選精英向國民黨挑戰的風險成本,而使得雙方的互動呈現低交易成本的穩定合作關係。 (2)由於補助金制度能提供地方政治精英一個穩定的資源汲取管道,使得其底下樁腳系統的向心力可以穩定的維持下去。另一方面,補助計畫必須透過層級申請的特性,也為政治精英帶來低成本的監督環境,使得其能有效的防止樁腳跑票行為。導致雙方在低交易成本的互動下,維持穩定合作關係。 (3)但地方派系與選民之間的互動,則是因為選民缺乏監督誘因以及集體行動的協調成本太高,使得雙方呈現出一種高交易成本的關係。然而由於補助金制度的運作下,派系的政治精英往往可以藉由補助計畫申請的方式,來規避對選民的政治承諾,並將地方建設的功勞予以個人化。使地方政治精英能在規避對選民的政治責任時,卻又同時還能獲得選民的高度認同,而維持一種穩定的選民動員能力。 然而在民主轉型期,補助金制度之所以無法控制交易成本,導致派系政治發生變化的主要原因是在於: (1)國民黨需要地方政治精英對中央政權的支持,但本身卻喪失藉由補助款來進行監督的功能,導致雙方呈現出一種高交易成本的互動模式。 (2)由於補助款制度所存在的制度機制以及反對黨對於地方執政權的競爭日益激烈,導致樁腳因為補助管道日益多元化,使得樁腳維持自主性的成本下降。但卻因此弱化了地方政治精英對樁腳進行監督的能力。這使得雙方的合作關係呈現出一種不穩定的高交易成本狀態。 (3)最後在選民與地方派系的互動上,由於反對黨藉由福利政策來直接訴諸選民,使得選民在存有比較利益機會的誘因下,願意耗費成本來對政治人物的承諾進行監督。在縣級行政首長選舉上,選民因為監督誘因的增加以及反對黨出現所帶來訊息成本的降低,對派系領領袖的互動就呈現低交易成本模式。但是在基層小單位選舉上,由於區域樁腳仍然具有多元的申請管道,來利用申請補助計畫的方式來經營選區,導致選民仍缺乏監督的誘因,而繼續維持雙方高交易成本的互動方式。而且由於這種方式容易規避政治責任,並且將政績予以個人化,因此樁腳仍然維持高度的選民動員能力。 由於民主轉型期間,補助金制度無法再維持一個低交易成本環境。使得派系政治中的相關行動者過去穩定的合作關係發生變化。這種改變受害最深的,莫過於想維繫政權生存的國民黨。高交易成本,使得身為委託者的國民黨無法再控制地方派系對政權支持的政治承諾。因此國民黨會憑仗著執政優勢,藉由國家政策工具來降低交易成本,以便維持派系政治的穩定運作。諸如凍省、統籌分配款收回中央等政策,都可以視為在這種情境下所作的考量。但相對的,當民進黨執政,為了維持民進黨縣市首長與選民之間低交易成本的有利競爭環境,也會藉由國家政策的主導,來弱化派系政治的發展。諸如鄉鎮市長官派的宣示、收回小型工程補助款的決議等,都是在自我利益考量下,所得出的結果。因此派系政治在轉變後,未來可能的發展,就在台灣兩大政治勢力自我利益考量的前提中,成為政策腳力的拉鋸戰。然而在可預見四年的民進黨執政日子裡,民進黨在考量自身利益下,應該會朝向弱化派系政治的政策來發展。 最後在政策建議上,基於弱化派系政治的政策立場進行考量。則在長程目標上,就是要提高地方財源自主性,包括中央與地方財源的重新劃分、考慮開放地方在一定程度上的租稅立法權等措施,來落實地方自治、強化責任政治以實現充分政黨競爭的理想。而在短期的制度修正上,則應該恢復補助金制度維持社會公平正義的補助精神,藉由降低計畫型補助與中央部會補助款,以及建立公開透明的補助審核制度等技術性手段,來降低補助制度中,人為政治因素干擾的誘因。

Kulturellt relevant socialt arbete? : En fältstudie i en SOS-barnby, Swaziland

Ekström, Sarah, Persson, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how SOS Children's Villages as an organization in Swaziland is affected by, and takes into account, the cultural, organizational and societal context in which it acts. Material was gathered through a field study during one month in one of the three SOS Children's Villages in Swaziland. The study has a qualitative approach and is based on the result from 12 semi-structured interviews with village mothers and other representatives from the organization. The other representatives were: social worker, program director, child and youth development coordinator, board member and educational manager. Since this study is both characterized by a specific historical, cultural and organizational context, we decided to connect the postcolonial perspective with an organization theory with focus on the concepts of culture, power and a children’s right perspective. The result from the study showed that SOS Children's village is affected by and takes into account the cultural and societal context in Swaziland in several ways. They do so, mainly by inlvolving the children in cultural values and activites. The result also showed that the village is influenced by the organizational field, because the SOS-Children´s village is in need of creating legitimacy. However, it becomes thus a dilemma how much the social work should be built upon, adapted, or should take into account the cultural, organizational and societal contexts to not maintain colonial worldviews.

