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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L'encadrement du contrat électronique : l'exemple français

Lamotte, Marine 08 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies jouent un rôle croissant dans notre société. Le droit s’est interrogé sur la façon de rendre possible l’utilisation du support électronique dans un monde où seule l’utilisation du support papier était possible jusqu’à peu. L’objectif était d’éviter que la loi par son attachement au support papier n’entrave l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies et plus largement le développement des échanges en ligne. Dans ce contexte, la Commission des Nations Unies pour le Développement du Commerce International (CNUDCI) a développé les principes de neutralité technologique et d’équivalence fonctionnelle aux termes desquels les écrits électroniques sont considérés comme équivalents à ceux papiers s’ils sont en mesure d’endosser les mêmes fonctions que ces derniers. Le législateur français, s’inspirant des travaux de la CNUDCI, a modifié sa législation pour permettre la reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes passés par voie électronique. La reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes conclus par voie électronique laisse cependant subsister certaines questions relatives la protection du consentement de celui qui contracte en ligne. Le législateur français a ainsi élaboré des règles formalistes et dérogatoires au droit commun concernant la conclusion des contrats électroniques pour protéger le consommateur en ligne. / New technologies play a growing role in the modern world. Some concerns have therefore been raised to determine how to enable the legal use of electronic paper where until recently, only paper support had existed. The main role of such concerns was to avoid that the existing regulations might prejudice development of new technologies (and in a broader way, of online exchange) because only paper support was taken into account. In this context, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has developed the principles of technological neutrality and functional equivalence. Pursuant to those principles, electronic writing is considered as equivalent to paper writing as long as the same functions are maintained. The French legislator has sought inspiration in the works of the UNCITRAL to modify the French regulations regarding electronic support. Despite this recognition, some issues remain pending, especially regarding protection of the consent for the online contractor. In this respect, the French legislator has established formalist rules and rules that constitute exception to ordinary law.

Le document technologique original dans le droit de la preuve au Québec

de Saint-Exupéry, Gilles 08 1900 (has links)
L’adoption de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information en 2001 a permis de mettre en place un cadre juridique favorisant l’intégration des technologies de l’information dans le droit. Plus particulièrement en droit de la preuve, cela a conféré au document technologique la qualité d’élément de preuve. Dans ce contexte il a été nécessaire d’adapter certains articles du Code civil du Québec et du même fait certaines règles dont la règle de la meilleure preuve, telle que prévue à l’article 2860 C.c.Q.. Cette règle s’appuyait jusqu’à présent sur la notion d’original, notion propre au support papier dont il a fallu trouver un équivalent pour le document technologique. C’est ce qu’a fait la Loi en prévoyant à son article 12 les caractéristiques de l’original technologique. Nous nous penchons sur cette notion en regardant quelles sont ses origines et ses justifications, puis nous avons analysé l’article 12 de la Loi qui traite de l’original sous forme technologique. Enfin nous nous sommes interrogé sur la place des reproductions dans le contexte technologique et nous avons vu que celles-ci ont pris de plus en plus d’importance à côté du document original, au fur et à mesure du perfectionnement des moyens de reproduction. / The adoption, in 2001, of the Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology (the Act) allowed the establishment of a legal framework facilitating the integration of Information Technology in law. More specifically in law of evidence, this allowed for the recognition of the technology-based document as evidence. In this context, it was necessary to adapt certain sections of the Civil Code of Québec and, thus, certain rules, among which the best evidence rule, set forth in Section 2860 C.C.Q. Until the Act, this rule relied on the original, a concept specific to the paper medium; consequently, it became necessary to find an equivalent for the technology-based document. This was done by Section 12 of the Act, which sets out the technology-based original’s characteristics. We will look into this concept’s origins and rationale, before analysing Section 12 of the Act, which addresses the original in a technological form. We will then examine the reproductions’ place in the technological context, and ascertain their growing importance beside that of the original document’s, as the means of reproduction continuoulsy improved.

