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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deformation History and Load Sequence Effects on Cumulative Fatigue Damage and Life Predictions

Colin, Julie Anne January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Le délirium postopératoire en chirurgie cardiaque chez l’adulte en lien avec la pulsatilité des vélocités Doppler de la veine fémorale

Hammoud, Ali 01 1900 (has links)
Les troubles cognitifs postopératoires sont fréquents après une chirurgie cardiaque, variant entre 26 % à 70 %. Bien que diverses hypothèses expliquent leur pathogenèse, la congestion veineuse représente une hypothèse prometteuse. Des études ont associé le délirium à des signes échographiques de congestion veineuse tels que la pulsatilité du Doppler de la veine porte et rénale. Détecter la congestion veineuse pourrait potentiellement prédire le trouble cognitif, facilitant ainsi sa gestion. Une technique prometteuse, mais peu explorée, est l’évaluation de la congestion veineuse par le Doppler de la veine fémorale. Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont : (1) synthétiser les évidences sur la relation entre le Doppler de la veine fémorale et la congestion veineuse chez les adultes ; et (2) caractériser l’existence d’une association entre les trouble cognitifs et le Doppler pulsatile de la veine fémorale après une chirurgie cardiaque. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons effectué une revue rapide de littérature portant sur la corrélation entre le Doppler de la veine fémorale et la congestion veineuse. De plus, nous avons complété une étude (NCT05038267) dont l’objectif secondaire était de déterminer la corrélation entre un Doppler anormal de la veine fémorale et le délirium. Les résultats ont montré une association entre la congestion veineuse et Doppler pulsatile de la veine fémorale, ainsi qu’entre les troubles cognitifs et le Doppler anormal de la veine fémorale. Toutefois, des études approfondies sont nécessaires. En conclusion, un lien entre le Doppler de la veine fémorale, la congestion veineuse, et les troubles cognitifs après une chirurgie cardiaque a été démontré. Ces observations ouvrent la voie à des recherches approfondies sur ce lien et à de potentielles applications cliniques et thérapeutiques. / Postoperative cognitive disorders are common after cardiac surgery, ranging from 26% to 70%. While various hypotheses explain their pathogenesis, venous congestion emerges as a promising hypothesis. Studies have linked delirium to ultrasound signs of venous congestion, such as pulsatility in the Doppler of the portal and renal veins. Detecting venous congestion could potentially predict cognitive disorders, thus facilitating their management. A promising yet underexplored technique is the assessment of venous congestion using the Doppler of the femoral vein. The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to synthesize evidence on the relationship between FV Doppler characteristics and venous congestion in adults; and (2) to characterize the existence of an association between cognitive disorders and pulsatility in femoral vein Doppler after cardiac surgery. To achieve these objectives, we conducted a rapid literature review focusing on the correlation between femoral vein Doppler and venous congestion. Additionally, we completed a study (NCT05038267) with the secondary objective of determining the correlation between abnormal femoral vein Doppler and delirium. The results showed an association between venous congestion and pulsatility in the FV Doppler, as well as between cognitive disorders and abnormal FV Doppler. However, in-depth studies are needed. In conclusion a connection has been demonstrated between femoral vein Doppler, venous congestion, and cognitive disorders after cardiac surgery. These findings open the way for in-depth research on this link and potential clinical and therapeutic applications.

Information triage : dual-process theory in credibility judgments of web-based resources

Aumer-Ryan, Paul R. 29 September 2010 (has links)
This dissertation describes the credibility judgment process using social psychological theories of dual-processing, which state that information processing outcomes are the result of an interaction “between a fast, associative information- processing mode based on low-effort heuristics, and a slow, rule-based information processing mode based on high-effort systematic reasoning” (Chaiken & Trope, 1999, p. ix). Further, this interaction is illustrated by describing credibility judgments as a choice between examining easily identified peripheral cues (the messenger) and content (the message), leading to different evaluations in different settings. The focus here is on the domain of the Web, where ambiguous authorship, peer- produced content, and the lack of gatekeepers create an environment where credibility judgments are a necessary routine in triaging information. It reviews the relevant literature on existing credibility frameworks and the component factors that affect credibility judgments. The online encyclopedia (instantiated as Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica) is then proposed as a canonical form to examine the credibility judgment process. The two main claims advanced here are (1) that information sources are composed of both message (the content) and messenger (the way the message is delivered), and that the messenger impacts perceived credibility; and (2) that perceived credibility is tempered by information need (individual engagement). These claims were framed by the models proposed by Wathen & Burkell (2002) and Chaiken (1980) to forward a composite dual process theory of credibility judgments, which was tested by two experimental studies. The independent variables of interest were: media format (print or electronic); reputation of source (Wikipedia or Britannica); and the participant’s individual involvement in the research task (high or low). The results of these studies encourage a more nuanced understanding of the credibility judgment process by framing it as a dual-process model, and showing that certain mediating variables can affect the relative use of low-effort evaluation and high- effort reasoning when forming a perception of credibility. Finally, the results support the importance of messenger effects on perceived credibility, implying that credibility judgments, especially in the online environment, and especially in cases of low individual engagement, are based on peripheral cues rather than an informed evaluation of content. / text

