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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'The making of a general: lost years, forgotten battles' lieutenant general Frank Berryman 1894-1941

Dean, Peter John, History & Philosophy, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the early military career and life of Lieutenant General Sir Frank Berryman from 1894 through to the end of his involvement in the Middle East campaigns. It begins with his family background and education on the outskirts of Melbourne before tracing, in detail, his personal life and military career until the end of 1941. The specific focus of this investigation is not just his military education and his role in the Cyrenaica and Syrian campaigns, but also the development of his personality and character. Personality and character provides a window of insight that not only helps to illuminate Berryman?s performance as an officer and his professional relationships but it also allows for a deeper understanding of this complex individual. This thesis argues that these, the 'lost years' and 'forgotten battles' , are integral to developing an understanding of this exceptional officer. In Berryman we see an important staff officer and commander whose place in Australia's military history has been largely overlooked. One of the central themes of this work is that Berryman has been misunderstood and misrepresented within the existing historiography. He was one of the most important figures in the Australian Army during the Second World War and it was during the period covered in this thesis that he established his reputation as a commander and staff officer. Key to this investigation, therefore, is the themes of Berryman's developing leadership and culture of command. This work seeks to reveal the nature and experience of a highly successful officer who is also, to a great extent, representative of a generation of permeant Staff Corps officers who have largely been ignored within the genre of Australian military biography. Ultimately this thesis concludes that Berryman was a central figure in the Australian Army's success in Cyrenaica and Syria. He demonstrated all of the qualities essential for a successful commander and senior officer and it was in these battles and his earlier military and life experiences that set the stage for his exceptional performance and contribution to the success of the Australian Army, not only in the Middle East but also later in the South West Pacific Campaigns.


蔡佩君, Tsai, Pei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

從敵意併購探討董監事與重要職員責任保險 / Study on directors & officers’ liability insurance from hostile takeover legal risk exposure view

