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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestos de leitura de cartuns : o processo eleitoral brasileiro contemporâneo como espetáculo

Cyrre, Magda Regina Lourenco January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est affiliée à l'Analyse du Discours (AD) de source pecheuxtienne et sa mise au point est le fonctionnement des dessins de presse qui discursivisent – par sa matérialité verbale et imagétique – des gestes de lecture sur le processus électoral de 2012. Le but de la recherche est d'investiguer, par l'analyse de cette matérialité, comment des trois éléments constituants du processus – 1) la campagne et l'horaire électoral, 2) le candidat politique et 3) l'électeur – sont inscrits et investis d'effets de sens par les gestes de lecture des dessins de presse. Le déroulement de la recherche a impliqué la caractérisation de l'objet de l'analyse, la confrontation avec le corpus et le fondement théorique – en articulant des notions comme position-sujet, interdiscours, mémoire et paraphrase discursive. La méthodologie d'analyse s'est donnée par des gestes de couper et de (ré)articuler des séquences discursives imagétiques (SDi) et verbales (SDv) de chaque dessin de presse et entre des dessins de presse, ce qui a possibilité jeter des différents regards vers le corpus. Le battement du discours des dessins de presse avec l'histoire électorale brésilienne et avec les actuelles normes qui régissent le processus électoral du Brésil a possibilité la configuration d'une Formation Discursive Électorale (FD-E) ainsi que l'analyse du rapport entre le sujet du discours des dessins de presse et la FD-E. Les analyses ont indiqué un processus de paraphrase discursive, qui promeut autant de la répétition que le glissement d'effets de sens. Quand le corpus est confronté avec les dispositions légales sur le processus électoral, on peut noter que les trois éléments cités ci-dessus sont réinterprétés, par un effet métaphorique, comme participants d'un spectacle, qui glisse vers un effet d'humeur parodiste, dont l'observation amène à conclure que le sujet du discours des dessins de presse analysés occupe une position-sujet contre-identifiée à la forme-sujet électorale organisatrice des savoirs de la FD-E. C'est-à-dire, l'examen du croisement des deux axes qui composent les dessins de presse – l'axe imagétique (Ai) et l'axe verbal (Av) –, à partir du geste analytique de (ré)articulation de SDi et SDv des différents dessins de presse, a permis de conclure que les constituants des dessins de presse sont complémentaires entre eux-mêmes, en intensifiant des critiques à la forme-sujet électorale par l'inscription d'autres effets de sens qui glissent de la paraphrase discursive vers l'effet d'humeur parodiste. / Esta tese está filiada à Análise do Discurso (AD) de vertente pecheuxtiana, e seu foco principal é o funcionamento de cartuns que discursivizam – através de sua materialidade verbal e imagética – gestos de leitura sobre o processo eleitoral brasileiro contemporâneo e, mais especificamente, sobre o processo ocorrido durante a campanha eleitoral de 2012. O propósito da pesquisa é investigar, através da análise dessa materialidade, como três elementos constituintes do processo – 1) a campanha e o horário eleitoral, 2) o candidato político e 3) o eleitor – são inscritos e investidos de efeitos de sentido pelos gestos de leitura dos cartuns. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa envolveu a caracterização do objeto de análise, o embate com o corpus e a fundamentação teórica – articulando noções como posição-sujeito, interdiscurso, memória e paráfrase discursiva. E a metodologia de análise se deu através de gestos de recortar e (re)articular sequências discursivas imagéticas (SDi) e verbais (SDv) de cada cartum e entre cartuns, o que possibilitou lançar diferentes olhares sobre o corpus. O batimento do discurso dos cartuns com a história eleitoral brasileira e com as atuais normas que regem o processo eleitoral do Brasil possibilitou configurar uma Formação Discursiva Eleitoral (FD-E) e analisar a relação do sujeito do discurso dos cartuns com a FD-E. As análises apontaram para um processo de paráfrase discursiva, que promove tanto a repetição como o deslizamento de efeitos de sentido. Quando o corpus é confrontado com as determinações legais sobre o processo eleitoral, nota-se que os três componentes acima citados são reinterpretados, por um efeito metafórico, como integrantes de um espetáculo, que desliza para um efeito de humor parodístico, cuja observação leva a concluir que o sujeito do discurso dos cartuns analisados ocupa uma posição-sujeito contraidentificada com a forma-sujeito eleitoral organizadora dos saberes da FD-E. Ou seja, o exame do cruzamento dos dois eixos que compõem os cartuns – o eixo imagético (Ei) e o verbal (Ev) –, através do gesto analítico de (re)articulação de SDi e SDv de diferentes cartuns, permitiu concluir que os constituintes dos cartuns se complementam, intensificando críticas à forma-sujeito eleitoral pela inscrição de efeitos outros de sentido que deslizam da paráfrase discursiva ao efeito de humor parodístico. / Esta tesis sigue la vertiente del Análisis del Discurso (AD) planteada por Michel Pêcheux y su principal foco es el funcionamiento de viñetas que discursivizan – por medio de su materialidad verbal e imagética – gestos de lectura sobre el proceso electoral brasileño contemporáneo y, más específicamente, sobre el proceso ocurrido durante la campaña electoral de 2012. El propósito de la investigación es determinar, por medio del análisis de dicha materialidad, cómo tres elementos constituyentes del proceso – 1) la campaña y el horario electoral, 2) el candidato político y 3) el elector – son inscritos e investidos de efectos de sentido por los gestos de lectura de las viñetas. El desarrollo de la investigación implicó la caracterización del objeto de análisis, la definición del corpus y la fundamentación teórica, con la articulación de nociones como las de posición-sujeto, interdiscurso, memoria y paráfrasis discursiva. Y la metodología de análisis se configuró mediante gestos de recortar y (re)articular secuencias discursivas imagéticas (SDi) y verbales (SDv) de cada viñeta y entre viñetas, lo que posibilitó lanzar diferentes miradas sobre el corpus. La contraposición del discurso de las viñetas con respecto a la historia electoral brasileña y a las actuales normas que rigen el proceso electoral de Brasil posibilitó delinear una Formación Discursiva Electoral (FD-E) y analizar la relación del sujeto del discurso de las viñetas con la FD-E. Los análisis apuntaron a un proceso de paráfrasis discursiva que promueve tanto la repetición como el deslizamiento de efectos de sentido. Cuando se contrapone el corpus a las determinaciones legales sobre el proceso electoral, se nota que los tres componentes mencionados anteriormente son reinterpretados como integrantes de un espectáculo por un efecto metafórico que desliza hacia un efecto de humor paródico cuya observación lleva a concluir que el sujeto del discurso de las viñetas analizadas ocupa una posición-sujeto contraidentificada con la forma-sujeto electoral organizadora de los saberes de la FD-E. Así, el examen del cruce de los dos ejes que componen las viñetas – el eje imagético (Ei) y el verbal (Ev) –, por medio del gesto analítico de (re)articulación de SDi y SDv de diferentes viñetas, permitió concluir que los elementos constituyentes de las viñetas se complementan, intensificando críticas a la forma-sujeto electoral mediante la inscripción de efectos otros de sentido que deslizan de la paráfrasis discursiva al efecto de humor paródico.

