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Föräldrars erfarenheter av tidigt föräldrastöd : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Parents´ experiences of early parent support : A qualitative interview studyLindell, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Föräldrastödet som erbjuds i Sverige har genomgått förändringar genom åren. Eftersom nyblivna föräldrar blir utskrivna från BB allt tidigare ökar också kraven på ett förändrat föräldrastöd både på BB och BVC. Föräldrastöd är kärnan i alla former av mödrahälsovårdens och barnhälsovårdens arbete och är integrerat i varje möte som distriktssköterskan och barnmorskan har med föräldrarna. Definitionen av tidigt föräldrastöd omfattar i denna studie barnets två första levnadsveckor. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrars erfarenheter av tidigt föräldrastöd på BB och BVC under barnets två första levnadsveckor. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats användes. Elva semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med mammor och pappor som nyligen fått barn. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ett övergripande tema presenteras: En känsla av ökad trygghet. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna behöver stöd i sin föräldraroll för att uppnå en känsla av trygghet. Föräldrarna upplever att det är viktigt att familjen ses som en helhet där alla parter behöver sin del av stödet. Resultatet sammanfattas i två kategorier: Trygghet för min och min familjs skull och Personalens förmåga att inge trygghet. Slutsats: Föräldrar erfar stöd som viktigt och behövligt under barnets två första levnadsveckor. Tidigare forskning bekräftar studiens resultat dock finns det begränsad forskning inom området som utgår från föräldrarnas erfarenheter och därför finns behov av ytterligare forskning. / Background: Parent support offered in Sweden has undergone changes through the years. As parents of newborns gets discharged from the hospital earlier than before, the demands for a changed parent support both at the birth center (BB) and at the children´s healthcare center (BVC) increases. Parent support is the core of all forms of maternal health care and child health care and it is integrated in every meeting that the district nurse and midwife has with the parents. The definition in this study of early parent support includes the child's first two weeks of life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parents' experiences of early parent support during the child's first two weeks of life. Method: A qualitative approach was used. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with mothers and fathers who recently had a baby. The interviews were analyzed based on a qualitative content analysis. Results: An overall theme is presented: A sense of increased security. The results show that parents need support in their parental role to achieve a sense of security. The parents feel that it is important for the family to be seen as a whole in which all parties need their share of support. The results are summarized in two categories: Security for my and my family's sake and The ability of the staff to produce a feeling of security. Conclusion: It is of the parentsˈ experience that support is important and needed during the child’s first two weeks of life. Previous research confirms the results of this study, however, there is limited research in this area based on parents' experiences and therefore a need for further research.
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Flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning – En kvalitativ studie om bemötande inom barnhälsovården / Girls at risk of genital mutilation – A qualitative study on encounters in child health careBohlin, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige uppskattas att närmare 38 000 flickor och kvinnor varit utsatta för någon typ av kvinnlig könsstympning. Av dem tros 7000 vara flickor under 18 år. Andelen flickor som befinner sig i riskzonen för könsstympning är oklar. Tidigare forskning visar att flickor i riskzonen är de vars mödrar är könsstympade samt familjens attityd till traditionen. Betydelse för att hamna i riskzon för det beror även på hur länge de bott i Sverige samt integrationen. Barnhälsovårdspersonal har till uppgift att främja hälsa på lika villkor genom att tidigt identifiera och initiera åtgärder vid problem i barns hälsa, utveckling och uppväxtmiljö. Samverkan mellan barnavårdscentral och socialtjänst genom utökat hembesöksprogram är ett arbetssätt som bygger på förtroende mellan personal och föräldrar. Ett ökat föräldrastöd och kortare vägar till hjälp hos socialtjänsten. Barnhälsovårdspersonalen som kommer att börja arbeta med ett utökat hembesöksprogram ska kunna känna sig trygga i att de kan möta barnfamiljer med flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka barnhälsovårdspersonalens förhållningssätt i arbetet med flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med åtta deltagare inom barnhälsovården. Urvalet var strategiskt och intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i temat ojämlikt