極大化與滿足化消費者在資訊超載下的決策模式與購後認知失調探討 / Consumer Decision Rules and Post-consumption Dissonance of Maximizer versus Satisficer under the Situation of Information Overload

周起筠, Chou, Chi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是探討在資訊超載的狀況下,不同極大化程度分類消費者在決策準則偏好和購後認知失調程度上的差異;以及其採用了不同的決策準則後,對購後認知失調程度所造成的影響。在極大化程度的分類方面,消費者主要分為追求最佳化產品的極大化者,以及尋求滿足自身需求產品的滿足化者 (Schwartz et al., 2002);在決策準則的分類上,則細分為補償性決策準則,和非補償性決策準則中的逐次刪除法、排除法和連結法。 本研究設定的資訊超載情境為六個產品方案□六項屬性的資訊量,並經由前測選出數位相機為測試產品,以電腦平台模擬呈現符合消費者屬性偏好的選擇方案,各方案代表不同決策準則下可能選出的結果,並輔以語意探測法確認受測者之決策準則。購後認知失調程度的測量,主要透過操弄產品屬性使受測者產生失調感受,再以四題語意差異法七點量表和五題Likert-type七點量表組成的購後認知失調量表加以測量。極大化程度分類判定,則以十三題Likert-type七點量表之極大化量表來進行衡量。 根據170位政治大學非商學院大學生的抽樣結果發現,在資訊超載下,極大化者與滿足化者在決策準則有顯著不同的偏好,其中極大化者較多採用補償性決策準則,滿足化者較多採用逐次刪除法和連結法則;此外,購後認知失調程度主要是受到消費者極大化程度的影響,而非決策準則的偏好影響,其中極大化者的購後認知失調程度高於滿足化者。細部分析,滿足化者不會因為採不同的決策準則而影響購後認知失調程度,但極大化者若採用較耗費心力的排除法進行決策,則會比極大化者採用逐次刪除法有更顯著的購後認知失調感受。 整體而言,消費者面對資訊超載的情境,若以找出滿足自身需求的產品即可的心態來作選擇標準,將可以減低發生購後認知失調所帶來心裡不舒服感受;若消費者以找出最佳產品的心態做選擇,則應該避免採用排除法,以免因本身耗費心力進行方案比較,外加此決策準則很難找出最佳選擇的雙重投入下,更加深本身的購後認知失調感受。 本研究引入決策準則的概念,對於學術上所討論之決策理論有更進一步的探討;在實務上,對於廠商研擬產品屬性訴求方面亦提供相關行銷建議。

Facteurs de risque de mortalité des enfants à l’initiation de la thérapie de remplacement rénal aux soins intensifs