台灣資訊業廠商自創國際品牌績效之因素探討 / A Study of the Factors Affecting Performance of Selfowned International Brand for Computer & Electronic Industry in Taiwan.

林卿雯, Lin, Chin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣廠商長期以OEM方式替國外廠商做低階產品代工,缺乏市場掌握、行銷經驗是重要原因之一,近年台灣OEM訂單流失,廠商紛紛尋求產品升級與自創品牌。藉著多年來累積的競爭優勢和經驗,不少資訊業廠商具有自創品牌,在國際市場上佔相當品牌知名度。台灣若想擺脫MIT次等產品的形象及宿命,非得自創品牌行銷國際。本研究動機為了解影響台灣資訊業廠商成功自創國際品牌的因素及其影響程度,以提供給有心業者做為參考的依據。 經過品牌相關文獻的回顧及廠商專訪後,建立理論架構並以問卷調察的方式,收集到71家臺灣地區有自創品牌外銷國際市場實績資訊業廠商的資料,試圖了解行銷策略及其與地主國特性配合對自創國際品牌績效的影響,行銷策略包括目標市場選擇策略、產品策略、價格定位策略、推廣策略及通路策略;地主國特性包括經濟發展程度與產品來源國形象。由於廠商之產品類別不同,整個關係的呈現也應會有所差異,所以視為干擾變數來處理。 本研究重要結論:1.產品策略,包括產品品質、服務與創新,對自創品牌各績效指標皆有正面貢獻;對資訊業而言,尤其產品創新程度是影響自創品牌績效最重要因素,對每個績效指標皆有顯著影響。2.廠商單獨執行的行銷策略,除了產品策略之外,其他策略對自創品牌績效沒有顯著正面貢獻。建議廠商採取行銷策略時考慮策略之間的互相配合。3.推廣策略及不同目標市場選擇策略對自創品牌績效影響,因廠商類別不同對各績效指標的影響程度也不同。本研究中,推廣活動對資訊業自創品牌績效的影響微乎其微,並不明顯。為了維持品牌知名度與品牌形象,推廣活動經常是品牌廠商很大的支出,因此建議廠商在進行推廣活動時,對於支出需較為謹慎。4.行銷策略與地主國特性配合對自創品牌績效有正面貢獻。當行銷策略與地主國市場經濟發展程度或是來源國形象配合時,由於行銷策略能夠符合市場特性以及行銷策略與產品形象一致,自創品牌績效較佳。

創新能耐對於OEM轉型ODM導向企業之影響 - 技術領導與競爭優勢之個案研究 / The influence of innovative capability on OEM transfer to ODM-oriented enterprises - a research on leading technology and advantage competition

