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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Localisation and mapping in smoke filled environments : A study of robot perception in harsh conditionsusing practical experiments

Zakardissnehf, Martin, Jernström, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med Realisator Robotics, vilka förtillfället utvecklar en robot, FUMO, som ska hjälpa till vid brandbekämpning. Målet med examensarbetet är att implementera autonom navigering från en punkt till en annan samt SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping, simultan lokaliseringoch kartläggning) funktionalitet. Dessa funktioners färmåga att hantera rök ska även testas. Efter en inledande litteraturstudie på olika sätt att lösa en robots perception i rök så blev det bestämt att använda en så kallad ”multi-echo LIDAR” som huvudsensor. Alla implementationer är gjorda i robotoperativsystemet ROS och öppenkällkod har använts för vissa funktioner. De första testerna av systemet gjordes i en simulerad miljö. I den så approximerades röken utav Gaussiskt brus. Det blev dock senare fastställt att detta inte lyckas representera alla effekter utav riktig rök. De delar dock vissa beteenden. De slutgiltiga testerna utfördes i en testanläggning för rökdykare, där algoritmerna testades i olika nivåer av rök. Dessa tester visade att multi-echo LIDAR:n klarade av att se igenom lätt till mediumtjock rök, det vill säga rök som kan ses igenom upp till ett par meter med blotta ögat. SLAMalgoritmen kunde i dessa fall generera användbara kartor. När det kontinuerligt lades till ny rök till testområdet så blev kartorna fragmenterade och oläsliga. Den autonoma navigeringen testades inte i rök på grund av säkerhetsrisker. Däremot så testades lokaliseringen som den bygger på genom att manuellt köra roboten genom röken. Resultaten från detta tyder på att det är möjligt att använda den autonoma navigeringen under rökfyllda förhållanden. / This thesis is carried out together with Realisator Robotics who is currently developinga fire-fighting assistant robot, FUMO. The aim of the thesis is to implementautonomous path planning and SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) functionality on the existing FUMO prototype as well as to test how robust these are to smoke. After an initial literature study on different ways of robot perception in smokeit was decided to use a multi-echo LIDAR as the main sensor for these tasks. All implementations were done in ROS (Robot Operating System) and open sourcecode was used for some functions. Testing of the system was first performed in asimulated environment. In this environment smoke was approximated using Gaussiannoise. However it was later concluded that this did not accurately portrayall effects of real smoke. It does however share some similarities. The final tests were performed at a testing facility for smoke divers where the algorithms were tested in different levels of smoke. The tests showed that the multi-echo LIDARmanaged to see through light to medium smoke, in other words smoke which you could see through with your bare eyes to up to a few meters. In those conditions the SLAM algorithm was able to create usable maps. When new smoke was continuously added to the already smoke filled environment the maps became fragmented and unreadable. The autonomous path planning was not tested in smoke due to safety concerns. However the localisation which the path planning is based onwas tested when driving the robot manually through the smoke. The result fromthis hints at a possibility of successfully using the path planning in these conditions.

Teknisk-ekonomisk utvärdering av lokalkraftslösningar / Technical-economic Evaluation of Local PowerSolutions

