Spelling suggestions: "subject:"operationale"" "subject:"docrationale""
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Geraden in komplexen MannigfaltigkeitenRadtke, Achim 09 November 2001 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind Geraden in komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Dabei wird zum einen ein Geradenbegriff verwendet, der sich aus der Theorie der Twistorräume herleitet. Demnach ist eine Gerade in einer n-dimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeit eine rationale Kurve, deren Normalenbündel isomorph zu dem Normalenbündel einer Geraden im n-dimensionalen komplexen projektiven Raum ist. Einen engeren Geradenbegriff erhält man, wenn man darüberhinaus fordert, dass eine Umgebung der Kurve isomorph zu einer Umgebung einer Geraden im projektiven Raum ist. Solche Geraden heissen tubular. In der Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die beiden Geradenbegriffe nicht äquivalent sind und ein Kriterium dafür angegeben, wann eine Gerade nicht tubular ist. Mit der Deformationstheorie folgt aus der Existenz einer Geraden in einer Mannigfaltigkeit die Existenz einer Familie von Geraden, wobei die Geraden eine offene Menge überdecken. Daher gibt es auf solchen Mannigfaltigkeiten keine holomorphen Differentialformen und somit sind die meisten Methoden der Klassifikationstheorie nicht anwendbar. Als einziger Zugang bleibt die algebraische Reduktion, die in dieser Arbeit für dreidimensionale Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Geraden untersucht wird, wobei sich zunächst eine grobe Charakterisierung dieser Räume ergibt. Der Fall der algebraischen Dimension 2 erweisst sich dann als besonders günstig, da solche Mannigfaltigkeiten elliptische Faserungen über komplexen Flächen sind und die Existenz der Geraden impliziert, dass diese Flächen rational sind. Elliptische Hauptfaserbündel mit Geraden können dann vollständig beschrieben werden. Allgemeine Faserungen lassen sich auf Faserungen über Hirzebruch-Flächen zurückführen. Für diese werden notwendige Bedingungen an die Existenz von Geraden hergeleitet. / In this work we study lines in complex manifolds. Mostly we use a definition of lines which comes from the thory of twistor spaces. That means a line is a rational curve in a complex manifold with the same normal bundle as a line in a projective space. Another possibility for the definition of lines is to demand that a complete neighbourhood of the rational curve is biholomorphic equivalent to a neighbourhood of a line in a projective space. Such lines a called tubular lines. In this work we show that these two definitions of lines are not equivalent and we give a criterion for a line not to be tubular. From deformation theory follows that the existence of a line in a manifold induces a family of lines which covers an open subset. Therefore there are no non-trivial homolorphic differential forms on the manifold and most of the techniques of classification theory do not work. Therefore we study the algebraic reduction of the manifold. For 3 dimensional complex manifolds with lines we get a rough description. In the case of algebraic dimension 2 the algebraic reduction is an elliptic fibration over a surface and from the existence of lines we can conclude that this surface is rational. For such fibrations we have good descriptions and we can generalize the situation to fibrations over minimal rational surfaces. For them we give necessary condtions for the exitence of lines.
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Scénarisation pédagogique pour des EIAH ouverts : une approche dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier / Instructional design for open TEL systems : model-driven and domain-specific approachOuraiba, El Amine 19 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’ouverture des EIAH (EnvironnementsInformatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain), pour répondre à leur faible déploiement dansles établissements de formation, en facilitant leur appropriation par des usagers. Notre travailde recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet REDiM (Réingénierie des EIAH Dirigée par lesModèles) mené au LIUM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine), dont un desobjectifs est d’intégrer les enseignants dans le processus de conception des scénariospédagogiques d’un EIAH.Nous proposons une approche d’ingénierie et de réingénierie pour rendre un EIAH ouvertà la conception et à l’adaptation de ses scénarios pédagogiques par les enseignantsutilisateurs. Nous avons défini un processus de conception basé sur la modélisationde scénarios pédagogiques ouverts (SPO), qui permet l’instrumentation des enseignantspour les aider dans la conception continue (i.e. qui se poursuit dans l’usage) d’une activitéd’apprentissage. Nous faisons trois propositions scientifiques :- Un modèle de représentation des SPO, qui permet de les structurer en variantes enfonction des contextes d’exécution. Nous qualifions ce modèle de rationnel puisqu’il s’appuieprincipalement sur l’approche du Design Rationale que nous avons adaptée à notreproblématique.