Former av politik : Tre utställningssituationer på Moderna Museet 1998-2008 / Forms of Politics : Three Exhibition Situations at Moderna Museet 1998-2008

Lundström, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the concepts of art, politics and art institution departing from three cases of exhibition situations at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, 1998–2008. The cases are considered in relation to different aspects of the museum’s identity as an art institution. The first case, the Pontus Hultén Study Gallery (2008–), is an interactive exhibition space containing 34 mechanical screens for displaying art. It is understood here as a comment on the museum’s identity as a collecting institution. The author critically analyses a number of common oppositions in avant-garde theory regarding museum culture, such as the museum as a place for passivity rather than activity, preservation rather than initiation, and ultimately death rather than life. The second case, the exhibition series Moderna Museet Projekt (1998–2001), was marked by the ambition to integrate artworks into contexts outside the physical museum building. Here case analyses focus on the distinction that the series established between art and a presumed alternative, such as life, reality, or politics. The third and last case, the sound installation Forty-Part Motet (2001) by Janet Cardiff, was installed in an exhibition space that actualised the ideals of the so-called white cube. In the institutional critique of the 1960s and 1970s, this exhibition space was dismissed as isolated and detached from society, an idea that is critically examined. Throughout the different case studies, spectator positions and potential agency are of particular concern. This thesis concludes that the concepts of art and politics are different permeable forms of experiences, visibilities and practices, that cross and intertwine. This conclusion is informed by Jacques Rancière’s notions of aesthetics and politics. In this reading, the art institution is not a barrier separating art from politics, reality or life, but nor is it a dead or deadening space. Rather, the art institution, as a social space and concept of art, is considered as intertwined with other forms of visibilities and experiences. Thus, regarded as a frame for a certain type of visibility, the art institution is capable of establishing a difference that is both unproblematic and urgent.

中國大陸全國人民代表大會專門委員會之研究 / A Study of PRC's National People's Congress Special Committee

林家彰, Lin, Chia-chang Unknown Date (has links)
在探討委員會制度的理論之中,「形式理論」(formal theory)、「新制度論」(new institutionalism)與「資訊理論」(information theory)等三個理論為學者所廣泛討論。有別於「新制度論」中多以「理性選擇制度主義」(rational choice institutionalism)為主的論述,本文以「歷史制度主義」(historical institutionalism)為導引、新制度應用架構為基礎,建立以「人員組成方式」、「選舉制度」與「輔助立法機構」做為全國人民代表大會專門委員會的三項制約因素。各專門委員會的職權主要可以分為「審議權」、「提案權」、「調查研究權」等三個部分,而研究發現,全國人民代表大會專門委員會確實受到「委員會組成」、「選舉制度」與「輔助立法機構」等三項因素所制約。就制度功能而言,全國人民代表大會專門委員會在發展上的確面臨到三大挑戰:「委員會組成層級偏低」、「間接選舉制度降低選舉效率,導致選區難以與委員會做連結」、「委員會與其他立法輔助機構功能重疊」。

台 灣 數 位 無 線 電 視 共 同 傳 輸 公 司 的 建構內涵與發展類型:一個新制度論觀點的探究

李洋, Lee,Yang Unknown Date (has links)
做為新制度流派之一的歷史制度論認為:一政策的成形,乃為情境中各要角(actor)勢力的競逐過程。研究者則在探討,做為競逐場域的共同傳輸公司,各要角勢力的競逐態勢,又將對未來台灣數位無線電視的樣貌,產生什麼樣的影響? 本研究提出,要探討台灣共同傳輸公司的建構意涵,需回到歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的發展脈絡進行考察,並再回到台灣的情境脈絡中,定義共同傳輸公司於台灣的建置意涵為何。 研究者從八國(英國、瑞典、西班牙、法國、荷蘭、芬蘭、愛爾蘭、義大利)歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的過程,歸納出三套共同傳輸公司的類型,包括:「既有獨佔型」、「準公共事業型」,及「市場競爭型」。本研究除分析這三種傳輸公司類型移植台灣的意義為何,並進一步評估其移植的可行性。另外,本研究亦針對共同傳輸公司議題,對未來「NCC作用法」的修法方向提出建議。 / The goal of Historical Institutionalism is one of the sects of New Institutionalism. It focus on finding, measuring and tracing patterns and sequences of social, political, economic behavior and change across time and space. Historical Institutionalism argue that the actors involved in the social context are the important variables for understanding political outcomes. This study try to find out the process of transmission company construction in Taiwan based on the viewpoint of historical institutionalism. Taiwan government plans to switch of the analog terrestrial television before 2010. Government try to stop the vertical integration of terrestrial television. Then also plan to construct the transmission company. This study compares with the process of digitalization of European public service broadcasting, and typologies 3 forms of transmission company, including ‘Existing-monopoly Type’, ‘Quasi-public service Type’ and ‘Market-competition Type’. After that, continuing thinking about the adaptability of three types in Taiwan. And also interprets the connotation of development of transmission company in Taiwan.

