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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les phénomènes d'hypermnésie amnésiante dans le solo 887 de Robert Lepage

Lupien, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
Avec l’avènement du numérique, nous étions à même de penser que ces avancées technologiques sans précédent assureraient la pérennité archivistique et concrétiseraient le triomphe de la connaissance. Or, force est de constater que rien n’a jamais été autant perdu, oublié. La migration des archives – d’un support vers un autre toujours plus performant – entraine leur effacement, leur perte. L’obsession pour la conservation à outrance fait partie de ces phénomènes d’hypermnésie amnésiante actuels qui conduisent inéluctablement les sociétés vers la disparition de leur historicité. Le spectacle solo 887 (créé à Québec, en 2015) de Robert Lepage repose sur les traces du passé – mémoire à la fois intime et collective ancrée dans les années 1960 et 1970. Le titre fait référence à l’adresse où l’artiste a vécu son enfance : au 887 de l’avenue Murray, dans le quartier Montcalm, à Québec. La pièce met en lumière un aspect paradoxal de l’oubli soit qu’on doit, par les différentes modalités mémorielles, faire l’effort de ne pas oublier et en même temps qu’on doit oublier pour se souvenir. En effet, de récentes études, au sein des neurosciences, démontrent que l’oubli est non seulement indissociable de la mémoire – étant son corollaire et non un adversaire – mais qu’il est vital. Le solo 887 lutte inlassablement contre les surgissements amnésiques et en ce sens, nous avançons qu’il est une œuvre de résistance contre l’oubli trouvant sa régulation en se remémorant autant qu’il oublie. C’est sur ce paradoxe que cette recherche portera. Elle interroge l’autobiographie lepagienne révélant que l’authenticité du discours mémoriel nécessite l’adhésion du public et exige sa coprésence pour reconstruire les fragments du passé. Les traces mnésiques jaillissent, dans 887, à travers l’architecture de la scène par les images, les écrans – des surfaces d’inscription s’il en est – les objets et les personnages. Les personnages façonnés par l’artiste s’imposent tels des lieux de mémoire et les interactions qui s’opèrent entre les différentes composantes du plateau scénique – incluant l’acteur – sont des médiations du passé. Ce mémoire s’appuie sur des considérations diamétralement opposées. D’une part, sur les travaux d’Henri Bergson et de Paul Ricœur pour qui l’oubli est l’anéantissement de toute vie et d’autre part, sur ceux de Friedrich Nietzsche qui le perçoit comme l’une des conditions essentielles de toute action. Au terme de cette étude, c’est une vision renouvelée de l’oubli que nous tentons d’apporter. / With the advent of digital technology, we were in a position to think that these unprecedented technological advances would ensure archival sustainability and make the triumph of knowledge a reality. However, it is clear that nothing has ever been so lost and forgotten. The migration of archives - from one medium to another ever more powerful - leads to their deletion, their loss. The obsession for excessive preservation is part of the current phenomena of “amnesing hypermagnesia,” which inexorably leads societies towards the disappearance of their historicity. Robert Lepage’s solo show 887 (premiered in Quebec City in 2015) is based on the traces of the past - a memory that is both intimate and collective, rooted in the 1960s and 1970s. The title refers to the address where the artist spent his childhood : 887 Murray Avenue, in the Montcalm district of Quebec City. The piece brings to light a paradoxical aspect of forgetting, namely that one must, through the various modalities of memory, make the effort not to forget and at the same time, one must forget in order to remember. Indeed, recent studies in neuroscience show that forgetting is not only inseparable from memory - being its corollary and not an adversary - but that it is vital. Solo 887 fights tirelessly against amnesic surges. In this sense we argue that it is a work of resistance against forgetting, finding its regulation by remembering as much as it forgets. It is on this paradox that this research will focus. It questions the Lepagian autobiography revealing that the authenticity of the memorial discourse requires the adhesion of the audience and demands its copresence to reconstruct the fragments of the past. In 887, the mnemonic traces spring up, through the architecture of the scene by the images, the screens - surfaces of inscription if any - the objects and the characters. The characters shaped by the artist stand as places of memory, and the interactions that take place between the different components of the stage - including the actor - are mediations of the past. This memory is based on opposed considerations. On the one hand, on Henri Bergson and Paul Ricœur’s, for whom forgetting is the destruction of all life, and on the other hand, on the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, who sees it as one of the essential conditions of all action. At the end of this study, it is a renewed vision of oblivion that we are trying to bring about.