Morissette, Geneviève 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La mortalité associée à l’insuffisance rénale aiguë (acute kidney injury ‘’AKI’’) aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP) dépasse les 50%. Des études antérieures sur la thérapie de remplacement rénal (TRR) ont fait ressortir plusieurs facteurs de risque de mortalité dont le syndrome de défaillance multiviscérale (SDMV) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 10 à 20% avant l’initiation de la TRR. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les principaux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours après l’initiation de la TRR chez les patients atteints d’AKI aux SIP. Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude de cohorte rétrospective aux SIP d’un centre tertiaire. Tous les enfants ayant reçus de la TRR continue ou de l’hémodialyse intermittente pour AKI, entre janvier 1998 et décembre 2014, ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque de mortalité ont été préalablement identifiés par quatre intensivistes et deux néphrologues pédiatres et analysés à l’aide d’une régression logistique multivariée. Résultats : Quatre-vingt-dix patients ont été inclus. L’âge médian était de 9 [2-14] ans. La principale indication d’initiation de la TRR était la surcharge liquidienne (64,2%). La durée médiane d’hospitalisation aux SIP était de 18,5 [8,0-31,0] jours. Quarante patients (44,4%) sont décédés dans les 28 jours suivant l’initiation de la TRR et quarante-cinq (50,0%) avant la sortie des SIP. Le score de PELOD ≥ 20 (OR 4,66 ; 95%CI 1,68-12,92) et la surcharge liquidienne ≥ 15% (OR 9,31; 95%CI 2,16-40,11) à l’initiation de la TRR étaient associés de façon indépendante à la mortalité. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de faire ressortir deux facteurs de risque de mortalité à 28 jours à l’initiation de la TRR : la surcharge liquidienne et la sévérité du SDMV mesurée par le score de PELOD. / Introduction: Mortality rate associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) in pediatric intensive care units (PICU) exceeds 50%. Prior studies on renal replacement therapy (RRT) have highlighted different mortality risk factors including the presence of a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and fluid overload ≥ 10 to 20% before starting RRT. The aim of this study was to identify most important risk factors of 28-day mortality in patients with AKI at RRT initiation in PICU. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care pediatric center. All critically ill children who underwent acute continuous RRT or intermittent hemodialysis for AKI between January 1998 and December 2014 were included. A case report form was developed and specific risk factors were identified by a panel of four pediatric intensivists and two nephrologists. Risk factors analysis was made using logistic regression in SPSS and SAS software. Results: Ninety patients were included. The median age was 9 [2-14] years. The most common indication for RRT initiation was fluid overload (FO) (64.2%). The median PICU length of stay was 18.5 [8.0-31.0] days. Forty of the 90 patients (44.4%) died within 28 days after RRT initiation and forty-five (50.0%) died before PICU discharge. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, a PELOD score ≥ 20 (OR 4.66; 95%CI 1.68-12.92) and percentage of FO ≥ 15% (OR 9.31; 95%CI 2.16-40.11) at RRT initiation were independently associated with mortality. Conclusion: This study suggests that fluid overload and severity of MODS measured by PELOD score are two risk factors of 28-day mortality in PICU patients on RRT.

"A organização do trabalho de taquígrafos parlamentares: um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de LER/DORT (Lesões por esforços repetitivos/Distúrbios osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho)" / "Work organization of parliamentary shorthand typists: a study about Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders"

Kose, Jenny Izumi 17 February 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: analisar a organização do trabalho no desenvolvimento das Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/ Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho - LER/DORT, em taquígrafos de ambos os sexos, de duas Casas Parlamentares na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Método: estudo qualitativo; os instrumentos de coleta utilizados foram: entrevista individual, observação do trabalho e questionário de saúde e trabalho, composto de questões de identificação, estilo de vida, dados ocupacionais e de morbidade e o Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares. Resultados: Identificaram-se fatores biomecânicos como prováveis causas de LER/DORT, tais como: manutenção de postura estática e movimentos repetitivos de digitação / manuseio de gravador; e aspectos da organização do trabalho, como por exemplo: divisão de tarefas por ciclos de tempo, pessoal reduzido, horários e pausas irregulares. Os taquígrafos relataram: exigências física, cognitiva, sensorial e psicológica do treinamento/ trabalho, pressão temporal, receio de errar, sobrecarga de trabalho nos períodos de pico e desgaste motivado pela disponibilidade integral de horários. Os trabalhadores identificaram como causas de LER/DORT: as dimensões temporal, ambiental, e da ação do trabalho, bem como aspectos individuais e condições fora do trabalho. Conclusões: (a) A taquigrafia parlamentar caracteriza-se pela fragmentação das tarefas, ritmo imposto e prazos rígidos, semelhante a uma linha de montagem; (b) aspectos da organização do trabalho podem influenciar a sobrecarga biomecânica e o aumento no tempo de exposição ao risco para LER/DORT entre taquígrafos; (c) para serem eficazes, medidas preventivas devem considerar os aspectos biomecânicos, bem como as características da organização do trabalho e a participação dos trabalhadores. / Objective: to analyze some of the relevant aspects of work organization in the development of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders- WRMSD among male and female shorthand typists, in two parliamentary institutions in the metropolitan area of the city of São Paulo. Method: qualitative study; the instruments used to collect data have been: individual interview, observation of the work and questionnaire of health and work, composed of identification, occupational and morbidity questions and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: Biomechanical factors such as the maintenance of static posture and the repetitive movements of typing / handling the voice recorder have been identified as probable WRMSD causes; as well as some aspects of work organization, such as: task division in time cycles, reduced staff, irregular schedules and breaks. The shorthand typists have spoken about: physical, cognitive, sensorial and psychological requirements of training/work, time pressure, fear of making mistakes, work overload in rush periods and strain caused by the full-time availability schedule. The workers have come up with WRMSK causes: time, environmental and action dimensions of their work, as well as individual aspects and extra-work conditions. Conclusions: (a) The parliamentary shorthand typing work is characterized by divided tasks, rigid work rhythm and deadlines, like a factory assembly-line; (b) several elements of work organization may influence the biomechanical overload and it may also increase the exposure to WRMSD risk among shorthand typists; (c) effective preventive measures must consider the biomechanical elements, as well as the aspects of organization of the work and workers’ participation.

