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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moderní metody bezsnímačového řízení pohonů s PMSM motorem / Novel Methods of Sensorless Control of Drives with PMSM Motor

Lepka, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
Purpose of this dissertation is to explore control techniques of PMSM motors and the design of a complex solution of sensorless control across a wide range of speed and torque. The proposed solution supports industrial implementation of different types of end equipment which use a PMSM motor. The work covers a thorough analysis of position and speed estimation. The Control structure is based on field oriented control technique, processes estimated quantities, and optimizes motor conditions to achieve maximum efficiency, start-up torque, and speed. The work discusses how the solution complies with the latest IEC standards. Compliance with these standards requires adapting the sensorless control technique and field oriented control structure. The elimination of a rotor position sensor and a temperature sensor measuring winding temperature requires development of techniques in software for blocked rotor detection and overload detection. The proposed solutions, which have been granted US patents, are explained in this work and utilize the unique features of an NXP microcontroller optimized for motor control applications. The achieved results are demonstrated on real industrial applications.

Styrelseegenskapers påverkan på efterlevnaden av IFRS 2 : En studie om efterlevnad av upplysningskrav och kvantiteten av noter i årsredovisningar / The effect of corporate governance characteristics on compliance with IFRS 2 : A study on compliance with the disclosure requirements and the quantity of notes in annual reports

Andersson Aronsson, Viola, Barsoum, Emad January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Upplysningar är ett ämne som ofta förekommer i den internationella redovisningsdebatten eftersom det utgör en nyckelfaktor för att förstå företagens finansiella rapporter. Det har även funnits ett intresse att förklara efterlevnadsnivån, där en stor del av forskningen undersökt företagsspecifika egenskapers påverkan på efterlevnaden. Under de senaste åren har forskning även intresserat sig för att undersöka huruvida bolagsstyrningsspecifika egenskaper kan påverka upplysningsgraden. Den internationella normgivaren IASB utvärderar även om redovisningsstandarderna kan vara en bidragande faktor till det omtalade informationsöverflöde som påstås finnas i årsrapporter, och om fler principer istället bör införas. Det kan dock finnas skäl till att först utvärdera efterlevnadsnivån för de minimikrav som ställs på företagen avseende upplysningar innan principer införs som skapar större frihet för företagen att lämna upplysning. Syfte Inom ramen för denna studie är syftet att åskådliggöra efterlevnadsnivån och kvantiteten av noter om aktierelaterade ersättningar över tid, och därmed skapa insikt för vilken information som förmedlas i de finansiella rapporterna och vilka upplysningskrav som har bristfällig efterlevnad. Studien ämnar även till att klargöra huruvida styrelseegenskaper och kvantiteten av noter kan påverka efterlevnaden av IFRS 2 för att belysa hur styrelsens sammansättning kan inverka på redovisningen och upprättandet av företagens årsredovisningar. Metod Fyra hypoteser har formulerats för att besvara studiens syfte. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ metod där text i årsredovisningar har kvantifierats och kodats i enlighet med metoden innehållsanalys. En dikotomisk poängsättning har använts i konstruktionen av studiens upplysningsindex. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar har mätts i antal ord.     Resultat Efterlevnadsnivån för svenska börsnoterade företag låg på omkring 70 procent, med en minimal ökning om 1 procentenhet mellan de undersökta åren. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar visade inte heller på någon större förändring mellan åren och merparten av företagen låg mellan intervallet 501 till 1 500 ord i årsrapporterna. Regressionsanalysen ledde till att ingen av studiens hypoteser kunde accepteras då ingen variabel uppvisade statistisk signifikans. Slutsats Studien påvisar bristfällig efterlevnad av IFRS 2. Vidare kunde inga signifikanta samband konstateras mellan efterlevnaden och de bolagsstyrningsspecifika egenskaperna, vilket skiljer sig från internationella studier. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar har varit relativt stabil mellan åren, dock har det totala antalet sidor i årsredovisningarna ökat med 16,9 procent vilket kan indikera på ett informationsöverflöde. / Background Disclosures are a topic that is often found in the international accounting debate because they are a key factor in understanding the financial reports of companies. There has also been an interest in explaining compliance levels, where a large part of the research has investigated the impact of firm specific characteristics on compliance. In recent years, research has also been interested in examining whether corporate governance characteristics can affect the degree of disclosure. The international standards regulator IASB are now at a stage where they evaluate whether accounting standards can be a contributing factor to the discussed information overflow in annual reports and whether more principles should be introduced instead. However, there may be grounds for evaluating the level of compliance for the minimum requirements before introducing principles that create greater freedom for companies to provide information or not. Purpose In the context of this study, the purpose is to illustrate the level of compliance and the quantity of notes on share-based payments over time, thereby creating an insight into what information is communicated in the financial reports and which disclosure requirements have inadequate compliance. The study also intends to clarify whether corporate governance characteristics and quantity of notes can affect compliance with IFRS 2 to illustrate how the composition of the Board of Directors can influence the accounting and preparation of the company’s annual reports. Method Four hypotheses have been formulated to answer the purpose of the study. The study applies a quantitative method where text in annual reports has been quantified and coded according to the method of content analysis. A dichotomous score has been used when constructing the study´s disclosure index. The quantity of information on share-based payments has been measured in number of words. Result The compliance level for Swedish listed companies was around 70 percent, with a minimal increase of 1 percent between the years surveyed. Nor did the amount of information on share-based payments show any significant change between the years and the majority of the companies ranged between 501 and 1 500 words in their annual reports. The regression analysis showed that none of the study´s hypotheses could be accepted as no variable showed statistical significance. Conclusions The study demonstrates a poor compliance with IFRS 2. Furthermore, no significant relationship between compliance level and corporate governance characteristics was found, which differs from international studies. The amount of information on share-based payments has been relatively stable over the years, however the total number of pages in the annual reports has increased by 16,9 percent, which may indicate an information overflow.

