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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉斯瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
結構型商品興起的時空背景,最主要的因素為股市陷於空頭市場。當景氣復甦緩慢,利率維持低檔,而閒置資金浮濫之際,投資人亟需資金運用之出口,而新金融商品因為其產品特性,遂取代傳統的投資模式,成為投資人趨之所騖的投資工具。結構型商品的吸引力存在於其契約的彈性,經由財務工程的專業設計能力,可針對市場行情與投資人屬性量身訂作契約。   本文針對在目前在國內較少見的兩種結構型商品評價與分析:其一為信用連動債券,利用Hull&White利率三元樹並加上信用價差所隱含的違約機率的概念來作為此商品評價的方法。其二為股權連結式目標贖回保本債券,此商品隱含了極小值選擇權及目標贖回選擇權,為一路徑相依的選擇擇權。本文利用多資產蒙地卡羅模擬法來評價此商品。最後對這兩種商品進行敏感度分析,並提出這些商品的優缺點。

Influence d’un atelier de prise de notes sur la capacité d’étudiants du collégial à restituer les idées principales d’un texte de philosophie : une vision contrastive étudiants – professeurs de philosophie

Cormier, Eric 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Développement de nouveaux processus de cyclisation de dérivés alléniques catalysés par des triflates métalliques et synthèse de molécules odorantes / Development of novel cyclizations of allenic derivatives catalysed by metal triflates and synthesis of fragrance compounds

Diaf, Ilhem 18 December 2014 (has links)
De nouveaux processus de cyclisation d’allènes fonctionnalisés catalysées par des triflates métalliques sont présentés. Deux stratégies ont été développées. Dans un premier temps, une réaction de type carbonyl-ène intramoléculaire à partir de cétones γ-alléniques est développée. Cette réaction se déroule dans des conditions très douces avec une charge catalytique en triflate de bismuth(III) de seulement 1 mol%. Cette stratégie a ensuite été étendue à d’autres dérivés cétones γ-alléniques. Les alcools diéniques résultants ont pu être engagés avec succès dans une réaction de type Diels-Alder menant à la formation de structures polycycliques fonctionnalisées avec de bons rendements et une excellente régio- et diastéréosélectivité. La cyclisation d’éthers d’énol catalysée par les triflates métalliques a été par la suite étudiée. Cette stratégie permet d’obtenir des dérivés cyclopentènes avec de bons rendements en utilisant seulement 0,1 mol% de triflate de bismuth(III). Des dérivés dihydrofuranes peuvent être également formés par cette stratégie. Ces produits résultent de l’attaque nucléophile du carbone central de l’allène sur l’éther d’énol activé. Cette réactivité a pu être inversée en utilisant un complexe d’or(I) comme catalyseur en présence d’un nucléophile externe, donnant ainsi naissance à des produits différents. Dans une dernière partie, des applications dans le domaine de la chimie des arômes et des parfums ont été développées. Des dérivés acétates et alcools alléniques ont été synthétisés et exposés à des tests olfactifs, révélant des tonalités olfactives intéressantes. Des notes fruitées et florales dominantes et des nuances vertes et boisées ont été détectées. / Novel processes of metal triflate-catalyzed cyclizations of functionalized allenes are presented. Two strategies have been developed. In a first part, the intramolecular carbonyl-ene reaction with γ-allenic ketones is described. This reaction proceeds under very mild conditions using only 1 mol% of bismuth(III) triflate. The scope of this reaction was extended to several γ-allenic ketone derivatives, featuring various substitution patterns. The resulting dienols were successfully engaged in a Diels-Alder reaction allowing the formation of polycyclic functionalized frameworks in good yields with excellent regio- and diastereoselectivities. In a second part, the metal triflate-catalyzed cyclization of allenic-enol ethers is described. This reaction gives access to cyclopentene derivatives in good yields using only 0.1 mol% of bismuth(III) triflate. Dihydrofuran derivatives could also be formed using this strategy. This cycloisomerisation reaction proceeds through an initial enol ether activation, followed by the nucleophilic attack of the allene moiety. This reactivity could be inverted using a gold(I) catalyst, in the presence of an exogenous nucleophile, allowing the formation of different products. Within our interest in flavor and fragrance chemistry, allenic acetates and alcohols have been synthesized and subjected to olfactive evaluation, revealing dominant fruity and floral notes. Green and woody undertones have been detected as well.