Lindell, Erik, Svensson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Transformatorstationer i det svenska elnätet innehar en vital funktion för att försörjningen av elenergi från producent till konsument skall fungera. Stationerna finns på olika spännings-nivåer – men de har alla en sak gemensamt: Behov av att lokalkraftsförsörjningen skall fungera enligt angivna krav. Försörjningen av en stations lokalkraftanläggning kan ske på flera olika sätt. I rapporten belyses alternativen stationstransformator, externt abonnemang, ok-lindning och ABB:s SSVT (Station Service Voltage Transformer). De olika lösningarna karaktäriseras av olika tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter och tillhörande för- respektive nackdelar. Studien utvärderar de fyra olika lokalkraftslösningarna ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Först redogörs för den bakomliggande grundläggande teorin kring lokalkraft och elkraftsekonomi. Därefter jämförs de tekniska och ekonomiska skiljaktigheterna gentemot varandra för respektive given transformatorstationstyp; fördelnings-, region- och stamstation. Vattenfall eftersöker de teknisk-ekonomiskt bästa lokalkraftsalternativen för deras transformatorstationer och rapporten skall fungera som underlag. Ur rapporten kan följande resultat och slutsatser erhållas: • Fördelningsstation: Stationstransformator och ok-lindning rekommenderas då de erbjuder teknisk funktionalitet till ett ekonomiskt försvarbart och likvärdigt pris. • Regionstation: Primärt rekommenderas alternativet ok-lindning. • Stamstation: Likväl som på de andra stationerna rekommenderas ok-lindning för försörjning av lokalkraft. Sammanfattningsvis erbjuder alla fyra alternativ de tekniska krav som finns för lokalkraftsförsörjning, men att en avvägning av vilken lösning som lämpar sig bäst för respektive transformatorstation bör utföras från fall till fall. / Substations in the Swedish electric power network have a vital function regarding the supply of electric energy from producer to consumer. The substations are represented on different voltage levels in the network – but they all have one thing in common: The need for auxiliary power to function as intended. There are different options for the supply of substations auxiliary feed. In the thesis the following alternatives are described holistic: local transformer, external power subscription, auxiliary winding on ordinary transformer, and a new (for the Swedish market) alternative from ABB called SSVT (Station Service Voltage Transformer). The distinct solutions are characterized with different technical and economic aspects and associated pros and cons. The study evaluates the four different auxiliary power solutions from a holistic view. First, the underlying essential theory about auxiliary power and electrical power economy is explained. Afterwards, the technical and economical differences are visualized for each of the solutions, and in comparison to each other for each defined substation type; distribution, region and national substation. The company Vattenfall strives for the best technical-economical alternatives for their different types of substations and the report intends to act as a supportive document. From the report, the following results and conclusions can be obtained: • Distribution substation: Local transformer and auxiliary winding is recommended due the technical functionality relative to its equivalent economic aspects. • Region substation: Primarily, the auxiliary winding alternative is recommended, mostly because of the cost-effectiveness. There are fewer alternatives in this type of substation. • National substation: The auxiliary winding is recommended as local power solution. To sum up, all of the four alternatives fill the technical requirements, but consideration for which solution for which substation type must be done on a case to case basis.

"Pay or OK" : A law and business study on Meta's business model

Petersdotter, Loovis, Eriksson Höglund, Julina January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the business model of Meta called “Pay or OK”, a subscription modelthat offers users the choice to either consent to the use of Meta’s services and be subjected totargeted advertising or to use the service without personalized advertising for a fee. In the eraof digital transformation, where data has become a significant competitive advantage forlarge online platforms, the introduction of regulations like GDPR and DMA has beeninstrumental in protecting personal integrity and ensuring fair competition. This study utilizesqualitative and EU legal methods to analyze the “Pay or OK” business model from a legalperspective and also analyze if data could create competitive advantage for Meta,incorporating theories such as the resource-based view and the VRIO framework. The resultsof this study bring to the forefront the intriguing and contrasting opinions on the value ofpersonal data and the profound impact of regulations on the business landscape.

Sagacious Liminality: The Boundaries of Wisdom in Old English and Old Norse-Icelandic Literature

Roscoe, Brett 09 May 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relationship between wisdom and identity in Old English and Old Norse-Icelandic literature. At present, the study of medieval wisdom is largely tangential to the study of proverbs and maxims. This dissertation makes wisdom its primary object of study; it sees wisdom not just as a literary category, but also as a cultural discourse found in texts not usually included in the wisdom canon. I therefore examine both wisdom literature and wisdom in literature. The central characteristic of wisdom, I argue, is its liminality. The biblical question “Where is wisdom to be found?” is difficult to answer because of wisdom’s in-between-ness: it is ever between individuals, communities, and times (Job 28:12 Douay-Rheims). As a liminal discourse, wisdom both grounds and problematizes identity in Old English and Old Norse-Icelandic literature. After a preliminary chapter that defines key terms such as “wisdom” and “wisdom literature,” I examine heroic wisdom in three characters who are defined by their wise traits and skills and yet who are ultimately betrayed by wisdom to death or exile. The implications of this problematic relation to wisdom are then examined in the next chapter, which analyzes the composition of wisdom in proverb poems. Like the wise hero, the poets represented in these poems blend their own voices with the voice of community, demonstrating that identity is open and therefore in need of constant revision. Next I examine how the liminality of wisdom is embodied in the figure of the wise monster, who negatively marks the boundaries of society and its desires. This then leads to a study of the reception of wisdom in chapter six, which focuses on instruction poems. Like narratives of wise monsters, these texts present lore as the nostalgic remnant of a tradition that defines identity, in this case the identity of a community. However, nostalgia assumes loss, and these texts also reveal an underlying fear that wisdom, the basis of the community’s identity, will be forgotten. Whether communal or individual, identity in this literature is both formed and threatened by liminal wisdom. / Thesis (Ph.D, English) -- Queen's University, 2014-05-08 15:35:46.885