白永昌, Pai, Yung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯至少證明了兩件事:1.企業沒有不倒神話、2.看不見的風險才是風險。前者尚未結束,後者還在發生。 美國在1934年賣出第一張「董監事與重要職員責任險」保單(Directors and Officers’ Liability Insurance,簡稱D&O Insurance),到我國1996年10月9日財政部核准由外商(美國環球產物保險公司)推出第一張D&O,中間相距了近62年,而我國推出上開保單的前三年間僅不過十七家公司投保,其漠視之程度與曲高和寡之現象可見一般。 根據投資人保護中心的統計,到2008年6月底為止,投保中心替投資人提出集體訴訟向問題公司求償金額已達240億元,而參加集體訴訟求償的投資人也高達六萬四千人。然而按保險公會統計資料顯示,國內的董監責任險投保規模尚不大,在2003年總投保的保費規模只有2.49億元,到了2007年總投保的保費規模也才6.23億元,但是國內的董監責任險賠款率的比重卻直線上升,2003年這項賠款率才只有0.59%,但近年則已跳升直逼12%,等於保險業每承做十件董監責任險,就有一件多會面臨求償。 2001年美國安隆案(Enron)爆發金融危機(西北大學教授說:『這是有史以來美國人對資本主義比對政治信心還低落的時刻』),此為「公司治理」這門近年顯學正式拉開序幕,之後接二連三金融醜聞、財務弊案不斷,迫使政府、大眾投資人與企業高度警覺的至少對三個議題感到興趣:一是「企業內部資訊必須透明化」;二是「代理問題下經理人應該受到監督」;三是「盡責的董監事與重要職員應該受到保護」。 2003年敝人因工作關係向企業界登門推廣D&O Insurance,儘管從簡報的過程與互動中清晰可見D&O Insurance被需求的殷切,但往往在論及保單條款複雜的設計與風氣未開的雙重前題下,2002年我國通過「證券投資人暨期貨交易人保護法」、2003年成立投資人保護中心(僅需20位投資人授權即可由投資人保護中心提出團體訴訟)、投資人保護中心所提之訴訟,訴訟標的一億元以上免裁判費(2009年4月29日下修為一千萬,以一審裁判費需繳1%計算,即繳交裁判費由一百萬元大幅降至十萬元)、及免擔保假扣押等有利武器下,無異對投資人興訟撞開方便之門,同時為董監事及重要職員投下一顆不定時的深水炸彈、2006年證券交易法修正(要求公開發行公司應設立獨立董事、主張舉證責任之倒置---舉證責任由投資人轉移至經營管理階層。使經營管理層陷入「舉證之所在,敗訴之所在」的下風。)、令人聞之色變的「內線交易」定義模糊不明及罰則的大大加重(證交法第157條)--如果因為內線交易而「損及證券市場穩定者,加重其刑二分之一」,最高可以判20年有期徒刑,外加7.5億元罰金。這個刑度是我國除了死刑、無期徒刑以外最重的罪,和美國內線交易罪的25年有期徒刑也很接近(賴英照說法—從內線交易到企業社會責任第14頁),在如此種種足以為「董監事暨重要職員責任保險」推波助瀾的具體氛圍下,2009年止本國上市櫃公司投保者仍只有區區六百多家之譜,相較於英美國家90%的投保率相去甚遠。顯見D&O Insurance在我國未來的發展空間仍大,也可說,待努力及探討的地方甚為遼闊。 董事、監察人與重要職員肩負了許多證券交易法、公司法及民刑法上的責任與義務,而敵意併購中目標公司為了捍衛經營權,在策略應用上為了出奇不意的效果,往往需要機密性地進行,以免增加更多風險,而就在董監事與重要職員最需要D&O Insurance給予適時的倚靠與保障時,這張保單是否不負所託的展現它存在的價值?本文以實務個案探究之。 從敵意併購中目標公司的角度檢視D&O Insurance,本文提及諸多觀點,提綱挈領地針對公司治理、保單條款、及企業責任等部分提出建議,期能使保險公司從「保費低廉、理賠迅速」轉為「積極輔導、降低風險」的經營模式,提高相關人員對本保單接受度,進而由被動的接受到主動的保單設計,共創更完善的金融保險體制。 / The financial tsunami had proved that there is no corporation can exist forever and the invisible risk is the most important kind of risk. Until now, they are still occurring. The first Directors and Officers’ Liability Insurance policy (D&O Insurance) was sold in U.S.A. 1934. In Taiwan, the first D&O Insurance was sold in October 9, 1996. We can find out that D&O Insurance is ignored in Taiwan. Based on the data of Investor Protection Center in June 2008, the amount of the claims which were aroused by it can reach NT 240 billion. And the number of the investors can reach 64,000 people. Besides, based on the data of Insurance Association, the insurance premium in 2003 reached 249 million, in 2007 reached 623 million. Thus we can find out that D&O Insurance is not popular in Taiwan. But the loss run is getting more and more. For example, in ten policies, there is a one case will make a claim. In other words, the compensation rate can reach 12%. Since 2001, the Enron case aroused attention of the government, the investment and operators in U.S. Furthermore, the government had promoted related rules to increase the directors’ and officers’ liability. In 2003, I had visited corporations and promoted D&O Insurance. Although the process of briefing and interaction can find out the strong demand of policy, but they had lower will to buy it. It might content several reasons, for examples, clauses are too complex and difficult to understand. Rising claims activity, including lawsuits by investors, tougher policy standards and coverage disputes, is the latest developments in the D&O insurance arena. As a result, some carriers have added limits to policies. The directors and officers bear liability of Securities and Exchange Act, Company Act, Civil Code. When the target company tries to protect the right of management against the hostile takeover action, they sometimes have to take any tactic in private and might also be faced more risk. Could D&O Insurance distribute the risks which are aroused from the defense in the hostile takeover action? This article will study on the case and try to find the answers. We use the angle of the target company to inspect the function of D&O Insurance and hopefully try to amend it with the suggestion in the context. The function of D&O Insurance could be the key of corporate governance or distribution risks. For example, when the carriers provide the policy, we truly hope they could also provide positive solution to help the target company. Furthermore, the target company could participate in the design of policy.

Orsaker till unga officerares avgångar / Recent resignations at the Air Defence Regiment   : Experiences of young officers