Une mémoire oublieuse : théorie et pratique de l'énonciation de l'acteur chez Larry Tremblay, Daniel Danis et Christian Lapointe

Coulombe, Émilie 05 1900 (has links)
Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène. / Based on the concealment of verbal memory by theatrical theory, this master’s dissertation questions the memorial exercise of contemporary actors from the memory/oblivion dialectic in the enunciation theories and practices of Larry Tremblay, Daniel Danis and Christian Lapointe. The first chapter focuses on the main foundations of enunciation defended in the theoretical discourses of the practioners – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, more specifically in the value they place on verbal memory. The second chapter shows that their dramatic texts – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – also undertake a slant to learning by heart. Finally, the third chapter seeks to define the concept of forgetful memory in the light of which the theories and practices of Tremblay, Danis and Lapointe can be analyzed and to identify some implications in their staging.

La problématique de l'universalité de l'herméneutique / The problem of the universality of hermeneutics

Marinescu, Paul 01 July 2011 (has links)
En prenant comme point de départ les débats célèbres des années 1970 et 1980 portés autour de l’universalité de l’herméneutique, des débats entraînant les grands acteurs de la pensée du XXe siècle comme Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas et Jacques Derrida, cette thèse s’efforce d’identifier, derrière la revendication à l’universalité de l’herméneutique, la véritable problématique philosophique qui est, à nos yeux, celle de l’intelligibilité herméneutique du temps. Nous tâchons de saisir cette intelligibilité, qui traduit l’articulation paradoxale de l’être et du temps comme différence, par une lecture des configurations que « l’oubli du sens de l’être » et « la distance temporelle » connaissent dans la pensée de Martin Heidegger et de Hans-Georg Gadamer. En effet, cette lecture figurale de l’oubli et de la distance temporelle, qui forme les deux grandes sections de notre travail, se veut une modalité de comprendre la manière paradoxale du temps de susciter la différence herméneutique, notamment sa capacité simultanée à générer l’occultation et le dévoilement du sens, d’accorder d’un seul geste le surcroît de sens et la finitude de la compréhension. Suite à cette lecture, nous concluons que l’herméneutique ontologique a le grand mérite d’avoir interrogé le phénomène de la différence entre compréhension et mécompréhension et d’y avoir décelé, à la fois comme préalable et comme condition de son effectivité, l’intelligibilité herméneutique du temps. Finalement, l’universalité herméneutique même révèle sa nature essentiellement temporelle : comme « aspect productif de la temporalité », elle se confond en dernier ressort avec la dynamique du ce qui est à comprendre. / By taking as starting point the famous debates from the 70s and the 80s around the universality of hermeneutics, which had inflamed some of the 20th century greatest thinkers, such as Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas et Jacques Derrida, this PhD thesis attempts to identify the actual philosophical question behind the hermeneutics’ claim of universality: the time’s hermeneutical intelligibility. I strive to express this intelligibility, which translates the paradoxical articulation of time and being as difference, by proposing an interpretation of two essential “figures” for the thinking of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer: “the forgetting of being” and “the temporal distance”. More precisely, this interpretation or, as I call it, “figural reading” intends to understand the time’s paradoxical way of engendering the hermeneutical difference, that is: its capacity to generate simultaneously the occultation and the revealing of meaning, its potential to give the surplus of meaning and, at the same time, the finitude of comprehension. As a result of this figural reading, I conclude that the hermeneutics has its worth in interrogating the phenomenon of the difference between understanding and misunderstanding, and more precisely in identifying, as a foregoing condition of this difference’s effectivity, the time’s hermeneutical intelligibility. Finally, the hermeneutical universality reveals its genuine temporal nature: taken as a “productive aspect of the temporality”, it merges into the dynamics “of what is to be understood”.

Le traitement de l'oubli : épreuve de l'incorporation des antirétroviraux et temporalités des traitements du sida en Centrafrique.

