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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literatura no ensino médio : um estudo do material didático oficial do estado de São Paulo

Rita Roberta Marioto 28 April 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta como tema as propostas de práticas didáticas de ensino de literatura no Ensino Médio. A escolha desse tema se justifica pela necessidade de se analisar e refletir sobre as propostas de trabalho pedagógico que organizam, em sala de aula, o ensino e aprendizagem de literatura, especialmente considerando a atual crise no ensino de literatura, confirmada por dados de avaliações em larga escala, como o Saresp. Para esse estudo, estabeleceu-se, como objetivo geral, discutir a proposta para o ensino de literatura do EM a partir do material didático oficial da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Para o desenvolvimento desse objetivo geral, foi estabelecido, como objetivo específico, analisar as adequações e inadequações das atividades e dos exercícios do material didático oficial em relação aos aspectos teórico-metodológicos que fundamentam esta dissertação. Esse objetivo específico realizou-se por meio de uma pesquisa nos material didático de Língua Portuguesa - Códigos, Linguagens e suas Tecnologias, distribuído pela Secretaria da Educação de São Paulo, para os três anos do Ensino Médio. A pesquisa, quanto à metodologia, dividiu-se em duas partes: a primeira, de caráter quantitativo, focalizou a frequência de textos pertencentes à esfera literária no material didático e forneceu o recorte do objeto de estudo. A segunda parte, de natureza qualitativa, analisou o desenvolvimento didático do estudo de textos literários a partir de seis amostras dos exercícios e atividades apresentados aos alunos. A pesquisa, de base bakhtiniana, insere-se no âmbito da Linguística Aplicada por focalizar a linguagem em situações de uso. A partir da pesquisa realizada, pôde-se concluir que, embora se manifestem leves alterações quanto a modelos superados de ensino de literatura, a proposta do material didático ainda não incorporou avanços consistentes com relação ao ensino de literatura e à formação do leitor reflexivo e crítico. / This work approaches the issue of proposed teaching practices in teaching literature in high school. The choice of this subject is justified by the necessity to reflect on the proposals for organizing educational work in the classroom, the teaching and learning of literature , especially considering the current crisis in the teaching of literature, confirmed by data from large-scale assessments, as Saresp. For this study, it was established as a general objective to analyze the proposed practice for the teaching of literature in secondary education from the official lecture notes distributed by the Education Department of the State of São Paulo. For the achievement of this general goal, it was established, as a specific objective, analyzing the adequacies and inadequacies of activities and exercises in official lecture notes in relation to theoretical and methodological issues underlying this work. This specific objective was accomplished by means of a research in the official lecture notes in Portuguese - Codes, Languages and its Technologies, distributed by the Secretary of Education of São Paulo, for the three years of high school. The research was divided into two parts: the first one was a quantitative approaching, focused on the frequency of texts belonging to the literature in the official lecture notes and provided the selection of texts to study. The second part, a qualitative approaching, analyzed the didactic development of the study of literary texts from six samples of exercises and activities inserted in the official lecture notes. The research, according to Bakhtins theory, is inserted within the scope of Applied Linguistics due to focusing on language use situations. From the survey, it was concluded that, although slight changes related to obsolete models of teaching literature, the proposal of the official lecture notes has not incorporated yet consistent advances related to the teaching of literature and the development of reflective and critical reader .

Omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av användning av akutlappar i omvårdnad av patienter med ångest : inom psykiatrisk slutenvård / The nursing staff´s experiences of using Emergency notes in the care of patients with anxiety : in psychiatric inpatient care

