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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gymnasielärares relationella praktik : En skolstudie utifrån ett mellanmänskligt perspektiv

Wallstén, Joakim January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit fördjupa och utveckla kunskaperna om läraryrkets mellanmänskliga aspekter. Studien har utförts i en gymnasieskola i norra Sverige, genom att jag intervjuat åtta lärare enskilt samt genomfört en gruppintervju. I resultatet framkommer det att grogrunden för den goda relationen skapas i seendet av eleven, i visandet av den mänskliga läraren, i lyssnandet och i lärarens önskande om elevens bästa. I den goda relationen skapas spelrum att lyckas och misslyckas och förståelse för den andre. I kölvattnet av den goda relationen kan det uppstå dilemman och problem, men som med de relationella teorierna i ryggen, omvandlas till behov. Lärarna önskade en samsyn med rektorer gällande den relationella arbetsbördan och en samsyn gällande värderandet av de relationella aspekterna i förhållande till det mätbara. Lärarna var överens om att relationer och personliga aspekter av läraryrket inte kan mätas och att detta kan skapa låsningar och en emotionell tudelning av lärarkåren i lärarnas ofrånkomliga jämförelse med varandra.

Nyanlända elevers språkliga stöttning i SO-undervisningens ämnes språk

Linda, Wikström January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och analysera hur nyanlända högstadieelever, i reguljär klass, stöttas i SO-undervisningens ämnesspråk utifrån ett lärar- ochelevperspektiv. Vidare undersöktes hur stöttningen omsätts i undervisningspraktiken. Undersökningen gjordes utifrån en sociokulturell teoriram för att förståvarför det är viktigt att elevernas språk och kunskaper utvecklas parallellt. Teoretiska utgångspunkter var Vygotskijs teori om språkets roll för tänkande och lärande (Vygotskij, 2001) och Hallidays systemisk funktionella lingvistik, SFL(1993). Som metod användes både data- och metodtriangulering (Denscombe,2018). Genom deltagande observationer (Bryman, 2018) och semistrukturerade intervjuer (Kvale & Brinkman, 2014) med tre SO-lärare och sex nyanlända elever på två olika skolor undersöktes den stöttning som gavs och resulterade i en analys som både tog avstamp i lärarnas och elevernas egna utsagor samt observationernas bild. Resultatet av studien visade att SO-lärarna explicit stöttar eleverna i ämnesspråket med fokus på ord och begrepp och att elevernas modersmål var en underutnyttjad resurs i klassrummet. Eleverna deltog nästan inte i någon interaktion med lärarna eller de andra eleverna i klassen. Stöttningen av de nyanlända eleverna skedde mestadels på mikronivå och lärarna saknade utbildning i hur de ska arbeta explicit med språk- och kunskaper parallellt.

Gestaltning i coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie av Aftonbladet och SVTs rapportering / Coverage of the corona pandemic. A qualitative study of Aftonbladet and SVT's reporting

Hällsten, Amanda, Janeröd, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study how events associated to the coronavirus has been portrayed in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the public service-company SVT. To concretize the aim, we formulated two questions; is there any overall differences and similarities between SVT and Aftonbladets way to angle their news, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities, do SVT’s and Aftonbladet’s reporting differ in terms of storytelling techniques in the articles associated to the coronavirus, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities. The method chosen to investigate these questions was a qualitative content analysis with a focus on storytelling techniques. The chosen theories to support the method was framing, media logic, agenda setting and news rating & storytelling techniques. In the analysis we came to the conclusion that Aftonbladet and SVT in many of their articles have used almost the same angle, although the angles of Aftonbladet was more explicit and not as unbiased as SVT’s news articles. During our time studying SVT and Aftonbladet we saw that in the videos that belonged to the articles, Aftonbladet used interviews with persons who had participated in the press conferences, instead of publishing parts from the press conference in the videos, which SVT did. SVT hasn’t, in any of the cases, published an interview with, for example, a doctor or a representative from Folkhälsomyndigheten. It gives a more personal impression to interview individuals, than to publish parts from a press conference. We also saw that Aftonbladet used more storytelling techniques, especially accentuation and intensification in their framing of events connected to the virus, it was especially noticeable in the article about the first death. Something that surprised us during the work with the analysis was the fact that neither Aftonbladet nor SVT have been more critical to the government’s decisions in their reports. Perhaps because the trust in the authorities is high among the audience.