bemötande och påvisade att personalen inom barnhälsovården bemöter flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning olika. Resultatet visar att det finns olikheter i förhållningssättet med att bemöta flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning och även hur hälsovårdspersonalen inom barnhälsovården hanterar att det finns flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning. Deltagarna hade utvecklat olika strategier eller inga strategier alls för att hantera frågan. Slutsats: Det råder ett ojämlikt bemötande av flickor i riskzonen för könsstympning inom barnhälsovården och det behöver utvecklas en mer jämlik barnhälsovård i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. En god samverkan innebär hållbarhet både på kort och lång sikt. / Background: In Sweden, it is estimated that nearly 38,000 girls and women have been exposed to some type of female genital mutilation. Of those, 7000 are believed to be girls under 18 years of age. The proportion of girls in risk zone is unclear. Previous research shows that girls at risk are those whose mothers are genital mutilated and how the family´s attitude to the tradition. Significance for ending in a risk zone depends on how long they lived in Sweden as well as integration. Child health care staff have an important role to promote health on equal terms by identifying and initiating early action on problems in children´s health, development and growth environment. The interaction between child health care and social services in expanded home visit programs means a way of providing increased resources. It is a way of working based on trust between personal and parents. Increased parental support and shorter ways to assist in social services. The staff in the child health care who will start this model should be able to feel conscious and confident that they can meet families with girls at risk of genital mutilation. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the attitude of the child health care staff in the work of girls at risk of genital mutilation. Method: A qualitative interview study with eight participants in child health care was done. The selection was strategic and the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in the theme unequal treatment and shows that the child health care personnel treats girls at risk of genital mutilation differently. There are differences in the approach of responding to girls at risk of genital mutilation and also how child health care personnel handle there are girls at risk of genital mutilation. The participants had developed different strategies or no strategies at all to handle the issue. Conclusion: The results show different approaches to the work of girls at risk of genital mutilation in child health care and it reinforces the picture of the importance of a more equal child health care in socio-economically vulnerable areas. Good cooperation means sustainability in the short and long term.
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Supporting Utah's Parents in Preventing Adolescent Suicide: A Literature Review and Handouts for Utah's Youth Suicide Prevention ManualWhicker, Jennifer L. 28 June 2012 (has links)
Suicide, a public health problem on a global scale, has become the focus in many domains across the United States. With the recent push to provide solutions to the adolescent suicide rate in the U.S., the school setting has become an important venue for prevention and intervention efforts. While there are many risk and protective factors, the majority of suicide completions are concurrent with psychiatric disorders among adolescents; as such, this is an area that warrants further investigation. Additionally, school resources are often overwhelmed by the magnitude of need among the student population; therefore, effective interventions must be identified that can feasibly be implemented in the schools. Research has suggested that parent-adolescent relationships are key in the prevention of suicide, yet minimal research has been conducted towards promoting healthy parent-adolescent relationships for at-risk adolescents. Additionally, some research suggests that school and community interventions are only more effective than parental support when negative parent-adolescent relationships are present. This implies that fostering parental support should be a top priority in school-based suicide prevention efforts. This literature review identifies and summarizes pertinent scholarly research and resources for schools to better support parents of adolescents who struggle with suicidal thoughts and previous attempted suicides. As part of an intervention plan which increases home/school collaboration in adolescent suicide prevention, handouts were developed for parents (found in the appendix), which include information on warning signs of suicide, risk factors for suicide, and methods of responding to suicidality. After adapting these handouts to best meet their students' needs, school-based mental health professionals may consider including these handouts in their school's crisis plan and suicide prevention efforts.