Zetterström, Linda, Linde, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Problemformulering: Det biomedicinska perspektivet har varit dominerande inom psykiatrisk slutenvård, där ångesthantering främst varit fokuserat på farmakologisk behandling. För att utveckla psykiatrisk omvårdnad i riktning mot mellanmänskliga möten, reflektion och lärande, är det betydelsefullt att studera konkreta och personcentrerade metoder inom ångesthantering.  Syfte: Syftet var att belysa omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av användning av akutlappar vid omvårdnad av patienter med ångest inom psykiatrisk slutenvård.  Metod: I studien genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv omvårdnadspersonal kring upplevelser av användning av akutlappar.  Resultat: I dataanalysen framkom fyra huvudkategorier: stödjer patienten till ökad delaktighet i omvårdnaden, underlättar reflektiv dialog i omvårdnadsrelationen, synliggör och utvecklar psykiatrisk omvårdnad och tidsbrist och osäkerhet hindrar användning. De bildade temat strukturerat kommunikationsstöd för omvårdnad vid ångest möjliggör en gemensam grund för lärande och utveckling. Slutsats: Användning av akutlapparna uppfattades kunna underlätta kommunikation och samarbete med patienten samtidigt som det synliggjorde psykiatrisk omvårdnad vid ångest. Omvårdnadspersonal kunde stödja patienten till ökad delaktighet och stärkt egenmakt men tidsbrist hindrade användningen i synnerhet för sjuksköterskor. Det nya arbetssättet kunde skapa osäkerhet hos omvårdnadspersonal och även utmana traditionell syn på patienten. Implikationer för klinisk verksamhet är att nya verktyg behöver tid och resurser och mer forskning behövs för att belysa patientupplevelser. / Problem: The psychiatric inpatient care is dominated by a biomedical perspective, with anxiety management mainly focusing on medication. To expand the potential of psychiatric nursing presented by interpersonal meetings, reflection and learning, it is important to study concrete and person-centered methods in anxiety management.  Purpose: The aim of the study was to illustrate nursing staff experience of using Emergency notes in the care of psychiatric inpatients with anxiety.   Method: Twelve nursing staff were interviewed about their experiences of using Emergency notes.  Findings: The data analysis resulted in four main categories: supports the patient to increased participation in nursing care, facilitates a reflective dialogue in the nurse-patient relationship, makes visible and develops psychiatric nursing and lack of time and uncertainty prevents using. The overall theme was: structured communication support for nursing in anxiety enables a common foundation for learning and development.    Conclusion: Use of the Emergency notes were perceived to facilitate communication and collaboration with the patient while making psychiatric nursing visible. Nursing staff could support the patient for increased participation and empowerment, but uncertainty and lack of time prevented use. Implications for clinical practice are that new tools need time and resources. More research is needed to elucidate patient experiences. / <p>Endast abstract får publiceras på Diva. Uppsatsen ska göras till en vetenskaplig artikel.</p>

Editorial Notes

Niedderer, Kristina, Ludden, Geke D. S., Cain, Rebecca, Wölfel, Christian 18 December 2019 (has links)
This book includes the text parts of design proposal presentations as well as academic pa- pers of the International MinD Conference held in Dresden, Germany, in September 2019. Academic papers are marked with the Bachelor’s hat icon ( ) and design proposals are marked with a pen ( ). The content of the special workshops held at the conference is not included in this volume. The proceedings reflect a broad engagement with the field from a diverse range of re- searchers and practitioners from the various design and health disciplines, including prod- uct and interior design, craft, information and communication technologies, architecture and the built environment, psychiatry, psychology, geriatrics and others. Together, the contributions offer an overview of how design – as a process and an outcome – can help to support people to live well with dementia as well as their relatives, carers and care professionals. We hope that these contributions also provide a better insight into how design and designers can be used and developed to do so. By offering these insights and enhanced understanding, we hope to provide a better basis for collaborations between people living with dementia or designing for and concerned with dementia care to contrib- ute to improving life for those living with dementia [... from the Editorial Notes]

Spela utan noter! : Om mental förberedelse inför utantillspel / Play without notes! : A self-study about mental preparation for playing by heart

