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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Survey of the Cedar City High School graduates Who have Taken the One-Year Gregg Shorthand Course

Webster, Richard Manning 01 May 1969 (has links)
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to ascertain the value of the training received in the one-year shorthand program at the Cedar City High School, Cedar City, Utah, as indicated by the graduates of the program; and (2) to suggest ways in which the Cedar City High School business education department may improve the curricula insofar as the one-year shorthand program is concerned. Methods and Sources Used: A follow-up study in the form of a survey was made of the graduates of Cedar City High School who participated in the one-year shorthand program. Permission to perform the study was obtained from the school administration, and names of participants were taken from the school records. A questionnaire containing pertinent information was sent to each graduate participating in the program during the years 1959-1960 and 1965-1966. The responses of each were compiled as a part of this thesis. Summary of Findings: After graduating from the vocational shorthand program, students are finding jobs which require little or no shorthand skill. With 29 out of 76 graduates finding employment in which they can use their shorthand skill, a great deal of information and sources need to be made available to students concerning shorthand job opportunities. Thirty of the graduates made an effort to strengthen their shorthand skills in business college, junior college, and university programs. Sixty-two (72 per cent) of the responding graduates indicated a lower ability level in shorthand than they had attained in high school. Students may not be aware of the educational opportunities available in the community in which they can refresh their shorthand skills. The stenographic office practice course is not used to provide practice in dictation and transcription. Sixty per cent of the graduates were allowed to skip this valuable part of the course in which reinforcement of shorthand skills can be accomplished. Evidently, students would rather take other courses in the school curriculum than continue with the advised shorthand program. Students do not seem to be developing high rates of transcription speeds because of the limited time available in which the skill is taught, learned, and developed. Evidently dictation and transcription skills are taught and learned as separate activities instead of as a fusion of both. The low proficiency demonstrated in transcription activities (18 to 25 words a minute ) may indicate the need for a fused program.

Jaunųjų krepšininkų greitumo ištvermės kaitos tyrimas / Research of speed endurance diversity among young basketball players

Jasilionis, Aurimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe tirti jaunųjų krepšininkų (14–15 metų) amžiaus grietumo ištvermės rodikliai ir jų kaita. Tyrimai atlikti 2005 metais rugsėjo mėnesį, 2006 liepos, bei 2006 rugsėjo mėnesiais, A. Sabonio krepšinio mokyklos sporto salėje. Tyrime dalyvavo 14 įvairių amplua jaunųjų krepšininkų. Tyrimui buvo kelti tokie uždaviniai: o sudaryti amžiaus tarpsnio ypatybes ir galimybes atitinkančio trumpalaikio intensyvaus fizinio krūvio programą. o nustatyti ir įvertinti tos programos taikymo įtaką greitumo ištvermės kaitai. o nustatyti ir įvertinti greitumo ištvermės kaitą per metinį sportinio rengimo ciklą. Literatūros šaltinių analizės pagalba pagrįstos greitumo ištvermės, jų tyrimo svarbos ir metodologijos teorinės prielaidos, ��vertinti tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai apdoroti matematinės statistikos metodais. Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus ir palyginus juos su pateikiamais mokslinėje literatūroje galima teigti, jog tirtoje krepšininkų imtyje greitumo ištvermės išugdymo lygis atitinka gerą parengtumo lygį. / Master degree theses investigate speed endurance of young basketball players (age 14–15). Tests were done during period, starting September 2005 until July and September 2006. Location for tests was A. Sabonis Basketball School, Kaunas, Lithuania. 14 various position players were tested. Survey had these particular goals: o to conduct short time intensive charge program that would meet intensity and ability peculiarities of given age group. o to estimate and evaluate the impact of the program to speed endurance. o to estimate and evaluate speed endurance during one year physical treatment cycle. Overlook of the scientific literature of given subject substantiated the speed endurance importance as well as need to test it according to common theory and methodology. Results of conducted tests were amended according to the mathematical statistics methods and compared to given in the scientific literature of the subject. After conduction and summary of tests data the following can be stated: o The level of speed endurance of the investigated group of young basketball players is adequate to what is known as good speed endurance level.