Análise de falhas em transformadores de distribuição por metodologia forense / Analysis of distribution transformers failure by forensic methodology

Ferreira, Daniel Augusto Pagi 26 September 2013 (has links)
A maior parte das concessionárias de energia elétrica brasileiras normalmente não trata as falhas em transformadores de distribuição como um problema relevante sob ponto de vista financeiro, uma vez que qualquer ação preventiva para minimizar o problema dentro da realidade atual pode ser mais onerosa. Portanto, políticas adequadas para investigar as falhas de transformadores de distribuição são geralmente relegadas a segundo plano ou às vezes nem existem. Neste contexto, a informação existente em falhas de transformadores pode não conter dados importantes. No entanto, novas leis que afetam as concessionárias de energia estão mais severas e demandam por maior eficiência por parte delas. Neste novo cenário, uma metodologia forense, criada há muitos anos por várias concessionárias para analisar falhas em transformadores de distribuição, foi recentemente resgatada com a análise de 3159 equipamentos. Essa metodologia é conhecida como Metodologia Forense para Transformadores de Distribuição (MFTD) e será utilizada como ferramenta de diagnóstico para estudos de casos. Novos testes e ensaios como medição de resistência de isolamento, índice de absorção dielétrica e polarização, análise físico-química entre outros, serão agregados à metodologia forense para aprimorá-la. Além disso, os para-raios, sendo parte do sistema de proteção de transformadores de distribuição, também são estudados com o objetivo de verificar possíveis falhas de projeto e desafios a serem superados. / Most Brazilian utility companies normally do not treat failures in distribution transformers as a relevant problem in large financial point of view, since any preventive action to minimize them within the current reality can be more costly. Thus, proper policies for investigating faults in distribution transformers are usually disregarded by the power utilities and sometimes policies may not even exist. In this context, existing information on faulty distribution transformers may not contain important data. However, new laws affecting power distribution companies are becoming more severe and there are demands for greater efficiency. In this new scenario, a forensic methodology to analyse faults in distribution transformers, created some years ago by many utilities, has recently been resurrected with the analysis of 3,159 distribution transformers. This methodology is known as Forensic Analysis Applied to Distribution Transformers (FAADT). New tests and trials as measuring insulation resistance, polarization index and dielectric absorption, physical and chemical analysis among others, will be added to the forensic methodology to improve it. Moreover, the surge-arresters, being part of the system of protection of distribution transformers, are also studied in order to evaluate possible design flaws and challenges to overcome.

"A organização do trabalho de taquígrafos parlamentares: um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de LER/DORT (Lesões por esforços repetitivos/Distúrbios osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho)" / "Work organization of parliamentary shorthand typists: a study about Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders"