Jämförande analys av åtgärder vid kapacitetsbrist i kraftledningar / Comparative analysis of measures in the event of capacity shortages in transmission lines

Dahlstrand, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Marknadsanalyser gjorda av Svenska kraftnät visar att elenergianvändningen i Sverige kommer att öka. Denna utveckling drivs på av bland annat omställningen till elektriska transporter och kan potentiellt leda till kapacitetsbrist i ledningar inom transmissions- och regionnät, framför allt i storstadsområden. För att kunna reducera kapacitetsbrist i en ledning finns det ett antal åtgärder, men hur dessa står sig mot varandra i ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv är inte fastställt. Det är där denna rapport tar vid. Bland annat studeras Dynamic line rating (DLR) som en åtgärd för att reducera kapacitetsbristen i den studerade ledningen. DLR är en teknik som används för att justera den maximalt tillåtna överföringskapaciteten i en ledning baserat på ett antal parametrar. Beräkningarna för att bestämma maximalt tillåtna överföringskapaciteten i ledningen gjordes på två olika sätt detta för att undersöka om de var likvärdiga. Det visade sig att de stämde relativt bra överens, dock med en offset. Den potentiella överlasten skulle inträffa under 3379 timmar under ett år, men enbart om en specifik transformator gick sönder. Medeltiden till felet visade sig vara 173 år utan att några åtgärder applicerades. För att nå upp till 100 % tillgänglighet på ledningen, utan åtgärder, skulle det behöva köpas flexibilitetstjänster motsvarande 82150 MWh (Megawattimmar) under det studerade året.  Även den ekonomiska kostnaden för att köpa upp- eller nedreglerande tjänster studerades. Rapporten visar att det för den studerade ledningen var till fördel att investera i DLR vid ett flexibilitetsbehov på 1,2 GWh/år. Från resultatet utformades ett förslag på lämplig ordning för att nyttja de olika åtgärdena samt förslag på vidareutveckling av arbetet. Slutsatsen är att åtgärderna har sina för- och nackdelar, men att det inte går att säga att någon åtgärd är bättre än någon annan. Detta gäller inom samtliga områden som studerades. / Market analyzes made by Svenska kraftnät show that electricity use in Sweden will increase. This development is driven by, among other things, the transition to electric transport and can potentially lead to a lack of capacity in lines within backbone and regional networks, especially in metropolitan areas. In order to be able to reduce capacity shortages in a transmission line, there are a number of measures, but how these stand against each other in a technical and economic perspective has not been determined. That's what this report tries to answer.  Among other things, Dynamic line rating (DLR) is studied as a measure to reduce the capacity shortage in the studied transmission line. DLR is a technology used to adjust the maximum allowable transmission capacity in a line based on a number of parameters. The calculations to determine the maximum allowable transmission capacity in the transmission line were made in two different ways to examine whether they were equivalent. It turned out that they matched relatively well, though with an offset. The potential overload would occur during 3379 hours in a year, but only if a specific transformer broke down. The mean time to failure turned out to be 173 years without any measures being applied. In order to achieve up to 100 % availability on the line, without measures, it would be necessary to purchase flexibility services corresponding to 82150 MWh (Megawatt hours) during the year studied. The financial cost of buying up or down regulation services was also studied. The report shows that it was advantageous for the studied transmission line to invest in DLR at a flexibility requirement of 1.2 GWh / year. From the results, a proposal was made for an appropriate arrangement for using the various measures as well as proposals for further development of the work. The conclusion is that the measures have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is not possible to say that one measure is better than another. This applies to all areas studied.

