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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Priklausomybė tarp 11-14 m. moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo, mitybos ypatumų, elgesio ir akademinių pasiekimų / Relationship between 11−14 age pupils’ physical activity, peculiarities of nutrition, behaviour and academic achievements

Dabriegaitė, Vilija 18 June 2008 (has links)
Augančiam organizmui reikalinga subalansuota mityba, apimanti įvairų maistą ir skysčius. Mityba yra pagrindinė moksleivių sveikatos sudedamoji dalis. Pastaraisiais metais reikalavimai maisto kokybei yra žymiai didesni, nes maisto stoka gali sukelti rimtas pasekmes (Wilson, 2006). Tam, kad vaikas būtų visiškai sveikas, reikalinga tinkama mitybos ir pakankamas fizinis aktyvumas, nes jis aprūpina organizmą deguonimi (Matthys et al., 2007). Tinkamas fizinis aktyvumas reguliuoja virškinimą, padeda išvengti nutukimo, teigiamai veikia nervų sistemą, padeda įveikti stresus, emocinį nuovargį bei depresiją (Rampersaud et al., 2005). Tyrimo hipotezė. Manome, kad moksleiviai, kurie kasdien valgo pusryčius, dažniau geria vandenį, palaiko fizinį aktyvumą, turėtų geriau mokytis (aukštesni akademiniai pasiekimai) ir jų elgesys turėtų būti geresnis (mažiau agresijos). Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti priklausomybę tarp 11-14 m. moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo, mitybos ypatumų, elgesio ir akademinių pasiekimų. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti Kauno miesto J. Urbšio vidurinės mokyklos ir Kauno rajono Rokų vidurinės mokyklos 11-14 metų moksleivių fizinį aktyvumą ir mitybos ypatumus. 2. Išsiaiškinti ir palyginti moksleivių akademinius pasiekimus ir agresyvaus elgesio pasireiškimą. 3. Nustatyti koreliacinius ryšius tarp vertintų rodiklių. Tyrimo išvados: 1. Ketvirtadalis (25%) Kauno miesto J. Urbšio vidurinės mokyklos ir Kauno rajono Rokų vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių fiziniam aktyvumui... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Growing organism needs balanced nutrition, which includes various food and liquids. Nutrition is the main component of children’s health. Recently requirements for food quality are far bigger, because shortage of nutrition may raise serious outcomes (Wilson, 2006). In order to be completely healthy children need good nutrition enough physical activity (Matthys et al., 2007). Research hypothesis. We think, that those students, who eat breakfast daily, more often drink water, hold physical activity, should learn better (better academic achievements) and their behaviour should be better (less aggression). Research objective: To define relationship between 11−14 age pupils’ physical activity, peculiarities of nutrition, behaviour, and academic achievements. Research goals: 1. To estimate and compare level of physical activity and peculiarities of nutrition of 11−14 pupils of Kaunas town J. Urbšio secondary school and Kaunas district Rokai secondary school age students. 2. To assess and compare academic achievements and aggressive behaviour among pupils. 3. To find correlation between assessed values. Conclusions: 1. One-Quarter of (25%) Kaunas town J. Urbšio secondary schol and Kaunas district Rokai secondary school pupils for physical activity allows just 2-3 hours per week. Boys of both schools are more physical active than girls. 2. Most of Kaunas town J. Urbšio (68%) secondary school and Kaunas district Rokai (69%) secondary school pupils eats breakfast. For breakfast... [to full text]

Vartotojų elgsenos ypatumai renkantis kelionių organizatorių / Peculiarities of customer’s behavior in choosing travel organizators