宋子喬 Unknown Date (has links)
現今,產業競爭已轉變成全球性的競爭,台灣代工企業與國際知名品牌企業、高科技產業存在著“共存共榮”的臍帶關係,台灣代工企業必須不斷提本身之高度競爭力以維繫其不可取代之地位,否則即面臨客戶轉單、甚或被淘汰之命運。各代工企業不僅要在其生產技術上需保持領先的地位,更需在競爭策略上尋求轉型升級與技術創新,以避免被競爭者所取代,並擺脫製造代工的微利競爭;因此,當今代工企業的風險在於持續的創新能力,雖說早期代工企業僅需專注於代工製造,但隨著產品的大量生產與使用規格之統一,加上資訊之普及與快速,技術能力漸趨一致,不再是高門檻難以跨越,導致市場競爭就愈形激烈。代工企業不能只憑一招半式獨闖江湖,代工企業成長獲利的關鍵,不只在於成本管理或者製程改善,更在於敏銳的市場預測能力與核心競爭力,而從各種明確之例証顯示,創新能耐之建立更是長治久安不可或缺之主要成功因素;宏達電從為世界知名手機品牌製造代工高階智慧型手機起家,進而轉型至設計代工,一直到自創Dopod品牌,接著又將品牌重新命名為HTC;華碩電腦(ASUS)從為世界PCB 製造代工(OEM),進而轉型至設計代工(ODM),一直到2007年成功開發” Eee PC “ Netbook (小筆電),並於2010 年與和碩(PEGATRON)分家,和碩(PEGATRON)代工企業與華碩電腦(ASUS)品牌經營正式分道揚鑣;這種種跡象充分顯示為唯有建立創新能耐才能尋找出核心競爭能耐的方向及重點,也才能決定企業在產業價值鏈的位置與所從事的價值活動。 企業從製造代工經營模式進入設計代工經營模式,在逐步接手研發價值活動後,設計代工經營模式開始投入自主研發,其目的在於提供品牌企業客戶更具競爭力之有效創新方案,並與品牌企業客戶取得充分分工之夥伴關係;因此透過研究個案公司的轉型歷程,探討面對詭譎多變的大時代,企業如何藉由建立自我創新能耐,進而建立自我核心能耐,從製造代工經營模式轉型升級設計代工經營模式,也藉由其經營績效的表現,來驗證轉型升級的策略所帶給企業的實質利益,最後對企業提出當面臨轉型升級時之具體建議,以作為其他面臨經營困境的製造代工企業之參考。 / Today, competition has turned into a global competition, the Taiwanese OEM companies with international famous brand enterprises, high-tech industries there is a deeply relationship of "living together", the Taiwan OEM companies must be constantly enhancing their competitiveness in order to maintain they valuable position that its status can not be replaced, otherwise face the status of cancel the order by customer, or even the fate of being eliminated. The business of OEM was not only in its production technology to keep the leading position, but also need to seek the transformation and upgrading of competitive strategy and technological innovation, in order to avoid being replaced by competitors, and get rid of low-profit competition; therefore, today's risk of OEM business rely on the continuous innovation capability, although early OEM business only needs focused on manufacturing, but as a large number of production run and use specifications of unity, plus information on popular and fast, and specifications become more standardized, it’s no longer a high thresholds and can’t pass through, resulting in the market competition is increasingly fierce. OEM business cannot only rely on go it alone, meant that the OEM business key profit enterprise growth is not only to improve cost management, or process, but also to keep a keen market prediction capabilities and core competencies, and examples from a variety of shows that innovation is the ability to establish long-term stability indispensable primary success factors; HTC from the world famous OEM business of high-end smart phones started, and then transferred to a ODM business, has been to own Dopod brand, and subsequently the brand re-named the HTC; ASUS Computer from PCB OEM in the world, and then transferred to ODM business, has been successfully developed "Eee PC" Netbook (mini Notebook) in 2007, and it was separated PEGATRON (ODM) and ASUS in 2010, PEGATRON officially parted ways with ASUS brand management; these signs appear only when you full build innovation ability to find out the core competitive ability of the direction and focus, you can also decide your positioning and activities in the value-chain of enterprise. When OEM model transfer to ODM model, and gradually took over the value activities in the R&D (Research and Development), the ODM model started independent research and development, which aims to provide brand enterprises more competitive. effective and innovative solutions, and set up the good partnerships with brands companies; therefore, through the case study, and face the challenge era, how to build self innovation by popularity, and establish core competency, from OEM model transfer to ODM model, but also put to the proof of its operating performance, to verify the transformation and upgrading policy that can make a profit of enterprise, and finally provide specific suggestions to enterprises when face on transformation and upgrading situations, I hope it also can be for reference to other OEM companies that they are facing difficulties.