Arbetsmiljö som medel för minskadesjukskrivningar och ökad lönsamhetinom byggverksamhet / Work Enviroment as Means for Reduced Sick Leave and IncreasedProfitability within the Construction Sector

Soltani Strömberg, Maria, Englund, Siri January 2021 (has links)
Byggindustrin är idag en av våra mest olycksdrabbade branscher i Sverige sett tillantalet sysselsatta inom branschen. Olycksfrekvensen ligger idag kring 11/1000sysselsatta och år. Statistiken visar att byggindustrin har fler sjukskrivningar på grundav olyckor än andra branscher, vilket givetvis leder till större utgifter i förhållande tillde andra på denna punkt. Ett sätt att öka intresset för säkerhet och arbetsmiljöfrågorinom byggverksamheten kan vara att undersöka de ekonomiska aspekterna. Det ärtydligt att sjukskrivningar är en stor kostnad för byggföretagen men finns det egentligennågon motsättning mellan lönsamhet och säkerhet?Syftet med studien är att undersöka kopplingen mellan arbetsmiljöarbete,sjukskrivningar och kostnader inom byggsektorn. Studien utförs för att kunna ge enoberoende rekommendation på vilka åtgärder inom arbetsmiljö och säkerhet som kanminska antalet sjukskrivningar på grund av arbetsolyckor. Tanken är att undersökavilka olyckor som bidrar till flest sjukdagar och därmed störst kostnader för företagen,samt se vilka grundorsaker som går att förknippa med dessaStudien tar endast upp sjukskrivningar där bakomliggande orsak är en arbetsolycka.Det innebär att arbetssjukdommar orsakat av arbetshygieniska förhållanden intekommer att beaktas. Detta för att begränsa studien till den typ av olyckor inombyggindustrin som bidrar till flest sjukskrivningar.Undersökningen har gjorts i form av en omvärldsanalys med avsikt att samlainformation och kartlägga ämnet. Information och statistik i detta arbete har i störstamöjliga mån baserats på vetenskapligt säkerhetsställd litteratur ochmyndighetsinformation. Rapporten baseras i stor del på den nuägesbeskrivning sompresenteras i kapitel 4 som redogör bakgrund och den nuvarande situationbyggverksamheten befinner sig i när det gäller arbetsmiljöarbete, olycksstatiastik samtorsaker och kostnader för sjukskrivningar vid arbetsolyckor. I kapitel 3 presenteras denlagstiftning som i Sverige ligger till grund för arbetsmiljöarbete.I denna studie har olika undersökningar kombinerats för att få fram ett resultat på hurmycket sjukskrivningar, orsakade av arbetsolyckor, kostar. Kostnaderna baseras påarbetsmiljöverkets och försäkringskassans olycksfallstatistik samt försäkringskassanskalkylunderlag för sjukskrivning [25]. För att uppskatta kostnader för olika typer avolycksfall, undersöks hur många sjukdagar de fem vanligaste orsakerna bidrar med. Detvisar sig att den sjukskrivningskategori som kostar arbetsgivaren mest är fall från höjdoch att de åtgärder som enligt många studier förebygger detta är att ha en städadarbetsplats.Slutligen kan det konstateras att det finns kopplingar mellan arbetsplatsolyckor,sjukskrivningar och kostnader för företag inom byggsektorn. Det finns även åtgärdersom kan ge effekt på minskade sjukskrivningar, exempelvis städning och information.Utöver detta pekas även projektering ut som en punkt där anpassningar förarbetsmiljön kan göras och på så vis minska sjukskrivningar och öka lönsamheten hosföretagen. / The construction industry is one of our most injurious industries in Sweden today. Theaccident frequency currently lies around 11 per 1000 employees per year. Statistics showthat the construction industry has more sick leave due to accidents than other business,which of course leads to larger cost in relation to others industrial branches in this area.One way to increase the interest in safety and work environment issues in theconstruction industry can be to examine the economical aspects. It is clear that sickleave is a big cost for construction companies, but is there really any contradictionbetween profitability and safety?The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between work environmentand profitability for companies in the construction sector. The study is carried out inorder to give an independent recommendation on which measures within workenvironment and safety that could be used to reduce the number of sick leave occasionsdue to work accidents. The idea is to investigate which accidents contribute to the mostsick days, and to see which root causes that could be associated with these accidents.The study only addresses sick leave where the underlying cause is workplace accidents.This means that occupational diseases caused by industrial hygiene conditions will notbe taken into account, this is to limit the study to the section which contributes themost to sick leave in the construction industry .The study has been conducted as an analysis of the surrounding world with theintention of gathering information and mapping out the subject. Information andstatistics in this research have, as far as possible, been based on scientifically securedliterature and government information. The report is largely based on the complieddescription of the current situation presented in chapter 4. This chapter describes thebackground and current situation for the construction industry in regards to legislation,work environment, accident statistics as well as causes and costs for sick leave in theevent of work accidents.In this report, various research has been combined to obtain a result on how much sickleave, caused by occupational accidents, costs. The costs are based on the SwedishWork Environment Authority and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s accidentstatistics as well as the Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s calculation basis for sickleave. In order to estimate the costs for different types of accidents, the number of sickdays for the five most common causes of injuries were picked out. It turns out that thecause of accidents that contributes to the highest costs for the employer is fall fromhight. It was also detected that according to many studies, the most efficient way toprevent fall from hight was to have a tidy workplace.Finally, it’s concluded that there are connections between work environment accidents,sick leave and costs for companies within the construction sector. There are alsomeasures that can affect sick leave, for example cleaning and information. Beyondthese, construction design is pointed out as an area where adjustments for the workenvironment can be made and though that reduce sick leave and increase profits for thecompanies.