Haglund, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med detta självständiga arbetet är att utforska min förmåga till att lära mig spela utantill. De två forskningsfrågorna som bär upp syftet är: vilka övningsstrategier använder jag vid spel utan noter? Hur upplever jag övningen när jag spelar med och utan noter? Arbetet utgår från det fenomenologiska perspektivet och baseras på videoobservationer och loggboksanteckningar av mig själv. Resultatet presenteras genom filminspelning och loggbok baserat på mina kommentarer och olika teman som beskriver fokus, metoder i övning, spela med noter, utantillspel och uppspelning för andra människor. Till sist diskuteras resultatet i förhållande till tidigare forskning och perspektivet. I denna del diskuteras även fördelar med utantillspel, koncentration och närvaro. / The purpose of this study is to explore my ability to learn how to play music without support from any score in front of me, to play music by heart. The study is supported by the following research questions: what kind of practice- strategy can be used when learning the ability to play music by heart and how it feels and how I perceive the situation to make music when I play with and without notes? This study is based on phenomenological perspective based on a writing-log and video recordings of myself. The result is presented through video recording and logbook based on my comments and different themes that describe my focus, methods in exercise, play by heart and awareness in the present and playing for other people. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to previous research, where the phenomenological perspective is the basis. This section also discusses benefits to play music whitout notes, concentration and presence.

En undersökning av sambandet mellan upplysningskvalitet och aktieprisättning : En kvantitativ studie om effektiv prissättning av aktievärde / A study of the relationship between disclosure quality and stockmisvaluation

Krusell, Axel, Wikman, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
The annual report works as a source of information and basis for decision making for investors where disclosure quality varies between different companies. There is an inherent problem in a conflict of interest between the principal and agent where disclosure quality might suffer because of hidden negative information in ambiguous reasoning. Lower disclosure quality contributes to the annual report not pertaining a fair economic picture which leads to an information gap between companies and investors. The note section in the annual report is eminently important to be able to provide a correct economic analysis to the market. Through measurements of disclosure quality in the note section of the annual report with the help of Fogindex where readability is determined, this study explores the correlation between disclosure quality and misvaluation of the companies’ stocks. Additionally, the study examines if the correlation is strengthened splitting the companies into divisions based on competition of an industry. The result of the study indicates a negative correlation between disclosure quality and misvalution av company stocks. The study cannot indicate that the correlation is strengthened when competition is taken into consideration. The study has been written in Swedish. / Årsredovisningen fungerar som en informationskälla och beslutsunderlag för investerare där upplysningskvaliteten varierar mellan olika företag. Det råder ett inneboende problem i en intressekonflikt mellan principalen och agenten där upplysningskvaliteten kan bli lidande på grund av att negativ information döljs i tvetydiga resonemang. Lägre upplysningskvalitet bidrar till att årsredovisningen inte längre återger en rättvisande ekonomisk bild vilket leder till ett informationsgap mellan företag och investerare. Notavsnittet i årsredovisningen är synnerligen viktig för att kunna ge marknaden en korrekt ekonomisk analys.  Genom att mäta upplysningskvalitet i notavsnittet i årsredovisningen med hjälp av Fogindex där läsvänligheten bestäms, utforskar den här studien sambandet mellan upplysningskvalitet och felvärdering av företagens aktier. Dessutom undersöks det om sambandet förstärks vid uppdelning av bolagen baserat på branschkonkurrens.  Studiens resultat påvisar ett negativt samband mellan upplysningskvalitet och felvärdering av företagens aktier. Studien kan inte visa på att sambandet förstärks när hänsyn till konkurrens tas. Uppsatsen har skrivits på svenska.

Autolog zellbesiedelte Matrix zum Verschluss gastraler Inzisionen: Eine Machbarkeitsstudie im Schweinemodell / Autologous seeded matrix for gastrotomy closure: A proof of concept in a porcine model