David, Pierre-Marie 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une description ethnographique et une analyse sociologique de l’arrivée des traitements antirétroviraux (ARV) à Bangui, c’est-à-dire de cette rencontre singulière entre un programme international à l’ampleur inédite et une société locale durement touchée par l’infection. S’appuyant sur trois années de terrain entre 2005 et 2011, la démarche qualitative vise à répondre à la question suivante : de quoi les antirétroviraux sont-ils vraiment l’incorporation ? Les programmes d’accès au traitement constituent un pouvoir thérapeutique qui se structure comme une « politique de la vie » mettant en lien ARV, ONG et une histoire postcoloniale. La distance entre les prétentions et les réalités du pouvoir thérapeutique explique les ambivalences ressenties lors de l’incorporation biologique et sociale des ARV. Le pouvoir thérapeutique dans le contexte social centrafricain se caractériserait alors moins par des formes exclusivement biomédicales de subjectivité, que par un processus d’individuation fragmenté, basé sur des pratiques biomédicales souples, démonstratives et oublieuses. Il apparaît alors clairement que les programmes internationaux de traitement de l’infection à VIH contribuent à produire de l’oubli ou plus précisément à écrire l’oubli à partir des « pratiques scriptuaires »: l’oubli des histoires individuelles enchâssées dans des inégalités sociales insurmontables, mais aussi l’oubli d’une Histoire plus longue qui montre que l’infection à VIH est l’incorporation d’un passé colonial. Prendre un temps pour reconnaître ces temporalités du traitement paraît alors de plus en plus nécessaire pour construire un présent qui émancipe, plutôt qu’il ne répète. / This thesis proposes an ethnographic description and a sociological analysis of the arrival of antiretroviral (ARV) in Bangui. It highlights the encounter between an international program with an unprecedented scale and a local society hardly hit by the HIV infection. The qualitative approach, based on three years of fieldwork from 2005 to 2011, aims at answering the following question: what are ARVs really the incorporation of? Treatment programs represent a therapeutic power that is structured as a « politics of life » linking medicines, NGOs and postcolonial history. The distance between the claims and the realities of therapeutic power explains the ambivalence felt in the biological and social inclusion though ARVs. Eventually, we observe that the therapeutic power in the Central African social context is less characterized by exclusive biomedical forms of subjectivity than by a fragmented process of individuation based on flexible, demonstrative and forgetful biomedical practices It appears then increasingly clear that international programs for the treatment of HIV infection contribute to produce oblivion or more precisely write oblivion with "scriptural practices", which is to say the oblivion of individual stories embedded in insurmountable social inequality, but also the omission of a longer history which shows that HIV infection is the incorporation of a colonial past. Taking time to recognize these temporalities of treatment then appears increasingly necessary to build a present that empowers, rather than repeats. / Réalisé en co-tutelle avec le laboratoire Santé-Individu-Société, Ecole doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences et Santé, Université de Lyon, avec l'obtention du grade de docteur en sociologie.

Le traitement de l'oubli : épreuve de l'incorporation des antirétroviraux et temporalités des traitements du sida en Centrafrique

David, Pierre-Marie 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Um estudo comparativo das práticas de desaparecimento nas ditaduras civil-militares argentina e brasileira e a elaboração de políticas de memória em ambos os países