Can Chatbot technologies answer work email needs? : A case study on work email needs in an accounting firm

Olsen, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Work email is one of the organisations most critical tool today. It`s have become a standard way to communicate internally and externally. It can also affect our well-being. Email overload has become a well-known issue for many people. With interviews, follow up interviews, and a workshop, three persons from an accounting firm prioritise pre-define emails needs. And identified several other email needs that were added to the priority list. A thematic analysis and summarizing of a Likert scale was conducted to identify underlying work email needs and work email needs that are not apparent. Three work email needs were selected and using scenario-based methods and the elements of PACT to investigating how the characteristics of a chatbot can help solve the identified work email overload issue? The result shows that email overload is percept different from individual to individual. The choice of how email is handled and email activities indicate how email overload feeling is experienced. The result shows a need to get a sense of the email content quickly, fast collect financial information and information from Swedish authorities, and repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Suggestions on how this problem can be solved have been put forward for many years, and how to use machine learning to help reduce email overload. However, many of these proposed solutions have not yet been implemented on a full scale. One conclusion may be that since email overload is not experienced in the same way, individuals have different needs - One solution does not fit all. With the help of the character of a chatbot, many problems can be solved. And with a technological character of a chatbot that can learn individuals' email patterns, suggest email task to the user and performing tasks to reducing the email overload perception. Using keyword for email intents to get a sense of the email content faster and produce quick links where to find information about the identified subject. And to work preventive give the user remainder and perform repetitive tasks on specific dates.

Understanding Consequences for Reluctant Help Targets: Explaining Reluctant Help Targets’ Poor Job Performance

Thompson, Phillip S. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Exercise and Self-Reported Workplace Stress

Zito, Erik J. 17 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Exposure to Trauma and Its Effect on Information-Seeking Behaviors and Decision-Making Processes

Fantasia, Anthony Thomas 07 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the impact of trauma on information-seeking behaviors and decision-making processes. Essay 1 includes a qualitative analysis of the transcripts obtained from interviews with four military service members diagnosed with PTSD. The results showed that 75% of this small sample population exhibited addictive behavior that was presented in their information behaviors. All four members indicated that the excessive extent to which they seek information is related to the perceived importance of the information and their level of trust in the sources. Low trust in information sources increases the number of sources searched for validation in this population. Essay 2 involved the collection and analysis of survey data. The results of the stepwise backward regression show that two trauma variables (adult sexual assault, sudden fear) have a significant combined negative effect on decision-making in this population. The analysis and results of a different survey are presented in Essay 3. The stepwise logistic regression analysis results conducted on the summated scales developed showed a strong positive link between trust in scientific experts for scientific information and the dichotomous dependent variable trust in social media for news. The research conducted in this dissertation extends the understanding of how trauma affects people's information-seeking habits and decision-making processes. The findings have implications for how to communicate, policies relevant to information dissemination, and mental health measures. Future research is suggested to understand these behaviors and potential treatments better.