Schlesinger, Tobias January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Strukturelle Defekte der gastrointestinalen Hohlorgane stellen ein allgegen-wärtiges Problem im klinischen Alltag dar. Sie entstehen meist auf dem Boden einer ent-zündlichen oder tumorösen Grunderkrankung und können außerdem traumatisch sowie durch medizinische Eingriffe hervorgerufen werden. In der Folge kommt es zur Kontami-nation des umliegenden Gewebes mit Magen- bzw. Darminhalt, wodurch deletäre Folgen wie eine systemische Infektion, also eine Sepsis mit Multiorganversagen drohen können. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind gastrointestinale Defekte immer als potenziell lebensbedroh-lich für den Patienten zu betrachten. Die adäquate und kausale Behandlung erfolgt je nach Ätiologie und Zustand des Patienten durch eine Operation oder eine endoskopische Inter-vention. Hierzu stehen zahlreiche etablierte, operative und interventionelle Therapieme-thoden zur Verfügung. In manchen Fällen stoßen die etablierten Techniken jedoch an ihre Grenzen. Bei Patienten mit schwerwiegenden Komorbiditäten oder im Rahmen neuer me-dizinischer Verfahren sind Innovationen gefragt. Die Grundidee der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer biotechnologischen Therapieoption zur Versorgung gastrointesti-naler Hohlorganperforationen. Methoden: Zur Durchführung einer Machbarkeitsstudie wurden zehn Göttinger Mi-nischweine in zwei Gruppen mit jeweils 5 Tieren aufgeteilt. Den Tieren der Experimental-gruppe wurden Hautbiopsien entnommen und daraus Fibroblasten isoliert, welche vo-rübergehend konserviert wurden. Unter Verwendung von azellularisiertem Schweinedarm erfolgte die Herstellung von Implantaten nach den Prinzipien des Tissue Engineerings. Die Tiere beider Gruppen wurden einer Minilaparotomie und einer ca. 3cm-Inzision der Ma-genvorderwand unterzogen. Die anschließende Versorgung wurde in der Experimental-gruppe durch Implantation der neuartigen Konstrukte erzielt. In der Kontrollgruppe wur-de im Sinne des Goldstandards eine konventionelle Naht durchgeführt. Anschließend wurden die Tiere für vier Wochen beobachtet. Eine bzw. zwei Wochen nach dem pri-mären Eingriff wurde bei allen Tieren beider Gruppen eine Laparoskopie bzw. Gastrosko-pie durchgeführt. Am Ende der klinischen Observationsphase wurden die Versuchstiere getötet und die entsprechenden Magenareale zur histologischen Untersuchung explantiert. Ergebnisse: Die Herstellung der Implantate konnte auf der Basis standardisierter zellbio-logischer Methoden problemlos etabliert werden. Alle Tiere beider Gruppen überlebten den Primäreingriff sowie das vierwöchige Nachbeobachtungsintervall und zeigten dabei keine klinischen Zeichen möglicher Komplikationen. Die durchgeführten Laparoskopien und Gastroskopien ergaben bei keinem der Tiere Hinweise auf Leckagen oder lokale Infek-tionsprozesse. Die histologische Aufarbeitung zeigte im Bereich des ursprünglichen De-fekts eine bindegewebige Überbrückung sowie ein beginnendes Remodeling der Magen-schleimhaut in beiden Gruppen. Schlussfolgerungen: Durch die Verknüpfung von Einzelprozessen der Zellkultur und dem Großtier-OP konnte ein neues Verfahren zum Verschluss gastrointestinaler Defekt erfolgreich demonstriert und etabliert werden. Das Projekt konnte reibungslos durchge-führt werden und lieferte Ergebnisse, die dem Goldstandard nicht unterlegen waren. Auf-grund der kleinen Fallzahl und weiterer methodischer Limitationen sind jedoch nur einge-schränkt Schlussfolgerungen möglich, weshalb die Durchführung größerer und gut geplan-ter Studien notwendig ist. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Pilotstudie liefern eine solide Basis für die Planung weiterführender Untersuchungen. / Introduction: Structural defects of the gastrointestinal hollow organs are a common problem in clinical routine. They mostly arise from inflammatory or malignant patholo-gies as well as trauma or medical procedures. Contamination of adjacent tissue with fae-ces is a consequence of this, which can lead to systemic infection e.g. sepsis with multiple organ failure. Bearing this in mind gastrointestinal defects are always potentially life-threatening for the patient. Considering the aethiology and the patient’s general condition an appropriate therapy namely operation or endoscopic intervention will be performed. Though, these techniques have limitations in certain cases. For example there are patients with severe comorbidities or history of previous operations. And there are also new sur-gical procedures emerging. Therefore, innovations are needed in this field. The main purpose of the present study is the fabrication of a new biotechnological method for therapy of gastrointestinal hollow organ perforation. Methods: A feasibility study with Göttinger Minipigs was perforemd. Ten animals were randomly split up in two groups regarding closure technique . Skin biopsies were ob-tained from the animals of the experimental group (n=5) in order to obtain dermal fibro-blasts. Using acellularised porcine small intestine seeded with the autologous dermal fi-broblasts implants were manufactured following the principles to tissue engineering. All animals underwent laparotomy and a 3cm gastrical incision. Subsequently, animals of the experimental group received a novel implant in order to close the defect. Animals of the control group received a conventional suture as a gold standard technique. All animals were observed for four weeks. One and two weeks after primary surgery all animals un-derwent laparoscopy and gastroscopy respectively. Observation was completed after four weeks and all animals were euthanized. Relevant specimens of the gastric wall were ex-planted for histological examination. Results: Fabrication of the implants was based on well-established cell cultural methods. All animals survived within four weeks after primary surgery and showed no signs for possible complications. Neither laparoscopy nor gastroscopy revealed leakage or local infection in both groups. Histological examinations showed connective tissue in the de-fect-area predominantly but also initial remodeling of gastric mucosa. Conclusions: In this trial, a novel method based on cell culture methods and surgery were combined creating a new technique for closure of gastrointestinal defect. The pro-ject was carried out smoothly and results showed non-inferiority compared with the gold standard. Though, evidence generated from this study is limited due to the small scaled design and methodological issues. Thus, further investigations with larger animal groups and proper planning are required. Nevertheless, this pilot study will contribute to im-provement of trial designs in the future.