Lundgren, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>När en nyutbildad officer som slutar är inte bara en ekonomisk förlust för Försvarsmakten, utan även en organisatorisk förlust eftersom brister i bemanningen inte går att åtgärda direkt. Medelåldern i Försvarsmakten har stigit de senaste åren. Syftet med denna uppsats är bidra till förståelse för varför unga officerare lämnar Försvarsmakten. Vid Luftvärnsregementet Lv 6 i Halmstad är medelåldern 40,6 år. Under de senaste fyra åren har sju unga officerare lämnat anställningen på regementet. Frågeställningarna som har besvarats är: Vilka är anledningarna till att de sju officerarna slutat på Luftvärnsregementet? – Finns det gemensamma orsaker?  Delar andra officerare de erfarenheter som lett fram till avgångsbeslutet?  - Av dessa, hur många funderar på att sluta?<em></em></p><p>Resultaten har nåtts genom intervjuer med sju officerare och en enkät där 686 unga officerare deltagit. Intervjuerna och svaren från enkäten ger en bild av att många unga officerare upplever stor arbetsbelastning och att det inte finns resurser i form av pengar eller personal att lösa tilldelade uppgifter. Officerare tvingas planera om verksamhet av besparingsskäl. Trots detta har majoriteten av enkätdeltagarna angett att förbandet bedriver en god utbildning av de värnpliktiga.</p> / <p>The average age in the Swedish Armed Forces has during the last four years increased from 39,5 to 42,2. According to a study from the 1990’s many young officers resign from the military organization, this is verified by the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarter. Becoming a commissioned officer in the Swedish Armed Forces requires three years of studies at a military academy. Young officers resigning from the Armed Forces lead to financial as well as organizational losses. This study aims to develop an understanding of the main reasons why young officers choose to find a career outside the Armed Forces. To do this seven young officers that have resigned from the Air Defence Regiment have been interviewed. A survey has been sent out to 686 officers that are still serving with the purpose of investigating whether they share similar experiences and if they are considering resigning the Armed Forces.</p><p>The most significant results show that the young officers tend not to feel appreciated by their superiors. Furthermore, Swedish officers experience that they are carrying a heavy workload. Some of the problems young officers are facing in their work situation are due to financial cutbacks.</p>

Tillämpning av utkik enligt TSFS 2012:67 : En studie om hur seniorbefäl tolkar och förhåller sig till kraven om utkik ombord på ett urval svenska passagerarfartyg.

Storm, Willy, Wessman, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie berör de regler och reglementen som behandlar ett passagerarfartygs utkik, som återfinns i Transportstyrelsens författningssamling TSFS 2012:67. Dessa regler är framtagna av Transportstyrelsen och ska gälla för samtliga fartyg som seglar under svensk flagg. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur fartygens seniorbefäl tolkar och förhåller sig till ovannämnda regler. Undersökningen har genomförts genom intervjuer ombord på fem passagerarfartyg. Respektive intervju utfördes med ett seniorbefäl ombord på vardera fartyg. För att få en så rättvisande studie som möjligt har intervjuer också utförts med personal på Transportstyrelsen. Frågorna som ställdes ombord på fartygen speglar de svar vi fått under mötet med personal på myndigheten. Resultatet av vad vi kom fram till påvisar att medvetenheten är hög vad gäller föreskrifterna. Undersökningen visar också att avsteg görs från att följa reglerna, normalt sett efter bedömning om huruvida det är säkert eller inte. Rutiner ombord är ofta utformade efter två parametrar, till största delen med hänsyn tagen till regelverket men också för att arbetet ombord ska löpa så smidigt som möjligt. De dagliga arbetsrutinerna anses inte få styras av regelverket så till den grad att befälhavarna upplever regelverket som ett hinder. Sammanfattningsvis påvisar studien att kombinationen av att tillgodose samtliga krav vad gäller utkik, samt utföra ett arbete som löper så smidigt som möjligt är svårt att uppfylla. / This study treats the rules and regulations which concern a passenger vessel look out, given in the regulations TSFS 2012:67. These regulations are imposed by the Swedish transport agency and cover all vessels sailing under the Swedish flag. The purpose of this study is to find out how senior deck officers on board Swedish passenger vessels interpret and apply the above mentioned regulation. We have completed this study through interviews on board five passenger vessels which are sailing under the Swedish flag. To receive a fair study the Swedish transport agency has been interviewed, and the questions asked on board the vessels have been designed with the information received by the transport agency in mind.  The result of the study shows that the knowledge about the regulations is high among the senior deck officers. Despite this, the study also shows that deviations from these regulations sometimes are made, usually after a risk assessment made by the officer on watch or the captain. The routines on board are formed mostly with the regulations in mind but the routines are also formed in such way that the work on board can proceed as smooth as possible. The daily work routines are not considered to be governed by the regulations to the extent that the masters perceive the regulations as an obstacle. In conclusion, the study shows that the combination of meeting all the requirements in the terms of look out and do a job which runs as smoothly as possible is hard to meet.