Challenges Encountered by 0ne-year Diploma student midwives in acquiring clinical skills at selected hospitals in Limpopo Province

Manthata, Joyce Maphuti January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016. / Introduction and purpose: Midwives are the backbone of maternal and child health—the output of their action affect quality of life of mother and child. The purpose of the study was to describe the challenges encountered by one-year diploma student midwives while acquiring clinical skills at selected hospitals in Limpopo Province. Research design and method: A quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional research method was used in this study. The study population comprised all one-year diploma student midwives in selected hospitals in Limpopo Province, namely, Dilokong Hospital, Jane Furse Memorial Hospital, Mokopane Hospital, Philadelphia Hospital, Siloam Hospital and St Rita’s Hospital. The whole study population was used as the total population was small. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Informed consent was received from the participants as was ethical approval from the relevant authorities. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22 with the aid of a statistician. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze and describe the data. Data were presented in tables and bar graphs.Findings: Respondents in this study indicated that they encountered the following challenges during their acquisition of clinical skills at the selected hospitals in the Limpopo Province: inadequate resources; inadequate mentoring. Male participants reported feelings of being more competent than their female counterparts. There was no relationship between acquisition of skills and marital status, and no correlation between age and acquisition of skills.

Toddlers as social actors in the Swedish preschool

Engdahl, Ingrid January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on interaction among young toddlers during their second year of life in a Swedish preschool. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore interaction, communication and the creation of friendship between the young children during self initiated play activities. In addition, this thesis presents the background of Early Childhood Education in Sweden, which may serve as an extended context for the study. An ethnographic study was carried out in a toddler unit with 15 children. Six one year old girls and boys were in focus during the observations for nine months. Participatory methods, photos, fieldnotes and videorecordings, were used for the data collection. The theoretical framework for the study is built on phenomenology, the view of the child as a social person and a child oriented perspective. The overall findings support a theoretical perspective where the young toddlers are seen as social actors, with social competencies. Their play invitation strategies, as well as their play enactment and play-closing moves, were mostly found to be based on nonverbal communication such as movements, gestures, voice quality and facial expressions. The competencies of attunement, taking others’ perspectives and turn-taking were found in play among the young toddlers, and they also showed negotiating skills while playing. The findings also show how young toddlers make friends. During their second year of life, they monitor and pay attention to individual peers, displaying intentionality and agency by spontaneously greeting their peers, by offering play invitations, and by helping peers. Mutual awareness, joint attention, shared smiles, coordinated movements, as well as other types of synchronized actions are seen as parts of nonverbal elements in emerging friendship. The findings in this thesis support an understanding of young toddlers as social persons in the preschool, engaged in consistent interest and attention towards each other while playing. / Avhandlingens fokus är hur små barn interagerar med varandra under sitt andra levnadsår i en svensk förskola. Det övergripande syftet var att undersöka interaktion, kommunikation och skapandet av vänskap mellan yngre toddlare under lekstunder då barnen hade möjligheter att ta egna initiativ. Lek betraktas som en rik arena för studier av toddlares samspel. Avhandlingen presenterar även svensk förskolas utveckling som en bakgrund som placerar in den enskilda förskolan i ett större sammanhang. En etnografisk studie genomfördes på en småbarnsavdelning med 15 barn i åldrarna ett till tre år. Sex ettåriga flickor och pojkar fokuserades särskilt genom observationer under nio månader. Deltagande observationer, fotografier, fältanteckningar och videoobservationer, användes för datainsamlingen. Teoretiskt vilar studien på fenomenologi, synen på barn som sociala personer och ett barnperspektiv. Resultaten stöder ett teoretiskt perspektiv där mycket små barn betraktas som sociala aktörer med social kompetens. Deras initiativ till lek, under lek och avslut av lek byggde framför allt på icke-verbal kommunikation, som exempelvis rörelse, gester, röstkvalitet och ansiktsuttryck. Barnen visade i sin lek förmåga till intoning, att ta andras perspektiv och turtagning samt att de förhandlade med varandra under lekens gång. Resultaten visar också hur yngre toddlare bygger vänskap. Ettåringarna uppmärksammar sina kamrater även som individer, exempelvis genom att spontant hälsa på dem, bjuda in till en särskild lek och genom att hjälpa varandra. I skapandet av vänskap använde barnen sig av icke-verbala handlingar i form av ömsesidig och gemensamt riktad uppmärksamhet, smittande leenden och koordinerade rörelser, vilka kan tolkas som intentionellt agerande. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att små barn under sitt andra levnadsår kan betraktas som sociala personer som i leken i förskolan intresserar sig för och uppmärksammar varandra. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted.