Notes de programme : une histoire, des pratiques et de nouveaux usages numériques

Bernard, Justin 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis leur émergence au milieu du XIXe siècle, les notes de programme, contenant des informations parfois détaillées sur les œuvres qui s’apprêtent à être jouées, n’ont eu de cesse de s’adresser au public de concerts. Les besoins sont multiples, voire même divergents : donner des outils de compréhension intelligibles aux novices, qui découvrent la musique de compositeurs du passé ou de compositeurs actuels, et en même temps susciter la curiosité d’auditeurs déjà initiés, qui approfondissent ainsi leurs connaissances et leur culture personnelle. Il en va des notes de programme comme d’autres outils de vulgarisation musicale, partagés entre la volonté de rendre la musique classique accessible à tous et le devoir de rigueur musicologique auquel les connaisseurs sont en droit de s’attendre. Dans cette thèse, nous allions la théorie à la pratique. Outre les résultats d’une enquête réalisée en octobre 2017 dans le cadre de trois concerts produits par l’Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (ci-après, OSM) et qui porte notamment sur l’appréciation des notes de programme, nous présentons une série de courtes vidéos de vulgarisation que nous avons préparée pour l’OSM, au cours de la saison 2015-2016. La réalisation de ces nouveaux outils numériques s’appuie sur l’analyse d’un vaste corpus de notes de programme dont nous avons dégagé les tendances et les cas plus particuliers. Des résultats que nous avons obtenus, il ressort que le public de l’OSM, loin d’être homogène, est formé d’auditeurs aux attentes très diverses. Pour beaucoup, les notes de programme sont jugées adaptées à la situation du concert, mais elles génèrent aussi des réactions critiques : trop détaillées pour certains, ou bien pas assez approfondies pour d’autres. Bien qu’ils aient acquis des formations et des connaissances musicales diverses, les membres du public semblent du moins s’accorder sur leur intérêt pour la musique, expliquée par l’analyste. C’est à cet intérêt, correspondant aussi aux exigences de la discipline musicologique, que les notes de programme viennent répondre. La question reste de savoir comment décrire l’objet musical afin de répondre aux besoins de chacun. Dans cette thèse, nous cherchons à proposer une solution. / Since their appearance in the mid-nineteenth century, program notes, sometimes containing detailed information on the works that are about to be performed, have continued to meet audiences needs during concerts. They respond to a wide range of needs: providing intelligible comprehension tools for laymen and laywomen, who discover the music of the past and of the present, while arousing the curiosity of well-accustomed listeners, who increase their knowledge and cultivation. This goes for program notes as well as other music appreciation tools, torn between the desire to make classical music accessible to all and, on the other hand, the rigorous approach to musicology that is expected from connoisseurs. In this thesis, we combine both theory and practice. In addition to an inquiry, conducted in October 2017 as part of three concert nights at the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (hereafter, OSM) – an inquiry which gives us an idea of how program notes are regarded by concert audiences –, we will display a series of short open educational videos that we produced for the OSM, during the 2015-2016 season. The work necessary for these new digital tools is partly based on the analysis of a large body of former program notes from which we have identified a number of trends and specific cases. The results of the inquiry show that the OSM’s audience, far from being homogeneous, is made up of listeners who bear very different expectations. According to many, the program notes are considered appropriate for one’s concert experience. However, they may also spring critical reactions among concertgoers: either too detailed, tedious for some, or somewhat dull for others. Although audience members have different musical backgrounds and scales of knowledge, both novices and connoisseurs seem to share a common interest in the music itself, which needs to be explained through means of analysis. This interest is being fulfilled by program notes, in line with the requirements of musicological research. The question remains: how can one describe a work of music in order to meet the needs of everyone? In this thesis, we try to find appropriate answers to this matter.