Bauer, Caroline Silveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de desaparecimento das ditaduras civil-militares de segurança nacional argentina e brasileira como componentes das estratégias de implantação do terror desses regimes, como a questão dos desaparecidos foi tratada durante os governos transicionais e administrações civis posteriores ao período ditatorial e como a temática foi trabalhada a partir dos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Néstor Kirchner. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer uma relação entre a forma como foram realizados os processos de transição política – em se tratando dos Direitos Humanos, mais especificamente, a garantia do direito à justiça e à verdade – e a elaboração de políticas de memória e reparação ou desmemória e esquecimento no presente. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que as rupturas, caracterizadas por uma condenação moral em relação ao passado ditatorial, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dessas políticas. Para o cumprimento deste objetivo, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se uma análise da prática do desaparecimento, salientado as semelhanças existentes entre o caso argentino e brasileiro, resguardadas as diferenças em extensividade e intensidade. O segundo estuda os processos de transição política e o tratamento conferido à questão dos desaparecidos pelos governos transicionais e pelas administrações civis até o término da década de 1990. O terceiro e último capítulo analisa as políticas de memória e reparação e desmemória e esquecimento elaboradas a partir dos anos 2000, quando se efetivou uma mudança no marco interpretativo sobre o passado recente da região e se tornou possível a consecução dessas políticas. / This thesis aims to analyze the practice of disappearance of Argentine and Brazilian national security civil-military dictatorship as components of strategies for implementing terror. It also aims to approach how the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappeared and how this issue had been discussed from the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Néstor Kirchner. This approach aims to establish a relation between the ways the political transitions took place in these countries – regarding the Human Rights, more specifically, in guaranteeing the rights to justice and truth – and the development of memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies in the present. Based on this comprehension, there are evidences that the disruptions, characterized by a moral conviction against the dictatorial past, are fundamental to the development of these policies. For the fulfillment of these objectives, this study is divided into three chapters. The first one presents an analysis of the practice of disappearance, stressing the similarities between the Argentine and Brazilian case, safeguarding the differences in extensiveness and intensity. The second one deals with the processes of political transition and the treatment given to the issue of disappearance by the transitional governments and the civil administrations until the end of the 1990’s. The third and final chapter analyzes the memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies prepared since the year 2000, when there was a change in the interpretative framework about the region recent past and it became possible to achieve these policies.

Um estudo comparativo das práticas de desaparecimento nas ditaduras civil-militares argentina e brasileira e a elaboração de políticas de memória em ambos os países

Bauer, Caroline Silveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de desaparecimento das ditaduras civil-militares de segurança nacional argentina e brasileira como componentes das estratégias de implantação do terror desses regimes, como a questão dos desaparecidos foi tratada durante os governos transicionais e administrações civis posteriores ao período ditatorial e como a temática foi trabalhada a partir dos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Néstor Kirchner. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer uma relação entre a forma como foram realizados os processos de transição política – em se tratando dos Direitos Humanos, mais especificamente, a garantia do direito à justiça e à verdade – e a elaboração de políticas de memória e reparação ou desmemória e esquecimento no presente. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que as rupturas, caracterizadas por uma condenação moral em relação ao passado ditatorial, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dessas políticas. Para o cumprimento deste objetivo, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se uma análise da prática do desaparecimento, salientado as semelhanças existentes entre o caso argentino e brasileiro, resguardadas as diferenças em extensividade e intensidade. O segundo estuda os processos de transição política e o tratamento conferido à questão dos desaparecidos pelos governos transicionais e pelas administrações civis até o término da década de 1990. O terceiro e último capítulo analisa as políticas de memória e reparação e desmemória e esquecimento elaboradas a partir dos anos 2000, quando se efetivou uma mudança no marco interpretativo sobre o passado recente da região e se tornou possível a consecução dessas políticas. / This thesis aims to analyze the practice of disappearance of Argentine and Brazilian national security civil-military dictatorship as components of strategies for implementing terror. It also aims to approach how the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappeared and how this issue had been discussed from the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Néstor Kirchner. This approach aims to establish a relation between the ways the political transitions took place in these countries – regarding the Human Rights, more specifically, in guaranteeing the rights to justice and truth – and the development of memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies in the present. Based on this comprehension, there are evidences that the disruptions, characterized by a moral conviction against the dictatorial past, are fundamental to the development of these policies. For the fulfillment of these objectives, this study is divided into three chapters. The first one presents an analysis of the practice of disappearance, stressing the similarities between the Argentine and Brazilian case, safeguarding the differences in extensiveness and intensity. The second one deals with the processes of political transition and the treatment given to the issue of disappearance by the transitional governments and the civil administrations until the end of the 1990’s. The third and final chapter analyzes the memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies prepared since the year 2000, when there was a change in the interpretative framework about the region recent past and it became possible to achieve these policies.

Les mythes dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Manuel De Lope / A mythocritical analysis of the novels of Manuel de Lope.