L'encadrement du contrat électronique : l'exemple français

Lamotte, Marine 08 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies jouent un rôle croissant dans notre société. Le droit s’est interrogé sur la façon de rendre possible l’utilisation du support électronique dans un monde où seule l’utilisation du support papier était possible jusqu’à peu. L’objectif était d’éviter que la loi par son attachement au support papier n’entrave l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies et plus largement le développement des échanges en ligne. Dans ce contexte, la Commission des Nations Unies pour le Développement du Commerce International (CNUDCI) a développé les principes de neutralité technologique et d’équivalence fonctionnelle aux termes desquels les écrits électroniques sont considérés comme équivalents à ceux papiers s’ils sont en mesure d’endosser les mêmes fonctions que ces derniers. Le législateur français, s’inspirant des travaux de la CNUDCI, a modifié sa législation pour permettre la reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes passés par voie électronique. La reconnaissance de la valeur juridique des actes conclus par voie électronique laisse cependant subsister certaines questions relatives la protection du consentement de celui qui contracte en ligne. Le législateur français a ainsi élaboré des règles formalistes et dérogatoires au droit commun concernant la conclusion des contrats électroniques pour protéger le consommateur en ligne. / New technologies play a growing role in the modern world. Some concerns have therefore been raised to determine how to enable the legal use of electronic paper where until recently, only paper support had existed. The main role of such concerns was to avoid that the existing regulations might prejudice development of new technologies (and in a broader way, of online exchange) because only paper support was taken into account. In this context, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has developed the principles of technological neutrality and functional equivalence. Pursuant to those principles, electronic writing is considered as equivalent to paper writing as long as the same functions are maintained. The French legislator has sought inspiration in the works of the UNCITRAL to modify the French regulations regarding electronic support. Despite this recognition, some issues remain pending, especially regarding protection of the consent for the online contractor. In this respect, the French legislator has established formalist rules and rules that constitute exception to ordinary law.

Le document technologique original dans le droit de la preuve au Québec

de Saint-Exupéry, Gilles 08 1900 (has links)
L’adoption de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information en 2001 a permis de mettre en place un cadre juridique favorisant l’intégration des technologies de l’information dans le droit. Plus particulièrement en droit de la preuve, cela a conféré au document technologique la qualité d’élément de preuve. Dans ce contexte il a été nécessaire d’adapter certains articles du Code civil du Québec et du même fait certaines règles dont la règle de la meilleure preuve, telle que prévue à l’article 2860 C.c.Q.. Cette règle s’appuyait jusqu’à présent sur la notion d’original, notion propre au support papier dont il a fallu trouver un équivalent pour le document technologique. C’est ce qu’a fait la Loi en prévoyant à son article 12 les caractéristiques de l’original technologique. Nous nous penchons sur cette notion en regardant quelles sont ses origines et ses justifications, puis nous avons analysé l’article 12 de la Loi qui traite de l’original sous forme technologique. Enfin nous nous sommes interrogé sur la place des reproductions dans le contexte technologique et nous avons vu que celles-ci ont pris de plus en plus d’importance à côté du document original, au fur et à mesure du perfectionnement des moyens de reproduction. / The adoption, in 2001, of the Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology (the Act) allowed the establishment of a legal framework facilitating the integration of Information Technology in law. More specifically in law of evidence, this allowed for the recognition of the technology-based document as evidence. In this context, it was necessary to adapt certain sections of the Civil Code of Québec and, thus, certain rules, among which the best evidence rule, set forth in Section 2860 C.C.Q. Until the Act, this rule relied on the original, a concept specific to the paper medium; consequently, it became necessary to find an equivalent for the technology-based document. This was done by Section 12 of the Act, which sets out the technology-based original’s characteristics. We will look into this concept’s origins and rationale, before analysing Section 12 of the Act, which addresses the original in a technological form. We will then examine the reproductions’ place in the technological context, and ascertain their growing importance beside that of the original document’s, as the means of reproduction continuoulsy improved.