Man är väldigt mycket som bibliotekarie : En studie om folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av rollstress i professionsutövandet

Jannert, Sonja January 2023 (has links)
Rapporter från fackorganisationer och vetenskapliga studier visar att bibliotekarier är en stressad yrkesgrupp. Denna studie undersöker hur folkbibliotekarier beskriver sina upplevelser av stress främst i möten med användare och hur denna stress hanteras av folkbibliotekarierna. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med folkbibliotekarier genomfördes, varpå det empiriska resultatet analyserades utifrån rollstressteorin som myntat sav Kahn et al. (1964). Syftet med studien är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för folkbibliotekariers stress, och hur dessa upplevelser och hantering av stress kan förstås utifrån rollstressteorin. De mest framträdande stressfaktorerna i användarmöten är kommunikationssvårigheter, gränssättning i service och när många användare efterfrågar hjälp samtidigt. Studiens resultat visar även att arbetsuppgifter utanför användarmöten såsom arbete med bibliotekens uppdrag, planering av aktiviteter och program, beståndsarbete pekas av över hälften av folkbibliotekarierna ut som mer stressande än användarmöten. Resultatet visar även att folkbibliotekarierna har flera metoder för att hantera stress. Analysen av det empiriska resultatet visar på indikationer av rollstress i form av rollkonflikt, rolloklarhet och rollöverbelastning. / Reports from trade unions and scientific studies show that librarians are a stressed professional group. This study examines how public librarians describe their experiences of stress when meeting patrons and how this stress is managed by the public librarians. Eight semi-structured interviews with public librarians were conducted, after which the results was analyzed based on the role stress theory coined by Kahn et al. (1964). The purpose of the study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of public librarians' experiences of stress, and how this can be understood by using role stress theory. The results of the study show that the most prominent stress factors in relation to patrons are communication difficulties, setting boundaries in service and when many patrons request help at the same time. The results of the study also show that, for example, work regarding planning and the library's missions is experienced by many of the public librarians as more stressful than working with patrons.The results also show that the public librarians use several methods to manage stress. The analysis of the empirical material also shows indications of role stress in terms of role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload.

Two and Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Plasticity-Induced Fatigue Crack Closure: A Comprehensive Parametric Study

Solanki, Kiran N 13 December 2002 (has links)
Finite element analyses are frequently used to model growing fatigue cracks and the associated plasticity-induced crack closure. Two-dimensional, elastic-perfectly plastic finite element analyses of middle-crack tension (M(T)), bend (SEB), and compact tension (C(T)) geometries were conducted to study fatigue crack closure and to calculate the crack opening values under plane-strain and plane-stress conditions. The loading was selected to give the same maximum stress intensity factor in both geometries, and thus similar initial forward plastic zone sizes. Mesh refinement studies were performed on all geometries with various element types. For the C(T) geometry, negligible crack opening loads under plane-strain conditions were observed. In contrast, for the M(T) specimen, the plane-strain crack opening stresses were found to be significantly larger. This difference was shown to be a consequence of in-plane constraint. Under plane-stress conditions, it was found that the in-plane constraint has negligible effect, such that the opening values are approximately the same for the C(T), SEB, and M(T) specimens. Next, the crack opening values of the C(T), SEB and M(T) specimens were compared under various stress levels and load ratios. The effect of a highly refined mesh on crack opening values was noted and significantly lower crack opening values than those reported in literature were found. A new methodology is presented to calculate crack opening values in planar geometries using the crack surface nodal force distribution under minimum loading as determined from finite element analyses. The calculated crack opening values are compared with values obtained using finite element analysis and more conventional crack opening assessment methodologies. It is shown that the new method is independent of loading increment, integration method (normal and reduced integration), and crack opening assessment location. The compared opening values were in good agreement with strip-yield models.

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