Un périphérique d'ordinateur à l'usage des musiciens : problèmes d'interprétation de la musique et d'édition de partitions

Jaeger, Denis 17 April 1974 (has links) (PDF)

Výuka sólového zpěvu na základních uměleckých školách / Teaching of solo singing in primary schools of art

Nováková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on teaching of solo singing at primary art schools according to the Framework Educational Programme. The aim of the work is to prove the need to synthesize professional and practical point of view on this field of study and provide a clear comprehensive material for future teachers of singing. Stating the records of attended lessons of singing and of my own taught lessons we show that the linking of the two views is for singing teaching practice experience required. The theoretical basis of the work are chapters that deal with interpretation of professional sub-folders singing with the methodological notes with respect to the expected outcomes from the Framework Educational Programme. In annex we present musical material that is the subject of training repertoire recorded singing lessons. The thesis contains a written record of the interview with the teacher of solo singing MgA. Daniela Šimůnková-Štěpánová.

Boosting implicit learning with temporal regularities / Stimuler l'apprentissage implicite avec des régularités temporelles

Selchenkova, Tatiana 29 November 2013 (has links)
L'apprentissage implicite est une acquisition d'information complexe sans intention d'apprendre. Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer comment des régularités temporelles peuvent influencer l'apprentissage implicite d'une grammaire artificielle basée sur des structures de hauteur des notes. Selon la théorie de l'attention dynamique (Jones, 1976), il y a une synchronisation entre des régularités temporelles des événements externes et des oscillateurs internes qui guide l'attention à travers le temps et aide à développer les attentes perceptives et temporelles. Notre hypothèse est que des structures métriques fortes pourront stimuler l'apprentissage implicite. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que le fait de présenter des hauteurs de notes avec des structures métriques fortes permet de développer des attentes temporelles par rapport à l'arrivée du prochain évènement. Ces attentes facilitent le traitement de hauteur des notes et ensuite «boostent» l'apprentissage implicite de la grammaire artificielle. Trois études ont été réalisées pendant cette thèse. L'étude 1 était une étude comportementale dans laquelle nous avons étudié l'influence d'une présentation temporelle régulière (avec une métrique forte) vs. irrégulière sur l'apprentissage implicite d'une grammaire artificielle basée sur des structures de hauteur des notes. Les résultats ont montré que la présentation temporelle influence l'apprentissage implicite et que la présentation temporelle régulière représente un avantage pour l'apprentissage implicite par rapport à la présentation temporelle irrégulière. Dans une étude électrophysiologique (L'étude 2) nous avons étudié quelle présentation temporelle de la grammaire artificielle, rythmique avec une métrique forte ou isochrone, serait plus efficace pour apprendre implicitement la grammaire des hauteurs des notes. Les résultats électrophysiologiques ont montré que les structures métriques apportent un bénéfice supplémentaire à l'apprentissage implicite. Dans l'étude 3 nous avons étudié comment des structures métriques fortes permettent d'améliorer les capacités d'apprentissage implicite chez des patients avec des lésions dans le cortex frontal inférieur qui ont été décrits comme déficitaires pour apprendre des structures artificielles. Les résultats comportementaux et électrophysiologiques ont montré que les patients atteints de lésions dans le cortex frontal inférieur sont capables d'apprendre une nouvelle grammaire artificielle malgré leurs lésions et leur déficit syntaxique. Il pourrait être utile d'exploiter cet avantage de la présentation métrique chez les patients, pour qui un déficit de l'apprentissage implicite a été montré avec des matériaux non-métriques et non musicaux / The thesis aims to investigate how temporal regularities can influence the implicit learning of artificial pitch structures. Implicit learning refers to the acquisition of structure knowledge by mere exposure. According to the Dynamic Attending Theory proposed by Jones (Jones, 1976), internal attentional oscillators synchronize with external temporal regularities, helping to guide attention over time and to develop temporal and perceptual expectations about future events. We made the hypothesis that strongly metrical structures might boost implicit learning, and in particular, that the strongly metrical presentation of pitch structures helps listeners to develop temporal expectations about the occurrence of the next event and thus benefits to the processing of the pitch dimension, leading to better learning of the artificial material. Three studies were realized during this PhD thesis. In Study 1, we used a behavioral approach to investigate how regular and irregular temporal presentations of an artificial pitch grammar influence implicit learning. The data revealed that both types of temporal presentations can influence implicit learning, but that the regular presentation leads to an advantage over the irregular presentation. In Study 2, we used behavioral and electrophysiological methods to investigate which type of regular temporal presentation of the artificial grammar, i.e. strongly metrical or isochronous, leads to better implicit learning of pitch structures. Electrophysiological results showed that the metrical framework provided an additional benefit for the pitch structure learning. In Study 3, we investigated whether the strongly metrical presentation allows patients with left inferior frontal lesions (with previously reported deficits for implicit learning) to learn the artificial pitch grammar. Behavioral and electrophysiological results showed that patients with left inferior frontal gyrus lesions acquired the new artificial grammar despite their lesions and despite previously reported deficits in implicit learning and syntax processing of natural language. It might be useful to exploit the potential benefit of the strongly metrical presentation further in patients for who impaired IL has been shown with non-musical and non-metrical materials