Den stora älgvandringen : Älgen som protagonist i ett narrativlöst berättande / The Great Swedish Moose Migration : A protagonist in a non-narrative story

Fällström, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Förväntningar formar framtiden : Om meningsskapande vid övergångar i skolans tidigare år

Dahlbäck, Ann-Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study is to visualize and discuss how students perceive and make meaning in their transition from pre-school class to primary school. A special goal is to identify factors that facilitates and/or hinders students’ successful transition. In spring 2017, nine five-year-old children expressed their thoughts before starting in preschool class. The thoughts were documented in interviews and drawings that the students made. By going back to the students who were interviewed then and with their images as artifacts, this study wants to analyze how the students retrospectively describe their experiences of the transition and make the students' expectations and concerns visible to future transitions. In analyses, the study wants to understand what the important aspects to take into account at school transitions are. The study has a social constructionist framework. The children's experiences of transitions is constructed together with the researcher in the process of research (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017). A socio-cultural perspective is used and presumes that transitions are constructed in a social community. During transitions the students revise and re-identify their identities. The pupils´ experiences in the transition process becomes important aspects in the students' identity construction and meaning making (Newman & Paasi, 1998).The pupils were able to give their thoughts on things they saw as frightening but which turned out to be simple and other things that were really difficult. It is hoped that, based on the students' experiences, tools are found to use in the work with successful transitions.

Resursfördelningen inom Bibliotek Norrbotten : En studie om det gemensamma arbetet gällande resurser inom ett bibliotekssamarbete / Bibliotek Norrbotten's resource sharing : A study about resource sharing within a library collaboration

Eriksson Bylund, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this bachelor’s thesis are the strategies, goals, and guidelines for the sharing of digital resources and library materials of the collaborating libraries “Bibliotek Norrbotten”. The questions asked were; What goals do Bibliotek Norrbotten want to achieve with their resource sharing? How can resource sharing look in connection to services and media? What kind of strategies are there that apply to all libraries in the collaboration? Which challenges, if any, have been encountered and how did they work through them? The theoretical framework consist of Kaufman, P(2012) theory about how a successful collaboration is built up, Kanter, R. M(1994) theory on how a rewarding collaboration is similar to human relationship and Rowley, J(2011) theory about innovative strategies within libraries. The method that was used to collect material was in the form of interviews and supportive documents. Five informants were interviewed. This study concludes that it is not easy to create a collaboration with resource sharing, but Bibliotek Norrbotten is a god example of a successful collaboration. Libraries within Bibliotek Norrbotten have created common goals when it comes to their resource sharing and that their resource sharing is linked to these goals. The goal is to have the users in focus and to offer an improved library service. This study also shows that for collaborations to achieve their goals and to improve the library service, the collaboration must develop common strategies and guidelines.


Nitzler, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
In this hermeneutic and autoethnographic study I explore and analyze two different music projects, and the process of working with them at the same time. The purpose of this is to find practical, psychological, and artistic insights.The results ascertain that tech-death and neo-soul are linked together by jazz and early twentieth century classical music, both culturally and music-theoretic. Further conclusions illuminated my own constructed role in music production and defined similarities in workflow in terms of both genres.