Šnarienė, Lina 25 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra nagrinėjami vartotojų elgsenos ypatumai renkantis kelionių organizatorių Šiaulių regione. Darbui atlikti buvo remiamasi lietuvių ir užsienio autorių moksline literatūra, EUROSTAT, LR Statistikos departamento duomenimis, turizmo tendencijų apžvalgomis, taip pat Šiaulių regiono kelionių organizatorių paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos tyrimo duomenimis. Pirmojoje dalyje nustatoma kelionių organizatorių vieta versle ir tendencijos Šiaulių regione. Analizuojama turizmo verslo infrastruktūra, nagrinėjama kelionių organizatorių veikla Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, bendros kelionių organizavimo rinkos tendencijos Šiaulių regione. Antrojoje dalyje atliekama teorinė vartotojų elgsenos, renkantis kelionių organizatorių analizė. Pateikiama turizmo paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos samprata, išskiriami turizmo paslaugų vartotojų tipai, turizmo paslaugų pasirinkimą lemiantys veiksniai, aptariami ir palyginami įvairių užsienio ir lietuvių autorių pateikiami turizmo paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos modeliai. Trečiojoje dalyje atliekamas vartotojų elgsenos tyrimas renkantis kelionių organizatorių Šiaulių regione. Tyrimu nustatyta Šiaulių regiono vartotojų keliavimo elgsena, kelionių organizatorių pasirinkimo kriterijai, atliktas kelionių organizatorių paslaugų kokybės vertinimas. Teorinės ir praktinės empirinių duomenų analizės metu gauti rezultatai yra pagrindas išvadoms ir rekomendacijoms, kurios pateikiamos magistro darbo pabaigoje. / In master‘s final work the peculiarities of customers behavior in choosing travel organizators in Šiauliai region were analyzed. Work is based on Lithuanian and foreign authors’ literature analysis, EUROSTAT, Lithuanian Statistical Department, etc. data, Šiauliai region customers survey results. In the first part the place of travel organizators in tourism business as well as Šiauliai region is observed. Tourism business infrastructure, main tourism trends in European Union and Lithuanian tourism markets as well as Šiauliai region analyzed. In the second part the theoretical analysis of tourism customer’s behavior is made. Tourism services customer’s behavior definition given, main tourism customers types, their behavior influencing factors distinguished, different behavioral models proposed by Lithuanian and foreign authors analyzed and compared. In the third part the survey of Šiauliai region travel organizators’ services customers was made. Survey helped to observe customers behavior, to distinguish their travel organizators choosing criteria as well as evaluate Šiauliai region travel organizators services quality. Basing on theoretical and empirical research results the conclusions and recommendations are given at the end of work.


Saulis, Antonas 29 September 2008 (has links)
After the literature analysis has been performed, the present research states that terms are related with the scientific discourse, i.e. they are used exclusively by educated people. On the whole, the peculiarities of marketing terms and their translation into Lithuanian are analyzed here. Special attention is paid to the semantics of marketing terms, the issues related with the translation of marketing terms are discussed and the solutions to the issues are suggested in the thesis. / Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą konstatuojama, kad terminai – mokslinio diskurso, t.y. išsilavinusiu žmonių savastis. Taip pat šiame darbe nagrinėjami rinkodaros terminų ypatumai ir jų vertimas į lietuvių kalbą. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas rinkodaros terminų semantiniam dalykam, gilinamasi į problemas susijusias su rinkodaros terminų vertimu, bei pasiūlomos išeitys joms spręsti.

Paauglių savižudiško elgesio ir jo ryšių su psichikos sutrikimais, asmenybės ypatumais bei psichosocialiniais veiksniais vertinimas / The evaluation of adolescents suicidal behaviour and this relationship with mental disorders, personality peculiarities and psychosocial factors

Jaras, Algirdas 01 October 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti paauglių savižudišką elgesį ir jo ryšius su psichikos sutrikimais, asmenybės ypatumais bei psichosocialiniais veiksniais. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti paauglių savižudiško elgesio skirtumus tarp lyčių. 2. Nustatyti bandžiusių nusižudyti paauglių psichikos sutrikimų pasiskirstymą tarp lyčių. 3. Nustatyti asmenybės ypatumų įtaką paauglių savižudiškam elgesiui. 4. Nustatyti psichosocialinių veiksnių įtaką paauglių savižudiškam elgesiui. / The aim of this study was to evaluate adolescents suicidal behavior and its correlation to mental disorders, personality peculiarities and psychosocial factors. The objectives of the study: 1. To determine the differences of adolescents suicidal behavior between genders. 2. To establish distribution of mental disorders between genders of adolescents who attempted to commit suicide. 3. To determine the influence of personality’s peculiarities to adolescents suicidal behavior. 4. To establish the impact of psychosocial factors to adolescents suicidal behavior.