De l'émergence des risques à leur intégration dans une organisation : le cas de l'industrie de la construction / From the emergence of risks to their integration in an organization : the case of building sector

Duret, Roxane 28 November 2016 (has links)
Les grands groupes de l'industrie de la construction souhaitent intégrer le concept de prévention au sein de leurs organisations en recherchant des améliorations techniques et organisationnelles et en déployant des méthodes tantôt coercitives, tantôt participatives visant une maîtrise du facteur humain. L'objectif de cette industrie est de contrôler les risques inhérents aux chantiers dont il est possible de déterminer plusieurs classifications. Le point commun de ces dernières est leur finalité, c'est-à-dire établir une liste exhaustive d'un ensemble infini selon des critères variables. Après avoir analysé les différents facteurs influençant sur la genèse des risques dans un environnement aussi particulier qu'est celui des chantiers de bâtiment, nous proposons un modèle dynamique d'appréhension des risques et d'aide à la décision reposant sur la mobilisation de la TNI et de la théorie des représentations sociales. Plus spécifiquement, en considérant les propriétés des risques « émergents » actuels, nous nous interrogeons sur la pertinence des moyens mis en œuvre par l'organisation pour permettre leur intégration. / The major companies of the construction industry wish to integrate the concept of prevention within their organizations by seeking technical and organizational improvements and by implementing coercive or participatory methods whose goal is to deal with the human factor. This industry aims at controlling the risks inherent to the construction sites of which several classifications can be determined. Those classifications have in common their purpose, which is to draw up an exhaustive list from an infinite set according to variable criteria. After analyzing the different factors that influence the genesis of the risks in such a specific environment as the building sites, we propose a dynamic model for risk understanding and decision-making, based on the mobilization of the TNI and the Theory of social representations More specifically, considering the characteristics of the current emerging risks, we wonder about the relevance of the means implemented by the organization towards their integration.

Diversidade organizacional e novo institucionalismo: proposta de um modelo conceitual

Augusto, Paulo Otávio Mussi 09 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 127136.pdf.jpg: 18459 bytes, checksum: f44577d5b6501dff677032bc4692d11d (MD5) 127136.pdf.txt: 321579 bytes, checksum: 7e2859e34729128eecf2402f03a94a6f (MD5) 127136.pdf: 701374 bytes, checksum: 3765af9e042324e2673848018c29ce8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-09T00:00:00Z / Um dos temas centrais dentro teoria organizacional é a explicação da relação organização-ambiente. Os primeiros estudos da vertente sociológica do novo institucionalismo contribuíram para este entendimento, especialmente ao explicitar como o isomorfismo surge dentro de campos organizacionais. Esta abordagem permitiu um novo entendimento sobre o papel do significado na produção e reprodução das práticas sociais. Entretanto, desde seu início, alguns de seus proponentes e críticos têm se preocupado com a forma obscura com que o novo institucionalismo trata a ação social e o papel dos atores na criação, difusão e estabilização das práticas organizacionais. Este estudo apresenta um modelo conceitual abrangente que explique as variações dentro de campos organizacionais ao incluir novos elementos à abordagem do novo institucionalismo, especialmente a discussão da relação dos níveis macro-micro e da incorporação de diferentes elementos tratados de maneira fragmentada dentro do novo institucionalismo. O modelo apresenta três fases de construção do campo organizacional, com foco inicial em um evento social que funciona como um gatilho do processo de institucionalização, conduzido por atores sociais chave, a apresentação de uma prática como uma solução para as necessidades percebidas, passando pelas ações individuais reflexivas, a difusão destas práticas, resultando na construção de um campo organizacional com determinado grau de convergência. A construção do sistema conceitual seguiu a noção de morfogênese para superar a complexidade de modelos explicativos multinível. O modelo identifica que a diversidade organizacional pode coexistir com pressões institucionais isomórficas fortes, uma vez que é central a noção de interpretação e re-interpretação contínua dos atores sociais dentro do campo. / One of the central areas of focus in organizational theory that has been of particular interest is the organization-environment interface. Early studies in the sociological stream of new institutionalism contributed much to the study of organization, especially in illuminating organizational isomorphism that might appear in organizational fields. This perspective allows the understanding of how meaning is created and its role in the production e reproduction of everyday practices. However since the beginning critics about the way the new institutionalism treated social action and the role social actors in the creation, diffusion and stabilization of organizational practices. In this study a comprehensive theoretical framework is presented that accounts the variability of organizations in a organizational field, including new elements in the new institutionalism approach, specially the micro-macro concern. Three phases of construction of organizational field divide the framework; the initial focus is in social events that trigger the institutionalization process, carried out by key actors, the presentation of a new practice as a solution for some identifiable needs, passing through individual’s reflexive actions and, finally, the diffusion of this practices in the consolidation of an organizational field revealing some degree of convergence. The construction of this theoretical framework follows the morphogenesis concept to overcome the difficulty in dealing with multilevel explanation. The framework identify that organizational diversity can coexist with strong isomorphic pressure, considering that this pressures are always interpreted and re-interpreted by social actors in the field.