Os mestres no passado: Mário de Andrade lê os parnasianos brasileiros / The Masters in the Past: Mario de Andrade reads the Brazilian parnassians

Ligia Rivello Baranda Kimori 30 September 2014 (has links)
A dissertação focaliza Mário de Andrade leitor dos parnasianos brasileiros a partir de sua marginália nos autores e obras com os quais ele dialoga, em sua biblioteca particular, na segunda metade do decênio de 1910 e antes de 1921, quando o Jornal do Comércio estampa a série de sete artigos, Mestres do passado, em que ele se posiciona como modernista. Aos doze títulos vinculados à abordagem dos poetas parnasianos Francisca Júlia, Raimundo Corrêa, Alberto de Oliveira, Olavo Bilac e Vicente de Carvalho, nos artigos referidos, circunscreve-se a exploração das anotações autógrafas que preservam instâncias do processo criativo do crítico e de Mário de Andrade poeta em formação, na primeira parte deste mestrado. A recuperação integral dessa marginália, mediante transcrição e classificação acompanhada de notas da pesquisa esclarecendo determinados aspectos e traçando correlações com obras do escritor, compõe a segunda parte da dissertação, parte que constitui também um rigoroso instrumento de trabalho para os estudos sobre o escritor e sobre o parnasianismo no Brasil. / The dissertation focuses on Mario de Andrade reader of brazilian parnassians from his margin notes in the authors and works with whom he dialogues, in his private library in the second half of the decennary of 1910 and before 1921, when the Jornal do Comércio stamp a series of seven articles, \"Mestres do passado\", in wich he stands as modernist. To the twelve titles linked to the approach of the parnassian poets Francisca Julia, Raimundo Corrêa, Alberto de Oliveira, Olavo Bilac and Vicente de Carvalho, in the articles referred, is limited to exploitation of handwritten notes that preserve instances of the creative process and critical of Mário de Andrade poet in training, in the first part of this masters degree. The full recovery of his margin notes, by transcription and classification accompanied by notes explaining certain aspects of the research and plotting correlations with works of the writer composes the second part of the dissertation, which is also part of a rigorous working tool for studies on the writer and on the parnassianism in Brazil.

Modelo de Aprendizagem Integral (MAI): um novo modelo para o ensino de contabilidade / Integral Learning Model (ILM): a new model for accounting education