Problematika výuky anglického jazyka v pomaturitním studiu / Teaching methods in post-secondary-school English courses

Opluštilová, Žaneta January 2012 (has links)
The objective of the thesis was twofold. Firstly, to map the situation in one-year post- secondary courses of English organised by private language schools in the Czech Republic and to recommend teaching methods and materials suitable for the given age group and the aims of the courses. Secondly, to outline the legislation regulating this form of study and in view of the recent legislative changes to compile a set of arguments for preserving the student status for the course participants. The first part of the thesis summarizes the lingvodidactic principles of teaching English as a foreign language with respect to the specific characteristics of learners between 19 and 22 years of age. It also presents a brief overview of the historical development of teaching methods as a background to the methodology applicable to post-secondary courses and provides a basis for textbook evaluation and selection. In the empirical part of the thesis the organization of post-secondary courses at three private language schools was contrasted and two sets of questionnaires completed by their students were analysed. Based on the conclusions drawn in the theoretical background as well as on the output of the questionnaires the contemporary approach of principled eclecticism was recommended as the most suitable...

Treatment effects with a mandibular advancement appliance and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in obstructive sleep apnea -randomised controlled trials-

Walker-Engström, Marie-Louise January 2003 (has links)
<p>Enthusiasm for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) in the treatment of mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has declined in recent years, partly because of a lower success rate over time and partly because of adverse effects. In more severe cases, the patients are generally treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). However, many patients do not satisfactorily tolerate CPAP as a result of frequent side-effects. Consequently, there is a need for an alternative treatment. Reports on the beneficial effects of mandibular advancement appliances in the treatment of mild-to-moderate OSA exist in the form of short–term evaluations.</p><p>One of the aims of the present thesis was to compare treatment effects with a mandibular advancement appliance and UPPP in patients with OSA with follow-up after one and four years. Ninety-five male patients with confirmed mild-to-moderate OSA (apnea index, AI >5 and <25) were randomised to treatment with a dental appliance or UPPP. Sleep studies were performed before and one and four years after intervention. According to the criteria for normalisation (AI<5 and apnea hypopnea index, AHI<10), 78% of the patients in the dental appliance group and 51% of the patients in the UPPP group had normalised after one year (p<0.05). Still after four years of treatment, 63% of the patients in the dental appliance group and 33% of the patients in the UPPP group were normalised. The dental appliance group had a higher normalisation rate than the UPPP group, but the efficacy was partly invalidated by the compliance rate of 62%.</p><p>Quality of life assessments in the dimensions of vitality, contentment and sleep improved in both groups at the one-year follow-up after treatment. There was no difference between the groups in terms of vitality and sleep. The UPPP group, however, reported a higher degree of contentment than the dental appliance group, even though the somnographic values were superior in the latter group. </p><p>Another aim was to conduct a randomised study to test the hypothesis that severe OSA patients will benefit from more pronounced mandibular advancement (MA) compared with a shorter advancement. Eighty-six males with severe OSA (AI>20) were randomly allocated to either 75% or 50% MA for a six-month treatment period. Treatment with a more pronounced mandibular advancement yielded a 20% higher normalisation rate than a shorter advancement. A mean normalisation rate of 45% was found for patients in this category with few side-effects, good patient satisfaction and a compliance of 92% after 6 months. </p><p>The overall conclusion is that dental appliance treatment is effective in patients with mild to moderate OSA and even for patients with severe OSA. The efficacy in terms of normalisation in patients with mild to moderate OSA was higher after the dental appliance treatment with a 50% degree of advancement than after the UPPP treatment. However, severe OSA patients might benefit from more pronounced advancement (75%) compared with a shorter degree of advancement (50%). QOL improved significantly after both dental appliance and UPPP treatment. </p>