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ATT VARA ÖPPEN FÖR OLIKHETER I TIDER AV FÖRÄNDRING : Barnmorskors och BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av föräldrars behov av tidigt föräldrastödBondesson, Beatrice January 2012 (has links)
Society has an obligation to offer parents support of various types, an example of such a support is “parent support”. The purpose of this study has been to describe midwives and child health care nurses conceptions of the need for early parent support. The definition of early parent support in this study is the first two weeks after delivery. Since the 1970:ies the Swedish delivery and “BB” care has changed in that the time in hospital care after delivery has been reduced from in average six days, till an average of two days. This change created new demands for the information given to new parents by the child health care nurse. The author used a qualitative content analysis and carried out six interviews. The informants were midwives and child health care nurse from different clinics. The result show that today’s information society have resulted in parents being very well informed, and the informants see it as part of their parent support means helping parents to find valid information in the flow of information available. This confirms research which show that much of the information parents gather themselves on the internet is incorrect. The need for experienced personal available for advice and support has also increased with reduced time spent at the hospital. However, research show that mothers value the advice available from their mothers just as high as that given by healthcare personal. The study also shows that those involved in parent support needs to be open to differences between parents. / Samhället har skyldighet att erbjuda föräldrar stöd i olika former, ett exempel på sådant stöd är föräldrastöd. Syftet med denna studie har varit att beskriva barnmorskors och BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av tidigt föräldrastöd, med fokus på upplevda behov hos föräldrarna. Sedan 1970-talet har den Svenska förlossnings och BB-vården förändrats genom att vårdtiden efter att ett barn är fött har kortats ned från i genomsnitt sex dagar till i genomsnitt två dagar. Denna förändring ställer andra krav på den information som barnmorskor och BVC-sjuksköterskor delger nyblivna föräldrar. Författaren använde sig av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och genomförde sex intervjuer. Informanterna var barnmorskor från BB och BVC-sjuksköterskor från olika vårdcentraler. Resultatet visar att dagens informationssamhälle har resulterat i att föräldrar är mycket pålästa och informanterna upplever att en del av föräldrastödet innebär att hjälpa föräldrar att hitta rätt bland all information. Detta bekräftar forskningen som visar på att mycket av den information som föräldrar inhämtar själva från Internet är direkt missvisande. Med nedkortade vårdtider efter förlossningen har även behovet för föräldrar att dygnet runt kunna rådfråga erfaren personal ökat. Forskning visar dock att mammor värderar den information de kan inhämta från sina mammor lika högt som den de får från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Studien visar också att de som bedriver föräldrastöd behöver vara öppna för olikheter föräldrar emellan.
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”Man blir ju liksom allmänt smartare” : Upplevelser och förväntningar mellan elever, vårdnadshavare och skola kring 15-åringars läsning av skönlitteratur / "You become like, smarter in general" : A study of Experiences and Expectations of Adolescents’ Reading of Fiction, from the Perspectives of School, Caregiver and Student.Jonasson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
I följande studie undersöks upplevelser och förväntningar mellan skola och hem gällande 15-åringars skönlitterära läsning. Med en sociokulturell ansats och utvecklingspsykologiska perspektiv studeras hur en grupp elever, lärare och vårdnadshavare upplever 15-åringars skönlitterära läsning, samt vilka förväntningar de uttrycker gentemot varandra i relation till den skönlitterära läsningen. Studien visar en summerande bild av informanternas upplevelse av ungdomarnas läsning, som till stor del stämmer överens med aktuell forskning, främst när det gäller bristen av läsning på fritiden och den digitala konkurrensen från sociala medier. Informanternas upplevelser av den skönlitterära läsning som sker i skolan är generellt positiv. Studiens vårdnadshavare visar dock ingen tydlig bild av ungdomarnas skönlitterära läsning och efterfrågar det inte heller. De beskriver snarare ett starkt förtroende för både elever och lärare. Informanternas förväntningar gentemot varandra är av olika karaktär och visar en tydlig tendens till frigörelse och självständighet mellan framför allt elever och vårdnadshavare. Förväntningarna mellan vårdnadshavare och lärare tyder på att kommunikationen kan stärkas för att både informera och utbilda vårdnadshavare om deras betydelse för elevernas intresse för läsning. Förväntningarna mellan elever och lärare är av mer konkret didaktisk karaktär och lärarna i sin tur ger snarare uttryck för förhoppningar och visioner när det gäller elevernas skönlitterära läsning. Sammanfattningsvis lyfter studien värdet av att vårdnadshavare blir mer medvetna om sin roll som läsande förebilder samt att kommunikationen mellan skola och hem är fortsatt viktig även i tonåren. Genom att se digitala medier som möjligheter kan kommunikationen mellan hem och skola stärkas även i äldre tonåren, vilket i sin tur kan ha positiv effekt på hemmets engagemang i frågan om tonåringars läsning och läsintresse.