Gomes, Gilvania de Sousa 29 May 2018 (has links)
Ante a demanda do mercado por profissionais com formação integral, transposta por competências abrangentes, também se adicionam ao contexto o alto grau de envolvimento dos estudantes com tecnologias, o papel das instituições de ensino e dos docentes na formação dos indivíduos e as evidências de que o processo de ensino-aprendizagem focado no estudante produz experiência de aprendizagem significativa. Esse cenário enseja identificar quais são as competências necessárias à formação integral. A literatura mostra estruturas que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de competências sem contemplar aquelas da formação integral, por completo, o que ensejou o delineamento do MAI, o qual se funda sobre os princípios do construtivismo e se apropria de modelos, estratégias e tecnologias para ensino-aprendizagem eficaz, com elementos aproveitados de forma sinérgica. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar um modelo instrucional para a formação integral do indivíduo por meio do ensino de contabilidade. O Modelo concebido foi transposto ao Moodle, em um curso sobre notas explicativas com a finalidade de constatar o alcance da formação integral e, ainda, verificar indícios de sua validade. Sua avaliação se deu por meio de duas edições do curso, nas modalidades semipresencial e online. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de levantamentos e analisados com base em estatística descritiva, testes não paramétricos e análises de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade do MAI em conduzir ao desenvolvimento de comunicação, pensamento crítico, colaboração e solução de problemas no processo instrucional contábil, ao que se considera formação integral. O MAI acrescenta-se à literatura como alternativa viável ao ensino de contabilidade. Suas contribuições alcançam os estudantes, por proporcionarem experiência de formação integral, bem como os docentes, por migrarem de transmissões de conhecimentos para facilitadores, e as instituições de ensino superior, por demonstrarem como se pode realizar uma formação contextualizada pelo perfil digital dos estudantes e demandas do mercado. Com base nos achados, recomenda-se que disciplinas, cursos de contabilidade e áreas relacionadas sejam planejados, considerando o uso de modelos instrucionais como o MAI. / Given the market demand for fully educated professionals transposed by comprehensive competences, the high degree of student engagement with technology, the role of teaching institutions and teachers in the training of individuals, and the evidence that the process of student-centered teaching-learning produces meaningful learning experience. This scenario identifies the competences required for integral training. The literature shows structures that contribute to the development of competences, without contemplating those of integral formation, in full, which led to the design of the ILM, which is based on the principles of constructivism and appropriates models, strategies and technologies for teaching and learning, with elements used synergistically. The objective of this research was to evaluate an instructional model for the integral training of the individual through the teaching of accounting. The designed Model was transposed to Moodle, in a course on explanatory notes, with the purpose of verifying the scope of the integral formation, and still verify indications of its validity. His evaluation was made through two editions of the course, in the mixed and online modalities. The data were obtained through surveys and analyzed based on descriptive statistics, non-parametric tests and content analyzes. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the ILM in leading to the development of communication, critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving, in the accounting instructional process, which is considered integral formation. ILM is added to literature as a viable alternative to accounting education. Their contributions reach the students, by providing full training experience, the teachers, by migrating from transmissions of knowledge to facilitators, to higher education institutions, for demonstrating how a contextualized training can be carried out by students\' digital profile and market demands. Based on the findings, it is recommended that disciplines and accounting courses and related areas be planned considering the use of instructional models such as MAI.

Os mestres no passado: Mário de Andrade lê os parnasianos brasileiros / The Masters in the Past: Mario de Andrade reads the Brazilian parnassians

Kimori, Ligia Rivello Baranda 30 September 2014 (has links)
A dissertação focaliza Mário de Andrade leitor dos parnasianos brasileiros a partir de sua marginália nos autores e obras com os quais ele dialoga, em sua biblioteca particular, na segunda metade do decênio de 1910 e antes de 1921, quando o Jornal do Comércio estampa a série de sete artigos, Mestres do passado, em que ele se posiciona como modernista. Aos doze títulos vinculados à abordagem dos poetas parnasianos Francisca Júlia, Raimundo Corrêa, Alberto de Oliveira, Olavo Bilac e Vicente de Carvalho, nos artigos referidos, circunscreve-se a exploração das anotações autógrafas que preservam instâncias do processo criativo do crítico e de Mário de Andrade poeta em formação, na primeira parte deste mestrado. A recuperação integral dessa marginália, mediante transcrição e classificação acompanhada de notas da pesquisa esclarecendo determinados aspectos e traçando correlações com obras do escritor, compõe a segunda parte da dissertação, parte que constitui também um rigoroso instrumento de trabalho para os estudos sobre o escritor e sobre o parnasianismo no Brasil. / The dissertation focuses on Mario de Andrade reader of brazilian parnassians from his margin notes in the authors and works with whom he dialogues, in his private library in the second half of the decennary of 1910 and before 1921, when the Jornal do Comércio stamp a series of seven articles, \"Mestres do passado\", in wich he stands as modernist. To the twelve titles linked to the approach of the parnassian poets Francisca Julia, Raimundo Corrêa, Alberto de Oliveira, Olavo Bilac and Vicente de Carvalho, in the articles referred, is limited to exploitation of handwritten notes that preserve instances of the creative process and critical of Mário de Andrade poet in training, in the first part of this masters degree. The full recovery of his margin notes, by transcription and classification accompanied by notes explaining certain aspects of the research and plotting correlations with works of the writer composes the second part of the dissertation, which is also part of a rigorous working tool for studies on the writer and on the parnassianism in Brazil.

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