Treatment effects with a mandibular advancement appliance and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in obstructive sleep apnea -randomised controlled trials-

Walker-Engström, Marie-Louise January 2003 (has links)
Enthusiasm for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) in the treatment of mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has declined in recent years, partly because of a lower success rate over time and partly because of adverse effects. In more severe cases, the patients are generally treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). However, many patients do not satisfactorily tolerate CPAP as a result of frequent side-effects. Consequently, there is a need for an alternative treatment. Reports on the beneficial effects of mandibular advancement appliances in the treatment of mild-to-moderate OSA exist in the form of short–term evaluations. One of the aims of the present thesis was to compare treatment effects with a mandibular advancement appliance and UPPP in patients with OSA with follow-up after one and four years. Ninety-five male patients with confirmed mild-to-moderate OSA (apnea index, AI &gt;5 and &lt;25) were randomised to treatment with a dental appliance or UPPP. Sleep studies were performed before and one and four years after intervention. According to the criteria for normalisation (AI&lt;5 and apnea hypopnea index, AHI&lt;10), 78% of the patients in the dental appliance group and 51% of the patients in the UPPP group had normalised after one year (p&lt;0.05). Still after four years of treatment, 63% of the patients in the dental appliance group and 33% of the patients in the UPPP group were normalised. The dental appliance group had a higher normalisation rate than the UPPP group, but the efficacy was partly invalidated by the compliance rate of 62%. Quality of life assessments in the dimensions of vitality, contentment and sleep improved in both groups at the one-year follow-up after treatment. There was no difference between the groups in terms of vitality and sleep. The UPPP group, however, reported a higher degree of contentment than the dental appliance group, even though the somnographic values were superior in the latter group. Another aim was to conduct a randomised study to test the hypothesis that severe OSA patients will benefit from more pronounced mandibular advancement (MA) compared with a shorter advancement. Eighty-six males with severe OSA (AI&gt;20) were randomly allocated to either 75% or 50% MA for a six-month treatment period. Treatment with a more pronounced mandibular advancement yielded a 20% higher normalisation rate than a shorter advancement. A mean normalisation rate of 45% was found for patients in this category with few side-effects, good patient satisfaction and a compliance of 92% after 6 months. The overall conclusion is that dental appliance treatment is effective in patients with mild to moderate OSA and even for patients with severe OSA. The efficacy in terms of normalisation in patients with mild to moderate OSA was higher after the dental appliance treatment with a 50% degree of advancement than after the UPPP treatment. However, severe OSA patients might benefit from more pronounced advancement (75%) compared with a shorter degree of advancement (50%). QOL improved significantly after both dental appliance and UPPP treatment.

Kommunikation mellan de yngsta förskolebarnen i fri lek : Meningsskapande genom den levda kroppen