張鈺欣, CHANG, YU-SIN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,衍生性金融商品不停的推陳出新,不論是金融機構、企業或個人,絕大多數皆可能從事過金融商品交易。此外,為了滿足投資人與發行者各式各樣的需求,以及因應不同的經濟環境背景,金融商品不停推陳出新。 2003年,證期會核准14家國內券商可發行新台幣結構性債券(Structure Notes),2004年證期會更擴大國內券商連結標的可為國外標的,雖然目前稅法問題尚未解決,但預估未來將有千億元以上的投資額。結構性債券利用財務工程及金融創新,將債券和選擇權相結合,依據景氣及投資人的需要設計,不但可擴大券商的業務範圍及增添獲利空間,又可使投資人或企業得到多樣化的投資及避險管道。舉凡債券、保單、共同基金、銀行存款…等,都是連動的對象,甚至通貨膨脹率、原物料價格連動,可搭配出的商品變化很多。目前國內股價連動商品發展日趨重要,因此,結構式債券商品的理論價格衡量存在其必要性。 本論文的目的,針對兩種股價連動債券商品進行評價,本研究目的可歸結為以下數點: 1.介紹雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之產品特色,並加以評價與分析。 2.探討雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之發行商與投資人的利潤分析。 3.進行雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之避險交易策略。 4.闡述本研究之結論與心得,並提出改進之處以供後續研究參考。


張欽堯 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上描述利率期間結構,不外乎藉由瞬間短期利率的隨機過程(如:Hull and White模型),或瞬間遠期利率的隨機過程(如:HJM模型)。應用這些方式理論上雖然可行,但是市場上並無法觀察得知這些瞬間利率。 Brace-Gatarek-Musiela利率模型(簡稱BGM模型)是將HJM模型間斷化,直接推導市場上可觀察得到之LIBOR利率的隨機過程,用它來描述市場利率期間結構,並利用數學的技巧,推導出符合對數常態的型式,方便使用Black公式來求解,且同時考慮LIBOR利率之波動程度,透過與市場資料的校準,符合市場上的利率期間結構及利率波動結構,有助於利率衍生性商品的訂價與避險。 由於市場上有愈來愈多的利率衍生性商品,不是由單純的cap、swaption來組成,例如:路徑相依選擇權、美式選擇權、回顧型選擇權…等,這些新奇選擇權要求出評價公式很難,所以通常使用數值方法來評價。常用的數值方法有蒙地卡羅模擬法及樹狀圖評價法,由於使用蒙地卡羅模擬法處理起來較耗時,而且評價美式選擇權比較麻煩,而樹狀圖評價法較省時,且應用較廣。因此,本文除了詳細推導BGM利率模型,並建構出BGM利率模型下的利率樹,來對這些新奇選擇權做評價。 最後做一實證分析,以市場上的所發行的利率連動債券為例,對於匯豐銀行美元護本109利率連動債券的設計、評價、損益分析及其相關議題做詳盡的探討。