Issues of Narrativity in the Romantic Piano Opera Paraphrase

Walton, Mathew January 2012 (has links)
Although the opera paraphrase was once a cornerstone of the virtuoso pianist's repertoire, as a genre it has traditionally been neglected by a scholarship which prioritizes authenticity and original compositional thought. By approaching this repertoire from a critical standpoint concerned with the production of narrative, this thesis demonstrates the true value of the paraphrase. A review of the current literature on narrative, gesture, and the paraphrase reveals major gaps in the state of research, and this thesis addresses these issues by presenting analyses of several works, in both printed and performed forms. The chapter “Settling the Score” interrogates the score, and argues that through their choice, ordering, and setting of operatic themes in a paraphrase, composers can alter or recreate the narrative of the source opera. By analyzing and comparing by reading the narrative schemes of seven different paraphrases based on Mozart's Don Giovanni, the chapter highlights the agency of the arranger in the production of narrative. The next chapter, entitled “Playing the Part,” suggests that the creation of narrative also extends beyond the work of the composer to encompass the role of the performer. By comparing the use of physical gestures in two video-recorded performances of Liszt's paraphrase Réminiscences de Don Juan, the thesis postulates that a pianist's gestures can influence the audience's perception of narrative. In an attempt to centralize the voice of the performer, the chapter also includes reflective analysis of the author's own performances of Liszt's paraphrase. By employing analytical methods which focus on the production of musical narrative, this thesis demonstrates that the paraphrase is worthy of greater attention, both in scholarship and performance.