"We Don't Want the Loonies Taking Over": Examining Masculine Performatives by Private Security in a Hospital Setting

Johnston, Matthew 24 August 2012 (has links)
After sixteen intensive months, I quit my employed position as a security guard at a local hospital. By drawing on my autoethnographic experiences in the form of “ethnographic fiction writing”, as well as eight interviews with my former male colleagues, I explore how the guards’ constructions of masculinity intersect with their security assessment and subsequent application of force, chemical incarceration, and other coercive security tactics on involuntarily-committed mental health patients. The narratives are framed by the available literature on gender and masculinity within the security, police, prison and military institutions, as well as the theoretical notions of gendered institutions (Acker), hegemonic masculinity (Connell & Messerschmidt), doing gender (West & Zimmerman), and Dave Holmes’s application of Foucauldian biopolitical power to forensic healthcare settings. These concepts are used in tandem with a creative methodological tool to reveal the “messy”, “bloody” and “gendered” ways in which hospital life unfolds between the guard, the nurse, and the patient prisoner. By escaping more traditional forms of academic writing, I am able to weave raw, sensitive and reflexive thoughts and emotions into the research design and analysis. The analysis is divided into two narratives: “Us” and “Them”. “Us” emphasizes the gendered ways in which the hospital guard learns, reproduces, resists, lives up, or fails to live up to the masculine codes of the profession. Here, the guard must confront cultural demands to demonstrate physical prowess, authority and heroism during a patient battle. “Them” explores how hegemonic masculinity shapes the hierarchical and coercive relations between the guard, the nurse, and the patient, and reinforces psychiatrized discourses that promote punishment, pain, bureaucracy and control. Overall, these findings call for the abolition of physical restraint, chemical incarceration and other coercive security measures within our healthcare institutions, and encourage future research to give voice to the lived experiences of women guards and security management teams.

To be in‐between : The road to disability pension with reference to the Swedish social insurance system

Ydreborg, Berit January 2005 (has links)
Background: The Social Insurance is part of the Swedish welfare system that is intended to create economic security for citizens in the event of unemployment, sickness, functional disability, and old age. The Swedish sickness‐benefit insurance is based on the standard insurance principle meaning that sickness benefits are related to level of lost income. The increasing number of sick listed people and people with disability pension (DPs) in Sweden may lead to marginalisation of individuals as they are not part of the labour market. The government has decided that the number of sick‐listed people should be halved by 2008, which means a tougher judgment of the applications for sick leave compensation. To be qualified for sickness benefit the disease has to impair the work ability in relation to the specific demands of the work of that person. The evaluation of the work ability in a percentage is an important element with regard to the policy on disability. The social insurance officers (SIOs) who are assessing the work ability are dependent on judgments from the physicians as expertise, and the guidelines in the social insurance act. The eligibility criteria for DP and the process of dealing with applications for DP is scarcely studied. Objectives: The overall aim of the thesis was to explore demographic and health differences between those, who were granted and those, who were not granted disability pension. The second aim was to study how the process from applications to decisions on disability pensions were executed and perceived by the social insurance offices and to elucidate their working conditions during the decision process. Material and methods: The first two studies explored differences between those granted DP and those not granted DP. Study I was a register‐based retrospective case‐control study carried out in the area of a county in Sweden. The cases were all individuals rejected a full disability pension 1999‐2000, in all 99 cases. Controls were every tenth person who was granted a full DP during the same period, 198 controls. Determinants were recorded from the Social Insurance (SI). In study II demographic data and medical diagnoses were obtained from the SI records. Data concerning self‐reported health, HRQoL, social networks and use of health care were collected by a postal questionnaire. The study objects were the same as in study I. In study III and IV indepth interviews were carried through to study the social insurance officers’ perspective on the process from application to decision on disabilitypensions as well as their experiences of prerequisites and hindrances in their work with DP applications. The transcribed data were analysed by an inductive content analysis. Results: Unemployment, living in the main municipality and age below 50 years were determinants for rejection of DP. Medical status as described in the Social Insurance records had less association with the outcome. There are variations in praxis of rejection of applicants between social insurance boards in different geographical areas due to other reasons than medical. The nDP group had more often multiple diagnoses, and lower self‐reported health and HRQoL compared to those granted DP. Those not granted DP also had significantly smaller social networks. The SIOs perceived that they had to make rapid decisions within a limited time frame, based on limited information, mainly on the basis of incomplete medical certificates, and with no firm criteria for the regulations on the individual case level. Communication among the various authorities as employment offices and social services suffered from lack of common goaldirected strategy. In study IV the SIOs described their working conditions when executing the applications for DP. The SIOs perceived recurrent changes in rules and regulations as frustrating as they at the same time had to face the client. The large number of clients prevented them from being able to offer clients activities and support them in the way they were supposed to do. The SIOs powerful position and how their discretion was implemented made them feel responsible for performing their work well. SIOs are to be considered as typical street‐level bureaucrats as they have to perform their work between the policy, rules and clients. Conclusions: The individuals had an increased risk to be rejected DP if they were younger than 50 years, unemployed, and lived in the main city. No evident differences in medical diagnoses were found between the groups. The results indicate that there may be other reasons than medical in praxis. Contrary to expectations, those not granted DP do not seem to have better health, but rather to suffer from more sickness than those, who were granted DP. Unemployment leads to inability to qualify for compensation and benefits that are associated with participation on the labour market. The group not granted disability pension appears to be a disadvantaged group in need for a co‐ordination between different parts of the social welfare system. The different perspectives were perceived as obvious obstacles in the communication between professionals in the welfare system as they had other goals and demands. Clients, that have comprehensive problems and are in need of coordinated measures from many authorities to get entrance to the labour market still suffer from lack of coordination. One question is how the different public officers use their discretion when handling clients and how the cooperation can be improved. / The electronic version of the printed dissertation is a corrected version.