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Attachment, Personal Resources and Coping in Trait-Anxious Adolescent GirlsFerrari, Lisa January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Students Who Are Gifted and Public School Enrollment Choices Their Parents MakeAustin, Leigh 01 January 2015 (has links)
Given the many school choices available to parents, there is a need to understand the reasons parents of a child who is gifted choose to keep their child in his/her current school. Parents* satisfaction with their child*s school and their academic growth is essential to continued enrollment of the child in that school (Abdulkadiroglu, Angrist, & Pathak, 2011; Van Tassel-Baska, 2006). The parents* decision to keep their child who is gifted enrolled in their current school may be influenced by factors within the school as well as those factors outside of the school. The purpose of this study was to research factors that may influence the parents* decision to keep their child who is gifted enrolled in their current school. The research studied parental perceptions of academic support, social and emotional support, and principal support for gifted education for their child who is gifted and the parents* willingness to keep their child who is gifted enrolled at their current school. The target group in the study was parents of children who are gifted and enrolled in a very large urban school district but did not include parents of children who are gifted and also have a disability. The research included the analysis of a survey and follow-up interview questions with parents of a child who is gifted and enrolled in the very large urban school district. There were 683 survey responses out of 4,401 total parents surveyed with a return rate of 16%. The low return rate is considered a limitation of the study and it is recommended to conduct additional research on the majority of parents who did not participate in the survey. Follow-up interviews were conducted with 10 randomly selected parents of children who are gifted and enrolled in the very large urban school district. The survey and interview data was coded and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics. There were two research questions that guided the development of the research process and the analysis of data. The first question focused on indicators of parent satisfaction that included academic needs met, social and emotional needs met, and principal support for gifted education. The survey and interview data yielded mixed results with parents split between the belief that their child*s academic needs were met, social and emotional needs were met, and that their child*s principal was supportive of gifted education. The second research question considered the relationship between the three indicators of parent satisfaction and the parents* willingness to consider enrolling their child in a school solely for students who are gifted. The results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the parents* belief that their child*s academic needs were met and the parents* consideration to send their child to a school solely for students who are gifted. However, there was a lack of evidence to establish a relationship between parent*s belief about their child*s social and emotional needs or the parents belief that their child*s principal was supportive of gifted education. The implications of the study are numerous. There are enough parents willing to consider sending their child to a school solely for students who are gifted to support opening the school. The majority of the survey participants had elementary school children; therefore, consideration should be focused on opening an elementary school for students who are gifted. Long range planning is needed to determine how to support the school for students who are gifted as well as the impact of transferring the students from one school zone to the school for students who are gifted. The literature reflected the diverse nature of the parents* satisfaction with academic support, social and emotional support, and principal support for gifted education and revealed that when the parents* are satisfied it does not guarantee that the parent will keep their child enrolled in their current school. The need for on-going communication between the school and the parents are critical to keeping the student enrolled in their current school. Further research is needed to determine the beliefs of parents with children who are gifted and identify themselves as Black, Hispanic, Asian, or another race since the majority of the survey participants were White. More research is also needed to determine the reasons why large numbers of parents would consider sending their child to a school solely for students who are gifted regardless of their satisfaction levels with school support. In addition, further research needs to be conducted to determine why parents would choose to keep their child enrolled in their current school when the parents believed their academic or social and emotional needs were not met or their principal was not supportive of gifted education.