- Un processus itératif et incrémental d’ingénierie et de réingénierie qui guide lesenseignants pour concevoir et adapter des SPO conformes au modèle que nous avonsdéfini.- Une méthode dirigée par les modèles et spécifique au domaine métier pour instrumenterle processus d’ouverture des scénarios pédagogiques d’un EIAH existant. Cette méthoded’instrumentation, reposant sur l’IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles) et le DSM(Domain-Specific Modeling), implique les enseignants utilisateurs de l’EIAH, considérés icicomme des experts du domaine. Elle est structurée en plusieurs phases qui amènentprogressivement à définir, de façon spécifique à l’EIAH considéré, un langage d’expressiondes SPO (ADSGEML - Adaptive Domain-Specific Graphical Educational ModelingLanguage) et un éditeur associé permettant la conception et l’adaptation des SPO dansl’univers métier de l’EIAH.Afin d’évaluer et de raffiner nos propositions, nous les avons appliquées sur l’EIAH«Hop3x», préalablement conçu au LIUM dans le cadre d’un autre projet pour pratiquer laprogrammation orientée objet. Nous avons donc élaboré un ADSGEML et un environnementd’édition graphique pour permettre aux enseignants de concevoir et d’adapterdynamiquement des sessions ouvertes de Hop3x, à un niveau élevé d’abstraction. / In this thesis, we are interested in opening TEL systems (Technology EnhancedLearning) up in order to respond to the problem of their low deployment in teachinginstitutions, we need to facilitate their adoption by users. Our research work is part ofthe REDiM (French abbreviation which means “Model-Driven Re-engineering of TELsystems”) project led by the LIUM Computer Science Laboratory of Le MansUniversity in France. One of the main objectives of this project is to involve teachersin the design process of learning scenarios of a TEL system.We propose an engineering and re-engineering approach for opening TEL systemsin order to facilitate for teachers the design and adaptation of pedagogical scenarios.We defined a design process based on the modeling of Open Pedagogical Scenarios(OPS), which allows the building of supports helping teachers in the continuousdesign of a learning activity (i.e. design which continues in the use process). Wemake three scientific proposals:- A model of OPS representation which defines a structure based on variantsaccording to execution contexts. We consider this model to be “rational” because it isbased mainly on the Design Rationale approach that we have adapted for ourresearch problem.- An iterative and incremental engineering and re-engineering process that guidesteachers to design and adapt OPS according to the rational model that we define inthis work.- A model-driven and domain-specific method for supporting the process of openingpedagogical scenarios of a legacy TEL system. This method, based on the MDE(Model-Driven Engineering) and DSM (Domain-Specific Modelling), involves teachersusing the TEL system, as they are considered to be domain experts. Our method isdivided into several phases that lead progressively to define the TEL system’sADSGEML (Adaptive Educational Graphical Domain-Specific Modelling Language)and an associate editor allowing the design and adaptation of OPS in the businessfield of the TEL system to open for teachers.To evaluate and refine our proposals, we have applied them on the TEL system"Hop3x" which was designed at LIUM under another project for practicing objectorientedprogramming. We therefore developed an ADSGEML and a graphicalediting environment to enable teachers to design and adapt dynamically the openHop3x’s learning sessions at a high level of abstraction.
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The termination of the employment relationship on the grounds of the employee's HIV statusKone, Mmberegeni Kingshald 11 1900 (has links)
A substantial number of employees in South Africa may soon be out of work as the result of their HIV-positive status. The dismissal of an infected employee may be motivated by the fact that he is considered to be incompetent or incapable of doing the work for which he was employed. Customers and fellow employees may refuse to deal with an infected employee, with the result that the employee is dismissed for economic reasons. The nature of the undertaking's
activities may be such that the presence of an infected employee constitutes a health risk. For the purposes of carrying out his duty to create and maintain safe working conditions, the employer dismisses the employee. The employer may even force the infected employee to resign.
Measures should be taken to improve the situation of infected employees. They include educating employers and employees about the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. / Mercentile Law / LL. M.