Hildén, Ebba January 2014 (has links)
Communication between the youngest preschool children is the focus of this essay, primarily on how the children communicate with each other, what they are communicating about and what meaning the communication holds for the children. The aim is to describe and understand communication that takes place in the regional life-world of the preschool between the youngest children in a Swedish preschool. Video recordings of six preschool children between the ages of 14 and 24 months were made both inside and outside the preschool, at times when the children were able to choose for themselves who to communicate with, in which room to be in and which toy to play with. The focus during the video recordings was naturally occurring situations where these six children communicated with each other. 51 relevant situations were selected for more thorough investigation. These specific situations were chosen because the children’s bodies were directed towards each other and the children were communicating in an intercorporeal way with each other. In order to describe and understand communication between lived bodies in the regional world of the preschool, a phenomenological study was carried out. In order to deepen the understandings of the empirical data theoretical concepts like life-world, the lived body, the concept of horizons and intercorporeality were used. The findings indicate five different aspects of what type of meaning communication holds, divided into five themes. These themes are represented by communication as: creation of a shared phenomenon, acknowledging someone, coordination of access to play, coordination of access to place or object, and sharing an already experienced event with someone who was not present. The findings of the study show the children’s usage of an advanced coordination between the lived bodies of the children, the lived space, the lived time, and the lived relationships. Together the children create, coordinate, and maintain a creation of meaning in which the children structure their participation in the life-world. / Uppsatsen handlar om kommunikation mellan de yngsta förskolebarnen ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Mer specifikt handlar uppsatsen om hur barnen gör när de kommunicerar med varandra, om vad de kommunicerar och vilket meningsskapande som manifesteras i kommunikationen. Genom en rad olika empiriska exempel synliggörs barnens kommunikation där kroppen och rörelsen är central. Resultatet visar på de yngsta förskolebarnens kommunikation som ett skapande av en gemensam handling, som ett uppmärksammande av någon annan, som ett samordnande av tillträde till lek, som ett samordnande av tillträde till plats och/eller föremål och som ett delande av någon annans erfarenhet. Detta åstadkommer barnen genom att upprepa varandras gester och koordinera sina handlingar. Resultatet visar att barnen är sensitiva inför varandra och anpassar sin kommunikation utifrån en rad olika förutsättningar. Uppsatsen riktar sig till förskollärare, forskare och andra som är intresserade av de yngsta förskolebarnens kommunikation. Uppsatsen har finansierats inom ramen för Nationella forskarskolan för förskollärare: Barndom, lärande och ämnesdidaktik (FöFoBa), diarienummer 729-2010-200.

Střední vzdělávání žáků s mentálnílm postižením v praktických školách / Secondary education of mentally handicapped pupils in practical schools

Šedivá, Ilona January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis contains in the theoretical part a discussion about the importance of education of pupils with moderate mental disabilities, defines persons with mental disabilities, presents their characteristic peculiarities in relation to their education at the level of secondary education. It describes the Framework Educational Programs for practical schools with one- year and two-year training. The exploratory part focuses on monitoring secondary education of pupils in practical schools in the Central Bohemian Region. The main aim of the survey was to find out the possibilities of employment of graduates of practical schools after graduation.

The Perception of Lexical Similarities Between L2 English and L3 Swedish

Utgof, Darja January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present study investigates lexical similarity perceptions by students of Swedish as a foreign language (L3) with a good yet non-native proficiency in English (L2). The general theoretical framework is provided by studies in transfer of learning and its specific instance, transfer in language acquisition.</p><p>It is accepted as true that all previous linguistic knowledge is facilitative in developing proficiency in a new language. However, a frequently reported phenomenon is that students see similarities between two systems in a different way than linguists and theoreticians of education do. As a consequence, the full facilitative potential of transfer remains unused.</p><p>The present research seeks to shed light on the similarity perceptions with the focus on the comprehension of a written text. In order to elucidate students’ views, a form involving similarity judgements and multiple choice questions for formally similar items has been designed, drawing on real language use as provided by corpora. 123 forms have been distributed in 6 groups of international students, 4 of them studying Swedish at Level I and 2 studying at Level II. </p><p>The test items in the form vary in the degree of formal, semantic and functional similarity from very close cognates, to similar words belonging to different word classes, to items exhibiting category membership and/or being in subordinate/superordinate relation to each other, to deceptive cognates. The author proposes expected similarity ratings and compares them to the results obtained. The objective measure of formal similarity is provided by a string matching algorithm, Levenshtein distance.</p><p>The similarity judgements point at the fact that intermediate similarity values can be considered problematic. Similarity ratings between somewhat similar items are usually lower than could be expected. Besides, difference in grammatical meaning lowers similarity values significantly even if lexical meaning nearly coincides. Thus, the obtained results indicate that in order to utilize similarities to facilitate language learning, more attention should be paid to underlying similarities.</p>

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