Jenny Izumi Kose 17 February 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: analisar a organização do trabalho no desenvolvimento das Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/ Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho - LER/DORT, em taquígrafos de ambos os sexos, de duas Casas Parlamentares na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Método: estudo qualitativo; os instrumentos de coleta utilizados foram: entrevista individual, observação do trabalho e questionário de saúde e trabalho, composto de questões de identificação, estilo de vida, dados ocupacionais e de morbidade e o Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares. Resultados: Identificaram-se fatores biomecânicos como prováveis causas de LER/DORT, tais como: manutenção de postura estática e movimentos repetitivos de digitação / manuseio de gravador; e aspectos da organização do trabalho, como por exemplo: divisão de tarefas por ciclos de tempo, pessoal reduzido, horários e pausas irregulares. Os taquígrafos relataram: exigências física, cognitiva, sensorial e psicológica do treinamento/ trabalho, pressão temporal, receio de errar, sobrecarga de trabalho nos períodos de pico e desgaste motivado pela disponibilidade integral de horários. Os trabalhadores identificaram como causas de LER/DORT: as dimensões temporal, ambiental, e da ação do trabalho, bem como aspectos individuais e condições fora do trabalho. Conclusões: (a) A taquigrafia parlamentar caracteriza-se pela fragmentação das tarefas, ritmo imposto e prazos rígidos, semelhante a uma linha de montagem; (b) aspectos da organização do trabalho podem influenciar a sobrecarga biomecânica e o aumento no tempo de exposição ao risco para LER/DORT entre taquígrafos; (c) para serem eficazes, medidas preventivas devem considerar os aspectos biomecânicos, bem como as características da organização do trabalho e a participação dos trabalhadores. / Objective: to analyze some of the relevant aspects of work organization in the development of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders- WRMSD among male and female shorthand typists, in two parliamentary institutions in the metropolitan area of the city of São Paulo. Method: qualitative study; the instruments used to collect data have been: individual interview, observation of the work and questionnaire of health and work, composed of identification, occupational and morbidity questions and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: Biomechanical factors such as the maintenance of static posture and the repetitive movements of typing / handling the voice recorder have been identified as probable WRMSD causes; as well as some aspects of work organization, such as: task division in time cycles, reduced staff, irregular schedules and breaks. The shorthand typists have spoken about: physical, cognitive, sensorial and psychological requirements of training/work, time pressure, fear of making mistakes, work overload in rush periods and strain caused by the full-time availability schedule. The workers have come up with WRMSK causes: time, environmental and action dimensions of their work, as well as individual aspects and extra-work conditions. Conclusions: (a) The parliamentary shorthand typing work is characterized by divided tasks, rigid work rhythm and deadlines, like a factory assembly-line; (b) several elements of work organization may influence the biomechanical overload and it may also increase the exposure to WRMSD risk among shorthand typists; (c) effective preventive measures must consider the biomechanical elements, as well as the aspects of organization of the work and workers’ participation.

Análise de falhas em transformadores de distribuição por metodologia forense / Analysis of distribution transformers failure by forensic methodology

Daniel Augusto Pagi Ferreira 26 September 2013 (has links)
A maior parte das concessionárias de energia elétrica brasileiras normalmente não trata as falhas em transformadores de distribuição como um problema relevante sob ponto de vista financeiro, uma vez que qualquer ação preventiva para minimizar o problema dentro da realidade atual pode ser mais onerosa. Portanto, políticas adequadas para investigar as falhas de transformadores de distribuição são geralmente relegadas a segundo plano ou às vezes nem existem. Neste contexto, a informação existente em falhas de transformadores pode não conter dados importantes. No entanto, novas leis que afetam as concessionárias de energia estão mais severas e demandam por maior eficiência por parte delas. Neste novo cenário, uma metodologia forense, criada há muitos anos por várias concessionárias para analisar falhas em transformadores de distribuição, foi recentemente resgatada com a análise de 3159 equipamentos. Essa metodologia é conhecida como Metodologia Forense para Transformadores de Distribuição (MFTD) e será utilizada como ferramenta de diagnóstico para estudos de casos. Novos testes e ensaios como medição de resistência de isolamento, índice de absorção dielétrica e polarização, análise físico-química entre outros, serão agregados à metodologia forense para aprimorá-la. Além disso, os para-raios, sendo parte do sistema de proteção de transformadores de distribuição, também são estudados com o objetivo de verificar possíveis falhas de projeto e desafios a serem superados. / Most Brazilian utility companies normally do not treat failures in distribution transformers as a relevant problem in large financial point of view, since any preventive action to minimize them within the current reality can be more costly. Thus, proper policies for investigating faults in distribution transformers are usually disregarded by the power utilities and sometimes policies may not even exist. In this context, existing information on faulty distribution transformers may not contain important data. However, new laws affecting power distribution companies are becoming more severe and there are demands for greater efficiency. In this new scenario, a forensic methodology to analyse faults in distribution transformers, created some years ago by many utilities, has recently been resurrected with the analysis of 3,159 distribution transformers. This methodology is known as Forensic Analysis Applied to Distribution Transformers (FAADT). New tests and trials as measuring insulation resistance, polarization index and dielectric absorption, physical and chemical analysis among others, will be added to the forensic methodology to improve it. Moreover, the surge-arresters, being part of the system of protection of distribution transformers, are also studied in order to evaluate possible design flaws and challenges to overcome.