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sėkmingo auklėjimo šeimoje psichologiniai ir pedagoginiai ypatumai / Psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the pre-school age children's successful upbringing in the family

Matiukaitė, Jolita 13 June 2005 (has links)
This master study is on the results of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family psychological and pedagogical expression’s analysis. There are detected the major elements and features of pupils expression, palliatives of their upbringing. The object of the research is the state of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family. The task of the research is to educe the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family. The research involved 26 families, successfully breeding children of the pre-school age (3-7 years old); 20 educators, working in the children garden “Pasakaitė”; and 26 children attending it. From the 203 families were selected 26 ones, whose children are attending children garden. However, it emerged that upbringing children in those 26 families sometimes occurre untoward manifestations in the interrelations also. Generalizing the material of the research about the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family, there were drawn such conclusions: the research confirmed a hypothesis, that successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depends on the psychological and pedagogical expression of families actions. Valuables, on which the peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depend, are: clear content of the relations between parents and children and its quality; development and... [to full text]

Moterų vadovavimo ypatumai verslo organizacijose / Peculiarities of female management in business organizations

Mikulėnienė, Rima 03 June 2008 (has links)
Dvidešimto amžiaus pabaigoje moksliniai tyrinėtojai vis didesnį dėmesį atkreipė į skirtingus vadovavimo stilius tarp vyrų ir moterų. Moteriško vadovavimo ypatumai siejami su bendradarbiavimu, komandiniu darbu, o vyriški vadovavimo ypatumai - konkurencingumu ir autoritetingumu. Pastaruoju metu atlikti tyrimai atskleidžia, kad moterys labiau nei vyrai linkusios taikyti transformacinį vadovavimo stilių, o transformacinis vadovavimo stilius siejamas su efektyviu vadovavimu. Tyrimo objektas - verslo moterų vadovių vadovavimo ypatumai. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti verslo moterų vadovių vadovavimo ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: • Atskleisti šiuolaikinio vadovavimo sampratą, • Išryškinti vyriškus ir moteriškus vadovavimo ypatumus, • Išryškinti moterų vadovių vadovavimo požymius, • Įvertinti verslo moterų vadovavimo efektyvumą ribojančius veiksnius. Tyrimo metodai: 1) Tyrimo duomenų rinkimo – apklausa internetu ir mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2) Tyrimo duomenų analizės – aprašomoji statistika. Tyrimo išvados. Teorinės analizės išvados: 1) Šiuolaikinio vadovo ypatumai: įžvalgus ateities vizijų kūrimas, socialiniai įgūdžiai, pasitikėjimas savimi, atvirumas naujai patirčiai, visuomeninės galios motyvai ir intuicija. 2) Verslo vadovas, norėdamas išlaikyti organizacijos konkurencingumą šiuolaikinėmis dinamiškomis rinkos sąlygomis, turi ne tik efektyviai atlikti vadovo funkcijas, bet ir tapti stipriu verslo lyderiu. 3) Išskirti vyriški vadovavimo ypatumai - orientacija į užduotį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The researchers have paid closer and closer attention towards the difference in management style among men and women by the end of XX century. The peculiarities of female management are related to the cooperation and team work. While the peculiarities of male management – competitiveness and authority. The recent findings reveal that women are intent to apply transformative management style more than men. Transformative style is associated with the effective management. The research object: The peculiarities of business women managers’ management. The goal of research: To reveal the peculiarities of management of business women. The tasks of research: • Reveal the concept of contemporary management, • Specify the peculiarities of female and male management, • Specify the attributes of female managers management, • Assess the factors restricting the business women managers’ management. Research methods: 1) Research data gathering – questioning on internet and scientific literature analysis. 2) Research data analysis – descriptive statistics. Research conclusions. Conclusions of theory analysis: 1) The peculiarities of the contemporary manager: insightful creation of the future visions, social abilities, self-confidence, openness to the new experience, social power motivation and intuition. 2) Business manager, willing to maintain the competitiveness of organization in conditions of contemporary dynamic market, must fulfill duties of manager effectively and become a strong... [to full text]