Chandanson, Muriel 20 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude mythocritique de la production romanesque de Manuel de Lope [1949] postérieure à son retour en Espagne en 1993 et jusqu’à aujourd’hui : El libro de piel de tiburón (Alfaguara,1995); Bella en las tinieblas (Alfaguara,1997), (Suma de Letras, 2000), (RBA, 2010) ; Las perlas peregrinas (Espasa-Calpe,1998), (RBA, 2007) ;
 La sangre ajena (Editorial Debate, 2000); Otras islas (RBA, 2008). En effet, un séjour de vingt-cinq ans hors d’Espagne lui a permis d’exercer un regard extérieur et fécond sur son propre pays où désormais, il vit et écrit. Son œuvre romanesque recourt aux mythes antiques pour développer les thématiques essentielles dans l’Espagne de ce début de XXI ème siècle que sont la mémoire et l’oubli face à l’Histoire, la quête identitaire à travers les mythes du labyrinthe, du caïnisme, de Dionysos, de Saturne et de Chronos. Tous ces mythes s’organisent autour d’un mythe dominant, celui de Chronos, grâce à une image phare qui éclaire l’identité collective espagnole, image déjà présente dans l’ œuvre goyesque : celle de Saturne dévorant ses fils. / This thesis presents a mythocritical analysis of the novels written by Manuel de Lope (born in 1949) from 1993, when he returned home to Spain, until nowadays: El libro de piel de tiburón (Alfaguara,1995); Bella en las tinieblas (Alfaguara,1997), (Suma de Letras, 2000), (RBA, 2010) ; Las perlas peregrinas (Espasa-Calpe,1998), (RBA, 2007) ;
 La sangre ajena (Editorial Debate, 2000); Otras islas (RBA, 2008). As he had stayed away from Spain for twenty-five years, he was able to look with an external and creative perspective at his own country where he is now living and writing. In his fiction he resorts to ancient myths in order to develop the themes which are essential in the Spain of the early 21st century: memory and obliviousness as regards history as well as the search for identity through the myths of the Labyrinth, cainism, Dionysus, Saturn and Chronos. In Manuel de Lope's work, all these myths are structured around a dominant myth - that of Chronos- thanks to a highly influential image which sheds light on Spanish cultural identity, an image which was already present in Goya's work: Saturn devouring his sons.

Um estudo comparativo das práticas de desaparecimento nas ditaduras civil-militares argentina e brasileira e a elaboração de políticas de memória em ambos os países

Bauer, Caroline Silveira January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar as práticas de desaparecimento das ditaduras civil-militares de segurança nacional argentina e brasileira como componentes das estratégias de implantação do terror desses regimes, como a questão dos desaparecidos foi tratada durante os governos transicionais e administrações civis posteriores ao período ditatorial e como a temática foi trabalhada a partir dos governos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Néstor Kirchner. Pretende-se, desta forma, estabelecer uma relação entre a forma como foram realizados os processos de transição política – em se tratando dos Direitos Humanos, mais especificamente, a garantia do direito à justiça e à verdade – e a elaboração de políticas de memória e reparação ou desmemória e esquecimento no presente. A partir dessa compreensão, têm-se indícios de que as rupturas, caracterizadas por uma condenação moral em relação ao passado ditatorial, são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dessas políticas. Para o cumprimento deste objetivo, este estudo está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se uma análise da prática do desaparecimento, salientado as semelhanças existentes entre o caso argentino e brasileiro, resguardadas as diferenças em extensividade e intensidade. O segundo estuda os processos de transição política e o tratamento conferido à questão dos desaparecidos pelos governos transicionais e pelas administrações civis até o término da década de 1990. O terceiro e último capítulo analisa as políticas de memória e reparação e desmemória e esquecimento elaboradas a partir dos anos 2000, quando se efetivou uma mudança no marco interpretativo sobre o passado recente da região e se tornou possível a consecução dessas políticas. / This thesis aims to analyze the practice of disappearance of Argentine and Brazilian national security civil-military dictatorship as components of strategies for implementing terror. It also aims to approach how the transitional governments and subsequent civil administrations dealt with the disappeared and how this issue had been discussed from the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Néstor Kirchner. This approach aims to establish a relation between the ways the political transitions took place in these countries – regarding the Human Rights, more specifically, in guaranteeing the rights to justice and truth – and the development of memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies in the present. Based on this comprehension, there are evidences that the disruptions, characterized by a moral conviction against the dictatorial past, are fundamental to the development of these policies. For the fulfillment of these objectives, this study is divided into three chapters. The first one presents an analysis of the practice of disappearance, stressing the similarities between the Argentine and Brazilian case, safeguarding the differences in extensiveness and intensity. The second one deals with the processes of political transition and the treatment given to the issue of disappearance by the transitional governments and the civil administrations until the end of the 1990’s. The third and final chapter analyzes the memory and repair policies or oblivion flaring and forgetting policies prepared since the year 2000, when there was a change in the interpretative framework about the region recent past and it became possible to achieve these policies.