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Parent and guardian support of Korean migrant learners' primary schooling experienceDu Toit, Merise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Trans-national migration to English-speaking countries has become increasingly popular among Asian families. Their aim is for their children to obtain overseas educational credentials and to gain the English language as cultural capital in the global market. Over the past few years, South Africa has been perceived as a place where immigrants, as well as migrants can make a new life for themselves and their families.
The study aimed to explore the support given by parents/guardians of Korean migrant learners with regard to the learners' primary schooling experiences. In seeking to understand the phenomenon of parent/guardian support of Korean migrant learners' primary schooling experiences, I use the ecosystemic approach, which is constructed by both the general systems and the ecological theories. I discuss the ecosystemic framework by dividing it into its micro-, meso- and macro-systems. In the research, within the micro- and meso-systems the parent/guardian was considered to be part of a larger system of family, school, education system and community. These systems interact with each other. Acculturation theory, which focuses on psychological adjustment of the migrant learners, influenced the inquiry. Furthermore, Korean migrant families struggle within various ecological social systems outside the family system. These include the educational, physical, mental health, economic and political systems, which can influence the reasons for migration. The matter of cultural differences and the way in which they influence Korean migrant learners' schooling experiences were also explored. The macro-systems analysis includes Bourdieu's theory on cultural capital and the social closure theory.
The specific design selected for this study is a case study that is qualitative and explorative in nature. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with individual parents/guardians and a focus group to gather information regarding the support given to Korean migrants in their primary schooling experiences. The data was analysed within the micro-, meso- and macro-systems and themes emerged during the interviews. The findings revealed that the macro-systems focused on the reasons for migration, which were gaining English skills and experiencing the process of globalisation. The study also focused on the micro-systems and thus dealt with the diverse experiences of the participants, which included the family dynamics, the support given to Korean migrant learners and parents'/ guardians' perceptions of schooling experiences. The trans-national migrant families in South Africa vary between 'wild goose families', nuclear families and guardianships. The support given to Korean migrant learners ranges from emotional support (e.g. hugs, kisses and motivation), financial support (e.g. money for various things) and physical support (e.g. transport) to spiritual support (e.g. praying and going to church).
It was concluded from the study that cultural capital and global positional competition play an important role in Korean migrant learners' primary schooling experiences. Although these parents/guardians bring the learners to South Africa to move away from the very formal education system of Korea, it seems as if they are still reinscribing familiar patterns of living in South Africa. It is questioned whether it is not better for Korean learners to be educated in Korea. They appear to improve their English language in South Africa, but may be compromised in other areas, such as emotional well-being, which could cause poor psychological adjustment. Therefore it is recommended that more knowledge be gained in order know how to support these learners effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Transnasionale migrasie na Engelssprekende lande het aansienlik uitgebrei onder Asiatiese families. Die rede hiervoor is om oorsese opvoedkundige getuigskrifte vir hulle kinders, en taalvaardigheid in Engels as kulturele kapitaal in die globale mark te verwerf. Oor die afgelope paar jaar was Suid-Afrika ʼn gewilde bestemming waar beide immigrante en migrante saam met hulle families ʼn nuwe toekoms vir hulself kan skep.