Papildomojo ugdymo ypatybės Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / The peculiarities of the additional development in secondary schools in Vilnius

Galinaitienė, Irma 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės demokratinės visuomenės kūrimo vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių – vertybių ugdymas. Vien pamokoje neįmanoma kokybiškai padaryti visko, kad atsiskleistų prigimtiniai moksleivių gabumai, vystytųsi kūrybinės galios, susidarytų vertybinės orientacijos. Dėl šių priežasčių turi būti ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas papildomajam ugdymui, kuriame galima kokybiškai įgyvendinti daug į formalius rėmus netelpančių uždavinių. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų papildomojo ugdymo ypatybes ir organizavimo prielaidas. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti papildomojo ugdymo kaip neformaliojo švietimo raiškos ypatumus. 2. Ištirti papildomojo ugdymo veiklos poreikius ir pasiūlą Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo ugdymo įstaigose ir nustatyti neišnaudojamus rezervus bei jų atsiradimo priežastis. 3. Ištirti papildomojo ugdymo būrelių populiarumą pagal kryptį ir numatyti tendencijas. Tyrimo bazė Kiekybiniam tyrimui buvo apklaustos visos Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos: 17 pradinių, 16 pagrindinių, 49 vidurinės mokyklos bei 17 gimnazijų. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas trejus metus iš eilės: 2004-2005 m. m., 2005-2006 m. m., 2006-2007 m. m. Tyrimo metodai Tyrimas atliktas taikant teorinius ir empirinius metodus: mokslinės literatūros bei dokumentų analizė, lyginamoji analizė, sisteminė analizė, apibendrinamoji analizė, kritinė analizė, anketinė apklausa. Atlikus tyrimą buvo padarytos tokios išvados: 1. Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the important subjects of our present democratic society is the development of values. During the lesson it is impossible to do everything so that natural pupils abilities could be shown, creative might could be developed, valuable orientation could be formed. That is why special attention should be paid to additional development where you can fulfil a lot of the tasks which cannot be placed into the formal limits. The aim of the research – to research the pecularities of the additional development in secondary schools in Vilnius and the precondition of its organizing. The tasks of the research: 1. To find out the expression of the pecularities of the additional development as the informal education. 2. To explore the needs of the additional development and its offer to Vilnius secondary education institutions and to determine the unused reserves and the reason of their origin. 3. To do a research of the popularity of the circles of the extracurricular activities according to their direction, to forsee the tendencies. The basis of the research For quantative research for the survey has been carried out in all Vilnius secondary education schools: 17 primary schools, 16 principal schools, 49 secondary schools and 17 gymnasia. The research has been done for 3 years: 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007. The methods of the research The research has been done using theoretical, empirical methods: the analysis of scientific literature and documents, comparative analysis... [to full text]

Morfologinės struktūros transformacijos centriniame miesto rajone (Lietuvos pavyzdžiu) / Transformations of Urban Morphological Structure in the Central Business District (On the example of Lithuania)