Parafráze klasického uměleckého díla - didaktická transformace a aplikace tématu do výuky výtvarné výchovy / Paraphrase classical artwork - a didactic transformation and application of topics in art education

Košatová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
IN ENGLISH This thesis has the character of theoretical studies on the topic paraphrase a classic work of art and its subsequent didactic applications for that grade school. It solves the problems of paraphrasing in the visual arts. It characterizes the aspects related to the topic, such as analysis and structure of a work of art. It focuses on the theory of shape as the basic building blocks of artwork and associated topics, which are: quotes, interpretation, image transformations and alterations. Art work is a continuation of a previous bachelor thesis, which dealt with the issue of land. It deals with the transformation of the original image resulting from the help of manipulation of individual shapes in the image, replacing the existing design to a new one. They are created in the form of the photographs from the area of pre-defined landscape Didactic section applies subject paraphrase the selected school and verifies and theoretical knowledge in practice. It depicts the topic paraphrase as a whole. The objective is to try and understand the basic principles that apply to paraphrase.

Ny sjukdom, gamla bilder : En bildsemiotisk undersökning av parafrasers bildstrukturer och betydelser under coronapandemin / New disease, old images : A semiotic study of the structures and meanings of art paraphrases during the Covid-19 pandemic

Breding, Thi-Sofie January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the structures and contents of art paraphrases during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic through semiotics, intertextuality and intermediality, to create an understanding of what the reuse, or appropriation, of art can mean and which roles it could play in a contemporary visual culture. To achieve this, six “Covid paraphrases” are analysed alongside a rich complementary material collected from November 2021—February 2023 through netnographic methods focused on the social media platform Instagram. The study is centred around three categories of Covid paraphrases: positively modified paraphrases, negatively modified paraphrases and paraphrases modified through the act of substitution. The study finds that Covid paraphrases often build upon famous classical art works that contain human figures. These figures, as well as other elements of the image, are shown to be removed, relocated or replaced in the paraphrase. In other Covid paraphrases, new details are added to the image, often portraying objects connected to the pandemic, such as face masks or toilet paper. Most often, they are created, distributed and viewed through digital media, unlike the art works they build upon which generally take the shape of physical paintings. Surprisingly, the study of art paraphrases during the pandemic shows that the visual culture of Covid-19 consists of a considerable amount of humour despite the unstable state of the world. In this context, the Covid paraphrases play the role of the entertainer, and by reminding the public of the authorities’ restrictions in the fight against the new coronavirus, as well as of the long history of art, the paraphrases can also be seen as a source for information. Together with other new images, the Covid paraphrases create a new visual language filled with pandemic-specific signs. This reuse of images updates classical art works and gives them a new meaning in a modern setting, while simultaneously attaching the new paraphrase to an established history. These processes leave room for a revised and expanded art historical canon suitable for a global Internet culture.

A Content Originality Analysis of HRD Focused Dissertations and Published Academic Articles using TurnItIn Plagiarism Detection Software

Mayes, Robin James 05 1900 (has links)
This empirical exploratory study quantitatively analyzed content similarity indices (potential plagiarism) from a corpus consisting of 360 dissertations and 360 published articles. The population was defined using the filtering search criteria human resource development, training and development, organizational development, career development, or HRD. This study described in detail the process of collecting content similarity analysis (CSA) metadata using Turnitin software (www.turnitin.com). This researcher conducted robust descriptive statistics, a Wilcoxon signed-rank statistic between the similarity indices before and after false positives were excluded, and a multinomial logistic regression analysis to predict levels of plagiarism for the dissertations and the published articles. The corpus of dissertations had an adjusted rate of document similarity (potential plagiarism) of M = 9%, (SD = 6%) with 88.1% of the dissertations in the low level of plagiarism, 9.7% in the high and 2.2% in the excessive group. The corpus of published articles had an adjusted rate of document similarity (potential plagiarism) of M = 11%, (SD = 10%) with 79.2% of the published articles in the low level of plagiarism, 12.8% in the high and 8.1% in the excessive group. Most of the difference between the dissertations and published articles were attributed to plagiarism-of-self issues which were absent in the dissertations. Statistics were also conducted which returned a statistically significant justification for employing the investigative process of removing false positives, thereby adjusting the Turnitin results. This study also found two independent variables (reference and word counts) that predicted dissertation membership in the high (.15-.24) and excessive level (.25-1.00) of plagiarism and published article membership in the excessive level (.25-1.00) of plagiarism. I used multinomial logistic regression to establish the optimal prediction model. The multinomial logistic regression results for the dissertations returned a Nagelkerke pseudo R2 of .169 and for the published articles a Nagelkerke pseudo R2 .095.