Discricionariedade e gestão de recursos públicos: a busca pelo valor justiça na definição de políticas públicas / Discricionariedade and management of public resources: the quest for justice in the value definition of public policies

Bernardo Braga Pasqualette 22 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca elidir o verdadeiro significa do ideal de justiça distributiva com vistas à criação de um paradigma ético apto a orientar a adoção de políticas públicas e, ao mesmo tempo, ser o vetor interpretativo da sua eficácia e resultados práticos. Com bases nas premissas teóricas assentadas na basilar obra Uma Teoria da Justiça de John Rawls, busca-se discutir qual é o verdadeiro significado da equidade onde os bens primários sociais são divididos de uma forma tão desigual e como a adoção de políticas públicas orientadas por uma vertente substantiva da justiça pode ser um novo paradigma apto a orientar esta dinâmica. Ultrapassada esta linha de argumentação inicial, o trabalho desdobra-se na busca pelo verdadeiro significado de meritocracia, assentada, ainda uma vez, na distribuição desigual de bens primários sociais ou, simplesmente, na divisão desigual de oportunidades. Nesta ordem de convicções, busca-se afirmar que para haver de fato- a meritocracia é necessário haver um ambiente que propicie igualdade de oportunidades para que cada indivíduo singular possa buscar desenvolver seus projetos de vida de acordo com seu esforço e talento individuais. Por fim, as políticas públicas distributivas podem ser o instrumento que materialize este ideal, desde que sejam orientadas por premissas que privilegiem a vertente substantiva da Justiça e que a partir de uma perspectiva crítica da desigualdade possam buscar a distribuição justa dos bens primários sociais. / The present work intends to clarify the true meaning of the ideal of distributive justice with the aim of creating an ethical paradigm able to orient the implementation of public policies, in addition to serve as an interpretation guideline of its effectiveness and practical results. Based on the theoretical premises set forth on the fundamental work A Theory of Justice, by John Rawls we seek to discuss the true meaning of equity where the primary social goods are distributed in an very unequal way and how the adoption of public policies oriented by a substantive perspective of justice may become a new paradigm to orient this dynamics. Succeeding this initial line of argument, this work develops into the search of the true meaning of meritocracy, founded, once again, on the unequal distribution of primary social goods or, simply, on the uneven division of opportunities. In the context of these beliefs, we seek to assert that in order to exist in fact meritocracy, it is necessary to have an environment which promotes equal opportunities so that each singular person may seek to develop their life project in accordance with their efforts and individual talents. Finally, distributive public policies may be the instrument to materialize this ideal as long as it is oriented by premises which favor the substantive perspective of Justice and that from a critical view of inequality may pursue a just distribution of primary social.

Discricionariedade e gestão de recursos públicos: a busca pelo valor justiça na definição de políticas públicas / Discricionariedade and management of public resources: the quest for justice in the value definition of public policies

Bernardo Braga Pasqualette 22 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca elidir o verdadeiro significa do ideal de justiça distributiva com vistas à criação de um paradigma ético apto a orientar a adoção de políticas públicas e, ao mesmo tempo, ser o vetor interpretativo da sua eficácia e resultados práticos. Com bases nas premissas teóricas assentadas na basilar obra Uma Teoria da Justiça de John Rawls, busca-se discutir qual é o verdadeiro significado da equidade onde os bens primários sociais são divididos de uma forma tão desigual e como a adoção de políticas públicas orientadas por uma vertente substantiva da justiça pode ser um novo paradigma apto a orientar esta dinâmica. Ultrapassada esta linha de argumentação inicial, o trabalho desdobra-se na busca pelo verdadeiro significado de meritocracia, assentada, ainda uma vez, na distribuição desigual de bens primários sociais ou, simplesmente, na divisão desigual de oportunidades. Nesta ordem de convicções, busca-se afirmar que para haver de fato- a meritocracia é necessário haver um ambiente que propicie igualdade de oportunidades para que cada indivíduo singular possa buscar desenvolver seus projetos de vida de acordo com seu esforço e talento individuais. Por fim, as políticas públicas distributivas podem ser o instrumento que materialize este ideal, desde que sejam orientadas por premissas que privilegiem a vertente substantiva da Justiça e que a partir de uma perspectiva crítica da desigualdade possam buscar a distribuição justa dos bens primários sociais. / The present work intends to clarify the true meaning of the ideal of distributive justice with the aim of creating an ethical paradigm able to orient the implementation of public policies, in addition to serve as an interpretation guideline of its effectiveness and practical results. Based on the theoretical premises set forth on the fundamental work A Theory of Justice, by John Rawls we seek to discuss the true meaning of equity where the primary social goods are distributed in an very unequal way and how the adoption of public policies oriented by a substantive perspective of justice may become a new paradigm to orient this dynamics. Succeeding this initial line of argument, this work develops into the search of the true meaning of meritocracy, founded, once again, on the unequal distribution of primary social goods or, simply, on the uneven division of opportunities. In the context of these beliefs, we seek to assert that in order to exist in fact meritocracy, it is necessary to have an environment which promotes equal opportunities so that each singular person may seek to develop their life project in accordance with their efforts and individual talents. Finally, distributive public policies may be the instrument to materialize this ideal as long as it is oriented by premises which favor the substantive perspective of Justice and that from a critical view of inequality may pursue a just distribution of primary social.