La médiation musicale. Le cas de la note de programme et de l'intervention orale

Robert-Ouimet, Jean-Simon 12 1900 (has links)
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU). / Nous nous sommes ici intéressé à la médiation musicale en tant qu’activité professionnelle et comme outil pédagogique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons voulu mettre en lumière les principaux acteurs de ce phénomène en Allemagne, en France, en Grande-Bretagne, aux États-Unis et au Québec. Nous nous sommes également penché sur la réalité professionnelles de trois musicologues québécois s’adonnant régulièrement à des activités de médiation musicale : Pierre Vachon, Guy Marchand et Dujka Smoje. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons préparé cinq notes de programme et deux interventions orale pour cinq concerts donnés par des organismes musicaux montréalais : les Grands vents de Montréal, Clavecin en concert, Pentaèdre, Portmantô Ensemble et la Société de musique contemporaine du Québec. Ces notes de programme et interventions orales ont servi à tester auprès du public la pertinence de quatre modèles de médiation musicale que nous avons spécialement conçu pour l’occasion. Ces modèles portaient chacun sur une dimension particulière des œuvres commentées : leur sens (modèle A), leur structure (modèle B), leur réception historique (modèle C) et leur exécution (modèle D). Les réponses des 156 auditeurs, obtenues par le biais de questionnaires que nous avons distribué avant les prestations, ont révélé que les modèles B et C contribuèrent particulièrement à améliorer leur expérience esthétique. / The object of this study is to explore musical popularization as an activity and a pedagogical tool. In the first place, we identified the major figures in this field from Germany, France, Great Britain, the United States, and Quebec. We also interviewed three Quebec musicologists (Pierre Vachon, Guy Marchand and Dujka Smoje) in order to better understand their professional reality. In the second place, we prepared two oral presentations and wrote program notes for five concerts given by musical societies from Montreal, namely Les Grands vents de Montréal, Clavecin en concert, Pentaèdre, Portmantô Ensemble, and Société de musique contemporaine du Québec. The program notes and oral presentations were used to test the relevance of four musical popularization models especially conceived for this study. These models each addressed one particular dimension of the works: their meaning (model A), structure (model B), historical reception (model C), and execution (model D). The listeners’ answers to questionnaires that we distributed to them prior to the performance showed that models B and C were particularly effective in enhancing their aesthetic experience.

Pojem a druhy směnek. / The concept and types of bills of exchange and promissory notes

Konečná, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is "The Concept and Types of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes". The reason, why I chose this theme, is my interest in business law and in particular in the securities law. However, the main motivation which led me to analyze this legal sphere, were anteriorly my previous work experiences. From the plenty of cases I have had the opportunity to see, emerged for me a surprising conclusion, namely that the participants of the bill relationships are often not in a significant amount familiar with the essential content requirements of a bill of exchange as a security, which in the case concerned led to serious and thoroughly negative consequences. It is obvious that a bill of exchange represents for a general public not easily understandable problematic which requires precision and excellent knowledge of law. For this reason I have paid attention to the issue of essential appurtenances of a bill of exchange whose presence is demanded by law and without their remark a bill of exchange is fundamentally not valid document. The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze and characterize a bill of exchange as a legal instrument and to define its basic attributes in a view of the fact that in the Bill of Exchange and Cheque Act, not even in other legal rules including...

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