Imitation and Adaptability in the First-Year Composition Classroom: A Pedagogical Study

Twomey, Tish Eshelle Tyra 01 May 2003 (has links)
The use of imitation exercises—writing activities employing model texts and the modeling of writing-process behaviors—in the First Year composition classroom can have many benefits for both student writers and teachers, and offers practical solutions to some of the problems facing student writers in today's colleges. First Year writing students are often unaware that they are part of a larger academic community. They often lack exposure to and understanding of academic standards. They don't understand that "good" writing is not a blanket-concept but is determined on a situational basis, and they are frustrated by the vaguely expressed expectations of their writing teachers. These problems are interconnected and so are all addressed in this study, but because they offer so many potential avenues for discussion, the focus of this project will be limited to the benefits of clear expectations that the use of modeling activities in the classroom can bring about for both students and teachers. An in-depth look at the materials, methods, and results of student participation in the activities of a single semester of English 1105, the first course in Virginia Tech's First Year Writing Program will be the dominant component of the project; it will be supplemented by a review of literature and a contextual discussion of what Stephen M. North calls the "Practitioner" mode of inquiry—the gathering of pedagogical information through the active classroom application of educational theories and practices. / Master of Arts

Enseignement de la structure prédicative du verbe au primaire : étude expérimentale à partir du verbe DÉCIDER

Cauchon, Jocelyne January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Biografické romány Františka Kožíka o Zdence Braunerové ve srovnání s dochovanou korespondencí / František Kožík's Biograpfical novels about Zdenka Braunerová Compared to the extant correspondence

Braunová, Linda January 2014 (has links)
BRAUNOVÁ, L.: František Kožík's biographical novels about Zdenka Braunerová compared to the extant correspondence /Master Degree Thesis/ Prague 2014, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Departement of the Czech Literature. This Master Degree Thesis compares Kožík's novels Na křídle větrného mlýna and Neklidné babí léto with the extant correspondence, which is used in different ways in both novels. The starting point was extensive research, which provided a precise undertanding of the author's intentions. The goal was to find out how the author forms the characters and their relationship using sources, especially the correspondence. At the same time this thesis delineates the difference between facts and fiction with an example of Kožík's novels.

Formation et pratique des enseignants de traduction français-arabe / arabe-français dans les universités irakiennes / Training and practice of teachers translation french-arabic / arabic-french in iraqi universities

Al Musawi, Jaafar 27 September 2016 (has links)
Notre travail est une étude didactique, traductologique et linguistique. L’objectif de ce travail est de trouver une solution à l’enseignement de la traduction français-arabe/ arabe-français dans le cursus de FLE dans les universités irakiennes. Le manque d’avancée notable dans le domaine de l’enseignement de la traduction et de la mise en œuvre des procédés didactiques en classe est le fruit d’un déséquilibre entre le programme dans les départements de français et le bagage linguistique et les compétences didactiques de l’enseignant. L’intériorisation de la grammaire de la langue cible est l’un des objectifs principaux en didactique des langues. Le recours par l’enseignant de la classe de traduction à une grammaire explicite favorise-t-il ou entrave-t-il l’intériorisation de la grammaire des langues ? Il est nécessaire que la formation initiale des enseignants de langue et de traduction comporte une solide initiation à deux modèles métalinguistiques.Malgré les études universitaires croissantes pour l’enseignement de la traduction, il n’existe à notre connaissance aucune étude, surtout en Irak, portant sur la didactique de la traduction entre le français et l’arabe qui permettrait d’acquérir la compétence traductionnelle à des apprenants de langues étrangères. Ce travail est important pour le système universitaire en Irak car il n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie. Il est nécessaire pour créer des départements de traduction français –arabe dans les universités irakiennes. Notre initiative s’accompagne de l’introduction en Irak de méthodes nouvelles de traduction comme l’AMD (Analyse matricielle définitoire).Ce travail s’attaque notamment aux difficultés linguistiques de la traduction à partir des traductions des apprenants irakiens des universités de Bagdad et d’Al-Mustansiriyah. Dans cette optique, nous avons réalisé une enquête auprès des professeurs de français et des étudiants de ces universités.La finalité de ce travail est une réflexion qui vise à :Entrainer les enseignants à faire des analyses linguistiques qui leur fassent prendre conscience du fonctionnement de leur langue (en l’occurrence l’arabe) et des différences de fonctionnement entre leur langue et la langue vers laquelle ou à partir de laquelle ils traduisent (en l’occurrence le français). L’analyse doit se focaliser sur le fonctionnement de la langue et non sur l’apprentissage ou la comparaison du métalangage ou telle théorie linguistique ou grammaticale même si le formateur doit, lui, avoir une formation linguistique théorique cohérente.III Faire découvrir aux enseignants les débats contradictoires et souvent violents que connait la traductologie et leur fournir les outils qui leur permettent d’adopter une attitude critique au sein de ces débats.Apprendre aux enseignants à se construire une méthode de traduction avec un protocole relativement précis qui en définit les différentes étapes. Leur apprendre à justifier la méthode qu’ils auront choisie. / Our work is a didactic, traductologic, and linguistic study. This work aims to find a solution for the French-Arabic / Arabic-French translation teaching in French as Foreign Language courses in Iraqi universities.The lack of noteworthy advances in translation teaching and the implementation of didactic techniques is the result of an imbalance between the program of French departments and the linguistic and didactic skills of the teacher.The interiorization of the target language grammar is one of the principal aims in language didactics. When a translation teacher resorts to an explicit grammar point, does this promote or hinder the interiorization of the grammar? It is necessary that the language and translation teachers pre-service training contains a solid introduction to two metalinguistic models.Despite the increasing number of studies on translation teaching, there is, to our knowledge, no study, especially in Iraq, on didactics of French-Arabic translation to the foreign language learners which could let them acquire translation skills. This work is important for the Iraqi academic system because there was no in-depth study on this matter before. It is necessary for the creation of French- Arabic translation departments in Iraqi universities. Our initiative includes the introduction of the new translation methods in Iraq as the DMA (Defining Matrix Analysis).This work particularly tackles the linguistic difficulties in translation using translations of Iraqi learners at the universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriyah. With this in mind, we conducted a survey among teachers of French and students of these universities. The purpose of this work is a reflection which aims to: Entrain the teacher to make linguistic analysis which will help them to become aware of the functioning of their language (in this case Arabic) and the differences of functioning between their language and the source language or the target language (in this case French). This analysis must focus on the functioning of the language and not on the learning or the comparison of the metalanguage or of a linguistic or grammatical theory, even if the tutor himself must have a consistent knowledge of linguistic theories.Make teachers capable of discovering the contradictory, often violent, debates that the traductologie can supply them with the tools that allow them to adopt a critical attitude within these debates.  Instruct teachers to build a translation method with a relatively precise protocol that defines the different steps. Teach them to justify the method they have chosen.