A idéia de posição original na teoria da justiça como eqüidade de John Rawls / The idea of original position in the theory of justice as fairness of John Rawls

Felipe, Rosane Terezinha 04 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosane Terezinha Felipe.pdf: 343926 bytes, checksum: 224c503dc3bfd9bea2ea039acc896491 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of the present work consists in the investigation and exhibition of the conception of the original position in the theory of justice as fairness, drawn by John Rawls. For that, it is highlighted the way the author exhibits the agreement made in this initial situation of the choice, in other words, the parts symmetrically situated in the original position and covered by the veil of ignorance, that has the function to impede the passage of arbitrary information that can influence in the choice of the principles. Besides, the agreement made in the original position is characterized as hipothetical and non-historical. Rawls, in the subsequent works of A Theory of Justice, emphasizes that the misunderstanding about the hypothetical aspect of this position is due to the fact it isn´t seen as a representation artifice. By this way , in order to understand the argumentation about the original position, it treats the doctrines, in which the theory of justice as fairness, is presented as an alternative, with the intent to contextualize the theory of Rawls. From the works of the own author, it looks for presenting the fundamental ideas and the way how they are linked in this theory. Besides, they are object of study the role and the characteristics of this initial situation of the choice and the principles of justice, as the result of the agreement made between the parts in the original position, are objects of the study. This position is understood as an initial situation of the suitable equality for the choice of the principles, that must specify the fair terms of the society understood as a system of social cooperation. / O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste na investigação e exposição da concepção de posição original na teoria da justiça como eqüidade, elaborada por John Rawls. Para isso, destaca a maneira como o autor expõe o acordo realizado nesta situação inicial de escolha, ou seja, as partes simetricamente situadas na posição original e encobertas pelo véu de ignorância, que tem como função impedir a passagem de informações arbitrárias que possam influenciar na escolha dos princípios. Além disso, o acordo realizado na posição original é caracterizado como hipotético e a-histórico. Rawls, nas obras posteriores a Uma Teoria da Justiça, destaca que o mal-entendido quanto ao aspecto hipotético desta posição está no fato dela não ser vista como um artifício de representação. Desta forma, a fim de compreender a argumentação acerca da posição original, trata-se das doutrinas nas quais a teoria da justiça como eqüidade é apresentada como uma alternativa, com o intuito de contextualizar a teoria de Rawls. A partir das obras do próprio autor, procura apresentar as idéias fundamentais e a forma como estão interligadas nesta teoria. Além disso, são objetos de estudo o papel e as características dessa situação inicial de escolha e os princípios de justiça, como o resultado do acordo realizado entre as partes na posição original. Esta posição é compreendida como uma situação inicial de igualdade adequada para a escolha dos princípios, que devem especificar os termos eqüitativos da sociedade compreendida como um sistema de cooperação social.

The Secret Ingredients to Moral Philosophy: Blood, Sweat, and Tears : On bad enough worst-case scenarios in experimental approximations of John Rawls' Original Position

Lappalainen, Isa January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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