Résilience culturelle et discussion à visée philosophique : Étude suivie de sept élèves en lycée professionnel / Cultural resiliency and discussion with philosophic aim : ongoing study of seven students in vocational high school

Henrion-Latché, Johanna 10 November 2016 (has links)
Malgré la complexité de la recherche de terrain sur les travaux concernant la résilience et particulièrement la résilience en contexte scolaire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux modalités et aux manifestations de celle-ci dans les établissements du secondaire en France, dans les lycées dits sensibles, au sein des lycées professionnels du bâtiment. Siège de tensions éducatives et sociales, les relations entre les acteurs sont empreintes de défiance, et traduisent des difficultés sociales et psychosociales complexifiant la réponse aux missions d’enseignement et d’éducation, et ternissant l’image des adolescents et des diplômes. Bien que l’origine et les facteurs de dysfonctionnement des adolescents s’enracinent initialement dans des problématiques dépassant l’école, leur prise en charge et leur remédiation relèvent de l’enseignement et de l’éducation, afin de préparer l’entrée en vie active et sociale. Le recours au diagnostic et aux solutions sont inscrites dans des heures aujourd’hui institutionnalisées, dont les objectifs portent sur le développement de l’élève. Mais lorsque le contact s’est défait depuis des années d’échec scolaire antérieur, lorsque le non-sens s’est installé malgré l’orientation, lorsque les comportements défient l’autorité et que le décrochage scolaire s’affiche comme une constante en progression dans ces établissements, comment penser une pratique pédagogique et éducative qui puisse réamorcer les bases des interactions de confiance entre adolescents et enseignants, tout en garantissant un cadre de bonne contenance aux affects en suspens, en créant des interactions qui permettent à l’élève de travailler et médiatiser le passé, pour l’inscrire dans un présent porteur de sens en le projetant dans l’avenir de manière harmonieuse ? Si cette technique pédagogique permet à l’enseignant et à l’éducateur de définir son action, elle est également une contingence éducative inscrite dans les théories de la résilience, qui est la faculté de rebondir suite à un traumatisme. Dans l’optique de contrecarrer l’échec scolaire, de permettre la création de destinées positives, hors champ de la reproduction de l’échec, en prenant appui sur les théories de la résilience à l’école, il est possible d’envisager une technique pédagogique de prise en charge du groupe classe d’adolescents qui mette en œuvre ces interactions entre élèves et enseignant selon une praxis de résilience. Et si cette résilience s’inscrit dans des pratiques collectives culturelles, s’appuyant sur les œuvres d’une culture et transmise par celle-ci, alors, elle est nommée résilience culturelle. Hors-champ du thérapeutique ou de la psychologie de groupe, la résilience culturelle répond à l’impératif cognitif de s’inscrire dans une pratique dialogique sécurisante et exigeante pour des élèves empêchés de penser, afin de combler les lacunes et les défauts de langage intérieurs et antérieurs. Les pratiques de discussion à visée philosophique démontrent qu’il est possible de créer ces espaces de médiation autour de la pensée rigoureuse afin de développer différentes capacités de penser garantissant la performance d’un discours exempt de facilité et d’échappatoires. Si cette discussion est étayée par des supports culturels de la littérature, comme les contes ou les mythes, alors, une double médiation chez l’élève est possible, depuis la médiation isolée et silencieuse en lien avec les théories du conte vers les médiations oralisées qui suivront la lecture selon une logique de questionnements philosophiques. Si le choix du support est ad-hoc, selon les recommandations de Matthew Lipman et que le conte parle de résilience, alors il est possible de conduire des discussions à visée philosophique dans une praxis de conduite en processus de résilience culturelle, qui seront matérialisées au travers des évolutions des discours des lycéens. Cette recherche [...] / In the spite of the complexity of the search for ground on the works concerning the resiliency and particularly resiliency in school context, we were interested in the modalities and in the demonstrations of this one in establishments of the secondary sector in France, in the sensitive said building’s high schools. Seat of educational and social tensions, the relations between the actors are printed mistrust and translate social and psychosocial difficulties complicating the answer to the missions of teaching