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Weighted Unranked Tree Automata over Tree Valuation MonoidsGötze, Doreen 16 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Quantitative aspects of systems, like the maximal consumption of resources, can be modeled by weighted automata. The usual approach is to weight transitions with elements of a semiring and to define the behavior of the weighted automaton by mul- tiplying the transition weights along a run. In this thesis, we define and investigate a new class of weighted automata over unranked trees which are defined over valuation monoids. By turning to valuation monoids we use a more general cost model: the weight of a run is now determined by a global valuation function. Besides the binary cost functions implementable via semirings, valuation functions enable us to cope with average and discounting. We first investigate the supports of weighted unranked tree automata over valuation monoids, i.e., the languages of all words which are evalu- ated to a non-zero value. We will furthermore consider the support of several other weighted automata models over different structures, like words and ranked trees. Next we prove a Nivat-like theorem for the new weighted unranked tree automata. More- over, we give a logical characterization for them. We show that weighted unranked tree automata are expressively equivalent to a weighted MSO logic for unranked trees. This solves an open problem posed by Droste and Vogler. Finally, we present a Kleene- type result for weighted ranked tree automata over valuation monoids.
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Numbers: a dream or reality? A return to objects in number learningBrown, Bruce J. L. 06 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The termination of the employment relationship on the grounds of the employee's HIV statusKone, Mmberegeni Kingshald 11 1900 (has links)
A substantial number of employees in South Africa may soon be out of work as the result of their HIV-positive status. The dismissal of an infected employee may be motivated by the fact that he is considered to be incompetent or incapable of doing the work for which he was employed. Customers and fellow employees may refuse to deal with an infected employee, with the result that the employee is dismissed for economic reasons. The nature of the undertaking's
activities may be such that the presence of an infected employee constitutes a health risk. For the purposes of carrying out his duty to create and maintain safe working conditions, the employer dismisses the employee. The employer may even force the infected employee to resign.
Measures should be taken to improve the situation of infected employees. They include educating employers and employees about the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. / Mercentile Law / LL. M.
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Fundamentação da decisão judicial: a aplicabilidade do art. 489, §1º e §2º do Código de Processo Civil à luz da teoria analítica do direito de Robert Alexy / The rationale of judicial decision: the application of article 489, §1º and § 2 º from the Processual Civil code in the analytic perspective from Robert Alexy.Barboza, Laís Ramos 27 June 2018 (has links)
The present study has as object of study the duty to justify the judicial decisions established in art. 489 of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, which, in accordance with the Federal Constitution, established the grounds as an essential element of the judicial pronouncement, but innovated in the conception of §1º which deals with the inherent contours of the obligation to state reasons, and §2º which provides for the justification of a consolidated judicial decision in the weighting of legal rules. Seen in this way is that once consolidated in the judicial decision the preponderance of the implementation of legal norms, the legitimation of the exercise of the judicial activity and thus the guarantee of correction of the legal discourse by means of its consistency is in the duty of justification of the judicial decision an important tool to control the interpretation and application of legal norms. Thus, in view of the dimension of the thematic, several theories were developed in order to better clarify the phenomenon described and with that to trace parameters of its verification, among these the present work took as object of investigation the doctrine undertaken by the German Robert Alexy, which widely received in Brazil has as theoretical framework the development of an argumentative legal theory, besides being responsible for the introduction of the weighting technique as a form of resolution of the normative conflict between principles. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze the duty to state reasons for the judicial decision, set forth in art. 489, §1º and §2º in the light of the discursive theory developed by Alexy, in order to draw the parallel between the theoretical framework chosen and the regulation of the thematic. Such an approach presupposes the necessary verification of the compatibility of that with the current procedural system, so that its scope and limitations are established. / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo o dever de fundamentação das decisões judiciais disposto no art. 489 do Código de Processo Civil brasileiro, o qual em consonância com a Constituição Federal erigiu a fundamentação como elemento essencial do pronunciamento judicial, mas inovou na concepção do §1º o qual trata dos contornos inerentes a materialização do dever de fundamentação, e do §2º que dispõe sobre a justificação de decisão judicial consolidada na ponderação entre normas jurídicas. Visto desta maneira é que uma vez consolidada na decisão judicial a preponderância da concretização das normas jurídicas, a legitimação do exercício da atividade jurisdicional e assim a garantia da correção do discurso jurídico por meio de sua coerência tem-se no dever de fundamentação da decisão judicial uma importante ferramenta de controle da interpretação e aplicação das normas jurídicas. Deste modo, diante da dimensão da temática várias teorias foram desenvolvidas no sentido de melhor esclarecer o fenômeno descrito e com isso traçar parâmetros de sua verificação, dentre essas o presente trabalho tomou como objeto de investigação a doutrina empreendida pelo alemão Robert Alexy, a qual amplamente recepcionada no Brasil tem como marco teórico o desenvolvimento de uma teoria jurídica argumentativa, além de ser responsável pela introdução da técnica da ponderação como forma de resolução do conflito normativo entre princípios. Por essa razão é que se propõe nesse estudo a análise do dever de fundamentação da decisão judicial, exposto no art. 489, §1º e §2º à luz da teoria discursiva desenvolvida por Alexy, no sentido de traçar o paralelo entre o marco teórico elegido e a regulamentação da temática. Tal abordagem se faz pressuposto necessário à verificação da compatibilidade daquela com a sistemática processual vigente, de modo que assim sejam estabelecidos seu alcance e limitações.