The role of Southern African Development Community (SADC) in conflict resolution in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 1998-2003 : 'an appraisal'

Kapinga, Ntumba 02 1900 (has links)
Situated at the heart of Africa, the DRC has been transformed into a battlefield where several African states and national armed movements are simultaneously fighting various wars. In order to achieve peace, security, and stability in the DRC, SADC intervened with the international collaboration of the UN and AU. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate SADC’s role in the DRC conflict resolution process from 1998 to 2003. A qualitative research method has been chosen and two theories, namely New Institutionalism theories and Rupesinghe’s model of conflict transformation were adopted. The research concludes that SADC military and diplomatic efforts to end the war have been positive. It is true that violence continues and peace remained fragile, but the conflict had ended. The weakness of the DRC government has allowed continued violence. As an organisation of states, SADC has not been able to do anything about this fragility. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)

Um estudo sobre o processo de institucionalização da responsabilidade social empresarial : estudo multicaso em montadoras de automóveis instaladas no Brasil e em Portugal

Sousa, Leila Araújo de 11 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4186.pdf: 1019401 bytes, checksum: 291d554c87c216eca1ef8f1901f41402 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-11 / This research is aimed to break down into steps and analyze the process of institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Therefore, a bibliographical survey of the New Institutionalism in its sociological perspective was performed in an attempt to describe and characterize the steps of the institutionalization process, since the referred literature fully explains the adoption of social and environmental practices in the business environment. Subsequently, a bibliographical survey of CRS, as a subject of analysis, and of the main social and environmental variables (internal and external) that are part of the referred subject, was performed, based on the most accurate indexes and reports in Portugal and Brazil. Thus, considering the conceptual frameworks and case studies developed it has been possible to analyze the degree of institutionalization of each variable that composes the social and environmental responsibility in the studied companies, as well as the most important factors in the institutionalization process of CRS. In this context, car assembly plants set up in Portugal and Brazil were analyzed in order to verify the similarities and differences in the institutionalization process in the two countries. The results demonstrate that institutionalization can be broken down into additional and consecutive steps, demystifying the characterization of the process of institutionalization of organizational forms and practices as something that exists for the only purpose of determining whether something is or is not institutionalized. Besides, it was concluded that the most privileged dimensions and variables depend on the specific demands of each organizational field. / O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em desmembrar e analisar o processo de institucionalização da responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE). Para tanto, realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico do novo institucionalismo, na sua perspectiva sociológica, na tentativa de descrição e caracterização dos estágios que o processo de institucionalização percorre, uma vez que a referida literatura justifica perfeitamente a adoção de práticas socioambientais no mundo dos negócios. Depois efetuou-se um levantamento bibliográfico da RSE como tema de análise e das principais variáveis sociais e ambientais (internas e externas) que compõem o assunto, a partir dos índices e relatórios mais legítimos em Portugal e no Brasil. Assim, considerando as estruturas conceituais elaboradas e os estudos de caso realizados, foi possível analisar o estágio de institucionalização de cada variável que compõe a responsabilidade socioambiental nas empresas estudadas, bem como os fatores preponderantes no processo de institucionalização do tema. Nesse sentido, foram estudadas as montadoras de automóveis instaladas em Portugal e no Brasil, na busca por verificar as semelhanças e diferenças do processo nos dois países. Os resultados demonstram que a institucionalização pode ser desmembrada em estágios complementares e consecutivos, desmistificando a caracterização do processo de institucionalização de formas e práticas organizacionais como algo dado, ou seja, determinando somente se algo está ou não institucionalizado. Além disso, chegou-se à conclusão de que as dimensões e variáveis mais privilegiadas dependem das demandas específicas de cada campo organizacional.

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