Vakarų mąstymo kritika: F. Rosenzweigas ir M. Heideggeris / A Critique of West Thought : M. Heidegger and Fr. Rosenzweig

Gajauskas, Auridas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo problematikos formulavimas vadovaujasi prielaida, jog dalis moderniosios filosofijos projektų formavosi kaip reakcija į Vakarų Europos mąstymo tradiciją, kurios formuojantį pagrindą sudarė filosofija. Dėl šios priežasties neatsiejamu šių projektų egzistavimo požymiu laikytina nuosekli filosofijos istorijos kritika, tuo pačiu pateikianti alternatyvius filosofijos supratimo orientyrus. Tokiu radikaliu filosofijos sąjūdžiu, XX a. laikomas egzistencializmas. Magistriniam darbui pasirinktos dvi filosofų figūros: Rosenzweigas ir Heideggeris. Abu filosofai kritiškai reflektavo filosofijos istoriją bei abu pateikė alternatyvius mąstymo projektus. Pagrindiniu Vakarų tradicijos kritikos bei naujo mąstymo suformulavimo svarbiausiu aspektu laikome fundamentalų „pirminių mąstymo prielaidų” perklausimą. Atlikęs tokį perklausimą bei taip atsiribojęs nuo „mąstymo metafizikos”, Rosenzweigas susikuria naujas prieigas prie tikėjimo problematikos. Panaudodamas Johano Wolfgango Geothes profenomeno sampratos bei savo mokytojo – Hermanno Coheno diferencialinės matematikos teorijos idėjas, jis pateikia trijų (metafizinio Dievo, metaloginio pasaulio ir metaetinio žmogaus) profenomenų aprašymą. Metaetinio žmogaus sąmonės struktūros gretinimas su „naujojo mąstymo” (tokį pavadinimą Rosenzweigas pats prisiskiria savo filosofijai) pirminėmis prielaidomis, atveda prie dialoginės (Zwiesprache) apreiškimo (Offenbarung) sąmonės struktūros aprašymo. Tik apreiškimo sąmonei atsiveria pirmapradė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The formulation of theme in this paper is followed the assumption that a part of projects of modern philosophy were generated as a reaction to the tradition of Western Europe thinking, which was influenced by philosophy. That is the reason why coherent criticism of history of philosophy, in the same time giving the perception guides of philosophy, is considered as a concurrent attribute of that project existence. Existentialism of the 20th century is considered as such radical movement of philosophy. Two philosophical figures were chosen from this general context: Rosenzweig and Heidegger. Both thinkers made critical reflections on history of philosophy and both give the alternative projects of thinking. The fundamental reasking of „prime thought assumptions” is considered as an important aspect of main criticism of Western tradition and the formulation of new thinking. After this performed reasking and disassociation from “metaphysics of thought”, Rosenzweig creates new approaches to the faith theme. Using the prophenomenon perception of Johan Wolfgang Geothe and his teachers, Herman Cohen’s ideas about diferencial mathematics theory, he presents description of three prophenomenon (metaphysical God, metalogical world and metaethical man). The comparison of consequence’s structure of metaethical man with prime assumptions of “new thought” (this definition Rosenzweig attributes to his own philosophy) leads to description of dialogical (Zwiesprache) revelational (Offenbarung)... [to full text]

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