Social Sustainability, Cultural heritage, and the Swedish Million Homes program

Närlund, Ingrid January 2019 (has links)
Creating socially sustainable residential areas is an important topic as urbanisation and migration increase. This thesis is about Swedish residential areas built during the period 1965 to 1974 as the result of a political programme called the Million homes programme. The areas hold cultural historic values being the physical manifestation of an era of the Swedish history that has strongly shaped our present society, but is now threatened by lack of social sustainability. The Million homes areas constitute a large part of the residential areas in Sweden today. By the end of the programme there were an abundance of housing options in Sweden, and empty apartments were in a high degree located in the modernistic suburbs, as people with good economy chose to move elsewhere. To fill the apartment, the municipalities used them for social contracts. The areas became segregated, and still are today despite several attempts to improve their popularity. This thesis analyses various measures and strategies for improving social sustainability in the Million homes areas, and their effects on the cultural heritage. The ambition with the study is to give a broad, cross-functional view of the topic, studying various approaches, e.g. physical renovations to social activities to cooperation with the police. The thesis starts with a literature study of social sustainability in residential areas, and the factors influencing it. A classification of aspects influencing social sustainability is created, to be used for evaluating the results from the case study in the second part of the thesis. The case study is performed in six suburbs in the Stockholm region, being new developments during the Million homes program. Social sustainability in each area is evaluated using the aspects defined in the first part of the study, and measures to improve social sustainability in the areas, and their effect on the intangible cultural heritage, are discussed. The work is valid for goal number 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable cities and communities, in particular target number 11.3 Inclusive and sustainable urbanisations, as well as goal number 5 Gender equality and goal number 10 Reduced inequalities

Äntligen Bild! : En studie om motiverat lärande i skolan genom ämnesintegrering av bildämnet

Alexis, Ida Salina January 2021 (has links)
I denna magisterstudie är bildämnet i fokus för elevers motivation vid integrationen mellanämnena bild och svenska. Studien syftar till att ge fördjupade kunskaper om hur elever iskolans yngre åldrar upplever motivation vid ämnesintegrering. Begreppet ämnesintegrationinnebär att olika ämnen samverkar med varandra i syfte att sammanfoga skilda delar till enhelhet.Undersökningen inspireras av en fenomenologisk och hermeneutisk forskningsansats. Genom kvalitativa semistukturerade intervjuer synliggörs ett elevperspektiv med fokus på känslor ochupplevelser av motivation vid ämnesintegrerad undervisning. Empirin består avgruppintervjuer, som är riktade mot fenomenologins livsvärldsintervju med 15 elever i åk 2,samt analyser av data från deltagande observationer och fältanteckningar frånämnesintegrerade lektionstillfällen.Fyra huvudteman kring motivation visar sig tydligt framträdande i studien utifrånresultatanalysen. Vikten av att lärandet sätts i ett sammanhang, Vinsten med att det finns entydlig mottagare, Möjligheten att som elev få vara medbestämmande, Ett helhetsperspektiv pålärande. Med hjälp av dessa tematiseringar kan resultatet från forskningsstudien svara på deämnesdidaktiska frågorna kring vad, hur och varför elever och deras motivation kan påverkasav ämnesintegrering genom bild i undervisningssituationer. Undersökningens slutliga utfallvisar på att elevers upplevelser av motivation kan innefatta ett starkt samband mellan, känslor,rörelse och kommunikation. Studien ger läsaren även vidare kunskaper om hur motivation kanupplevas och kännas ur elevernas synvinkel. Min förhoppning har varit att med hjälp av dettaperspektiv finna och tillföra ny kunskap, vilket den har visat sig göra.

"Inget självspelande piano" : En inblick i hur strategisk HR kan verka inom organisatoriska sociala initiativ, nu och i framtiden.

Duvefjärd, Caroline, Christenson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Samhället ställer sociala krav på organisationer, och forskning visar på att HR kan spela en nyckelroll inom organisationens CSR-arbete. Studien syftar till att undersöka strategisk HR:s egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av organisatoriska sociala initiativ, samt att belysa HR:spotentiella påverkansmöjligheter inom organisatoriska sociala initiativ. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju HR-strateger vid stora och välkända organisationer. Intervjuerna har analyserats genom tematisk analys. Resultat: De generella upplevelserna visar att sociala frågor hanteras både internt och externt. Trots viss osäkerhet kunde ändå flertalet aktiviteter uppges. Respondenterna upplevde generellt sin påverkansmöjlighet som hög. HR-strategerna ansåg att HR har en potentiellt framtida nyckelroll inom arbetet. Slutsatser: Respondenterna upplevde generellt sin påverkansmöjlighet som hög. Detta kan bero på respondenternas position och organisations storlek. Den strategiska positionen är avgörande för HR:s potentiella påverkansmöjlighet. Nyckelord: Corporate social responsibility, human resources, organisatoriska sociala initiativ, sociala rörelser

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