Daar is met die studie gepoog om ondersoek in te stel na die ondersteuning wat die ouers/voogde van Koreaanse migrante leerders aan die kinders bied met betrekking tot hul skoolervaringe. Die ekosistemiese benadering brei uit op die algemene sisteme en die ekologiese teorieë om die verskynsel van ouer/voog-ondersteuning van Koreaanse migrante leerders tydens die leerders se ervaring in die primêre skool te verstaan. Ek het die ekosistemiese benadering as raamwerk vir my bespreking gebruik deur dit te verdeel in mikro-, meso- en makro-sisteme. Binne die mikro- en meso-sisteme word ouers/voogde bespreek as deel van die wyer sisteem van familie, skool, onderwysstelsel en gemeenskap. Hierdie sisteme is interverweef en in konstante wisselwerking met mekaar. Akkulturasieteorie, wat op die sielkundige aanpassing van die migrant leerders fokus, het hierdie ondersoek gerig. Die Koreaanse migrant families ervaar ook hindernisse binne verskeie ekologiese sosiale sisteme buite die familie-sisteem. Hierdie hindernisse word ervaar binne die opvoedkundige, fisiese en geestesgesondheid-, ekonomiese en politieke sisteme, wat die redes vir migrasie kan beïnvloed, asook die kulturele verskille en hoe dit die Koreaanse migrant leerders se skoolervaringe beïnvloed. Die makro-sisteme fokus op Bourdieu se teorie aangaande kulturele kapitaal en die sosiale sluitingsteorie.
Die navorsingsontwerp van hierdie studie is ʼn gevallestudie en is kwalitatief en ondersoekend van aard. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met die deelnemers en ʼn fokusgroep gevoer om inligting rakende die ondersteuning van Koreaanse migrante leerders in die laerskool te verkry. Die data is ontleed binne die mikro-, meso- en makro-sisteme, asook die temas wat uit die onderhoude met die deelnemers ontstaan het. Die bevindinge het die deelnemers se diverse ondervindings binne die mikro-sisteem aan die lig gebring. Dit sluit in: familie dinamika, deelnemers se ervaring van ondersteuning aan Koreaanse migrante leerders, asook ouers/voogde se persepsies van die Koreaanse migrante-leerders se skoolervarings. Die studie was verder op die makro-sisteme gerig, waar die fokus op die redes vir migrasie was. Laasgenoemde verwys na die verwerwing van Engelse vaardighede en die belewing van globalisasie.
Die slotsom van die studie is dat kulturele kapitaal en globale posisionele kompetisie ʼn belangrike rol speel in die Koreaanse migrante leerders se laerskool-ervaring. Alhoewel die ouers/voogde die leerders Suid-Afrika toe bring sodat hulle kan wegbeweeg van die baie formele opvoedingsisteem in Korea, blyk dit egter dat hul presies dieselfde patrone van onderrig en leer in Suid-Afrika beleef. Die vraag is dus: Sal dit nie beter wees vir sulke leerders om in Korea onderrig te ontvang nie? Onderrig in Suid-Afrika bied wel die geleentheid om beter vaardighede in Engels aan te leer, maar die vraag ontstaan: Wat is die prys wat hulle daarvoor moet betaal? In die lig hiervan is my aanbeveling dat meer kennis aangaande hierdie leerders se ervaring verwerf behoort te word ten einde meer effektiewe ondersteuning aan hulle te fasiliteer.