Alistratovaitė, Inesa 23 February 2005 (has links)
As urban development in the 20th century has become the issue of global concern, more and more new territories have been occupied due to high intensity of the development. International conferences devoted to the regulatory issues of city development held within the current decade (such as HABITAT II held in Istanbul, 1996, ATHENS’98 – in Athens, 1998, URBAN 21 – in Berlin, 2000, and a conference in Brussels, 2001, etc) emphasized the majority of developmental aspects including the great focus on the necessity to further form urban structures with the priority of internal city development looking for more effective and more universal functional uses of the territories, restoration of the existing downtown areas and preservation of their original character. As other post-soviet countries, Lithuania has been also facing the need to reorganize various spheres including urban development. Urban territories have been dangerously expanded, especially during the soviet period, due to the increased general city building-up areas, mostly expressed by the territorial expansion rather than gradual and consistent development (by the use of internal reserves of the city). After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, privatisation, changed character of housing construction, return of land and real estate to the previous owners and increasing value of land under the free market conditions remarkably modified the nature of urban development in Lithuania, at the same time revealing the... [to full text]

Três estudos de concerto para violão de Radamés Gnattali peculiaridades estilísticas e suas implicações com processos de circularidade cultural / Three concert studies for guitar Radames Gnattali: stylistic peculiarities and its implications to processes of cultural circularity

Silva, Valdemar Alves 25 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-09-04T17:23:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Silva, Valdemar Alves - Três estudos de concerto para violão de Radamés Gnattali peculiaridades estilísticas e suas implicações com processos de circularidade cultural - 2014.pdf: 6322123 bytes, checksum: 7f868701e1923f487a15f9604952bc35 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-04T17:23:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Silva, Valdemar Alves - Três estudos de concerto para violão de Radamés Gnattali peculiaridades estilísticas e suas implicações com processos de circularidade cultural - 2014.pdf: 6322123 bytes, checksum: 7f868701e1923f487a15f9604952bc35 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-25 / This research aimed to investigate the technical characteristics/stylistic involved with the Three Studies of Concert for guitar the songwriter gaucho Radamés Gnattali, in its interaction with the processes of circularity and cultural hybridization. Tried to reach, especially, to the peculiarities of the work of this composer, related to the inseparability between stylistic characteristics /idiomatismo/Technical/cultural interaction, emphasizing always transit that has been established between the specificities of different fields of musical production (Bourdieu, 2003). Chartier (1990), Hall (2005), Bourdieu (2003) and Canclini offered (2003), allowed for a theoretical foundation that took on important representational reference, referring to the possibilities raised by practical knowledge and daily involved with identitary processes, that is the objective and becomes evident in verbal formulations, practices and cultural works. This reasoning pointed as the methodological approach, in addition to the bibliographic research, referring to the removal of scenarios sociohistorical and cultural and the elements of the path of life and musical Gnattali, the analysis and interpretation of works that integrate the Three Studies of Concert for guitar. In this context, the analysis and interpretation of scores were performed in interaction with the analysis and interpretation of works recorded on CDs and with data collected in the research literature. Thus, it was possible to confirm the assumption that the works of Radamés Gnatalli Gnattali that integrate Three studies of Concert for guitar, were able to prove the specificity of his work as a composer, a composer who transitioned so fluidic flip by different cultural dimensions; who worked in the most peculiar way a musical language hybrid, indicative of stylistic peculiarities that demonstrate not only his transit cultural, but also their interaction with the sound features, technicians of the instrument. / Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as características técnicas/estilísticas implicadas com os Três Estudos de Concerto para violão do compositor gaúcho Radamés Gnattali, na sua interação com os processos de circularidade e hibridação cultural. Buscou chegar, sobretudo, às peculiaridades do trabalho desse compositor, relacionadas à inseparabilidade entre características estilísticas/idiomatismo/técnica/interação cultural, enfatizando sempre o trânsito que estabeleceu entre as especificidades de diferentes campos de produção musical (BOURDIEU, 2003). Chartier (1990), Hall (2005), Bourdieu (2003) e Canclini (2003), possibilitaram um embasamento teórico que teve no representacional importante referência, remetendo às possibilidades colocadas pelo conhecimento prático e cotidiano implicado com processos identitários, que se objetiva e se torna evidência nas formulações verbais, práticas e obras culturais. Essa fundamentação apontou como abordagem metodológica, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, referente ao levantamento dos cenários sócio-histórico e culturais e a elementos da trajetória de vida e musical de Gnattali, a análise e interpretação das obras que integram os Três Estudos de Concerto para violão. Nesse contexto, a análise e a interpretação de partituras foram realizadas em interação com a análise e interpretação da performance através das obras gravadas e com os dados colhidos na pesquisa bibliográfica. Assim, foi possível confirmar a pressuposição de que as obras de Radamés Gnattali que integram Três os Estudos de Concerto para violão, foram capazes de revelar a especificidade do seu trabalho como compositor, um compositor que transitou de forma fluídica por diferentes dimensões culturais; que trabalhou de forma peculiar uma linguagem musical híbrida, reveladora de peculiaridades estilísticas que evidenciam não só o seu trânsito cultural, mas também a sua interação com os recursos sonoros e técnicos do instrumento.