Automatic Question Paraphrasing in Swedish with Deep Generative Models / Automatisk frågeparafrasering på svenska med djupa generativa modeller

Lindqvist, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
Paraphrase generation refers to the task of automatically generating a paraphrase given an input sentence or text. Paraphrase generation is a fundamental yet challenging natural language processing (NLP) task and is utilized in a variety of applications such as question answering, information retrieval, conversational systems etc. In this study, we address the problem of paraphrase generation of questions in Swedish by evaluating two different deep generative models that have shown promising results on paraphrase generation of questions in English. The first model is a Conditional Variational Autoencoder (C-VAE) and the other model is an extension of the first one where a discriminator network is introduced into the model to form a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture. In addition to these models, a method not based on machine-learning was implemented to act as a baseline. The models were evaluated using both quantitative and qualitative measures including grammatical correctness and equivalence to source question. The results show that the deep generative models outperformed the baseline across all quantitative metrics. Furthermore, from the qualitative evaluation it was shown that the deep generative models outperformed the baseline at generating grammatically correct sentences, but there was no noticeable difference in terms of equivalence to the source question between the models. / Parafrasgenerering syftar på uppgiften att, utifrån en given mening eller text, automatiskt generera en parafras, det vill säga en annan text med samma betydelse. Parafrasgenerering är en grundläggande men ändå utmanande uppgift inom naturlig språkbehandling och används i en rad olika applikationer som informationssökning, konversionssystem, att besvara frågor givet en text etc. I den här studien undersöker vi problemet med parafrasgenerering av frågor på svenska genom att utvärdera två olika djupa generativa modeller som visat lovande resultat på parafrasgenerering av frågor på engelska. Den första modellen är en villkorsbaserad variationsautokodare (C-VAE). Den andra modellen är också en C-VAE men introducerar även en diskriminator vilket gör modellen till ett generativt motståndarnätverk (GAN). Förutom modellerna presenterade ovan, implementerades även en icke maskininlärningsbaserad metod som en baslinje. Modellerna utvärderades med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa mått inklusive grammatisk korrekthet och likvärdighet mellan parafras och originalfråga. Resultaten visar att de djupa generativa modellerna presterar bättre än baslinjemodellen på alla kvantitativa mätvärden. Vidare, visade the kvalitativa utvärderingen att de djupa generativa modellerna kunde generera grammatiskt korrekta frågor i större utsträckning än baslinjemodellen. Det var däremot ingen större skillnad i semantisk ekvivalens mellan parafras och originalfråga för de olika modellerna.

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