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Från vilsenhet och frustration till kontakt och ökat hopp : en modell för stöd till föräldrar till barn med samspels- och kommunikationssvårigheter / From disorientation and frustration to contact and increased hope : A model for support to parents of children with interaction and communication difficultiesHjortgren, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka erfarenheterna, hos föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrum, av att delta i föräldrastödsmodellen Samspel i fokus, personalens erfarenheter av arbetet samt om och i vilken utsträckning det finns en överensstämmelse mellan föräldrarnas och personalens erfarenheter. En kvalitativ retrospektiv ansats har använts där åtta föräldrar till fem barn intervjuats tre till fyra år efter att de deltog. Intervjuer genomfördes även med samtliga tre personer som arbetar i verksamheten. Uppföljande filmade samspelssituationer mellan föräldrar och barn samt en träff för återföring genomfördes av personalen efter att föräldrarna intervjuats. Personalens erfarenheter av de uppföljande filminterventionerna undersöktes via gruppsamtal och föräldrarnas via telefonsamtal. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna upplevt att deltagande i Samspel i fokus bidragit till att de fått ökad förståelse för hur de kan bidra till barnets samspelsutveckling och några av dem menar att det inneburit ett genombrott i möjligheten till kontakt med barnet. Föräldrarnas erfarenheter av deltagande visar att de upplevt att personalen bidragit till att synliggöra barnets utvecklingspotential där möjligheten till ögonkontakt framstår som särskilt betydelsefullt. I föräldrarnas berättelser framkommer vidare att de upplevt att personalen förmedlat en tilltro till deras förmåga som samspelstödjare, vilket de även fått bekräftelse på via bilden som verktyg. Resultatet av intervjuerna med personalen visar en tydlig teoretisk medvetenhet och samsyn gällande föräldrastödsmodellens innehåll, vilken överensstämmer med hur föräldrarna beskriver sina erfarenheter av deltagande. De uppföljande filminterventionerna visar enligt personalen, förutom betydande framsteg hos barnen avseende deras samspelförmåga, att föräldrarna tydligt tagit till sig bärande idéer som de arbetat med under tiden i Samspel i fokus. Slutligen framkommer att föräldrarna upplevt den uppföljande filminterventionen som värdefull, genom att den på ett konkret sätt visat hur de kan hjälpa barnet vidare i sin utveckling samt att de fått bekräftelse på sin föräldraförmåga. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents of children with autism spectrum disorder experience of participating in the parent support model Interaction in focus and the staff´s experience working with children and parents. The purpose was also to investigate whether and to what extent there is a consensus between parent´s and staff's perception of the content. Through a qualitative retrospective design, eight parents of five children were interviewed, three to four years after they participated in the intervention. Interviews were also conducted with all three working in the team. A follow-up film intervention, of interaction situations between parents and children, was carried out by staff after the parents were interviewed. Staff's experiences of the follow-up film interventions were investigated through group interviews and parents through telephone interviews. The result shows that the parents felt that participation in the support model, Interaction in focus, contributed to greater understanding of how they can support the child's interaction development and some of them experienced that it was a breakthrough in the possibility of contact with the child. Parents' experiences of participation, shows that they felt that the staff helped to make visible the child's development where the possibility of eye contact, are particularly important. In parents' stories reveals further that they felt that the staff conveyed a belief in their ability to support the child´s interaction development, which they also received confirmation via the visual image as a tool. The result of the interviews with the staff shows a clear theoretical consciousness and consensus regarding the intervention content which is consistent with how parents describe their experiences of participation. The follow-up films shows, according to the staff, in addition to significant progress in the children regarding their interaction skills, the parents clearly embraced the fundamental ideas as they worked on during Interaction in focus. Finally, it appears that parents experienced the follow-up film intervention as valuable, though it in a concrete way gave keys how to help the child progress in their development, and that they received confirmation of their parenting skills.
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Parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, DenmarkCassidy, Bernice Teresa 30 November 2006 (has links)
Parents play an integral role in the support of early learning. This study focuses on parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark. This study includes a literature review of parent support of early learning and school facilitation of parent involvement in early learning. A qualitative investigation of parental support of early learning, within the context of global mobility and multi-culturalism, was undertaken in Rygaards School, in particular in its Reception Class. It was established that very little support exists on a global, social and local level, for the globally mobile families whose children attend this particular international school. Furthermore, the school itself does not fully meet the needs of its globally mobile families. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for introducing comprehensive parent involvement were proposed, amongst others the introduction of an Induction Programme for newcomers to Rygaards, strategies for compensating for the absence of a middle management amongst its teaching staff and the extension of parent participation in curriculum provision. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.
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