Orsaker till unga officerares avgångar / Recent resignations at the Air Defence Regiment   : Experiences of young officers

Lundgren, Anders January 2009 (has links)
När en nyutbildad officer som slutar är inte bara en ekonomisk förlust för Försvarsmakten, utan även en organisatorisk förlust eftersom brister i bemanningen inte går att åtgärda direkt. Medelåldern i Försvarsmakten har stigit de senaste åren. Syftet med denna uppsats är bidra till förståelse för varför unga officerare lämnar Försvarsmakten. Vid Luftvärnsregementet Lv 6 i Halmstad är medelåldern 40,6 år. Under de senaste fyra åren har sju unga officerare lämnat anställningen på regementet. Frågeställningarna som har besvarats är: Vilka är anledningarna till att de sju officerarna slutat på Luftvärnsregementet? – Finns det gemensamma orsaker?  Delar andra officerare de erfarenheter som lett fram till avgångsbeslutet?  - Av dessa, hur många funderar på att sluta? Resultaten har nåtts genom intervjuer med sju officerare och en enkät där 686 unga officerare deltagit. Intervjuerna och svaren från enkäten ger en bild av att många unga officerare upplever stor arbetsbelastning och att det inte finns resurser i form av pengar eller personal att lösa tilldelade uppgifter. Officerare tvingas planera om verksamhet av besparingsskäl. Trots detta har majoriteten av enkätdeltagarna angett att förbandet bedriver en god utbildning av de värnpliktiga. / The average age in the Swedish Armed Forces has during the last four years increased from 39,5 to 42,2. According to a study from the 1990’s many young officers resign from the military organization, this is verified by the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarter. Becoming a commissioned officer in the Swedish Armed Forces requires three years of studies at a military academy. Young officers resigning from the Armed Forces lead to financial as well as organizational losses. This study aims to develop an understanding of the main reasons why young officers choose to find a career outside the Armed Forces. To do this seven young officers that have resigned from the Air Defence Regiment have been interviewed. A survey has been sent out to 686 officers that are still serving with the purpose of investigating whether they share similar experiences and if they are considering resigning the Armed Forces. The most significant results show that the young officers tend not to feel appreciated by their superiors. Furthermore, Swedish officers experience that they are carrying a heavy workload. Some of the problems young officers are facing in their work situation are due to financial cutbacks.