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Weighted Unranked Tree Automata over Tree Valuation MonoidsGötze, Doreen 14 March 2017 (has links)
Quantitative aspects of systems, like the maximal consumption of resources, can be modeled by weighted automata. The usual approach is to weight transitions with elements of a semiring and to define the behavior of the weighted automaton by mul- tiplying the transition weights along a run. In this thesis, we define and investigate a new class of weighted automata over unranked trees which are defined over valuation monoids. By turning to valuation monoids we use a more general cost model: the weight of a run is now determined by a global valuation function. Besides the binary cost functions implementable via semirings, valuation functions enable us to cope with average and discounting. We first investigate the supports of weighted unranked tree automata over valuation monoids, i.e., the languages of all words which are evalu- ated to a non-zero value. We will furthermore consider the support of several other weighted automata models over different structures, like words and ranked trees. Next we prove a Nivat-like theorem for the new weighted unranked tree automata. More- over, we give a logical characterization for them. We show that weighted unranked tree automata are expressively equivalent to a weighted MSO logic for unranked trees. This solves an open problem posed by Droste and Vogler. Finally, we present a Kleene- type result for weighted ranked tree automata over valuation monoids.
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Soziale Netzwerkanalyse der Stadtaktiven. Ein Netzwerk für Toleranz und Demokratie im Chemnitzer Stadtteil Limbacher Straße/Leipziger Straße.König, Katharina 29 April 2002 (has links)
Durch den beobachtbaren Demokratieverlust in
Stadtgemeinschaften (hier speziell Chemnitz)
wurde die Frage gestellt, ob eine sinnvolle
Vernetzung der Akteure Einfluss auf Toleranz und
Demokratie ausüben kann.
Im Rahmen des Projektes "Soziale Stadt" wurde dazu
eine soziale Netzwerkanalyse durchgeführt. Das
Ziel war es, Akteure zu finden
(Kultureinrichtungen, Selbsthilfegruppen,
Gewerkschaft, Privatpersonen etc.), die für mehr
Toleranz und Demokratie in der Stadt schon
Initiative ergriffen hatten oder sich
anschließen wollen.
Vorausgegangen ist eine intensive Theoriearbeit,
welche die historische Entwicklung von sozialer
Netzwerktheorie und -analyse beinhaltet.
Erweitert wurde das Netzwerkkonzept durch den
Theoriebaustein des Sozialkapitals, der es
ermöglicht, vorhandene Defizite teilweise
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Designing dialogue : Using design rationale to advise public participationaf Malmborg, Solith January 2021 (has links)
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach to research how design rationale may improve practices for participatory design in urban planning. Knowledge on sustainable development, participatory planning in public sector, design rationale and innovation are brought together to form a cohesive understanding for the matter of citizen dialogue and participation. To further gain knowledge on the subject a case study is done following the planning of a consultation at the urban planning office in Norrköping by participatory observations. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews are conducted with civil servants from Norrköping and Norrtälje, discussing the theme of citizen dialogue and municipal capacity and competence for its performance. The knowledge contributions addresses the specific case study at first hand, but are also applicable in some general sense. The study shows that design rationale can be of use and inspiration to address issues of culture and mental models in public sector, as these as believed to stand in the way of forming a more innovative and adaptive public sector that can design better practices for dialogue and participation. Design thinking and attitude can bring openness and human centred perspectives, among other things, to public organisations. For the case study in question it is suggested that the urban planning office would benefit from implementing and trying out ways of working that are more in line with design thinking and attitude. It is also suggested that they might benefit from employing an experienced designer to be part of planning procedures, as expert designers can adapt methods and tools for participation to design case specific activities. To employ a more case specific and local approach to participatory practices is proposed to bring better results, both in terms of its democratic breakthrough as well as its impact on social sustainability. Overall, this thesis offers contributions to design knowledge, knowledge that in turn can be important for the area of sustainable development at large.
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