and educational, and tarnishing the image of the teenagers and the diplomas. Although the origin and the factors of dysfunction of the teenagers take root initially in problems exceeding the school, their coverage and their mediation are a matter of the education, to prepare the school’s exit and the entrance alive active and social. The appeal to the diagnosis and the solutions are registered within today institutionalized hours the objectives of which concern the development of the pupil. But when the contact got rid for years of previous academic failure, when the not sense settled down in spite of the orientation, when the behavior challenges the authority and when the early school leaving displays as a constant in progress in these establishments, how to think of an educational practice which can revive the bases of the reliable interactions between teenagers and teacher, while guaranteeing a frame of good volume in the unsettled affects by creating interactions which allow the pupil to work and to mediatize the past, to register it in a meaningful present by throwing it in the future in a harmonious way? If this educational practice allows the teacher and the educator to define his share, it’s also an educational contingency registered in the theories of the resiliency which is the faculty to bounce further to a trauma. In this optics to thwart the academic failure, to allow the creation of positive fates, off-camera of the reproduction of the failure, by being supported on the theories of the resiliency at the school, it’s possible to envisage an educational practice of coverage of the group classy of teenagers which implements these interactions between pupils and teacher according to a praxis of resiliency. And if this resiliency joins a cultural collective practice, leaning on the works of a culture and passed on by this one, it’s named cultural resiliency. Except field of therapeutics or of the psychology of group, the cultural resiliency answers the cognitive imperative to join a dialogical practice reassuring and demanding for pupils prevented from thinking, to fill the gaps and the defects of inner and previous languages. The practices of discussion with philosophic aim demonstrate that’s possible to create these spaces of mediation around the rigorous thought to develop various capacities to think guaranteeing the performance of a speech exempt from ease and from excuses. If this discussion is supported by a cultural supports of the literature, as the tales or the myths, then, a double mediation at the pupil is possible, since the isolated and silent mediation in connection with the theories of the tae towards the orals mediations which will follow the reading according to logic of philosophic questionings. If the choice of the support is ad hoc according to the recommendations of Lipman and what the tales speaks about resiliency then, it’s possible to lead discussions with philosophic aim in a praxis of driving process of cultural resiliency, which will be realized through the evolutions of the speeches of the high school students. This search for comprehensive type leans on the analysis of the speeches and the interactions in a pragmatic prospect which allows the highlit of contents registered within the framework of the cultural resiliency through factors of implementation of the process which are the link, the sense and the law. The experiment of signing of eighteen sessions of discussions [...]

KÄLLVATTEN : En berättelse om människans relation till vatten, gestaltat genom konsthantverk / SPRING WATER : A story about humans relationship to water, embodied through crafts.

Wikström, Anna-Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Källvatten Människan står inför en framtid då rent vatten blir allt mer sällsynt, samtidigt som många vittnar om en känsla av meningslöshet eller ett liv som känns andefattigt, två fenomen som jag tror korrelerar varandra. Mitt kandidatarbete har kommit att handla om människans förhållande till vatten. Om min egen oro för miljöföroreningarnas långtgående konsekvenser och hur vi genom en livsstil i konsumtionens tecken har förpassat vattnet till att bli en livsmedelsprodukt. Det handlar även om de människor som väljer annorlunda, om källan som gestalt i myterna och om hur vattenbärandet kan utgöra en protesthandling i ett högteknologiskt samhälle. Arbetet sträcker sig från iakttagelser av vad som kan anses vara en samtida källkult till ett gestaltande arbete genom konsthantverk. Gestaltningen presenteras som en installation av föremål utförda i silikon, is och metall. Därtill finns ett antal fotografiska bilder.

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