工作生活品質對組織承諾影響之研究-以臺北市戶政人員為例 / Research on the Impact of Quality of Working Life on the Organizational Commitment: A Case Study of Household Registration Officers of Taipei City

林蕙雅 Unknown Date (has links)
檢視現今戶政機關的生態吾人當可發現戶政人員的流動性高,無法留任優秀之人才,此間接地影響了為民服務的品質與效率。若能藉由瞭解戶政人員對工作生活品質的知覺為何,進而瞭解其與組織承諾的關聯性,並採取相關的管理作為,必能強化戶政機關人力資源運用的效能。為求創造高品質的服務態度,以順應顧客導向的潮流,打造充滿活力與競爭力的戶政機關,故進行本研究。 本研究係以臺北市政府所屬各區戶政事務所之在職人員為問卷調查對象。除應用文獻探討法,建構本研究架構與研究假設,並採用問卷調查法,以內容包含工作生活品質量表、組織承諾量表與戶政人員基本資料等三部分之問卷為研究工具,採普查方式實施問卷測試,問卷總共發出679份,實際回收542份,問卷回收率為80%,有效問卷為480份。分別以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雙因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法,敘寫分析結果與結果驗證,據以提出結論與建議。 本研究發現,在工作生活品質方面:以「人際關係及參與感」、「工作內容及尊榮感」等構面的知覺滿意度最高;在組織承諾方面:以「努力承諾」構面的程度最高;在個人屬性方面:對於工作生活品質的滿意度與組織承諾的程度上,男性均高於女性;已婚者均高於未婚者;薦任職務編制者均高於委任職務編制者;行政人員均高於後線業務人員及櫃檯服務人員;主管人員均高於非主管人員。工作生活品質及其「人際關係及參與感」、「公平性」、「工作內容及尊榮感」、「工作環境」、「俸給福利」等五個構面均與組織承諾有顯著相關性。對於組織承諾的預測方面,一般而言,以「工作內容及尊榮感」的預測力最佳,其次依序為「工作環境」、「人際關係及參與感」及「俸給福利」。 戶政人員的工作生活品質確實會影響其對組織之承諾,且工作生活品質滿足感與組織承諾呈正向關係,即工作生活品質滿足感愈高者,其組織承諾亦愈高。因此,建議戶政機關採取適當的管理作為,藉由提升工作生活品質知覺程度,使戶政人員認為在戶政機關服務是一項正確選擇,值得為戶政機關付出心力,且以身為戶政人員的一份子為榮,願意繼續留在戶政機關服務。 / Examining the environment of today’s household registration office, we concluded that the turnover of household registration officers has effects on quality and efficiency of the civil service indirectly. If we can understand household registration officers’ perception of the quality of working life, we will be able to comprehend its connection to organizational commitment and take relevant management actions so as to strengthen the human resources efficiency of household registration office. For creating high quality service attitude to customers and following the customer-oriented trend, the purpose of this study is to establish a dynamic and competitive household registration office. The subjects of the study were employees in every household registration offices of Taipei City Government. Besides using literature review to construct research framework and hypotheses, this study adopted survey techniques as a research tool with questionnaire that contained scales of quality of working life and organizational commitment, and basic information of household registration officers. With the method of general census, 679 copies of questionnaire were mailed; after retrieving 542 copies, we had a return rate of 80% with effective questionnaires of 480 copies. Descriptive statistics analysis, t- test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis were used for analyzing the data, verifying the results and consequently addressing the conclusions and suggestions. This study found that employees perceived the most satisfaction in the aspects of “interpersonal relationship and participation” and “job description and sense of honor” in quality of working life; and exhibited the highest level in the aspect of “hard-working promises” in organizational commitment. As to personal attributes: for the satisfaction of quality of working life and the level of organizational commitment, males were higher than females; married were higher than unmarried; the ones with recommended appointment position were higher than with ordinary appointment position; administrative staffs were higher than duty executives and staffs at counters; managers were higher than non-management personnel. There are significant correlation among organizational commitment, quality of working life and five aspects of “interpersonal relationship and participation”, “fairness”, “job description and sense of honor”, “work environment”, “wage and benefits”. As to the projection of organizational commitment in general, “job description and sense of honor” ranks the first, followed with “work environment”, “interpersonal relationship and participation” and “wage and benefits”. Quality of working life for household registration officers indeed has effects on their organizational commitment; and moreover, there is positive correlation between quality of working life and organizational commitment, that is, the more they are satisfied with quality of working life, the more they make commitment to the organization. Thus, we recommend that the household registration office shall adopt appropriate management actions by promoting the perception of quality of working life to convince the household registration officers that their decision to work here is a wise one; to encourage them it is worthy of devoting time and energy on the job; to assure them it is a privilege as part of the household registration officers and finally keep and retain them in the household registration office.

An exploratory study of a family focussed framework for social enquiry in a probation setting /

Chung, Mei-ling. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.

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