De l’identité juridique de la femme : approche technique et philosophique de droit privé contemporain / Legal identity of the woman : technical and philosophic approach of contemporary right deprives.

Farine, Elise Caroline 26 November 2014 (has links)
La notion d'identité implique certains présupposés de droit privé dont latendance est marquée par certains «généricismes». L'on peut entendre par là lesconceptions qui limitent la définition du genre humain à des traits catégoriels etabstraits, sans suffisamment prendre en compte des particularités sexuellementdifférenciées. Pourtant, le sujet de droit lorsqu'il est féminin doit impliquer la prise enconsidération de singularités liées à son sexe, qui ne peuvent être les mêmes quecelles d'un sujet de droit masculin.Sous couvert de l'égalité des sexes, le droit engage alors la société à uneuniformisation des intérêts cependant divergents et propres à chaque sexe. Il s'agitalors de montrer à la fois l'apport de ces conceptions, mais aussi leurs limites et doncla nécessité de s'ouvrir à l'exigence de conceptions plus «universalistes». En effet, ildoit être démontré que seule une universalité peut garantir la reconnaissance desparticularités et des différences féminines, telle qu'une identité juridique fémininel'admettrait. Si cette étude fera face à divers courants et auteurs de philosophie dudroit, elle prendra pour point de départ le droit positif établi dans ses différentesdisciplines, du droit pénal à certains aspects du droit du travail ou du droit desassurances.L'intérêt de la question est de permettre une évaluation plus précise desqualifications autour de la femme comme sujet de droit singulier, et en intégrant lescritiques contemporaines, qui ont pu montrer l'insuffisance d'une pensée simplementgénérique pour traiter de questions aussi graves que la différenciation sexuelle quece soit en droit civil ou en droit social- critiques qui, néanmoins, n'ont guère assuméla voie épistémologique de la philosophie du droit dans sa spécificité. / The notion of identity involves the presuppositions of private law withwhich the trend is marked by some «genericisms». That means conceptions who limitthe human gender's definition in specific and abstract features and withoutconsidering the sexually differentiated peculiarities. Nevertheless, the subject of rightwhen it's a feminine subject implies the considering of sexual characteristics, whichcannot be the same that those of the male subject.On the pretext of the gender equality, the right submits then the society to astandardization of the divergent interests and peculiar to every sex. It is then aquestion of showing at the same time the contribution of these conceptions, but alsotheir limits and thus the necessity of opening to the requirement of more«universalist» conceptions. Indeed, it must be demonstrated that only a universalitycan guarantee the recognition of the peculiarities and the feminine differences, suchas a feminine legal identity would admit it. If this study will face diverse currents andauthors of philosophy of the right, it will take for starting point the substantive lawestablished in its various disciplines, the criminal law with certain aspects of the laborlaw or the insurance law.The interest of the question is to allow a more precise evaluation of thequalifications around the woman as the subject of singular right, and by integratingthe contemporary criticisms, who were able to show the insufficiency of a simplygeneric thought to deal with questions so grave as the sexual differentiation in thecivil or labor law- criticisms who, however, hardly accepted the epistemological wayof the philosophy of the right in its specificity.

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