內部稽核人員角色壓力與其工作滿足暨內部稽核工作品質之研究 / A Study on the Internal Auditors' Role Stress and Their Job Satisfaction Against the Internal Audit Quality

廖玲珠, Liao, Ling Chu Unknown Date (has links)
無論在企業組織中的任何工作情境下,當一個人的角色產生衝突、模糊、及過荷時,會使得個人產生工作壓力,連帶影響其工作滿足及工作績效。所謂角色衝突(role conflict),係指預期的行為彼此間產生衝突與摩擦;角色模糊(role ambiguity),係指員工不確定或不明白如何執行工作,不確定或不明自工作的期望是什麼,不確定或不明自工作績效及期望結果間的關係。而角色過荷(role overload),係指員工承受過多的工作責任和活動績效。   內部稽核人員係組織內的幕僚人員,其職務之範圍,可涵蓋整個組織,所涉及的層面,包括人與事,廣泛而複雜。內部稽核人員在企業中同時對高階管理、受查核單位及自己的稽核專業負責,因此,內部稽核人員往往因為身兼多重角色,而且角色間又相互衝突,而承受角色壓力。本研究探討國內企業內部稽核人員不同構面的角色壓力、工作滿足,及內部稽核工作品質間之問題。在研究過程中,為了解我國內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足,工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質,以及角色壓力與工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質之關係,本研究發展了四個假說,分別為:假說一:內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足呈負相關。假說二:內部稽核人員的工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質呈正相關。假說三:內部稽核人員的色壓力對內部稽核工作品質呈負相關。假說四:內部稽核人員的角色壓力會透過工作滿足而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。   根據實證分析,本研究之研究結論為,一、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對工作滿足呈負相關。當內部稽核人員受到越大的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越低;反之,當內部稽核人員受到越小的角色壓力,其工作滿足就越高。二、內部稽核人員的工作滿足對內部稽核工作品質呈正相關。當內部稽核人員獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳;反之,當內部稽核人員無法獲得越高的工作滿足,則內部稽核工作品質就不佳。三、內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質呈負相關。當內部稽核人員的角色壓力大,則內部稽核工作品質就越不佳;反之,當內部稽核人員的角色壓力小,則內部稽核工作品質就越佳。四、內部稽核人員的角色壓力會透過工作滿足而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。本研究以Baron and Keny(1986)之中介模式加以驗證,結果得知內部稽核人員的角色壓力對內部稽核工作品質並不直接產生效果,角色壓力會透過工作滿足,以工作滿足作為中介,而對內部稽核工作品質產生間接效果。 / Employees, under whatever working environment, are facing role conflict, role ambiguity as well as overload in a business organization, which inevitably will affect their job satisfaction and performance. "Role conflict" in this paper refers to the disagreement and friction resulting from an expected behavior. And role ambiguity means the employees are not clear or un-known as how to do the work, what is to expect from the work, nor what is the relationship between work performance and the expected results. Whereas "role overload" indicates that the employees take too much responsibility from the job and activity performance.   This study tries to examine the relationship among the role stress, the job satisfaction and the internal audit quality of the internal auditors in Taiwan. The research models established in Bron and Kenny's study are adopted. The four regression models explicitly incorporate efficient and effective measures, and reflect the interactive nature of outcome-generating activities for the internal auditors. Forty-one pair questionnaires are included in the sample.   The results of this study are as following: Firstly, a role stress is negatively related to job satisfaction, implying that higher role stress reduces job satisfaction; and vice versa. Secondly, there is an obvious positive relationship between auditor's job satisfaction and the internal audit quality; the more of job satisfaction, the better of the internal audit quality. Thirdly, the relationship between auditor's role stress and the internal audit quality is reverse; noting their role stress decreases the internal audit quality. Finally, the effect of auditor's role stress against the internal audit quality probably is indirectly generated through their job satisfaction.

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